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Dirtside 2.

It’s the same rules as Dirtside II with a main rule change of getting rid of the chit draw system for
damage and replacing it with a die roll system.
There are other rule changes I want to make, as well as new systems I plan to implement into the game.
I pray you don’t find these new rules to complicated.

NORMAL Armor will have three armor ratings. FRONT. SIDE. TOP.
WALKERS, infantry walkers and other larger walkers have two armor ratings. FRONT and BACK.
FLYERS and VTOLS will have a single Armor rating with limits listed on page 14 of rules.

Over-sized vehicles of size 6 and 7 can have Armor Ratings of size 6 and 7 as stated on page 15.
Armor 6 rolls a d12 and then adds +2 to the results.
Armor 7 rolls a d12 and then adds +4 to the results.

TRACKED vehicles no longer have an EASY movement, but cost remains the same.
LOW MOBILITY WHEELED vehicles have an increase in base movement to 15 inches.
HIGH MOBILITY WHEELED vehicles have an increase in base movement to 12 inches.
See the cheat cards for new limitations of vehicle movement.
INFANTRY WALKERS have a base movement of 6 inches and cost 40% of BVP.
COMBAT WALKERS now cost 70% BVP.

A level of SEALTH now costs 3 points plus one Capacity Point multiplied by the size class of the vehicle.
So a level 4 vehicle buying one stealth level would pay 4X3=12 points and 4X1=4 capacity points.


Energy shields cost 20 points each and use up 4 Capacity Points. Each level of Shield will add +2 to your
Armor Die roll.

So a Class 4 vehicle with class 4 armor will roll a d10 die. If he rolls a ten, then you would add +2 for a
total roll of 12.
Area Energy Shields cost 20 points each and use up 4 Capacity Points.
Each level of Shield will add +2 to every vehicle’s Armor roll or Infantry stands Type Die roll, as long as
they remain under the area of protection.

Area Energy Shields create a 4 inch circular dome of protection around the vehicle creating it. Area
Energy Shields can combine with other Energy Shields 4 inches apart, creating an Area Dome of
Protection, similar to the Artillery Fire Beaten Zone.

Units under an Area Shields Dome of Protection Can Not Fire Out. Units have to drive out of the Area of
Protection to use their weapons.

Holo Fields cost 30 points each and use up 6 Capacity Points. Each level of Field adds +2 to your Armor
Die roll plus reduces your Effective Signature by one level.

You’re still limited to the number and fit of weapons as stated on page 11 of the rules. But I feel if you
buy three weapons, and all three weapons have their own purchased Fire Control System, then you
should be able to shoot all three weapons at three different targets.
This rule change should make fielding large, complex weapons more viable on the game board.

All Aircraft weapons hit Targets Top Armor.

In my opinion, Battle Mechs have been severely oppressed in this game. So to balance them being so
tall, all weapons at Close Range hits Targets Top Armor.

For weapons without a Close Range weapon stat, HEL, GMS, oh well. Those are more of stand-off
weapons anyway.

This rule doesn’t apply to Class One Sized Infantry Walkers, since they don’t get penalized with a
signature increase.

Dirtside 2.5 is not about major rule changes, but about using a new set of CHEAT CARDS and VEHICLE
CARDS to help make playing the game easier and more enjoyable.
Weapon PD Close Range Medium Range Long Range Infantry Special
Range ID Range ID Range ID Range PD ID Ablative
HEL/1 D4 60” D6 36” D6 D4 D4
HEL/2 D6 60” D6 36” D6 D4 D4
HEL/3 D8 60” D6 36” D6 D4 D4
HEL/4 10 60” D6 36” D6 D4 D4
HEL/5 12 60” D6 36” D6 D4 D4
High Energy Lasers use a lot of power. See page 10 of rule book for power restrictions.

Weapon PD Close Range Medium Range Long Range Infantry Special

Range ID Range ID Range ID Range PD ID
RFAC/1 D4 8” D8 12” D6 16” D4 12” D6 D4
RFAC/2 D6 12” D8 18” D6 24” D4 18” D6 D4
HVC/3 D8 16” D8 24” D6 32” D4 24” D6 D4
HVC/4 10 18” D8 27” D6 36” D4 27” D6 D4
HVC/5 12 20” D8 30” D6 40” D4 30” D6 D4
HKP/3 D8 18” 10 30” D8 42” D6
HKP/4 10 24” 10 36” D8 48” D6
HKP/5 12 30” 10 42” D8 54” D6
Rapid-fire Autocannons, High Velocity Cannons and Hyper Kinetic Penetrators remain the same cost and

Weapon PD Close Range Medium Range Long Range Infantry Special

Range ID Range ID Range ID Range PD ID
MDC/1 D4 8” 10 16” D8 24” D6 16” D6 D4
MDC/2 D6 12” 10 24” D8 36” D6 24” D6 D4
MDC/3 D8 24” 10 36” D8 48” D6 36” D6 D4
MDC/4 10 30” 10 42” D8 54” D6 42” D6 D4
MDC/5 12 36” 10 48” D8 60” D6 48” D6 D4
Mass-driver Cannons use a lot of power. See page 10 of rule book for power restrictions.

Weapon PD Close Range Medium Range Long Range Infantry Special

Range ID Range ID Range ID Range PD ID
DFFG/1 D4 4” 12 8” 10 12” D6 8” D8 D6
DFFG/2 D6 6” 12 12” 10 18” D6 12” D8 D6
DFFG/3 D8 8” 12 16” 10 24” D6 16” D8 D6
DFFG/4 10 10” 12 20” 10 30” D6 20” D8 D6
DFFG/5 12 12” 12 24” 10 36” D6 24” D8 D6
WEP/3 D8 18” 12 30” 10 42” D8 30” D8 D6
WEP/4 10 24” 12 36” 10 48” D8 36” D8 D6
WEP/5 12 30” 12 42” 10 54” D8 42” D8 D6
Direct-fire Fusion Guns remain the same, but Warp Energy Projectors were invented to help convert Epic
miniatures, mainly Eldar weapon systems, for Dirt Side use. You must use FGP power to use WEP
weapons with a cost of 20X Class of weapon.

Weapon ID Target only 2” Template 4” Template Infantry Special

Range PD Range PD Range PD Range PD ID
FTW/1 D6 4” D4 4” D8 D6
FTW/2 D6 4” D6 8” D4 8” D8 D6
FTW/3 D6 4” D8 8” D6 12” D4 12” D8 D6
FTW/4 D6 5” 10 10” D8 16” D6 16” D8 D6
FTW/5 D6 6” 12 12” 10 20” D8 20” D8 D6
Flame Thrower Weapons are also new with a cost of 15X Class of weapon. You roll to hit everything
under the templates.

Weapon PD Close Range Medium Range Long Range Infantry Special

Range ID Range ID Range ID Range PD ID
CCW/1 D4 4” D6 4” D6 D4
CCW/2 D6 4” D6 4” D6 D4
CCW/3 D8 4” D6 4” D6 D4
CCW/4 10 4” D6 4” D6 D4
CCW/5 12 4” D6 4” D6 D4
Close Combat Weapons are new and cost 5X Class of weapon. Unlike other weapons, Close Combat
Weapons only take up One Capacity Point times the size class of the weapon.

CCW Hits are based on experience, so Veteran Units hit with a d10. Normal Units hit with a d8 and
Green Unites hit with a d6.

CCW Automatically Hits buildings, fortifications and other non-moving targets with an Impact Die of d8.

Weapon PD Target only 2” Template 4” Template Infantry Special

Range ID Range ID Range ID Range PD ID Reactive
Mortar D4 8” D6 16” D6 24” D6 24” D4 D6 D4
Mortar D6 8” D6 16” D6 24” D6 24” D6 D6 D4
SLAM/3 D8 12” D8 24” D8 36” D8 24” D8 D4 D6
SLAM/4 10 12” D8 24” D8 36” D8 24” 10 D4 D6
SLAM/5 12 12” D8 24” D8 36” D8 24” 12 D4 D6
Salvo-launched Missile Packs have the same cost and restrictions.
Weapon PD Range Reactive Armor
Range ID ID
GMS/H 12 48” D8 D6
GMS/L D8 36” D8 D6
IAVR D6 4” D8 D6
Guided Missile Systems use the same cost and restrictions.


I came across Mr. Gibson’s alternate infantry generation rules and thought they were brilliant. I did
make a slight adjustment to some of the costs as I felt that no stat should have a cost of zero.

Table 1: Movement rate and costs.

MV Rate Type Cost Designation Notes.
2” Infantry 2.5 Militia, Line Basic infantry
4” Infantry 5 Scouts, Marines Scouts, Power Armor
6” Infantry 10 Cavalry, riding beasts
8” Jump 20 Jump Jump packs
12” Flying 30 VTOL Fly in low mode only
TT Teleport 40 Teleport Gray knights
Teleport: If no enemies are within 4” (LOS irrelevant), unit may pick any location on board to instantly
teleport to. This includes teleporting into Close Combat! After location is marked, roll a d6 and scatter
die for exit point.

Table 2: Unit Type Die.

Type Die Cost Notes
D8 2.5 Gretchin, Nurglings, Militia
D10 5 Line Infantry
D12 10 Space Marines, Aspects
AR-1 20 Heavy powered armor as Class 1 level armor.
Infantry elements with AR-1are treated as vehicles for purposes of being fired at. Their target is a d12
due to size.

Table 3: Small Arms Firepower.

Power Die Cost Examples
D4 5 Pistols, Archaic weapons
D6 10 Rifles, Lasguns
D8 15 APSW’s, Bolters
D10 30 Assault Energy Weapons
Table 4: Small arms weapon range.
Range Cost Examples
2” ( CC only) 2 Pistols, Grenades
4” 4 Rifles
6” 6 Lasguns, Ork bolters
8” 10 SM bolters, Shuriken
12” 15 APSW, Storm bolter

Table 5: Other weapons and capabilities.

Element Cost
GMS/L (basic) +20
GMS/L (enhanced) +30
GMS/L (superior) +40
Engineering Equipment +50
LAD System +75
Artillery Observer +50
These costs are in addition to cost derived from other four tables.

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