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PORT 1021.001 Portuguese for Spanish Speakers

Spring 2021

Instructor:          Daniel Raso-Llarás, Latin American Studies                                                                                          

Class Time:        Online – TR 9:30-10:50

Office Hours:     By appointment

                            Office Hours ID 6724352333


Portuguese 1021 (3 credit hours) is an accelerated course in which you will begin your study of the Portuguese
language as well as the richness and diversity of Luso-Brazilian cultures. In our class, we will foster a learning
community in which you will develop your Portuguese language skills in a comfortable and supportive
environment. Part of what makes this course unique is the accelerated approach to language learning. By
building on pre-existing knowledge of Spanish the acquisition of Portuguese can typically occur at a faster rate.
We will focus on both the similarities between the two languages as well as contrasts between them to
facilitate learning Portuguese. In addition to developing the basis of communicative abilities in Portuguese, this
semester we will also strive to undertake the sometimes difficult task of keeping the two languages separate.

*Please note that we will not be covering every grammatical and vocabulary point in chapters covered, rather
we will be focusing on the contrasts and similarities between Spanish and Portuguese.


Prerequisite for Portuguese 1021: There are no pre-requirements for this course

Registration for Portuguese 1021: Students must be appropriately registered for all courses. If you add or drop
a course, or revise your class schedule, check Banner to make sure that your registration record is accurate.
Please be advised that if you are not registered for the course, you will not receive a grade.

Non-Course Work Knowledge of Foreign Languages: Native Portuguese-speakers or students exhibiting

proficiency in Portuguese as per the assessment and discretion of the instructor must see an advisor in the
Spanish & Portuguese Department for appropriate placement in a skills class, and in order to receive credit for
a Portuguese course. A student with pre-existing language skills (family background, travel or study in a foreign
country, participation in noncredit summer language programs, etc.) who has not followed the proper
procedure will not receive credit for the course.

Regression in Course Work: Students who have completed 4000-level coursework 3000- level coursework may
enroll in a 2000-level course, but not lower. Students who have completed 2000-level course may NOT enroll in
a 1000-level course. Exceptions to those course regressions will require permission from a Portuguese advisor.

Withdrawal from Courses: Students thinking about withdrawing from a course should consult with the
instructor and must receive approval from their academic adviser (Temple policy #02.10.14). A student may
not withdraw from the same course more than once. Anyone who withdraws from a course after the drop/add
period during the first two weeks of the semester is responsible for full tuition payment.

You may not withdraw after the withdraw date. Any student who does not withdraw after this date will receive
a letter grade. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Director of Academic Advising for the
College of Liberal Arts, in conjunction with the appropriate faculty member(s), after reviewing the
circumstances under which the request to withdraw is made. The last day to withdraw from this course is
Wednesday, March 23rd, 2017.

Repeating a course: As of the Fall 2003 semester, the calculation of grades for a repeated course has changed.
Instead of only the highest grade being used to calculate students’ grade point averages in such cases, all
grades for the repeated course except the lowest will be averaged together and used for the student’s GPA
calculation. All grades will appear on the student’s transcript (Temple policy #02.10.12).


Upon completion of Portuguese 1021, you will be able:

 To communicate in Portuguese (orally and in writing) in order to carry out a range of real-world
functions relating to family and friends, daily activities, living abroad, food, and travel.

 To use strategies and techniques for reading and understanding authentic texts in Portuguese and
for developing a diverse range of writing skills.

 To begin to develop a separation between Spanish and Portuguese, allowing you to treat each
language as distinct entities.


Course Materials

Klobucka, Anna M., et al. Ponto de Encontro : Portuguese as a World Language. Upper Saddle River, NJ :
Pearson Education Inc., 2007.

Short Stories in Brazilian Portuguese for Beginners. Teach Yourself; Bilingual edition (December 3, 2019)

Bonnie S. Wasserman. Cinema for Portuguese Conversation. Newburyport, MA: Focus Publishing/R. Pullins

Company, 2009.

Supplementary Materials

Portuguese Online Dictionary: This online dictionary is an excellent resource for

looking up both words from English to Portuguese, but also vice versa. It also has discussion boards in which
professional translators offer their own comments about different ways to express certain words and ideas.

Easy Portuguese:

Brazilpod: This is an extensive online resource organized and created by

the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Texas at Austin. It includes video resources
(Conversa Brasileira), lessons for intermediate-level students (Clica Brasil), Podcast lessons that cover
pronunciation and grammar (Tá Falado), Video clips with transcripts (Portuguese communication exercises)
and more.


Course Technology Requirements

 Headphones
 Webcam
 Recommended Internet Speed: 8mbps download & 5mbps upload. You can test your connection
 Please note: Hard-wired connections are more consistent than Wi-Fi for Zoom sessions.

This course requires the use of Canvas, including access to materials and assignment submission. Some videos
posted via Canvas will require the use of speakers. The instructor may utilize web-conferencing tools to deliver
synchronous material. In order to participate in synchronous sessions (should they exist), you should have a
computer, a webcam, headphones, and a microphone.

This course requires the use of Microsoft Office (i.e., Word, Excel, PowerPoint). To access these
materials, please login to TUportal and look for the Microsoft Download link under TUapplications within the
My Portal tab.

Students should check their Temple email daily for course updates. 

All students are required to comply with Temple University’s Computer and Network Security Policy.


Course Communications

To facilitate communication, the university requires you to have an e-mail account ending in

During the semester, I will generally respond to emails within 24 hours of receiving them during the week and
with 48 hours on weekends.

Grading Scale

A Range B Range C Range D Range F Range

A  94 - 100 B+ 87 - 89 C+ 77 - 79 D+ 67 - 69 F 0 - 59
A- 90 - 93 B  84 - 86 C  74 - 76 D  64 - 66

B- 80 - 83 C- 70 - 73 D- 60 - 63


Weighting Details

Film Assignment 20%

Compositions (3) 15%

Zoom Readings 30%

Tests (3) 20%

Oral Interview 15%

Total = 100%


Assignment Descriptions

Film Assignment

Several writing assignments will be given throughout the semester. They will include both reactions to the films
as well as additional assignments. I strongly suggest that you schedule time to meet with me before handing in
compositions with the goal of reviewing vocabulary and grammar before handing in the assignment.
Remember that all written work must be your own and any use of outside help or online translators will result
in a zero for the grade and is considered academic dishonesty.

Zoom Readings

Regular readings from the book will be assigned. These are short assessments used to measure your progress
in terms of pronunciation and reading comprehension.


There will be in-class compositions written in Portuguese. They will include topics, vocabulary and grammar
related to what we had been working on in class.


The three (3) quizzes will assess your understanding and ability to apply the grammar, vocabulary, reading,
writing, and listening skills practiced and covered in class. BE AWARE that language learning is
a cumulative process and material covered in earlier chapters may reappear on subsequent exams. You
will NOT be able to make-up exams due to unexcused absences.
Oral Interviews

The oral interview will be done at the end of the semester. They will be done in groups of two with the
instructor. This will be an excellent opportunity to demonstrate that you have learned and progressed
substantially from the beginning of the semester. Think of these experiences as casual conversations in


General Policies
All Temple University Academic Policies will be upheld.

Language is color-coded according to the following key:

 Green: we encourage use of this language, verbatim, in all syllabi.
 Blue: this information is also recommended, but not necessarily in the form provided.



Temple University’s motto is Perseverance Conquers, and we will continue to meet the challenges of the COVID
pandemic with flexibility and resilience. Working together as a community to deliver a meaningful learning
experience is a responsibility we all share: we’re in this together so we can be together.

How This Course Will Be Taught

 If meeting in person, meeting days and times and classroom number and building
 If meeting synchronously, meeting days and times and how to access the virtual classroom
 If meeting in a hybrid modality, all of the above
 If teaching in an asynchronous modality, how work in this class will be available and how the
instructor will regularly engage with students (e.g. on Canvas)

Specify when the final exam will take place, if applicable, and how it will be administered. [Note that
instructors teaching asynchronous courses may not schedule an exam for a specific time.]

Attendance Protocols and Your Health

To achieve course learning goals, students must attend in-person classes, and/or participate in classes or
portions of classes that are taught remotely, to the extent that they are able. However, if you feel unwell or if
you are under quarantine because you have been exposed to the virus, you should not come to campus, and
you will not be penalized for your absence. Instructors are required to ensure that attendance is recorded for
each in-person class session. The primary reason for documentation of attendance is to facilitate contact
tracing, so that if a student or instructor with whom you have had close contact tests positive for COVID-19,
the university can contact you. Students should contact their instructors to create a plan for participation and
engagement in the course as soon as they are able to do so. Faculty and students agree to act in good faith and
work with mutual flexibility. The expectation is that students will be honest in representing class attendance.

Course Materials

Some students may have pandemic-related financial hardships. Where possible, provide ways for students to
access course materials at no or lower cost, such as the Library’s electronic reserve, EZ Borrow/ILLiad, etc.
Clarify if older editions are available and appropriate, or whether the textbook is available to rent.

Student Support Services

The following academic support services are available to support you. Check the color-coded system in
TUPortal to determine which services are virtual or in-person:

 Student Success Center

 University Libraries

 Undergraduate Research Support

 Career Center

 Tuttleman Counseling Services

 Disability Resources and Services

If you are experiencing food insecurity or financial struggles, Temple provides resources and support. Notably,
the Temple University Cherry Pantry and the Temple University

 Emergency Student Aid Program are in operation as well as a variety of resources from the Division of Student

Technology specifications for this course (note:the syllabus policy requires instructors to provide technology
specifications. Clarify what technology students will need. Please add the following:

 Limited resources are available for students who do not have the technology they need for class.
Students with educational technology needs, including no computer or camera or insufficient Wifi-
access, should submit a request outlining their needs using the Student

 Technology Assistance Application form. The university will endeavor to meet needs, such as with a long-term
loan of a laptop or Mifi device, a refurbished computer, or subsidized internet access.

 Note that some software is available for free download on the ITS Academic Support page. Other

specialty software may be available for remote access through ITS.

Remote proctoring statement (if applicable)

Zoom, Proctorio or a similar proctoring tool may be used to proctor exams and quizzes in this course. These
tools verify your identity and record online actions and surroundings. It is the learner’s responsibility to have
the necessary government or school issued ID, a laptop or desktop computer with a reliable internet
connection, the Google Chrome and Proctorio extension, a webcam/built-in camera and microphone, and
system requirements for using Proctorio, Zoom, or a similar proctoring tool. Before the exam begins, the
proctor may require a scan of the room in which you are taking the exam.

Statement on recording and distribution of recordings of class sessions

Include a statement on your syllabi about your use of recordings and permission to record class sessions and
any distribution of those recordings. See guidance on this.

Expectations for Class Conduct (Sample)

In order to maintain a safe and focused learning environment, we must all comply with the four public health
pillars, wearing face coverings, maintaining physical distancing, washing our hands, and monitoring our
health. It is also important to foster a respectful and productive learning environment that includes all students
in our diverse community of learners. Our differences, some of which are outlined in the University's
nondiscrimination statement, will add richness to this learning experience. Therefore, all opinions and
experiences, no matter how different or controversial they may be perceived, must be respected in the
tolerant spirit of academic discourse.

Treat your classmates and instructor with respect in all communication, class activities, and meetings. You are
encouraged to comment, question, or critique an idea but you are not to attack an individual. Please consider
that sarcasm, humor and slang can be misconstrued in online interactions and generate unintended
disruptions. Profanity should be avoided as should the use of all capital letters when composing responses in
discussion threads, which can be construed as “shouting” online. Remember to be careful with your own and
others’ privacy. In general, have your behavior mirror how you would like to be treated by others.

Disability statement

(Add before required disability statement:)

Please bear in mind that COVID-19 may result in a need for new or additional accommodations.

Revised: Date 12/16/20

Course Minimum Grade

Although D- is a passing grade, a minimum grade of C- is required in many programs, and in courses required
by the major.

For more information, please see Temple University's Academic Policies on Grades and Grading.



A student will be eligible for a grade of “Incomplete” only if the student: 1) has completed at least 51% of the
work at a passing level, 2) is unable to complete the work for a serious reason beyond their control, and 3) files
a signed agreement with the instructor outlining the work to be completed and the time frame in which that
work will be completed. The student is responsible for initiating this process and all incomplete forms must be
sent to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs prior to the start of study days in that semester.  

Please refer to the following for further details: Temple University’s Incomplete Policy. (Policy #02.10.13). 


Withdrawal from the Course

If a student wishes to withdraw from a course, it is the student’s responsibility to meet the deadline for the last
day to withdraw from the current semester

See Temple University's Academic Calendar for withdrawing deadlines and consult the University policy on
withdrawals (Policy # 02.10.14). 


Statement on Academic Rights & Responsibilities

Freedom to teach and freedom to learn are inseparable facets of academic freedom. The University has a
policy on Student and Faculty Academic Rights and Responsibilities  (Policy #03.70.02).


Academic Honesty

According to the University Student Code of Conduct, students must not commit, attempt to commit, aid,
encourage, facilitate, or solicit the commission of academic dishonesty and impropriety including plagiarism,
academic cheating, and selling lecture notes or other information provided by an instructor without the
instructor’s authorization. Violations may result in failing the assignment and/or failing the course, and/or
other sanctions as enumerated in the University Code of Conduct.


Your instructor and fellow students wish to foster a safe online learning environment. All opinions and
experiences, no matter how different or controversial they may be perceived, must be respected in the
tolerant spirit of academic discourse. You are encouraged to comment, question, or critique an idea but you
are not to attack an individual.

Our differences, some of which are outlined in the University's nondiscrimination statement, will add richness
to this learning experience. Please consider that sarcasm and humor can be misconstrued in online interactions
and generate unintended disruptions. Working as a community of learners, we can build a polite and respectful
course atmosphere.


Disability Disclosure Statement

Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a documented disability should
contact Disability Resources and Services (DRS), Ritter Annex 100, (215) 204-1280 or 215-204-1786 (TTY)
or, to make arrangements. Students requesting accommodations should meet with the
instructor as soon as possible after the start of classes to discuss their needs and to provide documentation
from DRS. Accommodations are not retroactive.

Additional information regarding accessibility for all technologies used in this course is provided below:

 Canvas
 Zoom
 VoiceThread
 ProctorU
 Proctorio
 GoogleDrive


Technical Support

For a listing of technical support services available to Temple University students, see the information linked


Academic and Support Services

 Temple University provides a variety of services to support you throughout your studies. Please take a
moment to view these by visiting the page outlining resources that is linked here


Continuity of Instruction in Event of Emergency

Students are to register for the TUAlert System to be made aware of University closures due to weather or
other emergency situations and follow all additional university-wide emergency instruction. Students can
register for this system on the Campus Safety Services website. Students registered for the class will be alerted
to any alternate testing procedures and submission of assignment requirements from the instructor via email.

Please note that online classes are generally not affected by campus closures.  


Privacy Policy

 Temple University
 Canvas Instructure
 Zoom
Course Schedule


The instructor reserves the right to change dates of when material is covered; the instructor will keep students
duly informed of any such changes via Canvas and Zoom reminders.

                                     Data                                                   Assunto


Semana 1                                                                                                                            

                                1/19 (T)      Introdução ao curso                                                                                                  

                                                    Lição Preliminar                            

Despedidas O alfabeto


                                 1/21(R)      Identificação e descrição de pessoas        

                                                     O que há na sala de aula?   

                                                     Os meses do ano e os dias da semana

                                                     As horas 


Semana 2                                                                                                                            

                                 1/26 (T)     Lição 1                                                                                                                    

                                                     Os estudantes e os cursos                                                                                          

                                                     Talking about subject pronouns                                                                            

                                                     Present tense regular –ar verbs   


                                1/28 (R)      Contractions of a, de, and em with articles                                  

                                                     Present tense of estar        

Semana 3                                                                                                                            

                                  2/2 (T)      Lição 2: Entre amigos                                                                                               

                                                    À primeira vista                              

                                                    As cores                                                                                    

                                                    Como são estas pessoas?                                                                          


                                   2/4 (R)      Present tense of ser                                          

                                                    Ser & Estar with adjectives     

                                                    Possessive adjectives 


Semana 4                                                                                                                            

                                   2/9 (T)            Lição 3                                                     

                                                             Mais comidas e bebidas                                 

                                                             Present tense of regular –er & -ir verbs 


                                    2/11 (R)           Vamos viajar Present tense of –ir   

                                                             Present tense of –ir and infinitive        

Semana 5                                                                                                                            

                                    2/16 (T)      Expressing age, possession and obligation ter & ter que      

                                    2/18 (R)    Teste 1 


Semana 6                                                                                                                            

                                     2/23 (T)   Wellness Day 


                                     2/25 (R).  Lição 4                                                                                                                     

                                                      À primeira vista: as famílias 

                                                      Present tense of stem-changing verbs         

                                                      Present tense of fazer, dizer, trazer, sair & pôr     

                                                      Expressing how long something has been going                                                             

Semana 7                                                                                                                            

                                      3/2 (T)     Lição 5 A casa 


                                      3/4 (R)     Present progressive                                               

                                                       Teste 2

Semana 8                                                                                                                            

                                       3/9 (T)      As tarefas domésticas                                                                               

                                       3/11 (R)     Demonstrative adjectives & pronouns


Semana 9                                                                                                                            

                                       3/16 (T)           Present tense of dar, ler, ver and vir                                                                      

Expressions with ter, estar com, and ficar com                                                                                   

                                        3/18 (R)          Saber & Conhecer


Semana 10                                                                                                                          

                                         3/23 (T)      Wellness Day  

                                         3/25 (R)     Lição 6  À primeira vista: a roupa 


Semana 11                                                                                                     

                                         3/30 (T)       Preterite of regular verbs                                                                                           

                                         4/1 (R)         Preterite of ir & ser

                                                              Some irregular preterits

                                                              Direct object nouns and pronouns                                                               

Semana 12                                                                                                                          

                                          4/8 (T)          Lição 7                                                                                                   

                                                               À primeira vista os esportes                                                                                     

O tempo e as estações 


                                         4/10 (R)        Indirect object nouns and pronouns 

                                                                Teste 3


Semana 13                                                                                                     


                                          4/15 (T)          Lição 8

                                                                  Festas e tradições Comparisons & the superlative                                         

                                          4/17 (R)          Reflexive verbs and pronouns As profissões                                                       

Semana 14 


                                          4/22 (T)            Film Review                                                                                            

                                            4/24 (R)            Prova Oral     

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