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Adventure Moves: dangers, learning, travel Face Danger

If things are uncertain, use moves to find the outcome! Follow the When you attempt something risky or react to an imminent threat,
moves’ triggers (“When you...”) to know when to use them. envision it and choose: If you act...
● With expertise, precision, or observation: Roll +head.
Secure an Advantage ● With charm, loyalty, or courage: Roll +heart.
When you assess a situation, make preparations, or attempt to gain ● With aggression, speed, strength, or endurance: Roll +steel.
leverage, envision it and choose: If you act... ● With magic, power, or mystic knowledge: Roll +soul.
● With expertise, insight, or observation: Roll +head. ● With deception, stealth, or trickery: Roll +shadow.
● With charm, loyalty, or courage: Roll +heart. On a strong hit, you are successful. Take +1 momentum.
● With aggression, speed, strength, or endurance: Roll +steel. On a weak hit, you succeed -- at a terrible cost. Choose one.
● With magic, power, or mystic knowledge: Roll +soul. ● You are delayed, or face a new danger: Suffer -1 momentum.
● With deception, stealth, or trickery: Roll +shadow. ● You are tired or hurt: Endure Harm.
● You sacrifice resources: Suffer -1 supply.
On a strong hit, choose both. On a weak hit, choose one. On a miss, you fail, or your progress is undermined by a dramatic and
● Take control: Make another move now (not a progress move), costly turn of events. Pay the Price.
and add +1.
● Make preparations: Take +2 momentum.
On a miss, your weak points or assumptions betray you. Pay the Price. Spellcast
When you draw from mystic energies for a spell you know, choose the
asset and roll +soul. If you use spell tomes, herbs, chalk circles or
Rest Up other ingredients, suffer -1 supply and add +1.
When you rest and recover for several hours, choose: If you’re...
On a hit, follow the asset’s instruction. On a miss, you lose control of
● Safe and in-doors: Roll +steel or +supply. You choose.
the elements or a new danger arises. Pay the Price.
● Inside but in a sitch: Roll +steel.
● Deep in the wilderness: Roll +supply.
Reach Into The Abyss
On a strong hit, you and each ally may choose two. When you draw from mystic energies for a spell you don’t know,
On a weak hit, choose one. envision it and roll +soul. If you suffer -2 supply and add +1.
● Recuperate: Take +1 health for you and any companions. On a strong hit, your spell effect is successful. The cosmos favors you.
● Partake: Suffer -1 supply and take +1 health for you and any On a weak hit, you succeed -- at a terrible cost. Choose: The spell...
companions. ● Takes like forever to prepare the spell: Suffer -3 momentum.
● Relax: Take +1 nerve. ● Goes haywire, harming you and others: Endure Harm.
● Focus: Take +1 momentum. • Prepare: When you break camp,
● Effect is weakened or extremely short duration.
add +1 if you Undertake a Journey. On a miss, you take no
● Comes with a problematic side-effect (Ask the Oracle).
comfort. Pay the Price.
On a miss, your soul is corrupted by dealing with energies beyond your
understanding. Envision the cost to your body or spirit (or Ask the
Oracle) and Pay the Price.
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Embark on a Journey Gather Information
When you travel across hazardous or unfamiliar lands, set the rank of When you search an area, ask questions, conduct an investigation, or
your journey. follow a track, roll +head. If you act within a community or ask
● Troublesome journey: 3 progress per waypoint. questions of a person with whom you share a bond, add +1.
● Dangerous journey: 2 progress per waypoint.
● Formidable journey: 1 progress per waypoint. On a strong hit, you discover something helpful and specific. The path
● Extreme journey: 2 ticks per waypoint. you must follow or action you must take to make progress is made
● Epic journey: 1 tick per waypoint. clear. Envision what you learn (or Ask the Oracle), and take +2
Then, for each segment of your journey, roll +head. If you are setting momentum.
On a weak hit, the information complicates your quest or introduces a
off from a community with which you share a bond, add +1 to your
new danger. Envision what you discover (of Ask the Oracle), and take
initial roll.
+1 momentum.
On a strong hit, you reach a waypoint.
On a miss, your investigation unearths a dire threat or reveals an
Envision the waypoint (or ask the Oracle) and choose one. unwelcome truth that undermines your quest. Pay the Price.
● You make good use of your resources: Mark progress.
● You move at speed: Mark progress and take +1 momentum, but
suffer -1 supply. Forage
On a weak hit, you reach a waypoint and mark progress, but suffer -1 When you hunt, repurpose, or scavenge supplies, roll +head.
supply. On a strong hit, you bolster your resources. Take +2 supply.
On a weak hit, take up to +2 supply, but suffer -1 momentum for each.
On a miss, you are waylaid by a perilous event. Pay the Price.
On a miss, you find nothing helpful. Pay the Price.

Find your Destination Check Supplies

Progress Move
When you check to see if you have a specific helpful item, and you
When your journey comes to an end, roll the challenge dice and have at least +1 supply: name it and roll +supply.
compare to your progress. Momentum is ignored on this roll. On a strong hit, you have something like it. Take +1 momentum.
On a strong hit, the journey favors you. Choose one: On a weak hit, as above but your resources are diminished. Suffer -1
● Make another move now (not a progress move), and add +1. supply or -2 momentum.
● Take +1 momentum. On a miss, you don’t have it and the situation grows more perilous.
On a weak hit, you arrive but face an unforeseen hazard or Pay the Price.
complication. Envision what you find (or Ask the Oracle).

On a miss: you’re hopelessly astray, your objective is lost to you, or

you were misled about your destination.
If your journey continues, clear all but one filled progress, and raise
the journey’s rank by one (if not already epic).

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Quest Moves: vows, progress, improvement Reach A Milestone
When you make significant progress in your quest by overcoming a
critical obstacle, completing a perilous journey, solving a complex
Swear Vows mystery, defeating a powerful threat, gaining vital support, or
When you take on a quest, write your vow and give the quest a rank.
acquiring a crucial item, you may mark progress.
Then, roll +heart. If you make this vow to a person or community
● Troublesome quest: Mark 3 progress.
with whom you share a bond, add +1. When you Swear Vows, you’re ● Dangerous quest: Mark 2 progress.
tying your fate and soul with that of another. You’re becoming what ● Formidable quest: Mark 1 progress.
you were always meant to be. ● Extreme quest: Mark 2 ticks.
On a strong hit, you are emboldened and it is clear what you must do ● Epic quest: Mark 1 tick.
next (or Ask the Oracle). Take +2 momentum.
On a weak hit, you are determined but begin your quest with more
questions than answers. Take +1 momentum, and envision what you
Forsake Your Vow
When you renounce your quest, betray your promise, or the goal is
must do to find a path forward.
lost to you, clear the vow and Endure Harm (1 stress).
On a miss, you face a significant obstacle before you can begin your
You suffer -resolve equal to the rank of your quest (troublesome=1;
quest. Envision what stands in your way (or Ask the Oracle), and suffer dangerous=2; formidable=3; extreme=4; epic=5).
-2 momentum. But press on.

Fulfill Your Vow When you focus on your skills, receive training, find inspiration, earn
Progress Move a reward, or gain a companion, you may spend 3 experience to add a
When you achieve what you believe to be the fulfillment of your vow, new asset, 2 to upgrade an asset or 1 to add or upgrade a spell.
roll the challenge dice and compare to your progress. Momentum is
ignored on this roll.
On a strong hit, your quest is complete. Mark experience
(troublesome=1; dangerous=2; formidable=3; extreme=4; epic=5). Ask The Oracle
On a weak hit, there is more to be done or you realize the truth of When you seek to resolve questions, discover details in the world,
your quest. Envision what you discover (or Ask the Oracle). Then, determine how other characters respond, or trigger events, you may…
mark experience (troublesome=0; dangerous=1; formidable=2; ● Draw a conclusion: Decide on the most interesting result.
extreme=3; epic=4). You may Swear Vows to set things right. If you do, ● Ask a yes/no question: Decide the odds of a yes, and roll below.
add +1. ● Roll to choose between two options of varying likeliness.
On a miss, your quest is undone. Envision what happens (or Ask the ● Spark an idea: Brainstorm or use a random prompt.
Oracle), and choose one. Odds The answer is ‘yes’ if you roll...
● You recommit: Clear all but one filled progress, and raise the
quest’s rank by one (if not already epic). Likely 41 or greater
● You give up: Forsake Your Vow. Less Likely 61 or greater
Unlikely 81 or greater

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Connection Moves: relating to others Heal
When you treat an injury or ailment, roll +head. If you mend your
Compel own wounds, roll +steel or +head, whichever is lower.
On a strong hit: If the patient has the wounded condition, you may
When you attempt to persuade someone to do something, envision
clear it. Then, heal them up to +2 health.
your approach and roll. If you...
On a weak hit, as above, but you must suffer -2 supply or -2
● Charm, pacify, barter, or convince: Roll +heart (add +1 if you
momentum (your choice).
share a bond). On a miss, your aid is ineffective. Pay the Price.
● Threaten or incite: Roll +steel.
● Lie or swindle: Roll +shadow.
On a strong hit, they’ll do what you want or share what they know.
Forge A Connection
Take +1 momentum. If you use this exchange to Gather Information, When you spend significant time with a person or community, stand
together to face hardships, or make sacrifices for their cause, you can
make that move now and add +1.
attempt to create a bond. This furthers your Bonds track. When you
On a weak hit, as above, but they ask something of you in return.
do, roll +heart. If you make this move after you successfully Fulfill
Envision what they want (or Ask the Oracle).
Your Vow to their benefit, you may reroll any dice once.
On a miss, they refuse or make a demand which costs you greatly. Pay On a strong hit, make note of the bond, mark a tick on your Bonds
the Price. progress track, and choose one.
● Take +1 spirit.
Sojourn ● Take +2 momentum.
When you spend time in a community seeking assistance, roll +heart. On a weak hit, they ask something more of you first. Envision what it
If you share a bond, add +1. is (or Ask the Oracle). If you do it or Swear Vows, and mark the bond.
On a strong hit, you and your allies may each choose two benefits. On a miss, they reject you. Pay the Price.
On a weak hit, choose one. If you share a bond, choose one more.
On a hit, you and your allies may each focus on one of your chosen Write Your Epilogue
recover actions and roll +heart again. If you share a bond, add +1. On a Progress Move
strong hit, take +2 more for that action. On a weak hit, take +1 more.
When you close the book on your story, envision two things: What
On a miss, it goes badly and you lose all benefits for that action.
you hope for, and what you fear. Then, roll the challenge dice and
compare to your bonds. Momentum is ignored on this roll.
● Recuperate: Take +2 health for yourself and any companions.
On a strong hit, you find your way home or reach the equilibrium you
● Consort: Take +2 spirit.
sought. But it’s better than you hoped. And more real.
● Provision: Take +2 supply.
On a weak hit, your life takes an unexpected turn, but not necessarily
● Plan: Take +2 momentum.
for the worse. You find yourself spending your days with someone or
● Take a quest: Envision what this community needs, or what
in a place you did not foresee. Envision it with the Oracle.
trouble it is facing (or Ask the Oracle). If you help, Swear Vows
On a miss, your fears are realized. But you can still overcome them
and add +1.
some day.
On a miss, you find no help here. Pay the Price

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Combat Moves -- fighting, defending, escape Exploit the Situation
When in combat, it’s a new set of boxes you must fill before you can When you’re in control and you move towards an objective, envision
overcome the person in your way. Decide if your goal is to kill, evade, your approach and roll. If you are…
escape, etc. ● Charging boldly into action, coming to the aid of others, or
commanding: Roll +heart.
Enter the Fray ● Hiding, preparing an ambush, or misdirecting: Roll +shadow.
When you enter into combat, set your objective and give it a rank. ● Coordinating a plan or studying a situation: Roll +head.
Then, roll to determine who is in control. If you are... ● Using magic or your environment to aid you: Roll +soul.
● Darting into the most dangerous spot: Roll +steel. On a hit, you stay in control. On a strong hit, choose two. On a weak
● Facing off one-on-one: Roll +heart. hit, choose one.
● Mark progress.
● Using magic or your environment to aid you: Roll +soul.
● Take +2 momentum.
● Moving into position against an unaware foe, or striking
● Add +1 on your next move (not a progress move)
without warning: Roll +shadow.
On a miss, the fight changes locations or a new danger approaches.
● Ambushed: Roll +wits.
Your foe has control and you Pay the Price.
On a strong hit, take both. On a weak hit, take one.
● Take +2 momentum.
● You’re in control. React Under Fire
On a miss, the foe’s in control and strikes. Pay the Price. When your foe’s in control and you take action to better the odds,
choose: If you’re...
● Exerting your willpower to its fullest: Roll +heart.
Strike ● Using magic or your environment to aid you: Roll +soul.
When you’re in control and you deal a crushing blow, roll +steel. ● Moving into hiding or creating a distraction: Roll +shadow.
On a strong hit: Mark double progress and stay in control. ● Changing the plan or finding a way out: Roll +head.
On a weak hit: Mark double progress but your foe takes control.
On a miss, your foe takes control and strikes. Pay the Price. On a strong hit, you succeed and steal control. Take +1 momentum.
On a weak hit, you succeed but they’re still in control and strike hard.
Clash Mark progress and Pay the Price.
When your foe’s in control but you fight back hard, roll +steel. On a miss, the situation worsens. Pay the Price. They keep control.
On a strong hit: Mark double progress. You overwhelm them and gain
control. Turn The Tide
On a weak hit: They keep control and you Pay the Price. But you give Once per fight, when you risk it all, you may steal initiative from your
just as bad as you got. Still mark progress. foe to make a move (not a progress move). When you do, add +1 and
On a miss, you’re outmatched and must Pay the Price. Your foe keeps take +1 momentum on a hit.
control. If you fail to score a hit on that move, you must suffer a dire outcome.
Pay the Price.

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End the Fight Suffer Moves -- for when the walls close in
Progress Move
When you try to resolve the outcome of this fight, roll the challenge Pay The Price
dice and compare to your progress. Momentum is ignored on this roll. When you suffer the outcome of a move, choose one.
On a strong hit, you seize victory. ● Make the most obvious negative outcome happen.
On a weak hit, as above, but you also choose one (or Ask the Oracle). ● Endure Harm to the severity of the event.
● It’s worse than you thought: Endure Harm. ● Envision two negative outcomes. Rate one as ‘likely’, and Ask
● A new danger or foe appears, or an existing danger worsens. the Oracle using the yes/no table. On a ‘yes’, make that outcome
● You suffer collateral damage: Something of value is lost or happen. Otherwise, make it the other.
broken, or someone else must pay the cost.
● You’ll pay for it: An objective falls out of reach.
● Others won’t forget: You are marked for veng Endure Harm
On a miss, you’ve lost this fight. Pay the Price. When you face damage, suffer -x equal to your foe’s rank or as
appropriate to the situation. If your applicable stat is 0, suffer the
remaining value as -momentum. If you suffer...
Battle ● (Stress) Mental strain, shock, or despair: take -resolve. If
When you fight a battle, and it happens in a blur, envision your resolve is 0 or you choose to resist harm, roll +heart.
objective and roll. If you primarily… ● (Injury) Physical wound, fatigue, or illness: take -health. If
● Fight using your grit or willpower: Roll +steel. health is 0 or you choose to resist harm, roll +steel.
● Depend on your courage, allies, or companions: Roll +heart. On a strong hit, choose one.
● Fight using trickery to befuddle your opponents: Roll +shadow. ● Shake it off: Take +1 health.
● Fight using careful tactics to outsmart your opponents: Roll ● Remember the truth: Take +1 resolve.
+wits. ● Embrace the pain: Take +1 momentum.
● Use magic or your environment to aid you: Roll +soul. On a weak hit, you may suffer -1 momentum in exchange for either +1
On a strong hit, you achieve your objective unconditionally. Take +2 health or +1 resolve. Otherwise, press on.
momentum. On a miss, it’s worse than you thought. Suffer an additional -1 or face
On a weak hit, you achieve your objective, but not without cost. Pay =2 momentum. If your applicable stat is 0, you must Face Desolation.
the Price.
On a miss, you are defeated and the objective is lost to you. Pay the
Price. Face Death’s Door
When you are brought to the brink of desolation, roll +heart.
On a strong hit, you resist and press on. On a weak hit, choose one.
● Your body or spirit breaks, but not before you make a noble
sacrifice. Envision your final moments.
● You see a vision of a dark future (or Ask the Oracle), and Swear
Vows to prevent this terrible fate. Your journey must continue.
On a miss, you succumb to despair or horror and are lost.
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