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I Novembr 2007 Joba Wels, customer servic epreseninve of Bayfield Mod Company, vas summoned tothe Houston ware ute of Wer-Land Diling. Inc. to inspect hee Boras of mi tueating agent that Bayfield had shipped tothe Heaton fm. (Bayfield corporate offices and its largestpas ae located in ‘Orage, Texas, which I just west ofthe LoisianTexas borer) Wet-Land had led complint that the S0-poud bags of wating gens just received fom Bayfield were sbororelgt by approx marly 5% f ‘The shor-neight bags were inlly detected by ode of We- Land’ receiving lees, Who noced that herald scale kes indicted that net weights were signfcaty les 0 al ee bor- cars than those of dential hipmnts received on Ober 25,2007, [Bayfield traffic department was calle to determine if igher ‘weight pallet were used on he sbiprets. (Tis might explain toe lighter ne weigh.) BaySeld indicated, boweve, tht no changes, had been made in loading or palling procedures. Thus, We Land engineers randomly checked 50 bags und scorer that te verge tet weight was 471 pounds. They noted fom past ship- ‘ments thatthe procets yielded bag net weights averaging exactly 50.0 pound, withan acceptable standard deviation o 2 pounds CContequenly, they copcluded thatthe sample indicted signi cant shore-weight. (The reader may wish to verify this coalsion) Bayfield was then conte, and Wells was sect to ivesigt he complaint Upon eval, Wels verified the complaint ed issued « $58 credit to Wee Land. "Wet Land maagenert, however, was not completely sted ith the iesuance of credit. The chats followed by thelr mud eng- ters on the dling platforms were based on 50-pound bags of ‘een ages, Lighterweieht bags might result in poor chemical contr! darag the dling operation and ths advercly affect Ailing eficeay,(Mdsrsting eat ar sed to contl the pH ted other chen poperies of te core dung diling operation ) This defect could cause erere economic consoqunces because of the extemal high cv of oil aad mara gas well-ling pera- ‘Gon, Conequetly, pci useinsiructon bad to accompany the daivey ofthe pmeats tothe dling pats: Moreover, the shor-meetsbipments a tobe slated ia We Land's warehodse, ‘using extra Sading and poor space lization. Ths, Wels was infomed that Wet-Land might eek «new sapplir of mad-testng gent fn the frre, received bags that devited sigiicaly ‘tom 50 pounds. "The quality cote eparmeat at Bayfld suspected thatthe lihewelght bags ght ave rested from “growing pain tthe ‘Orange pln. Becace ofthe eater enegy crisis, oll nd natural ‘at exploration ecivity bad gready increased, n tum, this ineeasd acy cet inceated Yemand for products produced by related indusies, cluding deiling muds. Consequently, yf d expand froma one-ait (600 AX to 2:00.) toa tvo-tift (2.00 re. to 10-00 4.) operation in mid-2005, and faly to dee sit operation (24 bout per day) in the fall of 20: ‘The ditional night ft bagging crew was staf entirely by ow enployees. The most expicoced foremen wer temporly ‘signed w sper th nights employes. Most emphasis was placed of increasing the output of bags to meet ever-increasing demand Iwas suspected that oly ocasionil reminders were made to doube-check the bag weleh-feeder. (A double-check is pot- formed by systematically weighing a bag 6a cle to determie if the proper might is being loaded by the weight-feeder If here is sigulfcant deviation from 50 pounds, coresiv adjustments are made tothe weight-rleate mechanism ) ‘To vcfy this expectation, the quality cout sf randomly sampled the bag output and prepared echt above, Si bags were sampled and weighed each bur Discussion Qustons 1, Whutsywrand feta nee poten Wha procedures woul you recommend to maintain proper aualiy cout? Sewre: Pree Kad, Woe Cin Une.

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