RE103 Module 7

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RE103 – 1 Catechesis on Church and Sacraments

Marion John L. Uy Mr. Marco Discarga

BSBA – Financial Management II SLMCS – HED

Module 7: The Sacraments Healing

Life Response: Activity 3: We are All Sinners

Direction: Do examination of conscience at the end of the day and if possible, ask/give
forgiveness to someone if you are ready.



1. You shall have no other gods besides the Lord your God.

As a Christian, I have no any other Gods besides the Lord our God.

Do I love God above all things?

As a Christian, I loved God with all my heart above all things.

Is He number one in my life or do I put myself before God?

As a Christian, I always put God before any others.

Have money and pleasure become more important to me than the God who created me
for Himself?

As a Christian, I know that the most important thing in this world is our Lord God, but as an
ordinary person living in this world I also need money and pleasure in order to survive yet
that doesn’t mean that it’s the most important than the Lord Jesus Christ.

Do I pray often? Have I neglected my friendship with God by neglecting prayer?

As a Christian, I must always pray in order for me to have a good friendship with God.

Have I been involved with occult or superstitious practices, i.e., fortune telling?

As a Christian, sometimes I get involved with occult or superstitious practices, fortune telling

Have I ever received Holy Communion in the state of mortal sin?

As a Christian, I never received Holy Communion in the state of a mortal sin. In order to
receive Holy Communion I must reconcile with God and ask for His forgiveness.

Have I told a lie in confession or deliberately withheld confessing a mortal sin?

As a Christian, I never lie during the confession or deliberately withheld confessing a mortal

2. You shall not take the Lord your God's name in vain.

As a Christian, I never take the Lord God’s name in vain.

Have I ever committed perjury that is, lied under oath in a court of law?

As a Christian, I have never been in that situation.

Have I ever lied after "swearing to God" that I am telling the truth?

As a Christian, I never lied and always telling the truth.

Have I ever used God's name out of anger, that is, as a curse?

As a Christian, sometimes I used God’s name when I’m out of anger or else as a curse.

3. Keep the Sabbath day holy.

As a Christian, I keep the Sabbath day Holy.

Have I deliberately missed Holy Mass on the Sabbath (Saturday evening through

As a Christian, sometimes I do missed Holy Mass on the Sabbath.

Have I ever missed Mass on a Holy Day of Obligation?

As a Christian, sometimes I do miss Mass on a Holy Day of Obligation.

4. Honor your father and your mother so that you may live long and flourish.

As a Christian, I honor my father and mother.

Do I disobey my parents? Do I fail to respect them?

As a Christian, sometimes I disobey my parents and sometimes I fail to respect them.

Do I swear at them? Am I ashamed of them?

As a Christian, I never swear at them and I never ashamed of them.

Do I let them know I love them? Do I lie to them?

As a Christian, I tell them that I love them and sometimes I do lie to them.

Do I steal from them? Am I obeying and honoring those in place of my parents, such as
teachers and principals? Do I skip class? Do I lie to my teachers? Do I swear at them?

As a Christian, I don’t steal from them. I obey and honor my teachers and principals. I never
skipped class and I never lie to my teachers. I never swear at them.

5. You shall not kill.

As a Christian, I will never kill anyone.

Am I spreading rumors or keeping rumors alive by passing them on? Do I nurse anger
against anyone?

As a Christian, I don’t spread rumors or keeping rumors alive by passing them on. I am not
angry against anyone.

Hold a grudge? Refuse to forgive another? Have I cursed anyone?

As a Christian, I never hold a grudge and never refuse to forgive another. I never cursed.

6. You shall not commit adultery.

As a Christian, I never commit adultery.

Have I ever freely and deliberately entertained impure thoughts?

As a Christian, I sometimes I freely and deliberately entertained impure thoughts.

7. You shall not steal.

As a Christian, I never steal anything from anyone.

Do I steal from my parents? Do I steal from friends? Have I ever stolen from a

As a Christian, I never steal from my parents nor from friends or a stranger.

Have I stolen any property from a store? In other words, have I ever taken what
rightfully belongs to another? Do I gamble excessively? Do I seek to share what I have
with the poor and needy?

As a Christian, I never stole any property from a store or anything.

8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

As a Christian, I have never been in that situation.

Am I a liar? Am I guilty of detraction, that is, making known the faults of others?

As a Christian, sometimes I lie and sometimes guilty of something.

Am I guilty of slander, that is, spreading lies about someone?

As a Christian, I have never been in that situation.

Do I gossip about others? Do I reveal information that should be confidential?

As a Christian, sometimes I gossip about others. I never reveal information about anything.

Am I "two-faced", that is, have I been a certain kind of person to some people, but a
completely different kind of person to others?

As a Christian, I am not a two-faced person. It’s scary.

9. & 10. You shall not envy your neighbor’s wife and goods.

As a Christian, I have never been in that situation.

Am I envious of others? Do I wish that others be deprived of the goods or talents that
are theirs? Am I jealous of others? Do I harbor unforgiveness and grudges against

As a Christian, I am not envious of others. I never deprived them and I am not jealous at
them. I never harbor unforgiveness and grudges against others.

Am I a resentful person? Do I put down others?

As a Christian, I am not a resentful person and I do not put down others.

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