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Toumaniba Traoré Medical English Grade One


Teacher: Toumaniba Traoré Date: 23/06/2021
School: FMOS Grade: 1st Year Medicine
Subject: English Duration: 02 hours
Theme: Human anatomy
Overall Goal:
to allow learners to know human anatomy in English language.
Specific objectives: To allow students to:
➢ Identify the human body internal parts and their functions;

➢ Find out other human body parts’ functions;

Conduct of the lesson
❖ Dermis (Amer. |ˈdɜːrmɪs| Brit. |ˈdɜːmɪs|): le derme

The dermis is the internal layer of skin. "The dermis supplies blood to all layers of the skin."

Toumaniba Traoré Medical English Grade One

❖ Duodenum (Amer. |ˌduːəˈdiːnəm| Brit. |ˌdjuːəˈdiːnəm/)

It is the first part of the small intestine. "Partially digested food travels into the duodenum before
being absorbed."
❖ Dura mater / ˈdjʊərə/ /ˈmeɪtə/

Dura mater is the external layer of membrane around the brain and spinal cord.

Toumaniba Traoré Medical English Grade One

"Dura mater is attached directly to the skull."

❖ Epidermal
Epidermal related to the external layer of skin. "The epidermal skin layer is not sensitive to touch."
❖ Epiglottis /ˌepɪˈɡlɒtɪs/

It’s a flap (le rabat, clapet) of cartilage which covers the windpipe (trachea) when swallowing.
"He is required medical attention as his epiglottis had swollen and was blocking his airway
❖ Fibula [ˈfɪb.jʊ.lə ] : la fibule ou le péroné

It is the outer bone between the knee and the ankle. "Although painful, a broken fibula will heal
on its own"
❖ Foreskin

Toumaniba Traoré Medical English Grade One

Foreskin is the double-layered cover on the end of the penis.

"In Jewish culture, surgery to remove the foreskin is common."
❖ Genitalia:

Male external genitalia Female External genitalia

The sex organs are called genitalia.
"A lot of patients are embarrassed about problems with their genitalia, such as impotence or
venereal disease."
❖ Gonad

Female gonad

Toumaniba Traoré Medical English Grade One

Male gonad
sex gland
"The female gonad is otherwise known as the ovary or egg sac."
❖ Ileum
Ileum is the third and final part of the small intestine
"The ileum absorbs vitamin B12, which is needed to create healthy red blood cells."
❖ Ligament

It is the flexible tissue connecting bones or cartilage.

"Ligament injuries are common in athletes and can affect any joint."
❖ Lymph node: le ganglion lymphatique

Toumaniba Traoré Medical English Grade One

A lymph node is a tissue which filters germs from the blood.

"Lymph nodes usually swell as a result of exposure to bacteria or viruses."
❖ Mammary gland : la glande mammaire

Mammy gland is the tissue in the breast which produces milk.

"The mammary gland is located in the breasts of females and is responsible
❖ Myocardium: le myocarde

Toumaniba Traoré Medical English Grade One

It is the muscular tissue of the heart "Oxygen rich blood is pumped around the body by
contraction of the myocardium."

❖ Nevus: le naevus

It is a birthmark or mole on the skin "He underwent cosmetic surgery to remove the nevus on

his face." (C'est une tache de naissance ou un grain de beauté sur la peau "Il a subi une chirurgie

esthétique pour enlever le naevus sur son visage)

❖ Nucleus /ˈnjuːkliəs/: le noyau cellulaire

Toumaniba Traoré Medical English Grade One

The nucleus is the centre of a cell "The nucleus of a cell contains the cell's entire genome."

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