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A rural area,

sometimes known as

Can anyone tell the countryside, is a

me what is a geographical area

rural area? outside of towns and



Alright class, our

lesson for today is

about rural and

urban area.

The rice fields

and deep in the

An urban area, also known

That's right,
mountains are
as a built-up area, is a

examples of
human community with a

rural settings. high population density and


Small villages and a low

population density

characterize typical

rural areas.

Agricultural and
Now, who can

forestry areas are

tell me, what

commonly referred to
is an urban

as rural. area?
Urban areas are
The City of Manila, 15

RURAL AND URBAN AREA formed as a result

bordering cities, and the

of urbanization and
municipality of Pateros

are classified as
make up Metro Manila,

which is the country's

Very good,
cities, towns,
largest conurbation or

Princess! conurbations, or
urban agglomeration.
suburbs based on

their urban


The region around a The Philippines' second-

city is referred to
largest urban region is

as an urban area.
Metro Cebu in the

The majority of
Visayas, followed by

people in cities work

Metro Davao in

in non-agricultural

Aside from location

and population

density, what are

other differences
between rural and
You are

urban area? correct, Liam.

The differences between

rural and urban area is the

way of living, the culture

Apart from that,

and views of people living in

health care,

those places. education, economics,

politics, architecture,

and climate also

differs in rural and

urban area.
Urban life is dynamic, and

RURAL AND URBAN AREA opportunities for social

engagement is abundant.

People in the
How do people live
Part of what makes city

countryside or
in urban areas? life so interesting is the

rural area rely on

change of environment

the closest town

from city to country.
for services and


The rural area has

less pollution and Urbanites can

Now class, which

more space, and it

do you think is

characterize their

can be a great
better: rural or

surroundings as active,
urban areas?

place for a family

crowded, or even boring,
with kids. depending on the person.

Thank you

I like urban. Many


employment opportunities,
Ionnah and

jobs, educational
opportunities and

training programs.

The distinctions between rural and urban

areas are wide and complex, and they

Rural is the best

have a significant impact on the world

Plenty of space,
we live in. The distinctions between the

place for me. I

too. And is a
two are frequently insurmountable, from

love how quiet

good environment
the food we eat to the way we conduct

and peaceful it is

for an outdoor
our lives, our attitudes, and our culture.

there. Plus, the

lifestyle. Nonetheless, each city has its own

air is fresh.
distinct beauty that sets it different

from its rural equivalent.

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