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I want to see the stars

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Multi
Fandom: 憂国のモリアーティ | Yuukoku no Moriarty | Moriarty the Patriot
Relationship: Mycroft Holmes/Albert James Moriarty (Yuukoku no Moriarty), Sherlock
Holmes/William James Moriarty (Yuukoku no Moriarty)
Character: Mycroft Holmes (Yuukoku no Moriarty), Albert James Moriarty
(Yuukoku no Moriarty), Sherlock Holmes (Yuukoku no Moriarty), William
James Moriarty (Yuukoku no Moriarty), Louis James Moriarty (Yuukoku
no Moriarty), Sebastian Moran (Yuukoku no Moriarty), James Bond |
Irene Adler (Yuukoku no Moriarty)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Light Angst, Fluff and Humor, Albert just wanted to see the stars
but ended getting married, Mycroft Holmes Has Feelings, Albert is a
little shit sometimes, Updates every week, Other tags to be added on
the future, Wine, No beta read we die like Sherliam, Accidental
Marriage, Crossdressing, mention of opium, Flirting, Idiots in Love,
Sibling Bonding between Albert and Louis cause the world needs it,
Accidental Cuddling, lots of cute moments, Accidental kids acquisition,
Aphrodisiacs, high stockings, Blow Jobs, Stomach Bulge
Stats: Published: 2021-10-01 Updated: 2022-03-08 Chapters: 15/? Words:

I want to see the stars

by MuShuAiKoonChai


When Albert was invited to a breakfast with The Queen after being imprisoned for more
than three years, the last thing that he expected was to suddenly end engaged with Mycroft.

-Marry Mycroft- Those had been the exact words of the queen, gaining on response a
confused look from both Albert and Mycroft.

And surely Albert was not prepared at all for what Mycroft said next.

-Marry me, Albert-

He just wanted to see the stars, how did he end like that?

‣Weekly updates
Wish I could see the stars again
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Three years. It had already been three years since Albert had asked to be locked on the Tower of
London as a way to pay for his and his brothers sins. Sure, it wasn't enough to repay for all that
they had done but he was doing it with a purpose, a purpose more selfish than what one might
think, so even if the rest didn't agreed with him, he liked to think of it as enough.

Three years can go fast or slow depending on what you do, and even the environment in which you
are affects this. For Albert, they had been boringly slow at first, specially because he had nothing
to do except stare at the gray walls and ceiling, but then he had discovered that even if he was
locked there he could still do different things to enjoy himself and don't die from boringness.

He liked siting hours in front of the only window on his... room and see the birds fight, chirp, eat
and do all kind of cute things. Other times, he would read the books that Louis would bring him
almost every month. They were all kind of books, from mystery novels to the romantic ones, and
even when he wasn't a big fan of the las type he would still read them, he would even feel slightly
uncomfortable with some corny things the characters would say, curse the protagonist whenever
they made something dumb, and, why not? feel like his life was a total waste for spending the oh
so glorious years of his life in prison instead of going dramatically after the love of his life.

Not that he had one anyway.

The most close thing that he could ever have to a lover was Mycroft, and the man was so busy with
his work that his visits made him feel like the mistress waiting with tears on their eyes, waiting for
the oh so perfect man that loved them so much but that could see them just every once in a blue


Maybe he needed to stop reading romance novels because surely Mycroft wouldn't like being
compared to a man that was married and had a hidden mistress too, the man was... correct, really
correct. Boringly correct sometimes. But that was just part of his charm, which was one of the
reasons he had recently discovered a new pastime.

His new pastime and something that Albert have got a like to do on those three years was flirt with
the correct man on a shameless way. It was not that he was a Casanova, he just was naturally like
that, and he had restrained himself from flirting with Mycroft because well, he was his boss, but not

But of course that Mycroft would just ignore his flirt, and he ignored it so perfectly that if you
didn't know the man you might even say that he was really dense and was just oblivious to all the
flirt. Like if he could be oblivious to something, he was so perceptive. But that the man didn't pay
attention (or didn't mind) his flirt made him just want to flirt with him even more, though it was
more appropriate to say that it was like a teasing play.

And that was exactly what Albert was going to do at that right moment in which he would have the
pleasure to see the man known as the government itself after a long time.

-What do I owe the pleasure to, Mr. Government?- he asked from his favorite spot (next to the
window) with a smile on his face, receiving the man that was closing the heavy grill door behind
him with his usual stern expression.

-Am I not allowed to visit a subordinate now, Count Moriarty?- One of his eyebrows lifted, giving
him a more hard looking that surely would have scared a lot of people, not that it was effective on
Albert since he knew that behind that stern look the man was laughing and enjoying the situation
as much as him.

-How kind of you, director... but If I remember correctly I'm no longer your subordinate-

-A friend then- he said it so naturally, without even looking at him as he was taking of his coat and
putting it at the back of the chair in front of him that Albert even thought that maybe he was
hearing things.

A friend.

Mycroft was the only friend that he had left. Somehow that didn't made him feel sad, nor like he
had failed on his life or some sort of thing like that, instead, it made him feel pleased to know that
the man considered him a friend.

Sadly, that friend had felt asleep on the chair in front of him before he could even say something
back. His dark hair was lightened by the dim light that entered the room trough the only window
on it, making the dark locks of hair shine with the warm colors of the sunset, his eyes were covered
with his arm over them, hiding almost perfectly the dark bags under them, his lips pressed on a
relaxed line and his breath steady, making it clear that he was asleep.

Well, maybe he'll let the man rest and won't bother him with his flirt for today, after all, he must
have been really tired to fall asleep as soon as he sat down on a chair that wasn't comfortable at all
and that surely would make him have a horrible sore back and neck when he wake up.

Mycroft was the only person that visited him. Of course that Louis visited him too, but he was
busy with the MI6, and somehow, looking at him made his heart ache for not have been able to be
a better older for him and William, for not stopping them even when their lives were at risk, for not
have been able to do more for them. So the only person that made him feel kind of better was the
man in front of him, a man that had lost his brother just like him, a man that at first haven't been
really close to him but that after a few visits and flirty games had become a friend.

He had no regrets, nor anything that attached him to that world anymore, but he continued living so
he could witness the world that William had created, so he could somehow pay for his sins, so he
could be by Louis's side.

He sighed. London was full of dark smoke, making impossible for him to look at the stars from his
window. That was maybe his only regret.

-I wish... I could see the stars once again-

Before he could know it, he had as well fallen asleep on his chair, but fortunately for him, Mycroft
moved him to his (not so comfortable) bed, gingerly passing one of his arms under the back of his
knees and the other one supporting his back.

Mycroft was impressed that Albert weighed basically nothing, even when he was tall he was so
light weighted that for a moment he felt like one wrong movement and he could break the man,
and maybe because he had spent a lot of time imprisoned without sun he was now paler, though he
seemed to be more alive than when he used to be Count Moriarty and M at the MI6. Weird how
being locked would be even better than being a noble.

It was just at that moment, with Albert deeply asleep that he was able to take a better look at his
long lashes, they were so long that they seemed like if they could touch his cheeks. Gingerly he
moved a mahogany lock of hair out of his face. His hair was so long now that he braided it.

He had been quite surprised when Albert had told him that he was going to grow his hair,
apparently so he could have something to do during the mornings, mornings that now were
destined to brush his hair for a long time before braiding it and securing it at the end with a green
velvet lace that Mycroft had gifted him after seeing the messy state in which was his hair one
morning after waking up. An enjoyable sight that had almost costed him his life when he laughed
at him.

Without realizing it his hand had been caressing the soft cheeks, feeling his heart skip a beat when
Albert moved his head slightly, leaning closer to the warm touch and then murmuring something
that at first he hadn't been able to understand.

-mhm... my... croft...-

And like if that hadn't been enough, Albert kissed the palm of his hand, chaste and soft, making
Mycroft jump on his place for the sudden action and feeling... what was he feeling? Why was he
feeling his cheeks burn even when he was sure that it wouldn't show up? Why would the actions of
the sleep man make him react like that?

Why would Albert always affect him so much?

Albert was surely dangerous, always making him feel uneasy and weird, and so he forced himself
to let go of the soft cheek before he could do something that he might regret later, specially
because he didn't want to ruin their friendship and didn't know what could he do at that time.


-... that would be all for my report, your Majesty-

-As always thanks for everything, Sir Holmes-

Mycroft bowed respectfully at the Queen, standing up when she gave him permission and feeling
relaxed when he saw the Queen smile tenderly at him, almost like in the way a mother would do
while looking proudly at her son.

-How is Count Moriarty doing?-

-He's doing well-

-Has he said anything about wanting to came out of his imprisonment?- a soft smile appeared on
her lips, it was so rare to see that kind, soft smile on the Queen that seeing it from so near made her
look young, really young and full of love.

-He said he wished to see the stars once again- the thought that maybe Albert had said it thinking
that he was asleep (which had been true at least for a couple of minutes) made him feel kind of
guilty for revealing something that could be private, but for his own sake he put that feeling aside.

The Queen just said a soft "oh" being fully aware of what Count Moriarty was referring to. In
London was practically impossible to look at the stars since the sky was fully covered of the dark
smoke from the fabrics and trains, and knowing the fact that the Count had spent a lot of his time
on Durham with his brothers, it was just naturally for him to miss the fresh air and the starry night

-Are you visiting Count Moriarty today?-

-I'm afraid no, does your Majesty needs me to send him a message?-

-No... well maybe yes- for a moment Mycroft saw her eyes sparkle like those of a child when
looking a candy shop, and if he hadn't known the Queen the enough he wouldn't have been able to
recognize that as a dangerous sing -Tell him to come have a breakfast with me sometime-

He just bowed respectfully at her before leaving, having still the feeling that the Queen was
planning something that surely was going to involve Albert and maybe him as well, something that
he didn't know if was a good or a bad thing, specially not since the last time he had seen that
sparkle on the Queen's eyes he had ended totally wet at the shore of the Thames.

And it was not on his plans to end like that ever again, specially not in front of Albert.

-Sir Holmes-

A calm voice stopped him from leaving the palace. It was her Majesty's personal Buttler, a man
that had been by her side for more than twenty years and that was lending him two dark envelopes
with the royal emblem on them. Invitations if he had to guess.

-Your Majesty sends this for you, and asks you to give this to Count Moriarty too- and then he
bowed respectfully at him before leaving Mycroft alone on the dark hall, thinking.

Mycroft just sighed internally, knowing that the invitation was surely related to his recent talk with
the Queen and not really wanting to know what was it about. Though if he had to be honest, he
was quite excited for it, specially because Albert would surely like to be out of his ceil.

The carriage moved at a constant calm speed, allowing Albert to peek trough the dark curtains to
the outside. His emerald eyes were shining so much that Mycroft really started to believe they had
their own light inside them.

-You look like a kid- said Mycroft teasingly, making Albert stop peeking trough the curtains so he
could face the man sitting in front of him.

His dark hair perfectly combed to the back with just some wild tiny locks of hair falling over his
forehead, a dark bow tie adorned his neck, and as always he was dressed on a formal black suit and
shiny black leather shoes. Really the perfect man.

-I'll take that as a compliment for looking young- one of his legs crossed over the other one, a
mischievous smile and then a naughty wink as the cherry of the cake.

Mycroft just laughed at that, though it was more like a snort but it was Mycroft we were talking
about, a small snort and a tiny smile were already like seeing a pig fly or any other miracle happen
before your eyes.


-Dull- an immediate answer from Albert that made himself laugh at how childish the both of them
had been.

The relaxed laugh of Albert was all Mycroft needed to smile bigger. The way his shoulders would
shake slightly, the back of his gloved hand covering his bright smile, the sparkle on his emerald
eyes and some rebel mahogany locks of hair moving from one way to another falling on his face.
It all made him look so childish and good that Mycroft wished to see him like that many times

Unfortunately, when they arrived to the palace that childish laugh and smile were soon replaced
for a more serious look, and even when he was still wearing a polite smile it didn't feel sincere, not
for Mycroft who had seen him smile from the bottom of his heart, this smile was the one that
Albert always showed to the other nobles, a polite smile so well practiced that almost seemed real.

A polite smile that continued on his face for the rest of the breakfast. Or at least until the food
arrived and Albert felt like dying when his tongue tasted the juicy meat, melting on his mouth and
making a small "Mhmm" slip from his lips that made the Queen and Mycroft laugh.

The breakfast had been exquisite as you would expect from something prepared by the royal chef,
and unlike other meetings with the Queen, this had been a very relaxed breakfast, maybe because it
was just the three of them on the big table, the Queen at the head at of it, Mycroft at her right and
Albert at her left.

The only thing lacking to make it a totally perfect meal was the wine, but it was so early on the
morning that it'd have been impossible for him to drink wine unless he wanted to look like a wine-
addict, which surely he wasn't... not that much.

-Count Moriarty- gracefully the Queen took a sip of her tea before continuing -Sir Holmes
mentioned that you wished to see the stars once again-

Albert just smiled widely at this before looking at Mycroft with his eyes clearly screaming
something between "I thought you were asleep" and "You're dead" before turning back to the
Queen and answer her question, leaving Mycroft wishing he could just run away after being
exposed on such an embarrassing way.
-That's right your Majesty-

-That's perfect then- joyfully the Queen clapped her hands in front of her and smiled widely at him,
she looked really excited for some reason -I'll let you see the stars once again and for the rest of
your life with one condition-

Albert was quite surprised to hear this. Sure, he was aware that the Queen had been at first against
his imprisonment so it wasn't really that surprising to see her trying to get him out of jail, but what
was more surprising and important was the "condition" that the Queen had mentioned, it intrigued

Of course that he never expected the condition to be the most wildest thing he could have ever

-Marry Mycroft-

-Excuse me what?- had he been less surprised he would have reprehend himself for talking so
rudely to the Queen, but it was impossible for him to hide it when just minutes ago he had been
enjoying his tea with the Queen and suddenly he was asked by her to marry the man in front of

-Your Majesty?- for a moment Mycroft didn't know what to say, totally frozen on his place before
snapping out of his thoughts when he heard Albert talk with evident surprise on his question,
almost letting his voice rose.

Both men looked credulously at the Queen who was just there, peacefully drinking her tea with the
sweetest smile on her face like if she hadn't just said something totally unbelievable.

And maybe the Queen was really enjoying their funny expressions and confusion, otherwise she
wouldn't have taken so much time drinking her tea even when it had been finished a long, long time

-I like to think of Mycroft as my son, and I'm turning old, so before my time ends I wish to see him
married- tenderly she looked at Mycroft who was having mixed emotions after the Queen had
referred to him as her son and suddenly being asked to marry Albert -And who better for that than
you, Count Moriarty, I wish you to marry him-

Then something caught Mycroft's eyes. It had been just for a brief moment but he had clearly seen
the way the Queen's eyes unfocused for a moment before focusing once again on him, still smiling
like if nothing had happened.

So that's what it is.

Albert on the other hand was feeling dizzy after the sudden proposal, and for a moment he had
stopped to listen to whatever Mycroft and the Queen were saying, coming out of his reverie only
when he saw Mycroft kneel in front of him, his right hand extended to him asking for his hand and
the other one over his chest.

-Marry me, Albert- his low voice almost made him stop breathing.

Albert James Moriarty. Thirty years old. Suddenly asked to marry the oh so correct man that was
Mycroft, man that was kneeling in front of him asking for his hand like if he was a prince of some
fairy tale.

Was he missing something?

Chapter End Notes

Hiyah!!! There's the first chapter/prologue for this story!! It might seem to be a little
bit boring but don't worry!! It gets funnier and full of different emotions as chapters go
by!! ( ‾̀◡‾́)σ"

Comments and Kudos are always appreciated!!

Marry me, Albert
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

-Marry Mycroft- Those had been the exact words of the queen, gaining on response a confused
look from Albert and Mycroft, both looking credulously at the Queen who was just there,
peacefully drinking her tea with the sweetest smile on her face like if she hadn't just said the
wildest thing on the world.

She was clearly enjoying the moment.

-I like to think of Mycroft as my son, and I'm turning old you know, so before my time ends I wish
to see him married. And who better for that than you, Count Moriarty, I wish you to marry him-

Then something caught Mycroft's eyes. It had been just for a brief moment but he had clearly seen
the way the Queen's eyes unfocused for a moment before focusing once again on him, still smiling
like if nothing had happened.

So that's what it is.

-I know it's sudden so I'm giving you the rest of the week to think about it-

-There's no need for it- Mycroft said, surprising the Queen for a moment at his immediate
response. If he was correct (and he surely was) he had to marry Albert, and not really for the
reasons that he had expected to... not that he had ever wanted or wished to marry Albert of course.

Slowly he started to walk until he was in front of Albert who looked lost on his thoughts until he
seemed to recognize Mycroft, so he kneeled in front of him, his right hand extended to Albert
asking for his hand and the other one over his chest. Even him was feeling slightly embarrassed
doing it but oh well, how else was he supposed to do this?

-Marry me, Albert- the confusion on the emerald eyes was obvious to Mycroft, and he really hoped
for the man to take the hint and accept or he was not only going to get hurt on his pride and...
feelings? but also maybe fuck up whatever The Queen was asking for.

Albert was totally speechless, and even when his brain was about to collapse he forced himself to
think, having the feeling that it wasn't just the Queen wanting to play matchmaker or Mycroft
playing fool of him, and then he understood it.

He was not that close to the Queen so he had no way to know what she was thinking, but he surely
was able to understand the subtle message on Mycroft's eyes asking for him to trust on them, to
trust on whatever Mycroft knew and he didn't. He just hoped that trusting on the sapphire eyes was
a good thing.

-It'd be a pleasure- he let his hand rest on top of the Mycroft's one, shivering slightly at the sudden
contact, which was really weird since his hand was still covered with the silk glove.

Feeling totally lost, Albert let Mycroft help him stand up, thanking that he kept holding his hand
after that because he felt his legs like jelly, fearing that if Mycroft were going to let go of him he
would fall to the ground on the most ungracefully way possible.

-Take this as my gift for your engagement- before he could register it, the Queen put a small box
on the other hand of Albert, squeezing it lightly on a tender gesture and then doing the same with
Mycroft; a wide smile on her face. She was clearly enjoying all of this.

According to the Queen, since now they were formally engaged there was no need for Albert to
return to the Tower of London, so the carriage was on his way to Mycroft's house at that moment.
Mycroft was peacefully sat in front of Albert, looking totally composed even when his mind was a
total chaos, and Albert was just... well, he seemed still shocked and was fidgeting with the edges of
the velvety box.

When the carriage passed trough a rock on the road and because Albert was totally lost on his
thoughts, he ended jumping out of his seat and stumbling, and he would have even fallen if it hadn't
been for Mycroft who grabbed him by the waist to steady him. Even on that weird situation
Mycroft still managed himself to feel how tiny and fragile Albert's waist felt under his hand.
Maybe it could have been that after three years of null exercise and pretty simple meals he was
now skinnier, but truth was that he was just naturally like that, and it felt good to have his hands
around his waist.

-What...?- Albert's voice came choky, like if he was just waking up from a long and weird dream,
remembering Mycroft that it wasn't time to daydream about other man's waist.

-Later- was all he said, cutting his words before the ex-count could even ask something.

The emerald eyes looked at the sapphire ones, the confusion evident on them and trying to find an
answer before letting his head rest on Mycroft's shoulder for a brief moment, breathing on the calm
manly cologne of him before turning back to his seat, totally composed now and with that "noble
smile" on his face again.

Usually Mycroft wouldn't like seeing that expression on Albert's face, specially not after being able
to see all the true and genuine expressions that he was able to make, but if wearing that mask made
him feel better about a situation in which he himself had no idea what was going on, then it would

When they finally arrived to Mycroft's house, he had to help Albert once again to walk. Or maybe
he didn't need to, but he felt like he had to and grabbed the ex-count by his arm to steady him, and
Albert just let him do so, appreciating that at least he wasn't being left behind after such a
confusing and weird situation.

Surprisingly (at least for Albert) Mycroft did had servants. They were just an old man that served
as a butler, and (if Albert was correct), another person on the kitchen. Maybe there was someone
else too, after all it was a big house and just two people wouldn't be enough to keep it clean and
neat, something Albert really appreciated.

The butler just bowed at him before taking Mycroft's and Albert's coats, leaving them alone after a
short moment and even when Albert was curious to see the rest of the house he still followed
obediently Mycroft until they were in front of a big, heavy black wooden door that opened to reveal
his office.

It was just like Mycroft. Delicate and elegant, without extra things but not simply either. Heavy
dark curtains prevented the sunlight to enter the room, every furniture was made of dark wood and
upholstered with wine-like tapestry and others were of black leather, a big bookshelf full of old
books was behind the desk and said desk was covered on papers.

It even smelled like him, like French cigarettes, ink and leather with just a faint smell of his
-You're really a kid- amused by the way Albert kept starring at his office, he couldn't restrain the
teasing tone and the smirk on his face, making the other one pout slightly after been caught.

Three years of imprisonment makes of everything the most interesting thing, specially if it allows
you to discover new things or places.

-And you a vampire- with his head he pointed at the heavy dark curtains -Now I'm starting to fear
for my life since my husband-to-be seems to be a vampire-

If I were one I'd have already sinked my fangs on you.

At least after mocking the other they now felt a little bit more relaxed, but even when they wanted
to keep teasing the other, the velvety box on Albert's hands reminded them that there were more
important things to care about, like a wedding that had popped out of the nowhere.

Feeling tired Mycroft let himself sit unceremoniously on the black leather chair behind his desk,
pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers and closing his eyes, letting his mind run wild
and trying to put in order his thoughts so he could explain the little he knew about the situation to
Albert who was sitting on one of the black leather chair at the other side of the desk.

-Why did you accept?- asked Mycroft, not needing to clarify what was he talking about and with
his eyes still closed waiting for an answer that didn't last long before reaching his ears.

-I might be wrong but I have the feeling that it wasn't just the Queen wanting to play matchmaker,
maybe something deeper?-

-As I'd expect from the Lord of Crimes, you surely have a good intuition- he didn't even need to see
Albert to know he was pouting, and just the mental image of that made him smile before
concentrating on the important matters -I know pretty much anything about the situation too, but I
know for sure at least two things-

Opening his eyes, he made sure that Albert was looking at him and then he put his index finger up
-The palace is not secure, there might be at least one person working on the palace that cannot be
trusted- and then his middle finger -Whatever the Queen has requested us is going to put our lives
at risk-

At least that was what he had guessed after seeing the Queen unfocus and then focus again her
eyes. It could pass totally unperceived to others, but Mycroft had served the Queen for the enough
time to know that she did that only when she couldn't or didn't want to explicitly ask Mycroft to
investigate something. The way the Queen's butler had been acting recently was strange too, like if
he was on the edge and trying to control everything.

Albert just sighed wearily, stretching his back like a cat and then letting himself totally relaxed on
the soft chair -And I thought that the suicidal plans were over-

Mycroft remembered then that Albert had indeed tried to die three years ago when the Lord of
Crime made of London a total chaos, and the idea of having to expose Albert to another situation
like that didn't pleased him at all. The ex-count might not have been related by blood to William,
but they surely shared the same "I'm going to kill myself but you all have to live happily ever after"

And when he was willing to ask Albert one more thing, he stood from his sit and walked until he
was next to Mycroft, suddenly dropping to his knees and extending his right hand with the velvety
box to Mycroft, leaving him speechless for a moment, at least until he heard Albert trying to
contain his laugh and chuckle.

-You little wicked-

-Is that way to talk to your fiancé, Director?- Mycroft just laughed after Albert kept making an
overacted imitation of what he have done before on the palace and the way he had called himself
his fiancé, which pleased him but that he wouldn't say.

-Only because my fiancé is a total moron, Count Moriarty-

Albert jus shrugged as response, and after lending the velvety box to Mycroft he let himself rest
against the desk, patiently waiting for Mycroft to open the box and reveal its content.

When he opened the box, Albert had to cover his mouth with his hand to don't gasp. Right on the
center of the box, two rings, wedding rings, were shining under the light of the gas lamps, one of
them had emeralds embedded and the other had sapphires, both of them made out of sparkly gold.

And while Albert was totally mesmerized by the rings, Mycroft took a small letter that was hidden
on the cover of the box and read it, having to close the velvety box so Albert could concentrate on
the letter.

╔═══━━━────── • ──────━━━═══╗

I wasn't lying when I said that I wished to see you together, but I'm afraid that I have another
reason to ask you both this.

As you may know, the trades with the east government are not going well.

There are rumors that the London streets are being filled with opium by now, and people are
starting to blame the east ships for that. If we don't act promptly we might end up dealing with a
war against them on the best case.

I want both of you to take care of that, Count Moriarty and Mr. Holmes.


╚═══━━━────── • ──────━━━═══╝

The letter still continued, but Albert was feeling totally tired by just the short lines he read.

Opium had always been a problem, and after the recent opium war things with the east government
weren't going well, and if London was indeed being filled with opium then the problem was even
bigger, maybe more than they could imagine.

There was another problem he needed to face first though. He had to marry Mycroft for the sake of
a mission that in the best case would end on another opium war, on the worst one, they'd have to
deal with the east government, a war and a rebellion inside London. He still didn't know why he
had to marry Mycroft, but if he had to be honest he didn't care, or more like he didn't want to know,
not for the moment, not when he was feeling totally drained even when it was still midday.

Mycroft continued reading the letter, at least until he felt Albert's head rest on his shoulder, soft
mahogany hair brushing against his cheek. Apparently it was going to be a thing of Albert to let
his head rest on Mycroft's shoulder from now on, and he didn't mind at all, you could even say that
he enjoyed it.


-Just never thought that I'd end up engaged with you and dealing with an opium problem when I
woke up this morning- his velvety voice was sweet and vibrated against his shoulder.

Right. They were going to get married. The idea still seemed so surreal to Mycroft that he didn't
know how to process it. Albert looked like he was doing so well with the whole marriage thing
and there it was him, the man known as the government itself totally confused at the idea of
getting married even when it was something he should have seen coming at his age.

-Albert- gingerly he grabbed him by the shoulders, forcing him to look at his face -Even if it was
the Queen who asked for it, why did you accept to marry me?-

-I already said it- he blinked a couple of times confused, speaking again when the intense gaze of
the sapphire eyes asked without words for more -Marriage was never on my plans and I have no
big feelings towards it, so I really don't mind marrying you for a mission-

For a moment all they could hear was the distant sound of carriages on the streets, the office on
total silence before Albert spoke again, a wide, sincere smile adorning his face.

-Plus, if its you are the one that I have to marry, then it doesn't sounds like a bad idea-

What was that supposed to mean? What was he supposed to answer to that? Was Albert even
conscious of how much those words meant for him? Apparently no, at least that was what that
innocent smile told him and Mycroft felt like if a dagger had been pushed on his heart.

This man was really dangerous.

-What about you? Why would you accept to marry a man that's doomed and it's a criminal for the
whole country?- Albert looked curiously at him, wanting to know what was going on inside his
mind. If only he knew.

Under the look of the emerald eyes he felt tempted to say that he had accepted because he loved
him. God. It was the first time he had accepted that he loved the man in front of him more than a
friend and yet he still couldn't find the courage to say it out loud, smiling to hide the no longer
undeniable truth.

-Because it's my work, and because marrying you doesn't sounds like a bad idea either- and both of
them smiled widely at that.

Even if it was for work, he was going to enjoy as much as he could of that farce, something that
wouldn't be hard to do since he was already enjoying the idea of spending more time with the man
in front of him. Maybe he could even make him fall for him just in the way he had fell for him,
hopelessly and without knowing..

Three days passed since they got engaged, and things have been pretty much the same... or maybe

Since Albert was now free and didn't have a place to go, he had moved to Mycroft's house. At first
Albert had tried to decline the offer but he really had no option left when all of his belongings had
been moved to the big house, and now it was normal to see Albert reading a book on the living
room, a cup of tea or a glass of wine by his side and the warm sunlight rays making his mahogany
hair look like soft caramel.

If Mycroft had to be honest, he loved seeing Albert on his house, it was such a delightful view that
not even on his craziest dreams he could have imagined. For once on his life, there was somebody
waiting for him when he came back of work, someone to eat with and talk to; what used to be a
big, cold house was now full of color and warmth thanks to Albert and the fact that he liked to
open the windows and curtains. Mycroft didn't even know his own house could feel so warm and

And it wasn't just him the one feeling warmer since Albert arrived to his house, even the servants
and mon chéri (Mycroft's cat) seemed to be on a better mood. He had become friend with George,
the old butler, on less than an hour after they started to talk about wine; Anne, who was in charge
of the cooking simply adored Albert and his never-ending craving for sour desserts and juicy
meat; and lastly Emily, a young maid, was happy to serve a (not so) young, handsome man and
share a cup of tea with him from time on time. Mycroft sometimes forgot that Albert was a social

And just like the past three days, the heartwarming scene of mon chéri peacefully sleeping on
Albert's lap received him after an exhausting day of never-ending problems. The warm light of the
gas lamps made Albert's hair look like soft caramel, his long lashes covering the beautiful emerald
eyes, one of his hands caressing the soft fur of the cat and the other one holding an old looking

What was better than arriving home and be received with the beautiful sight of the man you love
and your cat? Maybe that said man smiled widely at you, with his pretty eyes shining and his soft
lips murmuring "welcome back" on a soft tone. Oh, what a delight.

-Why my cat loves you more than me?- asked Mycroft, trying to fight the way his heart was
beating fast and loudly against his ribcage and instead focusing on the way the cat seemed to be
about to melt on Albert's lap.

-Because I'm lovable, and I let him play with my hair- a soft chuckle slipped from Mycroft's lips
being fully aware of how much the cat loved to play with Albert's soft, long hair, indeed, the cat
liked playing with Mycroft's hair as well but his hair was way much shorter than Albert's, making
it hard to play with.

Tired, he sat next to Albert, leaving a small distance between them, though that almost inexistent
distance was fully erased when Albert let his head rest on Mycroft's shoulder. It was almost like a
routine now to do that, and Mycroft really enjoyed the warmth of his body against his, sometimes
he would move slightly his face so he could sink his nose on the soft locks and smell better the
rose scent on the mahogany hair. It was surprising how all Albert smelled like roses, no doubt
they were his favorite flower.

Sadly, even if he wanted to drown on roses for the rest of his life and forget about everything, there
were things they needed to take care of.

-I have a hint- slowly he put a photograph out of the inner pocket of his waistcoat -Hannah Dott, 29
years old, got divorced two years ago and works as a party planner... it's said that also organizes
secret gatherings among certain groups of people-

-So that's why we're getting married- he grabbed the photograph and held it in front of him, trying
to memorize the woman's face but then giving up after a few seconds. It was an useless attempt

After that, they started to talk about what were they going to do, and the first step on their plan was
go and meet Hannah under the excuse of wanting her to plan their wedding party. Apparently the
woman had a soft spot for weddings and lovable couples with tragic or difficult stories, so that's
why they were getting married on the first place.

-Can we keep it simple?- Albert asked with pleading eyes, lifting his head just a few inches so he
could face Mycroft better.

-I was going to ask the same-

Suddenly both of them felt totally drained, sighing wearily at the mere thought of all they had to
plan not only for the wedding but also to deal with the opium problem. The rang of the doorbell
startled them for a moment. It was already night, not that late but still nobody with manners should
be calling at the door at that time, not unless it was an emergency.

With confused looks they saw Emily ran to the door an then open it, inviting to pass inside the
unexpected visitor, and Albert was even more confused when he saw that it was Louis, looking at
them with a complicated expression and furrowed brows at the very intimate sight of his brother
resting his head on his boss's shoulder. Too close for his liking.

-Louis? What are you doing here? Did something happen?- Hurriedly Albert moved to his side,
asking a lot of questions and checking for any possible injuries on him, making the other two smile
at the cute sight. No matter if they were kids or adults, Albert would always worry to death for
him and William.

-I'm ok brother Albert, is just that it surprised me to hear that you moved from the Tower of
London to the Director's house-


At that Mycroft looked at Albert with his sapphire eyes clearly saying "You haven't told him?",
making Albert want to disappear for the eternity. How did you even explained to your little brother
that you were marrying his boss, a man nonetheless, for the sake of a mission that could cost your
life, again?

The doorbell rang for the second time on that night, giving Albert more time to think of what to say
(an excuse clearly) and once again Emily ran to the door, this time the unexpected visitor was one
of the Queen's man holding a big bouquet of red roses on his arms that was then given to a very
confused Albert.

-The Queen sends this as a gift, and also says "I expect a big wedding"- at that Albert just cursed
the man and the very bad timing internally. Things were slipping out of hand, and he didn't like at
all that Louis had to find out about his marriage on that way.

-Wedding? Who's getting married?- asked totally confused Louis, looking at the man for an answer
that arrived soon with a gentle smile, smile that Albert wanted to erase with a punch. Surely the
Queen wouldn't miss this man, and surely nobody would even think of searching for his corpse at
the depths of the Thames.

-Sir Holmes and Count Moriarty, of course- and just like that he left, leaving behind him a total
disaster and a very furious Louis tackling down Mycroft, pointing at his neck with a knife and
ready to kill him at any second.

-Please calm down and let me explain- Mycroft said with all the calmness that he could keep in
front of (most like under) somebody that was already sinking the pointy knife on the skin of his
neck, crimson little droplets starting to appear.

-Death ones don't talk so shut up or I'll cut your tongue-

Mycroft was taken aback by the sudden response, he never imagined that the man that was always
calm and speaking politely could have such a sharp tongue, but again, he never imagined that same
man would ever tackle him down and threaten him with a knife for marrying his brother either.
Albert on the other hand, was fighting the strong headache and sighing, carefully took Louis's
hand, grabbing the knife and preventing his little brother from killing the man under him.

There was only one solution to the problem that the Queen's man had created, and he didn't like at
all using his manipulating skills against Louis but apparently that was the only way.

-Louis- he called with a soft tone, making the younger look at him -I'd appreciate if you didn't
make me a widower even before getting married-

Louis was about to respond something but before he could do something Albert talked again, with
teary eyes asking for forgiveness, reluctantly looking at the crimson eyes of his little brother like if
he was ashamed of just being in front of him. A really good acting indeed, and it was giving
results because soon Louis started to panic at the sight of his brother about to cry.

-I tried to tell you about this but you were so busy that I never had the time to do it- and the final
touch, make Louis feel guilty for something that he really couldn't control, but it was that or
dealing with a corpse, the Queen, and a new addition to his little brother's killed count. He could
repay Louis later, but for now the most important thing was to calm him down because even if he
didn't look like it, he was really impulsive.

-So you're really marrying him?-

-I'm still your boss you know?- Mycroft said a little bit hurt and offended at the way the blonde
had referred to him.

-And he's my brother and I have no intentions to let him marry you-

Gingerly, Albert grabbed Louis by the arm and pulled him to closer to him so he could speak with
him, maybe inventing on the process the oh so tragic story of how he had fallen for the man that
visited him when he was locked on a tower, just like the captive princess of a fairytale would fall
for her charming prince on shiny armor. Reading so many crap romance novels had its benefits.

-So you're really marrying him?- once again Louis looked at Mycroft, this time looking woefully
like a kid slowly accepting that one of their precious belongings had to be given away.
-Yes so please don't kill him-

Albert just looked happily at the way Louis took several breaths with his eyes closed, calming
himself and reminding him of the times when Louis was younger and so much more impulsive. It
was cute to see he still needed to do that to calm himself.

-You better don't hurt brother Albert- he finally said after a few breaths, looking with defiant
crimson eyes at Mycroft.

-I'd never dare to do something like that-

-You better give him the biggest and best wedding London has ever seen-

-Louis!!- and he that had thought that things were under control. Albert looked with rebuke at his
younger, who just shrugged before saying that he only deserved the best. It was the first time on
ages that Louis shrugged at him! And it was to make things more complicated!! something that he
wasn't aware of but that was giving a headache to Albert.

-Only the best for him- this time the one looked with rebuke was Mycroft, Albert feeling totally
betrayed by him even when it was clearly obvious that they could only accept Louis's words, at
least if they wanted to continue with the mission.

That's how their wish to have a small wedding was totally thrown away. Now they had to plan the
biggest wedding on London's history and deal with a new problem... how were they going to have
such a big wedding when everyone still hated and remembered the name and face of the evil Count

Chapter End Notes

Lil Lou on this chapter: Peace was never an option.jpg

There it is the next chapter!! Now get ready because the next(s) chapters are going to
be full of AlberCroft (what's the name of the ship btw?) moments and the undeniable
problems of living with a sexy man that is more blind than Von Herder HAHAHA.

See you on the next update on: oct/13/21!!! Comments and kudos are always
appreciated!! (シ_ _)シ

Also!! If you have something that you wish to read (like a prompt, a hc, dunno) feel
free to say it!! I'll do my best to add it to the story
Mon Chéri
Chapter Notes

I almost didn't post this chapter cause I got sick but there it is!! Enjoy!! ٩(^◡^)۶

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Looking through the window Albert waved goodbye to Louis, watching him disappear slowly on
the darkness of the streets.

-You manipulated him- the stern voice of Mycroft made him jump on his place. He wasn't even
asking, it was a statement and Albert didn't like being discovered so easily, but it was Mycroft we
were talking about, there were really no things you could hide from the man known as the
government itself.

-I was expecting a thanks for saving your life, how ungrateful of you, Director- he joked, closing
the curtain and facing Mycroft. His usually perfect combed hair was slightly messy after being
tackled to the ground, courtesy of Louis. He looked better like that though, younger and even a
little bit wild.

-Well thanks but why did you do it? Why not tell him the truth?-

At the question Albert couldn't help the chuckle on his lips nor the way he looked at Mycroft as if
he had suddenly said something unbelievable yet with visible amusement on his eyes. That made
Albert look beautiful, specially the amused smile on his pale face, but at that time he didn't care as
the younger was clearly making fun of him. He was head over heels for this wicked man but he
still had a pride to take care of.

-Mycroft- His hand tucked one of the dark locks of hair behind the tallest ear, his voice coming as
if he was explaining something to a child -You really think Louis would have let me marry you
only for the sake of a mission that can end with my life? And everything just because the Queen
asked me too?-

Truth was that Mycroft doubted it, specially after seeing Louis's demeanor to the Queen for the
past years, but even if the blonde man didn't look specially fond of the Queen he surely would have
accepted, after all, it was for the sake of the country his two brothers had worked so hard for, even
sacrificing themselves for the cause. Or at least that was what he had thought, but not daring to
give an answer he just remained quiet, making Albert sigh at the lack of response.

-You have been working with him for three years by now, how is that you don't know anything
about him yet?- Albert felt slightly hurt and betrayed because the man he had trusted his little
brother to knew absolutely nothing about him.

-On my defense, he's not the type to go saying that kind of things, specially on the palace- he
replied quickly, hating to see those feelings on the beautiful emerald eyes.

Albert just sighed, going back to the sofa to pick up his book and cup of tea, caressing on the
process mon chéri's soft fur. It was impressing how not even that disastrous scene had woken up
the cat.
-Didn't take him for the jealous, possessive type of brother- he changed the topic, feeling better
when Albert laughed slightly after remembering the way Louis had threatened Mycroft. For him,
it had been a really enjoyable, cute scene, after all, it was his little brother, and anything he did was
cute and perfect. He could burn an entire country and he would still think he was cute, showing off
about him whenever he had the opportunity to do so.

-He really is, and he was even worst with William-

-He must totally hate Sherly then- Albert just laughed at that, not being able to deny it because it
was the truth.

Both their hearts twitched with nostalgia and happiness, remembering their little brothers whom
they knew nothing about, nor where they were nor if they were alive or no. The uncertainty of not
knowing a single thing about their little brothers never left their bodies or mind, not even for a
single second.

Things were so much more better than in the past, but they still felt incomplete without their
youngest with them.

-Let's go to sleep, we have a big wedding to plan- Mycroft said, chuckling softly when Albert
started to act like a kid and throw a very overacted tantrum saying that he wished he could just
jump out of the London's bridge and end with his misery.

After turning off the gas-lamps both of them started to walk upstairs, parting their ways to their
respective rooms after saying "goodnight".

It took Mycroft two days to finally clear his schedule and visit the woman that was their only hint
on the opium case. When he got asked his name he doubted for a moment if he should give a fake
name or his real one, and after some thinking he decided to give his real name, smiling proudly to
his insides when he saw the woman get excited when she heard "Holmes". Apparently the woman
loved dealing with "famous" people, and he had to thank his little brother for have making of their
last-name a famous one, after all, to the world Mycroft didn't exist, at least not as an important

-How was it?- asked Albert as soon as Mycroft closed the heavy door of his office behind him. He
fully trusted the servants, after all they had never said a single word of what happened on the house
on all the years they had been working there, but there was still the never null probability of
someone hearing their conversation.

That's why most of their conversations related to the mission were held on Mycroft's office, with
the door and curtains totally closed, leaving just the two of them alone.

-She's a lovely woman, at least her facade is- he poured a glass of wine for him, joining Albert who
was already enjoying of his own glass -There's also a faint smell of opium on her-

Albert made a disgusted face at that. He was really sensitive to smells and the idea of someone
smelling like opium didn't pleased him at all. The smell of the opium was strong on a weird way,
something between a cloying sweetness and spicy freshness, which was the reason why it made
people feel dazed, lightheaded and sometimes confused.

-Now we only have to solve one last problem- carefully he sat behind his desk, watching Albert
drink from his glass before talking.

-Me- a faint smile appeared on Albert's lips, still touching the rim of the glass with them and
making Mycroft roll his eyes. Albert was on the line between loving himself too much and hating
himself too much, and he enjoyed making fun of himself as much as he loved praising himself. A
whole contradiction itself.

-You're not a problem-

-A burden then- at that Mycroft just sighed. Sometimes Albert was insufferable, and seeing the
judging expression on the man in front of him Albert apologized, not really feeling it but needing to
unless he wanted a very boring talk about why he should stop thinking of himself as a burden -

Truth was though that the fact of Albert being still remembered as the evil Count Moriarty didn't
help them at all with the biggest wedding on London's history that they were supposed to make
(courtesy of the Queen and Louis).

-I'll take care of everything, don't worry- he put a wild lock of mahogany hair behind his ear,
reassuringly smiling to Mycroft -When are you seeing her again?-

-On two days, after I take care of something at the Diogenes club-

-I'll meet with you after that then-

Mycroft looked intrigued at him, feeling like the amused smile still drinking wine wasn't a good
sign and making Albert look at him questioningly.


-Nothing, I'm just curious and fearing of whatever you're planning to do... you tend to be extremist
with your plans-

-That's part of my charming- and like the little wicked he was he winked to Mycroft before leaving
him alone on the office, sighing wearily and then laughing slightly at his fiancé behavior.

The whole next day Mycroft was busy dealing with problems and paperwork, he had been so busy
that he didn't arrive home until very late, when all the lights were shut except for one coming from
the kitchen were he guessed was Anne waiting for him to arrive with a warm tray full of food just
like every time he arrived late.

He felt sorry for making the woman wait for him until late, and when he was ready to start
apologizing he got surprised when he saw Albert there, leaning against the table, too immerse on
the book he was reading to notice Mycroft standing on the entrance of the kitchen.

He looked so concentrated that Mycroft couldn't help wanting to piss him off, walking on his
tiptoes to don't make a single sound until he was behind him, and not even then Albert seemed to
take on his presence, jumping on his place when he heard the deep voice of Mycroft right behind

-You should have gone to sleep-

Mycroft could even swear that he heard the ex-count curse, which was nearly impossible since
Albert had never on his life cursed at all, at least not that he knew it.

-And you shouldn't make poor Anne wait for you until late- he said more calm after almost dying
of a heart attack, his right hand over his chest on an attempt to ease his scared heart.
-My bad, but there was a lot of paperwork-

Albert just sighed before pointing with his head the tray of warm food waiting for Mycroft on the
table, looking every movement he made, from the way he fussed his dark hair slightly to the way
he took off his waistcoat and loosened his tie, finally siting to eat, lookin back to his book only
when he saw Mycroft start eating.

-You don't have to wait for me-

-If you don't want to make me wait for you then don't arrive late... and eat something while you're
working, I don't want to become a widower even before getting married-

-Are you worried about me?- his question full of evident amusement, trying to annoy his fiancé
since it was the only thing that worked to give him energy when he was tired. Of course that he
never expected the blunt answer that Albert gave him.

-Of course I am, now eat-

Mycroft stayed totally frozen at that. How was Albert able to say such a thing like that without a
trace of doubt on his voice? He was really cheeky sometimes. Still confused, he continued eating
when the emerald eyes looked at him apprehensively, deciding to concentrate on the food unless he
wanted to choke to death with it.

By the time he had finished the food, Albert was already asleep. His right arm leaning on the table
and his hand cupping his face, his long eyelashes almost touching his cheek-bones and his pink
lips forming a small pout for the position his head was on. He had no problem to deeply fall asleep
on all kind of uncomfortable positions after the three years he had spent on prison, yet Mycroft
carried him on his arms, letting Albert's face rest on the crook of his neck as he walked with the
sleep man murmuring some unintelligible words to his room.

Albert's room was big, not as big as Mycroft's yet it was big, one of the walls was totally replaced
by the crystal of a big window, maybe being it the biggest window on the whole house since it
started on the ceil and ended on the floor, covered by dark silk curtains that only during the night
were closed. The bed was covered on emerald silk, just a few tones darker than his owner's eyes,
and everything smelled just like him, of roses and the freshness after the rain.

When he put Albert down on the bed, his arms were still tangled around his shoulders and Mycroft
was pulled down with him, ending over Albert and with his head resting on his chest. It was
comfortable indeed, and maybe because he was tired or because his smell was dizzy and
comforting, he ended falling asleep there, just managing to take off his shoes with his feet before
totally loosing consciousness.

The next morning when Albert woke up he was startled to feel something heavy over him, making
it hard to breath but then a small chuckle left his lips when he recognized that it was just Mycroft
and not his sleep-paralysis demon messing with him once more.

Mycroft was totally asleep, almost unconscious and he seemed to be totally comfortable with his
head resting on Albert's chest, his dark hair was messy and his lips parted slightly, almost like if he
was pouting. Albert had never been someone who liked cuddling (even when he still cuddled with
his brothers), but seeing Mycroft look so vulnerable and comfortable like that made him smile, and
he didn't had the heart to wake the tired man up, so he ended just looking at him.

He kept admiring the bridge of his nose, perfectly sculpted just like his plump lips. His hair
smelled so good, of something like mint and blueberries, and it was soft, incredibly soft, making it
hard for him to keep his hands out of it, caressing it gingerly and hoping it didn't wake up the
sleeping beauty over him.

That made him laugh. Wasn't he supposed to be the "princess" since he had spend three years
"trapped" on a tower?

It was peaceful, staying like that with nothing to worry about and just lying on bed, playing with
some dark locks of hair between the fingers of one hand while the other kept petting his head even
when the tired eyelids started to open, revealing the beautiful sapphire he had for eyes and that still
looked asleep and confused.

-Morning, sleeping beauty- an amused smile drawing on his lips when he murmured what he
decided was going to be Mycroft's new nickname.

Mycroft seemed lost for a moment, blinking slowly trying to recognize where he was before finally
asking something with hoarse, deep voice, immediately sending shivers down Albert's spine.

-What... what time is it?-

It felt ticklish and good to have Mycroft's deep voice reverberating against him, it was almost like
if he was purring.

-Mmmm... something like eight or nine maybe-

At that Mycroft just growled, burying his face once more on the comfy and warm chest under him,
making Albert laugh because he must have been still sleep to do that and because at times like that
was when he looked exactly like mon chéri, lazy, comfortable and totally relaxed. The cat's fur
was even of the same color as Mycroft's hair, a weird mix between blue and black that changed
depending of the light.

-Did you sleep well?-

-I think is the best sleep I've had on years- he murmured with his lips slightly brushing against the
emerald silk dressing gown of Albert. He really liked that color.

-I'm quite surprised you say that when you fell asleep dressed like that... Though I suppose is true
since you drooled all over me-

Startled Mycroft immediately raised himself, totally ashamed of have drooled over Albert and then
furrowing his brows when he saw the mocking smile on the other's lips that soon became a light

-You little wicked- as a punishment he grabbed both Albert's wrist and put them above his head,
handcuffing him with both his hands when the door suddenly opened, making both of them freeze
for a moment when they saw Emily on the door.

-Master the...- at the so inappropriate scene in front of her, the young maid's cheeks immediately
turned red, making her look like a cherry -Oh my god! I'm so sorry!!- she finally said stuttering and
running away as fast as she could, leaving behind her two confused man that soon started to laugh
at her cute reaction.

-You really are a wicked little devil for laughing at poor Emily-

-A little? Oh no... I'm a big one- and Mycroft rolled his eyes at the narcissistic response of the
youngest one, making him laugh even more loudly.

A sigh left Mycroft's lips for the thousandth time that morning, feeling totally ashamed of himself.

When he had woke up that morning he had felt so comfortable and relaxed that he didn't even pay
attention to where was he lying, specifically, over whom was he lying (plus it always took him
several minutes to come back to reality once he wake up). Albert had been kind enough to don't
wake him up, and he had even joked about him drooling over him but for god's sake!! How could
he sleep with Albert!? With his head over his- his soft yet firm and warm chest.

And there he was again, daydreaming of what was the best night of sleep and morning of his entire
life like if he was some kind of young lady in love. But it wasn't entirely his fault to be
daydreaming about it, it was also Albert's fault for looking so good on the morning, and he wasn't
saying this just because wanted to avoid his feelings, not at all.

Mahogany hair slightly messed up, his tongue licking his plump, pinkish lips before speaking with
a velvety voice, his almost natural smell of roses and fresh rain embracing him, his body warm and

And because he had kept daydreaming about that morning he didn't saw the carriage that almost
run over him, startling those who were walking by his side and himself too, dodging it just in time
but leaving his heart thumping hard against his ribcage for the recently rage of adrenaline. The rest
of the morning kept going like that, with him stumbling, hitting himself with the door of the
Diogenes club, and loosing his cane even when he was holding it with the other hand. On resume,
a total disaster.

Albert was really a dangerously gorgeous man and he had no time to keep acting like a fool when
he was supposed to meet Albert in just a couple of minutes and then reunite with Hannah Dott.

That future reunion was making him anxious, but not exactly because of Hannah. He was really
proud of his capability of staying composed even on the most stressing situations, but there was
one problem, and that problem was that Albert had said "I'll take care of everything, don't worry"
and it was never a good idea to so. Sure, he was a smart and capable man (proof enough was that
he had been part of the military, part of the MI6 and even the Lord of Crime), but when he had
nothing to restrain him, Albert was reckless, and his favorite plans at those times were: burning
houses to ashes or try to end with his life. None of them was a good idea, at all.

-You seem stressed- there he was, the cause of his recent stress speaking with evident amusement
behind him and making him turn himself slightly so he could face him.

-Well I wouldn't be if you...- he felt his words die on his throat when he saw the owner of the
velvety voice just a few steps away from him. He was, to say the least, totally confused, his brain
totally collapsed, and the last time that had happened was... never.
-Close your mouth or a fly is going to enter it-

And if he had been confused just a few seconds ago, his mind was now running wild trying to
connect all the dots at that time. There was no one else who could smile like that though, even if
he looked different, making him speak with evident doubt on his voice a trembling -Albert?- that
just made him look like a fool but oh well, he was too confused to care about that.

-The one and only- and nobody was as full of himself as him too -Though I suppose that I should
use another name, at least while I'm like this, right?- an amused chuckle left his lips when he saw
the confused expression on Mycroft's face.

When Albert had said that he was taking care of everything he had expected a lot of wild things,
one more than the other, but not even on his craziest thoughts he could have ever imagined that
Albert's solution would be get dressed as a woman.

Yes, a woman. A lady. Human female.

-What is this?- he said still confused, trying to process the idea of Albert dressed as a woman in
front of him. Maybe the hit on his head with the door had made him see things.

-A dress- the answer came like if it was the most evident and normal thing on the world. Just how
shameless was him?

-I know it is a dress but just why?-

-Well I can't appear on public as Albert James Moriarty unless I want to end being torn apart by a
furious crowd and as exciting as it hears, it isn't on my plans... yet-

Slowly he moved near Mycroft, sighing with relief when he was finally able to rest under the fresh
shadow of what seemed to be a bakery.

-And you were not really expecting to go and say to Hannah Dott that the wedding she's supposed
to plan is going to be between two men, were you?-

Right. Mycroft had totally forgot about that tiny little detail. On his defense, woman or man were
pretty much the same for him, what was the difference (apart of the obvious anatomical ones)
though? It was good that Albert was a little bit more conscious about that kind of things, though he
was pretty much the same as Mycroft, after all, nor him nor his brothers had made a fuss when
Irene Adler decided to be James Bond.

So as crazy as it was, Albert had indeed taken the best decision by dressing as a woman, because
surely nobody would ever think that the so evil Count James Moriarty would dress as a woman and
shamelessly go outside to plan his (or shall it be her?) wedding with another man on the light of the
day. At least he would never think about it, and if he couldn't think about it then others couldn't

Mycroft's head was staring to ache, in part because of the recent surprise and because of the sun
above them too.

-Let's get going-

The moment the carriage arrived, Mycroft saw with amusement the way Albert was fighting the
clothes while trying to enter the carriage, the coachman looking at them with horror on his face
when he saw the not-lady-like at all way in which Albert lifted the skirt and entered the carriage.
-I'm sure the coachman saw me totally horrified-

Mycroft had to bit his lips to don't laugh at the scene of Albert fighting the dress so he could sit,
stepping on the edges of the dress and finally sitting on a weird way that looked very

-As amusing as all of this is, we should discuss what we're saying to Hannah Dott-

-She likes love stories, right?- Mycroft just nodded -Then what about this?- and once again Albert
started to fight with the dress.

It was almost comical to see, but he appreciated his life the enough to don't laugh at it.

-Let's say that I met you in France, when I was on university and you were visiting your alma
máter... the moment I saw you I was totally stunned by such a handsome and gorgeous man so I
went to talk with you- Mycroft just lifted one of his eyebrows at the recent complements -and you,
as the kind gentlemen that you're, invited me to have a tea. The next time I saw you you were on
the library and we talked again, continuing with this for a couple more of times until you had to go
back to London because you had some problems to solve, and so you left, leaving my oh so fragile
heart broke because of this sad goodbye-

-So I'm the villain?-

-Keep listening... When I felt like my heart was breaking apart because of you, you sent a letter
saying that when the times were better you'd like to get married with me, and here we're!! Three
years later about to get married with the love of our lives and after lots of problems-

-You read too much romance novels- he could name at least five novels that had the same
argument by the way.

-It was that or dying of boringness on prison-

After that hey kept deciding some other details and making sure that their story didn't sound forced
at all, and that they both remembered it clearly so it wouldn't be suspicious.

-I told her that we would like to have the wedding as soon as possible which seemed to excite her,
and now with this tragic love story it would be easier to get information from her- Hannah Dott
was a total fan of love stories, specially the tragic ones.

-Now, what name should I use?-

-You can think of a whole love story but not of a name?- one of his brows lifted with amusement.

-I'm terrible with names and if I had to chose one it I would end up being Alberta and that's not an
option- he just laughed at the funny face Albert made -Just give me one, I'm sure you're better at
this than me-

A name. It sounded simpler than it was, but after some thinking Mycroft finally spoke.

-Jolie- his deep voice catching Albert's attention and making him smile widely, a cocky smile that
just made Mycroft sigh internally because surely he was about to say something narcissistic or
something like "I'm a bag of trash".

-Is that a compliment?-

-Your name, don't flatter yourself-

A small pout was all he received as a response from him. It was only at that moment that he was
truly able to look at him better.

His mahogany hair was loose, letting the long hair strands brush to his waist that if on a suit looked
slim, with that dress was more accentuated. The dress was of a deep blue color, with puffy sleeves
that hided his shoulders that were nothing woman-like. A pair of white silk gloves were on his
hands, hiding the masculinity of them; a blue silk choker hided perfectly his Adam's apple; two
locks of mahogany hair falling over his face were in charge of hiding his jaw and sliming his face
to make it look more feminine-like.

It was really impressive how he had hided totally his masculine features under delicate and very
common objects. Even if he was not wearing more makeup than a simple lip balm (which he
always used), he could surely pass as one of the prettiest women Mycroft had ever seen, specially
because of the amused, kind smile on his plump, pinkish lips that made him look really amused
with everything, almost like if he was remembering something or...

-This is not your first time doing this, is it?- his eyes wandering all over him, searching for any
possible hints that confirmed his question.

-I'm really starting to hate that I can't hide anything from you- and trying to ignore the question
Albert decided that it was more interesting to see through the window, not that this stopped
Mycroft from asking again though.


Albert wished on that moment that Mycroft didn't had such an strong gaze, making it hard for him
to keep himself quiet and finally sighing before answering -I might have done it once before, to
annoy Moran and all I'm saying is that his reaction was priceless-

Before Mycroft could say something else the carriage stopped, this time he helped Albert to get out
of the carriage so he didn't had to make an ungraceful scene when getting out of it, exposing them
to the risk that somebody could see them and recognize that Albert was not a woman (even when
he had done a very good job looking like one).

But even if his disguise was perfect, Hannah Dott could still recognize him, specially because after
that scene getting on the carriage Mycroft was sure that Albert knew little or nothing about woman
etiquette and because he had a velvety, deep voice, something that screamed "man" on all its kind.

So when Albert started to speak with sweet voice he was impressed. It was not like someone
faking a sharp tone, ending with an annoyingly shriek-like voice, no, his voice still conserved that
deepness of him, yet it was something like honey now, not entirely soft but not deep either. Mezzo-
soprano maybe. And when he started to act like the most proper woman on the whole world he
was even more impressed, so impressed that by the time he came out of his thoughts Albert was
already happily chatting with Hannah Dott.

Albert was a really dangerous man, on more than one way. The woman had been really shy and
proper when he had talked with her, but now she was happily laughing with Albert like if they
were all-life friends.

Hannah was a pretty woman with an average height, reddish hair, olive eyes and almost
imperceptible freckles over her pink cheeks. She seemed to be really happy when she saw Albert,
and then when he started to compliment her, her cheeks turned red. No wonder why so many
ladies loved the ex-count.

-I have one question. Why do you want to have the wedding as soon as possible?- Albert was still
thinking of an excuse when the woman in front of them spoke again -Maybe... you wish to hide

And Mycroft followed her eyes, murmuring a low "oh" when he saw the woman look at the flat
abdomen of Albert. It was really plausible for her to think that way but the las thing they needed
on that moment was another lie so he denied it, and apparently Albert had deciphered her look too
and quickly denied with his head as well.

-I just... wish to see my father see me get married but he's been getting more and more sick and
tired lately, so I'm afraid that if this takes us too much time he might not make it to see my

Next thing Mycroft knew, Hannah was kneeling next to Albert, apologizing for her rudeness while
he faked the most credible tears on the world, even choking on his words when he tried to say that
everything was alright. And to make the acting more credible Albert leaned closer to Mycroft as if
seeking comfort, comfort that he gave as soft pettings on his back.

-T-that's right!! I really like your hair!!- the woman almost screamed, clearly trying to change the
subject -It really looks good all loose-

-Ah- gracefully he grabbed the handkerchief given to him and cleaned his eyes -mon chéri likes it
like that so I keep it loose, right?- he asked facing Mycroft, receiving a smile and a nod as a

Both of them were startled when they hear Hannah shriek excitedly with his hands tying to cover
the big smile on her face.

-You surely are a lovable couple!! You even call him mon chéri-

Apparently she had thought that it was the way Albert referred to Mycroft, and since none of them
felt like denying it (specially because the woman seemed really excited about it) they just let her
thought of it as true, Albert calling Mycroft by his new pet-name for the rest of the talk and him
loving the way it sounded on the plump lips.

When they were already starting to go, Mycroft saw a white brooch on the counter, it looked
exactly like the one of the reports and stopping his walk he took a better look at it, making Albert
stop as well while Hannah hurriedly walked to where they were, grabbing the brooch between her
hands quickly and hiding it.

-Is a beautiful brooch- complemented Mycroft trying to get more information about it.

-Thanks I- Is from a club I'm in- she seemed really anxious, and Albert decided that it was time to
try and see how far they could go with the woman.

-That sounds really interesting!! Maybe we could join, right mon chéri?- the excitement was clear
on his voice, taking Hanna's hands between his -I've been wanting to join one since I came to
London, one full of fun, we can join right?- this time he talked to Mycroft, who just smiled at the
little wicked act the the other was playing.

-Of course, anything for you- Mycroft walked to where they were, placing his hand on Albert's
shoulder -Back on France we used to be on one-
At that Hanna's eyes seemed to light up. It seemed to be like they were about to get what they

-What kind of club were you in?- the uncertainty still on his voice but slowly giving way to

-A really interesting one, and I'm sorry but I can't give more details since is our little secret- Albert
said, giving Hannah a naughty wink that the woman interpreted as a good sign apparently, or at
least that was what her big smile told them.

-I'll recommend you!! I'm sure they'd like to have such a lovable couple among them too!!-

Albert said how happy he was to hear that, Mycroft just smiling at her before saying goodbye and
then leaving Hannah Dott behind. Just when they were several streets away from her Albert
allowed himself to sneeze and put on a disgusted face, making Mycroft laugh.

-She really smells like opium- he shrugged his nose, reminding Mycroft of a bunny but not saying
it even when he wanted to and instead deciding to keep walking so Albert could get rid of the
uncomfortable clothes soon.

He looked really good like that though.

Chapter End Notes

... Surprise!! HAHAHA

Well, not even I know how I ended making Albert crossdress but hey! I liked it haha

Comments and kudos are appreciated as always!!

See y'all on the next update: Oct/20/21

Weddings are just a headache
Chapter Notes

Finally the wedding day!! Uwu

P.s. Remember that I said I might draw Albert disguised as a woman? Well I made it
haha (Is not that good though)

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!! ٩(^◡^)۶

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Whoever had said that wedding was the best and most important day on someone's life surely had
never had to plan a big wedding.

Albert could already feel his life escaping from his body at an impressive speed, and he was not the
only one, Mycroft was pretty much the same, both of them too tired to do something else than sit
on the couch, Albert totally laying on Mycroft, his back against the tallest's chest and him
haphazardly lying on the comfy couch.

They had already visited the Queen more times than the number times they had been able to sleep,
and it was just because after she had said that Mycroft was like a son to her, none of them wanted
to leave her outside of it, and because they still had to catch the spy on the palace, and since it was
really risky for Albert to just enter and leave the palace as if it was normal for a criminal like him
to do so, he had ended dressing as a woman more times than he would like to admit.

His ribs were already sore for using those uncomfortable dresses so much, and he was not even
using a corset.

Fortunately for them, and maybe the only thing that kept them going, Hannah was a really talkative
woman and seemed to have started to trust on them, not the enough, but something was something.
But of course that meeting with her so many times to rush the wedding meant that Albert had to
use a dress almost every time now, something that Emily was really happy with since she helped
him get dressed, mostly because the one time Albert had tried to get dressed himself he had ended
trapped on the crinoline and almost choking himself.

Even when he wanted to die to get rid of that situation he still refused to die because of a stupid
crinoline. Imagine that, the newspapers talking nonstop about how the evil Count James Moriarty
had died because of a crinoline while trying to disguise himself as a woman.

Truly pathetic.

So, being this their first day on almost a week that they could be just themselves without a
wedding to plan (at least for a couple of hours), they were just lying on the couch, both of them too
tired to bother to do something else, not even eating seemed to be exciting at that time, specially no
since George, Anne and Emily were out with their families.

Mycroft always gave the three of them four days free at week, and since it was Friday and thus the
first of the servant's free days, they were most likely going to starve to death, which was starting to
sound like a really good idea.

A blur of dark fur running from one side of the living room to the other caught their attention.
Mon chéri was the only one with enough energy to do so, that or the cat had (again) drank a little
bit of Albert's wine, something that would explain the sudden outburst of energy the cat was
having and the reason why he suddenly jumped funnily when he caught a glimpse of his own
shadow, something that made both of them laugh heartedly.

The mere sight of Albert laughing at the joyful scene, his head tilting slightly backwards and
falling to Mycroft's shoulder, resting there while continuing to laugh was enough to make him
laugh as well, something that made Albert open wide his eyes on surprise.

It was the most sincere laugh Albert had ever heard from Mycroft. It was so full of joy and life that
it made him look almost childish. His eyes turning into small half moons, dimples appearing on the
top of his cheeks, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly. It made him look so beautiful that
Albert felt his heart stop for a moment.

Without realizing it, Albert let his hands caress the dimples, stunned by his beauty. His slim
fingers tracing circles on the dimples before going down, almost touching the soft lips before going
back to his cheeks.

-I didn't know you have dimples- his voice came soft, so soft that it almost sounded like a whisper.

Mycroft didn't say anything. He didn't find the voice to say something. The soft caress on his
cheeks, the smell of roses wrapping around him, emerald eyes glistening with an indecipherable
shine on them, his face too close to his own, it all let him out of words. All he could do was take
the soft hands between his owns, enjoying their warmth with closed eyes and leaning against them
like a cat.

Mycroft looked so peaceful and pleased like that, that Albert wouldn't be surprised if he started to
purr at any moment. He was really alike to Mon Chéri.

Suddenly, Mycroft felt soft lips kissing him tenderly on his forehead, his eyes opening widely on
response but not dealing to move at all, fearing that even the tiniest movement could broke the soft
kiss, his breath stuck on his lungs and when Albert tilted apart and faced him again, Mycroft felt
his heart melt at the sight of a tender, soft smile directed to him, only to him.

He would give his entire world and life to see that smile directed just to him for the rest of his life,
even just once more would be enough.

They were dangerously close, so close that it was almost difficult to breath, their foreheads
touching and... what could have happened if they hadn't been interrupted? What would Mycroft
had done then? As exasperating as it was, he appreciated the sudden ring on the doorbell that
stopped him from doing whatever he could have done.

He didn't want to know what he could have done if they hadn't been interrupted, he was so busy
looking at the other's eyes to want to know or even move a single bit, so Albert ended being the
one attending the door, opening it to reveal a very confused Louis who was looking at him with his
mouth wide open and cheeks blushed.

-Louis? You look like if you have seen a ghost-

-Br... Al... Brother Albert?- The cute way in which Louis had stuttered his words reminded Albert
of the old days when he was less confident and would stutter some of his words. He was really
cute back then, and still was.

-Who else could I be?-

And then it hit Albert. He had been too tired to get totally rid of his clothes, just taking off the
outer layers and the crinoline, ending on what could be considered as very revealing inner clothes,
which wouldn't have been that disconcerting had it been man clothes.

-Stop whatever you're a thinking and let me explain- he said quickly, knowing that Louis was
surely overthinking and coming with crazy ideas that would just make it harder for him.

After a long explaining of why he was dressed as a woman, being the reason behind this that he
wouldn't be able to marry Mycroft unless he did so, Louis seemed to have calmed down a little bit,
trying to process everything while drinking his tea and looking harshly at Mycroft from time on

It hasn't been his idea to crossdress Albert, he had come with the idea by himself so why was he
being looked as if he was the cause of every wrong thing that happened and anything that could go
wrong too? Louis's unconditional and blind love for his brothers was scary, and so were Albert's
lying skills, both giving him a strong headache that lasted for the rest of the day until Louis decided
that he wouldn't let any of them starve to death and started to cook.

After taking a bite of the really famous omelette Louis prepared, Mycroft could totally agree with
Albert that it was the best one on earth and that no other omelette would ever taste as beautifully as
that one did. It was almost as if it was melting on his tongue.

Apparently cooking put Louis on a good mood, or at least the enough to even stay for the rest of
the afternoon to help the very tired future married couple (as much as Louis hated this fact) to
arrange some details and even committing himself to found a beautiful and perfect wedding dress
for Albert.

He didn't liked the idea of his brother having to disguise as a woman just to marry Mycroft (he was
starting to hate all the Holmes, more than he already did) at all, but even so, his brother just
deserved the best and he was going to make sure that it was like that.

Agitated days passed by, and with them, the day of their wedding was more and more near, being
them just three days away from it and because of this, Hannah's visits were more frequent than
ever, an excited aura around her at all moment. The woman almost seemed to be glowing while
the future couple was about to pass away from tiredness at any moment.

It didn't help at all that Mycroft's home was now full of boxes with tons of dresses, jewelry and
accessories that Louis had gifted Albert, most of them of a beautiful emerald color and the others
on different ones. There was even a black-widow dress that had had a note on it saying "you never
know when would you need it" that made Mycroft shiver and Albert laugh at the innocent jokes of
his little brother.

But maybe Louis wouldn't even need to move a single finger to have Mycroft dead and give Albert
the opportunity to use that black dress (he was sure that he would look beautiful on that dress by
the way); because between the wedding arrangements, the visits to the Queen, paperwork and
Hannah Dott, Mycroft was reaching his limit and Albert was feeling bad for the poor man that
would fall asleep at any moment and anyplace now.

He had tried to help Mycroft with the paperwork at least, but he was a stubborn man and had said
an irrefutable no, something that obviously didn't stop him as he was once again slipping on to
Mycroft's office to help him with the paperwork without the other knowing, or at least that was the
plan until he saw the other inside the office.

Mycroft had fell asleep on his desk again, well, on his chair to be exact. His head was hanging on
a very uncomfortable position, and he must have been really tired if not even that was bothering
what seemed to be his first proper sleep on several nights, the black bags under his eyes been proof
enough of this fact.

Gingerly, Albert let his fingers caress the soft dark hair, trying to accommodate on a better position
his head but giving up when it just ended going back to that awkward position. Apparently his
body was as stubborn as him, but he was stubborn as well, and not wanting Mycroft to end killing
himself by accident on that weird position, he carried him on his back, almost letting Mycroft fall
to the ground when soft locks of dark hair brushed against his neck causing tickles on him.

It took him a bunch of weird tries and a lot of juggling to finally open Mycroft's room, totally full
of his intoxicating manly cologne and the faint smell of French cigarettes. After letting him lay on
the soft mattress, he stayed for a while looking at the black bags under his eyes.

-Stubborn man- playfully he pinched his cheek, laughing quietly when Mycroft made a soft "mhm"
on protest and furrowed his brows.

It made him calm being embraced by his intoxicating smell, and that's why after going for some
files on Mycroft's desk, he returned to his room, sitting on the bed right next to Mycroft and
reading, organizing and filling the paperwork. At one point of the night Mycroft had ended resting
his head on Albert's lap, a soft chuckle escaping from his lips before gingerly star caressing the soft
dark hair.

That's how Mycroft woke up, whit his head resting on the comfortable lap of Albert, his hair being
caressed by elegant fingers and their owner peacefully reading what looked to be the files he had
been working on the last night.

-You're awake, sleeping beauty- oh, so that was going to be his new nick-name. He didn't mind it
though, as long as he could wake up with Albert being the first thing he could see when he opened
his eyes.

But that was not time to be comfortably sleeping when he had a mountain of paperwork and that
weren't doing itself. Such a shame that he couldn't keep resting on Albert's lap, it was warm and
soft yet firm; the perfect pillow.

-I shouldn't have fallen asleep-

-Keep sleeping, I'm even letting you rest on my lap- he pushed Mycroft back to sleep when he had
intended to wake up, still reading the files -You should have more healthy sleep schedules-

Was he really being lectured about healthy sleep schedules by the same man that usually would
forget to eat? He really was shameless.

-I'd if you slept with me every night- a cocky grin appeared on his lips, obviously teasing the other
but getting frozen on his place when he heard his answer.

-Then I'll sleep with you from now on, and I'm not accepting a no for answer- and like if it was
nothing he continued reading the files, grabbing a fountain-pen between his fingers to signal
something that Mycroft couldn't care less about at that moment.

Had he heard correctly? He had spoke just to tease Albert -and maybe, see him blush because he
really wanted to see that- but how had the youngest shamelessly agreed to sleep with him? Hadn't
he noticed he was just joking? Or was he trying to tease him back?

-I'm sure we're not supposed to sleep together yet, my wife-to-be- he continued teasing, and even
when that cocky smile was still on his lips, on the inside he was freaking out, recurring to his last
resource that was calling Albert his wife-to-be, something that by the face he made was not
entirely of his liking.

-Well I don't even have an engagement ring so who cares about rules and protocols-

Surprisingly, that left Mycroft totally quiet, as if suddenly words have abandoned his throat and all
he could do was stare at the long lashes projecting shadows over the emerald eyes and his cheeks.

-Right, I've something for you- and he left the room, leaving Mycroft all alone with his thoughts
until he came back with...

Oh no, were those more files?

-I really hope that's not more work-

-It won't be if you actually let me help you, Director- playfully, Albert hit Mycroft on the forehead
with his middle finger.

-You're stubborn, Count Moriarty-

-Not as much as you, Director- his lips turning on an amused grin -And I must confess that I
always get what I want-

-So do I-

For a moment all they did was stare into the other's eyes, none of them daring to turn apart their
gazes and looking at the other with so much confidence that it was almost overwhelming. It
somehow felt like the days when Albert was still part of the MI6 and he had confessed to be the
Lord of Crime, those were good times.

Dangerous, exciting, good times.

-Then, congratulations, now you own a wine factory Mr. Holmes- well, he wasn't expecting that,
and just like a bubble explodes to not leave any traces behind, their little staring game ended like if
nothing had happened.


He wasn't surprised to hear of the wine factory, after all, that was what he supposedly worked on
along the Universal Trading Company and what they had been saying to Hannah, but one thing
was saying it and another one having between on his hands the files that actually made him owner
of a wine factory, even if just on name.

-I have the principle of don't revealing my secrets, not even to my husband-to-be-

It made him feel nostalgic, of the time the young Count Albert had presented in front of him with
the idea of creating the secret branch later named the MI6 and disguised as the Universal Trading
Company, telling exactly the same words to him, though this time it sounded more enticing as he
had referred as him as his husband-to-be.
What a delight.

Back then he would have never imagined to be on that situation and be called like that by the same
man he considered (and still did, but on a different context) was dangerous.

-But if you really want to know, I'll tell you with the condition that you let me help you-

Haughtily, he leaned closer to him, the silk dressing gown slightly slipping from his shoulders and
revealing just a bit of his collar bones, his long eyelashes imitating the flap of the butterfly's wings
and pink lips curving on a smile.

He really was dangerous, wether he was doing it knowing what he caused on Mycroft or no.

-Wicked devil-

-I intend to be- was his immediate answer, his smile growing bigger as he was already feeling that
he was getting what he wanted.

Well, if he wanted to play like that, they would play like that then, and so, Mycroft let one of his
hands rest on the other's waist, making him get closer as his other hand grabbed one of the long
mahogany soft locks of hair and played with it, his face going closer to Albert's ear.

-What kind of husband would I be if I didn't gave my dear, little wife-to-be what he wants?- his low
voice resonating against his ear, making Albert shiver at least until he heard the last part.

He really hated being called that, something that was crystal clear as he looked harshly at Mycroft,
separating their bodies to a decent distance so he could face him better with a deep frown adorning
his face.

-Evil man-

-I intend to be- oh, how good it felt being able to answer back with the same words the other had
used against him just moments prior.

That's how they passed from a cute, comfy moment of resting together to an exciting, full of
adrenaline one where they were trying to capture the other, running trough all the house like if they
were kids, though surely kids wouldn't point at each other with guns (even when the bullets were
fake) and start what was a really good sparring/hide and seek thing.

Even if Albert hadn't been able to keep training while he was on prison, his body surely still
remembered how to react when Mycroft aimed at him. There was no intent of killing with their
moves, yet they were strong enough to cut the air and, if they weren't cautious enough, they would
have ended with bruises and cuts.

They continued like that for a while until Albert fell to the ground unceremoniously after
overworking himself, his breath coming heavy and panting, cheeks blushed and mouth open to
help him grab more air. Mycroft wasn't better either, but at least he wasn't on the ground.

-You're rusty, young master- Mycroft immediately looked behind him, where the voice had came
from and finding Jack there, looking with amusement at Albert, deciding to help the second one get
up and ignoring the former and the fact that he had entered his house without them noticing.

-Don't... call me that- his voice was choky, and Mycroft loved the way he looked totally blushed,
panting heavily and having problems to speak correctly as he grabbed tightly Mycroft's arm to
steady himself.

Maybe he needed to stop his train of thoughts, at least if he wanted to hide the sadistic thoughts
that were filling his minds.

-I'll leave you alone then-

Albert looked confused at him but nonetheless nodded on agreement, getting on his room with
Jack while Mycroft decided to cool himself down with the bunch of paperwork he had on his desk,
waiting for him and (sadly) not doing themselves.

For a moment everything was on silence, at least until he heard something break against the floor
and hurriedly steps rushing to his office, Mon Chéri running away of whatever had happened and
being followed by the doors being suddenly opened to reveal a very agitated Albert wearing...

-Is that a corset?- and he that had thought that by this point nothing Albert did could surprise him.
That man always managed himself to be a box full of surprises.

-I feel like I'm being choked to death and even when I like that, I don't intend to die for using a
stupid corset- as he spoke hurriedly, he hided behind Mycroft, flinching when he saw Jack enter
the office with another corset on his hands.

-Is not stupid and you better come here so I can teach you proper lady-manners- and before he
could even process it, Albert was already trying to escape but unfortunately for him, Jack was more
agile than him and so just ended being caught by the older man, who, like if nothing had happened,
bowed respectfully at Mycroft before leaving with Albert, leaving him totally confused on his

Being with Albert was as entertaining as always.


The next days passed on a blur and finally, the so awaited day of their wedding had arrived. The
chapel and the garden next to it was beautifully adorned with white flowers, white linen flowing
with the fresh air and, for the first time on little bit less than two weeks since he had got engaged
with Albert, Mycroft had just realized that he was indeed about to get married.

Of course that he had been aware of this, but somehow it had just felt like a dream or something
distant, but now it was real, and it felt even more real since he was standing in front of the full-
body mirror, looking at himself with the pearl color wedding suit, a white cravat around his neck of
the same cloth as his white gloves, hair neatly brushed backwards with just a few wild strands of
dark hair falling over his forehead and a red rose on the pocket of his coat.

-You look good, Director- the soft voice of Miss Moneypenny took him out of his reverie. The
woman had been kind enough to help him get dressed along with Jack, who after finishing with
him went to help Albert. Even Moran had helped him, and that had been totally strange and weird.

It would have been better if his little brother had been there for him.


-I wish you happiness with Count Moriarty, I'm really happy for you two- a soft smile appeared on
her lips, it really was a sincere smile and Mycroft felt bad because the woman really believed that
he was marrying Albert for love, which wasn't entirely a lie, at least for him.

Someone knocked on the door, and after Mycroft said "come in" the blond head of Bond appeared
with a radiant smile on his face.

-Is time-

As he was supposed to, he stood on his designed spot at the end of the aisle, having a better view
of everybody that had assisted to the wedding. There were a lot of people, not as much as a big
wedding as this one was would expect, but it still was a lot, some of them were people that knew of
Albert's true identity like George, Anne, Emily and the MI6 members, others were people who
they had meet before (like Sherlock's partner and his wife) and there was even some people from
the palace.

There were even people that he didn't recognize.

When the music started to sound, everyone kept quiet and immediately looked at the start of the
hall, everyone awaiting the arrival of the future bride with excitement and when Albert finally
appeared Mycroft felt like he was loosing his breath.

He was, to say the least, beautiful, even when his face was covered with the lace veil and he
couldn't appreciate him totally but... Mycroft didn't even know his heart could beat so hard and
fast. Was he about to die?

It felt like if all he could see was Albert walking by the arm of Jack (who was playing the role of
his father) down the aisle, and even the older man was starting to disappear so all he could see was
Albert, walking with soft, decided steps at the beat of whatever the orchestra was playing.

Finally, Albert reached him and Mycroft had to remind himself to extend his hand so Albert could
grab it and together walk the few steps remaining so the wedding could officially start, that's how
with his left hand he took the right one of Albert who, just like him, was wearing gloves just that
those of him were made out of lace and satin.

-What?- even when the veil was covering his face, the amusement on his voice was clear and
Mycroft could bet that he was smiling amusedly.

-Nothing- and he could bet as well that he was looking at him with his emerald eyes clearly saying
"I don't believe you", forcing him to say something -Just... white really suits you-

And it wasn't a lie, white really suited him. His pale skin looked more white than usual but not in a
way that it would make him look sick but instead like an ethereal being that had dignified to come
to earth and bless everybody with his sight.

-It feels like a farce getting married on white when I'm totally stained with blood- his words came
on a whisper, so that the other people wouldn't hear him and because they were supposed to pay
attention at whatever the old priest in front of them was saying.
Another farce because it had been a long, long time since the last time any of them had last heard
about god but is not like you could commission Satan to officiate your wedding ceremony.

-Then...- taking advantage that the priest had turned his back to them, Mycroft grabbed the red rose
on his coat and placed it over Albert's ear, under the veil -Red suits you as well- he didn't need to
look at his face to know that the rose made him look even better.

When the time arrived, Fred gave them their wedding rings, the same that the Queen had gave
them almost two weeks ago, surprising Albert by the fact that it was perfectly fit on his left ring
finger. Even Mycroft was surprised, at least until he remembered that he had seen the Royal
Jeweler on the palace some days before he had got engaged with the man next to him.

After that he was able to lift the veil, and if he had thought that Albert was beautiful before, he was
totally astonished now. He was gorgeous. Beautiful. Handsome. His mahogany hair was tied up
on a bun with two locks of hair falling over his face to cover his jaw and slim his face, a white lace
choker was again covering his Adam's apple, his long lashes moved hypnotically up and down,
covering from times his emerald eyes.

-... you may kiss the bride-

That took from surprise Mycroft and Albert, both looking confusedly at the other and then at the
old priest that was smiling at them. How could they have forgot about the kiss!? Now they were
dozens of people looking at them expectantly, waiting for them to kiss.

Saying "no" was not an option, specially because Mycroft was sure Louis would immediately stab
him to death if he refused to kiss Albert (though he might make the same if he kissed him), but
there was no way in hell that he was doing it, and before he could continue to freak out on his
mind, Albert gingerly cupped his face between his hands and kissed him.

Oh dear god.

Albert was kissing him.

The kiss didn't last for too long, and it had been just his lips brushing those of the other, but it had
been enough for Mycroft to feel like he was dying, going to heaven and then hell, everything in
such a short amount of time that it let him speechless, just being able to look intensely at the
reddish lips that had just kissed him and that were smiling at him.

He had just kissed Albert for god's sake! (well he had been the one kissed but you get it).

And he had really just got married with him!!

His thoughts were a total chaos even when his face still remained the same as always. How was he
supposed to breath?!

-You look like a flustered wife- a soft chuckle made him snap out of his thoughts, and there it was,
a beautiful amused smile on the lips that had just kissed him and that made him smile as well.

He was totally in love with this wicked man.

·Ugly drawing of Albert disguised as a woman·
(Ahhhhh Ao3 lowed the quality I wanna kill myself ahhhhh *screams*)
The link to see it with two grams more of quality: here uwu

Chapter End Notes

Did you ever wondered why the servants haven't said anything about our two dense
men getting married? Simple!! The Holmes house' servants are used to see all kind of
weird stuff happen so they no longer care about two men getting married
HAHAHHAA (blame Sherlock and sometimes Mycroft for that haha)

Also! We already know that Mycroft is head over heels for Albert but what about

And they finally kissed!! (Two times if we count the forehead kiss uwu)

Fun fact: I tend to forget to eat too, like now that I forgot to eat to finish the drawing
and posting this hehe

Now, a (maybe) sad announcement: I'm going to be on exams the next week so the
next update is going to be on 10/30/21!! See you next time!!
Blood over you and me
Chapter Notes

I had a really crazy week and almost forgot to update this haha (help) but hey!! I'm
back from my almost death!! Enjoy!! (⇀‸↼‶)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚

As always!! Kudos and comments are appreciated!! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

See the end of the chapter for more notes

If you asked Mycroft what was more tiring, paperwork and a tons of work or a wedding and its
respective party, he would go for the second one undoubtedly. He was already tired from going
with Albert from table to table offering their thanks for have them on their wedding, receiving the
gifts and greetings and talking to people.

He had no idea how Albert was still smiling and happily chatting with everybody that came near to
them, doing all the talk while Mycroft just answered from time on time with short words.

-They're going to think I forced you to get married with me- murmured Albert, an amused smile on
his reddish lips and making Mycroft chuckle at that. If there was somebody between the two of
them that could be considered to have been forced to get married, then that somebody was Albert.

Sadly, they were forced to stop their little talk when Hannah told them that they were now
supposed to dance their waltz, the first piece, and then everybody could join them on the following

-You know how to dance, right?- asked Albert as he placed his gloved hand over the one Mycroft
was handing him, slowly walking to where they would be dancing and doing a small bow so they
could start with it.

-I'm offended by that question- his right hand grabbed the other of Albert, letting them rest
together on the air, then he placed his left hand on the crook of his waist and Albert placed his own
over his shoulder blade.

Truth was that his father had forced Mycroft to take dance lessons, and even when he had totally
sucked at it on the beginning, now he was at least able to guide his companion without stepping on
their shoes, which was a really good progress that had taken several years. It really helped that
Albert was a good dancer too, making everything easier and allowing them to smoothly dance
around like if they had done it dozens of time before even when it was their first time dancing

Mycroft had never been a fan of dancing, but he had to admit that dancing with Albert was by far
one of the best things they had done together. It felt like walking over waves and swirling around
the depths of the ocean; like floating on the clouds of the warm sunset. It was even better because
he was able to be really close to Albert's face and appreciate better the plump reddish lips that had
kissed him moments ago.

And against all protocol, Mycroft let his head rest on Albert's shoulder, gaining on response some
surprised gasps that he really couldn't care less about since the warmth and the beautiful smell of
roses was embracing him. Albert was almost his same height, which made everything more
comfortable. He could even fall asleep like that.

-Tired?- he felt his stomach churn with mixed emotions when his velvety voice resonated against
his ear. So close.

-As I have never been... how are you still enduring it?-

-I was a noble, this was basically an everyday thing for me- right, even when he had spent three
years on prison he was still the ex-count Albert James Moriarty, the young and enticing noble that
had made the heart of several young ladies explode with love and that was praised as a gentleman
between gentlemen.

Or at least it had been like that before he was known as the evil behind the crimes of the Lord of
Crime, whatever.

They continued like that for a while until the piece ended and, reluctantly, Mycroft had to rise his
head from his comfortable spot and face all the people that soon started to dance as well.
Meanwhile, Hannah approached them with a tender, almost proud smile on her face. The traces of
dry tears on her cheeks being proof that she had cried while they had got married and once again
when they had danced together.

Really, how such a sweet, lovable woman had ended involved in something shady like that opium

-I'll take care of everything, you can go to rest-

On that moment, Mycroft swore that he could even hug the woman that, like an angel fallen from
heaven, had given him the perfect opportunity to finally end with his suffering.

-Oh wait, I have something to ask you- and before Hannah or Mycroft could ask something, Albert
left, leaving them confused until they saw him come back with Louis.

-Br- Jolie, what is it?- quickly Louis called Albert by the name Mycroft had given him. It was still
strange to call him like that but he had to, specially once he was in front of the woman that he
recognized as the one that helped his brother plan his wedding.

-Would you dance with my brother, Hannah?- nobody had really expected Albert to ask that,
specially not Louis who was looking at Albert with reproach, as if he had just been betrayed,
something that the other ignored or wasn't aware of, most likely the former one.

-It would be a pleasure- answered Hannah before Louis could even say something, finally snapping
out of his thoughts when Albert slapped playfully and softly his hand.

-Don't be rude, you can't leave a lady waiting-

Doing as he was told and against his chagrin, Louis extended his hand to Hannah who happily
grabbed it. What was better than dancing with a handsome, beautiful man? Nothing.

-Sorry, I know that you want to go and rest... but I really wanted to see LouLou dance- chuckling at
the cute nickname Albert had used with Louis, Mycroft let his head once again rest on Albert's
shoulder, this time from behind him so he could see everything better. His hands resting behind his
back even when he wanted to hug Albert by behind.

-I don't mind it, I'm actually intrigued by the kind of dancer Louis is-
He was, actually, a pretty good dancer. He had been shy at first but as the piece had continued he
seemed to be more and more comfortable and confident, and since Hannah was a lovable woman
that liked to dance, it was all easier.

-He's my little brother, of course he's a good dancer- the confidence and proudness on his voice
was so clear that it almost made him look like a proud parent, bragging about his little LouLou (one
part of him really wanted to piss of Louis by calling him like that, but he still wanted to keep living,
thanks) as much as he could and whenever he had the opportunity to.

After Louis and Hannah finished dancing, fireworks started to light up the night sky with all kind
of colors, and since everybody was looking in awe at the sky, Albert took his chance and grabbing
Mycroft's hand, being as discrete as they could, they left the party with heavy sighs, sighs that just
increased when they arrived to Mycroft's house and saw it filled with gifts and other things that
made it almost impossible to walk trough.

-Oh look! There's wine!!-

Albert's eyes seemed to sparkle with joy when he saw the bottle of wine on the table next to the
sofa, sitting there and hurriedly opening it with nothing more than a spoon, surprising Mycroft who
could just chuckle at that and go to the kitchen for two glasses so they could drink the wine... or at
least that had been the plan until he saw Albert drink directly from the bottle until he felt Mycroft
bemusedly looking at him.

-...What?- with the back of his hand he got rid of some droplets of wine that were falling down his

At that moment, more than a just-married he looked like an abandoned wife drinking herself to
unconsciousness; his hair slightly made a mess after he took off the veil carelessly, the red tint on
his lips slightly smeared on the corner, some tiny droplets of wine falling from his lips and bottle
of wine on his hands.

Was it bad that even like that Mycroft thought he looked good?

-...Nothing- and just like always, what he said didn't correspond with what was he thinking. Maybe
he was as a good liar as Albert was.

They continued drinking for a while, this time using the glasses instead of drinking from the bottle,
though they were still looking like abandoned husbands sitting so carelessly like that on the couch.

-Are you using a corset?- Mycroft asked when by accident his arm brushed the waist of Albert,
feeling something hard over it and remembering the same feeling from when they had been

-Oh... yes, Jack forced me to- leaving his glass of wine on the small table he started to undo the
buttons of the dress and giving his back to Mycroft talked again -Help me get rid of it, I feel like
my ribs are getting broken-

Laughing and telling him that it was impossible to die from a corset (which was half lie because it
did was possible, but it wasn't common), Mycroft started to help him and decided that corsets were
definitely the worst and most complicated thing on the world as his fingers were tangled between
the straps and it took him some time to finally understand how they worked.

-Master, do you need som...-

The soft voice of Emily made them froze on place, and the young maid got frozen too when she
saw the so indecent scene in front of her of Mycroft undressing Albert on the middle of the living
room, or at least that's how the young maid had interpreted it. It didn't help the messy state in
which were their clothes, hair and even the lip's tint on the younger's lips.

-Excuse me!!- and hurriedly, stomping on her steps and almost hitting herself with the door, she
left the house, leaving the two men on the room still puzzled until Albert laughed at her cute
reaction and blushed face.

-Isn't this the second time we traumatize poor Emily?-

-Your fault, for taking advantage of me- Albert started to act like a defenseless lady that had just
been attacked, his eyes were even glistening as if he were about to cry at any moment. A really
good acting that surely would have convinced Mycroft hadn't he known the truth.

Ignoring totally his acting, Mycroft finally freed Albert from the corset and the crinoline, both
things were like a cage in some sense, making the youngest sigh with relief when he was finally
able to get rid of everything and stretch his body, a small blush appearing on Mycroft's cheeks as
he caught a glimpse of his collar bones when the inner layers of the dress slipped from his
shoulders, revealing his soft, pale skin.

Though before he could keep appreciating the pale skin, Albert started to walk to the stairs with
the tiredness evident on his face, just like Mycroft who without loosing a single moment followed
Albert, going to his own room after saying a tired "good night" that Albert just answered with a
soft "Mhmm".

When he was taking off his shirt the door of his room suddenly opened to reveal Albert, already
using his pajamas and shamelessly getting on Mycroft's bed, making himself comfortable on the
right side of it and then looking at him when he felt the questioning gaze over him.

-I said I was sleeping with you from now on, now shut up and get in the bed- as if he had been able
to read Mycroft's mind, he answered like if it was the most obvious thing on the world, without and
ounce of shyness on him.

-Couldn't you have waited until I was dressed at least?- giving up, he just turned his back to Albert
so he could have at least some privacy while putting on his pajamas, facing the other one once he
was dressed and loving the view of Albert braiding calmly his hair and fighting with some tangled
locks of his hair on his bed.

A fantasy on its own.

-Why? Are you shy?- playfully he winked to him, a smirk on his lips -Don't be, you're actually
really well-built-

Ignoring totally what he had just said (for his own sake) he turned off the lamps and before getting
on his side of the bed, murmured a low -Sleep- accompanied with a harmless tap of his middle
finger on the other's forehead.

Usually, they would wake up before the sun raises even, but they had been so tired that they didn't
wake up until the "chirps" of the birds started to make present, maybe the sunlight would have
slipped trough the window to the room and the bed if the dark curtains hadn't blocked them.

Once again, Albert woke up to the feeling of something heavy over him, blinking multiple times to
be able to see what was over him and smiling when he found Mycroft peacefully sleeping with his
head over his chest, his dark hair tickling against the naked part of his skin, one of his arms over
his abdomen and his legs tangled with his owns.

-Shall I get accustomed to the fact that you like to use me as a pillow?- playfully he pinched his
cheek, jumping scared on his place when Mycroft let a low growl scape from his lips after being
woken up like that.

-I'm just not used to share my bed, if you don't like it just say so and I'll go sleep somewhere else-
and even when he had sound harsh and careless, in part because he had just woken up, Albert knew
better that he was concerned and truly cared, just that his voice was too rough (and his words chose
hadn't been the best too) to let others know.

-First of all, that's a sad confess... And I just like to tease you, that's all sleeping beauty- at that
Mycroft just rolled his eyes, kind of annoyed at the first part but then just accepting that apparently,
that was going to be his nick name from now on and that he could do nothing about it.

-So is the Count Moriarty as accustomed to share his bed with many people as the rumors says?- he
asked, teasing back as he started to stretch his back before sitting on the bed so he could face
Albert better.

-Rumors?- and he stretched himself too, reminding Mycroft of the way Mon Chéri would stretch
himself as Albert was making weird movements to put his joints and bones back on their place -
And well I'm used to it, I'd always sleep with Will or LouLou whenever I could-

-At this age?-

-Why not? I'm sure you did the same with Sherlock-

Sure, he would sleep with Sherly sometimes when they were kids, but it had been more than
twenty years since the last time they had slept together, partially because Sherlock would say that
he was too cloying and partially because Mycroft had started from a young age to learn from his
family's work, which took a lot of his time.

-Believe me when I say no, if we were going to share the same room for more than an hour with
him we would end killing each other-

-You say that but you love him, don't you?-

-I'm afraid my love isn't as kind and pure as yours is for your brothers, I love Sherly but he's a total

Albert just could laugh at that before finally getting out of the bed, going to the bath and then to his
room to get changed so they could meet with Hannah, who had finally accepted to take them with
her to one of the reunions at the club she would so excitedly talk about whenever she could.

Surprisingly, they arrived to a small tea house that wasn't luxurious at all, it was pretty though.
Hannah guided them trough the hallways and to a small room with several seats and couches
scattered all over the place so people could peacefully sit on them and eat from the appetizers near

There were three couples, all six people looking at them with intrigue and murmuring things for
themselves, most likely gossiping, with small wood pipes on their fingers where they're smoking
opium, something that made Albert shrug his nose on disgust.

Weird. That was all Mycroft could think as his eyes wandered all over the place, memorizing the
people's faces and the place while Albert happily chatted with Hannah about nothing on special,
and even when he seemed to be totally concentrated on his talk, his eyes were as well wandering
all over the place, memorizing it and maybe, planning different ways to get out of there, or at least
that was what Mycroft could guess from the way his emerald eyes were fixated on the doors and
going from one place to another.

-So what do you think?- asked happily Hannah, making both men ask themselves how somebody
so cute had ended involved on something like that.

-Is more calm and common than what I thought-

-Well, if you were expecting something more fun then you are going to love the main reunions
and...- suddenly she stopped, bitting on her lower lip as she realized that she had said more than
what she was supposed to, something Mycroft and Albert recognized pretty well since she had
done that some times before.

-Main reunions?- Mycroft asked, making the woman shiver under his gaze.

-W-well... you haven't been approved to officially join the club yet so...- oh, so they had to be
approved first. It sounded like a lot of bureaucracy and Albert totally hated it. How an illegal club
that was the root of the opium problem on London had more bureaucracy than London itself?

-Then I can't wait for it, I'm sure we are going to have a lot of fun, specially if the others are as
charming as you- taking between his hands those of Hannah, Albert happily spoke, smiling widely
when he saw her eyes shine with happiness and shyness -Right, Mon Chéri?-

-Absolutely- this time he smiled as well, something that made Hannah smile even more and
excitedly say that she would do her best to let them join the main reunions as soon as possible.

Under the excuse that they were still tired from the past day, which was true but not entirely the
main reason, they left, taking a carriage since Albert seemed to be about to pass away at any
moment with all the sun, heat and clothes he was under.

Letting a tired sigh came out of his lips, Albert started to fan himself with his hand, loosening his
choker and tucking his hair behind his ears, and even when the constant wish of arriving home so
he could get rid of the clothes kept filling his mind, he still locked his eyes with the sapphire ones.

-Weird?- he didn't even had to explain what he was referring to since it was obvious Mycroft was
talking about the tea house.

-More suspicious than weird-

-So you thought so too. If I have to guess that's just a facade, such a little tea house can't be the
root of the problem... something they use just to fool and keep appearances-

It was what Albert had thought too, plus, the smell of the opium on the tea house and the one on
Hannah was different on a way that Albert couldn't understand, deciding to ignore it for the
moment so he could say something that he had been wanting to tell Mycroft since they entered the

-They were studying us, the other people that were there-

-Did you recognize any of them? They didn't look like nobles or rich people even when they were
trying hard to look like ones-

Sure, at first sight they could have looked like ones, but the way the women would use the fan on a
weird way like if they were not used to it, the weird way in which the suits of the men were
arranged, even if it could look like a simple coincidence, it was clear that they were faking as well,
for a reason different to them though.

Strangely, Albert was not answering back and instead his cheeks looked flushed, was it because of
the heat? No, somehow he looked uncomfortable too.

-What is it?-

-I...- his cheeks seemed to turn redder when he was discovered, wearily sighing before answering -
I can't recognize faces, they're just a blur to me-

That was something he hadn't expected to hear, and even when he was enjoying the view of a very
flustered Albert, he reminded himself that it was not time for his hopeless love on the other.

-But you know every noble and can recognize them easily- taken aback by the sudden confession,
Mycroft couldn't help the tough tone his voice came in, startling the other on the process.

-Well I recognize them by their voice, attitude , and other things but faces...-

At that moment, Albert looked like if he had committed the most atrocious crime on the whole
world, something that might have been truth for him since he tended to consider himself as useless,
specially if he had started to compare himself with his little brothers.

Sometimes his love and admiration for his youngest was like a burden.

-I'll describe them to you, tell me if you know them-

Mycroft started to describe them, remembering every single characteristic the three couples on the
tea house had, and Albert would deny with his head since he couldn't remember them.

-...brown hair and blue eyes, a mole on her chin, was using an old fashioned red hat, the other...-

-Wait- and like he was told to, Mycroft stopped talking, waiting for whatever Albert wanted to say
or was trying to remember -was she also using red nail polish?-

-Yes, it seemed to be on a bad state-

-She was the mistress of Baron Burton, lost all his properties on gamblings four years ago and so
she left him. She was a prostitute before meeting the Baron, I bet she was wearing an over-
exaggerated make-up too- to say that Mycroft was surprised by the fact Albert could recognize the
woman just by the way she was dressed and perfectly know her past, was the least.

The way the Moriarty brother's mind worked was a total mystery even for him and Sherlock.

-Is really easy to make her speak, which gives me an idea-

-We're not killing nor torturing her- Mycroft said with a harsh tone before the other could even
finish his words, gaining a small pout appear on his lips -We're just paying her a visit-

A visit, that's how he liked to call the way he would go and check on the troublemakers that the
Queen asked him too, of course, he would never do it personally, the MI6 would take care of that,
which meant it wasn't precisely pacific at all, but maybe this time he might need to do it on person,
since asking any other member of the MI6 was out of discussion.

-So you forbade me from killing her but we're visiting her?- purposely he exaggerated the way he
pronounced that word, specially because he was fully aware of what a visit from the Director or the
MI6 meant -Is pretty much the same-

-Never said it wasn't-

An outraged "huff" left Albert's lips, finally arriving to Mycroft's house and after getting out of the
carriage with the other's help, he started to undo the clothes over him as soon as he was inside the

Without been asked too, Mycroft helped him get rid of the fluffy and overwhelming clothes,
something Albert was really grateful with since it allowed him to tuck his hair on a messy bun to
cool himself.

-Now I'm curious, can't you see my face?- Mycroft asked while he was unbuttoning the dress
behind the other.

Slowly, Albert turned around so he was facing Mycroft, cupping his head between his hands and
intensely looking at him for a moment before speaking, never taking his gaze out of his face.

-I can but is like puzzle pieces scattered over the floor, and if I stop looking at you your face kind
of melts like a candle-

At the mental image Albert felt goosebumps, partially because the image wasn't pretty at all and
because he had just admitted that he was useless enough to not even be able to do something as
simple as remember or recognizing faces.

-You know you feel shy at the weirdest things?- playfully, Mycroft brushed his fingers against the
flushed cheeks that in response got redder.

-I'm not!- I- Shut up!-

Oh, that reaction was priceless and beautiful, but even when he wanted to keep making him get all
blushed he still appreciated his life the enough to stop.


-It was really easy to make her speak- Mycroft said once he saw Albert on his office, lending him
what he had grabbed from the woman's desk before leaving. It was opium, but it seemed to have
been combined with something else since its appearance was kind of different.

His visit to the woman had been easier than what he had thought, and so he waisted no time to tell
Albert all the woman had said like if her life depended on that, which was true by the way.

-So we need the recommendation of at least three members and the approval of the leader? What is
it? The university?- Mycroft could just laugh at his comparison, but it was true and that made it
even worst but not less funnier.

-They are really cautious, makes you wonder what else they're hiding-

-The Queen sent you this by the way- Albert extended then a white envelop that Mycroft took
almost immediately, opening it with the paper knife and then reading it.

His face clearly contracted on something between disgust and tiredness as he kept reading,
something that didn't go unperceived by Albert who even if was calmly drinking his wine and
looking to other side, still caught a glimpse of the other's reaction that just accentuated once he was
done with the letter.

-What is it?-

Instead of answering Albert's question, Mycroft started to rub his temple as if to calm himself,
sighing deeply before finally answering the other's question.

-Apparently there have been some kids gone missing from orphanages and Scotland Yard haven't
been able to find them even after almost a year- well he wasn't surprised by their incompetence but
a year was way too much, even for them.

-So, a new case-

-She wants you to help me deal with it-

At that Albert almost choked with his wine, his eyes wide open by the surprise and Mycroft gently
patting his back to help him regain his composure.

-Me? Why?-

-How should I know what goes on her Majesty's mind?- she was unpredictable, like the time she
had asked them to get married just so they could deal with the opium problem -We should focus on
this first, I already made the woman recommend us to that hellish club-

-You don't lose time, do you?-

After that Albert grabbed some of the files over the desk to start reading them, writing when
necessary and discussing some things about them with Mycroft who was more than happy to
finally have some help with the boring paperwork. Albert was really good doing the paperwork,
and maybe because they used to work as subordinate-boss it was easy for them to know what the
other write and that for others would look like mere scribbles.

It was really good to have Albert, specially for two reasons, the first one was that Mycroft'd didn't
need to explain him how or what to do, and he didn't make questions about the files either; from
time on time he would murmur a soft "oh" when something catch his attention but then he would
keep going as if it was nothing.

The second reason was that he was a delight to the sight, and he wasn't saying it just because, you
only needed to look at the way his emerald eyes covered on his long dark lashes would move from
one line to the another to know it. Sometimes he would bite the fountain-pen while reading
something, making his plump lips look more appetizing, his mahogany hair tucked on a messy bun
that let some stray locks of hair fall over his face, his wedding ring shining under the light of the
It was hard to concentrate with his stunning handsome face and intoxicating roses scent clouding
his mind, but at least looking at him had its benefits, like being able to see the way his emerald
eyes wouldn't stop looking at the clock since some brief minutes ago.

-Are you going out?- by this time Albert was already slowly accepting the fact that he would never
be able to hide something from Mycroft, but still it didn't make it any better.

-Hannah said she wanted to give me something, want to come?-

Mycroft was quite surprised to hear that Albert's relationship with Hannah was really good, to the
point that they would even talk about insignificant things apart from their wedding, and after
thinking it for some time he agreed, he wanted to see the woman and know more about the club,
plus he had already finished his work for that day thanks to Albert.

In no time they saw the woman awaiting for them outside her door, excitedly hugging Albert that
after composing from the shock of it returned the hug. Mycroft was sure that the woman could
have even hugged him, but before she could do it, he kissed the back of her hand as a greeting, not
really wanting to be hugged and something that Hannah seemed to understand.

-You two came!! You surely are a lovable couple!!- she spoke excitedly as they went inside, taking
seat on the couch.

-Not as lovable as you are-

At Albert's compliment and soft smile, Hannah felt her cheeks blush fiercely. No matter if Albert
was dressed as a man or a woman, he was charming enough to stole the hearts and attention of
everybody around him.

-You're just being kind now, if I were as lovable as you say I wouldn't still be single at this age-
well she had been married but it had been a long time since her divorce so she considered himself a
single old woman.

-I'm sure you'll find someone soon, you're indeed lovable- that innocent compliment Mycroft had
made without thinking made both Albert and Hannah look at him as if he had suddenly grown
another head or as if he had said something unbelievable. He was able to make compliments too,
why were they looking at him like that?

-T-thank you Mr. Holmes!!-

If her cheeks had been red before, now she looked like a bright apple under the summer sun; her
mouth opening and closing like a fish as her eyes were going from one place to another, not daring
to look at any of the two men (though for her were a man and a woman) that were making her heart
beat fast.

-R-right!! I wanted to give you something!! Let me go get it-

A few seconds after Hannah disappeared with her face totally flushed, Albert playfully leaned
closer to Mycroft, and even when there was a smirk on his lips, the confusion was still visible on
his eyes.

-Did you just compliment her?-

-Jealous?- as he answered he let his hand put one of the mahogany locks of hair out of his face, his
emerald eyes were so beautiful to be hidden behind them.
-No, I just never thought I would live to witness the day I could see the Director compliment
somebody like that-

For a moment they kept staring at the other piercingly, and hadn't it been for the clik-clak of
Hanna's heels they would for sure have started to point at the other with their guns, maybe
something more, but for now all they could do was smile widely (at least Albert) when they saw
Hannah get closer to them, a gift box on her hands.


A loud pum and the crash of the window broking didn't let her finish her words, and soon blood
coming from her abdomen started to tint with its crimson color her pink dress.

Almost on reflex Albert took the gun that he kept under the skirt of his dress (the only good thing
about the voluminous clothes were that he could hide as many weapons as he wished) and then
dropped to the ground, Mycroft doing the same just that he also went to check how was Hannah

She didn't look well at all, the shoot on her abdomen appeared to have reached an important artery
since the blood kept coming out of the fresh wound, her breath turning unstable and the color on
her face slowly draining away, her hand clutching hard on Mycroft as if looking for something that
kept her alive.

-We need to take her to the hospital-

Albert didn't need to be said something more, and in no time he already had a carriage waiting for
them, Mycroft took her on his arms after telling her to make pressure against the wound with what
used to be a white handkerchief, now totally stained with crimson blood.

The way to the hospital was proving to be tortuous, Mycroft doing his best to kept Hannah
conscious and restraining the hemorrhage while Albert kept looking at all the directions in search
of something that could hurt them, or something that was wrong, like in that moment were they
had make a turn were they weren't supposed to.

-Hold her tightly-

Ans without the need to be said something else, understanding what it was about, Mycroft hold
Hannah closer to him, comprehending exactly what Albert was doing and then seeing him grab
another gun from under his dress, kicking the carriage door with his foot and after that he shoot at
the coachman.

-We were deviating from the road to the hospital- he screamed so Mycroft could hear him before
jumping to the driver seat and see the man fall to the ground with a loud tump.

Hopefully, he would survive to being shoot and then falling to the ground because they still had
questions for him, but at the moment it was more important for Albert to take the reins of the
horses and drive to the hospital or Hannah could die and that was not an option.

So, as crazy as it was, the hospital soon saw a woman covered on blood holding on the reins of the
carriage that had already lost a door arrive to them, just to seconds after see a man coming out of it
covered on blood as well and holding a pale woman with a bloody wound on her abdomen,
something that made the doctors and nurses snap out of their bemusement and hurriedly start
attending the wounded woman.

Just after seeing Hannah disappear behind the operating room's door they were able to look at the
disastrous state they were in and the reason why patients and medical personal were avoiding them
with scared expressions, after all, who wouldn't get scared after looking a pretty woman covered on
blood and holding two guns as well as a good looking man with a deadly expression on his face
covered on blood too.

-I'm going to see if the man is still alive, wait here- said Mycroft after some moments of silence,
deciding that it was better to do something than wait outside the operating room.

Albert just nodded, his pupils still dilated from the adrenaline but the mortified expression on his
face wouldn't go away.

Even when he was covered on blood, he looked so defenseless like that, and maybe because of the
adrenaline of the moment, because he wanted to comfort Albert or because he needed it too,
Mycroft embraced tightly Albert, his nose nuzzling against the soft mahogany hair and feeling his
own self relax a little bit when the roses scent embraced him just like the shaking arms that hugged
him by the waist.

-Take care- his velvety voice came on a whisper brushing against his ear, and even when the
embrace was comfortable he still had things to do, reluctantly separating from Albert just the
enough to let him see nod with his head on agreement and then start walking away.

What a fucked up situation.

Chapter End Notes

... hi haha

Well, well, well... they just got married but they're already facing death wow

Also! Chapters are getting longer and longer (the last one I wrote is like 9k) and idk
how to feel about that

And yup, the "real" plot is starting now... god and satan pls give me the power to be
able to write it as I have it on my mind

See y'all on the next update: 11/6/21 love you

Nights have never felt this bright before
Chapter Notes

I almost forgot to update this haha

So, on my funny anecdotes/stories time: My whole family got intoxicated for eating
some meat because it had some clenbuterol on it... this dear author almost passed
away haha

But hey!! I'm alive so enjoy the chapter!! Comments and kudos are appreciated as
always!! (✌゚∀゚)☞

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The coachman had died the moment he hit the floor and the police was already taking care of the
corpse, so without something more to do, Mycroft went back to the hospital after getting ride off
his coat and gloves totally stained on blood.

Out of the operating room was Albert seated on a bench, the blood already dry on his face, clothes
and hands that kept fidgeting the guns on them. A disconcerting image for a lot of people to see a
pretty lady behaving on such a weird way, but not for Mycroft, specially because he knew he
wasn't a fragile woman on distress.

He really looked good like that by the way, or maybe he was way too head over heels for him.

-She's still inside- Albert murmured when he saw by the corner of his eyes Mycroft a few steps
away and then taking seat next to him.

-I'm sure you have already scared the whole hospital-

-Mhm? Why?- he asked with total innocence on his words, making Mycroft ask himself just how
his brain worked before answering with sarcasm.

-I don't know, maybe because you're covered on blood and keep playing with your guns?-

At that Albert murmured a soft "Oh" to then lift the skirt of his dress and put the guns back on its
place, revealing on the process his pale legs and soft-looking, firm thighs adorned with the high
stockings and the garters on the middle of the thighs securing the stockings, something that made
Mycroft bit the inner side of his mouth.

-Have a little bit of shame- his eyes still fixated on the pale, milky thighs.

-Is not like there's something impressive down here that they might want to look... well there is
something but I doubt they want to see that-

-Just... put down your dress- with the heat filling every inch of his body he pulled of the skirt to
cover the shameless man's legs that was just laughing quietly at his not innocent at all joke, his
laughing expression slowly changing to a more serious one, though it still was relaxed.

-Was he dead already?- his head resting over the other's shoulder. He didn't even need to clarify
who was he referring to, at least not for Mycroft who knew the other well enough to know that.

-Yes, the police already took care of the corpse. I want to go back and check for any possible hints
of who made this-

-Then go, I'll wait here until I receive some news-

At the moment Albert lifted his head from Mycroft's shoulder, the older was able to see the pitiful
expression on the other. No, it was not pity what was drawn all ever his face, it was hate, hate
towards his own self for putting on risk Hanna's life and probably fucking up the mission. Or at
least that was what he seemed to be thinking at that moment.

-It wasn't your fault-

The surprise on the emerald eyes was clear, but then a soft chuckle left his lips when he realized
that he really couldn't hide anything from the other.

-I know that-

-Then why you look like you're ready to kill yourself as punishment?-

-I really hate I can't hide anything from you, but I won't kill myself if that's what worries you- he
answered after a few moments of silence, deliberately looking into the sapphire eyes when he said
the last to let him know he was speaking seriously.

-You better not, you are the one always saying this but I don't want to be a widower either-

-Why no? You could marry a pretty woman that you truly love then, plus you won't have to deal
with me-

-I'm not interested on that-

-On marrying a woman? Or on stop dealing with me?- a playful smirk already drawing on his face,
clearly wanting to annoy Mycroft who to Albert's surprise returned the same cocky expression.

-You'll have to guess that-

Before Mycroft could leave, a doctor called for them and started to explain Hannah's condition.

She had lost a lot of blood and the doctors were trying really hard to save her as they were still on
surgery and there was a high possibility that she would stay some time unconscious after the
surgery due to the blood lose, it could be days, weeks or even months, which was a total nuisance
since she was the only hint they had to the opium club. At least she had already recommended
them, and with the Baron Burton's ex-mistress recommendation they only needed one more and
they could inquire more on the hellish club.

The only problem was find another person that could recommend them, though it wasn't exactly
the biggest problem Mycroft was facing at that moment, not when just a few steps away from him
the young doctor was all blushed while talking to Albert, who seemed to be really oblivious, or at
least didn't car at all, about what was causing on the young man.

-Please take care of her- had it been because Hannah was important for the mission? Or maybe
because Albert was starting to get a like for the woman? the only thing he was aware of was that he
didn't want her to die, taking the hands of the doctor between his owns and looking directly at him
to make his words clear.
-O-of course! We- I'll do my best!!-

-That's comforting then- if the doctor's cheeks had been flushed before, now he was totally red and
flustered as he saw the plump lips of Albert curve into a pretty smile. Apparently not even the fact
that his face was splattered with blood was enough to make the doctor step back.

Before realizing it, Mycroft had put his hand on the waist of Albert, making him get closer to his
body on something that he didn't recognize but that was making his blood boil. How strange.
Anyway, he got what he wanted as the doctor (finally) took several steps aback with flushed

-I-I'll... go and check on the patient then-

After they saw the doctor disappear once again behind the operating room's door, Albert turned
around to face Mycroft, their bodies pressed together thanks to the strong grip he kept on his waist
and his head slightly tilted backwards so he could see Mycroft better and due to the almost
insignificant height difference.

-You are acting like a possessive husband- his emerald eyes looking defiantly at him, something
that just made the grip on his waist grow tighter to the point it was starting to hurt and a whimper
died on his throat before any of them could recognize it.

Maybe he would leave marks there.

-You say it as if I was acting like a jealous man- his jaw tensed when Albert put his hand on his
waist, imitating the strong grip Mycroft kept on his body and leaving for sure the traces of his
fingers there as well.

-And isn't it true? Though such a gentleman like the Director is would never feel jealous of
someone like me, who was just talking with an innocent young doctor, right?- his mouth then
formed an innocent smile, hiding perfectly the amusement behind that fake innocent face.

If Angels existed, then they would look like Albert exactly at that moment. A fake innocent face
splattered with the blood of the one he had killed, hypnotizing naughty eyes, a fake pure smile
tempting those who looked at them; a strong grip leaving marks on the one that loved him so

Such a gorgeous, perfect sight.

But if Albert was an angel, then he was the devil. His lips slightly curved on an amused smirk, a
strong hand caressing the blood on the other's face while the other hand was tightly on his waist,
leaving red marks that sadly would fade away in just a couple of moments; low voice reverberating
against the other's ear.

-Was he your type?-

-Are we talking about the type of man I'd like to use for my convenience? Or the type of men I'd
gladly let rearrange my guts?- his other hand holding to the older's shoulder on an attempt to regain
his composure and his lips curving on an amused smile.

-For God's sake Albert!- like if the youngest was burning he let go of him, taking some steps back
and furrowing his brows at how shameless he had been. It was not exactly what he had said, after
all, Mycroft was not that innocent either, but he would appreciate if Albert hadn't said it when a
group of nurses with three kids were passing by and looked at them totally horrified.
The flushed face of Mycroft was so funny that Albert couldn't help the laugh that left his lips, the
back of his hand covering his mouth as he continued laughing heartedly, feeling proud of having
won their little teasing thing.

-Hurry or the ones that made this might clean all the evidences-

And not letting Mycroft say something more, Albert rushed him to go, an amused smile still on his
lips as he pushed the other out of the hospital.

What a devil man.

By the time the day was starting to end and giving way to the sunset, a nurse came out of the
operating room and after telling Albert that Hannah was on a stable condition for the moment, he
saw Hannah came out of the operating room, unconsciously lying on the stretcher, and get installed
on a private room at petition from Albert.

When he arrived to Mycroft's house (using the already damaged carriage), he wasn't surprised to
not see him on there, not even on his office, and after passing trough a mirror he almost gasped
when he saw the state he was in.

Now he understood why everyone kept looking at him with horror and disbelief.

He needed a bath specially if he didn't want to end peeling his skin off his body, but first, he
needed to clean his wedding ring that had been splattered with blood without him realizing and put
his clothes into some vinegar and warm water or the blood stains were going to stay there for the
rest of the times, something he didn't want to happen since it had been a gift from Louis.

The warm water against his body relaxed his tensed muscles, his head resting backwards on the
cold bathtub, his body totally covered under the water and his hair tucked on a messy bun to
prevent it from getting wet, or at least totally soaked.

-Albert?- Mycroft's voice echoed on the hallway as well as his steps against the wood floor,
snapping him out of his almost sleep.

-I'm taking a bath, what is it?- he then heard Mycroft stop in front of the bathroom's door, leaning
closer so Albert could hear him better.

-It's about the new case I told you in the morning-

-Come in then- when no answer nor movement from the other was made, he spoke again -It is
important isn't it? Just come in, is not like I have something you have never seen before-

After a brief seconds the door opened to reveal Mycroft with his hair slightly messed up, looking at
him, with that strong gaze of him that gave him goosebumps on disbelief.

-You really are shameless-

-And you surprisingly puritan-

Playfully, Albert splashed a little bit of the water that reached Mycroft, tiny little drops of water
running trough his jawline and to his neck, getting lost on the edge of his clothes. It was
entertaining to look at them.

-They took the kids to a boat- his low voice reminded Albert of the important conversation they
were supposed to be having -Apparently they have the intention to take the kids to a ship next and
then they'd be sell on Europe-

-So we need to take them out of that boat before they can put them on the ship-

-Precisely, there's only one problem-

Albert just sighed at the thought that of course there had to be a problem, because anything was
that easy; he just wished that it wasn't something exhausting or really troublesome because his old
bones weren't going to be able to endure it.

-The boat leaves tonight, we have...- and taking out of his pocket his watch he checked the hour -
Forty minutes before they leave-

-Bloody hell Mycroft you could have started with that!!- They had only forty minutes and he dared
to speak so calmly!? Just what was he thinking!?

Hurriedly he stood up from the bathtub, getting dizzy at the sudden movement and revealing his
nudity; and since he was all wet from the bath and a little dizzy he ended slipping when he had
tried to get out of the bathtub and clenching hard on Mycroft (who was the first thing his hands
grabbed) to prevent from falling. Wet hands clenching on the white shirt and messing it.

-Slow down- his hands were on the wet waist of the Albert to give him support, though maybe he
was making too much pressure since the skin that surrounded that area was starting to turn red -I
already have a carriage waiting for us, there's no need to rush-

At that Albert just could sigh wearily, totally defeated to then make use of his wet hands and mess
the dark hair on a childish revenge that just made Mycroft laugh.

-Again, I'd appreciate if you have said that before-

Mycroft just shrugged on response and laughed at the pout the other was making. He loved teasing
Albert from time on time (or maybe always), and seeing him act so carelessly had been really cute
and enjoyable, specially because he had been able to hold the wet, naked body between his arms at
least until the other decided it was enough and walked to his room to get changed.

What a shame, he had enjoyed the view, specially the red marks that were starting to change to a
purple color on the waist of the other, product of his strong grip earlier that day.

He looked good on clothes too, and maybe because it had been a while since he had used a suit, at
that moment he was really stunning. His thin waist couldn't be hided under the suit, nor his plump
ass that was remarked unlike the moments were he was disguised as a woman. God, he was
breathtaking wether it was on a suit or on a dress.

If you asked Mycroft how he preferred Albert, on a dress or on a suit, he would for sure have
problems answering that.

-What?- Albert asked confused when he felt the intense gaze over him, specially when he had
crouched down to secure the laces of his shoes.

-Nothing, let's go-

Just like Mycroft had said, there was already a carriage waiting for them, but Albert never expected
that the one driving it would be one of the Queen's man, the same one that had gave him that
bouquet of roses and caused (without knowing) the almost death of Mycroft.
Their way to the Thames was quickly yet calm, and it reminded Albert of the days where William
would come up with all kind of plans to help their goal. The night was clear too, so bright for him
even when the sky was clouded. It somehow felt as if he had traveled back on time, with the tiny
difference that now the front seat was occupied by Mycroft, his sapphire eyes looking at his pocket
watch and that seemed to be the more beautiful pair of stars.

In no time they were already on the Thames, and leaving the carriage behind they started to walk
until they saw the boat they were looking for. It was big with two levels, almost the double of a
normal one, though it was still small enough to be able to navigate trough the Thames.

Slowly, they started to enter the boat, their steps not making a single sound and their eyes open to
help them see better trough the darkness of the night. They kept walking trough the first level of
the ship, looking for any suspicious sing and for the kids.

-Look!- even when he was whispering, Mycroft still could hear the surprise on his voice and so he
went to see what the other was referring to -They have my favorite wine here!-

On disbelief, Mycroft just sighed before keep walking and ignore totally the way Albert was
tucking inside his coat the bottle of wine, deciding to go to what seemed to be a secret room
downstairs while Albert went upstairs.

When he entered that room, the smell of blood immediately reached his nose, it was combined with
mud making the smell worst. Mycroft could even swear that the corpses were already starting to
decompose as the overwhelming smell was combined with the others two. Fortunately, it didn't
smell like humans corpses (because then the smell would be ten times worse), and after checking it
he realized it was just a bunch of decomposing fishes along muddy fishing-nets.

This also meant that he still needed to find the kids that were supposed to be five on total.

When he heard the wood of the boat crack behind him, he turned around just to see a man that was
about to stab him with a knife, or at least he would have done it if Albert hadn't shoot to the man's
leg, a pain scream leaving his lips before being knocked out by Mycroft.

-Don't kill him- was all Mycroft said when Albert started to tie the man with a rope, tightening it
maybe too much but oh well, is not like the man could speak, at least until he regained

A small movement caught Albert's attention when he ended with his task. It had been almost
imperceptible, yet he was sure that he had seen something move behind a rusty table, that or he
was being way too paranoiac but he never was, and under the curious gaze of Mycroft, he walked
slowly to where the table was.

Suddenly, he felt something (most likely a knife) cutting trough his right cheek when he was just
steps away from the table, and Mycroft immediately kicked it out of the way to reveal two kids
with the adrenaline and fear drawn all over their small faces.

Mycroft then immediately recognized them as two out of the five missing kids, great, now there
were only three left.

They were one boy and a girl, the boy seemed to be older than the girl and had been the
responsible of the knife thrown against Albert who just looked with wide eyes the mark the boy in
front of the girl had on his left side. He had no time to keep looking at the boy though, not when
the cracks of the wood upstairs were becoming more and more loud, indicating that somebody was
coming near them and without a word said between them, just a brief exchange of looks, Albert
went to face those coming from upstairs while Mycroft went for the kids.

The boy immediately put the girl behind him on a protective way, looking harshly at Mycroft who
cold just kneel down to the kids level.

-I know you don't trust me but if you don't come with me we're all going to die- well, maybe he had
exaggerated the situation a little bit but if it worked to rush things then he didn't care.

Even after his words though, the boy still was looking harshly at him, and as much as Mycroft
hated the idea of messing with the soft spot of a kid, he talked again.

-Don't you want to protect her?- at that the boy seemed to flinch, biting his lips before doubtfully
extend his hand to the one Mycroft was offering him, and when the kid was about to fully lay his
hand over the bigger one, Albert entered the room and took both kids on his arms to Mycroft's and
the kids surprise.

-This is no time for talking-

Right, manners and ways didn't matter when you were literally fighting for your life so Mycroft let
it be, appreciating the fact that at least Albert hadn't separated those two even when he seemed to
have a little bit of trouble walking on he wavy floor of the boat with two kids on his arms,
something that left him totally vulnerable and forcing Mycroft to defend himself and the other
three of their attackers that just seemed to increase on number.

Now they were five man on total surrounding them, one of them was the one Mycroft had knocked
out and that still seemed to be out of him.

-I have an idea- great, that's what Mycroft wanted to hear -We might die though- that's something
Mycroft NOT wanted to hear, absolutely no.

-It better don't be burning this boat to ashes-

When Albert didn't reply back Mycroft just could sigh because that had been exactly what Albert
had been planing, but oh god, that silence had been a better response than the one he got later.

-Then I guess you're not going to like what I already did- and exactly when he finished his words,
the overwhelming heat of fire embracing all the ship surrounded them. The fire was spreading
even faster thanks to the wale oil on the old wood floor.

He had no time to scold Albert, he could do that later if they survived, so ignoring for a moment
the awkward smile the other was giving him on apology, Mycroft grabbed Albert by the arm and
started to pull him near the outside of the boat, having to shoot from time on time to the few men
that were still trying to capture them and not being engulfed by the hot flames.

Albert started to panic when he saw that instead of going closer to the shore, they were moving to
where the depths of the Thames were, something that Mycroft recognized as soon as the emerald
eyes made contact with his owns.

-You'll have to trust me- and after that he pushed Albert with the two kids into the river, following
them just a few seconds after having shoot another man that was coming way too closer to them on
the arm.

When Albert was ready to protest, Mycroft pushed his head after warning the kids with a "hold
your breath" so they would go deeper into the river, being on time to save them from the loud
explosion the boat made and the burning pieces that were flying on the air and that soon were
falling into the river. It was relatively easy to avoid the burning pieces since they were still under
water, though it would have been easier had it been just the two of them.

By the time they finally resurfaced, they were far away from the remnants of the boat, having to
swim a little bit more to reach the shore and get out of the water with totally soaked clothes. At
least the kids seemed to be doing good, clenching hard on Albert's wet clothes until they were
passed to Mycroft so they could get out of the water.

It had been a crazy night and now the dim colors of the morning were starting to appear on the sky,
the fog of the morning starting to make its appearance as well as the occasional chirp from some

The Queen's man gasped when he saw Mycroft and Albert come back with totally soaked clothes
and each one of them holding a kid, but deciding that it wasn't a good idea to question them he just
opened the carriage for them, helping Mycroft and the little girl get on it and when he was about to
help Albert too, the boy on his arms was passed to Mycroft.

-Take them with you- and just god knows how, the wine inside his coat had survived too, passing it
to Mycroft who had more important things to care about than a bottle of wine, like the fact Albert
was clearly planning to go somewhere else and do who knows what.

-Where are you going?-

The poor Queen's man was just shivering at the way the two man were looking piercingly at the
other, his eyes nervously going from one of them to the other and that were totally ignoring him as
Mycroft was holding Albert by his wrist and making it crack from how strong he was holding it.

-I have something to check, I promise I'll be back before the day ends- well that wasn't reassuringly
at all because the day was just starting, literally, but nobody could stop a Moriarty when they had
an idea on their minds, so Mycroft just let go of his wrist with a defeated sigh.

-Don't die-

-Can't promise it- the singsong way he had said it totally annoyed Mycroft to the point he wanted
to put a bullet on his legs so he wouldn't go away, but instead he just looked at the other piercingly
and talked with a low, serious tone that scared (even more) the Queen's man.

-Albert James Moriarty-

-Ok, I promise it- why did it sound like a father scolding his reckless kid? Kid that didn't care at all
about his own safety nor the promise he had just made because promises were really meaningless
to him.

And when Mycroft was ready to close the door of the carriage, Albert pulled from the collar of his
shirt, leaving his face dangerously close to the oldest one and then putting his plump lips near the
other's ear were he murmured something so low that only Mycroft could hear it.

-The four leaf clover orphanage- and then he left, leaving the Queen's man with flushed cheeks and
Mycroft with furrowed brows.

What a reckless man.

After seeing the carriage disappear on the streets of London, Albert allowed himself to sigh and
look with incredible disdain the boat on flames, specially the ashes remnants on the shore that
most likely had been left by one of the man while trying to scape. He needed to find somebody
whiling to help him, and who better for that than the oh so caring colonel Moran, specially
because he was the only one he could ask for help (without revealing the farce of his marriage on
the process) and the one that, if he guessed correctly, was nearer.

But first, he needed to caught the rat that was trying to scape trough a dark alley, meeting the end
of his entire life when Albert caught him to get the information he needed, which was, the location
and details about the same orphanage he had told Mycroft just a moments ago. Unlike his
brothers, he was not the type to spare other's life that easily, so after he confirmed the death of that
rat he threw the corpse to the Thames.

So after getting done with it, he started to walk through the cold streets of London, borrowing
(though he had left some coins in exchange so it was more like buying) one of the dresses he saw
on the backyard of a house, putting on it because it was starting to dawn which would increase the
chances of somebody seeing him, and because his soaked clothes were starting to make him shiver.

He now just needed to get to were the colonel was, and it was clear that if he wanted to know
where he was he should go and ask on the pubs and betting houses, under the excuse that he was
looking for his brother that had escaped with their old mother's treatment money and finally
receiving the information he needed when one of the waitress told him that Moran was upstairs,
and after walking upstairs he was facing an old wood door.

Usually he would knock on the door but oh well, is not like he wanted to bother with useless
protocols and so he opened the door with a loud slam of it.

-I knew you were going to be here!- oh yeah, maybe he should have knocked the door first, at least
if he wanted to save his beautiful eyes the so disgusting scene of Moran over a woman, both totally
naked and clearly not playing twister since that hadn't even been invented yet.

Moran was clearly surprised and then annoyed to see him, and who would he be if he hadn't
enjoyed that expression on his face? He enjoyed, no, he loved that expression on the colonel's face
so much that he decided to play with him a little bit more.

-You're cheating on me again?- he said with fake tears on his eyes, his hand covering the smirk on
his lips though it could pass as if he was trying to stop himself from crying out loud.

-You are with someone?- the pretty face of the woman immediately turned different, her brows
furrowed as she looked questioningly at Moran.


-Yes he is, we're even married, look- he replied back immediately, showing his left hand as he did
so. It was a good thing that he had put on his wedding ring -I can't believe you're doing this again,
what about or little William and Louis?-

-You even have kids!?- by this time the woman had already kicked Moran out of her, hurriedly
picking her clothes from the floor, something that Albert really enjoyed to watch.

-Yes and we also have a cat named Felix, so if you could get out...-

-You're despicable- and with a loud slap of her hand against Moran's cheek she let both men
speechless, at least until she walked until where Albert was standing at the frame of the door -If he
ever cheats on you again just let me known and I'll help you kill that bastard- and then she left,
both men still surprised.

-I like her- and he meant it, he actually liked the shameless and careless personality of the woman,
plus anybody that slapped Moran was already on his good side -Weren't you with Bond though?-
which was something that almost everybody knew since well, they haven't been that discreet about

-You said so yourself, were- with a loud growl he put his hands on his face, covering his eyes and
most likely remembering himself the ten reasons why he shouldn't kill Albert. Number one and two
were William and Louis respectively.

-So he dumped you and now you're whoring yourself to forget?-

-What do you want?- he asked clearly more annoyed than before, tucking the sheets around him so
the other wouldn't see his nudity.

His question made Albert remember the reason why he was there on the first place, something he
had forgot because seeing Moran get slapped was the best and a really good memory that he would
make sure to treasure on his mind.

-Right, I need you to come with me-

-Why would I even do that after you literally called me a whore and ruined my night?-

-It's already morning, and to they why... Because I know you're bored, and because it happens to
have something to do with William and Louis... well, with their past-

At that Moran seemed to calm down. Albert and Moran didn't have the best relationship, indeed,
half of the time they were wishing they could kill the other (the other half they were tryin to do it),
but when it came to William and Louis they could join forces and team up, something that was
clear as the other man just sighed defeatedly before accepting to help him with whatever he needed
help with.

-Wait outside, I'll get changed-

-We don't have time for that, I'll tell you everything while you put on some clothes- carelessly he
sat down on a chair, moving around just a bit because of the dress and then looking questioningly
at the man that looked at him with a serious expression.


-Isn't your lovely husband gonna be jealous if he finds out you were alone with a naked man?-

-Why would he be? and believe me, you have nothing I haven't seen before- then a wicked smirk
appeared on his face -Unless you're not confident with your siz...- his words were cut when Moran
throw the sheets to his face, almost making his neck crack for the rude movement.

-I fucking hate you-

-The feeling is mutual, now hurry-

Moran once again closed his eyes, remembering himself that if he killed Albert, William would
come back from wherever he was and kill him, something that was starting to sound as a good plan
but he didn't want the overprotective Louis or the Director chasing him down to his very painful
death, so he would have to endure this.

-Remember that I met Will and LouLou when they arrived to the orphanage I used to visit?- oh, so
they were starting from the beginning of the whole world. Great.


-Before that they were on another orphanage, it was for short time but it doesn't erase what they
went through there- the cold way he had said immediately put Moran on alert. It was really weird
to see such a serious expression on Albert's face, but whenever it happened it was as terrible as
when Louis discovered that you had messed up with his kitchen or his brothers.

-Were they abused?- Albert took his time to answer this, fidgeting instead with his wedding ring
before finally answering.

-The orphanage was proud of making cute, intelligent, good looking, little kids that were the
perfect merchandise for old, creepy nobles-

-So basically they trained and educated kids to sell them as whores to nobles?-

-Pretty much yes- the mere thought made Moran want to throw up and kill those bastards, specially
if they had done something to do with any of the blondes Moriarty.

-So Will and Lou...-

-Oh no, they escaped before they could be fully bloomed and sold- he said the last with a disgusted
face, specially because that was how the people on that orphanage referred to the kids that had
finished their training and that were ready to be sold -They stayed on that orphanage for less than a
month, not enough time to corrupt them but the enough to let Will and LouLou learn a lot-

Seeing that Moran was fully dressed and with his snipper gun hanging on his back, he started to
walk to the outside with the tallest man following him.

-What does it had to do with the actual situation then?-

-The Queen asked us to take care of some rumor of kids disappearing from some orphanages- he
didn't need to clarify who was "us", it was clear for Moran -Found a boat that was about to sell
them though we only found two kids out of five, but they have the same iron mark on their side as
the kids from that orphanage-

Great, another reason to want kill those bastards. Just why would people decide that iron-marking
people, kids more importantly, was a good idea? He was going to make sure that those same
disgusting people suffered the same pain and humiliation from it as the kids had gone trough.

-Will and LouLou took care of that hellish orphanage before they left, but apparently some of those
people survived and were trying to restart... that-

-So, what are we doing?-

Albert then stopped, turning back to face the evident taller man and hating the fact he had to raise
his head to make eye contact with the other. Fucking Moran.

-We are ending them-

-That's what I wanted to hear- and like an excited kid he smiled, a soft chuckle leaving Albert's lips
as he saw that the other haven't changed at all on those three years -Can I kill them?-

-Leave at least one alive, I have to interrogate them-

-Poor evil soul, is going to wish I'd killed 'em-

Well, Albert wasn't going to deny it since it was true, after all, Moran had experienced from first
hand the sadistic little wicked he could be when needed.

Chapter End Notes

Hello, it's me

I suck at action/fight scenes, sorry *cries* 。゚( ゚ ▽ ゚)゚。

Also!! This is the last chapter you can make your bets about whether Albert has
feelings for Mycroft or he is just a really oblivious, dense man!!

Now, I wanted to tell you that the updates are going to be once every two weeks
because dumb me hadn't been able to write that much lately so yeah!! I always make
sure to have at least other five chapters ready when publishing one but now I'm
running out of them so yeah- I think that what I said doesn't even makes sense haha (I
need to eat help) (●´⌓`●)

But don't worry!! Future chapters are around 10k (which is almost the double of this
ones) so it is going to be as if I still updated every week

Anyway, so the next update is going to be on: 11/20/21 I love y'all and see ya
The white brooch
Chapter Notes

Excuse any mistake, I didn't mention it before but English is not my first language so I
still have some problems with it

I also updated this while I was one exam so I'm not even sure what I did hahah- help-

Enjoy!!! I love y'all

p.s. the rating changed, and that's because of a reason

See the end of the chapter for more notes

When Moran had said that the poor evil soul was going to wish he had killed them, he meant it.

Albert could look like a handsome, refined, elegant man... or a loving, beautiful wife; but under
that perfect, loving, harmless facade was perfectly hidden his blood lust and will to see everything
burn and turn into ashes. The last time he had seen Albert like that had been when they were on
India, just like now because someone had dared to mess with those he loved, and the mere memory
of it was still able to cause him nightmares.

Of course that even if he told this to anybody, they would never believe him since the ex-Count
had mastered on lying and hiding the truth to even William and Louis, which was on itself a hard as
fuck thing to do. The two young Moriarty could be considered the worst of the three, but that was
only because Albert was too busy dealing with other things, like socializing, and preferred to leave
everything to his youngers since he considered they were better than him.

His true self was so well hidden that not even him seemed to realize how fucking scaring he could

-Come on, we still have things to do-

And like if it was nothing Albert let the corpse crash against the cold floor with a loud thump,
showing how little he cared about the now dead man. They were on a basement so nobody would
ever be able to find the corpse of the poor soul that had dared to be a threaten to those Albert loved
and cared for, he had basically begged to be killed.

-I have the sudden desire to let the Director take a look at this side of yours- maybe he should have
kept his thoughts to himself, or that was what that the cold emerald eyes told him, feeling like a
pray in front of a predator; though he soon started to laugh sarcastically, erasing totally the traces of
coldness from his face.

-He was my boss, bold of you to assume he has never seen it before- and when he moved slightly
his neck it made a loud crack that startled even Moran -And I'm sure that even without seeing it,
with that brilliant brain of his he already knows it-

Moran felt himself throw up at the so proud way Albert talked about Mycroft (goddamn lovebirds),
but at that time it was more entertaining to see the ex-count move his joints and make them crack
like if he was a broken doll until he decided that it was enough and started to walk again, passing
Moran and slightly brushing against him.

-Albert- Moran called with annoyance on his voice, making Albert stop for a moment and look at
him with an innocent smile, a quiet "mhm" being all he gave as an answer -My wallet-

-I have no idea what are you talking about- his eyes looking at him puzzled even when the traces of
a smirk were already forming on the corner of his lips.

All Moran did was extend his hand to him, waiting for the moment the other would finally dignify
to give him back his wallet and wanting to kill the other when he saw not only his wallet but also
his cigarettes being lend back to him.

-You're not funny-

Fucking hell, now he remembered why William and Louis didn't like giving Albert field work, and
that wasn't only because they were overprotective brothers, but also because the adrenaline made
of him somebody that loved to tease (even more), didn't appreciate his own well being at all
(again, even more), came with even crazier plans and liked stealing and pickpocketing whatever
caught his attention.

Just god knows how he was so good at those things.

His eyes then followed the ex-count, seeing him pass trough a random man and taking from him a
red lollipop that he had been holding against his chest along with other groceries. The only good
thing was that he didn't steal pricey things, but that didn't make it any better and this made Moran
sigh for the thousandth time on just that brief hours of the morning.

That was going to be a hard day, and he really was going to need to kill one of those orphanage'
bastards if he didn't want to kill instead, by mistake (please not the sarcasm), Albert.


With the kids clutching hard to his coat and the bottle of wine inside of his waistcoat (really, how
had it survived to bullets, fire and the Thames?), Mycroft got out of the carriage when they were
finally in front of his house.

It was hard to open the door with two kids on arms so he had to leave them on the ground, though
they still kept clutching tightly at his coat like if they were desperately trying to grab something
that would keep them alive. Not something kids should do.

Once inside, Mycroft again kneeled down to be at the kid's level, taking note of their dirty clothes
that on the past must have been of a pristine white and the dirt on their skin that he was sure was
not only mud but blood too.

-Let's get you a bath-

It somehow amused him the way the kids kept following him to everywhere he went like baby
ducks following their mama duck, and maybe what made the situation even more amusing was the
fact that even when the boy seemed to be still eager of him, he still followed him everywhere he
went and had panicked when they had lost Mycroft on the hallways of the big house for a moment.

While the kids were inside the bathroom doing their best to get rid of the mud and blood on their
bodies, Mycroft went to check on his office what Albert had told him before leaving.

The "Four leaf clover orphanage" file contained the information about the incident where the
orphanage with the same name had ended being consumed on flames along all of the caretakers
one night fifteen years ago. Surprisingly and miraculously, the kids had been playing on the
garden, on something they called a treasure haunt, so they didn't got harmed, just some minor
injuries but nothing more.

At least that was what the newspaper had said and even what Scotland Yard knew.

As almost every big case on London, there were secrets about that incident that only him as the
Director, and thus responsible of dealing with them, had access too. Everything the rest of the
people knew was true, but it was not even the half of the whole truth.

That orphanage had been selling kids to nobles and rich people who wanted them, to do what?
From being slaves and servants to sex toys, everything, and what was worst is that on the
orphanage they taught the kids that it was the only way they could live, that it was the reason they
were born for and thus, what they should do without any doubt. Basically, they brainwashed the
kids and made of them the perfect dolls.

The orphanage had pretty high standards too, not accepting kids that had bad looks because that
was everything to them, of course that intelligence was important too but they could always teach
the kids all they needed to know to be perfect dolls, from manners to arts and philosophy, and of
course, the perfect way to pleasure their future masters.

Exhaling a tired sigh Mycroft let the files back on their place, going back to where the kids were
still taking a bath with his head full of thoughts. It wasn't that hard to know why the kids had been
rapped, and even when even when there were no traces of the other three kids, there were still two
survivors, the kids that were now opening the bathroom door after their bath, wrapped around
fluffy towels making them look like fuzz-balls.

He still had something to check on them so he guided the kids to a guest room, helping them get
dressed, under the very intense gaze of the boy, on new clothes and finding what he had been
searching for. An iron mark of a four-leave clever on their left side; a burn that marked them as a
property of the orphanage and that would never go away.

But it wasn't the biggest problem Mycroft was facing at that moment, no, his biggest enemy at that
moment was help the little girl (that was starting to fall sleep) brush her long, messy hair. It had
been really easy with the boy (even when his hair was a mess too) but since the girl had a really
long hair it ended being a whole trouble because when he was done brushing a lock of hair, another
one would get tangled and being then a never-ending task.

Now he wanted to know how Albert always kept his long mahogany hair flawless and smooth,
allowing him to run his fingers trough them and even after Mon Chéri had used it as its favorite toy
or after waking up, it still remained flawless.

Without all the dirt, mud and blood on heir bodies and fresh new clothes - that were way too big for
them but that would have to do for the time - it was clear why they had been rapped, at least if the
standards of the orphanage were still the same.

The boy had pretty big eyes of a clear gray mixed with green, pale skin and deep black hair, a cute
round face, long black lashes and a beauty mark under his left eye. The girl had maybe the
weirdest eyes Mycroft had ever seen, apart of the ones from Louis and William of course, her eyes
were of a clear purple like crystal, hair as black as the one of the boy but with a white lock on the
middle of her head, pale skin, and chubby rosy cheeks. If he had to guess, the boy was between
nine and ten years old while the girl was younger, maybe six or seven years. Both surely cute even
when one of them was still frowning at him and the younger one was looking sleepy, her eyelids
almost totally closed.

Right, even him was starting to feel the weight of the full of trouble days he had been having... that
or maybe he was getting old.

-Are you hungry?- had there been somebody else around, they would have fainted or got scared
because Mycroft never, repeat this, never, showed such a pure, wide smile to anybody... maybe just
to Albert but the times he had smiled to him like that the other one was peacefully sleeping and he
had no plans on telling him about this because he was sure the younger would just end with a
bigger ego.

But that wasn't time to remember how cute Albert looked while sleeping, so mentally shaking his
head to get rid of his thoughts, he focused once again on the kids.

What was he supposed to do with them though?

Yes, he had taken care of Sherlock from almost since he had been born (thanks to his father that
had been way too busy with his work to bother about his second kid and his always sick mother
that passed away just days after giving birth to Sherlock) so he wasn't that ignorant about how kids
worked, but unlike his Sherly who was really talkative and rowdy, this kids were totally silent and
he had no idea how much he was allowed to do and say without giving them the wrong impression.
Maybe he should start with the basic of socializing, presenting himself.

-I'm Mycroft, what are your names?- important thing while talking to kids, get down to their level
so they can see you better and thus, trust you easier. No one feels comfortable speaking with
someone tall as a tree that literally towers over you.

The boy again seemed to be debating on his mind wether trusting the unknown man in front of him
was a good idea or no, and after some time of pure silence the kid finally spoke.

-Aster- a short answer and then with his head he pointed to the girl next to him, resting her head
against his shoulder -She's Selene-

Well that was already an advance, and is not like he needed more so he started to walk downstairs,
being followed again by the kids without even asking them to do so.

-You don't seem to have bought us so what are you planning on doing with us?- the sudden
question took him aback, making him stop on middle of the stairs and remembered him that his
worried expression wasn't just because he was on an unknown place with an unknown man, but
also because there was only one thing someone like him could want to do with them, at least at the
kids eyes and because of the way the orphanage had raised them.

If he had to be honest, the idea that they think of him like that was really disgusting, but that was
just an expected response.

-For now, feeding you- and when the boy was ready to protest, most likely to demand an answer
for his question, Mycroft spoke again -And is true that I didn't buy you-

It could seem as if those words weren't that big or important, but for the kids it was a big relief and
allowed them to follow Mycroft more freely to the kitchen that soon started to be filled with the
delicious smell of butter and meat wafting all the way to the table, making the kids and even
Mycroft salivate.

When had been the last time he had eaten something more that wasn't tea? The day after his
wedding? He didn't even remembered been able to have breakfast the past day.

Soon three plates with juicy meat and some vegetables fried with butter were on the table, the kids
looking with big shiny eyes the food and then Mycroft, who felt lost for a bit but then understood
the unsaid questions on their eyes.

-Go ahead- he didn't need to repeat his words a second time for the kids to start swallowing down
the food, almost choking from the big bites they took but never slowing down. They looked like
squirrels with their chubby cheeks all inflated with so much food.

They didn't look malnourished so giving them meat wasn't a problem, which was a really good
thing because that was the only thing on the kitchen aside from a bottle of milk that was totally
reserved for Mon chéri.

After the kids had devoured almost half of their food, Mycroft decided to get some answers that he
really hoped they would answer because there was no way he could torture kids to get what he
wanted, even him had his limits.

-Were you the only kids on the boat?- at his question both kids stopped eating, their cheeks still
full with food making it impossible for them to answer at least with their voices, so instead the girl
shook her head from left to right on a sing of denial.

-How many more were there?-

The boy then forced himself to swallow as fast as he could the food on his mouth, choking a little
bit on it before opening his mouth to speak with a soft, harsh voice.

-Three... but they were already dead when we arrived- that was going to be a problem, specially
because there was no way they could now confirm that the three kids that had died were the same
that they were looking for, at least unless this two kids saw the portraits of them and confirmed
they were the same kids with them, but that would have to be for another time.

At least they had rescued two of them.

-Continue eating- and then they did as they were told.

He started eating too, catching by the corner of his eye a glimpse of the bottle of wine Albert had
got (robbed, whatever) from the boat.

What would Albert be doing at that time? He just wished he wasn't causing problems.


After a sudden crisis of sneezes, that made some people ask him if he was ok, Albert finally
allowed himself to see where he was walking by. It really didn't help that the sun was making his
eyes prick, watering them even more after his multiple sneezes.

He had taken care of the orphanage situation and Moran didn't want to spend more time with him
and risk his own sanity and wallet so he was now all by himself, walking trough the streets of
London with the sudden feeling that somebody was talking about him.

More likely shit, there was no way somebody could be talking good things about him.

-I was wondering who could be sneezing so much- when he heard a feminine voice coming from
behind he got a bit startled, jumping a little bit on his place before turning around to see the one
that had talked -So it was you-

A few steps behind him was a woman with a purplish dress and a parasol of the same color
covering her from the sun. He wasn't able to recognize her face but he didn't need to, all he needed
was to take a look at the way she was smiling; he could recognize that smile anywhere.


-I should be the one saying "Albert?"- and nobody was a nuisance to him as much as this woman,
so now he had no doubts -What are you doing dressed like that?- the question obviously pointing at
the fact he was disguised as a woman.

Before he could even say something though, a new crisis of sneezes kicked him. He had never
enjoyed the sun because it made his eyes watery (reason why he was always inside the carriage
when he had to go out) but apparently after three years of imprisonment and basically null sun, his
"sun allergy" was even worst.

Fortunately for him, the woman named Elise was fully aware of this fact and grabbing him by the
arm helped him reach the carriage from where she had come from.

-Get in, we can talk about that later- and as he was told to he got inside the carriage, thanking the
napkin that had been offered to him to dry his eyes to then confusedly thank the man that had
offered it to him and that he was noticing just at that moment.

Apparently he was Elise's husband, and after presenting himself he got out of the carriage, leaving
just the two of them on the carriage. Huh. This one was new.

Oh no, he shouldn't have got in that carriage because now he had no way to scape from that
question, specially not because Elise was clearly not willing to let him go without an answer.

So after sighing he answered, giving her the short and totally incomplete story of how he had
married Mycroft, obviously not saying the motive. It was a good thing that Elise knew him well
enough to know when she was allowed to ask for more information and when to keep silence.

Clearly, now that was one of the moments were she wasn't allowed to ask more, so she just decided
to focus on the fact that Albert was in front of her dressed as a woman and with a sparkly gold
wedding ring on his left hand as proof of his recent marriage that, if she remembered correctly, had
been in the mouth of a lot of people since it had been a gigantic wedding and everybody wanted to
know the fortunate woman that had married a Holmes.

If only they knew that said woman wasn't even a woman.

-I see that you're as unpredictable as always- really, couldn't this man stop with his crazy and
suicidal ideas for just one second?

-And I see that you still have a terrible taste on men-

At the immediate response, all Elise could do was look at him troubled and after seeing that he was
talking seriously she could just open and close his mouth several times on disbelief before
speaking with incredulity on her voice.

-... we were together-

-And that's how I can prove that you have a terrible taste on men- well, she had to grant him that.

-So you got married? And with a man? Now I get why I dated you on first place-

-I'm surprised that you married a man too, thought you'd run away with some woman, like your
personal maid-

Oh yeah, every time they met each other it always ended like this, with harsh words and indirects
that could cost them their lives but, they enjoyed that. It was refreshing for both of them to be able
to behave like that without having to care about what others could say or hurting the other.

On a way, they were more like siblings than ex-lovers (if you could classify them as that because
they were clearly never attracted to the other).

-Not everybody is as shameless as you... might know- she purposely let that silence between her
words, giving them a double meaning that Albert immediately recognized -I didn't have other
option, but enough with my tasteless love life, what about your husband? He's a Holmes isn't he?-

-A wonderful man, at least more than that ex-husband of yours for sure- a perfect smile drawing on
his face and giving him the look of a proud wife.

None of them liked the asshole that had been Elise's ex-husband. At least her actual one seemed to
be decent enough to not be receiving harsh words and disgusted looks from the woman.

-Every other man is better than that useless man- with a totally tired expression she moved her
hand from one way to another, making it clear that she didn't like her ex-husband, plus she was
more curious about her childhood friend's husband -Do you love him?-

-Why would I?-


Who on their well being would miss the chance to piss off their ex-lover/sibling/childhood friend?
Certainly, not Elise, that's how an amused smile appeared on her lips when she saw the way Albert
hesitated for a brief second before answering her question.

-Don't try to lie to me, I know you-

-Don't flatter yourself, nobody has the pleasure to know me that well to be able to say when I'm
lying or saying the truth- which was true, Albert was so used to lie that it came naturally from him.
Sometimes he even surprised himself at how easy he was able to lie.

Even his brothers had problems identifying when he was lying or no, but Elise had her methods to
get what she wanted to know, that and the fact that she knew Albert was way too apathetic to
bother on doing something if that wasn't giving him a certain benefit or something that he desired.

-You wouldn't have gone to the extreme to dress like a woman just so you could marry him if you
didn't love him at all-

-I just married him so I could get out of prison. Life is boring as a lovely wife but it was more on
that gray ceil- on an almost sarcastic way, he quickly blinked making his long lashes move up and
down, trying to imitate a poor, defenseless wife.

Elise could just sigh wearily at the way Albert didn't loose a single moment to immediately answer
her back with a perfectly planned argument. He would have been a terrific and perfect lawyer.

-Maybe I can't tell when you're lying or no, but at least I can tell when you're trying to hide your
feelings and thoughts behind a careless mask-

A chuckle that soon got transformed on a laugh filled the carriage, it looked so sincere and heartily
that it could even made you forget he was making fun of you, and that even when it was not being
say out loud, it was clearly a "You can't do it".

-Then, tell me that you're not shamelessly flirting with him as a way to hide your feelings for him. I
wouldn't be surprised if you even had already fucked him... or let him fuck you, yeah, the second
one is the more probable-

This time the one with a big smile was Elise, enjoying and fearing both parts equal the way that
mocking smile slowly disappeared from Albert's face to reveal a more serious expression. It was
scaring to see his pretty face so serene while his emerald eyes burned with contempt and his hands
clutched hard on fists.

He really hadn't changed at all, not only on appearance but on his terrible nature too.

-Now I remember why I broke with you- this woman really made him feel on edge, but even when
his insides were itching for getting ride of her he forced himself to look at somewhere else to
distract his thoughts, fortunately, the white brooch that Elise was wearing on her collar was good
enough for this.

Oh~ Mycroft would have to praise him for solving their last problem.

-Because you and I are clearly not interested on the other gender? Or because I can see trough the
walls that you have constructed around yourself?-

This goddamn woman, couldn't she see he was trying really hard to NOT throw her out of a cliff
and help her get out of her very boring marriage? He could be an asshole, but he still cared for this
woman that one way or another was his friend.

-Both, one more important than the other-

-Are you going to kill me? For have seen trough your facade- ah, how well she knew him. It was
scaring if Albert had to be honest.

-Maybe- closing his eyes for a moment he took some deep breaths to alleviate his headache before
speaking again -But not today, I still need you to do something-

-And what would that be?-

A smile appeared once again on his face, a smile that was able to send shivers down Elise's back
because it made him look like a pure angel, something he definitely was not. Totally disgusting.

-Write a recommendation letter for me so I can join this club you are part of- leaning closer to her,
Albert tapped with his index finger the white brooch she was wearing.


-You're getting yourself into something dangerous again, aren't you?- this time the one having a
headache was Elise.

-I can't say no to that-

And with that her head just started to ache even more, specially because Albert was smiling
innocently like if he was a kid asking for candies instead of being an adult asking to be put on a
dangerous situation, again.

Just why were the three Moriarty brothers always getting themselves on troubles? And why they
had to be so convincing? It was really hard to not give them what they wanted even if you knew it
could kill them, literally.

-Let's go to your house then, I've something to discuss with you and your lovely husband before I
write the letter-

Wasting no time, Albert told the coachman to drive to his house, cursing himself for asking help
from Elise because now he was being told the one and million reasons why he was going to die
young if he continued with his suicidal plans. He wasn't that young though, he had already
surpassed the life expectancy... maybe.

Once they arrived, Elise felt the smile on her lips increase when she saw the roses planted all over
the front garden. They were as red as blood, and even when they were really hard to rise on
outdoor gardens they were still blooming perfectly. Maybe Albert's feelings were reciprocated,
otherwise, why would there be such beautiful roses, exactly the same ones Albert loved, when he
was a total disaster on gardening?

The only thing here was, was this perfect husband of Albert as dense as him? Because if he was
then it was going to be a total headache.

And while she was already suffering her second strong headache on that day, Albert realized that
the door was locked (something that could mean that Mycroft wasn't inside) and two, he didn't
have the keys to open the house, which meant he had only one way to enter.
Said way was, of course, break into his own (was it his?) house.

-Wait here-

Without waiting for an answer, Albert started to walk to a big tree and then, after taking off the
dress (because he had been using his suit under that dress), started to climb the tree. Yes, just like
that, he started to climb the tree and Elise saw him with disbelief on her eyes for a brief moment
before checking that nobody could see him.

If you can't stop them at least do your best so they don't get caught.

Fortunately for him, a window on the second floor was open, and after taking some impulse from
the branches behind him, he jumped to that window, opening wide his eyes when he saw Mycroft
pass trough the same window.

Like if it was being played on slow motion, Mycroft saw Albert jumping from the tree to the same
window he was passing by, and before he could think of something else he just opened his arms to
receive Albert who imitated his action, both of them landing on the floor on a loud way.

The hit hadn't been that hard for Albert thanks to Mycroft who had received all the impact, so after
panicking a little bit when the older wasn't moving at all, maybe because he was over him, he
helped Mycroft stand up, an apologetic smile on his lips as the other was still trying to process
what had just happened.

-We have a door you know?- oh fuck, he had broken Mycroft... that was what Albert thought as he
saw him trying to walk on a straight line but instead hitting himself against the wall.

-Forgot my key- he cupped his face between his hands, and then he checked for any possible injury
on Mycroft who just needed a little bit of time to compose himself, and to Albert's relief, a small
chuckle escaped from his lips at the null sense everything made.

He really looked good with that micro-smile on his face.

-The kids are eating by the way- right, he had totally forgot about them, but it was good to hear
that they and Mycroft were doing well.

Come to think of it, he seemed to be smiling more than usual... maybe he really had broken him!!
No, it seemed to be different, or maybe he was just trying to avoid his guilt.

-You seem to be on a good mood- Mycroft just shrugged at it, resting it importance and when
Albert was about to ask more he remembered that he had left Elise waiting for him on the entrance
of the house.

-I brought someone-

That also remembered Mycroft that he had left Albert act as he pleased, something that guaranteed
an excellent job but at the same time it secured a lot of trouble and disaster. The last thing he
needed at that time was more files to fill with excuses of why it had been strictly necessary to burn
a boat to ashes and rob a bottle of wine.

-Whoever it is please tell me you didn't cause problems- this was the Mycroft he knew, and feeling
more relieved Albert let a playful smile appear on his lips.

-They won't be a problem if you don't put them on the reports-

And after winking at Mycroft, Albert started to go downstairs being followed by Mycroft who just
sighed at his behavior. When they passed through the kitchen, Albert saw the two kids on the
dinner table swallowing a piece of the peach cake he had been saving for later, something that
made him look harshly at Mycroft who just ignored his furious gaze and instead opened the door.

He had a soft spot for cute things, ok? And it wasn't his fault that the kids had looked so cute when
he mentioned the peach cake. But it was better don't tell this to Albert, at least if he wanted to keep

Going back to reality, when he opened the door he saw a woman with dark blond hair wearing a
purple dress and a parasol of the same color, her almond eyes opening wide when she saw him and
her mouth forming a perfect "o" shape as if she was totally lost.

She didn't react until she saw Albert pop out from behind Mycroft who felt slightly intrigued by
their mysterious guest and the way she kept looking to him. Her neck most be hurting for looking
up at him so intensely.

-Didn't you want to die?- the sudden question directed to Albert startled both men -Go and do it, I
promise I'll take care of your husband-

-You don't even like men- Mycroft was a little surprised when he heard Albert talk so carelessly to
the woman that kept looking at him with evident happiness. He wasn't the type to be rude,
specially not with women, so this was rather surprising.

-So? Such a greek god can't be a men, just go and die-

And then Mycroft saw with amusement the way they started to fight like if they were kids, harsh
words leaving both their mouths until Albert heard Mycroft chuckle behind him, something that
reminded him that they still had things to do.

-Mycroft, this is Elise, I brought her so she can write the recommendation letter for us- and with an
innocent smile directed to Mycroft, he made the white brooch (the same that Elise had been
wearing on her neck just moments prior) appear on his hand like if it was a magic trick.

Mycroft didn't pay attention to it nor the way the woman named Elise was clearly on shock at the
sudden lose of the brooch, he could worry about those things later, but the fact that this woman,
that was part of the same club they were supposed to investigate, was on his house really made him

Just what was Albert thinking?

-Relax, she might not look like it but she actually knows when to keep silence- Albert told him as if
he had been able to read his mind, a soft smile on his lips trying to reassure him that everything
was just part of his plan.

-If it reassures you, I participated on some plans of him and his brothers-

Well, it wasn't exactly that knowing this made this whole situation any better, but surely the fact
that Albert could behave like himself (a total rascal and really childish) with her and that William
had left her alive already spoke good things from her.

So Mycroft let the woman enter his house, his sapphire eyes looking her every movement even
when he seemed to be totally relaxed.

-If you're planing to interrogate me about the club then I must say that I was part of it just for a

Well, she was wise, Mycroft had to grant her that because that had been exactly what he had been
planing to do. Sadly, apparently he wouldn't get any answers from her with how little she had been
part of the club, but if she was still wearing that brooch than it could mean two things: she was still
willing to go back to it, or even after quitting it she was tied to it, like a dog using the collar of its
owners even after escaping from them.

-Before I write the letter- she stopped on her steps and faced them with an amused smile -who else
have you threaten to write one for you?- the question made Albert "tsk" his tongue before
answering her question, though he didn't give her any specific details about how or who.

Elise seemed to be ok with this, and after nodding her head multiple times she finally spoke once
again, this time with a more serious look.

-Then I can't write this letter just because- just what Mycroft had feared. If it was a club as
secretive as it seemed to be, then it was clearly not going to be that easy for them to enter with just
the recommendation letters.

-It would be easier if we had something on common...- at Mycroft's words Elise nodded on
agreement, but her eyes soon caught something that made her curious, well, more like somebody.

-Who are the kids?- her question made both men turn around to see the two kids standing there
behind them, looking at them with perfect poker-faces that just made Elise even more curious. She
had no time to keep looking at them though, not when the tall body of Mycroft soon blocked her
sight as Albert spoke.

-No need for you to know-

Usually, she would let go of the topic, specially because not only one, but two tall men looking
harshly at her was overwhelming; but it could be their only chance, and she knew that Albert
would let go of her little curiosity if her words probed to be useful.

-They can be the perfect excuse. I have two kids that go to the St. Carolina college and a lot of the
parents over there know of the club... if your kids entered that same school I could write the letter
and say that I met you there-

Albert just nodded at that while bitting his lower lip between his canines, thinking how useful it
could be for them and coming out of his thoughts when he heard the low voice of Mycroft talking
to Elise on a surprisingly very unfriendly, almost threatening way.

-I'm not letting them be part of this- and maybe because they had been startled or because they
thought of Mycroft as his savior, the kids run to hide behind him. Their little hands clutching hard
at the hands of the taller man.

Unfortunately for Mycroft, Elise hated, totally despised when someone dared to talk to her on such
a demanding and threatening way, being this the reason why she left her little crush on Mycroft
aside just so she could harshly look at him on the same way she was being looked like.

-Ok greek god, and how do you plan on making up an excuse that relate us the believable enough
to let me write a letter for you without making it suspicious?-

-I can always come up with a solution madam, but using them is out of discussion-

Feeling like things were getting way too... intense for a pair of kids to witness, Mycroft kneeled
down to be at their level and softly talked to them. Such a dramatic change.

-Could you go upstairs?- wow, not even Albert had been looked or talked with so much tenderness
and that made him feel quite uneasy.

-This... is important for you?- well, even Albert would consider the remote idea of talking with this
kids (and that was a lot to say coming from him) since they were cute and well behaved -We can
do it, we can be your excuse or whatever you need-

-No, you can't- Mycroft said back with the same determination as the boy, though they didn't
seemed affected at his low voice or gaze, something a lot of adults had problems had dealing with -
You don't even know what is this about-

-We can do it! Just...- this time he sounded more like if he was begging, the girl's eyes on the same
state even when she wasn't speaking at all -Just don't give us away and let us be together... please-

The kids had come up to a silent agreement while watching everything, they would use the people
that had saved them as much as they could to have a better life together, but since life was give and
take, being whatever they needed on that moment sounded like the perfect way to repay them even
when they were still distrustful of the adults in front of them. Anyway, if it allowed them to
remain together they would do everything they wanted them to do. Everything.

That was enough to make Mycroft's conscience (or what was left of it) ache. Such young kids
shouldn't have to worry about being give away or doing any kind of work just to have a good life,
specially not because he knew that they were most likely even willing to be used as dolls if they
asked them to.

-You are still kids, there's no need for you to do this-

-Why no?-

The voice of Albert broke the tender scene that had developed in front of his eyes. All that time
while Mycroft had been arguing (if you could call it like that) with the kids he kept thinking about
Elise's idea, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't find a reason for Mycroft to be so against
it, so he just voiced what he was thinking.

-All they have to do is go to that school, is actually pretty simple and they'd benefit from it- on his
mind it was actually pretty simple: the kids were going to have a house, attend a good school and
more benefits from the situation doing basically nothing.

But it wasn't the same for the older. Was he talking seriously? With clear displeasure on his
sapphire eyes, Mycroft looked harshly at Albert who, almost on reflex if you want to say so, gave
back the same look.

If looks could kill, Albert was sure that Mycroft would be already pointing at him with a gun,
something that if he had to be honest, he didn't comprehend at all. He hadn't said anything wrong,
so why was he been looked like if he had killed his loved Sherly or the Queen?

-I'm sorry to interrupt your little marital discussion but...- this time the one being looked harshly
was Elise, gulping hard before continue speaking -Are we going under that excuse or no? I need to

Finally and reluctantly, Mycroft accepted it and soon the letter was done, now they just had to
make the kids enter the St. Carolina college and done! Elise would be able to send the letter and
they could investigate that hellish club.
-You're welcome to come and kill me at any moment you want... just don't do it on the reunions, it
would be a mess and a pain in the ass to deal with- the bright sunlight almost made Albert sneeze
again. He cursed himself for accompanying Elise to her carriage.

-Worried about me?-

-I'm worried about your poor husband that has to deal with your suicidal and maniac ass, don't give
him more problems than he already has- oh, apparently she was back with her crush on Mycroft.

-Can't promise anything- with a loud movement he closed the door, startling on the process the
coachman and Elise.

-And Albert-

He just wanted to get inside the house so his eyes could stop getting al watery, what does she
wanted now?

-Stop hiding your feelings for him-

Without giving her a proper answer, or no answer at all, Albert walked back to the house and when
he opened the door, he found Mycroft harshly looking at him.

Really, what had he done so wrong to be looked like that?

Chapter End Notes

Hi!!! I'm back!!

Elise is going to be like Albert's therapist on a way, specially when it comes to

know/understand/accept his feelings for Mycroft. Poor woman she's about to have
really hard times with this two oblivious men.

And huh. hard times are about to come *panics*

Anyway!! Kudos and comments are appreciated as always!!!

Next update: 12/1/21 (yeah, I decided to change the updates from every two weeks to
every week and a half)
Just like them
Chapter Notes

The Queen (aka our animal spirit) is back and with more crazy ideas!!

Some quality time between LouLou and Albert too cause I'm week for their brotherly
love and the world needs it

Enjoy the chapter!!

Kudos and comments are appreciated as always!! I love to read your lovely comments

See the end of the chapter for more notes

When Albert opened the door, he found Mycroft harshly looking at him. Really, what had he done
so wrong to be looked like that? Ok, he had "appropriated" of a bottle of wine he got from a boat
he had converted to ashes the night before, but just that!! Maybe he had done some pick-pocketing
on his way home but there was no way Mycroft could know that, so what was going on?

-What were you thinking?- he even sounded like how he used to sound more than three years ago
when well, Mycroft didn't know about the Lord of Crimes and the MI6 had been just founded.

When they weren't close enough to know what was going on the other's mind with just looking at
their eyes. Suddenly Albert was feeling really lost, almost as if he didn't know the man in front of
him and that scared him.

-I don't know what are you referring to- and maybe the other saw the confusion and sincerity on
his words because after sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose for a brief moment Mycroft
told him what was all of that about.

-Why did you have to make them part of this?- oh, so it was because of the kids... still...

-You say it as if I was asking them to kill- even when he had tried to smile, the intense way
Mycroft was looking at him didn't allow him too and instead ended frowning as his (slightly
sarcastic) response came out of his lips.

-Maybe is not like that but you just involved them on something big! You know very well that we
are the target of a lot of people and now they're going to be their target too-

-Big news Mycroft, they were already a target from the moment they entered this house- If Mycroft
wanted to blame somebody, then he could blame himself too, after all, he had been the one that
brought the kids to the house, not him.

And just what made him think the kids could be safe? Maybe there were no longer people
searching for the evil count Moriarty because he was supposed to be on jail, but Mycroft had
plenty of people that would kill him without a second thought at the slightest chance! He was not
the one to blame here!
-I know that but you really had to make them part of this!?-

-Why are you so mad at me!? I just went for the option that secures us the best way to get on that
hellish club!-

There was no reason for him to be so mad at him. No. Mycroft was the type of man that would
solve the cases that were assigned to him without doubting about his actions, wether they could be
considered acceptable or no, moral or no, so there must be another reason for him to be so mad,

At that time Albert felt his head starting to ache, yet he still forced his brain to think, think about
the reason why Mycroft could be so mad at him, but all that situation was tiring him and the only
idea he could come up with was by far the most crazy one he could have ever thought about. It
could explain why he was so mad though.

-Don't tell me... are they your hidden kids and that's why you're doing this?- yes, it was a crazy
idea but why else would he, the man known as the government itself with nerves of still that didn't
even flinched when being face to face with the death, be so mad when he had only been thinking
about the sake of the mission and his sake? He wasn't even involving his own sake on this, he was
purely securing the best option for Mycroft and the mission.

Meanwhile, all Mycroft could do was look at him on disbelief before murmuring a confused -
What?- He even thought that maybe Albert was just joking, but he looked so serious about his
crazy idea that he felt the need to deny this -I'm the enough busy to forget about my own health and
you think I have the time to have kids?-

-Then what?-

-They're just kids Albert for god's sake!!- he jelled finally after all that where the younger didn't
seem to understand the weight of his actions, blindly oblivious to what they were even discussing

Albert was left out of words after that, maybe because of the shock that for the first time on the
whole time they have know each other, Mycroft looked really mad at him to the point that he even
jelled at him; or maybe because the reason was way simpler than what he had thought.

They're just kids.

-I... we just wanted to help...- a quiet yet firm voice said behind them, immediately breaking the
heavy atmosphere that had formed between the two adults on an almost asphyxiating way that had
left the kids on edge, just witnessing everything with wide eyes and closed mouths until they felt
like everything was about to shatter apart.

Oh goddamn hell. They had been so into their little discussion that they had totally forgot about
the kids that were clutching even harder (if possible) to Mycroft's coat. A weird feeling settling on
Albert and Mycroft's stomaches when they noticed what they have been doing.

They have been arguing like two mad dogs in front of the same kids that were just trying to do their
best to survive and be useful to the ones that had helped them, nothing more, just trying with all
their will to hold to that tiny bit of light they had left and have a better life yet witnessing it fall
apart once again.

Sighing to let the air that he had been containing so that he could talk more calmly, Mycroft turned
around while Albert pressed hard his hands against his face on an attempt to regain his composure
and process everything.

-I know and I appreciate it, but you just got yourselves on a lot of trouble- once again Mycroft was
kneeling to be at his level, his voice still firm and even cold but that was just how he was, he
couldn't be a softie when just a moments ago he had been arguing with the only person that he have
never done it before.

They had always understood the other perfectly, even since the beginning so how had they ended
like that?

The lack of sleep was surely affecting him, or maybe the heavens were playing with him,
otherwise why would he not be able to understand Albert? and why would it suddenly look as if
the deep black hair of this kids was of that same indecipherable color between black and blue? A
indecipherable hair-color that only another person apart from him had.

They're just kids, just like...

Bitting his lips so hard that they started to turn white, Albert finally allowed himself to look at the
kids. The uncertainty of not knowing what was going to happen clear on their crystal-like eyes,
their hands tightly hold together showing they were scared of whatever was going on yet firm on
their decision like if they were really ready to fight anything that could be put in front of them. The
weird feeling on them just grew bigger at that sight.

-The St. Carolina college is one of the best, full of rich, spoiled brats so if you're worried about
their well being, then I hope the fact that that school is more protected than the palace helps you-

His words came out more harshly than he had intended to thanks to the forming knot on his throat,
but at least he was sure Mycroft had heard him when he turned around to see him just for a couple
of seconds, sapphire eyes fixated on his owns to then turning back to the kids.

-I'm sorry to have dragged you two down on this- and Mycroft meant it, for real. Not all the time
he felt the need to ask for forgiveness, not even when he knew he had done something wrong, but
right now he felt like he had too. Using people for his own sake and because of some mission was
an every day thing to him, but even him couldn't come to use them just like that.

They're just kids, just like them...

-If... if that allow us to stay together and here then we don't mind-

A choked sound died on Albert's throat at those words. Oh, he had seen those eyes multiple times
before. This kids were reminding him of his brothers so much that it was starting to make his heart
ache with guilt and remorse. Maybe he was going crazy, otherwise, why would he feel like the
boy's eyes reminded him so much of the determined look on the young crimson eyes of his

Young crimson eyes like flames about to consume everything to ashes shining brightly while one
of them murmured lovely words of a better word to his ear and the other one was ready to kill
whoever dared to stop or hurt them. So young yet so full of determination and fear that they hided
almost perfectly.

He really had fucked it up, hadn't he? He was making two kids walk on a bloody path just like he
had made William and Louis do. He was once again making two innocent souls dirty their hands.
He was once again putting the rope around their necks. He was once again dragging innocent
people down to hell with him.
It was so much for him. The look on their eyes, that look that didn't seem to fit their young, little
bodies. So much that it was starting to blur his sight so, with trembling steps he walked upstairs,
too lost on his own thoughts to realize the way Mycroft was looking at his pained face with
regretment and concern, memories clouding his mind and keeping him on his place like chains.

He had fucked it up too, hadn't he? But could you blame him? Could you blame him when he too
was seeing his own and his brother's reflex on the kids in front of him? He knew that it was selfish
to care about them so much just because of it, but he couldn't help it, just like he couldn't help the
guilty feeling invading himself as he saw Albert walk with a lost look upstairs.

The memory of a trembling young Sherlock holding tightly to him, just like these two kids and
messing with his mind once more, a strong headache taking over him that even forced him to close
his eyes to soothe the pain.

Albert's mind was being filled with memories of his youngers as well, memories of the innocent
smiles on their faces and then the blood over them, the scars, the fire, the insomnia nights of Louis
and the terror nights of William. William falling from the bridge and then Louis taking all the
responsibility of the new world on his shoulders.

His trembling steps guided him to the balcony. The air was fresh, the sun hided behind gray
clouds even when it was midday or maybe earlier, the soft chirps of birds sounding on the distance
and smoke coming out of his mouth every time he parted his lips between each puff of the

Just god knows how much time he had been smoking, but by now the ashtray was almost full
while the cigarettes cage was empty, the las one of them slowly dying on his pinkish lips. His
throat feeling dry, maybe because for smoking so much or for something else. He would like to
have a glass of wine too, so that then his senses could be totally numbed, but for that he would
have to go downstairs and that was not an option.

He wasn't particularly fond of the feeling of smoke on his body, but at least it helped him shut up
his brain for a couple of seconds and wander on his memories freely.

The sound of soft steps hitting against the wood floor made him come back to reality, and in no
time the tall figure of Mycroft was next to him, his sapphire eyes looking at him, ignoring totally
the ashtray full of cigarettes and that on other time would have made him say something sarcastic
to make the younger put a pout on his lips.

-I thought you didn't like smoking-

He felt strangely tired, totally numb maybe because of the cigarettes, whatever it was the reason,
he didn't answer Mycroft and instead kept smoking, his pretty pinkish lips closing around the
cigarette and then parting just the enough to let the smoke leave his body and repeating this until it
got totally extinguished.

His emerald eyes then moved from the distant point in front of him to the man standing by his side.
Sapphire eyes looking directly at him. He was so handsome, so beautiful and the gentle,
apologetic even, way his eyes were looking at him made him want to run away and hide.

Maybe he should do it. He should definitely do it. But how could he do it when those beautiful
sapphire eyes were looking at him so intensely? a cold hand grabbing him by the wrist and
preventing him from leaving as if he could read his mind like an open book.

-Where are you going?-

The question leaving Mycroft's lips on a feeling that not even he recognized, the conflicted
expression on Albert's face making him act without realizing what exactly he was doing,
something surprising because he always knew what to do but at that time the feeling of something
aching to fear was taking over him when he saw on the other's face the same expression he had
been wearing the night before William and Sherlock disappeared.

Like the night before he asked to be put on imprisonment, an imprisonment that ended only
because the Queen requested them to get married.

-I'm going to see how's Louis doing- his usually velvety voice a little harsh and dry because of
smoking, emerald meeting with sapphire and wanting to hide from it like if he was ashamed but not
having the energy to do it.

Reluctantly, Mycroft let go of his wrist, being left alone when Albert walked to his room and then
watching him leave the house disguised as a woman, looking back and meeting his emerald eyes
with the sapphire ones once again for a moment before keep walking.

A ghost-pain making him close his eyes to alleviate as much as he could the paining feeling on his
nape, right were he had been hit several years ago and that ended with him almost losing for ever
his one and only family.

Was he goin to lose Albert too?

For Albert, even when his mind was a total chaos and he really couldn't see where he was walking
or going by, he still managed himself to arrive to the apartment Louis lived on, knocking on the
dark crimson door as a way to announce he was there. He just hoped Louis was inside or he would
probably end waiting for him outside his door like a stray dog.

Fortunately, Louis opened the door in no time. His blond hair slightly messed up and going to all
directions, a soft yawn leaving his lips revealing that he must have waken him up.

-Br- Jolie? What are you doing here?- the surprise on his voice was almost totally hidden behind
his raspy voice, proof that he really had been asleep until moments ago.

-I just wanted to see how's my little bother doing- a smile appearing on his lips once he was inside
the apartment that always smelled like delicious fresh-made food and warm tea; like home. The
swirl of thoughts and memories disappearing almost instantly when he felt like he was being
embraced on that warmth as if it was magic.

Taking Louis by his pale hand, Albert took seat on the comfy crimson couch, pulling Louis down
with him until the younger was lying over Albert and with his face buried on his chest, warm arms
embracing him and keeping him on his place. Louis would be lying if he said that he hadn't missed
the warmth of his brother on those years, but even if Albert cared about him, he was not the type
who would cuddle with him just because, William and him had to almost beg if they wanted to
cuddle together with their older brother.

-Something happened?- Louis mumbled while moving slightly on his place to get a more
comfortable position, enjoying the soft caress of the pale hands over his back.

Albert could just smile defeatedly at that question. Louis was really perceptive as always, but at
that moment he didn't want to talk, all he wanted to do was bury his nose on the soft golden hair
and breath on the calming smell of chamomile that was Louis' favorite tea. But of course that
Louis wouldn't let him do as he wanted.
-Brother?- his crimson eyes looking directly at him with concern and slowly seating so he could
face Albert better who cupped his pale face between his hands. He was now so big that it was a
little bit difficult for the two of them to be on the couch like that, or maybe ha had to blame the
fluffy dress for that.

-I'm sorry, and I love you- he really just wanted to say it, the traces of a smile appearing on his lips
but that Louis took as a sing of something wrong because in no time he was inspecting Albert as
much as he could on that position, his pretty crimson eyes full of concern wandering all over him
and checking for any possible injury or clue about what was going on.

-What happened? Are you ok? The Director made you something? I'm killing hi...- his words were
cut when he heard Albert chuckling slightly, and once again his hands were cupping Louis' face,
emerald eyes looking deeply at his crimson ones with so much love that Louis felt he could die at
any moment.

His brother always did that from time on time, to him and William, and every time he did it he
always left them speechless, totally overwhelmed by the lovely, warm gaze he gave them; his lips
and eyes smiling tenderly as if he was holding the prettiest thing on the world, maybe even his
whole world. He never seemed aware of this fact though, nor the way it made Louis heart skip a
beat and feel as loved as he never thought anybody else apart from his bother could make him feel.

-What good did I made to deserve a brother as good and caring as you?- gingerly he moved a lock
of golden hair behind Louis' ear, allowing him to see better the scar on his cheek that didn't ruin his
beauty at all -Will was really good with me too...-

Feels like I don't deserve so much love.

-Brother William and I love you- Louis said on an almost childish tone, like an excited kid wanting
to let someone know how important they were and making Albert chuckle at that. He was too
good for this doomed world.

-And I love you two- then he kissed gingerly Louis' forehead, making him close his eyes to enjoy
better the warm feeling and something that made him look like a cat enjoying the attention and soft

He really was like a cat indeed, specially because what made him totally relaxed, to the point fo
feeling like jelly, was being patted on the head, something that Albert didn't loose a moment to do,
humming a song he had heard before as he did so.

-Don't... do that...- his head nodding as his eyes were starting to close because of the sleep. Louis
didn't even need to see his brother to know he was smiling amusedly at his actions. It wasn't his
fault that ever since he was a kid he could fall asleep in seconds if someone was humming to him
and patting his head! You could blame William for that.

-Mhm? But weren't you sleeping until I arrived?-

-...reports...- was all Louis managed to say before falling totally tired over Albert, his eyes fully
closed now and his lips making a little pout as he was doing his best to remain awake.

-I'll do them for you, now sleep- and like if that was all he had been waiting to hear, Louis
immediately fell asleep, forgetting totally about the feeling that something was wrong with his
brother. He could always ask him later.

Albert then kept humming that song whose name he didn't even remember, enjoying of the warmth
of his brother and trying hard to contain his laugh when the younger moved his head slightly,
golden soft locks of hair brushing against his neck (which was his soft spot) and tickling the skin
on that area.

Even when he wanted to keep patting Louis' head for a long, long time, the aching and numb
feeling on his back and legs reminded him that his little LouLou was not that little anymore, so
after some juggling he finally was able to stand up with Louis on his arms and after putting him on
his bed decided to file some of the reports and then organize a little bit his desk and files.

Not that he really needed to anyways, Louis was really organized and neat with everything he did
(probably his fault since he didn't tolerate things that were dirty or out of place). So instead he just
made some chamomile tea for Louis and placed it on his night table so he could drink it when he
wake up. He could be a total disaster on the kitchen but even him knew how to prepare some kind
of teas without burning the kitchen.

Visiting Louis had helped him put his thoughts on order (or at least don't feel totally lost because
of them), so now he had to face Mycroft and the kids, as much as he wanted to just go back to the
comfiness of his ceil on the Tower of London.

He could always enjoy the conjugal visits from Mycroft whenever he wanted to anyway.

No, he was at least going to finish that hellish mission that was messing up with his mental sanity
(or what was left of it, very little if he had to be honest) and then he could even jump out of a cliff
if he wanted to.

So, with the little bit of determination he had left, he went to first buy a new package of cigarettes
for Mycroft (because he had finished them) and then, for a new peach cake because the kids had
ended what was left of it. It was just at that moment that he realized he didn't even know their

Bitting slightly his lips, something that helped him think and concentrate, he walked to the big
house, and after standing in front of it like a homeless dog for a couple o minutes, he finally
decided to enter when the night started to become chillier.

The first thing he saw when he entered the house was Mycroft sitting on the living room checking
on some files resting on the tea table and then looking at him with wide eyes when he finally
realized that he was back.

He was back. A part of him was scared to find out it was just another dream or hallucination like
the ones he had been watching along that day, but at the same time he knew that the one standing
in front of him was real.

Somehow Albert felt like a kid that came back home after running away because of some triviality.
And fuck, he really wished he could go back to his ceil but well, he was already there, might as
well mend things up, so after taking a deep breath he finally started to talk, putting the cigarettes in
front of him as a peace gift.

-Sorry for finishing all your cigarettes, I know they are your favorites so h...- he couldn't finish his
words though, not when Mycroft hugged him, his warm embrace and hands making him forget
everything he had wanted to say.

How weird, this man always seemed to be on the verge of wanting to kill him and caring for him,
messing his mind and thoughts yet every time he found himself loving that, loving him. He was
hugging him so tightly that it even felt like if he was trying to crush him down on his embrace, but
weird, it also felt like if he was afraid of letting go of him and see him disappear.

And it was like that. Mycroft had been still wearing the same calm face during the day even when
his mind was shredding apart as minutes went by, the uncertainty filling his whole self and then
feeling like he could breath again when he saw Albert standing there, he really was there, his body
moving on his own as if he was a magnet being attracted by it's pair.

-Don't leave me like that ever again- his low voice echoing on the lonely room and finally erasing
each one of the thoughts Albert had or could have had.

Returning back the hug with the same intensity, he allowed himself to breath on the manly cologne
of Mycroft, his hands holding tightly at his back and wrinkling the dark shirt; his eyes closed and
just letting himself enjoy of that, of him, and a sigh leaving his lips.

Those brief moments had felt as if they had lost a part of them and then found it, feeling complete
once again and not wanting to let go of the other one for the rest of their lives.

Oh how foolish in love they needed to be to feel like they were complete once again, the recent
events being almost totally erased as the feeling of a desired warmth was embracing them and
numbing their senses.

They remained like that for a while, doing nothing but let themselves relax with the warmth of the
other; the cigarettes and the cake totally forgotten on somewhere they couldn't cared less about and
only breaking their touch when they heard soft footsteps coming down from the stairs. They were
still close though, the enough close to let Albert rest his back on Mycroft's chest and him resting
his hand on the crook of his back, looking with amusement the way Albert looked questioningly at
the clothes the kids were wearing and then at him.

The clothes looked quite old, maybe from some decades ago, and what was more important, how
had Mycroft got his hands on kids clothes? Maybe they were really his hidden kids and that's why
he had kids clothes on a house where kids didn't live in.

-I found some clothes from when Sherly and I were kids- a half smirk on his lips as he saw the
confusion on the emerald eyes. He could even bet that he surely was thinking about that crazy idea
of them being his hidden kids again (really, how had he got that idea? He read way too much crap

Meanwhile, Albert just nodded. Well, now that made sense. And turning back his gaze to the
kids, he couldn't help the unsettling feeling on him when he saw the messy way the boy (he really
needed to ask for their names) had tucked the linen shirt on his trousers, and before he could
process what he was doing, he had already kneeled to the kid's level and started to adjust it until he
felt happy with his work, a smile drawn on his lips admiring his work and then coming back to his
senses only when he heard a soft chuckle behind him.

To Mycroft, it was fun to see Albert totally forget about his surroundings and everything just to
adjust something that he considered out of place (his need to have everything neat and on place was
cute), but for the boy it had been a total unexpected thing, wide clear eyes looking at him totally

-Sorry- he took several steps behind as if the kid was burning him, and taking the chance he also
apologized for well, everything he had done earlier -For have dragged you two on this too-

-... who...?- the doubt clear on his unfinished question and clear greenish eyes.
Both Mycroft and Albert looked at the kid with confusion and then to themselves, being the older
one the first to realize that the kids had never seen Albert dressed as a woman before so it was just
normal that they couldn't recognize him, and he let Albert know about this with a simple look at
his dress because he still seemed puzzled about it, a soft "oh" coming out of his lips when he

-I'm the same bastard that a moment ago sacrificed yourselves- an amused smile slipping from his
lips that soon murmured a low "sorry" when Mycroft looked at him apprehensively.

-Are you a man? Or a woman?- wow, how straightforward. Mycroft liked that by the way, and he
really wanted to see how was Albert going to answer Aster's question.

-...a man- he answered after a brief moment where he had been a little too confused because
nobody had really asked him that question before but well, it was just because the Holmes'
servants, the MI6 and his brother were already very used to see wild things happen so a man
dressing as a woman was just like seeing a bird fly on the sky.

On little words, they all had little to non existent sense of normality.

-Then why are you using a dress?- not even when he had faced the court three years ago he had
been so straightforward asked so many things. Somehow he felt on an interrogation and he didn't
like that.

-A secret-

The feeling of a smaller hand grabbing his own startled Albert, and when he looked down he saw
the girl looking with bright, big purplish eyes intensely at the shinning wedding ring on his hand
and then to his whole self with almost sparkles on her eyes.


-Thanks- had it been a complement to the ring or to him, either way Albert answered with doubt,
doubt that was immediately recognized by Mycroft and his stupidly acute senses.

-Why are you so scared? They're just kids-

-Never underestimate what kids can do- he was talking by experience so he would do well on
remembering his words -And unlike you who has a soft spot for cute things, I kind of find kids

-You... little wicked-

An amused laugh leaving his lips when he saw the tips of Mycroft's ears turn pink after his "secret"
had been discovered. He was really bad at hiding it anyway, why was he so surprised?

-... that's all for my report, Your Majesty- he finished his words bowing respectfully and then
standing up when the Queen gave him permission to do so.

After presenting the photographs of the other three kids to Aster and Selene, they had been able to
confirm their deaths. And you may want to know how he trusted so much on the words of two
kids he had found on a boat merely one day ago? Well, the kids had also tell him about everything
they knew about the orphanage, from the characteristics and names of the people that had rapped
them to the location of the new orphanage, something that was confirmed by Albert and then by
him, so they could trust them at least on that.

It was quite impressive how they had got all that information even when they had been on the
claws of the orphanage for less than three months. Mycroft had the feeling that this kids were
really capable, and even when he wanted to test them to see what more they were able to do, he
reminded himself that they were still kids and thus, he shouldn't use them (more than they were
already being used).

The Queen had regretted greatly that they couldn't save the other three kids, but at least the other
two were safe and that was already something.

A bright smile appeared on The Queen's lips when she caught a glimpse of the traces of a smile on
the usually always serene face of Mycroft. Apparently her little (and maybe childish) plan of
making him marry Count Moriarty was working, but she needed more!! Her heart needed to see
those two dense men happily together or she wasn't going to be able to die peacefully!!

-How are things with Count Moriarty going?-

At the sudden question Mycroft blinked confused a couple of times before answering with a calm
and simple -The mission is going well- that made The Queen want to throw her crown out of a
window and shake this oblivious kid until he finally snapped out.

How frustrating. Not even on all the years that she had served as the monarch of her loved country
she had felt so frustrated as she was feeling now. What else they needed to finally accept their own
and the other's feelings!? She was running out of ideas (and time because she was not that young
anymore) by now!!

And while The Queen was making use of all her willpower to don't break her "Queen" facade,
Mycroft remembered that the kids still needed a new identity so they could be accepted on the St.
Carolina college. Earlier that morning he had agreed with Albert, and the kids, that it would be a
good idea to make them appears as Mycroft's distant relatives, specially because they were really
attached to him (even when Aster was still trying to deny this).

-I'm afraid I have a favor to ask you about, Your Majesty- that caught the Queen's attention. Oh
well, she could think about new ideas later, now she needed to concentrate on whatever the kid
(who was not anymore a kid) wanted to ask her for, specially because he wasn't the type to ask
things from her.

He had only asked her once for a favor and it had been only to let him assume his position as the
government itself at a younger age than he was supposed to.
-What is it?- a lovable smile on her lips that made her eyes turn onto half moons.

As Mycroft was explaining the situation and what he wanted to ask the Queen for, she got an idea,
a new idea that would for sure help the two dense men get together faster and that would also
fulfill her wish to see both Mycroft and Albert have the family that they deserved to have.

Of course that there was the slight probability that some of them (or even the kids with who she
really wanted to meet) might not like her idea but oh well, she was The Queen, she could even ask
them to die for her (something she would never do) and they would do it without complaining.
She had to thank her title for that.

-Bring me some adoption papers- she said once Mycroft had left the palace, talking to her personal
butler who just looked at her with his tired eyes clearly saying "I really hope this doesn't cause

No matter how much time passed or how old she became, The Queen was still the same lovesick
young lady that enjoyed playing matchmaker at his eyes.

-Is for the sake of the country- she tried to excuse herself, making the old butler sigh before doing
as he was told to because he didn't want The Queen herself bursting into the court just to get some
adoption papers, specially not for another one of her "Let's get this two lovebirds together!" plans.

Going back to Mycroft, time had passed and the warm colors of the sunset were starting to paint
the streets as he walked to his home. He was already making plans of sharing with the kids and
Albert the strawberry cake he had just bought, and maybe, he could drink some wine with Albert
after the kids were asleep, doing nothing on specific but just laying together with Mon Chéri about
to melt on Albert's lap.

Yes, it sounded like a good plan. Nothing could ruin it.

Except maybe, the fact that the first thing that received him when he put a foot on the living room
of his house was a very agitated and furious(?) Albert basically running to him with some papers
on his hands.

-Mycroft Holmes you son of...- being cursed as soon as he entered his house was definitely not on
his plans either -your mother!!- well, at least he had had the decency to change his cursing, but
what was going on?

-First of all, good night- still puzzled, he left the cake on the dinner table with Albert following him
to everywhere he went, the papers still on his hands being agitated on all directions.

-Good night, what the fuck is this!?- and exactly at that time Aster and Selene appeared on the
living room, both greeting him with a small bow that he answered with a short smile and ruffling
the boy's and the girl's hair at her (quiet) request.

It wasn't exactly like he was really affectionate (somehow only Albert made him want to keep
touching him whenever he had the opportunity to), but just like with Sherly, if a cute pair of eyes
asked him to be patted he did it without doubt. His love language was being annoying and giving
everything he was asked for, even if it sounded impossible.

-Language- he didn't mind the ex-count cursing as much as he wanted (even when hearing him do
so had been a surprise at first), but he wouldn't allow him to talk like that in front of kids.

-Oh sorry- a calm smile appearing on his lips that contrasted with his agitated demeanor of
moments ago -May I know what the fuck is this?- his voice still sweet like if he wasn't still cursing.
Before he could reprehend him again though, the papers were put right in front of him, the red
letters on top of them clearly saying "Adoption papers" on a perfect cursive being the first thing he
saw and making him grab the papers with a confused expression that just got more accentuated as
he read the rest of the papers, specially when he arrived to the part where he read "Aster Holmes"
and "Selene Holmes".

Now he understood why Albert was so agitated, after all, not all the days you came back from
work to find yours and your husband (wife because it said Jolie Holmes)'s name on adoption
papers that made you officially the adoptive parents of the kids that you had found on a rotten boat
just a day ago.

-What is this?-

-That's the same I'm asking!-

A frustrated sigh left Mycroft's lips when he started to get an idea of what could possibly be going
on. This surely had something to do with what he had told the Queen earlier, but he had never
asked for her to allow them adopt the kids! Maybe the Queen had made a mistake, or maybe he
hadn't explained himself correctly (poor him, he was trying so hard to find an answer when The
Queen had just been wanting to play matchmaker).

-I asked The Queen about what we talked earlier, maybe she misunderstood me-

At that Albert messed his hair slightly and forced himself to calm down. If the Queen had been the
one that arranged those papers (which would explain why it had the royal emblem on it, the royal
emblem for god's sake!!) then there was nothing they could do but accept it, as crazy as it was.

Mycroft's thoughts were stopped when Selene looked at him with his big purplish eyes asking for
him to take her on his arms, something he did almost immediately because who could resist such a
cute image? not him. He was weak with cute things ok?

A defeated sigh left Albert's lips that then curved into a tired smile. At least Mycroft was going to
benefit from the Queen's decision, and all you needed to do was take a look at the cute way he was
holding Selene on his arms to know this was true. Somebody seemed to be a little bit unpleased
about this though, and by someone we mean Aster.

Maybe he didn't get along with the kids as well as Mycroft, but he always enjoyed to piss off
others, so leaning closer to the boy who had an almost imperceptible pout on his lips, he murmured
a soft -Jealous?- that made the boy jump on his place because of the scare.

-Not at all- the tips of his ears turning pink. Wow, he was just like Mycroft on that aspect. Scary.

Mycroft, who had seen Albert tease Aster, picked the boy up too and gaining a scared "wahhh" as
response when he was lift on his arms just like Selene who was already falling asleep.

Just at that moment Albert realized that Mycroft was really affective to the kids, leaving him
aside... was it a premonition of his imminent divorce? He hadn't even been married for a week!

-You look like a sulking kid- oh how much he hated this man and his stupidly intelligent brain and
acute senses.

Before Albert could protest though, Emily entered the living room with a tray full of warm tea on
her hands. A cute almost dumb smile when she saw the cute image of his master holding on his
arms two cute kids.
For the servants it had been a surprise to be away for some days and then come back to the news
that their masters now had kids. It had been a mental breakdown for everyone, specially the young
maid but everyone had accepted it very quickly and now she was totally used to them to the point
she would spend some time playing with the kids.

-Master Albert is just jealous that he's not being hold too- she said still with that dumb smile on her
lips, coming back to reality only when she felt shivers running down her spine as Albert was
looking at her with a half smile that did nothing to hide his annoyance.

-You're becoming more audacious Emily-

-Sorry!! I just...- her cheeks turning red as apples and her words coming out on an endless stuttering
that was just ended when Mycroft got nearer to Albert, the traces of a playful smirk on his lips.

-Is that true, my lovely wife?-

What a devil man, he didn't like being called like that yet he still used it every time he wanted to
annoy him. Well, he could annoy him too, it was his specialty after all.

-Why would I be jealous when you're mine the whole night?- a cocky smile spreading on his lips
when he saw Mycroft's eyes open wide as he yelled -Albert!- and Emily's face became even redder.

It hadn't been his plan to annoy her but oh well, it was her fault for exposing him.

-What? I was just saying that I have the pleasure to have you hugging me all the night, sleeping
beauty- a small pout on his lips to make him look innocent of a crime he was fully aware he had
committed and making Mycroft sigh on disbelief.

Well at least the kids hadn't heard any of that because they were heavy asleep, and after Mycroft
left them on their shared room (at petition of the kids because there were still plenty of rooms
available) he went to his office where Albert was waiting for him, a glass of wine already touching
his lips and a book on his lap.

-You accepted it surprisingly well and fast- and as he spoke he poured a glass of wine for himself,
sitting then next to Albert who let his head rest over his shoulder.

-Well, The Queen herself arranged those papers so there's not too much I can say about it- the glass
of wine being brought to his lips after he finished speaking and dim reflections of its crimson color
falling over his face and mahogany hair perfectly braided.

Mycroft was not going to say this out loud, but it actually made him happy and even proud to see
Albert always using the velvet lace he had gifted him, and even when he had received plenty of
hair ornaments on their wedding, it still seemed to be his favorite.

-Let's settle some rules about this new situation we are in- said Albert after thinking about it for a
while, surprising Mycroft because he hadn't expected that.

-Does that mean you have a wish or petition about it?-

-Don't leave me alone with them- his immediate answer almost made Mycroft laugh, but seeing
that the emerald eyes were looking at him clearly saying "I'm being serious" he had to compose
himself. So that was why he was suggesting the rules on first place.

-You know that's impossible- a small pout almost immediately appearing on his pinkish lips -But
I'm sure that we can share at least a meal a day together, that way I can also make sure you actually
eat something- which was a really hard thing to do, even George had problems with making his
new master properly eat and don't skip meals.

-I eat cake and wine, that's more than enough- he sometimes ate juicy meat too, what was he
talking about?

What was worst than hearing a grown-up adult admit that he had survived with just cake and wine,
probably, all his life? The fact that same adult seemed to be totally fine with it, as if it was the most
normal thing to do, looking puzzled at Mycroft as if he didn't know what he was doing wrong.

No wonder why he was so thin and light-weighted. Now he just wanted to know how had Louis
even been able to fead him properly with something more than cakes, wine and occasional meat.

-I'm not good with kids and as I said, I find them annoying- his emerald eyes shining under the
warm light of the gas lamps and his long lashes projecting shadows over his cheeks as he locked
his eyes with the sapphire ones, letting him know he was serious.

-You don't have to deal with them if that's what you're implying, I can take care of that- sure, it was
going to be difficult because his job took almost all of his time but how hard could it be? He had
already taken care of Sherlock and he was ten times worst than his now adopted kids (for fucks
sake, he was now a parent and that was so weird).

And while Mycroft was already trying to fit the two kids on his schedule, mentally collapsing too,
Albert saw with something between amusement and surprise him, the glass of wine not hiding at
all his smirk.

-You're surprisingly paternal- his words startled slightly Mycroft that just looked at him confused -
Never thought the man known as the government itself could be like that- he was always with that
serious look on his face, cold gaze and even his posture screamed "intimidating" in all its letters,
who could have though that he had a soft side.

-I took care of Sherly since he was born basically- a really gratificating but tiring thing to do by the
way -I'm more surprised you don't like kids with how much you love your brothers- like really.
With how devoted he was to his brothers he always though of him as the kids-lover type, who
would have thought he wouldn't even know how to deal with a simple compliment from a little girl.

-They were really cute as kids- an almost dumb smile appearing on his pinkish lips as he
remembered the way Louis would always follow William or him to wherever they went, or the way
William would cuddle next to him or Louis anytime he wanted to sleep. Oh, those were such good

At that Mycroft could just laugh, taking Albert out of his bubble and blinking quickly a couple of
times to compose himself from his daydream about his (really cute) brothers.

-Anyway, that just applies to them. Kids are fucked up, sometimes more than adults-

-Like your brother?- he did know about his brother, the one he had killed with his own hands,
because he had investigated about it and because Albert had told him about it, very briefly, some
time ago.

And unlike what someone could think, the pinkish lips of Albert just laughed at that, as if he had
been told the funniest joke on the world. Truth was that he didn't like remembering about his
(goddamn) family, and when people mentioned them he tend to drastically change the topic
(because he didn't want to ruin his mood), but with Mycroft he allowed himself to talk freely about
the assholes they had been.

It was really good that he could blaspheme about those people freely as much as he wanted every
time he was with Mycroft, specially because he never judged him nor asked more about them,
indeed, you could say that he was solely interested on the fact of a young Albert killing with his
own hands his own blood just for the sake of his and his brothers' plan.

-Exactly- the smile on his lips growing bigger when the older touched the rim of his glass with his
own, a "click" sound coming out of them before he swallowed at once the remnants of the wine,
something Albert did as well.

Pouring more wine onto his glass he allowed himself to appreciate better the amused way the
sapphire eyes were shining, maybe because of the gas-lamps' light or maybe because of the mental
image he was having of a much more younger Albert emerging from the flames and blood like a

-I am not fond of those kids but I don't intend to ruin them either, so if you plan to play family with
them then you better be in charge of the education and all of that- things that clearly he didn't want
nor was able to do because he highly doubted Mycroft wanted him to teach the kids the one and
million reasons why all humanity should be erased from the world.

-You know that could be considered as you worrying about them?- Albert didn't miss the fun tone
on his voice nor the way his lips curved on an almost imperceptible amused smirk, clearly making
fun of him.

-I'm just running away from any possible responsibilities- now he was speaking with the truth,
something really weird on him -I'll just be something like the wine uncle that exists solely to piss
them off and that might help them get out of jail- and at his words Mycroft laughed heartedly,
something that made him too laugh as well.

They could clearly see that happening.

The next day, everything went as planned. Albert went to leave the kids to their school (more like
battlefield if he had to be honest), and after that in no time the other mothers were over him and
Elise, all intrigued by the fortunate woman that had married a Holmes and had had such a splendid

Yeah, they were all basically over his status, position and money.

What a disgusting situation, being on jail was so much more better than being overflowed by their
fake smiles, irritating perfume and exaggerated makeup. At least his ceil guards always made sure
to remember him what a scum he was, which was ten times better than his actual situation.

But it was a small price to pay to be able to investigate that hellish club and get done with
everything. He was starting to miss so much his old ceil, something he never thought he'd say but
he had never thought about being married to Mycroft or having kids either so, you could say that
life was always full of surprises.

Another of that life surprises was the fact that Mycroft, Albert and Elise were on a carriage on their
way to that hellish club that same day. The warm colors of the sunset making Albert's hair look
like soft caramel and his long lashes like white feathers.

-Is it ok for us to come today? You just "meet with us" today- asked Albert after, finally, looking
with approving eyes the way he had arranged a wild lock of mahogany hair that wouldn't stay on
its place.

-Well I said that I was your friend back on France to hurry things up- which was a good lie because
Jolie was from France, and Elise had lived there with his ex-husband for almost seven years until
she became a widow and then married his actual husband, going back to London.

Now the two men just wanted to know why she couldn't have said that before, basically, adopting
two kids and sending them to the battlefield that was that college. They were also the ones to
blame but they weren't admiring this. But well, what was done was already done and nothing
could change that fact.

-Do you have any idea of what the club does exactly?- the sudden question of the woman took by
surprise both men who looked puzzling at each other before Mycroft decided to answer.

-Opium- a short answer that basically resumed all they knew about it.

A tired sigh came out of Elise's lips, something that was weird because she believed that the more
you sighed, the more years of youth and health you'd lost (as stupid as it was); making Albert look
questioningly at her.


-Nothing, just be you- then her eyes landed on Mycroft -And you Mr. Greek god, smile, you don't
want to scare everyone do you?-

She somehow felt bad for no telling them more.... who was she trying to fool? She was enjoying
keeping them on the darkness so much that it was almost impossible to keep her face
expressionless. The nexts days were going to be really joyful.

In no time the carriage stopped in front of an old looking mansion, and when the gates opened for
them, Mycroft saw a big signboard with the word Olympus written on a golden color on it.

They passed trough a garden a little bit neglected, a fountain with sculptures of Dionysus and Eros
on the middle, holding two jars on their arms as if they were pouring the water on the fountain, the
vines tangled around their white marble ankles.

After the long way trough the garden, they finally arrived to what was the main building,
surprisingly it was on a better state that the previous places as if the messy garden was just a
disguise, a young man with a very prominent cleavage that let everyone caught a glimpse of his
pects and abdomen receiving them with a wide smile on his reddish lips.

-Welcome to the Olympus club-

Chapter End Notes

I know, this is a rather boring chapter but hey!! At least they have a family hahaha-
(this might put things a lil more exciting or complicated... who knows...)

Also, I intended to change and even delate this part cause its boring but I decided to
keep it cause I wanted to show you that no matter how they look on the outside, this
two have a lot of burdens over them. They have been through really fucked up things
and they lost a big part of their lives so- yeah, I wanted to show that (dunno if I made it
correctly though- help-)

Don't worry!! Next chapter is going to be very exciting if ykwim *wink wink*

And, say bye bye to the short chapters with this 8K+ chapter, the upcoming ones are
over 10k (lord send help pls-)

Next update: 12/8/21 (yeah, on a week cause I want to update one more time before
Hollidays start and I don't even have time to arrive home ) See ya then!!
The pleasures of life
Chapter Notes

Hey ya!! So this is going to be the last update for this year because I have middle term
exams, a lot of family things, and vacations are starting (just so you know, I don't
update on vacations because somehow I never have time during vacations like- I don't
even arrive home sometimes )

By the way!! I just wanted to tell you that the tags get updated as I publish new
chapters so, make sure you read the tags before reading the chapter cause they can
warn you about smth you might don't like to read or idk, anyway!! Enjoy!!

Kudos and comments are appreciated as always!!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

-Welcome to the Olympus club-

Being lead by the young man, they started to walk through a dark hallway enlightened only by
some candles, arriving then to a small office where they still had to get registered, which was a lot
of paperwork (really, why an illegal club had so much bureaucracy?) and after that, they were
finally giving their insignias that proved them as members of the club. A white pearl cameo
brooch for Albert and a silver pocket watch for Mycroft.

They even had to read a "code" that was basically a regulation with multiple principles like
"freedom and liberty are a right of everyone" "enjoy the pleasures of life" "we're all the same" and
more things like that that were even more planned than the laws on most countries.

-Uhm madame!- Albert felt a little bit lost before remembering that he was a woman at least on that
moment, smiling at the young maiden with a cleavage as prominent as the one of the young man -
You can take off your corset and crinoline on that room, the maids can help you if you want-

That was also part of their "liberty and freedom" clause by the way. Whoever had made that
clause had to be a woman because there was no way men could know how difficult and
troublesome were those garments that more than clothes were like a cage. Of course, he didn't
know about this either until he experienced it from first hand, he even felt like he could
comprehend a part of Elise's suffering.

-I'll help her, there's no need to worry- and with Mycroft's words, they were lead by the same
young man to the room the maiden had mentioned, and after some struggling Albert could finally
feel free without the uncomfortable crinoline around him.

Well, he had to grant them that at least they weren't that oblivious as to how uncomfortable that
goddamn cage was.

-This way please-

And while they were following the young man, they kept their eyes and ears busy memorizing
everything they saw and heard. It was an old looking mansion on the outside, but the insides were
really luxurious with the combination of some french and Britain styles. As they kept walking
going further into the mansion, the sound of music started to became louder and clearer, and once
the doors of the "Dyonisus hall" were open, they were hit with the strong smell of opium and
something sweet that couldn't be recognized under the smell of liquor and overwhelming perfumes.

Albert did his best to smile even when his head started to ache thanks to the overwhelming smells,
holding tighter to Mycroft who saw trough his facade and hold him by the waist, pulling him closer
to his own body and allowing Albert to get more relaxed because Mycroft's smell was much more
better than the one in the air. So elegant and delicate yet strong.

-Oh! Isn't that our beautiful Jolie?- Albert's (fake) smile growing wider when he recognized the
group of mothers he had been talking to on the morning approaching them, their curious eyes
wandering from her to the handsome man next her.

-She's the mother of one of Aster's classmates- he said when Mycroft looked at him clearly asking
who were they, and after Albert's answer Mycroft greeted each one of the women, gaining blushes
and gigglings from them that were hidden behind their fans.

Oh~ who could have thought that the man known as government itself could be so charming and
good at making women fall for him.

-I have to say, your husband is as handsome as you're beautiful!- to say that the woman were
drooling over Mycroft was an euphemism, and that was making Albert feel proud because he had
personally chosen the clothes Mycroft was wearing, because had it been for him, he'd have used
that blue bowtie and the same dull black suit and white shirt as always.

Plus he was handsome, you could make him use a bag of trash and he would still look good.

-Should I be jealous that mon chéri is getting so much attention?- a playful look on his emerald
eyes that revealed how much he was enjoying the way the women were praising his husband.

Mycroft knew that the way Albert's (or any Moriarty) brain worked was unique, but seeing him
feel proud when on the same situation people would feel jealous was quite surprising. Well, why
would Albert feel jealous on the first place? He was nothing more than a friend to the ex-count (as
much as he wanted to be more than that).

-I should be the one saying that, everybody has their eyes on my beautiful wife- he said ignoring his
previews thoughts and instead focusing on the hand on his waist that brought Albert closer until his
back was basically leaning against his chest.

-You're a lovable couple as Hannah said- one of the woman said, her cheeks blushing hard, or
maybe it was because of the over exaggerated makeup -That reminds me! You heard that rumor
too, right?-

-Rumor?- asked Albert, with an innocent fake face showing that (s)he was lost when all the women
had nodded on agreement to what the other one had said. This women always knew the latest
rumors and gossips about everyone on London and even the whole world, it was somehow

-Our Jolie is new here so she might not know, but we heard that Hannah was severely injured after
a discussion with his ex-husband... that man is not even here today- with a disgusted face she said
the last before changing her expression to one more calm and even anguished as she directed her
attention to the new couple -That girl was always talking about you two, do you know if the rumor
is true?-
Oh~ such an interesting rumor.

-We don't know about the how, but she's currently on the hospital- at Mycroft's words, all the
women let surprised and pitiful expressions leave their lips.

It was a very good acting of someone that cared deeply for the injured one indeed. And how did
they know it was all acting? Well, for Albert it was easy because he was used to see "noble" fake
preoccupation and for Mycroft it was easy too because their expressions said more than their
empty words, plus if they had really cared for Hannah they wouldn't have changed the topic as
soon as they got the answers that they wanted.

Clearly they just wanted something to gossip about.

-That's right! You have to dance!- one of them said, breaking their almost perfect acting of

-Oh that's true! Is just so everybody can take a look at you, you two should dance the next piece!-
the other two women pushed them to the center of the hall, where people started to walk away so
they could be the only ones dancing. Mycroft just sighed at that, after his wedding the last thing he
wanted to do was dance or socialize but here he was doing all of that.

Well, apparently they had no other option so after taking Albert by the waist and letting him put his
hand over his shoulder blade, they started to dance at the tempo of the waltz the orchestra at the
other side of the room was playing.

Mycroft could hear the incessant chatter around them, and it was hard to decipher whatever they
were saying because (might you remember) he was not that good on dancing so he had to
concentrate really hard on not losing the tempo and not stepping on Albert, all while leading the
dance and resisting the impulse to kiss the cocky smile on the other's lips.

Wait... why was he thinking of kissing Albert? Concentrate Mycroft Holmes! This is not the time to
let your unrequited love cloud your mind.

Fortunately (or maybe no) for him, the looks and murmurs of others was enough to make him
forget about his (not necessary at all) thoughts. It was almost like if the other people were ready to
jump over them at any moment, and surely not for friendly purposes.

-I feel like a pig being observed by butchers trying to see how fat I am- his words made Albert
chuckle slightly, his smile growing wider because it was unusual to hear the so correct man that
was Mycroft speak like that.

-Really? I just feel like a noble again-

-Did you just call all the nobles butchers?- one of his eyebrows lifted revealing that what Albert
said had amused him. How this man that despised the nobles so much had been able to act like the
perfect noble was a mystery, an enjoyable one.

-No, I called them pigs- a fake innocent look on his face that just made Mycroft chuckle harder.

They were so into their little talk and dancing that they missed the fact that the next piece had
already started, this time the waltz had a more aggressive tempo so Albert ended leading them even
when he still made it look like if Mycroft was still the one leading, something that wasn't true
because he was just letting his body follow the perfect movements of the other.

No wonder why so many young ladies always wanted to dance with the handsome Count Moriarty
and even fought for him.

-What Elise said earlier- Albert's words brought him back to reality. He was really distracted that
night -Do you think there's more than the opium?-

-Most likely, but I wish there wasn't- because if there was then they'd have to work more to end it
all, which also meant more paperwork, and the last thing he wanted was more work.

Once again they missed the end of the piece and continued dancing, and it wasn't just because
Albert was a pretty good dancer which made you want to keep dancing for a very long time, but
also because of the fact that those surrounding them seemed really excited to dance with the two
new members, something that got Mycroft goosebumps because he didn't like the look on their
eyes at all.

And maybe because he had been dancing for a long time and all the spins, he was starting to feel
dizzy and warm. Even his thoughts were starting to feel a little bit messy, a really unusual thing on

Startled when he felt a hand on his arm, Mycroft stopped dancing and thus made Albert stop too to
see that the one that had stopped them was a women with a grin on her red lips. They didn't had
time to ask what was it about though, because soon the woman put her hands around Mycroft while
a man grabbed Albert, separating them.

-My, my... such a handsome man shouldn't dance just with just one woman- slowly she put
Mycroft's hands on her body, too low for his liking and dancing with him against his will.

-And a beauty like you should enjoy the company of more men-

They could have protested, or declined the (really rude) invitations but there was the problem that
on that stupid code there was a "We should share the pleasures that we enjoy with everyone else",
plus everyone was looking intensely at them as if they were just waiting for them to make a
mistake, so seeing that they had no other option but dance with the strangers, Mycroft just smiled
and murmured an amused -Don't cheat on me- that made Albert smile.

-The same goes for you mon chéri- playful words that hided the worry about the other and the not
explicit "take care" order.

And then they started to dance (more like were forced to) with their new partners, slowly being
more and more far away from the other. When the piece ended and tried to get back together, new
people grabbed them and started to dance again, not letting them do what they wanted.

Even when Mycroft was dancing with other women wearing prominent cleavages and basically
shoving his breasts into him, his eyes were still fixated on Albert who had a pretty polite smile on
his lips as he continued to dance and... was he blushing? Maybe all that dancing was affecting him
because Mycroft himself was starting to feel his face get hotter too.

Then suddenly the music stopped and instead a man stood up next to the orchestra, hitting with a
spoon his glass of wine a couple of times to catch everyone's attention.

-May I have your attention please?- the hall grew quiet, all the eyes focused on the man and finally
allowing Mycroft and Albert to get together and with tired expressions on their faces -I'd like to
formally introduce to all of you or new members, Mycroft Holmes and Jolie Holmes!-

At that everyone started to clap, some of them pushing them to get next to the man talking and
allowing then all the people on the hall to look at them, polite and really fake smiles on their faces.
-Now, shall we end with the last of formalities?-

When the man said this, the las thing Mycroft expected was him to start giving a (very boring)
discourse of how happy he was to have new people with them and a lot more of things he really
didn't care about, specially because his head was starting to ache.

Meanwhile, Albert was doing his best to maintain his smile on his face because he was feeling
dizzy and warm, and the fluffy dress didn't help at all because it just made everything worse.

-...Pleasure is what makes us human, enjoying of these pleasures that surround us is what keeps us
alive- that last part brought Mycroft back to reality -And of course!! What bigger pleasure than the
one when we share our bodies!? Making our souls and body one with the universe and all of the
alive creatures on them!!-

What was he saying? Had he heard wrong?

No, apparently no, and apparently they had indeed being looked as pigs by butchers just like he
had said because everyone in that room had a ravenous look as if they were ready to jump over and
devour them at any opportunity they had.

He was starting to fear that maybe they could really try to devour them on a non-metaphorical way,
and if that was true, then they would have to run away.

-Now, madam, Mr. Holmes- oh no, that smile couldn't mean anything good -Let us see how you
enjoy of the pleasures of life by joining your bodies and sharing with us that same joy-

His sapphire eyes then caught the glimpse of some people already getting rid of their clothes, fat
bodies and overpainted lips clashing together as disgusting sounds started to come out of their
mouths; their eyes still fixated on the "fresh meat" that were him and Albert as they continued
touching, licking and moaning.

Fuck. So they not only were illegally trafficking opium but also had orgies?! What the hell was
that!? And while Mycroft's thoughts were already planning a way to get out of there because the
scene in front of him was really disgusting, Albert murmured something to the man who just
nodded on agreement at whatever the other had said.

-Oh! I see! If you're still shy then you can use one of our private rooms!-

Well that wasn't what he wanted to hear but it would have to do for the moment, and his aching
head and warm body would surely need a time to rest and get better. Maybe they could even fool
those people and make them believe that they had indeed had sex without having it.


The same young man that had guided them before appeared, and once again he guided them trough
the halls of the mansion, this time leaving them on a spacious room with one bed on the middle,
everything on total darkness except for the dim light of the candles that leaked to the room trough
the shut door.

-Something is weird- he was feeling more warm than before and his mind was getting more and
more clouded as time went by, and not even alcohol or the nicotine made him feel like that.

Albert didn't heard him though. He was feeling heavy, and trying really hard to be oblivious to the
hardness between his legs as well as his dry throat, but he no longer had the energy to do it, so
instead he leaned closer to the other on search of some comfort, his mind and body slowly giving

Mycroft felt a weird ticklish like electricity feeling run through his body when Albert leaned
against him and hold tight to his arm as if trying to remain still. His pink lips parted slightly letting
heavy breaths leave past them, his cheeks blushed and his touch felt warm even whit the clothes
between them, making shivers run down Mycroft's spine and the inconvenient situation between
his legs twitch with excitement.

It was no time to worry about that though, he needed to concentrate.

-Albert?- the other didn't answer and instead after taking several breaths with his eyes closed as if
to calm himself walked with wobbly steps to the bed, letting himself heavily sit on the mattress
once he reached the soft surface.

-I'm just dizzy- his voice coming out a little bit choky thanks to his heavy breaths and dry throat.

He didn't look well, not at all, and leaving his thoughts aside for a moment Mycroft walked near
Albert and let his hand touch the younger's forehead, he was warm, and then he moved to his neck
to check for any signs of fever.

At the feeling of cold hands brushing against the sensitive skin of his neck Albert couldn't restrain
the soft whimper that left his lips, making Mycroft blink confused for a moment.

It was just at that moment that Mycroft's mind seemed to snap out, finally connecting all the dots
but even when he knew that Albert was not on his right senses and that there was a reason behind
all of this, he couldn't stop the way his fingers moved from his neck to the soft pinkish lips, making
Albert lean closer to the cold touch and closing his eyes to enjoy it better, his hands clutched on
hard fists wrinkling the pristine skirt as if he too was desperate for more but couldn't ask for it.

-... that sweet smell must be some aphrodisiac- it became harder for him to concentrate when
Albert put his hands around his waist, bringing him closer and nuzzling his face against Mycroft's
hand -they must have put it on our drinks too- his jaw clenching hard when the pinkish lips brushed
against his thumb on the trace of a kiss.

He should receive an award for remaining calm even on those situations, or at least get his hand
checked after all of that because he was sure that his nails were digging way too hard on the skin of
his hand's palm due to the strong fist that was turning his knuckles white so that he could ignore
the soft caresses of elegant fingers against his waist and low back.

-How... did you know?- they were already close, but it didn't seem to be enough for Albert who
tightening the embrace on Mycroft's waist to brought him closer, his eyes opening wide when he
felt a certain hardness pressing against him. A loud gulp dying on his throat almost unconsciously.

-... I... am no better either- finally admitted Mycroft feeling totally ashamed of himself because he
was a grown-up-ass-man that had gotten drugged thanks to the people on that hall and that was
now not only getting more hard with the mental image of having Albert under him but also causing
him problems.

Albert knew too that what he was going to do was not good nor correct, but the warmth on his
body, the sweet smell on the air clouding his mind and the hardness on his own erection were
making him feel uneasy, needy of a relief and unable to think correctly.

He could always ask for forgiveness later, now he only didn't want to go crazy but having Mycroft
so near without doing anything at all was making it hard.
-They're still watching us- with Mycroft words, Albert looked to the window in front of the bed
trough cloudy eyes. It could appear like nobody could look at them because of the dark crystal,
but he could feel the intense gazes of everyone over them. Totally disgusting yet he couldn't care
less about that.

Mycroft's thoughts being cut when a low growl left past his lips as Albert started to let his hands
wander all over his torso and then moving to his hips and lower on a erratic pace, but even when
the touch was pleasurable he needed to stop that, holding Albert's hands between his owns.

-We don't have to make this, I can come with other plan-

And instead of answering Albert pulled Mycroft down with him, the older ending over him with
his extremities pressed hard against the mattress to don't fall totally over the one under him. His
mahogany hair haphazardly laying over the bed just like his clothes, clothes that Mycroft really
wanted to pull away so he could just give into his needs and the ones of Albert too.

-Don't force yours...- before he could finish his words Albert let his arms hug Mycroft by the
shoulders, bringing him closer to the point his warm breaths combined with the one's of the other
on such an intoxicating way that it was making him harder to control himself.

-We have already got this far... just do it- his emerald eyes shining as if he was begging for it,
making it hard for Mycroft to not give him what he wanted because god, he was breathtaking and
he was too needy of some relief.

-You...- once again his words were cut, this time because Albert brushed his knee against his hard
erection and making a trembling -Ah- leave his lips on a sigh.

Albert's hands then wandered lower, going from his shoulder to his pects, then his chiseled
abdomen and stopping on his hips when Mycroft grabbed his hands and pressed them against the
mattress with both his hands, a choked whimper dying on his mouth because of the rough action
and strength over his wrists.


Oh. Albert felt his breath leave his lungs when he looked trough his clouded eyes to Mycroft. His
dark hair slightly messed up, low voice and intense gaze making shivers run down his spine and
making him feel hotter, needy of his touch and more. He was going to become crazy if he didn't
get some relieve, so almost on instinct he started to move his own hips against Mycroft's legs,
looking desperately for some touch and letting quiet moans leave his lips when he got what he

It wasn't enough though, he wanted more, needed more.

-Albert- he was on his limit already, unconsciously moving his hips too searching for more and
feeling like dying when a choky whimper left Albert's lips that were already red for how much he
had been bitting them on a useless attempt to stop the sinful sounds from leaving his mouth.

-My...croft... P-please- the warmth on his body was so overwhelming that he didn't even mind to be
basically begging, his mind too clouded to recognize that his hands had been freed and that were
once again going down Mycroft's body, shaking fingers doing their best to unbutton the trousers of
the other.

When Albert's hands brushed against his erection, Mycroft totally let the last shreds of self-control
that he had been trying to maintain fell away. A whimper escaping from Albert's lips when he was
looked with such hunger and lust that for a moment he felt even more dizzy.

That was it, he no longer felt like keeping himself calm when a long, long time ago he had totally
lost all his patience.

-Press your thighs together-

Still confused Albert did as he was told to, his shaky legs having problems to remain together so
Mycroft had to help by pressing the thighs together with his hands. Then, as quickly as he could he
got rid of the troublesome clothes just the enough to allow him to press his hardness between
Albert's naked thighs and brushing against the one of the other's erection, faking thrusts with his
hips that made both moan and sigh because of the friction.

It was clear just how desperate they were for some relief given that they hand't even bothered
about getting rid of their clothes, this making for them unable to see clearly the other and just
concentrating on the delicious friction sending shivers trough all their body.

Albert hands wrinkling the sheets under him as he felt Mycroft thrusting hard against his thighs
pressed together thanks to strong cold hands leaving red marks there and that just made everything
more pleasurable, his lips being bitten to prevent sounds from leaving his mouth yet not being able
to control them totally.

Wet sounds of their skins being hit together and the rustling sound of their clothes accompanied
with their moans and whimpers was all they could hear, and even those sounds were so distant, like
if they were not really there.

Albert could feel the warmth growing on his lower abdomen, his teeth biting hard his lips to
restrain the sinful noises from leaving his mouth and letting some droplets of blood form from the
pressure, his legs doing their best to remain together and get more of that delicious friction that was
enough to make his eyes get watery.

-A-ah~- he was still bitting his lips to quiet his moans as much as he could, a little trace of blood
appearing on them because of the strength -M-my~ ah...- his hands going up to the broad shoulders
and then to the dark hair, holding a tight grip there and messing it even more as he pulled from it.

Mycroft felt like those sounds were his delirium, his hips trusting harder against the other on an
unsteady pace that was enough to make Albert come, being followed by Mycroft just instants after
and letting his face rest against Albert's shoulder as he recovered.

After remaining like that for a while as the post-orgasmic high hit them, he then felt the warm hand
of Albert encircling around his semi-erect member still leaking the last shreds of cum and the one
of Albert, the friction of them being pressed together making him start moving his hips once again
on an attempt to get more of that, and once again wet sounds along stifled moans and sighs started
to fill the room, this time clearer given the fact that they were close yet they couldn't see the other's
face because of the darkness and the purplish skirt of Albert that had ended covering almost totally
his face at some point.

It didn't take long for both of them to come with high-pitched moans again, and this time Mycroft
left himself lay carelessly next to Albert, their clothes and hair made a total mess and their breaths

They remained like that for a moment, so tired and confused still riding the waves of the recent
high to care about what they just had done and still not coming back to reality, getting dressed as
fast as they could so they could leave that goddamn club quickly, though it was easier to say than
do because their bodies were not on the best condition, having problems to walk without stumbling
to the carriage and once there, leaning against the other totally tired. Their minds still clouded
from the post orgasmic ecstasy and the opium.

At least the aphrodisiac hadn't been that strong and seemed to be slowly getting out of their system
after coming twice. That or the cold breeze of the night and the realization of what had just
happened was helping.

-What do they think they are? The council verifying that the King and Queen consume their
marriage?- at Albert's sleepy words Mycroft just chuckled, making Albert's head leaning against
his shoulder move slightly.

Looking at the haphazardly way Albert was laying, he saw him scratching hard with his nails the
skin of his arms, leaving red marks all over the pale flesh on a chaotic way and that he didn't
seemed to realize.

It somehow looked like the time he had left purposely various thing out of place on his office and
left some dirty spots too, wanting to know more about the young Count's obsession with having
everything flawless and on place. It had been a torture for Albert because he was not allowed to
move from his place for over an hour, making Mycroft stop his little experiment when he saw
Albert scratch so hard his arms that they started bleeding.

Taking between his cold hands the ones of Albert, he finally was looked by those emerald eyes
clouded with a thin white coat, slowly gaining more color and light as if he was finally awaking
from a dream. Maybe it was more like waking up from a nightmare, or at least that was what
Mycroft thought as the emerald eyes were shining under the dim light of the moon, shining almost
as if they were about to cry and begging for something.

His pinkish lips opening and closing a couple of times before he finally found the voice to say a
quiet -It... was just for the mission right?- on a plea that made Mycroft's heart ache.

Even when Albert had asked it to Mycroft he didn't know what kind of answer he wanted to hear.
Did he want to hear that it was just for the mission so everything could continue as if nothing had
happened? Or did he want to hear that there were other reasons behind it? But, what would he do if
that was true?

-Just for the mission- Mycroft said reassuringly even if he wanted to say otherwise, caressing the
reddened arms and embracing him, hearing a trembling sigh leave past the pinkish lips on a
relieved sing.

They stayed like that for a while, just letting their minds run wild and get lost on their deepness
until the carriage stopped, Mycroft getting out of it first and then extending his right hand to help
Albert do the same; a calm -Let's go- from him when he saw the younger hesitate for a moment.

At that Albert just nodded and took the hand extended to him, still feeling dizzy and walking to the
couch where he let himself lay haphazardly, sniffing the air a couple of times before realizing that
the "disgusting" smell was coming from him.

-I need a bath- and he needed it not only because of the smell, but also because of the feeling of
cum getting dry on between his thighs that was slightly uncomfortable -You should take one too-
he said when Mycroft sat next to him, his head lying backwards and allowing a better view of his
Adam's apple.

-I just want to sleep- and shut his noisy brain as much as he could though not even on sleep his
brain allowed him to rest, a total blessing sometimes and a torture other ones.

-Well I'm not letting you sleep with me stinking of sex, aphrodisiacs and opium- and with his
words he rushed Mycroft to get a bath, both being as quiet as they could because everyone was
sleeping and they really didn't want to give explanations as to why they looked so disheveled and
smelled of opium and more.

Thankfully the cold water helped Mycroft concentrate, going to his office after finishing
showering. A cigarette dying on his mouth as he tried to compose his mind that, just like always
he thought about Albert, was a total chaos.

Between the mission and his chaotic feelings, it was clear which one he would choose. Or at least
it was supposed to be like that yet he found himself contemplating the idea of giving up on
everything he had just to let his love for Albert grow and cloud his mind, consume him to the core
and then take him back to hell.

There was no way he could allow himself that though.

He was ready to give himself for the sake of the Queen and the country, and he knew that Albert
was ready for that too but... this was by far more terrible and better at the same time than dying.
Maybe what was making him go crazy was the fact that he still could hear Albert's beautiful
sounds as clear as if he was in front of him, his mind going back to how good it had felt to be with
him, to have him under him moaning and begging for more.

He was fucked up.

On the other side, Albert was lazily resting on the bathtub. Maybe he could drown on the water
and peacefully go to hell without having to face his feelings and thoughts that were making the
idea of dying more and more tempting than before.

Just what had he been thinking? He must have went totally nuts to allow such a thing to happen.
Yes, he had felt like he was about to go crazy at any moment if he didn't get some relieve but that
wasn't reason enough to let Mycroft do such... sinful things with him.

That man was fucking him up (like literally).

He was going crazy, and that wasn't good. He needed to keep his feelings at line, and if for that he
needed to take his heart out of his chest, then he would. He'd put it on a cage, lock it there for the
rest of the eternity and then burn it until there was nothing left from it... he was good at burning
things after all.

Mycroft and the mission didn't need his useless feelings.

It had been just because of the mission that he had had the pleasure to have Mycroft so close to
him, something he had found himself dreaming about sometimes on the past, and just like those
times, he felt totally overwhelmed and terrified when his brain decided that it was a good idea to
remember him how good it had felt being so close to him, warm hands around him and pleasurable
sighs with occasional growls echoing on his ears.

It had been at most three months since he realized about his feelings for the so correct man that
was Mycroft, and even since he realized them it just kept growing and growing like sea foam on
the shore at such an overwhelming speed that he wasn't even able to realize when his thoughts had
changed from a "maybe I love him" to "I desire him so much that I just need a look from him to be
Slamming a couple of time his cheeks with his hands to wake himself up, he decided that it was
useless to think about that and instead it was better to go and check on the owner of his most recent
thoughts, putting that same peaceful smile on his lips so Mycroft couldn't see through him.

He should receive some kind of award for being able to lie to a Holmes and his brothers.

He wasn't on their now shared room though, and searching for him he ended walking to the office
where he found him. His dark hair still wet and letting tiny droplets of water fall from them to his
pajamas and wetting the clothes, his tired sapphire eyes reading something and a fountain pen
being played on his left hand.

He was going to catch a cold if he left his hair like that.

-Thought you were going to sleep- he said as he walked until he was behind Mycroft, grabbing the
towel that was on his neck and using it to dry his dark hair, something the other thanked with a nod
before putting the fountain pen on its place.

-I'm checking what they said about Hannah- was he talking about the rumor of her ex-husband?
That had caught his attention too, so leaving the towel over the dark hair, he leaned closer to what
he had been reading, his long lashes going up and down as his emerald eyes read the information
Mycroft had collected of Hannah.

Then his attention went to what Mycroft was showing him on his right hand. A golden simple ring
sparkling on his hand and making Albert look questioningly at him.

-I found this on the scene- it hadn't been exactly on the scene but on the street behind Hannah's
house, anyway, it had the initials "L.V.H." on the inside of the ring -Her ex-husband, Luke Von
Heinkle, do you know him?-

Bitting with his canine his lower lip Albert started to think, though he stopped doing it when he felt
the aching feeling of bitting his already sore lips. He didn't know the man but he remembered
Hannah talking briefly about him.

-Not really, but she told me they got divorced because she never gave him kids- a total shit if he
had to say so.

And while Albert kept looking at the weeding ring on Mycroft's hand, he let his sapphire eyes look
at the pinkish lips with some red spots on them, being proof of how hard he had been bitting them
and reminding Mycroft that he really needed to clarify things or he was going to become insane.

The image of a pleading Albert invading each one of his thoughts and for a moment making him


When his name was called he rose his head, his emerald eyes locking on the sapphire ones and
studying him for a moment. He looked really guilty and sorry, but why?

-What? You look like you're about to kill yourself on redemption and that's my work- a chuckle
leaving his lips because his own joke had made him laugh but Mycroft wasn't laughing or letting a
small smirk draw on his lips as he usually would do... he wasn't even scolding him for saying such

-About earlier...- what about earlier? His mind immediately started to work hard and becoming a
whole chaos even when he still was smiling on the outside.
-What exactly?-

-On the Olympus club, when they made us- for a moment Mycroft had problems saying the next,
specially because he didn't know how would the younger react -have sex... I'm sorry for that-

He really was sorry for it, and he was even more sorry because he had enjoyed it, specially those
beautiful sounds coming from the ex-count' lips as well as his warm body and touch, and that made
him feel like those people that had almost devoured them with just their eyes, that is, horrible.

-Is the first time somebody tells me that... was I that bad? Well, I suppose you might have enjoyed
it more if I had been a woman with soft breasts- putting his hands over his chest Albert pinched it,
trying to ignore his thoughts swirling and messing his head.

-I'm not talking about that and you know it-

Oh. He looked really remorseful, or maybe angry, maybe both. Such a handsome face and pretty
eyes shouldn't have those emotion drawn all over them.

-Mycroft- gingerly he put a dark lock of hair that was falling over his face behind his ear -They
were making us have sex one way or another, otherwise they wouldn't have drugged us-

It wasn't Mycroft's fault, it was all those goddamn people's and his own fault. It was his fault. He
had been the one that made Mycroft do such disgusting things and thus, have that remorseful
expression on his face.

-Don't look me like that, you said so yourself, it was just for the mission- with every word he
mumbled his hands patting the dark hair gingerly -...Or maybe you're a virgin and that's wh...- his
joke was cut before he could finish it.


Not knowing what else to do and fearing something that he couldn't comprehend, Albert hugged
him. His pale fingers caressing the dark hair and his owner letting himself get comforted on that
embrace, not being aware of how much he was consoling Albert on his own by patting his back
with his strong hands.

-Don't look so regretful of it- his face going lower so he could nuzzle his nose on the soft dark hair
that smelled of mint and blueberries like always.

-We might have to do it more times- mumbled Mycroft after some time where everything had
remained quiet.

He didn't want to expose Albert to danger, and at those moments he felt afraid of hurting the one
that was so gingerly embracing him. He didn't want to lose him.

-We'll worry about that when the time comes. Let's just go to sleep for now- breaking the embrace
he took Mycroft by the hand, making him stand up and walking to their room.

On the darkness and quietness of the room, under the warmth of the sheets and the body next to
him, Mycroft found himself thinking about the earlier events once more.

-Albert- he just mumbled a sleepy "Mhm" as answer, letting him know he was listening and giving
Mycroft the sing to say what he had been wanting to ask -Would you have done it with somebody
else had it been for the sake of the mission?-
-I did it because it was you- his words came out before he could process them, and after realizing
what he had said he quickly said something more to don't make his words look weird, his heart
thumping hard against his chest -We're married after all, I might be shameless but I still like when
things follow their order-

And once again all there was was silence, this time being Albert the one that had a question
pricking on his tongue but that he didn't felt sure to say, not that he had time to keep thinking about
it anyway, not when a cold hand over his cheek took him out of his reverie.

-What is it?- oh, usually he hated that Mycroft could read him so easily but maybe, just maybe at
that moment he was thankful of it.

-Can I hug you?-


Had he just thought that or did he say that aloud? And before he could receive an answer to his
question, Mycroft slowly opened his arms, moving just the necessary to let Albert's head rest on
the crook of his neck were the smell of his cologne was stronger even after a bath.

-Sleep- and with that simple order murmured to his ear he started to feel sleepy, his hands slowly
going up and clutching hard to Mycroft's back, a tired sigh leaving his lips before finally falling

Sighing, Mycroft finally allowed his mind to rest, one of his hands caressing the crook of Albert's
back and that just made him lean closer to him, a small smile appearing on his lips as he tucked
better the blankets around them.

One way or another, they had ended on that situation, and nothing he did could change that fact.
He felt stupid for doubting about what he had to do for a moment when it was clear what he was
supposed to do, and that was finish with the mission her Highness had asked him to deal with.
That was something even Albert seemed to be aware of, so why was he doubting?

There was no going back, all he could do now was end as soon as possible with that fucked up
situation so he couldn't hurt the one that he loved so much and that hold him tightly during the
whole night, warm arms embracing him and cold elegant fingers brushing against his back.


Walking trough the hallways of the quiet house, Albert allowed himself to sigh wearily, stoping his
steps in front of a bookshelf and pulling from an old looking book with a beautiful blue cover, then
moving the lamp just a little bit to the left and finally pulling from another book with a greenish
cover. Immediately he heard the sound of gears working and opening the bookshelf to reveal the
stairs that went down.

He had discovered that passage by mistake, during his first days on that house. And just like he had
done before, he started to go downstairs, and after sometime he was finally in front of a dark wood
door that separated him from the room that just like always, was totally spotless and shined with
the sun rays hitting against the white curtains even when there were no windows behind them.

The first time he had found that room, he had been really curious as to how a room underground
was so full of light, and after more exploring he found out that there were multiple skylights on the
roof and that for the people above the room only looked like stones guiding to the backyard.

On the center of the room he found what he had been searching for, being this a piano covered by
white linen cloth. This time though, when he lifted the cloth he saw something moving from under
it, and thinking that it could be Mon Chéri (as impossible as it was because there was no way the
cat could know how the hidden room mechanism worked) he dropped to his knees, finding instead
of the cat two kids peacefully sleeping.

There, cuddling together and with their dark hair scattered all over the floor were Aster holding
tightly Selene against him and she holding between one of her hands a dark lock of hair from her

Feeling totally lost he slowly blinked, deciding that it was better to go away because he still didn't
know how to deal with the kids when Mycroft wasn't around... is not like he could offer them to
have a glass of wine with him, right? Plus he didn't had the energy at that moment to deal with

Before he could go though, the hand of Selene holding to his shirt stopped him. Her purplish eyes
still sleepy looking at him with curiosity yet not saying a thing, which made Albert feel really

-Can you play it?- well he was thankful that the girl had spoke but he would appreciate if she could
also clarify what she was talking about.

Fortunately for him, he was good at knowing what others were looking at and then deduce what
they were referring to (partially because that's how Mycroft worked), and so he found himself
following what the purplish eyes were looking at and nodding when he understood that Selene was
asking if he could play the piano.

He really hoped she would let go of him so he could go to any other place and try to kill his
feelings totally, obliterating them from his heart and mind so he could continue like if nothing had

-Could you... play something for us?-

He was tempted to say "No" or simply go away, but being honest he really wanted, no, needed to
play the piano so that his thoughts could stop messing with him, so after nodding and feeling the
girl finally let go of his hand he grabbed the black leather bench and adjusted it. There was no need
to open the piano by lifting the lid and securing it with the lid prop because the room had a good
echoing, his fingertips caressing the fall board and lifting it to reveal the perfectly sculpted marble
black and white keys.

After taking a deep breath and putting his hands over the keys on a perfect position, he finally
allowed himself to stop thinking, his fingers moving on what people would call instinct just like his
right foot pressing and lifting from the pedal when required. It wasn't on instinct though, it was
thanks to the multiple times he had practiced that piece that his muscles and ear memorized it that
he was able to play it without the score.

On some way, it was more like mechanizing something.

The fact that it was a relatively simple piece helped too. It was the Chopin's prelude in E minor, a
piece that he had learned on his early days playing the instrument and that allowed him to not think
at all, almost like if he was only a doll playing.

Thankfully for him the kids never made a single sound nor movement, allowing him to fully
"concentrate" on what he was playing, his mind and body feeling at ease as he went by and when
he played the last chords he felt like everything came back to him on strong waves.

The traces of a smile appeared on his lips when he saw Selene enthusiastically clap at him, and
even Aster was clapping though he tried to hide his excitement behind his stern face, and after
bowing to them Albert left them alone on the secret room.

Aster knew that the weird man, who was Albert, was that, weird... but he was weirder that day.

He had been perfectly fine until the moment Mr. Holmes had left, after that he was like lost, hitting
himself with everything he could hit himself with like the door frame, the windows, Emily and just
everything. Then when they had found each other on the secret room he hadn't asked what they
were doing there nor spoke at all.

Had he already gone insane? No, he was already insane from the very first moment.

Then what was wrong with him? He was starting to scare the servants and even Selene who had
the cat on her arms and was now following Albert everywhere he went, checking that he wouldn't
hurt himself seriously, being this the reason why he was also following the weird man.

On an attempt to make the weird man feel better, Anne put a slice of that delicious chocolate and
strawberries cake in front of him, and after seeing both kids salivate at the sight of the dessert she
also gave them two slices that were about to disappear in no time. It was the most delicious thing
they had ever tasted!

Swallowing down his last bite, Aster looked at Selene questioningly when she elbowed him, her
purplish eyes signaling the weird man that was looking trough the window with a lost expression,
the slice of cake still intact on his plate.

-Are you eating that?- he felt his little sister cursing him for being so dumb, but he was still a kid!!
Between dealing with a clumsy adult and having the opportunity to eat more of that delicious cake
it was pretty obvious what he would choose!

-Mhm?- his emerald eyes looking at him confused, finally understanding what the kid was talking
about when he saw the cake that the clear gray eyes were looking at -Ah... You can have it- with a
small movement of his hand he put the plate near the kids who just looked at each other with
something between scare and concern.

That was not the weird man that they knew!! Sure, they had just met him a few days ago (and he
had run away briefly after that) but if they knew something about him for sure was that he loved
that cake more than his life! He had even fight to death with Aster for the last slice of it so how
was he so willingly giving it away now!?

Maybe he was giving them away and that's why he was being nice!
-...Mr. pretty eyes! If you like something you shouldn't give it away!- and please don't give us
away!! the last thing obviously being just something Selene thought, surprising even his brother
because she was not the talkative type, murmuring just a few words if she really needed to speak
but this was by far the longest sentence she had ever said -If you like something keep it!!-

Turning back his gaze to the weird man, Aster saw his emerald eyes open wide, blinking slowly
showing how confused he was.

-I already had a slice, that's enough for me-

It made both kids feel relieved, but even if their mouths were drooling over the cake the boy still
made sure to put it in front of the adult, being conscious that not just because they have been
treated really well, almost to the point of being spoiled, during the past days meant that they could
misbehave or abuse of the luxuries they were being given.

-If you like it then enjoy it. You are alive now but you might die tomorrow, just enjoy all what you
can- just after a few seconds had passed he realized what he had said, and when he looked at the
purplish eyes of his sister he knew that he had just screwed it.

They had been raised on a family were nothing was sure, nor if you were going to live one day
more nor if you were going to be able to eat even crumbs of bread the next day, so it had became
normal for them to hear their parents saying things like "If we die..." "When we die..." "Die...".

It had became so normal for them that when their parents died they accepted it and moved on
immediately. There was one problem though, and it was that because they had grown up listening
to those words at every hour, on every meal, every time they went to sleep, on every one of the
weird and occasional times they shared together, it was just normal for them now to speak like that
too, and people didn't like being reminded of their undeniable mortality.

People always looked at them with pity or like if they were gross things whenever they spoke like
that, so when he saw the emerald eyes glistening with so many emotions he felt overwhelmed.
There was no pity nor disgust on his eyes, but rather something aching to hope.

-Even if it is not correct?- what was this man talking about? Wasn't he going to look at them like
everyone else did?

-Who decides what is correct and what isn't? If you like it then take it- still confused mumbled
Aster, feeling the grip on his hand growing stronger as Selene clutched tighter to his hand.

-And if I regret it later?-

... was it a test? Having no other option but answer Aster once more answered still with concern on
his voice -That would be a "future you" problem... if there's a future-

-And if I hurt somebody else by taking it?- his eyes now regaining more consciousness, like if he
was waking up from a long lethargy.

-...- was that some kind of rhetorical question? He wasn't good at them, his sister was better than
him at it so he looked at her in search of some help, but surprisingly she was intensely looking at
the man in front of them, her clear purplish eyes big and barely blinking.

-Mr. pretty eyes- that was how she called Albert -Are you talking about blackie?- at that nickname
Aster immediately hurried to cover his sister's mouth, though it was already late because Albert
had heard it loud and clear.
-Blackie?- the confusion clear on his voice as well as his emerald eyes that were looking
questioningly at the boy.

-...she means Mr. Holmes- a small blush appearing on his ears because how were you supposed to
explain that that's how you and your sister called the man that had rescued you and that was for
some mysterious reasons now your adoptive father?

-You want to take something from him?- again the soft voice of Selene was heard, making Aster
look with curious eyes at whatever she was talking about and that he couldn't comprehend.

On the other hand, Albert opened wide his eyes, a cold shiver running down his spine at the
feeling of getting discovered.

-If taking makes you feel bad then you can give him back something, that way if both take
something from the other it would be fair and you wouldn't feel bad, right?-

For a moment all Albert did was look at the girl with wide eyes, his emerald eyes almost shining
and making Aster feel totally lost because he had no idea what was going on, making him almost
scream -Just take what you want! Nothing is forever, just take it while you can-

Albert just chuckled at that and soon started to laugh more and more until little tears started to slip
from his emerald eyes, making Aster think that maybe he had really gone mad for sure now.

But unlike the thoughts of the kid, Albert felt refreshed and more sane than before. They were
right, his marriage wouldn't last for ever so taking a little from it wouldn't hurt anybody, right? And
just like Selene had said, he could give Mycroft all he needed in return from enjoying that little

He could be selfish, even if just for a moment, taking Mycroft's kindness and giving on return his
whole life, body, heart and self.

-You're smart kids- a kind smile adorning his lips as he cut the cake on three and put a piece of
them on the kids mouths.

Aster and Selene had been so surprised to see Albert smile so beautifully that they almost choke on
the cake. He was looking at that moment like one of those angels on the paintings they had seen on
the books the orphanage made them read, and that left them really speechless for a moment before
running away with their hearts thumping hard.

Meanwhile, all Albert could do was keep smiling widely as he walked back to his room. Maybe
those kids had spoke just because, but their harmless words had helped him a lot to the point that
even his usual mood was back and that had been lost as soon as he saw Mycroft leave.

Suddenly the memory of a mother praising him (Or rather Jolie) for having such intelligent and
beautiful kids crossed his mind.

It was weird to say that he was married wit Mycroft, but it was even weirder to say that he had two
kids with him.

Ignoring the sudden chills going down his spine he stared at the white brooch on the dressing table.
Just at that time he was able to notice that it wasn't only a white pearl, but it also had the traces of
the God of Wine on it, almost imperceptible but visible if you put it under the light.

-A wine addict for another wine addict I guess- chuckling at his own words he put the brooch back
on its place and as he was trying to re-arrenge his clothes he noticed that there was something
missing, so he went back to the room he shared with Mycroft just in case he had left it there but
still no.

That's how he went around all the house checking for it but it was still lost!

-Are you looking for something master?- asked Anne as she saw him kneeling down and searching
for something under the couch. She had been worried about him during the first part of the day, so
she hurriedly run to him when she saw him there.

-No...- but even when he had said this he still kept looking for it -I just can't find my crinoli...- his
words slowly getting more and more quiet as he he remembered it.

He had left the goddamn crinoline on the club because when they had left he had totally forgot
about it. Sure, is not like it was the only one he had, but it was the less voluptuous and more
comfortable one, so that's why he was looking for it and now facing the wicked smile on the
woman that was trying really hard to contain her laugh.

Oh no. Had he accidentally implied something that was half true half lie and that would follow
him until the ends of the times?

-I know you and Mycroft are young and full of passion, but still you shouldn't forget your clothes
on any place- well she was right about the how he had lost the crinoline but that didn't mean she
could openly say it!! Now even George (who was passing by) was laughing at him.

-Why is everyone getting so bold lately?- a pout appearing on his lips as he tried to contain the
need to go and throw himself out of a cliff.

-The influence of our new master you could say- at George's words he just sighed. Had he
accidentally ruined them? No, they were already like that (maybe), otherwise George wouldn't get
along so well with Jack.

Both liked to tease him. And cared for him a lot too, proof of this was that he had been worrying
for him during all the morning too. Teasing and love, perfectly balanced, as it should be.

-You arrived late yesterday master- the soft voice of Emily happily entering the room made him
put on a half smirk.

-Am I being spied now?- his voice coming more tough than he had intended to and, unfortunately,
this made Emily blush brightly and feel like everything was spinning around her as her hands
moved frantically from one way to another trying to explain herself.

-N-no! I mean!...- poor girl. He should stop teasing her but it was hard to do when she had so cute

Trying really hard to hide his smile and with Emily that kept babbling multiple apologies, Mon
chéri jumped to his lap deciding to comfortably sleep there until he seemed to have another one of
his sugar-high moments and enthusiastically started playing with his mahogany long hair.

-That's right! Master Holmes said The Queen had requested for your and the young masters
presence on the palace for dinner- said George, taking on his arms the cat so he couldn't harm
Albert and gaining on response a loud "hisss" and a scratch from the cat.

-The Queen asked for them?- the cat once again jumping to his lap and hissing when George tried
to grab him once more, something that made Albert laugh as he let the cat play with his long
mahogany hair.
-He didn't tell me more-

After nodding to let know the old Buttler that he had understood and asking Emily for help to get
the kids ready, he decided to start getting himself ready too, really missing the lost crinoline
because all the other ones let him with marks on the waist no matter what.

Only then he noticed the dim purplish marks on his thighs, near his knees and where Mycroft's
fingers had been holding a strong grip to keep his legs together the last night; the tips of his ears
turning red at that memory and one of his hands fanning himself to help his flustered cheeks cool

At least that day nobody had helped him get dressed because he didn't want anybody else seeing
those marks that clearly were not because of some mosquito.

Suddenly and taking him out of his memories, the sound of Emily letting out an excited screechy
sound caught everyone's attention and make him rush to where she was, that was the kids room, on
fear that something had happened.

But weirdly, there was nothing to be worried about and instead there were just a couple of kids
with matching pale green outfits and wide eyes looking confused at a very overjoyed Emily and
then to him on search of an explanation.

-Young master Aster and Selene are so cute with matching outfits- a warm aura forming around
her, and maybe because he hadn't been eating properly or because he had had a glass of wine
without eating something before he was now seeing some hearts and flowers floating around her.

-I thought I was your favorite- and at Albert's voice her daydreaming exploded like a bubble and
was replaced by a worried expression and multiple flattering words that ended on Albert faking
tears and Emily crying (for real) as she said over and over again how beautiful, perfect, flawless he

He really had to stop messing with her.

Fortunately for her, the carriage that was going to take them to the palace arrived soon, and with
that the three of them got on it, Selene sitting next to Albert and almost immediately falling asleep
with her head resting over his lap, something that took Albert by surprise but oh well, she had
helped him (without knowing) to put his thoughts on place so he could at least let her rest on his
lap for a while.

All of this was of course, being watched carefully by Aster who for a moment had feared that
Albert would kick his sister out of him or that would beat them to a pulp for touching him. Instead
though, he saw with bemusement the way he smiled shortly before putting the white lock of hair of
Selene behind her ear.

Huh. Maybe he was not that bad, after all, he had given them a part of his cake and was now
carefully taking care of his sleeping sister.

-Where are we going?- he asked after seeing they were taking a strange way (at least for him), his
clear gray eyes looking through the window in search of something that could give him a hint, but
instead his eyes saw the way Albert smiled widely, as if he was scheming something.

Goosebumps running trough his body as he thought that that smile couldn't mean anything good at

-The Queen wants to meet you two-

Chapter End Notes

Interesting(?) facts that nobody asked for but that I'm still giving you: Chopin's
Prelude in E minor also goes for the name "suffocation", being this because of the
despair feeling it gives as if you were slowly drowning and thus, dying suffocated.

The other one is that even when it's a really simple and easy piece to play (is only a
page and less than a half long to give you an idea of how easy it is), this is by far one
of the most complicated pieces Chopin has speaking from a theoretical/analysis point.
I'm gonna skip all the theory concepts cause I'm not an expert either, but the "final"
keeps being prolonged, and prolonged for almost the entirety of the piece.

So, I know nobody really cares but I chose this piece for Albert because I wanted him
to express what he was feeling but not explicitly (thus why I chose this one that
literally is named suffocation) and because I think it expresses the complicated and
messy thoughts he was having.

Also!! now you know that we have an idiot in love that is afraid of his own feelings
and another idiot in love that doesn't knows how to express his love... fu-

Now!! Moving onto the next update, its going to be on 01/3/22 sorry for this but its
because of vacations so happy (advanced) new year, merry Christmas and whatever
you celebrate!! Love you all!!
Visit to the palace and... murder?
Chapter Notes

It's Britney bitch (I'm back )

See the end of the chapter for more notes

-The Queen wants to meet you two-

Ok, was that supposed to be a good thing or a bad one? No, most importantly, how could this very
weird man be smiling so carelessly!? How could he be talking about it as if he was just talking
about going to the store on the corner of the street!? The Queen was requesting to meet with him
and his sister!! The Queen!! Was he even to understand what that meant!?

And Aster would have continued to freak out on his mind hadn't it been because soon the palace
could be spotted, and when he saw the magnificent building his entire brain just collapsed, no
thoughts nor any other thing on his mind, just a blank big space on it as if his brain had decided
that it was a good time to go on vacations.

Fortunately for him though, Mycroft was already waiting for them at the outsides of the palace,
helping Albert get out off the carriage because Selene was still sleeping peacefully on his arms
(something that surprised Mycroft), and also messing Aster's hair after seeing how confused he

For Mycroft it was cute to see Aster looking with wide, shining eyes the interior of the palace. If
he started to run and make a fuss then it would be exactly as the first time of Sherlock on the
palace, he just hoped he wouldn't cause so much commotion as Sherlock did.

But anyway, let's go back to Aster's thought that were basically a weird mix of fear, excitement and
tons of "Oh my fucking lord".

The palace was huge!! He used to think that Mycroft and Albert's house was huge (he had got lost
multiple times on that huge house and it even had secret rooms!), but the palace was so much more
bigger that he couldn't help feeling overwhelmed and like an ant on that big place.

Sparkles on his greenish eyes as he looked at the wide windows and heavy curtains, the perfectly
carpeted floor, moving to the paintings and portraits of members of the royal family and then his
mouth opening even wider when after a heavy decorated door was opened, an spacious hall
appeared, and right at the center of it, the Queen's throne with her sitting on it, smiling widely at

The Queen on the other side, was feeling totally ecstatic because the image of the four people in
front of her was the definition of a perfect family. Albert carrying on his arms a sleeping cute girl
with two ponytails, a cute boy holding to Mycroft's hand and imitating the best he could the
reverence the two adults were making to greet her. Even Mycroft's suit combined with the dark
blue dress of Albert, he really looked good on it!! Ah. She felt like twenty years younger just by
looking at them.

She really had done a good job by making those two dense man adopt the kids!!
By the way, those kids were really cute!! How could they be so cute!? The Queen was having
problems to contain herself and don't run to them and squeeze the girl's chubby cheeks or mess the
dark soft-looking hair of the boy.

Seeing how excited the Queen was (even when she was trying to hide it), Mycroft pushed Aster
slightly so he could come closer to the Queen who without losing any moment hugged him tightly,
making the cheeks of Aster get totally blushed and his mouth opening and closing like a fish for a
couple of times before he finally returned the hug at Mycroft's order.

The Queen was hugging him!! And he was hugging The Queen!! Oh dear lord!!

-What's your name?- her eyes turning into half moons and making the faint wrinkles around her
eyes deepen as she smiled. Her hands cupping Aster's cute face that was totally blushed.

Somehow instead of looking like an unapproachable ruler she now looked like a soft grandmother
meeting for the first time her grandchild, ready to cook butter cookies for him if he wished to...
which was true by the way. This also helped Aster to feel more at ease and answer her question
more freely, though he was still clearly nervous.

-Aster... Holmes your highness- oh, how much the Queen loved to hear that!! She had waited so
much time to hear a young kid murmur that words thanks to Mycroft and the fact that he was
always busy and overworking himself, and because he really didn't like social events and he was
just him.

She was getting old!! Just how much that selfish and very dense kid planed to make her wait to
take on her arms a little Holmes!? True, they might not be his biological kids but oh well, she didn't
care about that at all.

Soon, and before Albert or Mycroft could notice it, the Queen rushed to where Albert was and took
on her arms Selene, who was totally deep on her sleep and didn't care about being suddenly on the
arms of a stranger and continued to peacefully sleep, giving a heart-attack to the Queen when she
buried her chubby face on the crook of her neck.

Mycroft could bet his life that never on his entire existence he had seen the Queen act so carelessly
and full of joy like a kid entering a toy-store for the first time... well, she had seemed to be as
excited as she was now when she finally was able to witness her personal maid accept the love of
the royal chef (and when she made him marry Albert, but he ignored this).

-Let's go, I've something to give you two- the two startled men then finally snapped out of their
thoughts, and seeing how the Queen started to walk with the kids to somewhere else they looked at
each other with confusion.

-Your Majesty?- asked Mycroft, his sapphire eyes looking at The Queen with confusion that just
increased when she mumbled a soft "ah" as if she had just remembered that they existed.

-Ah. You can go, I'll take care of them. A maid will call you when dinner is ready- and before he
could say something else The Queen had already disappeared behind a heavy door, leaving him
and Albert confused and alone on the quiet hall but then laughing because they had just been

The first time someone ever dumped Albert and it was because of a pair of kids.

-I have something for you too- and without saying something else Mycroft started to walk, being
closely followed by Albert who was stretching his back and saying how it ached so much for
carrying Selene on his arms for a long time until he recognized where they were heading to.

He recognized the dark hallways and the red carpet aching to a blood color covering the floor.
Heavy, imposing doors that opened to reveal a dark spacious office with that characteristic smell
of old books, ink and French cigarettes that he was familiar with.

Mycroft's office, the Director's Office... one of the many he had.

-This place hasn't changed at all- it could be considered an exaggeration for him to say that after
only three years, but three years were enough to end with multiples lives, to make an empire
collapse and a new one surge; on little words, to let everything change.

Even him had changed on those three years. But not that office, it was still the same as if time had
been stopped on that room.

His emerald eyes wandering all over the lounge-couch that he had rested over sometimes after a
mission, moving to the desk full of paperwork behind where Mycroft would always greet him, then
to the bookshelf that had a portrait of the two Holmes brothers on it and finally his eyes resting on
the red roses that were suddenly in front of him.

So sudden that it startled him, his eyes wide on surprise looking at Mycroft with clear confusion
and his long lashes blinking quickly.

-Sorry- he mumbled, shortly and ending his words with the tips of his lips curving on a smile and
making Albert's heart skip a beat until he recognized that this goddamn, handsome, stubborn man
was once again apologizing!!

-Not again- his brows immediately furrowing on a clear sing of annoyance that just increased when
Mycroft put the roses on his arms, forcing him to take them -What are you saying sorry for now?-

He had been saying sorry all the morning. He was really starting to hate it! What was he? A
mistress on distress asking for forgiveness after spending a night with some random man!? Even
him was already getting over the drug-sex-aphrodisiac thing!!

He loved him but if he said sorry one more time he was going to kill him and then himself to get
rid of the consequences.

-For saying sorry-

And just with those playful words and the half smirk on his beautifully sculpted lips Albert forgot
about his recent angriness and the reason of it. There was no way he could think about it nor
anything else, not when he was smiling so beautifully that it was almost breathtaking.

-That's... stupid- at that Mycroft just laughed, because it did was stupid, but he was starting to get
more and more aware of how stupid he became every time he had Albert around him or on his
mind to the point it almost scared him.

He was going to became his ruin one day, and what was worst, was that he loved that idea more
than he should.

Minutes passed by without them knowing, both feeling relaxed and at ease once again because
they were now able to spend time like the way they used to, just the two of them sitting together
doing nothing on special, not even speaking as if nothing had happened or changed, just, them
being together, laying on the lounge-couch with Albert resting his head over Mycroft's shoulder;
mahogany soft locks of hair brushing against his cheek and allowing him to enjoy better of his
almost natural smell of roses.

-I thought you didn't like kids- Mycroft's words came so out of the nowhere that Albert rose his
head, just the enough to allow his emerald eyes to look questioningly at the older one who felt the
tips of his ear heat up because of how near their faces were -You were carrying Selene-

-She fell asleep on the carriage and is not like I could leave her there- his face then turning back to
his old position because he too was starting to feel his cheeks blush at how near they were.

He might don't like kids, but he still had a little bit of conscience left that didn't allow him to leave
a sleeping little girl on the carriage like if she was some forgotten luggage. Then a thought
appeared on his mind, something that made him tap Mycroft's hand to get back his attention even
when the other was fully concentrated on him.

-I think she may have anemia, she behaves just like Will- if she did have anemia, then it would
explain the reason why she would fall asleep all the time not minding where nor who was around
her, almost like if she passed away.

The reason why William tended to fall asleep so carelessly too was in part due to his anemia, and
because of his thoughts that required a lot of his energy but that could also be a cause of his sever
anemia. He had scared him and Louis to death multiple times until they learned about his
condition and that it was relatively normal on William.

-Mhm. I thought so too- he said nodding because he too had been curious about Selene's behavior,
and then smiling when he saw Albert start bitting his lower lip on a clear sing that he was thinking
about the situation -You actually care about them more than you want to apparent-

The amused smirk on his lips making Albert pout and punch slightly Mycroft on the side, so soft
that it felt like nothing more than feathers touching his body but that still made him laugh at how
childish the younger one was.

-I might don't be fond of kids but that doesn't mean I hate them- he said after finally finishing with
his little punch revenge -And somehow they're my kids one way or another so even if I don't like it
I have to take care of them- that mere thought still made him shiver but there was no way he could
keep denying it when The Queen herself had been the one that arranged the adoption papers.

He might have never asked for kids (like really, never, not even on his craziest dreams) but there
was nothing he could do now, and because he had been a noble he was aware that he was almost
obligated to leave offspring, so he always thought that even if he didn't want them he was still
going to make the minimum effort to give them a good life.

You could call it obligation if you wanted to put a name on it.

His thoughts were interrupted then by the quiet sound of Mycroft holding back his laugh, making
him rose his head to see him better and smiling as well when he saw the traces of a smirk trying to
be hold back on his perfectly sculpted lips.


-You're really kind Count Moriarty- a strong hand tucking a wild lock of mahogany hair back his
ear, his smile growing bigger when a small pout appeared on Albert's lips after realizing that this
devil man was making fun of him.

-Well that's a compliment coming from the not-so-stiff Director- really, who could have thought
that the man known as the government itself could be so sweet -You should get married and have

-I am married and I do have kids- his index finger tapping the wedding ring on the left hand of
Albert and then his own ring, both shining under the warm lights of the gas-lamps. His answer
though, make the younger one look defiantly at him, initiating then a small war of looks that ended
only when a maid announced them that dinner was ready.

Of course this didn't stop them entirely because on the whole way to the dinning room they kept
punching, pushing and pulling the hair of the other as if they were kids and making the maid that
was following them chuckle at how funny they were. Their little game had to end when the
Queen's butler looked at them apprehensively though, both making their best to compose
themselves and clean their appearances as the heavy doors of the dinning hall opened.

By the time they were in front of The Queen, they were already on a perfect state and greeted her
so respectfully and elegantly that it made the maid think that maybe she had hallucinated the prior
events and the butler sigh at these kids that were a total chaos just like his Queen.

But even if they had shown totally covered on blood or mud the Queen would still love them,
something that was clear as she looked at them with tender eyes and a loving smile as she invited
them to seat next to her, Mycroft at her right and Albert at her left.

-And your kids?- at the question Albert choked on his own saliva, thanking all the gods and devils
that he wasn't drinking or eating anything or otherwise he would have ended giving a really pitiful
spectacle on front of the Queen.

-I thought they were with your Majesty- Mycroft said as he poured some tea for Albert that
thanked it with a small bow of his head.

-I had to take care of something so I told them to go and see the garden but I didn't found them
there... I thought they were with you- her hand patting gingerly the ex-count's back to help him
regain his composure until something seemed to make "click" on her mind.

The tired eyes of The Queen then opened wide and looked with fear the two men at her sides that
just shared a glare as if it was all they needed to understand what was going on inside the other's
mind, which was true.

-They must have got lost. The palace is big and an unknown place for them- a smile on Albert's
lips as he helped the Queen take seat, pouring some tea for her as well and then speaking again
after making sure that the Queen was doing better -I'll go check on them-

-Please stay here you majesty, we can found them- then both men started to walk with a calm pace
that contrasted with the storm of thoughts on their minds.

And you may be asking yourself, why were they suddenly so worried about the two kids when
they were on the safeness of the must protected and guarded place on the whole London that was
the Palace? Well, simply because the palace was not that safe anymore, not since the spy hadn't
been caught yet.

That day the reason why they had been called to palace hadn't been just because the Queen wanted
to meet the kids... well it was part of the reason but not the only one. The other reason was that
Mycroft had already identified the spy, so the visit was solely an excuse to let the kids be along the
Queen on a safe place, guarded by Albert while he captured the spy, a young maid that had arrived
almost six months ago to the palace and that was accepted almost immediately due to her personal
But apparently the universe, destiny and everything had decided to play against them because now
the kids that Mycroft had been trying to protect were lost.

He just prayed (and he was not the type to do this) to the heavens and hell that the kids were just
lost on some of the maze-like hallways and not on the hands of the spy.

Usually, when two people wanted to found somebody or something on a big place they would split
up so they could cover more space and thus, fasten the search, but if you planned to do this on such
a big place like the Royal Palace was, you would just end up losing time or even losing yourself on
the never-ending hallways; this was the reason why Albert and Mycroft were walking side by side,
hurriedly checking on the immense rooms and halls that seemed to be bigger as time passed by.

Had the palace always been that big?

A loud "crash" caught both men's attention, and being closely followed by Albert Mycroft ran to
the room where he had heard the sound coming from, slamming the door open with his heart
thumping fast against his ears like it had never done before.

When he opened the door instead of finding two defenseless kids being attacked, they found the
young maid he had been searching for with her clothes completely messed up, lying with her face
on the floor and with two kids over her, Aster holding a knife against her throat as Selene finished
tying the rope tightly around the maid's feet and joined them with her already restrained hands.

Truly a confusing sight to witness, at least until they saw Selene grab two strawberry candies from
the floor, eating one of them and putting the other one on her bother's mouth.

Mycroft somehow saw this coming, and he was not precisely talking about them being rapped
(again) but about them outstanding the one that had been supposed to harm them. Steps way too
soft and quiet for kids, their good ability to read their environment and adjust to it, big eyes that
were attentive to everything even when they seemed to be just playing or eating... he let go of it
only because he had thought it wasn't important but oh, what a good and even amusing surprise
was in front of his eyes.

He could have never predicted that they would be so comfortable defending themselves that they
would even eat some random candies from the floor and then smile victoriously though, that was
another surprise.

At the sound of a loud chuckle the kids directed their clear eyes to the door frame, finding a very
amused Albert having problems to hold back his laugh and a smiling Mycroft looking at them with
pride and a half smirk on his lips.

-They really are your kids- murmured Mycroft so only Albert could hear him and gaining on
response a strong hit with the younger's elbow to his side that made him crouch slightly, his lips
pressed together to don't let any pitiful sound of pain scape from them.

His pained and reproaching gaze was totally ignored by the younger, deciding instead to check the
maid's state while Mycroft checked for any possible injuries on the kids.

If Albert guessed correctly (because he really didn't know too much about the situation), this
young maid was the spy they had been searching for, or at least he inferred that after seeing
Mycroft praise the kids with a kind -you did well, both of you- and messing their hair on a loving

-Shall we drink some wine to celebrate this?- his voice full of excitement as he clapped his hands
together, already savoring the bittersweet taste of wine on his mouth still curved on an amused

-You drink wine even when there's nothing to celebrate- this time it was Mycroft the one ignoring
the reproaching gaze from the other.

Deciding to instead center his attention on the kids and let Mycroft's words be, Albert saw with
amusement that the Selene had some whipped cream on her hair, grabbing a napkin to get rid of it
and smiling to them he said -I kind of like you now-

You could call him crazy, but somehow knowing that this two kids were not only able to defend
themselves and capture a spy by their own but also remain calm after that made him feel more at
ease. To put it on some way, it was as if knowing they weren't pure kids that still believed on
crappy things like "good and bad" existed made them more approachable.

-You could simply accept that you like them- his voice hiding almost perfectly the amusement
behind his harsh words but that didn't fool Albert at all.

-Nobody has the pleasure to hear that from me- a wink from his left eye as the cherry of the cake
and that just made Mycroft roll his eyes at his narcissistic wife.

-You're insufferable-

-And you stubborn-

And they could have continued with their never ending list of insults hand't it been because a shaky
hand grabbed Mycroft's coat, greenish eyes looking at him confused just like the purplish eyes of
Selene that was bitting her lips on something like shame. Huh.

-Aren't you mad at us?- the shivers on Aster's body increasing as he saw the hand of Mycroft get
closer to him, his eyes closing on fear but instead opening wide when he felt a warm pat on his
head as if he was trying to comfort him; his greenish eyes looking confused at him, because he had
been expecting everything but a ginger caress and an almost imperceptible smile directed to him
and his sister.

-For what? You did great- at that both kids just nodded slowly, as if they were still trying to
process what he had said and something that made them look really cute at the older's eyes.

-I do have something to say though- at Albert's words everyone, specially Mycroft, looked at him
confused, something that if he had to be honest hurt him because just who did they think he was!?
Ok, he was a wicked devil but only that!! -Don't be so reckless next time-

The tips of his ears turning pinkish because of the three pair of eyes looking at him intensely, but
he was not allowing them to see him getting all flustered and shy so after a deep breath he
continued speaking.

-Run and hide if necessary, or just call one of us. Unlike his appearance he's actually pretty strong
and agile- the last part being solely to direct their attention to something else and smiling
triumphantly when both kids stared piercingly at Mycroft who could just chuckle at the offense.

-You're the one to talk Mr. I look about to break every five seconds-

And when Albert was ready to say something back, his words died on his throat when he felt the
two kids hug him tightly, making him take some steps aback because of the sudden action. Due to
the height difference they ended burring their faces on his flat abdomen, something that startled
Albert and that made Mycroft wish he could take a picture of that moment.

Maybe, this two weird men weren't that bad. And maybe, just maybe, living with them wasn't
going to be that bad, even if the reason why they were together on the first place was using the
other to their convenience.

Of course this was a really memorable and cute image for Mycroft, but for Albert it was so
shocking that all he could do was look with confusion and scare at the older before murmuring a
trembling -Help me- that was totally ignored by the older that instead of helping him decided to
hug Albert from the back.

-What about a strawberry cake to celebrate?- he said as his head was resting on Albert's shoulder,
the younger sighing knowing that he had been defeated and still reluctantly patting the kids' heads
that gladly received his caress.

-Make it two- Aster's words coming so quickly that startled both adults -Please- he added then with
blushing cheeks, realizing that he had been a little bit too excited about his request and making
both men laugh at him.

If anyone could see them at that moment (other than the forgotten maid), they would firmly believe
they had been living as the perfect family since the beginning of their lives. A loving husband
embracing gingerly his pretty wife along his perfect kids. If only they knew that the reason why
they were sharing this lovey-dovey time was that said perfect kids had quasi-murdered a maid, but
that was just a minor detail.

Of course, this "perfect image" was like this only if they didn't knew the reason behind it or heard
them because at that moment Albert was having a fight with Aster about who deserved the biggest
slice of cake, fight that was interrupted only when Mycroft said "you corrupted him" to Albert and
gaining endless reproaches from him and Aster who was clearly offended at being compared with
the ex-count, everything while Selene was... well she was already falling asleep.

-Brother Albert? Are you here?- then a blond head (unknown for the kids) popped out of the door,
looking confused the image in front of him, so confused that he didn't even seemed to realize that
Mycroft was hugging his brother by the back or he would have cut his dirty hands at that same

-LouLou? What are you doing here?- asked Albert from his place because none of the other three
seemed to be willing to move a single bit, so he just made a small movement with his hand
indicating Louis to get closer.

And even when he did as he was told to, his crimson eyes still were fixated on the two kids
embracing his brother. Not even the maid lying on the floor seemed to caught his attention as
much as the kids did, being this the reason why he asked confused -... who are the kids?-

Somehow, Louis felt like he was about to be given another mind-blowing answer as it seemed to be
his brother's new hobby to reveal him big news after he had found out about them on, maybe, the
worst way possible. His mind at that moment was really contemplating the idea of them being
Mycroft's hidden kids due to the resemblance they shared (he really was his brother's brother).

-Long story short, my kids- the smile on his lips just confusing Louis more as his mind was now
contemplating the idea that maybe they were the hidden kids of his brother, which was near
impossible because well, the only women he had been with was Elise and she was married but
-Stop teasing Louis and explain him correctly- Mycroft's deep voice cutting Louis' thoughts who
just then noticed that this goddamn Holmes had his hands on his brother's waist -I have things to
do, please tell her Majesty to excuse me- and before Louis could kill him, he ran away, grabbing
the maid by the ropes as if she was some kind of luggage and disappearing in no time.

Albert just could laugh at that, trying to ignore the curious gaze of the crimson eyes that ended
getting what they wanted as he started to tell him the whole story of how he had found his now
adopted kids on a boat.

Louis seemed to empathize with the kids at the mention of the orphanage, wearing then a
murderous look at the mere thought of those scumbags being still alive but staying calm when
Albert told him that he and Moran had already taken care of it, something that surprised the kids
because they hadn't heard about it; now they were more grateful with him and whoever Moran

-So they are your kids- for god's and devil's sake, couldn't his brother tell him for once about the
big decisions on his life (like getting married, or adopting two kids) without him having to found
about them on his own? He was starting to get a headache from that.

-Don't worry, you're still my favorite- his hands cupping his pale face and hugging him on a weird,
uncomfortable way because the kids were still glued to him -My LouLou is so cute and beautiful-
the cheeks of the younger turning pink when he heard that pet-name and the kids looking at him
between amused and surprised.

At the cute sight of his younger brother blushing and being shy he just could press their foreheads
together, nuzzling then his nose against the one of Louis on a tender eskimo's kiss that made Louis
chuckle and the two kids look at Albert bemused because they had never, repeat this, never seen
him be so affectionate, not even with Mon Chéri or Mycroft and they were literally married.

Coming out of his bubble when he felt the kids' eyes look at him intensely, he realized that they
and his little LouLou didn't know each other, though this wasn't the reason why he was being
looked like that but oh well.

-Introduce yourselves- at Albert's velvety voice the kids finally stopped looking at them with
bemusement, both taking some steps aback to be able to salute Louis with a formal bow and that
they had learned literally moments ago after seeing Albert and Mycroft greet The Queen.

-Aster Holmes- Aster's clear voice coming more confident than when he had been in front of the
Queen, his words being followed then by a sweet "Selene Holmes" from the girl and then -It's a
pleasure- from both of them.

Seeing that Louis was still perplexed by the sudden (very formal) bow, Albert decided to speak for
him, a smile drawn all over his lips -This is Louis, my little brother-

-I'm already twenty-six brother-

-So? You're going to be my little brother until the end of times, no matter if you're a thousand years

Feelings his cheeks burn again, Louis just sighed and tried to ignore the playful way in which his
older brother was pinching his cheeks. Fortunately for him, the door of the room was soon opened
to reveal a butler respectfully bowing at them before directing to Albert and speak.

-Mr. Holmes asks for your presence madam- at the butler's words, the emerald eyes of Albert went
from the kids next to him and then back to the butler multiple times as if he didn't know what to

Louis saw this with amusement. Not always you were able to witness Albert not knowing what to
do, but as amusing as that scene was, he decided to help his brother.

-I'll take care of them, go- his hand patting his older's back on a comforting sing, slightly pushing
him to the door because otherwise he would start to worry about him (and maybe his now kids) too

After a long time where Albert told the kids to take care of Louis and don't cause a ruckus, and
more endless words for Louis about call him at any time if he needed something, he finally left
along with the butler. He was not a kid anymore for devil's sake!! And why was he being put
under two kids care!?

Sighing, Louis turned around to face the kids, realizing just at that moment that the curtains were
ripped, there was cake on the floor, whipped cream on the lounge-couch and the kids clothes were
messed up. How had his brother tolerated that without going crazy? No, that wasn't what he
should be asking that moment.

-So, how does this ended like this?- his question making both kids look to each other before answer
him. Usually they wouldn't be that open with someone that they had just met that day, but he was
Albert's brother so being rude with him was a total no and somehow, he wasn't intimidating nor
imposing, he felt approachable on some weird way that they couldn't understand and didn't mind.

So, while Louis started to clean the room and something that the kids started to do soon too, they
started to tell him how they had got lost on the hallways, then they found a maid carrying a try full
of food that they thought was for the Queen so they followed her but they kept going more and
more far away until they entered that room where she tried to attack them but that, unfortunately
for her, ended being the other way around.

At first Louis just saw them surprised, blinking slowly under the attentively gaze of Aster (because
Selene was already sleeping with her head on Louis' lap, a clear sing that she felt comfortable
around him and didn't consider him a threaten) as he was still processing everything until a chuckle
escaped from his lips and that soon got transformed onto a full laugh that made his lips curve, a
single of dimple appearing on the left corner of them and his eyes almost closing totally.

And while he continued to laugh heartedly, all Aster could do was question himself if it was on
Albert's family to look so good while laughing, or maybe it was just because they were naturally
beautiful that anything they did was destined to look gracious and elegant.

-So you threatened her with a butter knife?- asked Louis' after a moment of pure laugh, his throat
dry for laughing so much and his ribs aching because of it too; his voice coming out choky because
he wasn't done laughing yet.

At his question Aster just nodded, his ears pink because just now he was realizing that it had been
indeed a really weird, chaotic, dumb thing to threaten her with a butter knife that couldn't make a
single cut on her skin.

His greenish eyes then saw Louis do a movement with his right arm, making a dagger appear out of
his coat's sleeve and then doing the same with his left arm under the curious and very surprised
gaze of Aster.

-Use this ones the next time- and then he put both daggers on the kid's hands; his pale green eyes
looking with awe the daggers with a pretty leather pattern on the grip until he seemed to realize
what his words meant, hurriedly pushing the daggers back to Louis.

-But I... we... ah... can't accept them-

His stuttering making Louis smile slightly. Well, at least his brother's kids seemed to be good kids,
so giving them a small gift wasn't a problem and being this why he put the daggers back on the
kids pale hands; also, he knew that being them his older brother and the Director's kids (he still
hated the fact they were married) they were most likely going to face more situations like that on
the future, so some precautions weren't that bad.

-I have more with me- and then he opened his coat to reveal that effectively, he had plenty more of
daggers with him -And you can pay me by stabbing Mr. Holmes if he ever gets too close to my
brother- a sweet smile on his lips that didn't match his full of hatred words.


As almost any palace, the Queen's palace had a pair of hidden dungeons underground that were
only used occasionally, like now that Mycroft and Albert were using it to interrogate the young

Suddenly Mycroft felt goosebumps all over his body, as if the cold breath of the death had hit his

-Are you cold?- Albert's velvety voice taking him out of his thoughts, his gloved hands cupping
Mycroft's face on an attempt to make him warmer and making the older smile and lean closer to
his touch.

-I just have the feeling that someone wants to kill me-

-I can name at least a thousand people that could want to kill you, Louis is on the first place- the
amusement clear on his voice. He was not that stupid to don't know how much his little brother
was awaiting for the perfect excuse to cut Mycroft's throat, being the only reason why he haven't
done this yet the fact that they were married because of "love".

-That's what scares me the most- and then both laughed, Albert feeling Mycroft's dimples appear
on his cheeks as his hands were still cupping his face.

Meanwhile, the maid was once again about to go and kill herself because she was being left apart
by this lovey-dovey dorks, once again. She was a spy for god's sake!! Their gloves were still
stained with her blood from when they had tortured her!! Couldn't they flirt on other place or on
another time!?
Having to endure the sight of them flirting and being totally forgotten was a worst torture than
having the nails of her fingers being teared apart one by one.

Fortunately for her, the love-dorks had already got all the information that the she had, so now the
only thing left was put her on a ceil and then go find the man that had made her enter the palace as
a spy, Heinrich Grace.

On the outside and to the public eye, he was just a part-time worker at a teashop and was in charge
of cleaning the horses of the carriages on a stable, lived on the outsides of London with his four
little siblings and also helped on the church near his house where the priest and the nuns lend him
blankets and some food from time on time. On little words, nothing more than another normal
citizen, as cruel as it was.

This was just a facade though. The kids that played as his siblings were all orphans that would
help him collect information from everything and everyone. Wanted to know what was the latest
trending dress model on the city? They would get you that information. Had lost a ring and wanted
to find it? They would find it for you. Wanted to know if your husband was cheating on you?
They would investigate it and even help you kick his ass if you wished for an extra cost.

By the way, the maid played the role of Heinrich's older sister, and since her tongue had been cut
when she was still a kid plus the story of her multiple siblings starving to death, got her inside the
palace in no time.

Getting information from her had been a total chaos that was solved only because Mycroft knew
how to read lips, so even if no sound could come out of her tongueless mouth, he was still able to
get what he needed after a long time.

After putting the maid on a ceil, they went to inform everything they knew to the Queen, telling
her that they should get going so they could catch Heinrich and that the dinner would have to be
for another time, something that made the Queen want to throw a tantrum but that instead ended
just with some words asking them to take care. Her perfect dinner with this small family she had
put all her power and efforts to create had totally been ruined!! Maybe this was what made her
order Mycroft end with that situation that same day.

And as Albert was already walking to the hallways that would get him out of the palace, he got
confused when he saw Mycroft keep walking to the insides of the palace, remembering only after a
few moments of thinking that Aster and Selene were still with Louis on the same room they had
found them.

He really was glad he didn't say a thing about this to Mycroft because he didn't want to know how
would he react if he ever discovered he had forgot about the kids.

When he opened the door, the scene of Louis having two asleep kids cuddling with him made an
almost dumb smile appear on Albert and even Mycroft's lips. Who could have guessed that one
day Mycroft would think Louis was cute.

Not making a single sound, Albert walked until he was behind Louis, patting his blond head when
he started to wake up and inviting him to keep sleeping with his soft caress; long blond lashes
closing over his crimson eyes.

-Kids still love you- just like the moment he had seen Will and Lou on the orphanage, kids
surrounding them as if they had some kind of magic that made them attractive and interesting.

-You finished with your work brother?- his sleepy eyes and voice making him look so cute that
Albert felt he could peacefully die at that right moment.

-We still have some more to do- he said after shaking his head, chuckling when he saw the still
sleepy crimson eyes look murderously at Mycroft who was just enjoying the view -Nobody is
forcing me to work so stop murdering Mycroft with your eyes-

Nodding slowly, in part because of the sleep and in part to indicate Albert that he had understood,
he yawned, blinking slowly before standing up with the two kids on his arms still peacefully
sleeping. His little LouLou was so strong.

-I'll take them with me-

-You don't have to, we can left them with Anne and...- Albert's words being cut because Louis was
looking at him with his pretty crimson eyes saying "I'm doing it and there's nothing you can do
about it" that just made him sigh defeatedly -Please do it then-

That's how just some moments after he was waving goodbye to Louis and the still asleep kids that
were already on the carriage. Mycroft laughing at the endless worry from Albert and that didn't
stop asking to take care and call for them if anything happened.

At that point he didn't know if his worry was directed to the kids or to his little LouLou, but on any
case, he now looked like a helpless mother seeing her kids go away for a long, long time as the
carriage started its way to Louis' apartment.

-Is the first time I see you being left out of words- he had been so surprised to see him follow Louis'
request without having protested against it for at least a couple of seconds as it was usual on him.

It was somehow amusing to see him act like a scolded child even when he was the older.

-When Louis has an idea on mind, there's nothing you can do to change that- he answered, sighing
and massaging between his index and middle finger the bridge of his nose.

-I wonder who he got that from- the amusement clear on his words and making Albert pout at the
implicit statement that, according to Mycroft, he was like that too. It was true but that didn't give
him the permission to say it so freely.

Oh this devil man, how much he wanted to kick him on the leg because there was no way he could
damage his beautiful, handsome face. Lucky him.

When a carriage arrived, Mycroft extended his right hand and offered it to Albert, a half smirk on
his lips as he murmured a low -Shall we get going, my wife?- that really pissed off the younger.

-I really want to kill you right now- a smile drawn on his pinkish lips as his hand grabbed the right
one of Mycroft, digging his nails into his pale skin on a clear sing of disgust that the older just
ignored as he helped his little wife get on the carriage and then sitting in front of him.

-On another time, now we have something to do- the smirk still on his lips curving more when he
saw Albert smile and then seat next to him, his shoulder brushing against his own and the smell of
roses becoming stronger.

-Then when are you free Director? I can't the Sunday because it's cake day, so what about

-Are you really asking me what day I prefer to have you killing me?- at his question the younger
just shrugged, leaning closer to him, so much that he could even feel his hot breath hitting against
his cheek. How shameless was this man.

-I might be a criminal but I still have manners-

And like that, between them arranging their busy schedules so that the younger could kill Mycroft
without any interruptions and brief touches that were right on the line between decent and intimate,
they arrived to an old looking house at the outsides of London.

Mycroft then stopped a boy that was just getting out of the house, telling him that he wanted to ask
his brother find for him a set of earrings and necklace from his mother that he had lost some time
ago, promising to pay a big quantity if he took him with his brother at that moment.

The kid then hurriedly told him were to find Heinrich, that was a pub on the middle of what you
could call central London and the outskirts of it, apologizing for not be able to guide him
personally because he had to go to the church but smiling widely when Mycroft gave him some
gold coins.

-You're becoming a better liar- Albert's voice full with amusement that hadn't erased from his face
or actions since the moment he had seen Mycroft effortlessly come up with such a story in no time.
You could even say that he was proud of him.

-Your influence, I dare to say- a half smirk drawn on his lips and that made Albert murmur a quiet
"tsk" that just amused Mycroft more.

Deciding to stop (for a moment) teasing Albert, he started to walk being closely followed by the
younger, not asking where they were going as if he trusted him fully. Or maybe he was aware
where they were going, whatever it was the reason, he just followed Mycroft without talking until a
hurried question left his lips as if he had been wanting to ask it for a long, long time.

-So he gave you the direction were Heinrich is, just like that?- no more tricks? No torture? Just,
like that? It was somehow hard to believe. His emerald eyes shining with curiosity, distrust and
doubt making the other chuckle.

-Well, money can buy anything- the smirk on his lips growing wider -And whoever says otherwise,
mustn't have had the enough money to get what they wanted-

-You're a devil- he finally said after some time, an amused grin adorning his lips. Oh, how much
he loved this evil man.

-Again, your influence-

-Oh no, I can't take the credit for something that big-

Was that supposed to be an insult or a compliment? Either way, Mycroft just watched the careless
way Albert continued walking, giving small playful jumps that made him forget his resent train of
thoughts and keep walking because Albert had made a turn were he wasn't supposed to.

If he let him lead the way they most likely would end up getting lost or at the end of the world.

Soon they were outside the pub, entering and dragging the attention of the people there because it
was not usual to see such well-dressed and good looking people enter a "low class" pub as that one
was. Keyword, usual, because when they saw the good-looking couple start to go upstairs they
simply shrugged and continued with what they were doing.

Mycroft didn't know if he was grateful or disliked the idea that the people on the first floor were
now having the idea that they were there to have a night-affair, since that was the only reason
"people like them" would visit that kind of place. Either way, it worked on their favor because
nobody tried to approach them or questioned them as to why they asked to not let anyone walk
upstairs or why they kept walking through the old hallway until they arrived to a door of a washed
out bluish color.

Muffled voices could be heard trough the door, two men if Albert had to be exact but there was a
problem, and that was that the door was locked with multiple locks so there was no way to enter
the room on a silent, discreet way... or at least that was what he thought until he saw Mycroft
unlock the door with such easiness that it left him perplex.

-Let's go- ignoring totally the surprise on the emerald eyes, he opened the door slowly and made
sure that it wouldn't make a single sound.

Yeah, it wasn't time to bother thinking as to how had Mycroft, a so correct man, been able to
unlock a door with no key and so easily on something that you could categorize as illegal. He
could worry about that later, now he just needed to make sure his steps couldn't be heard as they
were walking inside the room.

At Mycroft's order he waited on the door, blocking the one and only possible scape route they had
and seeing Mycroft slowly walk, with almost feline-like steps, until he was behind the two men
cheerfully talking on a couch and that took notice of him a little bit too late because Mycroft had
already knocked out the two of them before they could even scream.

-You truly are impatient- Mycroft didn't even need to look at him to imagine his lips curved on a
smile, the amusement on his voice was more than enough for him to confirm his thoughts even
when all he could see was Albert's back as he was looking for something to tie the two men with.

-I don't want to hear that from the same person that burns everything at the slightest chance- he
was reckless yet he dared to say that to him? Now he was being shameless, more than the usual.

-Hey! I do it only after a lot of thinking- that was a lie by the way, but he was not letting Mycroft
talk shit about him just like that.

At the hurt tone in which he had spoken the older could just sigh, takin from his hands the ropes he
was offering him and tying with them the two unconscious men to two old looking chairs, securing
their foots and their arms behind their backs.

Having them now tied up and with the dim silver light of the moon entering to the dark room
trough the cracks on the ceil, Mycroft was able to see that the one at his right was Hanna's ex-
husband, Luke Von Heinkle.

Well, now he was curious about his relation with Heinrich Grace, and seeing that they had no
intentions to wake up by their own anytime soon, he grabbed the booze bottle they were drinking
from moments prior and splashing the cold liquid on their faces made them wake up, startled and
scared of whatever had made them wake up so abruptly.

And while they were still confused trying to see where they were, Mycroft murmured "He's
Hanna's ex-husband" the low enough so only Albert could hear his words, pushing him behind him
so that the other two men couldn't see him.

-W-who are you!!- the voice of Luke coming from his trembling lips, cold amber-like droplets of
booze falling from his wet black hair and face, his white shirt opened on a very indecent way that
allowed everyone to see his chest and peek at his abdomen.
Well, Albert had to admit that Hannah had a good taste, even when he seemed to be of the asshole
type. What a shame, and what a waste of his good appearance.

-You look like you are about to devour him- the feeling of a hand holding his own tightly and a
low voice murmured to him taking him out of his thoughts, facing then the cold sapphire eyes
looking at him by the corner of his eyes.

How wrong he was, if there was someone on that room that looked about to devour someone, then
it was Mycroft. And maybe he didn't appreciate his life the enough, or maybe he was enjoying
way too much being seen like that because otherwise he wouldn't know why he hugged Mycroft by
the back, his gloved hands slowly wrapping around his waist.

-Don't worry, he's not exactly my type- his velvety voice enticing Mycroft's ears, the warmth
embracing him being on the line between a tender hug and the grip of a snake trying to devour its
pray, how wonderful; a smirk drawing on his lips as he tightened the grip on the younger's wrist.

A love born from the desire to control, manipulate and know more from the other could never be
pure, not even after years passed by or the tenderness arrived to their hearts, but that was the best
type of love. Of course, they could have heartwarming moments but you could never erase totally
someone's true nature. That was the way they loved.

But, their little teasing/flirting thing would have to wait, at least until they could get from the two
men looking perplexed at them the answers that they wanted. Taking off his gloves so that they
wouldn't get stained, Mycroft questioned them a simple "What's your relationship?" that at first
none of the two tied men was able, or didn't want to, answer, at least until painful bruises started to
appear on their bodies, courtesy of Mycroft.

He wasn't that adept to physical torture, but there were people that would only speak with physical
pain (like the maid and these two) while other's would do it at the mental suffering... but well,
physical torture always made people speak faster so that's why he used it.

-H-h-he gives me information and I b-buy it!!- the cheeks of Luke blushed as he finally let his
words leave hurriedly on a burst his words.

-About what?-

-M-m-my ex-wife- Mycroft was so surprised to hear his answer that he ended breaking his finger, a
painful scream leaving his lips and that was muffled when Mycroft pushed a piece of cloth inside
his mouth.

Well, now that made sense because it would explain the reason why Hannah had been shoot after
Mycroft had complimented her, making her cheeks blush intensely. Luke Von Heinkle, a man that
was clearly obsessed with his ex-wife and that had had a jealousy crisis seeing the object of his
obsession blush at the words of another man.

Luke and Heinrich seemed to be long-time business partners, and may you remember, Heinrich
would do anything you asked him to for the correct amount of money, so, after seeing Hannah get
so well with him (and maybe Albert even when he was disguised as a woman) he had asked
Heinrich to get ride of her, but, things asked on the middle of an outburst of feelings never were a
good idea.

Regretting what he asked, he stopped Heinrich from finishing his work and thus allowed them to
take Hannah to the hospital. The clear definition of an obsessed man that didn't want the object of
his obsession belong to anyone else to the point he was willing to take her life, yet regretting it at
the very moment he did it.

When the silver light of the moon entered more brightly the room, Luke was finally able to see the
face of the man in front of him, his eyes opening wide when he recognized Mycroft as the man that
was with Hannah that day.

-Y-you...!!- and before his angry words could continue, Albert put the cold metal of his gun
pressed hard against his nape, emerald eyes telling him clearly an implicit "shut up" that he
obediently followed.

-Poor Hannah, no wonder why she divorced you- really, why all the women he knew ended
married with useless, obsessive ex-husbands? What kind of curse was that?

-S-so s-she was right!!- the excited voice of Heinrich and then his heartedly laugh startled both
men and even Luke, looking at him as if he was crazy as he continued to laugh -C-count Moriarty
is free!! He's free!! Free and...-

-Keep it a secret- cold voice and sapphire eyes making his words die on his throat, swallowing
hard and his whole body trembling under the piercing gaze of Mycroft.

So that maid had informed him about Albert, what a headache. But, fortunately he seemed to don't
have trusted on her words, which would make of him the one and only that knew about this
information... well, him and now Luke but he was more confused than them so he didn't count.

Maybe, he would be able to use him to their benefit.

-Go and spread this rumor- his deep sapphire eyes looking intensely at the fearful man -Count
Moriarty died on his ceil, ceil that has been empty for almost a month if they want to check it out.
Also, his corpse was burned to ashes so there is no grave to visit-

-What a good ending for such an evil man- Albert's words coming out on a sing-song way, a wide
smile drawn on his lips as if he was talking about some fun anecdote and not about his own (fake)
death and non-existent funeral.

-Why would I...?- the cynical smirk on his lips erasing totally when one of his fingers was broken,
a painful scream leaving his lips and then hurriedly screaming -I-I-I'll do it!! J-just let me k-keep
living!!- good, one thing solved, one last to do.

So, directing now his cold sapphire eyes to Luke, he asked -What useful information do you have?-

-I-I don't...- a loud gulp being the only thing was heard for a moment where nobody said nothing,
at least until Mycroft talked again.

-Let me reformulate my words... What are you willing to trade your life for?- that made the color
vanish from the man's face, trembling lips having problems to say a proper sentence and finally
speaking after a lot of babbling.

-T-the club!!- oh, that was interesting now -T-there's going to be a contest to see w-which couple is
the most enjoyable one!! And t-the w-winners can m-meet the leader...- that was even more

He was part of that club which gave his words some credibility, so after making sure that none of
them would dare to speak about what had just happened, they both left, though at Albert's request
they stopped on another pub where he said something to Moran, who was clearly displeased to see
him at that hour but that still nodded at his words.
-What are you scheming?- asked Mycroft slightly amused once Albert was back on the carriage,
sitting next to him and looking at him equally amused.

-You hurt me, how could I be scheming something evil when I'm just a defenseless, little wife?-
his arms hugging himself and his long lashes going up and down as he blinked quickly, doing a
very over-exaggerated acting of some lady on distress that just made a smirk appear on the other's

-Never said it was something evil- at that Albert dropped his "little, defenseless wife" facade and
"tsk" his tongue, making Mycroft chuckle -So? What's going on in your wicked mind?-

-Not too much, just... I've always believed something... "Two can keep a secret if one of them is
dead"- and on this case, Luke Von Heinkle was no longer needed.

His words causing amusement to Mycroft since it seemed to be they really had an alike way of
thinking, his right hand touching Albert's hip bone and then going up, resting over his waist and
leaning closer to him so that he could murmur his words to his ear.

-Does that mean you're killing me?-

-Oh dear no, how could I kill my husband?- his elegant long fingers going from his shoulders to his
collarbones and then going up to his neck, closing their grip there but not the enough to leave
marks or hurt Mycroft -Though I remember same husband saying that if I ever deviated from my
plan he'd kill me with his own hands-

Emerald eyes glistening, shining on the darkness of the night with amusement and fake innocence,
making Mycroft smile as well.

-And I'd still do it- his hands letting go from his waist and instead holding tightly his wrists,
bruising them slightly and with a smirk on his lips he said -Enough for today, I don't want you to be
all grumpy because you couldn't sleep your eight hours of beauty sleep-

-At least I sleep, unlike you- a pout on his pinkish lips, not letting Mycroft see his expression for
any longer when he let his head rest on his shoulder -I guess you really make justice to that say,
that devil doesn't rests-

-Wasn't it justice?-

-Justice, devil, both two sides of the same coin- well, he had a point.

And as they were on their way to their house, Mycroft could just think what could possibly be this
"contest" about. He just wished it wasn't going to be anything as depraved as their "welcome" had

Chapter End Notes

Hi *makes a dramatic pose*

So!! on a note different from usual, I just wanted to tell you that I'm currently working
on other 3 YuuMo fics (I have an hyperactive mind, sorry) so I wanted to know which
one you would like more to read:
1) MyAl + ABO + AU --> So yeah, an ABO for MyAl cause yes, but!!! there's NO
mpreg!!! They do adopt Liam, Lou and Sherly as their pups though, so if you wanna
read something short with cute lil pups and sassiness this is for you

2) A Sherlock/Louis OS + AU featuring simp Sherlock head over heels for Lou and
Lou unknowingly causing Sherly multiple gaypanics cause I believe on Lou's beauty

3) Another MyAl + ABO but this one does has mpreg because I wanna read a
doting Mycroft being a softy with Albert and him all grumpy cause he has to stay
sober for 9 months (pls end with his suffering haha ) and since there's nothing about
it here, I decided to make it myself *sigh*

So yep!! Comment which one you would like for me to post first (if you want to), but I
must warn that number 1 and 3 are gonna be little stories so they are gonna take some
more time than number 2 that is a OS.

And that's it!! Next update will be on: 14/01/22!! Love you!! Stay healthy!!
Devil's sonata
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The notice of Luke's death never reached the ears of people, after all, it was Moran the one that
took care of his body so nobody would ever be able to find a single trace of him, but also because
there was a bigger notice that was making a fuss of all the people on London.

A shocking notice that had even been imprinted on the morning news-papers already.

Albert James Moriarty, ex-count and brother of the so evil Lord of Crimes had died due to a
sickness that let him bedridden for almost a month until he finally passed away, his corpse was
incinerated and then thrown away to some place that nobody knew about but that he surely

There were people cheering his death, other's disgusted because they had wanted to see him pay for
his sins for a longer time and finally, some wild young ladies that every now and then would
murmur that it was a shame such a handsome gentleman had passed away on such a horrible way.

That notice was imprinted on the fresh newspaper that a certain handsome man with long
mahogany hair was reading with a wide smile and long lashes curving on an eye-smile. The
morning was so calm, a little bit chilly with some birds chirping at the distance, and now, it had
become the perfect morning with such a magnificent new.

-How happy I am to read that Count Moriarty is finally dead- the cup of steaming tea being
brought to the pinkish lips that did nothing to hide the amusement on his words.

-It is you you're talking about-

-I know- finally lifting his head from the newspaper and wickedly winking at Mycroft who just
sighed before continuing drinking from his tea, chuckling at the way Albert was so happily talking
about his own dead and babbling non-stop about how he was going to appreciate that news-paper
for the rest of his life, framing it and then putting it on the ceil of his room so that, every time he
woke up, that would be the first thing he would see.

This man never ceased to surprise and amuse him. He was like his biggest hater and fan at the
same time without middle point between them.

Their calm, warm morning was interrupted when suddenly someone slammed the entrance door,
hurriedly steps hitting the floor and then a blur of blond passing trough Mycroft and grabbing
tightly a still confused Albert by the shoulders.

Said blur of blond was Louis, confusedly (and a little bit annoyed) crimson eyes looking intensely
at Albert who was making his best to don't let the cup of tea fall from his hands every time Louis
shook him as if trying to make him wake up.

-Why are you dead?- and then his crimson eyes looking even more annoyed at Mycroft as he
almost screamed -Why is he dead?-

Oh no, he was not being blamed about his little wife' reckless actions that early on the morning,
even if him was partially responsible of it but Louis didn't need to know that, so ignoring his
murdering gaze he walked to where Aster and Selene were, patting their heads and feeling a small
smile appear on his lips when both kids hugged him on return.

-I'm still alive, sadly- his velvety voice coming so calm that it almost made Louis forget what he
was blaming he for. At least the younger Moriarty wasn't reprehending him for saying "sadly" or
telling him the one and million reasons why he shouldn't say that.

-Then what is this?- and before Albert could process it, a newspaper, another one different from the
one he had been reading that morning, was pressed hard against his face. His emerald eyes having
problems to focus on the letters in front of him but then realizing that his little brother was talking
about the so exciting news about his death.

Oh dear heavens and hell. His little LouLou was going to kill him.

And while the two Moriarty brothers continued discussing (more like Louis scolding Albert for his
reckless actions), Selene curiously grabbed the newspaper and opened wide her eyes when she saw
the notice, passing it to her brother that confused saw at the rowdy, childish, weird man that was
Albert and then Mycroft.

-He was a Count?- the disbelief on his words so clear that it made a chuckle scape from his lips.
He could understand why they were so surprised though, after all Albert was always calmly
drinking tea or wine while reading, playing with Mon Chéri or helping him with his work, and
even when he had his narcissistic moments, he wasn't the stereotype of a noble... nothing of that
could made you think he had been a Count.

-A Lieutenant too- this was an even bigger shock for both kids that almost immediately run to
Albert, asking him non-stop how someone like him could have been a Count and a Lieutenant,
making the older feel hurt at his eyes full of incredulity.

Who did they think he was!? No, more like, Who did they took him for!?

So between words of disbelief, equally full of disbelief looks and multiple words of why he
shouldn't fake his death, Albert ran away to the garden, almost making Anne fall to the ground and
being followed by the other three that didn't seem willing to let him rest at any moment.

-What a perfect morning- an amused smile on Mycroft's lips as he took a sip of his still warm tea,
enjoying the not-calm-at-all morning and making Anne laugh at his words.

After all that hit and run, Albert ended totally tired, lying haphazardly on the lounge-couch and that
soon had Selene cuddling next to him, leaving him not knowing what to do for a moment but he
was way too tired to worry about a kid cuddling with him so he let her be.

He was no longer that young, and barely moving during three years had affected his condition so
his cheeks were blushed, Louis giving him a glass of water that he thanked with a smile.

Suddenly, a thought appeared on his mind, making him look at Selene and then to Aster who was
devouring his bread with butter as if there was no tomorrow.

-Aren't you supposed to be on school?- he asked, slowly seating with Selene still holding tightly to
him like a Koala, one of his hands supporting her back so that she wouldn't fall, his emerald eyes
looking confused at Mycroft and then to the big clock, marking that it was already eight in the
morning with a loud sound.

Next thing he saw, was Mycroft hurriedly asking Anne to prepare some quick lunch for the kids,
taking Selene from his arms, Aster chocking on his food while grabbing their backpacks, George
running to get the carriage ready, Emily almost falling from the stairs with their uniforms on hand
and then a quick "we're leaving!!" from Mycroft and the two kids that were already on the carriage
on their way to the college.


Louis was still speechless from the recent whirlwind that seemed to have been Mycroft and the
whole house when he heard his brother chuckle and then laughing heartedly, falling from the
couch and holding his abdomen with some naughty tears leaving his eyes.

He totally hated those goddamns Holmes brothers, but at least his brother seemed to be happy
living with the older one so maybe, maybe he would consider not killing him.

He looked so happy and full of life, you could even say that he looked young... and he loved that.

Ok, he had been totally shocked on the recent month (dear god it haven't even been a month) with
the so sudden news of his brother marrying his boss, dressing as a woman, adopting two kids, and
finally dying (not for real)... but he was not going to deny that he preferred this ten times more than
seeing him spend the rest of his life on a gray ceil awaiting the time of his death.

He now was married (it would have been better if it had been somebody else that wasn't a Holmes
though), had a family of his own and seemed to be so happy that even him was feeling full of life.
And what was better, he now was able to enjoy his tender caress and see him enjoy of his
omelettes!! That was the best part of it all!!

-My little LouLou is so good at cooking- his cheeks full of the delicious omelette his little brother
prepared, the three servants devouring as well their plates and looking at Louis as if he was some
kind of cooking-god, murmuring endlessly "LouLou is the best!!".

Well, maybe he haven't missed that pet name at all but oh well, it was a small price to pay for the
smile on his brother's lips. But even if he wanted to spend more time with his brother, he still had
work to do, so after telling his brother to eat well, giving some advices to the servants as how to
make his brother eat and more, he left.

Mycroft had things to do as well, at least until it was time for them to go to that hellish club and see
what was this contest Luke had told them about. If they were lucky they could even meet with the
leader apparently.

So having still plenty of time and not really wanting to participate on the other three's discussion
about "How to make our master eat and don't skip meals!!" plan, he decided to go and visit his old
friend and see if he could get some information from her about that contest.

That was why he was standing out of her house, knocking on the white door and greeting her with a
cheerful -Hell...- that he couldn't finish because she almost immediately slammed the door, trying
to leave him out of his house but finally giving up when he continued knocking on the door like
some mad man.

-You're terrible- she had woke up with a strong headache and now having Albert on his house was
making it worst.

Shrugging at her words, he just entered the house, greeting Elise's husband that was just leaving
and then walking to the living room. He was starting to get curious about him but oh, maybe he
could suffice his curiosity on another time.

-So? What brings you here?- ignoring her harsh words he sat on the couch, moving on his place a
couple of times until he felt comfortable, well, as comfortable as that fluffy dress and the multiple
layers of it could let him be.

-I don't know, maybe the fact that you didn't warn us about the specific details of the club- his
curious emerald eyes wandering all over the living room as he answered.

Clearly the one that had decorated the house wasn't Elise since she had a terrible taste and it looked
pretty normal and decent, something that was not-Elise-like at all.

-I know you enjoyed it- a naughty smile appearing on her lips even when her eyes seemed to be
tired. She didn't even need to ask about what was he talking about because she was plenty aware of
how that club worked like.

-That's irrelevant, the point here is that because you didn't warn us or at least me, now my marriage
was about to end before starting-

Was he trying to pass the responsibility of the situation to somebody else? Of course no. He was
just stating facts (and maybe avoiding his own guilt but oh well), because it was true that if they
had been warned they could have at least talked about it instead of facing it without knowing what
was going on.

-So you are worried about your marriage, no, your husband but not even a single bit about you?-



At Albert's immediate response the woman sighed and hold tightly her head, feeling like it would
explode at any moment because of this goddamn man -You are a headache-

And to make her head ache even more painful he smiled widely, something that made her sigh
once again but for a reason different to the initial one.

The cause of her recent sigh was that the man in front of her, smiling widely and putting his
beloved one above his own sake was too naive, too pure and too selfless (as weird as those words
sounded because she was referring to the same man that had killed his own family) for his own

He was a constant pain on the ass, but he was too a friend and even a brother to her, so seeing him
so eagerly crush down his feelings and heart just to make the one he loved happy was
heartbreaking... and stupid.

-Why you keep denying your feelings for him? What scares you so much? Why not just telling him
how you feel about him?-

The emerald eyes opening wide at the sudden question that had popped out of the nowhere. He
tried to avoid the question by drinking of the tea in front of him, but the intense gaze of the woman
was clearly waiting for an answer that he mumbled after a tired sigh.

-Why would you cut the roses when you can look at them without ending with their lives? If you
really loved them as much as you said you do then you wouldn't kill them and instead you'd just
appreciate them from afar, diligently giving them everything they need so they can bloom
beautifully and protecting them but that's all- his long lashes almost covering totally his eyes that
were looking at some distant point.

His long fingers tracing over the rim of the fine china tea cup as silence filled the room, his eyes
still seeming lost until he seemed to snap out of his thoughts and faced Elise once again.

-That would be more than enough, that is more than enough for me- oh dear gods above and under!
Why was he so dense!? And why was he looking so sincere while saying those words when half of
the time he was lying or faking!?

-So you wouldn't mind seeing him with other person?- her voice slightly irritated, and if Albert
noticed this he didn't mention it and instead focused on the teddy bear with a dark blue bow around
its neck that was lying on the floor.

His marriage with Mycroft was a farce, nothing more and nothing less. It was meant to end one
day. That day he would go back to his ceil and Mycroft would continue with his life as if nothing
had happened. He would meet a beautiful woman that could take care of Aster and Selene, he
would fall in love with her and eventually he would marry her.

She could even give him kids of his own, kids with radiant sapphire eyes and dark hair of an
indecipherable color. His kids would for sure be the most beautiful, intelligent and perfect kids one
could ever known (aside from his little brothers of course).

He was going to live a happy life in which he had no place, and as heartbreaking as it was, he
preferred one thousands times that he lived like that than having his life tied to a doomed man like
him, with no real value, for the rest of the eternity.

-If that makes him happy, then no- a sad smile drawing on his lips as he imagined the man that he
loved so much having the happy family and life that he deserved.

-And I thought that William was the selfless one- then a thought appeared on her mind, making her
look questioningly at Albert -So what would you do if he ever said he loves you?- there was no
way he couldn't know about his beloved husband's feelings, right? He was not that stupid.

-Why would he love someone love me?- forget it, he was really that stupid and more.

Not knowing how to deal with the sudden outburst of anger that she was having, Elise threw
another teddy bear to Albert's face that just then seemed to come back to reality, ready to protest
but keeping his words for himself when he saw her eyes looking at him with clearly annoyance.

-Let's suppose he does... Then I'll simply not accept it, there's no need for someone like him to stain
his hands with someone like me- his pale fingers fidgeting with the dark blue bow and fixing it
until he was happy with his work.

He had already made him stain his hands by allowing him touch him, the ghost feeling of his cold
hands still present on his mind and body, as if he had been burned and he would never be able to
forget about his touch carved on every part of his whole self.

-Even if that's not what he wants?-

The silence then filled the room and just the dim sound of the clock could be heard. Albert's
fingers stopped playing with the bow and after putting it on the couch next to him he spoke once
again, this time his emerald eyes looking directly at the woman in front of him.

-I'd give him my heart if he asked me to, but accepting his love is the only thing I wouldn't be able
to do even If he ordered me to-

Looking at the traces of a sad smile on his face Elise sighed.

This kid was so afraid of being loved that it was almost painful to witness. A part of she wanted to
hug him tightly until the end of times and protect him against everything and everybody, even
himself; and the other part wanted really hard to kick his ass until he accepted that he was worth of
being loved.

Both of them too complicated, and she didn't have any idea of how to do them without making him
run away as he did every time he was faced with difficult situations that couldn't be solved by just
burning something. Not even her kids were so hard to handle.

-You know what's your problem? Thinking of the people you love as some heaven-like beings- if
you wanted to comfort a Moriarty, then jokes disguised as harsh words were the key to make them
laugh again. At leas that's how she had learned to deal with the three stubborn bothers for almost
twenty years. Certainly not the best but it was better than nothing.

-I don't do that- the back of his hand covering his mouth as he was still laughing hard at the sudden
statement that had taken him by surprise.

-You think of William as a god or the messiah, of Louis as an angel and of Mycroft as your religion
basically. At this point I'm starting to think you have some kind of religion kink-

-The last time I knew about god was before I was born- and that time a crowd had yelled at him
"Hope God let's you rot in hell!!".

At that even Elise laughed. How this man that had climbed up from hell would think of the ones he
loved as heaven-like beings was a mystery and ironic because his little brothers were the devil and
his lovely husband was truly scaring. None of them was pure nor innocent at all.

-Though maybe you're right... Mycroft might be my religion and my faith- a wicked smile
appearing on his lips and that was only covered by the tea cup -One word from him and I'd get on
my knees to pray in front of him-

-That... went from devotion to something totally different really quickly- and then she shook her
head multiple times trying to get rid of the sudden mental image that had overflowed her mind.

-That was the idea-

Well, at least he was laughing and joking once again.

She really wished he would never have to smile so sadly as before on his life ever again, but she
knew that one day he would have to face Mycroft's and his own feelings. She just wished that
when that day came he wouldn't make anything crazy or run away like it was usual on him.

-Albert- at her words he rose his head -Would it kill you to be honest with what you want for once?

-... No, but it would kill the one that I love-

After almost fighting with Elise again, he finally left when the clock marked it was time to go and
meet with Mycroft so that they could go and see if Luke's words were true. He just prayed that
whatever kind of contest they were having wasn't as bad as their welcoming.

Checking one last time his pocket watch, he confirmed that he was indeed late to go for Albert and
then go to the Olympus club, but oh well, at least the reason why he had delayed longer than
expected and was now hurriedly going upstairs had been enjoyable.

Who could have thought that he would get along so well with the same man that, number one, used
to be a woman, number two, had tried to blackmail the royal family, number three, discovered one
of the biggest secrets of his family and four, had been an ally of the Lord of Crimes.

He was married to the evil Count Moriarty though, maybe he shouldn't have felt so surprised when
he found out that he and Bond could share enjoyable moments out of work and a had big thing on
common: talk about Sherlock, both bad and good things.

And as he remembered with a smile on his face how mad and then sad and then mad again seemed
to be Bond while talking about the "little-shitty-brat" that was Sherlock, he opened the door of his
room, freezing on his place when he saw Albert, pushing cotton to his chest and... were those

He seemed to be so concentrated on his task, watching himself on the mirror and then adjusting
some parts, that he didn't seem to realize of his presence, allowing Mycroft to walk until he was
behind him and leaning closer to him.

-What are you doing?- his low voice murmuring against his ear causing Albert to jump on his
place, putting a hand on his chest to calm his agitated heart but instead just cupping one of the

That wasn't time to start questioning himself as to how women would deal with such complicated
and voluptuous things without hitting them at every movement they made though, so clearing his
throat he finally turned around, facing Mycroft with a little smile on his lips as if he was a kid that
had been surprised doing some foolish thing.

-Breasts- feeling the sapphire eyes urging him for an answer, a proper one, he talked again -I just
thought you would feel better if you had at least a pair of soft breasts to look and hold- a pout on
his pinkish lips as he finished his words.

He was not interested on faking (even more) to be a woman, but maybe if he had breasts, even if
fake, Mycroft wouldn't feel so bad at spending some time with him as it seemed to be that it was
going to be a multiple-times thing because of that hellish club.

-So? What do you think?- and like if it was the most normal thing to do, he grabbed Mycroft's
hands and pressed them against the fake breasts, surprising him at how soft they felt and- no,
concentrate Mycroft Holmes.

It was easier to say than do though, and not because he was specially attracted to the (fake) breasts,
but because of the aperture on the top of the emerald dress, allowing him to see a little bit of the
milk-like skin and pinkish collar bones, snapping out of his thoughts when he heard a soft chuckle.
-I'm surprised at your ability to make cotton look as real breasts- he was so curious about this
hidden talent of Albert that he even pocked slightly with his index finger the soft area, his mouth
opening on a "o" when his finger sinked on it, almost as if they were real breasts.

-I learned from Moran- at that sudden confession Mycroft stoped pocking the soft things, looking
confused at the younger that just chuckled and like him started pinching the fake breasts -You
didn't thought his wide chest was natural did you?-

He had laughed so hard when he entered, without warning, to Moran's room and found him
stuffing cotton inside his shirt to make his chest look wider. Of course, he had been about to die
that time but that didn't matter, not when he had been able to witness such an interesting scene that
still haunted Moran until that day.

-I usually don't go looking at other's people chest- but now he felt the need to go and check if the
words of the little wicked in front of him were real. Huh. Maybe he should call for the man and
prove if this new information was true.

And that image, the one of both men pinching the fake breasts and really close, was the one that
received Anne when she opened the door, making the two men stop what they were doing though
their hands were still on the soft things.

-Master, the carriage...- her words dying slowly, the smile on her face growing bigger on
something that looked like a really painful smile and tired black eyes watching with amusement the
scene in front of her -Oh my, please continue with what were you doing-

Slowly, she started to go back, closing the door just the enough so that she could still keep spying
on them, telling George to shut up when he passed next to her and inviting him to take a look too,
so now they had two pair of tired eyes looking at them with interest and clearly excited.

The reactions from Emily were more cute and interesting though.

-Take that off- he heard a disappointed "ahhh" coming from the servants outside the room, but
decided to ignore it and instead help Albert loose the top layer of the dress so that he could take out
the cotton.

-But I worked really hard on them- a pout on his lips as he started to take off the cotton -And it
makes me look more like a woman- something that he had done solely to please Mycroft, but of
course that this correct man wouldn't care about breasts, he wasn't so vain or invested on carnal
things (or so he believed).

And just like if he was a magician playing magic tricks, the cotton kept coming endlessly, making
Mycroft think that maybe he had used the whole cotton on all London just to create the perfect
imitation of breasts.

-I doubt any woman can triple de size of their breasts from one day to another-

After finally getting rid of the endless cotton and the naughty smiles from the two older servants,
they were on the carriage on their way to the club, making bets to see who could get what was this
contest about and being received gladly by a young man, dressed just like the other one from a
night ago, and that guided them to a different hall.

Apart from the fact that they were on that mansion during day (unlike the previous night), almost
everything was the same. A spacious hall with plenty of windows to allow light enter covered with
heavy white silk curtains that would have moved from one way to another with the wind if the
windows had been open, shining ivory floors, people staring at them with ravenous looks when
they entered the hall and of course, the annoying and really disgusting smell of opium wafting on
the air.

Albert hated that smell more than he hated the looks everyone gave them, he was somehow used to
that kind of looks but he always felt like throwing up with that cloying smell. His hands
unconsciously holding tightly to Mycroft's arm, the enough hard to leave red marks that would fade
away as fast as he loosened his grip but that the other didn't mind at all.

Before he could continue hating everything on that place on his mind, a dark blue fan with lace on
the top was put in front of him, startling him a bit until he saw Mycroft giving him a tiny smile,
letting him known with a movement of his eyes that the fan was for him and then to the strong grip
on his forearm that was wrinkling his clothes, his cheeks slightly turning pink as he arranged the
older's clothes with an apologetic smile.

-Bond gave it to me, he said you could like it- his left hand, now free from the fan that was
between the younger' gloved hands, caressed lightly one of his cheeks adorned with a pretty rosy
color almost imperceptible and that just made him look more beautiful.

Oh. Maybe he shouldn't have gave that fan to Albert because now he was using it to cover half of
his face, hiding behind it the adorable rosy color over his cheeks. What a pity, he looked so good

-M-may I have your attention... please- said a trembling voice from a young girl that looked as if
she was about to cry when nobody paid attention to her shy words and then her face turning red as
an apple when she made a loud "click" sound made with a glass and a spoon that caught everyone's
attention, the hall growing quiet as they fixed their eyes on the trembling figure in front of them.

The nerves of the young lady just seemed to increase at that. Her pale hands shaking so hard that
she was about to let the glass fall to the ground, the red color on her cheeks increasing when the
people around her started to yell "Hurry up!!" while others yelled "You can do it beauty!!", the
former one giving her the necessary confidence (more like rushing her) to start talking with a quiet
voice, giving the same speech that the man from the night before had gave.

-She is like Emily- the smile on his pinkish lips growing wider when the young lady stuttered,
mispronouncing some words and her blue eyes were about to cry at the spectacle she was giving.

Leaning closer to the younger, Mycroft whispered to his ear -I didn't want to tell you this, but truth
is that Emily is the leader of this club- making Albert confusedly blink at him, his emerald eyes
looking at him intensely, looking as if he was trying to decipher all the secrets on the world, not
that it was too far away from reality.

-Was... that a joke?- the confusion still clear on his voice and amusing Mycroft because it wasn't
usual to see the normally calm and playful Albert not knowing what to do. But could you blame
him when he wasn't used to hear the older joke? It was even weirder than heard him fully laugh!!

-Wasn't it obvious?-

-We need to work on your jokes- a chuckle leaving his lips after finally processing that Mycroft
had joked. He was really terrible at it but oh well, he wouldn't mind hearing those bad jokes on the
future, specially because it made him look really happy and whatever made him happy, he would
allow it.

-S-sadly, our leader couldn't come today...- the stuttering words of the young lady, almost
screaming though she was still talking shyly, took them out of their bubble -U-uh!! But I'll do my
best so you can enjoy today's games!!- her words having more energy as she said the last, letting
everyone see her excitement.

If Albert had to be honest, she was cute; big blue eyes, plump reddish lips, deep black hair tied on a
ponytail and soft-looking skin; a tiny waist that seemed to be about to break with just the wind just
like her thin wrists. A cute beauty, one that you couldn't decide wether you wanted to spoil or
treasure for the rest of your life.

His thoughts were cut when he felt a strong grip on his waist, making him get closer to the
responsible of said tight grip and that would leave some dim reddish marks there. The ones from
the previous occasion were just fading away and now he would have new marks there.

-You're a jealous man- with a movement of his hand, he hit lightly with the tip of the fan the hand
that was holding him, smiling and looking directly to the sapphire eyes as he joked.

-Not at all- this was true... well half lie half true because the reason why he had pulled Albert
closer to him was not what the younger had on mind but at the same time it was.

Mycroft was well-aware of how beautiful Albert was, wether it was that he was dressed as a man
or as a woman, but he definitely hated the way the people around them was looking at the ex-
count, everyone with lustful looks and even one had dared to try to touch him, being this why he
had make him come closer to him, covering him almost totally with his own body.

Usually he wasn't a jealous man, usually, but at that moment more than jealousy what had made
him act had been the contempt and disgust to all that people that feared for their lives when they
felt the sapphire eyes piercing through their souls.

-...s the couple that wins at least three of the five games would have the pleasure to meet with our
leader privately!! You can also choose from one of the various gifts we have prepared for all of

That was the part that they were waiting to hear, now, it was just a matter to know what this games
were about. The excitement and fear both taking on equal parts their minds and bodies, a smile
drawing on Albert's lips and the sapphire eyes glistening with the excitement of what was to come.

-O-our first game will be...- all the eyes fixated on the shy lady that no longer seemed to be about
to cry and instead was almost buzzing with excitement-"T-talents"!! Show us some talent that you
share with your loved one and the most impressive one will win!! There are no rules and you can
find multiple objects that you are free to use on the room over there-

What did she say?

Talents? What kind of joke was that? What was this? A circus?

And while Albert and Mycroft were having a mental collapse, cursing every single person on that
room, the people around them started to move, heartedly chatting and babbling nonstop about how
good they were at some thing and that they would for sure win the contest.

Mycroft really had no desires to act like a fucking clown for the sake of this people amusement and
joy, but at the same time he wasn't going to lose on something as simple as mere talents was. He
was well versed on multiple areas, there was no way he could lose.

-Any idea of what could be our "talent"?- he asked, leaning closer to Albert so that he could hear
him without others knowing what they were talking about. For others, he would look just as a
loving (and maybe possessive) husband hugging his wife from the back with his hands resting on
her waist.

-Murderer, manipulation, swindle, burn this place to ashes, put the world head over heels- he said,
enumerating their choices with his fingers and making Mycroft chuckle slightly because he was
right. Not that they could show those things though.

-Something we can show here and that doesn't scream "we're dangerous"?-

-Nothing- ok, he was a little hurt that he hadn't even doubted a single second before answering,
totally sure of his words and smiling wickedly at the older that just rolled his eyes with

He knew that it was true but he could have at least faked to doubt about his words even if just for a

Then, the memory of the white cloth in charge of protecting the piano on his house with the faint
smell of roses just like the marble keys arrived to his memory, a smirk appearing on his lips as he
watched Albert that was smiling as well, fearing and totally excited about whatever that mocking
smirk on his lips could mean.

-Play the piano- it wasn't a question, it was clearly an order and Albert would have followed it
hadn't it been because, number one, nobody apart from his brothers knew he could play the piano
and two, that would mean accept he had been going to that hidden room to which he didn't know if
he was allowed to go or no.

-I can't play the piano- when you are not sure what to answer, just deny everything, that way
people would think you're useless or simply let you go.

But oh, of course that this goddamn man wouldn't let go of that topic that easily since he couldn't
be fooled easily.

-Then I guess that Mon Chéri is the responsible one of leaving the piano smelling of roses and also
of putting the white cloth out of place-

Fuck. He was starting to hate his almost natural smell of roses that had got impregnated on him
after so many years of using that scent and now, apparently leaving traces on whatever he touched.
It was the worst curse for a criminal like him.

-Cats are so intelligent and spontaneous- his words once again trying to evade the order, but at the
end sighing when he felt the sapphire eyes looking at him intensely, he didn't even need to look at
him to know he was racing one of his dark brows, waiting for the answer that he expected to
receive and that he, as the foolish man in love with him that he was, ended giving, still reluctantly -
Even if I do agree to play the piano what are you doing mon chéri?-

It was a couple talent, and as far as he knew, Mycroft didn't know how to play the piano... or did
he? No, his fingers were way too beautiful to play the piano, but if he didn't, then what was he

-Ever played with another instrument?- the vague question making him finally turn around, trying
to decipher the smirk on his lips.

He was not asking him for a 4-hands piece, rather he was asking him if he had ever played with
another instrument, and if he remembered correctly William had said something about Sherlock
being able to play the violin, so maybe that was the same case for the older Holmes.
-Accompaniment?- instead of receiving an answer to his question, he felt Mycroft leaning closer to
him, murmuring the piece that he wanted to play on his ear and making him smile bemusedly, so
shocked by the sudden request that not even being so close to him was affecting him as much as his

He wasn't talking seriously, right? No, he couldn't be talking seriously!! There was no way they
could do what he was suggesting for a ton of reasons. Wanted him to enumerate some of them?
Number one, his wrists and fingers would end broken if he dared to play that, number two, he
didn't knew if he would be able to read that piece at first sight, number three and most important
one, he was just now discovering that this evil man could play the violin which meant he had no
idea what to expect from him!! It could result as a total disaster!!

But oh, oh dear heavens and hell, he was talking seriously, and what was worst was that he looked
so excited about his idea that he was almost glowing (or maybe it was an effect from the opium
combined with his hopeless love for him), making him sigh because he knew that he would give
him anything he asked for, no matter what.

-You surely are devil- a defeated smile on his lips, his right hand hitting him with the fan on the
forehead on a playful and small protest sign.

-Thanks for the compliment-

And as Albert was starting to consider that he maybe had influenced Mycroft a little bit too much,
Mycroft called for the same young man that had guided them that day, asking him if they had a
piano and a violin and then being guided by him to the Apollo's hall.

It was a really fitting name for the hall indeed, it was a spacious room composed by solely big bay
windows that except for some corners of the hall covered with its translucent crystal almost all the
walls. White curtains opened on pair and letting the sun hit the dark ivory floor, wind running
trough the hall and moving the curtains.

There were not too much people there, just a group of four people that ignored them as they
seemed to be really into their little talk.

-So he really is dead?- what had intended to be a murmur from one of the men talking caught both
men's attention, deciding to walk more calmly so that they could hear more of that conversation.

-He was so handsome, is such a shame that not even his corpse could remain-

Finally taking note of Albert and Mycroft, one of the women excitedly waved at them, something
that forced them to go and greet them. Who were they trying to fool, they just wanted to hear more
of that conversation and purposely made eye contact with her so that they could have an excuse to
get on their little talk.

-Jolie!! You know about Count Moriarty?- oh, so that was what they had been talking about.

-She just arrived to London, how can she know?- the tone in which the other women had spoken
making Albert feel annoyed for some reason. If he had to guess, this woman was jealous of the
way his husband was drooling over Jolie and even Mycroft.

-I heard he was handsome- his answer making the four of them laugh, something Albert did as well
trying to ignore the amused smirk on Mycroft's lips that clearly said "You're narcissistic", deciding
that it was more fun to hear them start talking non-stop about how incredible it had been when, by
some coincidence, the clearly excited couple had had the pleasure to seat a few tables away from
the Count on a restaurant.

It was somehow scaring how this people remembered correctly all the details, from the dessert he
had ordered to even the color of the socks he had been wearing that day.

-What about you Mr. Holmes?- at the innocent question of the overjoyed woman, the atmosphere
seemed to cool down, laughs and smiles erasing totally from their faces as her husband quietly
murmured to her something.

You didn't need to be able to read minds or have and exceptional ear to imagine what he had
murmured her and that soon made the color leave her face, both his hands covering her mouth and
her open wide eyes fearfully looking at Mycroft.

-I'm sorry, please excuse my rudeness-

Directing his emerald eyes to Mycroft, Albert saw him deny with his head and bow respectfully at
her before saying a calm -Please excuse us, we have something to do- waving goodbye to them
then and walking side by side with Albert on direction to where the piano was.

-Didn't you hear that rumor of that scum Moriarty seducing detective Sherlock? I heard he
bewitched him and took his life as well. I'm sure he doesn't wants to hear about anything related to
that trash family-

The words of the other woman still reaching both men's ears, making Mycroft stop on his steps and
grab Albert by the hand, his emerald eyes locking with the sapphires one and feeling his own lips
curve on a faint smile when he saw on the deepens of his blue eyes so many words that he never
said but that he understood totally.

His gaze was so comforting, and wanting to give back that same comfort he cupped his face
between his hands, caressing his cheeks with his thumbs and then pulling from them on a childish
attempt to make him smile again, his own smile growing wider when Mycroft did the same with
his cheeks.

That playful moment made them almost forgot about the anger and sadness invading their bodies
and minds at the so careless words of that woman. Keyword, almost. She was lucky that they
didn't want to cause any problem (yet) on the club, otherwise she would already be asking to be

-The game is starting- she was also lucky that she was surrounded by the other three people as they
walked back to the previous hall, lucky woman, but she better don't tease her luck on the future.

Without losing a single second, some young woman and men dressed with that black uniform and
low cleavages started to give them a little piece of paper containing a number, which was the order
in which they would pass to present their talents.

A total of eighteen couples, and they were on the number ten, being forced then to watch the
multiples talents of the first eight couples at least. What a disaster.

They had showed everything, there had been a couple that decided their "talent" was telling stories
and ended making half of the rest of people fall asleep, another one decided to go for magic tricks
and ended with the husband without an ear and the wife with a deep cut on her wrist... on resume,
they all were a total disaster.

When they saw the eight couple got on the scenery they could just think about what a disgrace this
people were. Even a kid would show a better spectacle and here they were, waisting their time
watching grown-up adults not knowing even their capabilities and limitations making a fool of

And by the moment Mycroft was starting to question his reason of life existence and Albert to
thing about burning everyone and get done once and for all with that situation, a young man called
for them and took them to the Apollo's room once again so that they could start tuning the
instruments and checking for any possible inconvenience.

Never have Albert being so grateful for spending a couple of minutes helping a violin get tuned on
his whole life, and at least his good mood was coming back to him as he saw Mycroft take out his
coat and leaving himself only on the waistcoat accentuating the shape of his back and waist just
like dark shirt, taking off his gloves as well and putting his wedding ring over the piano, next to
where the one of Albert was.

He was so handsome that he could win that goddamn competition with only his appearance.

But it wasn't time to admire the way he could see his muscles moving under the dark shirt or drool
over the way the waistcoat remarked his waist and broad shoulders, he could do that later, now he
needed to focus on stretching the enough his fingers, putting his whole between the gaps of each
finger on an unnatural way.

-If I die after this, is going to be your fault- said Albert on a playful tone, pulling from his fingers
until they made a "pop" sound and then cracking his shoulder and wrist joints.

-If you die then I'm dying to- a smirk appearing on his lips and that grew wider when he saw
Albert throw the rosin to him, aiming for his face but being stopped when his right hand (the one
that wasn't holding the violin) caught it on the air.

No, it wasn't a love confession, it was a confession of "this is probably going to kill you and me,
but hey!! we have been trough worst!!" because even when they both had stretched their hands a
little bit, it was far from preparing them from the inevitable pain and tension that playing an almost
sixteen minutes piece would create on their muscles, joints and ligaments.

Even when it was not supposed to hurt (otherwise you were making something wrong), there was
no other way with Tartini, specially with his Devil's trill sonata.

Yes, that was the piece that Mycroft wanted to play, and while a part of Albert's brain was
screaming him how he was not going to be able to hold properly a mere spoon for the next three
days after this, the other part was already excited as to how this devil man would interpret a piece
composed on honor of the devil itself.

Soon the couples, the young maids and men along the shy lady started to fill the hall, all chatting
and asking to themselves what could possibly be the "new couple" (that's how everyone knew
them)'s talent.

Some of them were left surprised when they saw Mycroft, giving their back to them and allowing
them to see a little of the back of his pale neck, eyes wandering then to his broad shoulders and
waist remarked by the waistcoat. It was breathtaking and such a shame that he always hid his
perfect body under heavy coats.

But oh. Oh. Albert (or the one they knew as Jolie) couldn't be left behind either. The sun of the
day entering the room through the white curtains hitting his mahogany hair making it look like soft
caramel melting on a hot sunny day, the white marble keys reflecting light to his face and making
his emerald eyes shine.
The shy lady though then, as she watched the couple in front of her eyes looking at each other with
love and smiles drawn on their lips, that if the contest had been about the couple with the best
chemistry and looks, they would have for sure win it without anybody that could deny or refute
about it.

Ignoring totally the looks and whispers between the people now fully concentrated on them,
Mycroft put the violin under his chin, moving his left hand over the bridge barely touching the
strings a couple of times to get used to it, directing a look to Albert who only smiled and with his
lips said "You're a devil" that made a smirk appear on his lips.

The first notes came out on a whisper first and then slowly building up, never reaching that forte,
not even the mezzopiano that everyone wished to hear but instead deleting their ears with the
beautiful harmony the piano and the violin made.

Such a beautiful melody like if it was a lullaby for broken hearts or like the calm of a warm
morning after a rainy night.

Even when it was only a piano accompanying the violin, it didn't sound empty or like if it was
lacking something, it was rather impressive how just two instruments could make it sound as if the
whole orchestra was playing.

Albert could just intercalate his eyes between the score resting over the music rack of the piano
and Mycroft, following with his emerald eyes the movements of his fingers so that he could follow
him, enhancing the beauty of the piece as if they had played that piece together since the beginning
of the times.

He was so grateful that the first movement of the piece was larghetto so that he had time to adjust
more to Mycroft's playing that, if he was correct, was a perfect replica of the score, just as if he had
memorized not only the whole piece but also all the instructions written on the paper as how to
play it.

It sounded so easy yet it was so difficult.

So difficult to make it sound so sweet yet like a pleading, as if warm tears were falling from
someone's eyes shining with so much emotions that it was almost overwhelming. The tension that
the chords created building up and then floating away as if it had never been there on the first
place until it couldn't be hidden anymore, letting the pleas of the violin echo on the sound of the
piano wrapping everything on a soft cloud.

And while he was reading a part of the score, he felt the sapphire eyes over him, making his eyes
lock with the blue ones for a moment and shiver slightly at all the excitement and joy contained on
them, being that single look all Mycroft gave him as a warning for the second movement.

Dear hell that man was going to kill him, and unlike other moments where he felt the same, he
wasn't totally fond of that idea at that moment, at least no under that circumstances.

The tempo immediately changing as the second movement started, the violin then echoing sounds
full of life and contempt as if he was not anymore whispering but slowly rising more and more its
sounds still with that feeling between sweetness and sadness that was slowly fading away as more
and more complex chords and notes started to be played.

The violin saying something and the piano answering right back, Albert watching the muscles of
Mycroft's back tense and relax, his perfectly comber dark hair slowly messing up and letting some
wild locks of it fall to his forehead.
The pinkish lips of Albert letting a sigh escape from his lips, being able to witness how once again
the violin sang laments of sorrow just to forget them as fast as they had come, going back to that
strident way as if all that could leave its strings was nothing more but screams every time Mycroft
passed the bow against them on a tough, overwhelming way.

His sapphire eyes until that moment fixated on the movement of his fingers and occasionally on
Albert following him expertly moving to the corner and catching a glimpse of the woman that had
dared to speak about his brother.

"Didn't you hear that rumor of that scum Morality seducing detective Sherlock? I heard he
bewitched him and took his life as well. I'm sure he doesn't wants to hear about anything related to
that trash family"

The strength of his right hand holding the bow increasing, ripping out of the violin more pitiful
sounds full of feelings that he though he didn't have, or just couldn't allow to feel, not even he was
able to know the truth behind the sudden knot on his throat and the not gentle at all way in which
he continued playing making some single strands of the bow start loosening.

-Mycky!! Play the violin for me!!- full of life big blue eyes like a cloudless sky watching him.

-I'm busy Sherly- the bridge of his nose being pressed between the fingers of his right hand. It was
so late yet he was only starting with his work.

-You're always busy- and even when he tried to hid it, the deception and sadness on his big blue
eyes did nothing but increase, slowly walking away with his head low as if he knew that no matter
what he did his brother wouldn't have time for him.

-Only this time, and then you have to go to sleep- he said after sighing, smiling when he saw the
big blue yes shine again and jump to his arms, talking non stop about everything and nothing, his
arms hugging him by the neck as they walked together through the dark halls of a house that only
at times like this could be referred as a home.

The sudden change on the sounds from the violin made the emerald eyes of Albert look at Mycroft,
being only able to see his back and a bit of his closed eyes.

It was a breathtaking image, and maybe he would have smiled foolishly at him hadn't it been
because he could tell what was going on his mind, or at least imagine it, after all, he too was still
with the words of that woman floating around his mind like a curse.

The own sounds of the piano getting heavier as if he was trying to crush down the one that had
dared to put such a saddened expression on the face of the man that he loved and talk on such a
disgusting way about his beloved brother.

What could that woman even know? She knew nothing yet there she was talking as if she had seen
it all with her own eyes.

She could never know about the endless nightmares that chased William down every night and
even on the day, the color of his eyes and face getting drained every time his gifted mind decided
to play with him and replay time after time the multiple screams, lifeless bodies and blood staining
him to the point his head would start to ache sometimes making him faint. She could never know
about the burdened expression on his crimson eyes or the silent plea for salvation that he never
allowed himself to even think about.

If the violin had been letting everyone hear its sounds of sorrow, then now it was crying and
screaming on pain until no sound could anymore come out of its wooden soul, letting the strings
rip apart with every note played.

The swirl of memories making Mycroft for a moment forget everything around him except for the
man behind him and the emerald gaze over him on a unexpected yet appreciated comforting sign.
The traces of a smile appearing on his lips as he watched by the corner of his eyes Albert. Oh how
well he knew him.

The tension slowly and then abruptly increasing, the breath of everyone and even Albert getting
stuck on their throats as Mycroft played the most beautiful sounds anyone could have ever think

It was like a daydream and a nightmare that didn't allow you to breath at the same time, as if the
devil was playing that sonata and everyone there was just condemned to listen to his blissful
sounds just like Tartini, doing nothing more than admire the figure in front of them, containing
their breaths as the solo part finally started.

More and more sounds able to break everyone's heart with just some notes coming out of that
single wooden instrument, regaining the composure for a moment as if it was tired from everything
and nothing but then going back to let the strings be ripped apart with every tough movement of
the bow and fingers hardly pressing against the bridge.

Almost bewitched by such an impressive interpretation, Albert almost lost his entrance, forcing his
fingers to play the last notes that let everyone and himself feeling breathless as the last chord
continued echoing trough the walls and crystal of the hall before finally dying.

Letting the breath that he didn't know he was containing leave his lips on a sigh, Mycroft finally
allowed himself to open his eyes but not to face the people in front of him and that he couldn't care
less about, no, his sapphire eyes searched immediately the emerald ones and that he found looking
at them.

A smile drawn on his pinkish lips, and this time it was him the one that opened his mouth to say
with his lips a sweet "You did well narcissus" that made the younger chuckle as he started to come
closer to him, both his hands caressing his tired arms on a comforting sign that he recognized and
could just love.

How good it was that words weren't needed between them; just a look, a brief caress, and the traces
of a smile were all they needed to know what was going inside the other's mind.

And as they started to walk, side by side with their arms brushing against the other's one, their
steps were suddenly stopped when they heard the deafening sound of claps accompanied with sobs
and excited cheers behind them.

Oh. They had totally forgot that they were still on that club.

Still slightly confused from the fact that they had forgot about where they were, they saw the shy
lady with tears on her eyes being dried away with a handkerchief walk to where they were, sniffing
and clapping, her face a total mess of snot and tears that she diligently cleaned before take the (still
confused) men by the hand and placed them on the center of the hall.

-Winners of the first game!! Mycroft Holmes and Jolie Holmes!!- and with that the sound of claps
just increased. It was just at that time that Mycroft saw that there were a group of people fanning
two ladies that had fainted, at least half of them were crying and the other half were with the
goosebumps still on their bodies.
-But the other couples...- tried to say a young maid, being cut abruptly by the shy lady that
continued sobbing.

-Nobody can show a better talent and chemistry than they!!- wow, she seemed to be really excited
to the point they could even see flowers floating around her... or maybe it was because of the
opium floating all over the air.

Either way, now that they had won the first game and everyone still needed a time to compose
themselves after that breathtaking presentation, the shy (not that shy anymore) lady decided to give
everyone a twenty minutes break while they also prepared everything for the next game.

At least the first game had been a... pretty much normal one so now Albert and Mycroft were more
relaxed, or as relaxed as they could be with everyone eating them with the eyes, enjoying of the
warm Earl Gray tea, sitting together on the balcony that gave them a perfect view of the fountain at
the entrance of the mansion.

Mycroft saw with amusement the way Albert was having problems to hold his fork, letting it fall to
the plate several times with a loud clack and finally giving up on his vane attempts to eat some of
the strawberries dessert. A pout on his lips as he looked the dessert with sadness at not being able
to eat it.

Well, it was not like he could laugh at him because he was not better either and the way the fine
china cup was shaking on his right hand so much that he had to grab the cup with both hands to
don't cause a disaster was really obvious.

He had been a little (bit too much) reckless at playing that piece when it had been several months
since he had last touched a violin, but hey, at least they had won the first game so a possible
contracture was nothing compared to it... maybe.

-I can't wait to go to hell and tell satan that there's someone on earth that can play the violin as
beautifully as him- an almost daydreaming expression on Albert's face as he smiled so beautifully
that Mycroft felt the traces of one drawing on his own lips.

How madly in love he needed to be with the little wicked in front of him to feel the tips of his
fingers prick with the need to caress with them that beautiful smile?

How good it would be if he could just force him to love him, but oh how stupid his heart was to
don't even let his brain even dare to think about such a thing.

-Tartini said that what he had composed wasn't even near to what the devil had played on his
dream- just like always he was around Albert, the words that left his lips were nothing like what he
was thinking, fortunately.

He didn't want to know the expression the emerald eyes would hold on them if he ever dared to say
it out loud, and for him it was more than enough see him laugh with the back of his hand covering
his mouth, drinking from his cup of tea to hide his own smile as he watched a naughty tear leave
the other's right eye.

-Maybe, but I'm sure that even Satan would be pleased if I tell him that I heard that piece from the
devil itself-

And if he wasn't, then he had a problem and Albert was going to make sure to torture him until he
accepted that Mycroft was by far the best man and violinist one could ever dream of.

-Are you implying I'm the devil?- a smirk forming on his lips at the other's words.
-Oh no, I'm just quoting what you have said about yourself before- and then a new laugh
abandoned his lips.

Mycroft could just think then, that the sound of his laugh was the best melody on earth and that
even God and Satan would feel jealous of him for listening to it.

Chapter End Notes

I'm ready to go and kill that woman and so is MyAl, who wants to join us?

Also, I based the descriptions of their after-pain and suffering from playing a difficult
piece of my own experience since I have ended on physiotherapy multiple times
because of it so if you play an instrument don't be reckless like this two (and me) or
you're ending with a beautiful contracture or even worst, needing a surgery.

Anyway, my university told me this week that we're going back to school this next
Monday (fucking hell I don't even have my uniform ahhhh-) and its a total disaster ⚰️

Going straight to the point, my classes are from 7 am to 8 pm, which means I won't
have that much time to write and update but still I'll try to update every two weeks and
once I have the whole story complete I'll update twice a week maybe, idk, I already
have more than the half so hope it doesn't take me that much time.

Next update: 01/28/22

When I'm down on my knees, you're how I pray
Chapter Notes

I have a beta ahhhhhhh- *insert that audio of "Hi mom, guess what... I've got a friend!"
but change it for beta*

I'm so happy say hello and thank you to @Emma_Spiral_E !!!! I love them so

And yay!! Enjoy the chapter!!!

Tags for this chapter: Blowjobs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

See the end of the chapter for more notes

During the twenty minute break in which you could see the young maids and young men going
from here to there with different things on hand preparing everything for the next game. Mycroft
let his head rest on Albert's shoulder and almost fell asleep at the warm feel of an arm embracing
him and elegant fingers caressing his dark hair.

A smile began to show on the pinkish lips that belonged to Albert when he felt some soft locks of
dark hair brushing against his cheek and neck. The smell of blueberries combining with the one of
roses from him in an enticing way that reminded of a sweet, maybe exotic, dessert.

Speaking of desserts, Albert was still mourning over the fact that he hadn't been able to eat his
dessert. Watching Mycroft with an envious look since he had been able to eat it all. Such a terrible
man, he hadn't even offered a bite to him.

Without having to look at him, Mycroft knew that Albert was putting a pout on his lips, most likely
watching with hungry eyes at the still intact strawberry dessert on the tea table.

-You're like a sulking kid- his words startling Albert and making him jump in his place, a curse
leaving his lips and Mycroft could even bet he could hear his heart beating fast.

Well, at least by scaring him he was able to make his heart skip a beat, that was something.

-Weren't you sleeping?- his voice once again calm and his hands going back to his work on
Mycroft's dark hair and that was interrupted when the older one faced him.

-You're more naive than I thought if you believe I can peacefully sleep on a place full of people
ready to eat me-

-What an elegant way to say "stupid" to someone- a half smile drawn on his lips that did nothing to
hide his annoyance, his eyes looking harshly at Mycroft because he had just subtly insulted him
and he was just smiling beautifully like if it was nothing.

The fact that Albert was so head over heels for this handsome man for whom he would literally kill
for, didn't mean he was allowed to insult him with that beautiful smile on his lips making the
younger forget his anger, though he still tried to fake he was feeling aggravated.

That's how the emerald eyes met with the sapphire ones in a war that none of them wanted to lose
even when the reason behind it was really childish. It didn't matter that they knew it was all a
farce and that under those annoyed, serious faces were hidden wide smiles and chuckles hard to

Oh how beautiful it would be if time could stop at that moment with just the two of them laying
together on a comfy couch leaning close. So close that they could feel the other's warmth and get
drunk on their smells, doing absolutely nothing but stare into the other's eyes and comprehend
everything without saying a single word.

Warm sun rays making the mahogany long hair look like soft caramel melting on sweet rivers, the
white reflections of the ivory floor causing the pale cold hands to shine, the distant sound of a bird
chirping somewhere near, emerald melting on sapphire and blueberries combining themselves with
the aroma of roses.

How easy it would be for Mycroft to tilt his head slightly, just a few inches would be enough and
then he could finally taste the pinkish lips ones against his own and see if they tasted like the
strawberries that he loved so much; how easy it would be for Albert to let his hand get tangled on
the dark locks of hair, mess them up and then caress all of him until his hands could recognize
every part of him.

How easy it would be to do it if only they didn't have so many chains tying them in place.

-The second game is about to start- a young man said, breaking every one of their daydreams and
reminding them of the reason why they were here in the first place.

It was just so easy to forget about it, about the whole world even, when they were like that, and
maybe they should stop it unless they wanted to end being eaten by those people looking hungrily
at them.

They walked together, maybe more than the strictly necessary but nobody cared about that little
detail. They kept making bets on what could possibly be the next game, a joke from Albert saying
how he was going to die that day if they had to do something more like that "talents game" and
reassuring words from Mycroft telling him how he was going to make sure he had an appropriate

When the doors of the hall that would host the second game were opened, once again everybody
was staring at them and Mycroft was sure now that they were doing this on purpose so they could
see better the "fresh meat" as much as they could.

His attention was caught by something else though (or maybe he was slowly getting used to being
looked as if he was a pig), and that something was the nine little tables organized in a very
imprecise 3 by 3 format. Cards with bicolor rhombuses patterns on their backs and placed over the
tables in a slightly (he was being generous now) messy way.

Ignoring the mess in which they had arranged everything (for his own sake) he centered his
attention on the cards with that pattern that was very common on card games, and among all the
card games there was only a few that would require them to face another opponent and have the
cards flipped so that they couldn't see their contents.

Tilting his head slightly so that he could tell Albert about what they were about to play, he found
the image of Albert bitting intensely his lips almost as if he was chewing them, his right index
finger pulling from his other index finger's nail with such insistence that hadn't it been because of
the gloves he would for sure have teared it apart. Emerald eyes fixated on the mess in front of
them, his left leg moving with fierceness making an almost imperceptible "click-clack" sound with
the heel of his shoe.

If that sight was terrible for Mycroft, then it was a fucking torture for Albert, specially because he
had no way nor reason to go and start arranging everything until he was satisfied for what could be
minutes or even hours.

He was going to hurt himself if he continued like that though, so grabbing him by the shoulders
Mycroft made him turn around, his middle finger hitting his forehead on a playful (maybe a little
bit too strong) way that brought him back to reality.

His eyes getting lost on the ones of Mycroft asking without words for something that the older
allowed with a simple nod of his head. Pale trembling hands then reaching slowly for him and
finally hugging him, letting himself get intoxicated with the manly cologne of Mycroft; nuzzling
his petite nose against the side of his neck to get more of it and staying like that for what could
have been an eternity.

Albert’s nerves were constantly being teased on that club, starting from the cloying smell flooding
all the mansion to the annoying looks, and now facing that horrible sight (at least for him) was a
torture that made him feel uneasy, thanking that Mycroft had provided something to distract his
mind with without judging him or saying a single word.

Ignoring totally the boring speech the shy lady on the center of the hall was giving, Mycroft let
Albert do as he pleased, his cold hands drawing circles on his back to help him calm down and not
moving a single bit even when he felt the soft locks of mahogany hair brushing against his cheek
and tickle him.

Even if he had wanted to pay attention to something more than Albert, the strong grip on his back
making nails dig into his skin through the clothes wouldn't have let him do so.

How foolish a man in love can be, he didn't mind at all being hurt by the same one that he loved so
deeply even when in other circumstances he would have tried to hurt him back.

Maybe he was a masochist, though he had always considered himself a sadist.

-Better?- he asked with a low, calm voice after he felt the strong grip on his back slowly start to
loosen, his breath coming out more steady and his pulse calming down as well. A small nod being
all he received as an answer.

A part of Albert wanted to push Mycroft away and act as if nothing had happened, but truth was
that he was really tired because of all the things that had happened recently, and if to that you
added his horrible need to have everything flawless then the result was him, tiredly laying against
Mycroft and just letting himself get drunk on his cologne that was able to even cover the smell of

-They are more useless than I thought- his voice slightly muffled thanks to the position they were
in, the feeling of Mycroft's ribcage reverberating against his with a low chuckle making him smile
as well.

-Nobody can be as perfect as you narcissus-

At that he could just laugh, and even when he had already calmed down, they did not move nor
intended to part away, they were comfortable like that so that they kept hugging through the rest of
the (boring) speech.

Albert could listen to nobles doing incredibly long speeches about who deserves to be in charge of
the government and still not be as bored like he was at that moment, or perhaps they were just too
unbothered to pay attention to it, too centered on their own bubble that could explode at any

-The second game is...- oh, a cliffhanger, what a devilish woman. She could even use those endless
seconds of pure silence to arrange those cards and tables.

Couldn't she see how excited Mycroft was (to the point of dying from the emotion) to hear about
the revelation of a game he had deciphered since he entered that room?

-Matching game- said both the shy lady and Mycroft at the same time, one of them clearly excited
and the other one just as bored as he could be with such a boring, normal, insignificant, not
complicated at all game as that one was.

This came as a surprise to Albert though.

He hadn't had time to think about what could possibly be their next game when his eyes saw all
that mess, his skin pricking to go away and do something about it but that he wasn't allowed to
because in the best case, it would be taken as a discourtesy, to care about whatever they were
supposed to play.

So when he heard Mycroft murmur on a very monotone tone the same thing as the shy lady spoke,
his hazel pupils widened in surprise and rose his head from his comfortable spot over his shoulder,
his eyes asking for an answer that wasn't given to him because soon the shy lady started to talk

-There's also a punishment for every time you can't get the pairs correctly, Your partner will have
to drink!!- that part was maybe the most interesting one among all the others she had said. If the
punishment was drinking, then he might be able to enjoy it, even if briefly, thanks to the alcohol,
but it didn't make the situation any better.

And they that had thought the talents game had been a total chaos and torture. For a club full of
depravated people they surely were a boring disaster.

-This is going to be boring for you- Albert's eyes locking with the sapphire ones, his left hand
cupping his right cheek and making Mycroft smirk. You could even say that he looked sorry and
worried about him, and that just made the older's insides bubble with some love-like feeling.

-I'll entrust my dear wife with making it fun for me- his own hand resting over the one of Albert,
his head leaning closer to the warm touch and the smirk on his lips growing wider when he saw the
annoyance clear on the emerald eyes.

No matter how much he heard it, he was never going to get used to being called “wife” in such a
teasing tone. Only this man could make him feel hopelessly in love and then so angry that he
wouldn't mind killing him on such a short amount of time that it was like swinging high and then
falling to the ground.

-Shall I get some wrongs on purpose then?- a teasing smile adorning his lips as he was trying really
hard to not take advantage of how close they were and knock him out.

-How arrogant-
-I'm simply trying to amuse my dear husband that is too bored to the point of messing with me-

-That's so kind of you, maybe I should try losing on purpose too-

-Who's being arrogant now?-

And before they could start another war that would for sure not end on just some harmless glares, a
young maid approached them and started to guide them to the table where they were supposed to
play next, their way being full of low harsh words disguised as jokes.

When they sat together in front of the little table Albert tried to avoid the way his skin was pricking
once again at the mess in front of him, and before the other couple arrived he organized everything
until it was at least acceptable so that he wouldn't peel the skin out of his arms.

Couldn't these people do something as easy as organizing and keeping neat their things?

They literally trafficked opium and had orgies but couldn't organize something as simple as cards
over a table?

First, the woman gossiping about William and Sherlock, then his muscles and tendons that were
sore and to add on he hadn't been able to eat his strawberry dessert. Everything in that hall was a
mess and now the couple that was supposed to play against them was taking their sweet time
walking to where they were.

Slowly feeling like his mood was worsening as time went by, he decided to calm himself by
playing with Mycroft's hands. His head resting over his right shoulder and his hands fidgeting with
the wedding ring on the cold hand.

He wasn't the only one getting annoyed though. Mycroft was also using all his willpower to resist
getting rid of everyone in that room. His right hand resting over the crook of Albert's waist tracing
small circles there and his nose buried on the soft mahogany hair to soothe his mind with the
intoxicating smell of roses.

They looked like a lovey-dovey couple when in fact they were just trying really hard not to kill
everyone there and throw everything they had accomplished till that moment to the trash.

Finally after what seemed to be an eternity the other couple sat in front of them, smiling and talking
non stop about how happy they were to play with them. They spoke about how they looked really
good together, how beautiful their kids would be, how lucky Mycroft was for having such a pretty
wife and how envious the woman was of Jolie for marrying such a handsome man...

In little words an endless flattering more fake than the breasts Albert had crafted that morning.

-The winner would be the couple that defeats their rival first and in the least amount of time!!-

Great, they could finish with that quickly, then go back home and take a bath to get rid of the smell
of opium, then eat something and go to sleep. If they were lucky enough, they wouldn't wake up
the next day.

-Let's start!!-

Without losing a moment the other couple started, applying the "one to make the first movement
wins" but that was totally useless, stupid you could even say, because this was a matching game,
that meant the first one would have less chances to win while the last one would have an upper
There was a tiny, little, almost insignificant, inconvenient matter though.

Those cards contained not the usual shapes and objects used on the matching game, no, they were
personalized and instead of the common design they had the faces of the 36 people present in that
room, something that another time would have given Mycroft the chills but that now was less
important than another tiny detail.

Said tiny detail, might you remember, was that Albert couldn't recognize faces. He even had
problems staring at them so this was... a total disaster.

The annoyance on Albert's body slowly being replaced by a worry and then even fear when he saw
there was no way he could get a single one correct, not when he was supposed to look at the faces
of so many people and then pair them up. He could just see a bunch of face parts scattered all over
the table, not making sense at all, how was he supposed to do that?

-Is your turn, madam-

The calm voice of the young maid, in charge of watching them so they wouldn't cheat or play any
tricks, reminded him that he had to face this inconvenient situation.

Trembling pale hands reluctantly picking one card, the sound of his own heart beating fast echoing
against his ears on a deafening rhythm. Albert’s throat suddenly felt dry as his hand moved through
all the cards and picked another one.

He didn't even know if he had chosen the correct pair or not until he heard the young maid say -
Mrs. Holmes picked the wrong pair- a defeated sigh leaving his lips.

The young maid then put the cards back on their position, carefully turning to a small table by her
side and filling up a glass with some strange liquor that Albert then recognized as sweet wine but it
looked strange.

Oh dear god, was Mycroft supposed to drink that sweet liquor? He didn't like sweets... And that
wine looked really suspicious!! He could bet his life that it had been altered!!

-Mr. Holmes- said , handing the drink to Mycroft. His sapphire eyes inspected the liquor and then
chugged the weird looking liquor at once under the very worried gaze of Albert who kept looking
at him just in case he dropped dead or got poisoned.

It was sweet to see him so worried about him, Mycroft would have been able to delight himself on
that feeling if just his mouth and stomach weren’t left with a disgusting aftertaste, product of the
annoyingly cloying liquor.

The next two rounds went exactly like the first one with the exception that the young maid didn't
have to remind Albert that it was his turn. Though as they continued the results were the same and
Mycroft was forced to drink again, and once again.

It was sweet. Cloyingly sweet and exactly what you would expect from a sweet wine, just that ten
times worse. From what he had seen on the other tables they would give the man that cloyingly
sweet wine and to the woman a strong liquor with a bitter smell. That gave Mycroft an idea, and for
that he entrusted Albert's delicate taste to make it work because he was definitely not going to be
able to put up with another one of those glasses of the sweet wine.

After waiting for the other couple to make their move he chose two cards that he knew didn't
match and that gained him excited and overjoyed screams from the couple in front of them thinking
they could win.
A (very fake) disappointed expression on Mycroft’s face appeared when he saw that he had chosen
the incorrect ones even when he had planned it. The emerald eyes looked confused at him because
there was no way in hell or heaven that he could get something as simple as this wrong but then
Albert realized the subtle message being trusted to him.

Albert didn't know what this evil man was planning, but decided to do as he was told and trust in
whatever it was so he drank the strange liquor that the young maid had handed him, ignoring the
way the other couple murmured between them the not lady-like way he had done it because the
liquor's horrible taste was bigger.

Dear hell. That was basically raw alcohol, how could someone drink that? He was used to strong
drinks but this was by far, the worst thing he had ever tried. He was sure that they had obtained it
illegally or they had been scammed when buying it, none of those were good things.

Feeling his throat and then his stomach burn he couldn't help the disgusting expression on his face,
his furrowed brows and a disgusted expression stealing (without knowing) the heart of the chubby
man in front of him that came back to reality only when his wife hit him.

-You look pale my dear wife- a cold hand over his cheek and preoccupied words taking him back
to reality, his eyes then locking with the sapphire ones asking to play along with whatever he was
planning. It better be worth the horrible taste on his mouth or he was making Mycroft drink that

So doing as he was told to, he covered his mouth with one hand while the other started fanning
him. Fake tears in his eyes as he leaned closer to Mycroft -I think this is too strong for me- even his
voice sounded cracked as if he was about to cry or the liquor had really affected his throat.

Seeing the worried Mycroft and the about to cry Jolie the couple immediately felt bad for having
celebrated moments prior, a handkerchief being extended to Mycroft so that he could wipe away
his little wife's tears.

-If you're feeling unwell you can go take some fresh air for a minute, we don't mind waiting- said
the chubby woman and then the young maid nodded as if to give them permission to do so.

They were then guided to the garden, being left alone when Mycroft requested it and being startled
when he found pale hands cupping his face. Worriedly looking at all of him in search of something
that could be wrong with him.

-Are you not feeling well?- his voice still raspy not hiding at all the worry on his words because
Albert still couldn't understand why would they need to fake he wasn't feeling well and go alone to
a garden unless Mycroft wasn't feeling well or had seen something was wrong and needed to say it
to him.

He was ready to go and kill that young maid and whoever had dared to decide it was a good idea to
give Mycroft that stupidly cloying wine if he indeed wasn’t feeling well.

-You know morse code?- the sudden question said with so much calm that it cut abruptly Albert’s
murdering thoughts and left him totally speechless for a moment, blinking slowly on a confused

-Eh? Ah... yes...- he had learned it some time ago and even when he wasn't the best at it he could
still understand it at the very least. He didn't know why it would matter though, so looking with
questioning eyes he patiently waited for Mycroft to explain it.
-Let's use it so that you can also get some correct- a shameful expression taking over the emerald
eyes as he finally understood that it was because of him that they were outside on the garden and
now using morse code to help him.

Albert had gotten used to his lack of ability to see faces and his brothers didn't mind it at all, he had
even learned to deal with it to some point but he couldn't help feeling guilty and even ashamed of
himself for putting them at a disadvantage, specially because he knew that had it been only
Mycroft he would have been able to defeat everyone in that room in less than three minutes.

Cold hands over his cheeks and then putting a wild mahogany lock of hair behind his ear breaking
his reverie -If you are this regretful, then compensate me later- a half smirk drawn on his lips as he
watched the light return to the emerald eyes.

It was really impressive, maybe fun even, to see Albert getting worried and ashamed at the
weirdest things.

-I'll make sure to compensate you later mon chéri- a playful wink from his eye being all Mycroft
needed to be left behind speechless and then chuckling at how fast Albert could go back to his
usual self.

After returning to their seat, Mycroft put his hand over the waist of Albert and made him get
closer, gaining some excited words from the chubby woman in front of them at how cute they were
and how caring Mycroft was.

Of course that they didn't know they were that close so that Mycroft could communicate with
Albert without making any suspicious sound or movement, after all, nobody would dare to look at
the intimate way he was holding Albert's waist and tapping it. And if somebody did then he was
ending their lives.

That's how, appearing as a lovey-dovey couple, Mycroft was able to tell Albert what cards to
choose. The younger one doing as he was told almost immediately to don't make it suspicious and
sometimes even faking to have problems knowing which card he should choose next as if he was
really the one playing and not Mycroft basically giving him the answers.

It was fun to see the previously excited couple now having problems and at the verge of a collapse
thanks to Mycroft and Albert winning round after round. The younger one said how fortunate he
was to have such a caring husband while he just kept telling him the answers by tapping on his
waist with an amused expression on his face.

The young maid seemed to feel like something was odd, but since she couldn't find anything out of
place or that seemed suspicious she just kept observing everything and pouring the drinks to the
other couple.

To her eyes, she could just see a loving couple that was near enough to basically have Albert sitting
over Mycroft's lap. It wasn't like that though the fluffy skirt almost covering all of Mycroft's legs
and with how near they were made it look like it.

That day seemed to be hotter than usual, forcing the young maidens and men to open all the
windows so that the hall would freshen up. It was pure torture having to endure that weather with
layers and layers of cloth over him, so when Albert saw the chubby man's trembling hand having
problems choosing the cards he took his chance and separated himself from Mycroft, grabbing the
fan and moving it over his face with rosy cheeks from the heat.

The chubby man was taking his sweet time to choose the cards so having nothing else to do Albert
started to look around. Smiling when he encountered eyes with a man far from his table, then his
eyes wandered all over the room and caught a glimpse of something interesting near him.

Huh. He hadn't been able to see it thanks to his long skirt covering it but now that he wasn't near
Mycroft it was easier for him to see it. His eyes moving from the young maid to the sweet wine
being held between her hands and then back to what had caught his attention.

So he had been right when he thought the wine had been altered.

He was so concentrated on looking at it that he totally missed the fact that it was now Mycroft's
turn, winning noticed the way Albert was too abstracted looking at something, totally ignoring that
it was his turn.

-My dear wife- the amused words being told so near to his ear that it startled Albert, a cold hand
grabbing one of his longest mahogany locks of hair and playing with it -Could you please stop
staring at my crotch and continue playing?-

How direct, he could have at least tried to say it in a less vulgar way because yes, what he had been
looking intensely at was the bulge between Mycroft's legs. Something the other had been aware of
and that he had tried to hide under Albert's skirt but that apparently had been discovered anyway.

He could at least try to be more discreet about it though, even the couple in front of him was now
intensely looking at him and he didn't like that.

Tilting his head slightly, Albert met his own eyes with the sapphire pearls. His breath got stuck on
his throat when Mycroft kissed the lock of hair still watching intensely at him.

Was it just him or had the hall suddenly turned warmer?

-That's something difficult to do- an amused smirk drawn on his lips as he let his hand slowly
wander over Mycroft's thigh -Specially with how hard you are my dear husband- his hand then
brushing slightly against it and being stopped when a cold hand grabbed him strongly, jaw
clenched hard to ignore the electric wave that had invaded him at the faint caress.

Seeing how hard Mycroft was trying to remain calm, Albert couldn't help the harsh way in which
he looked at the young maid making her flinch as if she was aware of what she had caused.

Well, they could always look forward to the one that had drugged Mycroft later.

-Can we use one of the rooms?- his sudden question taking aback both the young maid and
Mycroft, being the former one and the first to react by calling for another maid that would guide

-This way please- and when he was already getting up ready to follow the new maid, he felt a cold
hand pulling him back to his place and making him sit over Mycroft's lap, this time for real and
letting him feel a certain hardness pressing against his thigh. He suddenly felt his throat going dry.

-What are you thinking?- his question murmured in a low, husky tone being only directed to Albert
thanks to their position and how near his mouth was to his ear; a shiver running through his spine
and making Albert's legs feel like jelly.

He wasn't the one with an inconvenient (most likely painful by now) situation between his legs yet
here he was shivering at just a whisper from Mycroft. Concentrate Albert James Moriarty.

-I'm just planning on doing as my dear husband said and compensate you-
-How thoughtful of you my wife, but we're still playing- the grip on his wrist that was keeping him
in his place getting stronger as the sapphire eyes met with the emerald ones on a quiet war that
none of them was willing to lose.

-Mr. and Mrs. Eclaire win the second game!!- the announcement catching everyone's attention,
disappointed words being heard here and there but that never reached the ears of those looking
intensely at the other.

-Not anymore- Albert said with a velvety voice and a smirk on his lips that made him look
beautiful, wickedly beautiful and that made Mycroft obediently follow him like if he was some

That might be, by far, one of the craziest ideas Albert could have ever come with, but his reasoning
was pretty simple and it was like this: he had lost several times, making then Mycroft drink that
(really suspicious) liquor and now end like this. So the least thing he could do was solve the
problem between the older’s legs, even if that meant having to go to one of those rooms.

This was totally not because he might have imagined himself choking to death with that prominent
bulge throbbing hard against his throat, absolutely.

They found themselves once again walking through the hallways of that mansion, being led by a
young maid to the area where several rooms were accommodated for the members of the club's
use. The difference was that now they would go because of their own will.... half drugged, but still
by their own choice.

They remained quiet during the whole way, Albert thanking the young maid and then asking that
nobody disturbed them with a smirk that made the woman blush. If only the man stubbornly
standing at the door could be handled so easily as that maid.

-Mycroft~- he called sweetly, a smile still on his lips as he caressed the other shoulders with his
hands -Stop being stubborn and sit on the bed unless you want to die with blue balls- a really stupid
death, just slightly better than the way Albert had been about to die because of a stupid crinoline
but stupid nonetheless.

-No woman should speak like that-

-Surprise, I'm not a woman- a clearly amused tone on his voice as he took Mycroft by the hand and
pushed him to the bed, making him sit at the edge of the soft mattress.

-And decent either- couldn’t he appreciate his efforts to remain calm and cool headed even when
his nether region was suffering in his trousers?

It’s not that he hadn’t imagined or wished he could just pin the wicked devil that was Albert to the
wall and let himself get lost in pleasure, but even so he would like to think that he had more self
control than a mere animal.

Deciding to ignore Mycroft’s words, Albert started to take off first his wedding ring and then his
gloves, placing them carefully over the night-table. His curiosity for wanting to see what was in the
drawers almost took over him but there was something else he needed to focus on.

-I don't know if you're stubborn or stupid to endure this for what could have been hours- he said
standing in front of Mycroft, letting his middle finger hit his forehead on a reprehend.

-It hasnt even been an hour and you're the first person to ever call me stupid- he had even been
praised as a genius during his whole life and he dared to call him "stupid"? There was a reason why
he was the government itself.

-Serves you right- the fact that he was basically a genius wasn't enough for him to have a little bit
of self-preservation. Why torture himself like that!? Was he crazy!?

Now he was starting to fear and reconsider the fact that multiple times before, he had put his life in
the hands of someone without the tiniest bit of self preservation for himself.

Ignoring the hurt look in which the sapphire eyes were looking at him with, he started to tie his hair
with another lock of it, something that wouldn't last too long but that would have to do for the time.

Still feeling Mycroft carefully watching his every move, he got rid of his shoes with a careless
movement of his feet and then dropped to his knees. Right in between the legs of Mycroft and then
feeling a cold hand stop his hands that were now over the older's thighs.

Wow. He knew he had firm thighs but actually being able to touch them was so much more better.
Those boring plain dark suits didn't do justice to his body.

Watching Albert drop to his knees and then shamelessly start to squeeze slightly at his thighs,
Mycroft’s hands immediately went to stop him. A serious -No- leaving his lips and that made the
emerald eyes look at him with fake innocence.

-I haven't even said or done anything yet-

-I'm not stupid my, little wife- he might have never shared a night with a man before, but he was
not stupid for god's sake he couldn't fool him.

And just how did Albert even think he would willingly let him suck his dick just because? Ok he
had maybe fantasized about it a couple of times before but only that, fantasies should stay as that.

-You willingly enduring torture for a long time begs to differ- a grin adorning his lips as he was
already feeling like he was getting what he wanted -You can think of this as if I was a believer
kneeling on a prayer if you want-

-What would that make me then? A priest?- if he was trying to make him feel better then it wasn't
working because priests were everything but good. Peaceful people uninterested in fleshly

Which apparently would describe him as well because a recondite part of his brain was starting to
think how good it would be if he could make Albert shut up and choke him as he was- he needed to

That mental image made Albert chuckle, but let's be honest Mycroft was so much more better than
a fucking priest. He was sure that even with those boring robes the priests used, he would look
tempting like the devil itself.

-Forgive me father but I stay sinning- his own words making him chuckle and Mycroft look
amusedly at him -Just relax, it’s not like I'm eating you- a wink from his left eye that made himself
chuckle again.

-You better don't-

Humming on response, Albert let his hands wander over Mycroft's thighs, squeezing them from
time to time and going from the knees to the middle, back to the knees and then caressing their
inner area. It was more like a massage than anything else. Though no massage would involve
pinkish lips leaving wet kisses on the inside of his thighs, so soft that it felt like feathers touching
his skin even when he still had his clothes on.

They both knew how this was going to end, but none of them had the intention to stop it. Why
would they? They had craved it for a long time.

It wasn't like the other time where they had been too drugged to care about the other; that time it
had been just as if they were hungry animals that would do anything to ease their appetite, but they
weren't like that.

They both enjoyed teasing the other, they enjoyed torturing and driving the other one crazy, they
enjoyed being the one in control and sometimes, just sometimes, t hey enjoyed seeing a beautiful
pair of eyes ready to devour them.

And oh, even if a side, the most rational one, in Mycroft's mind was telling him the one and a
million reasons why he shouldn't continue, he couldn't bring himself to do so.

There was something enticing and even hypnotic on seeing the usually rowdy Albert behaving so
well, so quiet and moving so slowly that it was almost as if he was trying to make him fall asleep.
Long lashes covering almost all of his emerald eyes, pale hands caressing his thighs and pinkish
lips going from his knees to the middle of his thighs.

He looked so good, so perfect, so flawless just like that. He even forgot about the situation between
his legs that was starting to get more painful. Instead, letting one of his cold hands slowly caress
Albert’s cheek making the younger lean against his touch as if he was trying to get more of it. He
closed his eyes and looked so relaxed that it could even make you forget the reason and
circumstances why they were in their actual positions.

It was so enticing yet almost like torture at the same time. It was as if he was a thirsty man getting
just a drop of water on his tongue and that promised to satisfy him but that would never be enough
for his thirst. Soft caresses and kisses that did nothing to ease his need, in any case, it was just fuel
to the fire.

But even so, Mycroft was enjoying the caress and the view so much that it was everything he could
concentrate on, realizing that Albert had freed his painful erection from his clothes when he heard
a metallic "click" caused by the belt falling to the ground.


Emerald eyes opening in surprise and his mouth forming a perfect "o" shape. His throat
unconsciously making a loud "gulp" sound at the sight in front of him.

-Look how big it is... I'm gonna choke- wow, he had expected something big but this was going to
be both painful and exciting, his lashes blinking slowly -But that's ok, even better if I die after this-

The little laugh from his pinkish lips curving into a smile making a wisp of cold wind hit against
his erection needy of relief making Mycroft's hands hold tightly to the sheets under him, searching
for the strength to remain calm and that was slowly leaving him.

Feeling the intense gaze of the sapphire eyes over him, Albert raised his head, leaving himself
totally speechless for a moment when he saw the breathtaking scene of Mycroft intensely looking
at him. Dark hair slightly messed up, sapphire eyes glistening with lust, perfectly sculpted lips
slightly parted and clenched jaw. Oh. He wouldn't mind staying in that position for the rest of his
-I'm just complimenting your thighs- he himself was surprised at what a good liar (and actor) he
was, changing the direction his thoughts were going when he once again started to caress the pale
thighs -For someone that likes being in the darkness of his office like a vampire you sure do have
pretty muscles-

He was really well built. Not too much muscles to make him look like a bull but not too little either
to make him look scrawny; it was the perfect amount to make him look attractive like one of those
greek sculptures. So perfect. So tempting.

-Are you usually this talkative in these kind of situations?- he literally had his dick, just inches
away from the younger's face, not the best situation or position to be talking if he had to be honest.

It wasn't that he was shy, he was slowly losing his sense of shame as he spent more time with
Albert. The thing was that it wasn't exactly convenient to have such a beautiful image so close to

-Pros and cons of being with me are ironically both my mouth-

And before Mycroft could say something back, the pale hands finally dignified to go further and
touch the sensitive area of his Apollo's belt. He started where his hips bones started to the pubis
and then held on with a warm touch his erection while the other one traced circles over the pubic
area. Soft and warm, yet every now and then he would make some delightful pressure that caused
a low, pleased sigh to come out of his lips.

The soft caress alternated between warm fingers running against him and pinkish lips leaving wet
ghost-like kisses here and there, wetting his lips with his tongue and then letting a soft breath full
of cold air hit him. Shivers once again invading all his body and oh dear hell, as if the feeling of an
ephemeral kiss being pressed against the tip of his erection wasn't enough, he was delighted when
the pinkish lips encircled around him, not taking him fully and only allowing him to take a taste of
the warmth of his mouth.

Slowly, letting his tongue swirl around and play with the sensitive skin, Albert delighted his ears
with low mumbles and sighs coming from the perfectly sculpted lips, his emerald eyes
unconsciously looking up to see the state of the older one and dear god. He was perfect, so perfect
that it distracted him enough to be taken aback when he felt a strong grip on his mahogany hair
being pulled and messed, making him take more of him, so much that it made him choke.

A part of him wanted to protest at the rough action, but when he felt a cold hand caressing his
cheek he could do nothing else but lean against the gentle touch, totally forgetting about what he
had tried to say and even the slightly painful feeling in his throat.

Well, he might as well take care of the situation if he didn't want to end up choking to death on
Mycroft's cock because even if it would be a pleasurable death, he didn't want to ruin the mood.

So using one of his hands to take care of the part his mouth wasn't able to, he continued with the
movements of his head, going up and down slowly on a rhythm that was going to make Mycroft

It was as if all he could concentrate on that moment was the warmth enveloping him, on the soft
pinkish lips and the mahogany hair under the tight grip of his hand. It was so pleasurable, but it
wasn't enough and so, tightening the grip on the mahogany hair he made him take him fully once
again. Thrusting his hips slowly and then more quickly at an unsteady pace that made more sighs,
occasional cursing words and low grumbles leave his mouth.
The unsteady pace and the big member made Albert choke. He did his best to continue ignoring the
wild tears threatening to leave his eyes. His hands now held tightly on Mycroft's thighs in search of
something that would let him keep going and for sure leaving red marks there.

The tight grip on his hair and the almost choking feeling caused by Mycroft thrusting hard and
deep in his throat made moans come from Albert, doing nothing but entice the older and invite him
to keep moving his hips back and forth.

It was so enticing to feel those mewl like sounds against his erection that Mycroft could feel the
pool of pleasure grow bigger in his lower belly, warning him at how near he was to climaxing. His
hand tried to make Albert move away but even in moments like this he was stubborn, denying with
his head and instead still continuing with some more movements of his mouth that soon was filled
with warm, salty white cum as Mycroft reached his orgasm with a low growl and tilted his head

Still dizzy from the post-orgasmic high, Mycroft obligated his head to return to its normal position
being then able to see Albert swallowing with a loud gulp all of his cum and licking with his
tongue the remains of it that were slowly falling from his pinkish lips; eyes slightly reddened and
glistening with some tears still on them, mahogany hair messed up where he had held it and his
abused red lips shiny with saliva and the rest of cum.

He could come once again with only that image, and he had to thank his flawless memory because
that way he would be able to see that image whenever he wanted to.

-You need to eat more sweets- or just eat, though he was not one to talk since between the two of
them, he was the one that would forget to eat the most; Albert's voice coming out hoarse and
slightly choked due to recent actions.

Rolling his eyes Mycroft denied with his head, deciding to ignore his words and instead keep
looking at him. Mycroft’s sapphire eyes then noticed a bulge forming between Albert's legs but
that could pass as one of the wrinkles in the fluffy dress.

There was only one way to make sure, using his right foot he pressed against the bulge not too hard
in case it was what he was thinking, gaining in response a low whimper accompanied with a
trembling pair of hands once again clutching hard at his thighs. A dark brow raising at the response
he had caused.

-Were you planning on leaving like this?- a devilish smile forming on his lips when he saw Albert
stutter on his words, most likely trying to say something back but Mycroft gave him no time to do
as he ordered -Sit-

-I just need a ba...-

-I said sit- his low voice and tone making it clear that he was not accepting no for an answer,
something Albert could just sigh to. Reluctantly doing as he was told to and sitting next to Mycroft
-You surely are stubborn-

-I learned it from you- a wicked smile adorning his lips, that was soon erased completely when he
saw Mycroft start undoing the wraps of the bluish skirt -Wait- pale hands stopping the work of the
cold ones and having the sapphire eyes fixated on him. Mycroft waited for him to say something
else but continued with his task when he heard nothing else.

-I don't like feeling indebted to you, now shut up and relax- was he using the same words Albert
had said before against him? Yes, and it was as gratifying as the sight he was able to enjoy once he
left Albert with nothing more than a gauzy chemise covering his legs.

Seeing that Albert wasn't saying anything back or trying to stop him, he dropped to his knees (this
was already the second time he was getting on his knees in front of this man, just that this time it
was for a totally different situation), he set himself between his legs lifting the gauzy cloth to
reveal a pair of pale, milky thighs adorned with the sock-garters that kept in place the bluish high
stockings accentuating even more his paleness.

Thighs of a pristine pale color with rosy blush on the knees, the scar of something that appeared to
be a knife cut crossing in a diagonal on his right thigh from the middle of it to where the knee
started. Not even that pinkish scar was able to ruin his beauty, not even a single bit.

Albert tried to close his legs, in part because he was getting shy and in part because he didn’t want
to be looked at. Stopped only when Mycroft placed his cold hands against his knees, preventing
him from closing his legs with a strong grip.

He had to admit that it was like a dream to have Mycroft like that; A lustful look on his sapphire
eyes directed to him and only him, cold hands holding him tightly. Not like he could let Mycroft go
any further though, even if he wanted to and his brain was screaming because this was better than
what he could have imagined.

-Have you ever done this before?- a mocking smile on his lips and a sing-song tone on his voice as
he tried to discourage Mycroft by that, unfortunately for him, it was useless.

-No, but there's always a first time for everything- he said calmly,totally ignoring the tone the
wicked devil in front of him had used in his words and instead unbuckling the high stockings,
letting them fall from his thighs and having then a better view of the pale legs that he started to

Surprisingly, even if his legs were really soft, every time Mycroft made some medium pressure
against them he could feel the strong muscles opposing him under his fingers.

His mouth leaning closer to the soft thighs and murmuring a low -Don't overestimate me Moriarty-
that made Albert shiver -I'm a fast learner-

Albert had to bite his lips to mumble a whimper threatening to leave his lips when he felt Mycroft
suck on the middle of the milky flesh of his right thigh and that would for sure leave a mark,
something that was clear when Mycroft raised his head to admire his work and smirked at the sight
of a red mark like a rose petal starting to bloom there.

-I'm sure… I didn't do that- a naughty smile on his lips even when he felt his legs shivering slightly
at the undeniable pleasure. Oh yes, he was definitely going to die one day for playing with fire but
hopefully that wasn't going to be today.

And instead of getting an answer, he felt Mycroft bite the inner side of his left thigh, Albert's
trembling pale hands going to the dark hair in search of something he could hold on to and this time
not being able to quiet the whimper leaving his lips in a high-pitch tone.


Mycroft had intended to punish him with that bite but seeing the way Albert was trembling under
his hands and mouth he could just forget about it and continue leaving bites every here and there,
sometimes sucking on the pale flesh and enjoying the sighs leaving the pinkish lips that were no
longer able to control the sounds leaving them when he felt the warmth of Mycroft's mouth around

If Mycroft had to be honest, it was slightly uncomfortable, in part because this was his first time
doing this and in part because Albert wasn't exactly small either, but he didn't mind the dim
soreness in his throat nor the slight pain on his jaw for being kept open, not at all when it was so
much more delightful to enjoy of the full of pleasure sighs and occasional whimpers from Albert;
his dark hair being messed up thanks to the pale hands going in all the directions and sometimes
digging his nails on his shoulders.

For being a first timer, Mycroft was good at what he was doing, or maybe Albert was just too in
love with him; either way, it was pleasurable the way he left Albert on edge when he decided to
stop moving his head and instead play with his balls, sometimes taking his erection glistening with
saliva out of his mouth with a wet "pop" sound and instead biting his thighs. Marking them with
more blooming red marks of his teeth and fingers as his hands continued giving him pleasure.

The movement of his hands against his erection stopped when he heard Albert's moans turn more
high pitched and the trembling in his legs increasing, signaling that he was close and to that an idea
crossed his mind as he smirked against the pale flesh now adorned with blooming marks.

And so, leaving the erection leaking pre-cum alone, he decided to torture Albert for a bit and
started to decorate his legs with more bite marks. This time going further and sucking on his legs
too, his cold hands going up and caressing on a torturous low pace the curve of his back that made
the younger shiver. The bodice of the dress moved enough to reveal the red marks on his waist that
Mycroft had left days prior, moving them to his lower belly yet not touching Albert in the way that
he wished.

The tips of his toes curled in a way that not even him knew he could make. The waves of pleasure
shook him, wanting for more but not receiving it. Not even being allowed to touch himself when
Mycroft stopped all his bites and caresses, instead grabbing his hands and tying them together with
his own belt, passing them behind his back so that he couldn't move nor touch himself.

-M-my... croft- oh how much he loved to hear those words coming out in something like a
desperate plea.

Ever since the first night they had shared, he found himself remembering and loving the way
Albert murmured his name between sighs and moans full of pleasure, just being able to say the
first syllable and making it sound as if he was proclaiming Mycroft as his. He loved that in a way
that felt almost surreal.

-Myc... please- he also loved hearing him say "please" with teary eyes that sadly now were closed,
but oh he was begging so much that maybe he should stop torturing him and so he took him in his
mouth again.

The pleasure and tough caress on itself were too much for Albert, but when he opened his emerald
eyes (that he didn't remember closing) he found himself with the most perfect, desirable, tempting
image he could have ever imagined.

There, between his thighs and legs adorned with red marks and bites was the most flawless man on
earth making him go crazy of pleasure, his whole body trembling when the sapphire eyes looked
directly at him on an intense way and still with his dick in his mouth he gave him a smirk that
combined with a single movement of his tongue was all he needed to cum with a broken moan,
making Mycroft choke slightly at the sudden feeling of warm cum overflowing in his mouth.

He had been expecting something disgusting and lumpy, but it was better than he had thought
though, it was...

-Sweet- Mycroft's voice sore catching the attention of the emerald eyes looking at him through
long lashes wet with tears, watching his thumb cleaning a white droplet of cum falling from his jaw
and licking it without giving it too much thought.

Dear hell. Albert could get addicted to that image and he was sure that not even his lack of ability
to see faces would stop him from remembering that exact image for the rest of his life.

Feeling totally drained, and maybe ashamed of himself for his recent thoughts, Albert let himself
lay on the mattress. His body feeling totally relaxed against the soft surface and his legs hanging
from it, one of his high stockings already leaving his foot and the other barely remaining on his leg
blooming with red marks.

He was still floating from the recent high, as if he was over clouds or in the middle of the ocean
when he felt first the coldness of a tear leaving his right eye (one of the many that had formed on
his eyes when Mycroft had fucked his mouth and then he begged on pleasure) and then, the
warmth of a kiss being pressed against his forehead.

-Tired?- oh. What was better than a post-orgasmic high? Being kissed gingerly by the same man
that had made you come and that was also the owner of your heart, cold fingers brushing
mahogany locks of hair out of his face and admiring the teary emerald eyes on a way that made
Albert's heart skip a beat and blush.

Not even having this perfect man sucking him had made him feel so embarrassed as that tiny, brief
kiss. His lips pressed in a line as he tried to push him out of him (because Mycroft was basically
over him) but feeling more embarrassed when he felt his hands tied together behind his back.

When did that happen?

So not being able to do anything more, he just put a pout on his lips and murmured a low -Your
mouth is dirty, don't do that again- that had intended to sound like a threat but that only made him
sound like a young lady throwing a tantrum. His cheeks burned brightly at this but thankfully he
found the strength to take Mycroft off of him with a harmless kick to his chest so that he couldn't
see him in that state.

Dodging the kick, the older saw with amusement the way Albert just ended flipping himself over
his stomach because of it and then a muffled growl leaving his pinkish lips as if he was really
about to throw a tantrum. A chuckle dying on Mycroft's mouth when the gauzy chemise of the
younger lifted slightly, gifting him a perfect view of his pinkish, round ass with a perfect heart

For a moment he was tempted to touch it, see if it was as soft as it looked and if just letting his
hand rest over it would be enough to leave red marks, his hand already moving on its own until he
heard a muffled "e.. me" that brought him back to reality.


-I said untie me, or are you planning on leaving me like this?- the pout on his lips increasing,
making Mycroft want to taste his lips and once again being brought to reality when he saw the tied
up hands move to grab his attention.

Dear hell. In his whole life he hadn't been as distracted as he was now.

-Maybe I am- a playful tone on his voice as he played with the belt, brushing against the pale
fingers trying to rush him to untie him.

-Please no, I already have enough with everybody outside looking at me like I'm a pig, I don't want
to be tied like one-

Laughing at the younger's words, Mycroft finally started to free his wrists adorned with reddish
marks that gained Mycroft a lot of protest from Albert, saying how he was an evil man, a sadist
and that Louis was going to kill him if he ever saw those marks.

He would have to pray for those marks never being revealed to the younger Moriarty or he was
going to meet his death for real this time.

After putting on their clothes once again, they started to walk away of that room between jokes
from Albert endlessly saying how he was going to show those marks to Louis if he ever dared to
tie him like that (like a pig) ever again and equally jokingly words from Mycroft how he would
then become a widow with two kids to raise alone if he was ever killed.

And as if it was natural, Albert put his hand over the arm offered to him and Mycroft put his other
hand on the crook of his waist, walking through the hallways and then seeing a group of people
still in the hall happily chatting between them. A woman with a mole just above her lip specifically
watching them with... was that jealousy?

-I believe she was the one that put something in my drinks- said Mycroft leaning closer to Albert,
his emerald eyes then resting over the woman looking at them, no, at him specifically with
jealousy once again.

What a shameless woman. Albert wouldn't mind if one day she and the other woman that had
dared to gossip about his brother and Sherlock disappeared mysteriously from the earth.

-Wait here, I need to do something- and before he could ask for more Mycroft left, leaving him
alone in the middle of the hall and smiling widely when he met eyes with those of the woman with
a mole above her lip.

Well, why would he wait for the day when she would receive her punishment when he could do it
himself and in that moment?

That's how after walking the steps that separated him from the woman and the group of woman she
was talking to, Albert approached them with his "noble" smile drawn on his lips. As soon as he
was near them everyone started to congratulate her (him) for winning the first game, more excited
words of how beautiful her (his) kids were and then how handsome Mycroft was.

All the women then blushed as they talked excitedly at how handsome Mycroft was and how sexy
he had looked while playing the violin. Yes, he was handsome, the epitome of perfection even, but
that didn't allow them to speak so freely about him as if he was some kind of object.

-I'd appreciate if you didn't make my husband drink or eat any weird things- a smile still on his lips
and his emerald eyes glistening, making him look like a pure being even when he was totally aware
that his sudden words had taken aback the women around him. All of them except the woman with
irritating red lipstick that smiled widely after the momentary shock as if she had been told the
funniest joke in the entire world.

-Is our Jolie of the jealous type?-

-Oh, not at all- he said with such confidence that for a moment he disconcerted the woman, and he
loved that -But there's a difference between him being the one that chooses to spend some time
with someone else willingly, and you deliberately drugging him to get what you want-

The gossip between the other women then started to get more loud. Everyone looking at the
woman with disgusting looks as if they were looking at the ugliest bug on the world which was
funny because just a moment ago they were all talking non-stop how they would even pay to be
able to breathe near Mycroft.

-Isn't that called being jealous?- her, until that moment, calm demeanor slowly fading away as she
could feel the gazes of everyone over her, specially the one from Albert that at her words could
just chuckle amused.

-Why would I be jealous of someone that can not have him even after doing such a low thing as
drugging him?- the smile on the woman's face slowly erased as the one on Albert's lips grew
bigger, totally amused with the situation as he walked until he was behind the woman. His hands
over her shoulders and his low voice freezing the woman as she heard him talk -On any case, I pity
that person-

It was as if a snake was around her, paralyzing her body and ready to suffocate her, playing with its
pray for a moment before getting bored and finally sinking their fangs on her skin. By that moment
she was already trembling, her breath coming unsteady and looking for help with her full of fear
eyes to the women around them, the feeling of despair growing bigger when no one batted an eye
at the scene in front of them.

No, it was more like they couldn't even blink. Even their gossip had totally disappeared as if no
sound could leave their mouths. The implicit threat on each one of Albert's movements and words
keeping everyone on their places, scared to even breathe and just frozen to death. Feeling the need
to run away but not being able to move a single bit when the emerald eyes looked at them.

When the woman felt Albert starting to let go of her, she felt as if her life was coming back to her
body, jumping on her place when she heard -Another thing!- said with a sing-song tone that gave
her goosebumps.

Oh dear, he was enjoying this way too much.

-I'm not interested in someone else that is not mon chéri , but I too can take away from others what
is theirs, and I don't need to use such a low thing like drugs to do so-

Maybe he had overdone it, but oh well, at least now nobody would dare to lay a finger on Mycroft
or try to use him, and that was worthless.

He then left, purposely letting the "click-clack" sound of his shoes hitting against the floor became
louder, a grin drawn on his lips as he was walking happily to where Mycroft was, waiting for him
with a questioning gaze after coming back from wherever he had been.

-What did you do?- he inquired as soon as he was next to him, a cold hand almost immediately
resting on his waist and pulling him closer so that he couldn't escape from his question.

-Mhm... remind them of the important things?- long lashes blinking beautifully and a clearly
amused smile drawn all over his pinkish lips that just made him look better, almost making
Mycroft forget that he had seen him go to the group of women, especially to the one that had
altered his drink.

He wasn't stupid for god's sake, of course he noticed and the only reason why he didn't act was
because he wanted to see what Albert would do. Bsides he didn't fail to amuse him, not a single bit,
but he didn't need to know that so he played dumb.

-I just want to know if it would cause problems-

-You say it as if I was a troublemaker- a small pout on his lips and that made it hard for Mycroft
not to kiss him right there, so instead he just put a wild lock of mahogany hair out of his face so
that he could appreciate him better.

-You are and that's why I'm saying it-

Laughing, Albert denied with his head walking to the exit and being oblivious to the murderous
gaze Mycroft was giving the same woman he had threatened before and also to a group of men that
felt like running when they encountered their eyes with the sapphire eyes.

They really were alike, so much that Mycroft had done pretty much the same Albert did to the
woman to the group of men scared to death behind them when he heard them talk about the
beautiful wicked walking by his side. Especially to the one that had smiled at Albert during the
game and that was basically drooling over him.

It was obvious that the couple that had won the second game had played some tricks but oh well,
they only needed to win two out of the next three games and unless they had something to do with
faces, they could always win them effortlessly.

Moreover, they have enjoyed their time, so what if they had lost a game? The images and pleasure
of that day were priceless.

Chapter End Notes

Facts about OCD that nobody asked for but that I'm still giving you since it might help
you to understand better this ass of fic: OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) includes
an unreasonable fear of dirty things, fear to hurt, overthinking, compulsion to verify,
the need of symmetry, an obsession with having everything neat and organized,
perfectionism, fear of doing something that might hurt other people, guiltiness and

As you see, this explains a lot about Al (at least on my fic), and if you have doubts
about this disorder feel free to ask more or correct me in case I got something wrong.

Anyway, next update will be on: 09/02/22 hope you enjoyed those spicy moments
cause there are going to be more on the future
Burn Slow
Chapter Notes

Get ready to read Albert getting railed, that's it, enjoy

Recommendation: Listen to the weekend or some slowed song while reading this

P.s. Early update (kinda) because tomorrow I have to go and destroy a mf teacher
prey nobody ends dead

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Feeling something heavy over him, Albert couldn't help but smile sleepily. His fingers gently
brushed some of the dark locks that during the night had gotten tangled and his drowsy eyes started
to open slowly, just enough to let him see a pale hand holding him tightly at his waist as its owner's
face was buried in his chest.

Albert, unlike Mycroft, was used to sleeping for long periods of time without waking up during the
night but even so, he was still conscious of the disaster that was the older's sleep schedule. Waking
up multiple times during the night, staying awake for some minutes or even hours before going
back to sleep (this when he got some sleep at all, otherwise he would stay on his office saying that
there was no use of staying on bed doing absolutely nothing); this was why it wasn't a surprise for
him to see Mycroft still asleep when he woke up. In fact, he liked that since he was able to look at
him without a care in the world.

His pale fingers tracing shapes delicately over the dark circles under the still closed sapphire eyes,
his nose twitching slightly at the feeling of a soft caress on his face and making him look like one
of those bunnies Louis had adopted when he was a kid, so cute.

Maybe he was the only person crazy enough to think that a thirty-four year old man known as the
government itself, that on other times would have been his biggest nemesis, was cute. But him not
being totally sane was an understatement.

His back was already starting to ache from staying on the bed for so long yet he couldn't help but
stay there in that exact same position, not daring to move at all and wake Mycroft up by mistake. A
tender smile appeared on his lips as his fingers kept patting the dark hair as if inviting him to keep

-You're going to dig a hole on my face if you keep looking at me like that- Mycroft's sore and deep
voice startled him, making his hand flinch away and a curse to leave his lips because of the sudden
scare; a frown drawing on his face as he heard the other chuckle quietly.

Forget what he had said about him being cute. He was an evil man! Evil!! The worst of the worst!!

-A "good morning" would be better than startling me to death- a pout adorning his lips as he saw
Mycroft moving a little bit so that he was now facing him. His head still resting over him,
sapphire eyes amusedly looking at him, a relaxed small smile on his lips and his bed-hair making
him look really good. Ah, he could never be mad at him.
-For someone that was on the military you surely let your guard down constantly-

-Well, I never thought that I would need to have my guard up when sleeping with who is supposed
to be my husband and in my own room-

And at Albert's sarcastic response Mycroft just laughed, the sleep still on him making him look
more young as well as the dimples over his cheeks, his ribcage reverberating against the one of
Albert’s as he continued laughing and that was soon echoed by the younger as well.

Feeling Albert moving under him, Mycroft got off him but when he saw Albert intended to get out
of the bed he stopped him, grabbing him by the wrist and pulling him down on the soft mattress
starting a little fight, totally harmless and maybe quite really childish that just made Mycroft's hair
more messy and the smooth shirt on Albert to fall loosely off his shoulders.

What a delight to start the day like that, playfully hitting and kicking the other like two fools.
Sheets getting tangled between their legs as they kept moving and lighthearted chuckles echoed
through the walls of the room as the only witness of how childish they could be.

-You're childish- Albert said with a smile on his pinkish lips, his right leg kicking Mycroft off him
and finally being able to get out of the bed that was now a total disaster of pillows, sheets quilt
messily tangled on Mycroft who still refused to get out of the bed.

-Where are you going?- he asked as he tried to get himself out of the disaster in his legs, giving up
after a while and just sighing making the other chuckle.

-Somewhere I can let my guard down- and before Mycroft could say something else, Albert left not
without playfully winking at him.

Though it wasn't as Mycroft would have been able to say something back, not when his mind went
totally blank after seeing Albert’s shirt loosely falling from the pinkish shoulders and revealing the
milky back with just a small burning scar under his left shoulder-blade tainting the flawless skin.

Yes, that definitely was a perfect morning and not even the trap on his legs could ruin his mood.

It could get better with the correct situation though, like, for example, having Albert begging with
those shining emerald eyes for him. His pale hands digging his nails at his back, his soft breath
combining with his own heaves and sighs leaving his sore pinkish lips as he was over him...


Or maybe what he needed was a cold bath and a long talk with god because that definitely was no
way to think about the same man that only thought about him as a friend so early in the morning.

That made him frown, what an inopportune thought, deciding to ignore his own thoughts and
instead go to take a bath in another room because he could bet his life Albert was taking one at that
time and he always took his sweet time washing himself.

He was right of course, he knew Albert very well.

The smell of roses and slightly cold water around his body felt so good, it was so relaxing; The
soreness and vanishing away from his shoulders as soon as he entered the bathtub. The white foam
of the crystalline water almost completely covered his body and letting only his pinkish knees be

There was a mark there, next to where the scar over half of his thigh was and adorning it was a
reddish color that was eye-catching with how different it looked to the pale skin.

His legs were full of those marks, marks of sucking and bites that even if messy, made perfect
sense for him; like an erotic trail following all the length of his legs to the inner side of his things
and deeper, adorning every bit of milky skin with a color between pinkish and red that made them
look like blooming roses on his skin. He had another pair of red marks on his wrists too, product of
the leather belt holding his hands tightly together.

Maybe Albert liked watching them because they looked pretty, or maybe they looked pretty
because they had been left there by the owner of a beautiful pair of sapphire eyes; or maybe he was
just destined to love whatever Mycroft gave him.

Whatever the reason it was, he couldn't keep thinking about it as his mind was overflowed with the
images of the previous day. Sapphire eyes lustfully looking at him, a smirk with those perfectly
sculpted lips still around him; bites and hard sucking over his legs, cold hands over his whole self.
Strong hands holding him in his place so that he could fuck his mouth hard with his dick until tears
left his eyes just to then caress his cheek so softly that it was overwhelming. Thick thighs under his
hands, teasing words and the bitter taste of cum on his tongue.

And as if it wasn't enough his mind then reminded him of how good Mycroft looked in the
morning. How beautiful his laugh was and how warm he was, even when his hands and feet were
as cold as ice.

Albert was sure that by now his cheeks were totally flushed and it wasn't because of the cold

The previous day when they arrived home after what happened in that club, he had been so tired
that he just washed himself for a long time. Being then forced to eat by the three servants and then
ranting about that woman, the one that had dared to speak ill about William and Sherlock, until
feeling that he could breathe again.

Mycroft did rant about her too, saying how much he wished she could be hit by a carriage but
according to him, that was too generous for someone like her and he agreed with that.

So, between the annoyance caused by that club, the never ending paperwork that was always
waiting for Mycroft in his office and the two kids that even if didn't demand a lot of time were still
kids and thus needed things like having their homework and notes checked or simply attention
because Albert was not evil enough to leave them to their luck on an unknown house, he hadn't had
time to think about the fact that he had willingly let Mycroft fuck his mouth with his dick and then
in turn let him give him a blowjob.

He hadn't even remembered about it that morning!!

Feeling like he wanted to hide, he shrank in his place. His mind started to mess with him because
the next thing he remembered was that smirk from the perfectly sculpted lips along with his joyful
laugh and that just made him want to disappear even more.

He would have liked to play the piano to clear his thoughts but his hands that would still tremble
from time to time thanks to the previous day wouldn't allow it. Conveniently enough, his hands
hadn't been shaking at all when he had been on his knees in front of Mycroft, such a coincidence.

God above and the devil under must really love to see him making a fool of himself because
otherwise, why would he keep hitting everything on his way out of the bathtub, stumbling all the
way to his room and being about to fall to the ground multiple times?

It wasn't because of Mycroft that he was acting so carelessly, definitely no, at least that was what
he wanted to believe.

And he definitely was not drooling when he saw Mycroft put on his shirt, letting him take a peek of
his perfectly sculpted back and then smirking at him when he turned around and caught him red-
handed shamelessly watching him.

Dear hell.... what had he been thinking until that moment? Suddenly all the thoughts from his mind
were gone with that simple smirk.

-I would appreciate if you stopped spying on me as I get dressed- a mocking tone on his voice as
he came closer to Albert and delighting his eyes with the beautiful image of Albert's flawless skin
still smooth by the bath covered by the silk dressing gown that failed to hid the pinkish and red
marks on his legs.

Gulping hard at the image in front of him Albert started to feel his legs turn to jelly. His hands
unconsciously grabbing onto Mycroft's shoulders in search of something that made him remain
standing, a little chuckle coming from Mycroft's smile as if he could savor the taste of victory in
his mouth.

What a devilish man, it was as if he knew exactly what he caused on Albert yet continued doing it
like the sadist he was.

He wasn't letting him win so easily though, even if he was breathtakingly handsome. So he let his
pale hands go up and down over his arms, caressing him slowly over the clothes and delighting
himself with the firmness of his muscles, smiling wickedly when he felt Mycroft tense under his

-Why? Making you shy?- his long lashes blinking slowly making it look as if he was an innocent
being completely unaware of what he was doing. A lie, obviously.

Even Albert was surprised at how shameless and how easy he was able to put on a fake confidence

-No, but if you want to take a look you just need to tell me- his cold hands grabbing Albert by the
waist and pulling him closer, the intoxicating smell of roses growing bigger due to their closeness
and making Mycroft want to bury his nose on his still wet hair just to get drunk on it.

-So you would let me do as I please?- the fact that his heart was thumping hard against his ribcage
wasn't going to stop him, not at all. He preferred dying from a possible heart attack than letting
Mycroft win so easily.

Or that was what he thought before feeling Mycroft lean closer against him, his breath getting
stuck in his lungs when the other whispered in his ear -Why not? You've been really good lately-
in such an enticing, low way that made Albert really feel like he was about to die.

That's how seeing Albert with his eyes wide open and not being able to say anything else Mycroft
left, smirking widely at the feeling of victory and leaving the younger blinking quickly, still not too
sure of what just happened not even after he fell carelessly to the ground when his legs gave up.

Mycroft had been acting like a shy lady because of Albert for some time, yet now little by little he
was feeling as if he could behave freely like himself and enjoying greatly leaving the ex-count

Poor Albert, he was going to wish he had never flirted so shamelessly with a man that had been
containing himself for a long, long time and was slowly letting all the restrictions he had imposed
to himself fall apart.

But he could regret that later, now he just had to slap his cheeks a couple of times to go back to
reality and go downstairs or otherwise someone might go and look for him.

Fortunately for him, he didn't have to face Mycroft alone since Aster and Selene were already at
the table. The messy ribbon on the girl's head being all Albert needed to distract himself from the
recent events. He neatly arranged it, patting her head a couple of times before taking his seat at
Mycroft's right.

Albert wasn't used to eating too much during the mornings, but even so he found out that poking
the carrots and eating them was so much better than facing that mocking smile on the older's lips.

He was going to choke on the goddamn soup if he continued looking at him like that!!

No! He was definitely not letting that evil man mess with him anymore!! He was shameless!! He
could too make him feel like choking!!

Or maybe he was just looking for his death but that made the idea even more appealing.

And so, he raised his right foot and started to caress with it Mycroft's left leg, making him almost
drop his spoon when he felt the younger's foot getting dangerously close to his hip bone before
going back to his thigh and continuing like that and eating as if it was nothing.

When he looked intensely at the little wicked devil at his right side, Albert just started to talk with
the kids, ignoring him totally yet still pressing his foot to his thigh. Even when Mycroft tried to
move it away it was useless.

Thank god the tablecloth was thick and long or the servants would have witnessed the not so
common scene of their two masters fighting, almost flirting with their feet under the table, stepping
and kicking the other as if they were two kids that hated each other.

Their little fight ending only when they finished eating, going to the living room so that they could
enjoy a calm moment before the full list of things to do that day. Both equally enjoying the warm
tea that soon filled the room with its aroma.

-You look excited- said Mycroft looking at Selene playing with Mon Chéri and making Albert look
confusedly at the little girl and then back to him, not knowing how he had gotten to that idea when
for him her face was still as sleepy and unchanging as always.

Well it wasn't exactly like he could recall how her face usually looked like but he was also sure
that her face didn't scream "excited" at all. The only thing different on her face was the purplish
eyes shining like jewels when she heard Mycroft's words.
-Can I show you something?- she asked as her hands grabbed the ones of Mycroft who agreed with
a nod and small smile after witnessing the purplish eyes basically shine with sparkles in them. Oh
the times that Sherlock had begged him to let him show some of his experiments with shiny eyes
like those, there was no way he could deny something to them.

Seeing that whatever Selene wanted had nothing to do with him, Albert stood up and was ready to
go and help Emily with whatever she needed but was stopped mid way by a soft chubby hand
holding his own and big purplish eyes looking directly at him.

-You too- the pout on her lips making her pinkish cheeks look fluffy and forcing Albert to take seat
again as he made the mental note to help her improve her communication skills because even when
she hadn't intended to, her words had sounded harsh.

Then they saw with curious eyes her running upstairs and hurriedly coming back with a shiny knife
adorned with a pretty red leather pattern on the grip that caught Albert's attention since he
recognized it perfectly.

-Isn't that one of LouLou's knives?- his emerald eyes looking with confusion at the knife on
Selene's hand and then looking at Aster who did a movement with his arm just like Louis
whenever he appeared a knife from under his sleeves, though the movements from the boy were
still quite clumsy and rough.

What was going on and why this kids had his little brother's knives? Why was Aster behaving like
his little LouLou? Suddenly Albert felt lost.

-He gave one to me and one to Lene- he said as he showed his own knife with a black leather
pattern on the grip, letting Albert take a look at it.

When had that happened? He knew Louis was loved by kids and that he liked them too but
suddenly knowing that his little brother had gifted the two kids knives was kind of shocking and
not exactly because of the knives.

Was this how Louis felt every time he found out about some big news about him? Totally confused
and with more questions than answers? He definitely wasn't doing that anymore.

-So, what did you want to show us?- asked Mycroft with a bit of amusement in his words as he saw
Albert mentally collapse and surely overthinking. His words reminding everyone about whatever
Selene was so excited about. She took some steps back, holding the knife in a perfect position on
her right chubby hand that impressed both adults since it was an exact copy of the way Louis
would hold knives.

Then everything happened in a blur, Selene threw the knife intending to make it land in the wall in
front of her. The knife started spinning and approaching the wall at a fast speed, though no one
expected Anne to appear with a tray full of desserts, and as if the world stopped and was played in
slow motion everyone widened their eyes, realizing the knife was about to pierce right through
Anne’s face. The old maid saw for a split second that she was going to be hit and used the tray to
divert it, making the knife ricochet and finally land on Mycroft's thigh.

It had been so fast.. a kid throwing a knife, a maid dodging it with a tray full of food as if she was
used to it; that it took them all some time to realize the clean cut on Mycroft's left thigh and that
now was letting droplets of blood stain his clothes and the couch pierced by the knife.

-Oh my, master!!-

-Mr. Holmes!!-

In no time Mycroft had four people over him with worried expressions. Albert immediately putting
his hands on the wound to stop the bleeding, Anne running to get something to clean his wound
with and both kids looking at him with worry and concern.

-It’s nothing, stop acting like I'm at the verge of death- he said with a calm voice. They were all so

Yes, there was some minor pain due to the cut but just that, he wasn't even bleeding badly and the
cut had been clean enough to not cause any other harm. And it had cut to the side of his thigh, so it
wasn’t like he had been stabbed or something.

But apparently his words never reached the other's ears, or maybe they just ignored him because
they kept panicking. Both kids were on the verge of tears not knowing what to do as Anne
hurriedly started to bandage the wound with lots of cotton bandages in an overwhelming way per
Albert's request.

They didn't even allow him to move in the slightest to get into a more comfortable position. They
were making a storm out of a drop of water and as much as Mycroft enjoyed seeing Albert worry
for him, that was dangerously starting to get out of hand.

Before he could stop their exaggerated worry, a chubby warm hand grabbed his own making him
lock his sapphire eyes with the clear purplish ones tearing up yet not making a sound other than a
quiet -I'm sorry- come out of her trembling lips.

She was just really excited and wanted to show them how good she was at throwing knives. She
was actually better than her brother, but instead she just ended up hurting blackie... oh dear lord,
what if they got mad at her and ended up kicking her and her brother out of their house?

Was she no longer going to be able to enjoy the closest thing to a family she had ever experienced
in her whole life? Was her brother also going to suffer because of her clumsiness? She didn't want
to be given away, she actually liked living with them; it was so warm and full of good things.

That's how without knowing tears started to fall from her eyes, her hand holding tightly at Mycroft
and looking with guilty eyes as her brother that just like her was startled when they felt a warm
embrace and a strong scent of something like cologne surrounding them.

-It is nothing, I've been through worst- Mycroft's voice coming out calm and with that cold tone
that they were now used to, Aster burying his nose on the older's neck and feeling his shoulders
that he didn't know had tensed start to relax; Selene sniffled slightly as her own chubby hand rested
over the now bandaged wound with guilt still drawn on her eyes.

Right when she was about to mumble another apology she saw Mycroft lift one of his eyebrows as
if forbidding her from apologizing even once more without saying it out loud. Noticing that she
couldn't express her apologies to him, Selene turned around to face Albert who was still worried
about the older's wound.

The worry on his emerald eyes made her feel even more guilty and soon she was cupping between
her chubby hands the pale face of Albert, bringing her face closer to his face and murmuring a low
-I'm sorry- that took him off guard because he hadn't been expecting that.

Was she apologizing for hurting Mycroft? But why say it to Albert? That didn't make much sense
but either way he couldn't keep thinking about it as he saw the dry tear stains left on her pinkish
cheeks, his pale hands cleaning her face and then patting her head.

-Be more careful next time-

His hands then started to pat her back as she hugged him, Mycroft watching with amused eyes the
way Albert still seemed awkward around the kids yet doing his best to not break the hug with
Selene as he felt her leaving some snot over him.

If he no longer minded getting all dirty because of the kids, then that was good news.

When it was time for the kids to go to their school, everyone forbade Mycroft from moving a
single inch from his place, Albert telling him that he would go with the kids that made him
promise that he would take care of himself or they would eat his portion of his cake.

They were all so cute.

But even so, they had forgotten about the tiny little detail that he wasn't the type to leave a mission
behind just because of some injury. Especially not for a minor one.

So knowing that Albert wouldn't let him go to the club no matter what he did or said, he hurriedly
asked George to prepare a carriage for him as soon as he saw the kid's carriage disappear.

Of course, he had to fight his way out of his own house because his own servants kept saying "We
promised master Albert we wouldn't let you move in the slightest" as they did their best to prevent
him from leaving, ready to tie him to the bed if they needed to do so.

Sadly for them, he had learned some things from Sherlock as to "how to escape from your own
house when there's people preventing you from doing so"... that had been how he left London to go
to France by the way, and Mycroft was kind of thankful with Sherlock for creating a new exit that
not even the servants knew about as he was finally out of his house.

Never had he ever thought there would be a day when his loyal servants would turn against him
and he would have to leave his own house like a criminal.

And just when he was cleaning his knees from the dust, he saw an emerald silk skirt appear in front
of him. His head rising slowly and finally letting him see Albert looking down at him with cold
eyes and an unchanging expression.

Oh dear... he looked really good like that but that wasn't time to let his mind daydream.

-What do you think you're doing?-

-Preparing myself to go out?- Mycroft answered carelessly, ignoring the coldness on the other's
voice and turning around to close the not-anymore-secret exit just in time to feel the cold glare
piercing through him and then hear the metallic "click" coming from a gun Albert was pointing at
his head.

Turning around once again, Mycroft was now facing Albert and with the gun pressed to his
forehead, moving it aside with his index finger and totally ignoring the piercing gaze of the
emerald eyes that were screaming "I'll break your legs if I need to so you can rest".

-Is this how you should treat your husband?- On other times he would have said "boss" instead of
"husband" but since they no longer had a work relationship he could only push him with their
marriage and pray that it convinced this stubborn man to let him go.
-Is this how my husband should act?-

Oh yes, Mycroft could be unbelievably stubborn but his stubbornness was at the same level as
Albert's one, being this why it was always amusing for them to be together but also why they were
a total nuisance for each other.

-You're worrying too much- and before Albert could pinpoint him with the gun again Mycroft
grabbed it. Taking out the bullets and keeping them in the inner pocket of his coat along with the
gun because even without bullets the ex-count was dangerous.

-And you're careless- then a note appeared in front of his emerald eyes, his brows furrowed when
he saw it was the note the Queen had given them along with their wedding rings and in which she
asked them to deal with the opium problem -That is cheating-

Without saying a thing Mycroft just kept moving the note in front of him, a smirk forming on his
lips when he saw Albert start to give up and sigh defeatedly.

-Fine then. I hope you die so that I can go and say "I told you!" to your grave, you stubborn man-
and after snatching the note out of the pale one’s hands he started to walk away, fuming and
evidently displeased yet still getting into the carriage as Mycroft kept smiling amusedly at his

Furrowed brows, a pout on his pinkish lips, his arms and legs crossed as he watched the streets
through the window and totally ignoring Mycroft and the way he was enjoying seeing him like
that. But even when seeing him with that annoyed expression was delightful, he was now so used
to hearing Albert talk nonstop or just lean closer to him in silence that he couldn't help the need to
break that weird atmosphere.

-Are you really not going to talk to me?- at his question Albert just closed his eyes, faking to be
asleep and snatching Mycroft's hand away when he tried to touch his face -You're being childish

But again the younger one just ignored him, his eyes closed letting the long lashes touch his
cheeks-bones and the light coming from the window reflecting on the emerald necklace and letting
soft greenish lights hit his pale skin.

He looked so beautiful. But Mycroft was already running out of patience so he asked with the
annoyance almost totally hidden in his voice -It really is not that serious. Want me to remove my
clothes so you can check it for yourself?-

He appreciated his concern and worry but for god's sake he wasn't a young lady that would faint
just because of a minor cut and even if he was, he still had a duty and not even being at the verge
of death would stop him.

-I'm killing you if you die- the younger's sudden words stopping Mycroft’s train of thoughts.
Albert still turned his back to him and made it look as if he had just imagined it.

He wasn't that crazy (yet) to be hearing things, so with a bit of incredulity on his words he said -
That doesn't make sense at all- and finally made Albert dignify to look at him.

-Nor does you going to a club full of depraved people ready to devour you when you're injured-

-Well then..I trust you to protect me Count Moriarty- at his playful words he saw Albert sigh
wearily, pinching the bridge of his nose between his gloved fingers and making it hard for Mycroft
to contain his laugh.
It was especially funny because their roles and shenanigans seemed to have switched for that
moment; so refreshing and amusing.

-Does it hurt?- asked Albert once he calmed down, his left hand touching over the cloth where the
cut on his thigh was and slowly caressing it before pressing it hard enough to let Mycroft hiss in
response -Serves you well- and once again he turned around.

Well, at least the ex-count didn't seem to be angry with him anymore. Proof of it was his reflection
on the window showing a tiny smile on his lips, so Mycroft decided to let aside the fact that he had
just pressed his injury enough to make it bleed again.

And apparently, he would have to endure Albert's anger for a while because when they got out of
the carriage he purposely stepped on him. Then while they were walking through the hallways of
the club he flipped his head making his long mahogany hair hit him in the face and finally, was
holding his arm so tightly as if he was trying to break it.

He was so worried about him yet he was most likely going to be the one and only cause of his

The moment they got inside the club Mycroft felt everyone's eyes over them, but unlike other times
they seemed to be different, somehow as if they were trying to approach them but were fearful of
doing so and by the way their eyes kept going from Albert to Mycroft in a surprised, even
judgmental way the older was starting to get an idea of what was all of that about.

-Did you two fight?- the sudden question asked by a woman that was pushed to them made Albert
look at her confused. Clearly she had been forced to go and satisfy everyone's curiosity by how
much she was trembling under his gaze -I mean... you're always basically glued together...-

It was only at that moment Albert realized everyone's looks, some of them truly worried about
what would make them fight and others seeing that as an opportunity to tear them apart. These
people... couldn't they think about something else that wasn't gossip or sex?

-How could I fight with him when he does everything I say, right mon chéri?- a bright smile on
Albert's lips as he said so, hiding behind his lovely words the sarcasm and reproach but that made
Mycroft amused at his meaning behind those words.

-Of course, my dear-

A half smirk on his lips as he clearly remembered this was how Count Moriarty, M, used to be. So
cocky and always with that showy air, harsh and sarcastic words leaving his lips, a smile on his lips
that would hide almost perfectly the fire and hatred reflected in his emerald eyes.

He would be lying if he said that he hadn't missed seeing him like that but those three years had
changed the both of them. At least enough to allow them to humanly, pacificaly behave and share
silent moments doing nothing more than lying together instead of that overwhelming burning
feeling that used to be between them.

And he was getting old, which now meant that Mycroft appreciated more a warm cup of tea with
just the occasional sparkles of hate and annoyance that never failed to amuse him rather than
having to keep his guard up constantly because of the man that he shared a bed with.

The sound of murmurs and excited gossip seemed to increase, making both men turn around to see
a woman dressed totally in black and with a black lace veil covering her face entering the hall with
the shy lady behind her.
In no time the shy lady said excitedly that the woman covered from head to toe in black was the
leader, everyone almost immediately approached her and greeted her as if she was some kind of
divine being, begging her to touch them and some people were even crying for how excited they

Leaving aside how disgusting that was, Mycroft centered his attention on the leader. She was taller
than the shy lady but still thin, it was hard to tell her age with that dark veil covering her face but
her hands still looked fine even if a little wrinkled... Around thirty years maybe; as she walked she
kept leaning to her right so it was most likely that her left leg had problems with walking. Also,
when one man tried to touch the left side of her face she flinched as the shy lady immediately
asked everyone to give her some space.

The feeling of a gloved hand touching his face made him turn to face Albert, his emerald eyes
shining like jewels and amusedly looking at him as he asked -What are you thinking?-

Ah, he knew exactly what he was thinking yet he asked him with those shining emerald eyes what
was it about as if he wanted to hear from Mycroft's lips that he was able to read him perfectly like
an open book. He wasn't giving him that pleasure though, not now.

-Nothing- that just made the small smile on the pinkish lips grow wider feeling as if he had already
being given what he wanted and making Mycroft smile as well -You finally stopped furrowing
your brows-

And with that he seemed to remember that he was supposedly angry with Mycroft for not taking
care of himself and being totally reckless; a small pout once again adorning his lips when he
realized that the devilish man at his side had played with him and won.

-I'll tell you later- said Mycroft laughing, embracing him from behind with his arms resting at his
waist and perfectly playing the role of a doting husband even when his eyes were fixated on the
leader and the shy lady hurriedly following her from behind like a shadow.

For a moment Albert felt lost when he heard that low laugh, more like a mocking chuckle. It
resonated against his ear and with a warm embrace around him coming to face reality only when he
tilted his head just enough to see the sapphire eyes studying the leader. His hands then resting over
the ones tangled together over his abdomen and murmuring to the older's ear -You better do it-

-Are you threatening me now, Moriarty?- the grip on his waist tightening and gaining back the
burning feeling of gloved hands tightening around his own hands, sapphire eyes locking with the
emerald ones faking innocence.

-How could I when I'm just a defenseless, worried wife?-

And before Mycroft could say something back the shy lady started to talk, saying that the women
should follow her out to the gardens of the mansion while the men should follow a group of young
men so that the third game could start.

-Make sure nobody drugs you, sleeping beauty- a wicked smile adorning Albert’s lips as he
remembered Mycroft that out of the two, he had been the victim of those horny people more times.

-Don't cause problems narcissus- he said, totally ignoring his words. Walking away and soon
being surrounded by multiple men that didn't lose the time to tell him how lucky he was to have
such a beautiful wife and that if he wanted to switch partners with them he just needed to do so.

What a shame for them, he wasn't interested in anybody that wasn't a handsome ex-count, criminal,
thirty years old, man, that had been trapped in a tower like some fairy tale princess for three years
and with the name of Albert James Moriarty.

He had very specific tastes.

On the other hand, Albert just took a seat around a tea table along with three other women who
were also some mothers of kids attending the St. Carolina College. Everyone seemed to be excited
and curious as to what the next game could possibly be about and he was just as curious as them
when after a few minutes had passed Albert saw a group of horses with men riding them start to
come closer.

They were all wearing really ridiculous outfits that made Albert wish he was blind so that he
wouldn't have to witness that terrible sight, but soon his disgust vanished away when he looked at a
specific horse at the center, the air leaving his lungs and his mind going totally blank at the sight in
front of him.

Oh. Dear. Fucking. And. Goddamn. Hell.

Was that Mycroft?

Yes, it was him but... for god's sake, no, for devil's sake! Why was he looking so good on top of
that black horse!? Even the over excessively decorated clothes (really disgusting if he had to say
the truth) suited him! doing nothing but enhancing his handsomeness and making him look like
some fairytale prince as the crimson cape wafted behind him with the air.

His hips adorned with a golden cloth moving with the horse's movements, forward and backwards
to appease the own impact of the horse's walking against his body in a very hypnotic way that
Albert couldn’t help getting lost on. Oh, how much he would give to be that horse.

Truly a delightful sight that made him stand up from his seat and walk closer to where Mycroft was
so that he could see him better. He didn't even care about the look of everyone else drooling over

He looked incredibly handsome and imposing on the black horse with his hips moving in such an
enticing way. When he got down from the steed, Albert was finally able to see him better and he
could feel his heart skip a beat. His dark hair perfectly combed backwards allowing his intense
sapphire eyes to stand out, lips curved on a smirk, his face as always deadly serious and that made
you want to scream:

-Fuck me-

Suddenly the people surrounding him started to chuckle and an evil smirk appeared on Mycroft's
lips as he saw Albert's eyes open wide and his ears turning red with embarrassment at the
realization that he had said that out loud.

He looked so cute like that that Mycroft couldn't help the need to annoy him more, so taking the
other's gloved hand he pulled Albert near him to better enjoy his flustered expression, his other
hand on his slim waist as he leaned closer to his ear; his voice spoke lowly as he murmured -Later-

That made Albert almost faint and collapse, mentally thanking Mycroft still holding onto him
because otherwise his legs would give up like in the morning.

This man was going to make him die, and he was starting to like the idea more than he should.

Wait... had Mycroft been riding a horse moments prior?

The handsomeness of the man in front of him had fucked his mind so hard that he had passed
unnoticed that fact, but now he was slowly recomposing. So he grabbed Mycroft tightly by the
shoulders forcing him to look at his eyes that had now erased the traces of adoration he had before
and that were now filled with worry and even anger.

-What do you think you're doing? You're still injured!-

Oh. Mycroft had wished that Albert would forget about it but apparently he wouldn't do as he
wished to.

-You say it as if I was dying- he said calmly trying to take the gloved hands off his shoulders but
the grip on them just tightened, reminding him that not because Albert was dressed as a woman
and had spent three years with barely null exercise he was by any means weak .

-Don't overestimate your injuries- really, this man was as stubborn as a mule!! Why couldn't he
calmly take care of his injuries like any normal person with the very minimum of self preservation
would do?... well, it wasn't like they could simply leave the mission behind because of some minor
injuries (as much as he hated that fact), so sighing he let go of the older's shoulders and said now
more calmly -I'm participating and you're going to wait here-

-My lovely wife, what are you talking about?- Mycroft asked with a fake small smile on his lips that
hid his annoyance at the clear order that he had just been given as if he was some irresponsible,
reckless kid.

-I said that you should rest while I participate, Sleeping Beauty- a pure, sweet smile adorning his
own pinkish lips like if he was totally unaware of the threat in the sapphire eyes.

The people surrounding them couldn't help the chills that invaded their bodies when Albert and
Mycroft looked at each other so strongly that it almost looked as if they were ready to choke the
other to death at any moment, something that was half false and half true. The other members just
interpreted as their marital discussion getting darker, another half lie half truth.

None of them wanted to step back, both too prideful to do so but if Albert wanted to make Mycroft
rest he needed to lower his head first. So even if he didn't want to, he sighed to help himself
maintain his cool and not knock out the stubborn man right then and there.

-Let's make a deal then- his velvety voice coming out more enticing than usual as he was trying to
make the bloody government itself fall for his plan -The both of us can participate, but if I win you
are going to behave and rest until I say so-

-What if I win?- he was going to need to work really hard to say something interesting enough for
Mycroft to fall into his clear and pretty much evident trap.

-I'll grant you three wishes, whatever you want and desire I'll give it to you-

It was even comical to hear Albert saying that he would give him whatever he wanted and desired
when he himself was that and more. Plus if Mycroft really wanted something he wouldn't recur to
the ex-count acting like some genie for it because he was very capable to get what he wanted
without other help. Though.. the offer was tempting, specially because all kinds of amusing and
exciting ideas started to cross his mind.

-What if I want your life?- he said in a teasing tone trying to know how far was Albert willing to
take his little bet, and his answer was even better than what he expected.

-You can have it then. I'm totally yours~-

Mycroft hadn't been expecting that nor the fluttering in his heart when he heard Albert speak in that
enticing velvety tone, his long lashes going up and down like butterfly's wings as if trying to
hypnotize him. "I'm totally yours". Oh, how much he loved that. Even if his most rational side was
basically yelling at him how he was falling into the little wicked's trap he still accepted.

-Deal- at his words Albert just smiled wider, making Mycroft smirk. He just needed to win so
accepting this little deal wasn't a problem at all. After all, not even his little brother, Sherly, had
been able to defeat him in any kind of bet.

After the shy lady gave the order, the same maids that had helped Mycroft get dressed arrived with
a crimson cape for Albert and helped him put it on. Hadn't he been so concentrated on arguing with
Mycroft using just his eyes, he surely would have felt totally disgusted by the terrible design of the

-A woman shouldn't participate in this dangerous game- said an old voice from behind Albert and
cutting the tension between the two men that now we're facing the old man Mycroft recognized as
Mr. Wildford riding a brownish horse behind them looking at them with as much contempt as they

Who was he and what did he think allowed him to say what Albert was allowed to do or not?
Furthermore, who did he think he was to break their little war-teasing game? Albert was already
having a headache because of the stubborn man he had for husband but this old hag had totally
gotten on his nerves.

-I appreciate your concern but I'm not as fragile as you think, and if someone shouldn't participate
then it's you. You seem about to break at any moment. Old people should rest and keep quiet- he
said rudely to everyone's surprise and to Mycroft's amusement.

Oh how much he loved to see Albert behave so rudely like that, it was always entertaining to see
him lose his patience and let go of his usual noble-like facade; such an unusual event that he had
had the pleasure to witness only two times before.

-T-then!! Shall we begin?-

After the announcement of the shy lady, the sound of a gunshot fired into the air made everyone
give their horses a small hit, and thus the competition started, the gallops of the horses and the
"hiyah!!" some of the other people would murmur from time on time being the only thing they
could hear for a time.

Mr. Wildford smiled widely showing all his teeths when he saw the figure of a rabbit appear in
front of him. This competition was going to be really easy, nobody was as good as him at hunting
and with a woman in the competition was going to be easier.

Or that's what he thought… In no time a bullet smashed against the rabbit’s figure, causing his face
to depict shock and in the process leaving his legs feeling weak at the sudden action that had
almost caused him to have a heart attack.

Slowly turning around to see the person responsible for capturing his prey and almost killing him,
his face contracted in fear when he saw the same fragile woman that moments prior he had been
making fun of holding on to a perfect position the rifle, smoke coming out of it and pointing
directly at his head. Emerald eyes looking down at him and a big proud smile growing bigger on
his lips when she saw the fear on the old man's face.

-I told you, old people should rest and just watch- and before the old man could know it, the
brooch holding his cape was now in Albert’s hand.

-Mr. Wildford, eliminated! Jolie Holmes is the owner of his brooch!-

Everyone's eyes grew wide when they heard the last part, everyone but Mycroft who just smiled
widely as he took off the brooch of another participant.

These men were going to have a hard time dealing with Albert because he had angered him (by
mistake) and he was surely going to destroy anyone that dared to get on his nerves. It just made
him more appealing to Mycroft's eyes though.

-Mr. Smith, eliminated! Mycroft Holmes is the owner of his brooch!- at those words it was
Albert’s turn to smile widely. Just as he expected from the only man he would ever allow to own
him and worry him so much to the point of anger.

And like that the competition continued, the blasting sounds of shooting resonating on the field and
the voice of the boy in charge of annunciating the eliminated ones shouting the names of Jolie and
Mycroft Holmes multiple times.

By now people were no longer trying to know who would win because it was clear that one of the
Holmes would win. Instead what was keeping their attention was the way Albert galloped at
almost full speed with his mahogany hair and crimson cape moving behind him, shooting to the
targets in no time and almost always leaving a clean shot mark in the middle of their heads.

Seeing the woman shoot so perfectly made multiple people wonder just where had such a flawless
woman been hiding for so long, their hearts totally stolen by the way she kept aiming for the
targets and taking in her hands the brooches of the men that dared to cross on her path.

He wasn’t a woman though.

Also, Albert was not only the one capturing the audience's attention because everyone was as well
totally mesmerized by the calm way Mycroft kept going through the field, almost like if he wasn't
interested in winning the competition but still taking out the targets in front of him, having the
same amount of eliminated people under his name as his little wife.

There was no need for him to rush, he knew that Albert would make sure to take everyone down
and leave him at the end just like how he would with his favorite dishes or desserts so that he could
enjoy them better. And just like he predicted, it was just a matter of time for them to find
themselves in front of each other.

And oh, if Albert had thought Mycroft looked handsome before, now he was totally breathtaking.
The very weird to witness, smile growing bigger at the sight of Albert in front of him. His hair
slightly messed up because of the wind and the multiple brooches he had taken down adorning his
chest made him look all the more handsome. He even had the heavens on his side because the sun
was bathing him with golden light, making him look even better and his sapphire eyes shining with
the adrenaline and amusement of the situation.

Albert really looked good too, specially for Mycroft who had the the pleasure to see his usually
pale face adorned by a dim healthy blush, pinkish lips curved on a wicked smile, emerald eyes
shining with excitement and his long mahogany hair moving in the air along the crimson cape; the
brooches he had taken down doing nothing but enhance his overwhelming handsome and beautiful

-I'm sure that more than a married couple we look like long-time rivals- Mycroft’s right foot
kicking slightly at his horse so that it would continue walking, stopping only when he was side by
side with Albert; so close yet separated by their horses that were facing opposite directions.

-And aren't we?- the smile on his pinkish lips growing wider and his emerald pupils looking at him
with evident amusement -That just makes it more exciting-



Ah. if they could just close that distance between them and erase that cocky smile on the perfectly
sculpted lips or let begging pleas escape from the pinkish ones... that would be so good.

-A-ahm.... you need to continue with the competition- right, the competition, they had totally
forgotten about it but it was true that they needed to end with that.

-Truly a shame, I wish we could continue with this forever- it had been such a long time since the
last time he had had so much fun and Albert really wished they could continue like that; the feeling
of adrenaline in his body and the sight of a handsome man ready to take his life just made it better.

-Ready to lose narcissus?-

-I never lose, mon chéri- t he cocky smirk on his lips totally erasing when he saw Mycroft contract
his face in pain and then touch over the (disgusting) clothes where his injury was. Worry
immediately took over Albert as he made his horse get even closer to Mycroft and asked concerned
-What? Did the wound open again?-

Right when he reached his hand to the injured thigh a cold hand grabbed him by the waist and
pulled from him, making him end seated on Mycroft's lap and so confused to know what was going
on to realize that his own brooch had been stolen and his cape was now on the ground.

But even if he had noticed it he couldn't care less about it, nothing was more breathtaking nor eye-
catching than the cocky smile on Mycroft's lips; his sapphire eyes glistening with excitement and
the grip on his waist growing tighter just like the tension between them.

-Winner, Mycroft Holmes!- the voice of the young man was so distant as if it wasn't really there, or
maybe they were just way too focused on the one in front of each other to care about anything else.

The only thing they could concentrate on at that moment was the person in front of them, the way
their breaths mixed together in a sweet addictive way and the prickling sensation of their touch.

-I must say that I never expected you to fall for such a cheap trick- his cold fingers taking the
crimson cape out off his own shoulders and letting it fall to the ground as his right hand grabbed a
mahogany lock of hair, kissing it and making Albert's heart skip a beat when the sapphire eyes
looked directly at him.

Slowly, like a water drop falling to a lake, the waves of undeniable tension, desire and lust that had
been gradually accumulating, hiding in the most far corners of their minds hit them as if they could
no longer control it.

-You're a devilish man- a small smile on his lips that Albert tried to use to hide his unsteady
breathing thanks to how close they were. His arms hugged Mycroft by the shoulders and brought
him even closer totally enticed by the way Mycroft did nothing to oppose his actions.

-Thanks for the compliment- and just with a single look of the emerald eyes he let all the other
things around him fade away. A warm breath hitting against his lips was the only thing he could
feel before kissing him.

It was a tough kiss, more teeth and bites than tongue or lips as if they were trying to devour the
other, or like if there was so much lust and hunger in them that it was the only way they could kiss.

Either way, it was good. It was so goddamn good that they kept kissing, devouring and biting the
other even as they got off the horse, Albert hugging Mycroft with both his arms and legs to not
break their contact as they kept walking to god knows wherever the older intended to take them.

Albert really didn't care though, Mycroft could take him to the depths of hell and he would follow
him with closed eyes.

Their skin burning slowly under the touch of the other like if the flames of hell were surrounding
them and slowly making them go insane.

No, it wasn't the flames of hell, it was the flames of whatever it was they had had since the
beginning. An overwhelming fire that had started as mere curiosity, then for a moment rivalry to
friendship, love and finally a burning passion; going from each one of those phases every now and
then like if they couldn't decide what they wanted more: devour the other or be devoured by the
only person they would ever let own and control them.

Ah. If their past selves of three years ago were told that in a distant future they would be married
and have two kids they would be totally stunned. But if they were told that they were going to end
up hungrily kissing the other, stumbling clumsily over everything on their way to a strange bed,
they would totally believe it because even if they had tried to put it aside for a moment, the
attraction they had felt for the other from the very first moment was hard to forget.

Albert could still remember how he had been left totally breathless when he saw the director for
the first time. An imposing aura around him, a cocky smirk when he heard his words and a dark
brow lifted making him look tempting like the devil itself.

So, so charming that for a moment he had been tempted to forget about their plans and just pull
him from that ugly bow tie and kiss him, press him against his desk and take a taste of him.

Good things arrived late though, and that kiss that he had desired for some time wasn't the

And oh dear hell, it was so much more better than what he could have ever imagined. A kiss so
full of hunger and lust that sometimes their teeth would clash together, other times Mycroft would
bite his lower pinkish lips making him moan between kisses and other ones Albert would lick the
perfectly sculpted ones as his fingers pulled and got tangled on the dark hair. Cold hands grabbing
him by the waist and then making him lay on the bed under him with his touch and kisses.

Even if their lust and hunger had been so unbearable that they felt like going crazy, they still made
sure to pick a room with no windows at all and secured the door with the lock because it would be
a shame to be interrupted when things were just starting to get interesting and both were equally
afraid that moment would fade away at the minimum excuse.

And just to make sure Albert wouldn't escape, Mycroft pressed him hard against the soft mattress.
Pale elegant fingers undoing the buttons of his waistcoat and throwing it somewhere on the floor as
Mycroft took off the bothersome skirt, the petticoats and did the same with the bodice, being this
the only moment they stopped hungrily kissing the other.
Pale hands taking off his gloves so that he could enjoy touching Mycroft everywhere, not being
able to remain still as he caressed every part of Mycroft with his hands as if he was trying to
memorize him with only his hands. Every part of him, from his broad shoulders to his neck, pecs
and chiseled abdomen.

This man was a dream in itself and the idea of him devouring him made him shiver... or maybe it
was because of the cold hands touching him under the gauzy chemise and getting dangerously
close to his plump ass. His eyes opened just enough to let him see through his lashes a bottle of oil
tossed away at their feet and the cold right fingers of Mycroft glistening with the oil.

Oh my... when had that happened? No... how did Mycroft know he needed to prepare him? His
mind was so clouded with lust to properly think so instead he just grabbed him by the neck of his
dark shirt to bring him closer, the smell of his manly cologne clouding his senses even more and
making Albert nuzzle his nose against the side of his neck to get more of that addictive smell.

-I thought you had never been with a man before- his velvety, husky voice and soft breaths enticing
Mycroft as he got lost in the soft warm breaths against his neck, a naughty wet tongue licking him
and warm hands touching him everywhere before looking back at him with those beautiful eyes
clouded with lust.

-I have an idea of how this works... and you can consider this an experiment- the fact that he had
never had time to try his acknowledgements didn't mean he didn't know how it worked, and even if
he hadn't known he would have forced his brain to think about the how so that Albert couldn't
escape from him.

But apparently he didn't wish to escape, not with the way he kept devouring his body with only his
eyes and his pale hands caressing every part of him; the smell of roses surrounding him as if it was
trying to make him go insane and tempt him at the same time.

-Does that means I'm going to be your experiment subject?-

-Maybe- his face getting closer to the younger's one so that his next words were murmured against
his pinkish lips -I must say though, that I expect perfection and total obedience from my subjects-

One of his hands, the one that wasn't covered with oil, traced slowly all the way up to Albert's
neck, making some pressure there as if trying to asphyxiate him but immediately going to the
disheveled mahogany hair to pull from it, a dry whimper escaping from Albert that made Mycroft

It was such a good thing that Albert liked things rough, just like him.

-Then...- his emerald eyes searched for the sapphire ones as his arms got tangled around the neck of
Mycroft so that he could only face him -It is such a shame that I don't intend to obey you-

And Mycroft loved him for that.

Mycroft had such an imposing, demanding presence that even Sherlock would give up on him,
everyone bowing their heads to him with just a gaze of his sapphire eyes... Yet Albert seemed to be
totally immune to him, ever since the very first moment they met.

Emerald eyes wandering all over his office like if he wanted to memorize every part of it, elegant
long fingers tracing over the spine of the books on the bookshelf behind his desk and just
everything he could touch as he sat comfortably on the lounge couch like if he owned that space,
even him.
Such interesting behavior that seemed to be so natural but planned at the same time, just like if he
had spent so much time measuring every single movement of his fingers, every up and down of his
long lashes that now just came natural to him.

When Mycroft had seen the young Count at first he had wanted to crush him down, to have him
totally under his feet and that with just a little movement of his finger would do as he wished like a
perfectly tamed dog.

He didn't want that anymore though. Controlling Albert would be such a waste, specially because
of those unpredictable answers and actions that never failed to amuse him and catch his attention
like flowers to the bees; just like that moment where Albert tilted his head to have a better access to
his Adam's apple and bite it hard enough to make Mycroft growl low.

He loved every time he protested against his words without a single bit of shame, he loved when
he flirted with him just to then run away like water escaping through his fingers. He loved
whenever he smiled like that, so wickedly as if he knew he owned him and was ready to destroy
him whenever he pleased.

Such a shame for the ex-count that he preferred to be the one to devour and not the other way.

Taking his time, Mycroft let his lips move down from Albert’s lips to his jaw and neck to leave red
marks of bites on his pristine neck, stopping on his left collar bone to bite there with enough
strength to let a metallic taste touch his tongue; two of his fingers also being pushed inside Albert
at the same times and began to fuck him roughly with only his fingers, sounds of pleasurable sighs
and the occasional moans of pain coming from his lips. His mind completely clouded with lust at
the recent bite and the scissors-like movements stretching him.

His pale hands not being able to remain calm and reaching up to unbuttoning the dark shirt, letting
it fall from his shoulders and giving him a perfect view of Mycroft's pale body, perfectly sculpted.
His eyes wandering all over him and putting his head resting over his neck, he couldn't resist to kiss
and suck there, stopping only when a third finger was added inside him and the moans made it
impossible to continue biting Mycroft.

But it didn't stop the older one who continued biting him, every bit of milky skin that he could bite
was now adorned with red marks that just made Albert completely break on moans and sighs of
pleasure as well as some hidden pain to those bites. The fingers moved so vigorously inside him
that Mycroft seemed wanting to devour him in every possible way.

His emerald eyes started to get cloudy with tears of pleasure that refused to leave his eyes. His nails
dug into Mycroft's shoulders every time he thrust against him but never reached his sweet spot nor
satisfied him, only teasing him and making him move his hips like if he was a needy whore in
search of more.

Which he wasn't but this man was teasing him so much that he wouldn't mind becoming one.

Pulling out all his fingers and gaining a whimper from the one below him, Mycroft allowed himself
to appreciate his work. A sigh heaving past his lips as proof of how satisfied he was with it.

Disheveled mahogany hair shining with the warm light of the gas lamps, emerald eyes clouded
with tears and lust looking only at him, lips puffy and red because of their rough kisses, various red
marks adorning his neck and a specially deep one over his left collar bone; his chest going up and
down fast with unsteady breaths, the erection fully hard between his legs pressing against
Mycroft’s thigh, the high stockings on his pale legs were totally loose and gave Mycroft a perfect
view of the reddish marks from the day before.
Ah. He wouldn't mind if the world ended right on that moment, not even in the slightest if that
meant being able to devour Albert completely.

Albert wasn't oblivious to Mycroft's hungry look, shivers running all over his body when he locked
eyes with the sapphire ones glistening like if he was a predator ready to devour to the core of its
prey. A prey that didn't mind that at all and that instead of running away tangled his legs around his
predator's waist and who with a rough movement inverted the positions leaving Albert over
Mycroft's lap and him comfortably laying against the soft mattress.

Oh, he looked nice under him but he also looked flawless over him, wasn't that sin? To look good
no matter what.

-W-what...?- a whimper cutting his question when he felt Mycroft's hardness pressing against his
ass through the clothes, making him forget that he had tried to ask Mycroft mockingly if he wanted
to be the receiving one.

Which had been something Mycroft had intended to make him think so that he could better see that
mocking expression on his face turning to one of undeniable pleasure. And that simply bewitched
him, Mycroft’s hand reached for his face almost out of instinct.

Albert's face leaned closer to the cold hand caressing his right cheek, closing his eyes to enjoy
better that contradictory feeling of his body burning with passion and the cold hand against his
face. His body pressing lower so that he was basically laying over Mycroft and with his legs at
each side of the older's hips, their erections rubbing together in a delicious friction.

It was then, when his hand caressed the injured thigh covered by some cotton bandages that an
idea crossed Albert's mind, a wicked smile drawing on his face and replacing the tears for an
amused expression as one of his hands reached for the injured thigh and the other one placed over
Mycroft's pecs to remain still.

-Are you sure you can continue?- his smile just growing wider when he saw Mycroft frown after
hearing his words that had a hidden meaning behind them, one that the older caught and that
annoyed him slightly.

-I'll take that as worry instead of mockery for my age- he was only a couple of years older than him
yet Albert always made fun of him. Not everyone was able to freeze time around them like the ex-
count seemed to have done, but just like Albert, a smirk appeared on his face when he got an idea -
So what if I can't?-

-I suppose I'll have to do everything myself, so that you can peacefully lay here and enjoy the
show~- fake pure innocence in his words as his hands kept touching the soft flesh of the pecs under
his hand. Ah, he really had a nice body.

-Fine then- said Mycroft so nonchalantly that for a moment it took Albert aback, his hands stopping
what they were doing and his eyes looking at him with confusion, mild incredulity at the sapphire
eyes smiling at him.

-Fine?- he asked with eyes still wide in confusion, repeating Mycroft's words like an echo as if he
still couldn't believe the man known as the government itself had acceded to his proposal so easily.

Or maybe he just didn't know what his words meant... or was there a hidden trap?

Either way, Albert couldn't keep thinking about it as a pair of cold hands grabbed him by the
wrists, pulling him down and making him end up laying over Mycroft's body, the perfectly
sculpted lips moving to his face making the younger think he was going to kiss him but that instead
ended over the lobe of his ear.

-You said so, I'm an injured man so I expect you to do all the work- a mocking smirk adorning his
lips as he murmured his words against Albert's ear, a shiver running through the younger's body at
his words that left him dizzy.

An annoyed growl leaving his now reddish lips at the thought that, of course there had to be a
hidden trap in his words.

-Stop using my words... against me ah- a quiet moan leaving his lips when a fake thrust against his
plump ass made shivers run through his body, his hands leaving red marks of his fingers over
Mycroft's arms.


And once again a hungry kiss with their lips clashing together started, Albert loosening the belt and
getting rid of Mycroft's lower clothes just enough to free his erection all while kissing him. Biting
over his shoulders and on every piece of milky flesh that he could find. Mycroft's pale hands
getting rid of the gauzy chemise and leaving Albert with nothing more than the high stockings
loosely falling from his milky thighs and knees pressing hard against the mattress at each side of
Mycroft's hips and slowly helping him align his tight hole with Mycroft's erection. More whimpers
left his pinkish lips that were devoured by the older to give him something to distract him from the

Albert knew that it was going to be somehow painful to take Mycroft inside him, especially after
all those three years alone, but for all the gods and devils that existed, he really was going to break
apart and he was pretty sure that Mycroft wasn't fully inside him yet. Was this how he was going to
die? That didn't sound like a bad death at all, he just wished Mycroft had the decency to make him
more presentable before Louis or his kids had the opportunity to look at him.

His trembling legs doing their best to keep him in place along with his hands over Mycroft's chest,
sometimes squeezing the firm pects that he had been tempted to touch from a long time ago. His
lips pressed hard so that he wouldn't let any pitiful sound come out of them and eyes glistening with
tears slowly leaving his eyes making it impossible for him to see the adoring look on the sapphire
eyes as if he was looking at the most perfect thing in the world.

And he was, Albert was the most perfect being in the entire world at that moment and to Mycroft's

The look of Albert’s face was so good, so fucking good that Mycroft was sure that he would get
addicted to see those crying eyes. The delicious warmth surrounding him and the now reddish lips
being bitten tightly to the point they were starting to turn white; his hands going up making sure to
touch every bit of the milky skin now adorned with red marks and every perfect curve and muscle
of his body until he touched the cheeks wet with tears, wiping them away in a comforting sigh that
even he was surprised of.

-You are doing good- his voice lower than usual enticing Albert's ears as cold hands continued
wiping the tears off his face, grabbing him by the wrists and pulling him down so that he was now
fully lying over him again, skin against skin and so close that it would be hard to tell where one
ended and the other started; the smell of roses from Albert clouding his mind from how near they
were -So good-

-Shut ah... up- another cracked moan leaving his lips when Mycroft pushed further inside him, for a
moment leaving him breathless at the rough movement, feeling as if his skin and insides were
burning ready to consume him till the end.

Slowly and between more kisses and caresses, Albert took more of Mycroft until he was sitting
over the older's lap and could feel his lower part being stretched and full, not daring to move at all
and just letting agitated whimpers leave his mouth.

It was so good and a part of him just wished to remain like that for the rest of his doomed life,
something that Mycroft thought as well. Moving his cold hand he patted softly at the mahogany
hair, enjoying of how Albert seemed to be totally ecstatic with their current situations.

-You're so good- so good and beautiful. The last part not leaving his lips and just dying in his mind
as one of the many thoughts about the undeniable beauty of Albert. His hands moving downward
and pulling the younger's hips as if he wasn't satisfied yet with their proximity, wishing to thrust
deeper in him to the point it would be unbearable.

-A-ah... t-too much... Myc... roft- it made him feel so blissful, so much that his mind and body
totally forgot about the pain in his ass and insides being filled so full; his mind dizzy and totally
numb like no liquor could make him feel.

Mycroft's sapphire eyes devouring him, admiring every part of him and resting over a small bulge
forming on Albert's lower belly, showing how deep Mycroft was inside the younger one and that
he couldn't help to touch, a broken whimper leaving past the reddish lips when a cold hand pressed
it and enticing Mycroft’s ears.

Feeling Albert start to move his hips slowly, Mycroft grabbed him by the waist with one hand as
he started to move up and down, emerald eyes opening wide with pleasure yet his body not daring
to stop at all; Just digging his nails and squeezing the pale flesh of Mycroft under him while he let
delightful moans come from his mouth. The other hand of Mycroft still over the small bulge and
feeling himself move inside Albert in an enticing way that totally left him breathless.

At first Mycroft had intended to keep his words and let Albert do all the work, but it was pure
torture for him to remain still and do nothing when he had the love of his life breaking himself in
moans of pure pleasure and his own erection surrounded by that delicious warmth; so even if it
meant stopping to see Albert excitedly penetrate himself with his dick, Mycroft thrusted hard
against his ass right when Albert was going down and making him see stars behind his eyes.

-M-my... ah…!~- his poor red lips no longer being able to contain his moans as Mycroft hit his
insides repeatedly, again and again at a rough pace. Constantly aiming at the bundle of nerves that
was his prostate and making his sight go blank at the overwhelming pleasure taking over him.

Ah, Mycroft could never get tired of hearing those plea like moans, always saying his name in
such an enticing way that it made him thrust harder against Albert’s soft ass, enjoying the
occasional tough caresses of the younger left over his body and helping him keep their pace with
his cold hands around his waist that sometimes squeezed the younger's erection on a teasing way.

But no matter how young Albert claimed to be or how agile he was, he had still been under pretty
much null exercise and movement during three years so it was just a matter of time for his legs to
grow tired, not being able to keep moving and a pitiful pout forming on his lips after being faced
with his lack of energy to move more as he wished.

That pout looked so cute, as if he was truly regretting and wished his body could move more that
Mycroft wasted no time to kiss him, much less tough than before yet with that same hunger that
made Albert dizzy.
-Can't keep going?- his low voice a little muffled thanks to the soft lips still pressed against his
own, a warm feeling fluttering inside his chest when he saw Albert nod slowly with his head and
then faced him with a silent plea in his eyes; a plea that Mycroft couldn't say no to and that made
him start roughly moving his hips again.

-A-ah ... M-My... croft~ ahh!- his pale hands not remaining still and instead going up, pulling the
dark hair and moaning every time a new thrust made his whole body shiver. His ears getting
enticed with the low sighs and occasional cursing from the other; the smell of Mycroft's cologne
making him feel drunk on him and finally coming with a high-pitched moan after a specially rough
thrust against his prostate.

Warm cum staining his own chest and the abdomen of Mycroft, his perfectly sculpted lips kissing
Albert once again lustfully and biting his lower lip, sucking it and kissing him more all over his
lips and jaw.

It was so much that Albert was barely able to remain conscious hadn't it been for Mycroft's warm
body and cold hands on his lower back that kept him in his place, still fucking him hard and
making him see stars at the over stimulation of being fucked during his post orgasmic high.
Sparkles numbing his mind, trembling hands grabbing Mycroft by the shoulders to remain still and
his unsteady breaths hitting against the pale skin of the other's neck now adorned with marks left
there by him.

Fortunately for him it wasn't long before Mycroft came inside him, a growl coming from his lips
and biting him for the last time the bruised shoulders of Albert, gaining a cracked whimper from

And as Mycroft was still riding the last waves of his recent orgasm, he felt a pair of long fingers
trace circles over his arms, going up to his neck as if attempting to asphyxiate him but instead
grabbing him by the jaw to pull him to a demanding kiss, biting his lips and then doing the same
with his jaw.

Albert's ears were delighted with those sighs and the strong cold hands squeezing hard his ass to
the point a dry whimper left his lips, his emerald eyes looking with reproach as the sapphire ones
looked back at him with amusement and a brow lifted.

Dear hell. Mycroft looked ten times better than usual with disheveled hair, hungry eyes and lips red
with a single spot of blood forming on them as proof of Albert's tough kiss. He looked so good that
it just made Albert's whole body burn with passion once again.

-What are you doing?- his low voice ringing close Albert's mouth making him gulp hard and his
throat go dry at the slow caresses being left over the crook of his back by a cold hand going down
and slipping a pair of fingers between the cheeks of his ass, spreading him even more and letting
some warm cum slip from it.

-I... could ask the same- a mocking smile on his lips as he hit softly with his own hand the naughty
one going down his ass, enjoying the astonished expression on the sapphire eyes after being
reprehended like a kid, something he was not used to in the slightest bit.

-Answer me first- and to that Albert just growled annoyed, especially because he had used that
same tone he used when he was in his office working as the government itself and something that
Mycroft knew pissed off the younger.

He looked so good whenever he was mad at him... or maybe he was just a little bit of a masochist.
Whatever it was, he could just feel his heart skip a beat when the little wicked over him winked at
him with so much confidence that it almost made Mycroft forget about the slight tremor of the
other's legs and arms.

-My own experiment- or maybe he had lost his head from the pleasure -Can't keep going?- his
puffy lips pouting in fake innocence that contrasted with the way his hips started to move, slowly
and not too much, just the enough to make Mycroft get hard once again still inside him.

A surprised sound came from Albert when Mycroft tangled their legs together and then inverted
their positions so now he was over the younger; sapphire eyes once again glistening with that
overwhelming lust and hunger that for a moment made Albert feel weak on the legs and incredibly

-I should teach you to not use my words against me- and he was pretty sure he was going to enjoy
it, especially with how tempting Albert looked under him, his body slightly bruised glistening with
a thin coat of sweat as if inviting him to leave more marks all over him.

Dear hell... How could those words sound so enticing? And even if his brain was telling him to run
away from the predator over him, Albert just tangled his arms around his predator's neck, bringing
him closer as he murmured against his ear -I'm waiting for it then-

His mind was too numb to think properly that it wouldn't surprise him if he accepted whatever
petition Mycroft requested him at that same moment, but that was something Mycroft didn't need
to know.

So totally ignoring this and doing as he was told, ready to control the one under him, Mycroft
lowered his mouth to suck on a pinkish nipple, Albert heaving a soft sigh and his long fingers
going down so that they could get tangled in the dark hair, enjoying that hot warmth over his chest
and letting Mycroft crush him down as he pleased.

The feeling of cold hands grabbing him by the waist made Albert shiver, his legs getting tangled
around Mycroft's waist so that he couldn't run away and then throwing his head backwards when
Mycroft started to move his hips against his ass, first slowly and then rough just to go back to a
slow pace and making Albert crazy at the warm feeling inside him and the wet one on his chest.

All that could be heard in that room were the moans, sighs, growls and the creaking sound of the
bed every time Mycroft thrusted hard against Albert's soft ass. His left hand taking for a moment
Albert's hand and squeezing it making Albert whimper, feeling like he was touching heaven and
hell at the same time on such an overwhelming pleasure that made him clutch hard at the sheets
under him until his knuckles started to turn white.

He was going to become crazy if Mycroft continued to fuck him like that, it was pure torture when
he slowed down and left him moving his hips in search of more.

-My... Mycroft ah...~-

he sounded so needy and it was totally the evil man's doing. Yes, it wasn't because of the warm
feeling on his chest, every time he felt wet kisses being left over his chest and abdomen.

-What?- a mocking smirk on his lips as he admired the mess that was Albert, though he was not
better with his dark hair going in all directions and a thin coat of sweet covering his forehead.

The thrusts then becoming more rough once again, fucking Albert so hard that he forgot what he
wanted to say or beg for. Had he wanted to ask him to slow down? Or to fuck him harder?
Whatever it was he couldn't remember it as Mycroft hit him exactly in his prostate for the second
time that day and it made him dizzy, totally letting go of the remaining bit of conscious he had left.

-Ah!~ My... My... croft!~- his moans now more high pitched and not letting him form a single
coherent word. The toes of his feet curled on pleasure, a trail of saliva going down his lips since he
wasn't able to close his mouth from all those moans and his nails clawing along Mycroft's back
harder than before.

-You're so... fuck... tight- his words murmured low against the younger's ear between sighs and a
growl leaving his lips when Albert tightened even more around him at his words.

-Ah!... p-please!~...- more tears leaving his eyes as he begged for something that he wasn't sure
what was about, just that he wanted Mycroft to stop messing with him, or maybe no.

-Please what?-

He wanted him to make him beg, to cry for him and desire him so much that he wouldn't even be
able to remember his name or who he was. But maybe he shouldn't have gotten so cocky because
in no time an annoyed Albert left a very painful bite over his shoulder, one that Mycroft was sure
was as bad as the one adorning the younger's collarbone.

That somehow made him feel even more good (if that was possible).

More sighs and growls leaving his mouth and his hands grabbing Albert by the waist to mark a
more steady pace when he saw him start to get closer to his orgasm. Emerald eyes barely open,
long lashes wet with tears and puffy red lips forming an almost perfect "o" shape, shaking pale
arms pulling him in a lustful kiss that let him taste more of Albert, more of that sweetness in his
mouth, almost sugary like that strawberry cake he loved so much.

He was a really good kisser, so much that he couldn't help sighing between their kisses and growl
when Albert' insides tightened around him as he came with a cracked moan, his own orgasm
hitting him just moments after and leaving him panting hard against the puffy red lips.

Albert could feel his legs tremble slightly, arms falling limp to his sides and his tired eyes letting
him see through a curtain of wet long lashes the so perfect image of Mycroft's perfectly sculpted
face just a few inches away from his, heavy pants leaving his lips and mixing with his owns.

Ah, if only his hand could move the enough to let him caress his face, to trace with his fingers the
bridge of his nose all the way to his Cupid's bow... that would be so good, but his whole body was
too tired that he couldn't move a single bit, not even when Mycroft grabbed him by the arms and
carried his limp body making them both lay against the headboard of the bed; Mycroft's bare back
against the wooden surface and letting Albert rest over him with his face on his chest.

Remaining like that for a while, with Albert's limp body tiredly resting over him and none of them
saying anything nor doing nothing more than remaining like that as their unsteady breaths and
agitated hearts started to calm down, Mycroft allowed himself to hug the tired body laying over

Oh. that was nice. It was always nice to be together doing nothing more than remaining close,
saying nothing at all and just enjoying that warming smell of the roses and blueberries mixed in

-You're... evil- finally murmured Albert letting his eyes look at the crook of Mycroft's neck
adorned with some red marks given to him by his own nails and the occasional bites, his eyelids
starting to get closed until he heard Mycroft chuckle and making his chest vibrate against his face.
He was laughing like that only because he hadn't just been fucked hard with a fucking big as heck
dick, which had been partially his fault and totally pleasurable but that still made Albert punch
lazily at the older on the ribs because he no longer had any energy left in his body.

Ah~ He wanted a cold bath and a glass of wine.

And as if Mycroft had been able to read his mind he pulled off Albert, a whimper involuntary
leaving his lips at the sudden lost, yet not doing anything else when he was laid down on the bed
now a total mess but surprisingly he didn't care about that as Mycroft said -I'll ask them to prepare
a bath-

Oh, he was so considerate.

That wasn't good for his heart.

Soon Mycroft got out of the bed and started to clean the rest of white cum from his body with a
tissue, Albert muttered just a tired "hum" in response and watching the older put on his clothes no
longer ashamed of showing his body and allowing Albert to see better the red clawing marks all
over his back, the red sucking over his Adam's apple and bruised shoulder along with a lot more
that he was really grateful Mycroft haven't taken notice of or he could probably have ended up
dead on that same bed.

It wasn't like Mycroft didn't know about all those marks though, it was just that he saw as well the
mess that was Albert's body totally covered with red marks, cum dripping from between his soft
ass and that was adorned with the handprint of Mycroft's left hand, so that was why he didn't say a
single thing.

But even if Albert had said something about his disheveled and poor state, Mycroft wouldn't have
done a single thing to reprehend him because he was sure that out of the two, the one that was
going to suffer more once they were out of that mansion and the dopamine was no longer circling
through their systems was going to be Albert.

Maybe he was going to receive multiple complaints and death sentences from the younger once his
whole body started to ache (even more), but for now all he needed to do was go and ask for that
cold bath Albert was dying for, a bright smile drawn all over on his face that did nothing to hide
how crazy in love he was.

Chapter End Notes

Say thanks to my beta for editing this long af chapter (more than 15k words)... why
can't I write short chapters?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading Albert get fucked hard to the point of tears I
must admit that I love to read when the stomach bulge appears is just nice

Next update: 02/23/22, see ya

The perfect couple
Chapter Notes

I'm posting and editing this chapter at 10 pm (yes I'm a baby that is used to sleep at 8
pm sometimes) after tones of homework and classes so excuse any mistake

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Getting out of the bed proved to be as painful as Albert expected it to be. Not too much to make it
unbearable but still not enough to make him have to rely on Mycroft to help... or maybe he was just
using his trembling legs and sore back as an excuse to have the pair of cold hands grab him by the

Whatever the reason was, and regardless he wished to be pampered even if just for a second, letting
Mycroft bathe him was out of discussion, so he prompted to take the fastest shower he had ever
had in his life. And maybe he needed to thank the opium wafting and filling all over the walls of
the mansion to ease his aching body because there was no way in hell his body wouldn't ache when
he looked like he had just gotten into a fight with a dog.

He was pretty sure that without counting his arms, feet and face, there was no spot on his skin that
didn't have some reddish marks. Courtesy of Mycroft and his apparent like to mark him as much as
he could as if he was a goddamn mosquito.

What a possessive man.

But it wasn't like he could say something in reproach when he felt his heart flutter inside his chest
every time he looked at those marks (yes, he was a masochist, a hopeless one) because he knew
that Mycroft was almost in the same state as him.

Almost, because he didn't have to dutifully clean all his body from the white cum dripping from
between his arse, probably the only thing he hated about that situation.

Fortunately for him, Mycroft was a correct man, a gentleman among gentlemen. And even though
he had fucked him so hard that he saw stars behind his eyes, he was now helping him get dressed
as Albert lazily brushed his mahogany hair that had ended with some locks totally tangled,
mentally noting to go and take another bath, a really long one, nce he was in the comfort of
Mycroft’s house because that quick shower wasn't enough.

-I was worried about those people devouring me but it turns out to be it was you the one I should
have been afraid of- said Albert with a small pout on his lips once he was done with his hair,
helping Mycroft with the straps of the skirt. Looking at the sapphire eyes with little reproach that
the older totally ignored with a small shrug.

Mycroft decided it was better to ignore his words because he was somehow hurt for being
compared to those people, so instead he centered his attention on his leather belt forgotten on the
floor and remembered about their previous bet; an amused smirk drawing on his lips at the thought
of all he could ask Albert for.

Oh, the possibilities.

Almost immediately Albert felt shivers run through his spine, and now, those weren't the type of
shivers that had ran through his body when Mycroft was thrusting hard against him, no, it was the
type of shiver one would get at the premonition of something bad about to happen.

Like that time he had been standing in the library, alone, waiting for Louis to finish his grocery
shopping, and suddenly a young lady threw herself to him, trying to strip him down in the middle
of the library and to his fear Louis arrived to see that exact moment. Or like that time when Moran
stained his favourite couch with cheap booze.

In little words, nothing good could come from that smirk or the goosebumps on his nape. Maybe
he’ll have to run for his life but his hips and tired legs weren’t going to be able to do that so he
could only implore to any god it wasn’t anything extremely bad.

-I won the third game- said Mycroft on an almost childish tone, smiling as big as his usually stern
face could and enjoying how lost Albert seemed to be, just as if he had forgotten about their little
bet -Which means now you have to concede me three wishes-

Dear god may help him.

At his words Albert just growled with evident annoyance, remembering just then about that stupid
bet. Since he had lost, he owed Mycroft three wishes. No wonder why he felt an ominous feeling
taking over him.

So that was why he looked so radiant and smiley, it was clear that he was already planning how to
use those three wishes and Albert was sure he wasn't going to like any of them!! Not at all!! Maybe
he could say that he was too tired to hear those wishes, slowly make Mycroft forget about them
until he no longer remembered about that stupid bet...

If only Mycroft could forget about something that totally benefited him. Fucking Holmes and his
equally fucking good memory.

-So, what do you want? And don't say my body because it is already a mess- if he wasn't going to
be able to break their bet, at least he was going to ask for mercy and pray that Mycroft would take
pity on his aching body.

But those silent wishes soon went direct to the trash when the older only smiled more brightly at
his words, a pair of dimples adorning that sincere smile of his that almost made Albert forget how
devilish this man was.

-Can't go for another round? I thought you were proud and boasted about your youth- he was being
childish, yes, but could you blame him when he felt so full of life and joy? And what was a little bit
of teasing? He was just letting Albert take a spoonful of his own medicine.

But no, Albert definitely wasn't going to be able to endure another round so enthusiastically, totally
afraid, he denied with his head as if his life depended on it... in some way it did.

Seeing the younger deny with all his will Mycroft could just chuckle, his sapphire eyes landing on
the red bite exactly over his collarbone and that didn't look pretty at all, even under the several
layers of clothes it still looked painful.

Well, maybe he should show some mercy to Albert, at least for the moment. So instead of
continuing messing with him, he helped Albert put on the rest of his clothes and the shoes that had
ended up lost under the bed somehow.

-I'll tell you my wishes later- with his fingers he brushed a small lock of mahogany hair still wet
from the bath out of his face, smiling at him as he put his own wedding ring back on his hand -
Now we should get going if we don't want to lose the fifth game-

Oh right, the games. Albert had totally forgotten about them (once again), but it was true that they
needed to hurry and go back... wait... had Mycroft said "fifth game"?

-What happened with the fourth one?- the confusion clear on his voice as he brushed with his
fingers some wild locks of dark hair backwards until he was satisfied; emerald eyes looking
confused at him and making Mycroft smile at how cute he looked like that.

-It seems to be we spent more time than we thought in this room, so we were automatically
disqualified- he had been surprised as well to find out about this, but surely his confused
expression had been nowhere as fun as the one on Albert's face who looked as if he had been told
humans could fly to the moon.

To say that he was surprised was an understatement. Just how much time had they spent together
in that room!? No, just how was this man in front of him made!? Mycroft didn't even look tired at
all!! maybe... maybe he was talking seriously when he said about going for another round!? What
kind of monster was he!?

Albert suddenly felt like he should be thankful he still was able to stand up after what seemed to be
just a part of this old man's stamina.

-I pity the woman that marries you- finally said Albert after a moment of pure confusion and
bemusement, still not believing they had lost so much time together and thanking every possible
holy being that he was still able to walk on his own.

-You mean "envy"- he said in a teasing tone that just made Albert roll his eyes at him with
annoyance before taking the hand offered to him so that they could get out of that room. Good, his
legs still worked, that was good.

Which wasn't good was the apparent way Albert had affected Mycroft’s personality so that he was
now talking highly of himself like he did... or was this just how he behaved after sex? No, it was
more likely that spending so much time together had started to rot his brain.

Shivers ran through Albert’s body once again at the thought of having to deal with a narcissistic
Mycroft. Nope!! He was definitely not letting that happen!! He had an already messed up
personality that even he wouldn't deal with hadn't it been because he was a hopeless masochist, no
need to add narcissism to it!!

-You're full of yourself and that's my work, now shut up and start walking- and please go back to
your normal self. Was what Albert thought to himself as he grabbed Mycroft by the arm because
even if he was able to walk he didn't want to let others witness his legs giving up and letting him
fall to the floor.

-As my wife says- and still with that full of joy smile drawn all over his face he started walking,
guiding them through the hallways of the mansion as he watched Albert in silence, the fluttering
inside his chest just growing stronger at the memories of how good, exhilaratingly perfect, it had
felt to be with him.

Ah, if he had known it would be that good he would have done it before, but maybe it was better
like this, and it really didn't matter.

He could enjoy even more time with Albert in the future.

As soon as they walked into the hall, every possible eyes were over them, some naughty giggles
being hidden behind fancy fans, envious looks not dissimulated at all and the never ending gossip
filling the room as it seemed to be normal now.

They were even able to hear some people whispering that with their state it was sure they would be
able to see a heavily pregnant Jolie (Albert) soon, which wouldn't have been that bad if it wasn't
because of their heavy pants and excited looks directed to his always to be flat abdomen that
revealed how much the idea excited them and not precisely in a pure way.

Ugh. Mycroft's good mood, impressively good mood to the point it was almost scary even for him,
was starting to get bad with just a glimpse to all those people, specially those that were looking
with hungry eyes on their faces the numerous red marks over the milky flesh of Albert and his

And maybe hadn't he been so busy threatening with just his eyes all those people he could have
witnessed the scene of Albert looking deadly cold at all of those looking with envy at the red bite
mark on Mycroft's appetising Adam's apple. It was tempting, yes, but they could at least

He was able to feel the way the younger got closer to him though, grabbing him by the waist and
pulling from him in a possessive way that almost made Mycroft jump like a scared cat but that
thankfully didn’t happen so that he was able to see Albert’s expression better.

An almost imperceptible deep frown on his face but that never broke his acting of a wife, maybe
the only thing that could break it was his strong grip on Mycroft's waist and leaving some red
marks there, his eyes fixated on a distant point in front of them. In a way he was basically trying to
hide Mycroft behind his puffy dress and own body, something that could actually be done given
Albert was just a few centimetres shorter than him, and that made Mycroft feel so happy to the
point it was cheesy.

-Who's acting like a possessive husband now?- his low voice full of amusement ringing near
Albert's ear, startling him for a moment but then replacing it with a look full of confusion that just
made Mycroft chuckle.

-I don't know what you're talking about- he really didn't know why Mycroft was telling him that.
He was not the jealous type and he still didn't know what the older one was talking about or what
had been so amusing to have him smiling so brightly.

Oh. If Albert really didn't know what was he talking about, then it could just mean that he was
totally unaware of what seemed to be his unconscious actions, which only increased Mycroft's
amusement as he signalled with his eyes the gloved hand holding him tightly by the waist, his
sapphire eyes registering every one of the reactions from the younger as the fact he was
possessively holding Mycroft behind him slowly started to sink on him.

-...- for a moment he could say nothing, not even move as if his whole body and brain had frozen
except for the tip of his ears and cheeks blushing with a bright pink. His mind a total chaos that
could be resumed on numerous cursing and babbling messing against himself.

Was he crazy!? How could he have done that!? What was he supposed to say now!? Something
like "Yes I am, I don't like when other people look at my husband"!? He was not that shameless!!
He could never do that!! Especially not because he wasn’t familiar with feeling jealousy!!

So instead he just faked some coughing as he tried his best to not let the evil man at his side (more
like behind him) see the blush on his cheeks, blinking quickly and gulping hard before turning
back, more composed now but still ashamed until he was facing Mycroft with his usual smirk
trying to hide his true feelings. His hand letting go of the other's waist as he said -I'm your wife
though- with all the confidence he could fake at that moment.

That change from ashamed to shamelessness was always fun to witness for Mycroft. His acting was
almost totally perfect except for the dim pinkish blush on the tips of his ears that only he could see
thanks to their closeness.

Well, he felt like playing along with his acting at that moment so putting on a fake stern face and
serious tone, just like the ones that he would use all the time with the young Count years ago, he
said -Is your position as a wife the new thing you are going to use at your convenience Moriarty?-

Albert could just look bemusedly at him, blinking fast a couple of times before suppressing a
chuckle at the thought that this man was really childish. A thought that would make others think he
was totally crazy but that he was totally aware given all the years of little talks and glasses of wine
they had shared.

It was almost scary that a whole country depended on a man that liked to tease and play around
like some kid. But what was even scarier for Albert, was the fact that he would always give up to
him and just the tiniest, most insignificant word from him would make all his walls crumble,
smiling when the other did as well as if his mind wasn't already a mess.

-If you already know the answer you shouldn't ask, Director- and with a playful movement of his
fingers he tapped hard the other's forehead, laughing behind the back of his hand at the pinkish
marks that formed on his pale skin at his tough action.

Ah, to be helplessly in love with a man that wasn't aware of how fast his heart would beat just with
a small laugh from him.

Mycroft felt like he could get lost in those shiny emerald eyes and lighthearted laugh, he really
wanted to, but unfortunately for him he was never able to keep concentrated on just one thing. Not
even with such a handsome man in front of him because even so he caught in the corner of his eye,
a glimpse of the shy lady and the leader entering the hall.

If only those bothersome people could fade away.

But they wouldn't, nor would the constant reminder in the back of his head telling him over and
over again that he needed to get things done fast just like always as he was supposed to.

He didn't have time to keep thinking about it though, not when the shy lady (on some space from
his mind he could recall her telling her name but he really couldn't remember it exactly... the
handsome person in front of him’s fault) started to excitedly announce the fifth game.

And as she started to give another one of those boring speeches that made everyone but them
excited, Albert started to feel his eyelids weigh heavily once again; blinking quickly to get rid of
their tiredness and biting the inner side of his cheek to help him remain awake. Something that was
easier to say than do with how comfortable he was getting against Mycroft's chest.

He couldn’t recall when had he laid closer to Mycroft or when his cold hands had wrapped around
his tired body, but even with that small confusion in his mind Albert could lay closer to him with
the tiredness invading his body more and more.

A gentle stroke on the crook of his back waking him up suddenly, turning around to face
confusedly (and mildly annoyed) the one that had touched him but getting relieved when he found
out that it had been just Mycroft.

The older just chuckled slightly at his reaction, leaving some more gentle pats on that same place
and that soon started to make Albert sleepy once again.

-You should sit my wife. You don't exactly look like you can remain standing up for too much
long- his hand putting some stray locks of mahogany hair out of his face, looking with incredulity
the way he denied with a shake of his head as if that would be able to fool Mycroft into believing
he was not actually basically sleeping while standing.

He should try better if he wanted to lie to him, because even a normal, totally oblivious, blind even,
person would be able to tell Albert was falling asleep with the way his blinking started to get
slower due to his heavy eyelids, his breathing more steady and that unmistakable way he would
move his lips as if chewing something just like he did every time before falling asleep.

-You're giving yourself too much credit mon chéri- even his voice was slightly hoarse, though it
could be due to the moans and whimpers from earlier, it was still crystal clear it was also because
of his tiredness.

He was stubborn though, and Mycroft knew he was not going to admit he was sleepy even if his
life depended on that. He had learned to deal with his stubbornness though. And the best way to
deal with it was to ignore it.

So ignoring him, Mycroft took him by the arm and made him sit on a couch not so far away from
where the rest of the people were heaping around the leader. Albert followed him without a single
reproach nor resistance, just letting his tired body be guided to wherever they were going until he
heard in a mocking tone -Then I suppose you're not about to fall asleep at this moment- that made
him wake up abruptly.

It made him feel slightly embarrassed to be so tired and sleepy, especially in front of Mycroft
because, even if they no longer shared that kind of relationship, he had been his boss and letting
him witness the messy state of his ex-subordinate in the middle of a mission was quite indecent.

He didn't need to make the man known as the government itself think he was a lazy leech, so even
if his body was thankful for being put to rest against the soft couch, he still did his best to stand up.
Being stopped mid way by a pair of cold fingers tapping him hard on the forehead and making him
lay on the couch once again.

-Rest- and when he saw the younger ready to protest, Mycroft just rose a brown and gave him a
glare as if daring him to move a single inch just to then say with a cold tone -That is an order-

He really didn't want to order Albert around like some dog, but he was stubborn. And if he had to
order him to rest like if he was a doll unable to think on his own, then he would do so. Fortunately,
Albert would still follow his orders like an obedient subordinate, even when said order was against
his chagrin.

-You're evil- a small pout on his lips being all he could do as a protest to Mycroft's order, his
attention barely being caught when the shy lady announced the fifth game was going to be "mafia
game" or some thing of the sort, a tired smile drawing on his lips as he murmured with a teasing
tone -Make sure to win-

-Your words offend me- but even so he just chuckled slightly, leaving Albert alone on the couch
only when he saw him start to close his eyes and a maid asked him to go with the rest of the
people, making sure that Albert was comfortable before finally following the young maid.
Ah. He made Albert's heart skip a beat every time he was that kind with him.

He was really kind, for putting both him to rest even in the middle of a mission and for taking
consideration to his body. That just made the thoughts that Albert had been trying to appease come
back to the surface.

That whole situation was just a mission, a facade, a lie.

He was just taking a place that wasn't his and enjoying all those considerations from Mycroft
because of that mission, he really didn't own any of them and he had already accepted it as such, as
heartbreaking as it was.

A part of him urged him to run away before it was too late, another part would remind him of how
hurt he was going to be once it was all done and another one consoled him by saying that he could
be selfish for a moment, enjoy of all those moments before going back to his cell and be forgotten.

He might not have been able to see the stars again, but that really didn't matter.

Well, in a way he did. Being able to see them that was but they were different from the ones on the
night sky. They were still pretty though... he wouldn't mind seeing them once again.

He couldn't recall when he fell asleep, but next thing he knew, his thoughts were no longer messing
with him, he couldn't hear anything more than a distant murmur that he wasn’t able to recognize in
his sleep unlike the warmth suddenly embracing him and the manly cologne of Mycroft cooing
him to sleep.

After leaving Albert on the couch, Mycroft kept looking at him every now and then. From the way
his lips moved in that characteristic way of him to the way he didn't seem to be bothered at all with
all the joyful laughs, cursing words and excited chattering in the other side of the hall.

It was almost hard to believe that the same man sleeping peacefully like a baby on a couch just a
few metres away from him was the same one that had been a soldier and part of the Lord of
Crimes. A man capable of ending people's lives and also the subordinate Mycroft had recognized
as the most reliable one he had ever had.

When he saw him frown still in his sleep Mycroft took off his coat and placed it over the sleeping
body of Albert, watching with amusement the way he seemed to relax immediately at a better and
more familiar smell surrounding him.

It made him wonder, the kind of things the ex-count was dreaming about to have him sleeping so
peacefully. Maybe he wasn’t even dreaming, maybe he was just resting on morpheo’s arms as
elegantly as he could do on a couch that was really not the best bed.

How on earth even as he slept was he able to look so elegant and beautiful was a mystery.

Mycroft’s hand put a long lock of mahogany hair out of his pale face, that was blocking his sight
from admiring the way Albert’s puffy lips kept moving in an adorable way. Puffy lips that had
been more tasty than he had imagined and he couldn’t help to kiss once again, softly to not wake
him up.

-I… love you…- the words escaping from his lips on a murmur that hit against Albert’s lips
forming a small smile.

It had been a slip of tongue, to say those words, and that left Mycroft frozen in his place for a
moment as his heart continued to beat fast and loud against his ribcage. For a moment it worried
him his heart would break away from its bone’s jail and land on Albert’s hands as a proof of how
crazy, stupid to the point it was scary and worrying in love he was. This man that continued to
sleep peacefully was able to make him completely and utterly lovesick.

Well, at least the world hadn’t ended after Mycroft’s words and that was able to give him back
some of the calm he had lost in the middle of his panic; even some confidence arrived to him.

Maybe next time, he would be able to say those same words without having his heart trying to kill
him. And maybe after that he would be able to murmur those words while Albert was awake and
he could see the response with every fibre of his being.

But that would have to wait, he still had a game to win and he didn’t want to lose it just because of
his eyes that couldn’t get off Albert.

In no time the game ended, and having nothing more to do Mycroft seated himself next to Albert,
letting him rest his head against his shoulder and leaving soft pats against the crook of his waist in
a cooing way that still didn't prevent Albert from waking up after some minutes.

Long lashes lazily blinking, letting him see the emerald eyes still sleepy trying to recognize his
surroundings. His back being stretched until you could hear some muffled "pop" sounds from his
joints going back to their place and finally looking at Mycroft with some sleep in his dreary eyes.

-The game finished- his voice coming on a murmur from his lips that soon were adorned with a
small smirk when he identified an unsaid question on the emerald eyes, curiosity filling them and
that just made Mycroft took his sweet time to answer to make things a little bit more exciting -I
won easily-

He really did and not even him checking on Albert constantly or leaving the game for a couple of
minutes to place his coat over him made him lose; something really predictable with how easy the
game had been for him or just anybody with two functional brain cells not clouded with opium.

At his full of confident words Albert just laughed lightly, and with his mind still clouded from his
little nap he let his hand bring Mycroft's face closer to him until his lips were pressing softly
against his forehead on a chaste kiss that didn't last long enough.

-Just like I would expect from you- a tender, almost proud smile on his pinkish lips as he let his
hand caress softly Mycroft's cheek, going from the tip of his cheeks to the corner of his lips, totally
oblivious of the fluttering inside the older's chest at the soft caresses.

Mycroft could have really enjoyed of that sweet moment hadn't it been because he recognized that
loving gaze and tender kiss as the one Albert would give sometimes Louis for no reason on special,
just because it was the way he would express his love, a fraternal love, one of friendship at most
and that made Mycroft feel uneasy even when he knew he couldn't really expect more.

That friendship love (and maybe the carnal one) was all he was going to get, yet still like a stupid
man he couldn't help feel his whole body and heart warmth at those soft caresses and tender gaze,
accepting like a dog wagging its tail the crumbles of a love that wasn't exactly as he wished it to be.

If only he could know that the way Albert looked at him was different from the loving one he
would give his brothers, not as pure as that brotherly love yet still unconditional, but that was
something he couldn't know, not when his mind was still a chaos from the recent events that just
worsened his incapacity to deal with complex emotions, not only those of him but of others as well.

His messy thoughts and feelings that not even him was able to put a name into stopping only when
he felt Albert get more comfortable against him, the coat sloppily falling from his shoulders as he
murmured in a tired tone -Are we meeting the leader now?-

Those words were like all he needed to snap out, going back to his usual demeanour and nodding to
his question as he put his coat back on Albert.

-We still have some minutes left-

Some minutes in which they could allow themselves to enjoy a fantasy that was destined to fade
away like bubbles after reaching its maximum, to compose themselves from the thunder on their
minds and to go back to the normal as that mission required it.

But not even those minutes of pure (apparent) peace could have mentally prepared them for the
group of people basically throwing themselves to them, excitedly talking non stop about how
wonderful, perfect, handsome, beautiful they were; how lucky they were to have each other, how
much they wished they could share some good time together and how jealous they were about
them being able to talk with the leader of such a glorious club.

Mycroft couldn't understand half of the things they were saying (more like he was deliberately
ignoring them for the sake of his mental sanity) while Albert was busy putting on his best fake
smile that threatened to crumble away any time soon if those people kept touching them.

There was something called personal space!! Why did they never seem to be aware of it!? Even
animals would behave better than them!!

And before Albert could lose his patience or Mycroft started to murder somebody (both of them
were equally disastrous), the shy lady made her best to make herself some space among all those
people until she was able to get near the ones named as the "perfect couple" by everyone,
something that gave the chills to both men because of how ridiculous it was.

-C-can you...- her shy words were interrupted when a fat man pushed her, making her stumble on
her steps and almost fall to the ground -come with... me!?- her words once again interrupted when a
woman unknowingly, or maybe no, put her breast on her red face.

Albert would have pitted her hadn't it been because he too could feel a pair of breasts being pressed
with insistence against his back. He felt like throwing up at that same moment.

He needed to do something so that they could get out of that crowd unless he wanted to end on a
very complicated situation or dealing with a very disgusted, irritated and moody Mycroft cutting
everyone's throat because he hated, totally despised agglomerations, socialising more than
necessary and people insistently touching him, all of them things that were going on at that

He didn't need to do a thing though, not when Mycroft, totally done with that situation, grabbed
him and the poor shy lady (the older felt sorry for her) by the wrists and pulled them out of that
crowd until they were on a distant hallway and on such fast movements that Albert was surprised
he still had his head on its place and with the coat over him.

Tilting his head to see Mycroft furrowing his brows on the most obvious expression of disgust
Albert had ever been able to see on his usually stern face, he could just laugh as he arranged with a
movement of his shoulder the coat over him and then doing the same with the messy clothes of the

-You really hate people- his amusement increasing when he saw Mycroft wrinkle his nose like a
bunny in a childish act of disgust. Cute.

-Not people but that kind of people- which was different, because that didn't make him a man
resented with society but more like a socially awkward man that hated those kind of people...
which were basically at least half of London's population, but that was just a minor detail.

Laughing at the implication of the other's words, Albert denied with his head slowly as he
continued arranging the messy clothes and frowning when he saw some white dust of make-up and
even a mark of lipstick on Mycroft's clothes, scrubbing it off with his fingers, everything under the
gaze of the shy lady and Mycroft that just let him do as he pleased because otherwise the ex-count
would stay hours and hours thinking about those stains until he couldn't resist it anymore and
waked up on the middle of the night to clean everything that could possibly be cleaned.

Yes, he had experienced it first hand and he knew very well that every time those crises-like-things
attacked Albert he ended with red hands and the skin of his fingers about to peel off for all the
strength and hot water he would use at cleaning everything.

Not exactly the best situation, so even if it made him feel like some spoiled kid, Mycroft still let
Albert continue cleaning the now invisible stains on him, even when he could feel the full of
curiosity and amusement look from the shy lady piercing the side of his face.

Not even them walking through the mansion' corridors or the imposing heavy white door opening
on pair in front of them stopped Albert from keep cleaning Mycroft, finally stopping when the shy
lady basically screamed "The leader is waiting for you!", his emerald eyes then looking tentatively
at Mycroft on some silent agreement and then both centering their attention on the spacious room
opening in front of them.

No windows even when the walls were adorned with heavy curtains, no other door except for the
one they had entered, multiple couches that thank god were placed neatly and a tea table full of
sugary desserts in front of the leader sitting peacefully, almost rigid like a corpse still using that
black veil covering her face and part of her body.

Taking seat where the shy lady indicated them, Mycroft kept his eyes for a second over the leader
before going back to the petite woman at their next, still standing and almost jumping on her place
when the sapphire eyes locked with her own.

-I-i'll leave you then... so you can talk...- the shy lady's voice getting smaller as she was slowly
walking away, stopping when she saw Mycroft raise her hand calling for her; her voice and hands
trembling making her look like a scared hamster -Yes?-

Albert really wasn't someone to empathise with others, but he knew too what it was like to be under
Mycroft's constant gaze, just like if he was a falcon ready to hunt its prey and that still made him
have a faint headache just from remembering it, so he could only feel sorry for the shy lady
trembling totally scared.

-I wish to speak with the leader- said Mycroft with a calm tone but that didn't left room to
objections, which wasn't really surprising because it was the way he would talk most of the time
but that wasn't important as his words were what really surprised both Albert and the shy lady, the
former one doing his best to remain composed and not let his surprise be shown unlike the petite
woman who almost fell to the ground on confusion.

-Y-you're doing it M-mis...- she even looked like if she could start to cry at any moment, maybe
out of frustration or because of the piercing gaze over her, whatever the reason it was, the point
was that she started to say her words as if explaining something to a kid, being interrupted by
Mycroft before she could say something more.

-The real leader, not a puppet- and with his calm words the trembling of the shy lady stopped, still
looking tentatively at Mycroft on something like a gaze war that the older ended winning (as
always), gaining from her a heavy sigh.

Meanwhile, Albert was still lost, not letting it show on his expression yet pinching Mycroft on the
arm the enough to catch his attention and make him look at him with the unsaid request of an
explanation, something apparently he wouldn't get, not at that moment, as Mycroft simply hugged
him by the waist and kept looking at the two women in front of them.

Albert hated being left in the dark, but all he could do at that moment was lay closer to Mycroft
and mentally note each one of his questions, not having any other option but to trust on whatever
this man knew and he didn't.

His eyes went to the shy lady too when he saw her put her hands in the air on a peace sign,
chuckling slightly amusedly and taking seat next to the puppet leader in a carefree way that
contrasted greatly with her previous shyness.

Huh. What a change. It was as if a switch had been pressed at how fast and flawless her acting,
personality and mannerisms had changed.

-I surrender- a wide smile on her lips making her look like the Cheshire Cat, not that scary but still
similar, specially with the singsong tone of her voice -I present myself again, my name is Layla
Dwayne, the founder and leader of this club- oh, so that was her name, great, now they finally had
a name for her because apparently they had been too busy flirting and touching the other to pay
attention to her name when she had presented herself before.

In some way it suited her better that confident attitude than acting all shy, which had been one of
the reasons Mycroft had discovered her farce because there was no way someone could play the
role of a shy, introverted lady so perfectly in a club full of depravations. Only Emily could do that,
and she would be faking as well.

-And I that thought my acting was perfect. Well, I suppose that's the least you could expect from
the man that is that famous detective's brother... What was his name...?- a childish pout on her lips
as she laid closer to the woman next to her, letting her head rest over her shoulder and looking
questioningly at her as she tried to remember with a frown on her face.

Oh dear hell no.

Albert felt like rolling his eyes when he knew they were going to start talking about Sherlock
Holmes, which wasn't bad but what was bad was the fact that the mention of London’s greatest
detective was always accompanied with the mention of the evil Lord of Crimes and an unceasing
gossip about their relationship.

And Mycroft would have felt the same hadn't it been because it was more interesting to see the
every move of the shy lady and those of the other woman calmly patting the deep frown on the
other's face in an almost maternal way.

-Sherlock- her voice harsh and monotone, totally different to the full of joy one on Layla that now
was basically jumping on her place and clapping her hands excitedly.

-Oh right!! Sherlock Holmes!! I never had the pleasure to meet him but I heard some rumours
about him- her head then turning quickly to both men that for a moment feared her head could get
out of her place at such fast movement -Is it true that he was capable of solving any kind of
mystery without the slightest clue?-

Well, at least she wasn't asking about his relationship with William, that was something.

And as Mycroft was about to answer her question, she excitedly interrupted him with another
question -Does he looks like you?- that he took his time to answer.

-We share some resemblance- said Mycroft a little bit taken aback with her full of joy attitude and
wide grin. He was starting to prefer her when she was acting all shy.

Fortunately for him, he didn't need to keep dealing with her sugar-high like being since her
attention was soon directed to Albert (Jolie). Her eyes sparkling with curiosity and finally asking
him about Sherlock as well.

-Did you meet Sherlock?-

-I only saw him a couple of times- which wasn’t exactly true but that made him sound like if he
had met him because of the formal exchanges between families before their marriage, not like he
had met him because his brother seemed to be totally radiant every time he mentioned the name of
the man he had met at the Noahtic.

Whatever, another lie to the pile he already had at his feet wasn't a problem.

-That's a shame... Well, I guess that's something to expect from a busy man- at her words and
hopeless face adorned with a sulking pout Mycroft almost, almost, let a hint of bewilderment show
on his face.

A busy man? Sherlock? The same rowdy kid that would always forget to pay his rent? The one that
had accidentally exploded his room because of a totally useless experiment with ants? Maybe the
opium had rotten her brain and that was why she was saying that nonsense.

-It is actually weirder to find somebody that hasn't met him even if just once before- or that talked
about Sherlock in such way because if you wanted to describe him you surely wouldn't use the
words "busy" or "man" even.

He was a cloying puppy with a genius mind and an eccentric personality, nothing more, nothing
less and that was the one and only truth Mycroft believed in. If somebody were going to tell him
that Sherlock was a kind, righteous, dedicated man, he would automatically make that person be
treated from whatever horrible mental illness was making them see things in the wrong way.

The only reason why he wasn't suggesting this to Layla was because of her next words that actually
made things have more sense.

-Well, I just arrived to London less than a year ago... ah~ I really wish I could see him!!- and on a
childish way she threw herself into the lap of the woman next to her, something that seemed to be a
really normal thing on her since the woman didn't react at all and instead just started petting her
black hair.

But even when she seemed to be enjoying of those soft pats, she still allowed the woman to leave
the room when a young man called to the door, not without putting more of those delicious looking
desserts on the poor little table that seemed to be about to burst.

Albert could make it a favour and eat some of those desserts, but he wasn't able to do so when the
shy lady, no, Layla (he was going to need some time to process the fact she did have a name)
clapped her hands loudly, making him jump on his place because of her sudden action.

-Changing of topic- she quickly swallowed a small blackberry, frowning hardly when she was
faced with its bittersweet taste and murmuring her next words against a napkin -I've always been
curious as to why you wanted to join this club with such urgency-

Oh so she was not as dumb as she looked, that was both parts good and bad.

-Why did you accept us if that worries you?- asked Albert, and if he sounded harsh it was only
because he was starting to get annoyed with the incessant clapping from the petite woman and
because he really was starting to crave for one of those good looking desserts.

Fortunately for him, Mycroft knew him really well and in no time he had a little plate full of
desserts (all of them with strawberries) on his hands so that Albert could eat from it, that image
being good enough to make Layla let go of his slightly harsh words and put on a dumb face like
those Emily would make every time she talked about how cute Aster and Selene were.

Albert was starting to think that maybe, Mycroft hadn't been joking when he said Emily was the
owner of that club with how alike her and Layla’s personalities were. He really hoped it wasn't
true because he was starting to get really attached to the young maid though.

-Well, you got three recommendation letters, you two are good looking and the chemistry between
you two is really good too- each one of her sentences accompanied with one of her fingers being
lifted, then looking at her three fingers on the air and smiling radiantly at them again -Now, can
you answer my question?-

We were sent here by The Queen to end with this opium problem before it is too late, our marriage
is a lie, we accidentally adopted two kids on our way and also, I'm a man — was what Albert
answered on his mind, thanking the cream tart on his mouth because otherwise he would probably
have said it and you could thank his clouded mind after the recent events, his little nap and the
opium for that.

His train of thoughts stopping only when he felt Mycroft lovely pat the crook of his back, locking
eyes with him for a second as if asking something that Albert couldn't really understand but that he
still silently nodded to. Whatever it was, he was sure that at least Mycroft had a clearer mind than

-We can't have kids-

Or maybe no, apparently he was crazy as well, more than the usual; that or the opium and after-sex
high were affecting his perfect mind.

Once again, his words made Albert and Layla confused, and this time Albert couldn't help but look
at him with eyes wide open, something that made him look like if he was scolding Mycroft for
revealing such a private matter to someone else at the petite woman's eyes even when he was just
trying to figure out what was the man next to him thinking.

He was definitely making Mycroft pay for leaving him in the dark for so much time after this.

-...- finally Layla seemed to get out of her bemusement after some coughs, fake ones, and her hands
most likely were sweating as she rubbed them on her skirt, looking doubtfully the couple in front of
her -I heard you adopted two kids... but what does it has to do with my question?-

Yes, that was exactly what Albert wanted to know as well so mentally he thanked the curious shy
lady… Layla.
-My dear wife refused to marry me because she was unable to conceive, even after getting married
she was still bothered by it-

At simple, sight it could appear like he was divagating, just saying nonsense as his brain tried
really hard to find a believable enough excuse, but he was Mycroft Holmes, the man known as the
government itself, a Holmes, of course that he wasn't divagating and Albert had to remind this to

So even if he still wasn't totally sure as to why he was saying those things, Albert still decided to
trust on whatever he was planing and play along, soon starting to cry and letting some pitiful tears
fall from his emerald eyes, covering his sobbing mouth with his hands and leaning closer to
Mycroft as if he was searching for comfort, a comfort that arrived as soft pats on his back and a
tender kisses on his forehead.

Mycroft even leaned closer to his ear, murmuring some lovely words loud enough for Layle to hear
and that made Albert feel uneasy because it was both endearing to hear him say that (even if it was
all just a lie) and it was also nauseating.

It seemed to be working though, or at least it was making Layla put on a pitiful expression and
quickly give Mycroft some napkins to clean his little wife's tears , being this little wife of him the
only person on the room to see that prideful little smirk on Mycroft's lips that told him everything
was going as he had planned.

He was definitely an evil man.

-Back on France we used to be on a club similar to this, so I wanted to come here as fast as we
could to give her something she could feel comfortable and familiar with, something to distract her
and even me- and with all the delicacy on the world he started cleaning the crystalline tears, every
one of them and finally kissing again Albert on the forehead for the second time.

Huh. Maybe Albert could no longer think properly because otherwise, why would it feel so
strange and painful to be kissed in such way? Almost like if he was tracing an imaginary line
between them, something that was true as Mycroft was letting him taste the same uncertainty he
had felt at his kiss moments prior.

A childish, too emotional revenge by the way, but it was worth it as Mycroft was able to see Albert
looking at him with doubt and unknowingly clutching hard to his touch making him look confused,
scared even of whatever that kiss had been.

-Now I'm sorry for making such an inappropriate question- her words bringing back to reality both
men that had got lost on their respective thoughts, Albert burying his face on Mycroft's neck to
don't have to face his sapphire eyes for more time and his heart skipping some beats at the caresses
on his back going a little lower than what you could consider decent.

What was him!? A dog on heat!? And even if he was, couldn't he control himself to do it once they
weren't in front of the problem itself they were ordered to deal with by the Queen herself!?

His hand going a lower had been a total mistake by the way, Mycroft hadn't intended to do it and
could just deviate his gaze to Layla so that he could ignore the threatening gaze his oh so fragile
wife was giving him.

-I hope I didn't cause any problems between you two- oh, so even Layla was able to see the
threatening way Albert was basically nailing daggers to Mycroft's face.
Taking some soft deep breaths to calm his desire to kill his innocent husband right at that moment,
Albert was finally able to smile again, not as radiantly as he would do always because it would be
too suspicious and instead letting some sadness show on it as he murmured -Not at all-

Layla seemed to be moved to the core by the kind words of the beautiful, lovely madam in front of
her, and she would have pounced to kiss both Albert and Mycroft right at that moment if it hadn't
been because of a knock on the only door of the room, a pout appearing on her lips as she could see
her plans being shattered to pieces before excusing herself and getting up to see whoever wanted to
talk with her.

It wasn't until she disappeared behind the door and they couldn't hear her outside that they let go of
their acting, Albert intensely hitting Mycroft's hand resting over his ass until it turned red and the
older took it off.

-You're getting better at crying- said Mycroft totally nonchalantly as if he hadn't just been hit for
putting (by mistake) his hand on Albert’s soft ass, smirking when he saw the younger roll his eyes
and look back at him with mockery.

-And you're getting better at lying- which reminded him of the uneasy feeling on him at his tender
words, something that he really couldn't help but ask because he was curious if maybe he had said
those same words to another person before or if he had come up with them at that moment.

None of those options seemed to make him feel better in the slightest bit, so if he sounded mocking
when he asked -What was that?- he preferred to ignore it.

At his words Mycroft looked at him questioningly, clearly knowing what was Albert referring to
but still playing dumb to hear it from the pinkish lips itself and gaining on response another
annoyed look from him.

-Those crappy, lovely, tender words- his disgusted expression almost made Mycroft laugh loudly,
but knowing that if he did so he was going to end without a hand on the best case, he just grabbed
him by the waist and pulled him closer until he was fully laying over him.

-Want me to say them more often to you?- his fingers tracing figures over his back and waist, his
words full of amusement making Albert deny effusively with his head against Mycroft's chest due
to their, a little awkward, position.

-Please no. Don't do it again- he wasn't sure his heart and stomach would be able to tolerate it and
he had no desires to find it out.

He could feel his chest vibrating under his face when Mycroft chuckled at his words, the sound of
the door being opened once again making him want to properly sit on the couch but the pair of cold
hands wouldn't let him do so and instead kept petting him, even after Layla was in front of them
with an unknown man behind her.

He wasn't using the uniform all the other young men would use and he didn't look exactly young
so he was not part of the club which only increased their curiosity about him, a curiosity that was
satisfied when Layla spoke and presented the man.

-There's an envoy from Mrs. Vans, he says he has an urgent message for Mr. and Mrs. Holmes- she
was referring to Elise, and after presenting him the man started to speak after respectfully bowing
at them, his tired eyes looking for a moment the comfortable way the couple in front of him was
resting intimately close but snapping out of it when he felt a cold gaze over him, courtesy of
Mycroft and that made him keep his eyes on the floor because his many years as a servant had
made him been able to recognize a jealous man when he saw it.

-Madam Elise sent me to search for you, she asked me to take you to the St. Carolina College as
soon as possible-

At his words Albert pushed Mycroft slightly so that he could be properly seated and face better the
man Elise had sent, worry taking over him because unless it was an extremely serious problem she
had never sent an envoy to look for him and the "as soon as possible" just made the worry on him
grow bigger.

-Did something happen?- his voice not being able to hide his feelings in a single bit, not when it
was possible that something had occurred to her, to Louis or to the two kids in the college and that
were the only other reason she would contact him with such urgency.

-Your kids got on a fight madam- the man even felt sorry for causing such distress to a beautiful
woman and maybe because of the hopeless expression on her (his) face he took a few steps to be
closer to Albert, stopping and feeling ashamed of himself when he saw Mycroft give a reassuring
look to the younger and embrace him on a comforting sign.

-I'm afraid we'll have to leave- Mycroft’s words directed to Layla who just like the other man
seemed to be ready to comfort Albert, something even him couldn't help but do.

Meanwhile, the one making everyone want to comfort him was just lost in his thoughts, totally
unaware of what others were saying or thinking because his mind could just recall each one of the
things he had seen and heard from all the colleges he had attended. He was totally aware of how
disgusting and troublesome problems in that kind of colleges could be, after all, kids born in
wealthy families and from noble ones always were the worst.

Not even the shock of someone referring to him as “madam” or saying “your kids” to him was
affecting him as much as his thoughts were.

A strong headache took over him and made him have to lay closer to Mycroft to don't end up
falling to the floor. It could appear like he was worrying to death for the kids, but it wasn't like
that, no, he was feeling more annoyed than worried and don't mistake him, it wasn't because of the
kids but because of the thought of having to deal with a bunch of noble-like people.

-Oh don't be sorry, we can continue chatting any other time. Now hurry and go see your kids-

In no time everyone saw both Mycroft and Albert hurriedly walking to where their carriage was,
getting on it in no time and asking the coachman to take them to the kids' college with a demanding
tone that didn’t even give him time to look at the red marks on his employers bodies.

At the silence of the carriage, Albert could hear an annoying tinnitus making his headache worse,
getting out of his overwhelming pain only when a small box was put right in front of his face and
then on his hands.

-What is this?- it was a little round box with silver details carved on it, closed by a pair of white
pearls and that he hadn't seen in his life.

-Make-up- his blunt answer just made the confusion on the emerald eyes grow bigger -For the
marks- and with his index finger he softly touched the mark over his own Adam's apple.

There was a difference between letting other people on the club see the bites and red marks all over
them — it somehow worked as a warning so that they wouldn't get close to the one they had
“claimed” as theirs — and showing up like that to the(ir) kids school.

No matter how shameless Albert was or how proud Mycroft was to show the marks on his own
body, there was no way in hell they were showing themselves like that in front of the(ir) kids. Not
in a million years.

Albert’s mind had been so busy thinking about the inevitable things about to happen that he hadn't
remembered about it, finally taking some deep breaths to ease his headache and looking full of
curiosity at the small box with white powder at its insided once he opened it.

Wait... how did Mycroft get that make-up?

-I'm curious as to how you got your hands on this-

Ignoring the questioning gaze over him, Mycroft took the soft cushion and started to apply it over
the red marks in his own body, or where he considered he had them because there was no mirror to
look at himself.

-Is this enough?- for a moment Albert seemed to think about it, making Mycroft move his head
from one side to the other and finally giving him a denial.

-I’ll help you-

He then started to apply a little bit more of that powder over the reddish marks slowly vanishing
until they seemed to be nothing more than some minor allergic reaction to food, moving then to the
back of Mycroft's neck and carefully applying it there because last time he had touched carelessly
his nape after trying to get rid of some dust on him, he ended on the ground on less than two
seconds, with Mycroft over him pressing him hardly against the cold floor and a hand around his
neck threatening to choke him to death.

That time he had been too confused to fully understand what had happened, and after Mycroft
apologised for his sudden reaction he decided to never touch that part of his (on that time) boss
unless he had a dying wish.

It was only at that moment, with Mycroft totally conscious about what Albert was doing and
allowing him to touch that are of his neck, that he was able to see a small scar on his nape,
something barely visible and that he opted to ignore because he could feel Mycroft start to get
uneasy under his touch and gaze.

It wasn't like he needed to continue with that torture since he had already covered all the red marks
anyway, the calm returning to Mycroft as Albert stopped looking at the back of his neck and
putting on his hands the make-up box, looking trough the window and apparently forgetting about
the marks on his own body.

The marks made by Mycroft were all over his body, literally all, and unlike the ones left by the
younger on his body, his marks were more exposed... how could he forget about them?

But it wasn’t like he had forgotten about them, he was simply deliberately ignoring them as if by
not acknowledging them they would disappear, and that most likely had something to do with
Albert hating everything that had a strong smell, just like that make-up full of a sweet smell.

It made Mycroft want to try and see if he was right, silently opening the small box once again and
slowly getting the cushion closer to Albert's pale arm, as slowly and cautiously as Mon Chéri when
he was hunting its prey and finding it amusing when Albert snapped his hand out of him, getting
farther away from him as if he was afraid of being touched.

-No- he even put his hands in front of him on a vain attempt of keeping Mycroft away, something
that clearly didn't work as the older got closer to him and motioned to be trying to apply the make-
up over him as Albert once again ran away from him and ended on the other side of the carriage.

-"No" what?- Was he enjoying teasing Albert? Of course that he was and he had no intention of
stopping until his hand was cut down or a bullet was put between his brows.

-You're not putting that low-quality make-up on me- at his words full of disgust and deep frown
Mycroft could just laugh amusedly. So it wasn't because of the strong smell of the make-up but
because it’s low quality? What kind of spoiled lady was him?

-You're really acting like a pampered wife- and he found it more amusing than he should, but even
so they still needed to cover those marks unless they wanted to cause a commotion on the college,
so ignoring totally his constant "No" Mycroft still got closer to him -Stay still unless you want me
to accidentally put it on your face my dear wife-

-I thought we were over threatening the other-

-Silence- a clear order, and just like any order from Mycroft he was expected to follow it no matter
if he was against it or if he didn't like it, otherwise he would be faced with a terrible consequence
and he really didn't feel like finding out what kind of reprehend he would get for disobeying his
words, so Albert just sighed defeatedly.

-You dare to put it any closer to my face and I'm kicking you out of this carriage- his eyes shut
tightly, trying to ignore the prickling on his skin at the thought of that make-up over him and
putting a small smile on Mycroft’s lips.

-How ruthless. I should lock you up for attempting to murder me- his hand leaving soft pats with
the cushion on every bit of pale flesh adorned with red marks, looking amusedly the way Albert
kept biting his lower lip to remain still just as if he was being put under the worst torture on the
whole world.

-I would prefer to be locked up for actually murdering you- and he was really considering doing it
when he felt the ominous presence of the cushion getting closer to his forehead, his eyes opening
wide to threaten better the evil man in front of him enjoying of this way too much -I'm really
killing you Mycroft-

Oh, maybe he had taken his little teasing way too far because they only called each other by their
names when things were getting really serious; not even addressing the other with their titles or
social positions was as bad sign as their names were, and it was even worse with those emerald
eyes burning with flames that he was for sure going to use to end his life.

Not the best death but not the worst Mycroft had thought about, still, he would like to keep living
for some time more.

So not wanting to annoy even more the ex-count, he decided to just centre his attention on applying
the white powder on the red marks over Albert's pale arms, taking care of not getting closer to his
face more than the necessary and just murmuring -No need for you to act like a surly cat my dear-
that was followed by silence because both were equally surprised at his words.

My dear. Mycroft had just called him "My dear" and Albert’s mind was a total chaos that not even
the cushion getting dangerously close to his cheek seemed to make him react, finally coming back
to reality when the carriage stopped right at the entrance of the College.

-You're getting too much into your role of husband- with the embarrassment filling every pore of
his skin, Albert got off the carriage quickly, not caring about manners and just wanting to run away
from the man that had made his heart beat like crazy .

-You could do the same and act more like my wife- and even when on the outside he seemed
totally composed, on the inside Mycroft was slapping himself for his words. At least Albert hadn't
said he was disgusting, that was already good, wasn't it? Yes, it surely was. It had to.

But they had no time to continue panicking at the insides, not when the doors of the College were
opened in front of them and a not-so-young woman started to guide them through the insides of the

Everything was perfect until the woman, that according to the ring on her left hand was married,
started to get way too close to Mycroft, deliberately moving her hips from one way to another
trying to entice Mycroft and putting Albert in a bad mood that was shown as an annoyed "huff"
leaving his lips.

-Right, I could do it so that I can wear that black dress Louis gave me really soon- Albert said
retaking their previous talk. It wasn't Mycroft's fault to be goddamned handsome and attract the
attention of others, but he still couldn't help feeling weirdly annoyed with him and just like earlier
he wasn’t able to put a name on that strange feeling -Don't worry, I'll take care of the kids-

-Are you really doing it? Or are you running away and marrying another man instantly after my
death?- his voice coming on a whisper so that only Albert could hear him, somehow lost at the
sudden change of attitude from the younger but choosing to ignore it since Albert’s spontaneity
was something he liked about him.

-Being a black widow is not my thing and you make me sound like heartless human that would
abandon them at the first chance I have-

He wasn't that bad for god's sake, even he wouldn't do that.

Meanwhile the woman could just put on an ugly face as she saw the loving couple talk so close to
each other, telling them to walk through a series of hallways as she went to check on something
else not without giving a full of jealousy look at Albert.

Ha! Not even the people in that hellish club had been so shameless! At least they had the decency
to ask for his permission at flirting with his husband!

Wait… his husband? Was he going crazy?

-What do you think made them get in a fight?- oh right, a fight, the kids... Albert had totally
forgotten about it because of that annoying woman but now he was having his terrible headache
back at the thought of the two kids getting in a fight, something that for Mycroft still didn't make
sense at all because they were actually really well behaved.

The best kids he had ever met in his life if he was honest, though all kids were a blessing compared
to the disaster that was Sherlock.

-I don't know but I really wish we can get out of here soon- a deep frown adorning his face as he
could feel the gazes of students, teachers and some servants over them coming from somewhere he
didn’t want to look at. He could even bet that by now all the people in that goddamn college knew
that Aster and Selene had gotten into a fight; everyone gossiping about it and surely distorting the

It actually didn't make sense for him as well that they had gotten in a fight. Maybe it was all just a
big, annoying misunderstanding and that somehow was ten times worse.

Seeing the deep frown on the other's face, Mycroft couldn't help the desire to tease him and see
more of those expressions that were really hard to witness on the usually always calm, polite and
happy Albert.

Apparently he had a dying wish.

-They surely are your kids- he said with a playful tone, making Albert stop walking and thus
making him stop as well so that he could face the emerald eyes piercingly looking at him offended.
He was so beautiful.

-Number one, I was an exemplar student, number two, unless I was the virgin Mary they couldn't
be my kids and number tree, they're are also yours so don't only blame me- and then he started to
walk again, leaving Mycroft on his place trying to not chuckle as he saw Albert walk away
basically fuming and with an evident increasing uncomfortableness on his hips.

Wow, being in a place full of all-mighty-spoiled brats and noble-like people really made his mood
get incredibly bad.

He was kind of cute and attractive like that though, or maybe he was just too head over heels for

Anyway, as much as he loved seeing Albert like that, Mycroft reminded himself that they were
there not to flirt but because his two kids had gotten into a fight that still didn't make sense for him
and that just god knew how it would end or how it had started even.

So walking once again by Albert's side, leaving soft pats on his back to sooth his mood and that
were really working, they were in no time on a resting room where Aster and Selene were sitting at
a couch, their heads looking at the floor until they heard the door opening and then looking with
guilty and shame the two adults that were their now parents, as confusing and weird as it had been
at first.

Albert totally hated that college full of almighty people, it would be ten times better to be put on
one of those unhealthy little ceils on the Tower of London, and that was a lot to say.

He just wished they could end with that fast and quickly, but soon all his wishes went directly to
the trash when he got near to his so named kids and was able to look at them better.

Oh. It seemed to be like they were going to spend a lot of time dealing with that situation, and it
made Albert's skin start to prickle.

May god save him and give him patience because if he was given strength he was killing everyone
in that college.

Chapter End Notes

Finally!! A confession (sorta)!!! Let's just cheer this man that needs a little bit more of
confidence to pin Albert to a wall and make him understand how madly in love he is
with him

Also, make your bets as to how our little kiddos ended on a fight and how is MyAl
going to react hehe

See ya on: 03/08/22

The moon and the stars on the stormy sky
Chapter Notes

I can fucking swear I was supposed to update tomorrow but apparently no and now I'm
updating this between classes so, excuse any possible mistake or nonsense I might
have put here hehe

Also, be aware cause this chapter might be filled with tons of cuteness ig, enjoy uwu

See the end of the chapter for more notes

At the sound of a door being opened Aster and Selene raised their heads from the floor only to find
the two adults that were somehow their parents looking at them with indecipherable expressions.
Their little hands clutching hard at the softness of the couch under them, in which they were
ordered to sit and wait, when the feelings of guilt and shame started to take over them.

Those feelings just grew larger when they remembered their poor state, a total disaster and disgrace
compared to the flawlessness and elegance both men always showed. Even after just waking up or
doing something as simple as standing in front of them just like in that exact moment.

Being totally oblivious to the thoughts running in the kids' minds, Albert and Mycroft just stared at
the purplish mark on Selene's soft cheek and her messed hair with what seemed to be food on it
along the swollen lip of Aster, his messed up, dirty clothes and the scratches over his neck and jaw.

Walking the remaining steps that were between them, Albert lifted the boy's head by putting a
finger on his chin and started to look at it, moving it from one way to another so that he could see
him better and doing then the same with the little girl looking at him apologetically with her big
eyes going from Albert to Mycroft as he started to get closer.

A sigh left past Albert's lips as he stepped back so that Mycroft could check on them, sapphire eyes
going from the boy to the girl and then looking at them both with the unspoken order for them to
start talking.

-I'm sorry- said Selene in a trembling quiet tone, her eyes once again fixated on the floor because
she was too ashamed to look at them and her hands wrinkling the skirt with a blood stain on her
right knee tainting the bluish cloth.

-It was my fault, Lene did nothing wrong- and unlike his sister, Aster was looking directly at them,
the urge to clarify things on his clear eyes wavering for a while when he locked eyes with Mycroft,
still not saying nothing at all and just looking at them on a maddening silence.

He'd asked why they were there, not for an apology or to see them take responsibility for the
situation; he wasn't that bad, at least not all the time. It was his fault for believing they could
understand what his gazes meant in the same way Sherlock and Albert could though.

He'd forgotten how difficult he was for other people to read and understand.

Sighing, Mycroft kneeled, touching the wound on Selene's knee through the skirt, causing her to
flinch in pain, biting her lips to avoid making a sound and gaining a worried look from Aster; his
hands attempting to remove the one from Mycroft but not really daring to move at all. Both kids
were too scared to even breathe.

It was difficult to believe that these two children were the same ones who had defeated a spy
disguised as a maid in the palace only a few days before. At the time, they appeared to be two
defenceless children in a hopeless situation, ready to have their hands and limbs severed as
punishment for what they had done.

-What happened?- at Mycroft's question, both kids kept their heads down, not daring to look at
either of the two adults and simply remaining silent, as the tone on Mycroft's question had
appeared to be cold and even threatening, at least to them, but even so it let Albert see he was
concerned about the kids, it was just that he was bad at expressing it.

Even he was worried about the kids and why they had ended up like this, but before they could get
any answers the room's doors opened, revealing the same woman from before, looking
contemptuously at the kids and Albert while Mycroft was looked at with admiration and love as
she asked them to follow her. They continued to walk silently through the corridors until they were
told to wait in another waiting room, this one connected to what appeared to be the principal's
office, leaving them with nothing to do for a while.

Albert then remembered the food in both kids' hair, so turning around and frowning at their messy
state, he began to take it off of them, startling both kids at the thought of being hit but then
remaining still when they realised Albert was just cleaning them.

They always assumed that there should be a reason why Mycroft wouldn't dare to move when
Albert was cleaning, so even if they didn't know what it was, they accepted it. Sorting themselves
out just in time before the heavy door was opened in front of them.

Albert could only sigh as a new headache began to form. He wished he could just go home and
take a long, cold bath until the tips of his fingers wrinkled, but when he saw Mycroft start walking
to the office, he only could sigh once more, following him and forcing the two kids to walk as well
by putting his hands on their backs.

-Aster and Selene's parents have arrived,' announced the woman, who Albert had forgotten was the
principal's secretary, causing everyone in the room to turn their heads and look at them with a
variety of expressions.

There was the principal, sitting at one single sofa between two long couches; on one of them were
sitting two couples and three kids who were in an even worse state than Aster and Selene, which
made Albert take his gaze away from them because he couldn't stand their disheveled appearances.
On the other couch were Elise and her husband along with her two kids who were in an equally
terrible state as the other three kids.

Dear hell. It was going to be even more torturous than he had anticipated. A tired expression
forming with furrowed brows as the principal said, "Please take a seat." Clearly, he wasn't having a
good time with this situation either.

The only place they could sit was with Elise, not because the couches were small, but because the
other one began to look like it was about to burst with a rather fat man and an almost equally
chubby kid sitting on it, leaving the other five people heaped against each other like sardines.

And even if there had been enough room for him to sit with them, he wouldn't have done so
because he could smell the disgustingly overwhelming sugary perfume out of one of those women
(possibly both of them) even from their distance, making him put on a disgusted face as he took a
seat next to Elise. Mycroft doing the same and bringing the children between them.

-You two are late- murmured Elise so quietly that Albert thought he had imagined it, but when her
eyes began to dig holes in him he knew it couldn't be his messy head.

-We had things to do- his voice murmuring too, and feeling like the day couldn't get any worse
when his life-long friend lifted the sleeve of his dress just enough to reveal a red mark that even he
didn't know was there.

-Like fuck in the middle of the day?- she had almost gone insane when she couldn't find him or his
(breathtakingly handsome) husband anywhere, finally sending for someone to search for them on
the club because she couldn't think of any other place they could be and discovering that these two
horny dogs had been fucking all day on the club.

Even Mycroft couldn't escape Elise's judging look, one that screamed how disappointed she was
with them and that thankfully none of them had to face for much longer as the old principal
coughed a couple of times to get their attention.

-Now that all parties are in here, I'd like to begin with...- his words were cut short by one of the
women, the one Albert and Mycroft mentally identified as the woman with a disgusting mole on
her nose, who screamed at the top of her lungs nearly deafening everyone.

-Your little monsters harmed my baby!! That's it!! Let's not drag this out any longer than
necessary!! Just punish those bastards!!-

Albert agreed with her desire to put an end to things as soon as possible, but he couldn't agree with
her because she had just called his kids "monsters" and then "bastards," which caused him and
Mycroft to frown while Aster and Selene clutched their fists tightly.

-Madam, I'm going to have to ask you to keep your language in check- the old principal sighed
again, his trembling hands serving himself a new cup of coffee, and Mycroft was sure it wasn't his

He could even bet that the coffee in his cup had been mixed with some liquor, possibly whisky
because it didn't change the colour or consistency of the coffee in the least. He'd like to have a cup
of that liquor-coffee by the way.

-As Mrs. Green stated, your children started a fight in the middle of the dining hall, which ended
with Aster and Selene beating the Green and Blagden children- oh, that was going to be difficult to
solve, especially given the three children's current state - The Vans kids also got involved by
splattering food on them-

At those last words Elise kids' blushed and shivered as their mother just looked at them
threateningly, turning her head to them slowly and so balefully that even Albert felt shivers run
down his spine and he wasn't even the one at fault.

-See!! It’s clear that they are the ones at fault!! Just punish them already!!- screamed the other
woman this time, the one with a really badly done make-up and an over-exaggerated purple colour
over her eyelids.

Poor woman, who was the evil soul that had done her that horrible make-up? She should sue them.

And as Albert couldn't take his eyes out of the woman's face, Mycroft put his hand in the air
making the woman stop rattling and finally allowing him to speak.

-Before punishing them we should at least know exactly what happened madam- that was the basic
rule, even criminals deserved a decent trial, furthermore a group of kids.

Well, maybe he was talking more for Aster and Selene still with their heads down and not for the
three kids in front of them with fake tears in their eyes hiding their mocking expression directed to
the kids at his side.

But apparently, he had asked for too much because in no time the two women in front of him were
screaming once again, looking madly at the other when they couldn't even hear their own voices
between their screams and finally being the woman with an disgusting mole to speak.

-Your little demons hurt my baby!! That's what happened!! Look how they left his pretty face!!-
well she must be talking about her kid but Albert wasn't totally sure that the kid's face could be
called "pretty" because you could barely see his eyes or any other feature under all that fat.

He looked more like one of those scones he had tried to make once and that ended raw, with the
cream leaking from them and with an appearance from hell.

He was divagating, yes, but it was that or going crazy with that situation.

Meanwhile, Mycroft only mentally sighed at the woman's words, which seemed to be the only ones
she knew because she continued screaming them repeatedly like a parrot.

Mycroft had a lot of experience dealing with noisy parents thanks to Sherlock getting in all kinds of
problems almost every week, but even so he couldn't help but feel tired and irritated, which he tried
to relieve by pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers.

Patience. That's what he needed if he wanted to know what had happened and not only the screams
of a hysterical woman. " Patience Mycroft, it can't be more difficult than when Sherly was a kid,
patience.'' Those thoughts seemed to be his new mantra that he repeated to himself incessantly until
he heard the little voice of a young boy scream by his right side.

-That's because he insulted Lene and Aster's parents first!! He was the one that started it!!- that had
been said by Luther, the youngest son of Elise and that at moment seemed to be debating herself
between scolding her kid and slapping the back of his head in reprimand for being so noisy and
interrupting an "adult conversation" that was more like a bunch of merchants screaming in a street

But Elise's expression wasn't important at that moment, not when the boy had just screamed at the
top of his lungs the reason why they were here. Any person with two brain cells would be able to
tell Aster and Selene had gotten in a fight because someone had insulted them; something like
them defending their honour. That was something neither Mycroft nor Albert had seen coming but
that actually made sense given they were actually really well behaved kids.

-Yes!! He also put his foot so that Aster would fall...- said the older one, River, and unlike his
sibling he tried to scream but his voice slowly started to get quieter and quieter as he could feel the
assassin gaze of his mother over him.

So not only had those kids insulted them but also purposely made Aster fall? And they expected to
get out of that situation totally unharmed? That was true hypocrisy. Their faces slowly getting ugly
(even more) when the motive why the fight had started was revealed and thus, their undeniable
-T-t-t-that's not true!! They started it!!- one of the kids said, his words coming out on a never
ending stuttering when by mistake he landed his eyes on Mycroft, shivers running through his
body and then turning back to his father that until that moment had remained silent hoping he
would defend him.

A spoiled brat through and through, like that one Albert had killed a long time ago.

-Look at this little demons lying so carelessly!! Just punish them already or we are not leaving!!-

-We are not leaving either old man!!-

-Who are you calling old man you noisy brat!?-

And just like that another round of multiple insults, screams and cursing words started; the
principal calmly drinking his coffee (with whiskey) as if that was an everyday thing. The only ones
remaining silent were the Holmes, and while the two kids were ashamed to drag them into that
mess, both men just prayed to all the existent gods and evils that they were gifted with patience
because if they were gifted with strength then a blood bath was going to happen.

It wasn't until they heard the almost imperceptible sound of Mycroft totally annoyed tapping on the
wood centre table that their screams and insults seemed to quiet down and finally dying completely
when the sapphire eyes looked at everyone on a threatening cold way, making them flinch and
ashamedly take their seats like if they were a bunch of scolded kids.

Albert was grateful that not even mad crazy men or hysterical women were immune to Mycroft,
thanking him mentally on numerous occasions for not having to deal with that situation alone, and
coming out of his thoughts when Selene doubtfully grabbed the end of his sleeve to capture his
attention, his emerald eyes tiredly heading to her and finding a pair of purplish eyes finally looking
at him.

She seemed to doubt for a moment, unsure whether what she was about to say was correct, and
after a brief glance at her brother and a small nod, she finally said what she had been planning to

-He insulted you and blackie- her voice coming quietly and almost passing totally unperceived to
the people on the other couch, looking at each other with questioning gazes as if they weren't sure
whether they had heard it correctly or not. Finally the fat man slapped the centre table, startling
everyone and then pointing at Selene with a very fat index finger.

-Look! They don't even respect their parents! What else can we expect!?-

Oh dear. Mycroft knew that one day or another they were going to get into a predicament because
the kids never addressed them as their parents, but out of all times why did it have to be exactly at
that moment? And it's not like they could force the kids to address them as their parents, indeed,
Mycroft wasn’t sure how would he feel at being called “father”.

At the screams of the fat man Selene just saddeningly drooped her head down once again,
reluctantly lifting her eyes when she felt a couple of soft pats on her back comforting her. A pair of
emerald eyes looking sorry at her, going to her brother at her side then and giving him a small
smile that made Aster conscience ache.

Not even in that moment, with all the screams and disaster that was that situation they seemed to be
angry or mad at them, not Albert nor Mycroft even when his expression was still cold. His own
greenish eyes doubtfully went to Mycroft and felt even worse when a soft pat was left on his head.
Biting his lips trying to think what he could do to get them out of that shameful situation he and his
sister had got the adults that had gifted them with a better life, Aster sighed, feeling his cheeks burn
at the next things he would say and looking at the ground totally ashamed but decided to do it.

-... h-he insulted mama and papa!!- at his words almost screamed, the room grew quiet, so quiet
that for a moment Aster thought he had made time stop, especially with the wide eyed expression
Albert was looking at him, not moving nor saying anything at all and just staring at him
bewildered as if he had grown another head.

But there was really nothing Albert could say or do, not when his brain had suddenly collapsed at
the realisation he had just been called "mama" by Aster. His voice dying in his throat and coming
back to reality only when he saw Mycroft smile, totally amused with the situation and encouraging
the kid to keep speaking with soft pats on his head.

That evil man!! How could he so nonchalantly accept being called "papa"!?!? He was clearly
enjoying the commotion in Albert's head and he would have kicked his stupid husband out of that
room hadn't it been for the next words of Aster.

-He said that mama was an old bag good for nothing that couldn't even have kids of her own!! That
h-she was nothing more than a French whore and that should go back to hi-her rotten country!!-
Aster prayed that nobody would pay attention to his misspeaking, though he really didn't have to
pray for it because nobody really could care about those little mistakes when he had said
something bigger and more important.

The little smile on Mycroft's lips disappearing slowly and being replaced by coldness, Albert
coming back to reality as well at the several insults directed to him. Now, that was starting to
become personal, bothering Mycroft more than the insulted one. It kind of amused Albert, that
these kids were ruthless and even insulted the former Lord of Crime though they didn't know that.

Hearing her brother speak, Selene encouraged herself to speak too.

-He also said that papa's brother had been bewitched by a criminal and was a shame to the country,
that he was an old demon and that his whole family was doomed…-

And like if the previous seriousness was nothing, the room was now filled with an overwhelming
pressure; ominous feelings wrapping around all the presents like if it was a snake ready to devour
them. Cold sweat running down their temples and their hearts beating hard against their ears in a
deafening rhythm.

Albert could tolerate that people would speak ill of him, he was used to it. But hurting the kids that
had just been trying to protect their reputation and staining his brother's and Mycroft’s name was
something he would never let go.

Just like him, Mycroft' annoyance just increased, and just like Albert he was used to hear people
insult him but messing with his very chaotic and weird family was out of the discussion.

Meanwhile, all the rest of the people could shiver unceasingly in their places, fearing to death the
deadly cold and threatening gazes of the emerald and sapphire eyes. Not even Elise or her family
could move, knowing very well that whoever dared to speak shit about the beloved brothers of the
man next to her would meet a horrible destiny, and she really didn't want to know what would
happen because they had not only insulted William but also Sherlock who was the man his brother
was madly in love with and also, Mycroft’s baby brother.

What was worse than messing with two overprotective older brothers? Messing with two
overprotective older brothers that were a Holmes and a Moriarty, both used to recur to violence or
whatever ill method was needed to get what they wanted and definitely angered to the core at the
slightest bad rumour about their beloved youngsters.

In fear that they had done something wrong, Aster and Selene doubtfully grabbed between their
little hands the ones of Albert and the slightly bigger ones of Mycroft. Flinching when a cold gaze
ready to murder everybody was directed to them, slowly vanishing away when they realized that
maybe they had gotten a little bit too overworked.

It wasn't that easy to calm themselves though, so wanting something to distract himself with, Albert
started patting the head of Selene who let him do as he pleased; his anger slowly vanishing away to
a decent level with the feeling of soft hair under his hands. Mycroft taking some deep breaths,
making Aster lay closer to him with a small hug that ended with his face buried against his body
and that prevented the boy from witnessing the way he looked back at the shivering people in front
of him.

-Is it true?- Mycroft's low voice made everyone look at him, not to his eyes because they were too
difficult to look at and rather looking at his feet, feeling totally embarrassed of hiding their tail
between their legs like scared dogs.

-T-t-that!!- said a kid between incoherent babbling in a vain attempt to defend himself, lowering
his head when Mycroft lifted an eyebrow that made him want to cry.

-Is what my kids said true?- and unlike the other people shivering at Mycroft’s cold voice, Aster
and Selene felt their hearts warm with those simple words.

Finally, the kid couldn't control it anymore and ended crying helplessly, hiding his ugly teary face
against the chest of his mother that only then seemed to snap out of his fear of nightmares, hugging
her kid in a comforting way as she finally decided to look at Albert because there was no way she
could look at the cold sapphire eyes.

-E-even if they did say that it doesn't give them permission to beat him!! Those were just mere
words said by kids with no real importance!! How could they have taken it so seriously!?-

On her dumb and very incoherent mind she thought that Jolie (Albert) would understand, after all
(s)he too was a mother that seemed to care plenty about the little girl leaning against her (his) body
but soon she felt those hopes crumble to pieces when the emerald eyes looked at her with an
overwhelming contempt that contrasted with the kind smile on his pinkish lips.

-Then I suppose you won't have a problem if my kids say that your make-up looks like that of a
cheap whore, that you're tacky and clearly doesn't have manners oh and also a total shame to other

It wasn't usual for him to speak in such way, being this why Elise and Mycroft looked at him
surprised and with a hint of amusement, but he knew that there was nothing more important for
high-class women than their appearance and an insult to it would shame their reputations.

For a moment the husband of the just insulted woman lost himself in the beautiful smile of Albert,
but after finally realising that his wife had been insulted he quickly stood up and pointed
accusingly at him.

-You!! Watch your tongue you witch!!-

Albert just ignored his words, putting the man in a bad mood and his face turning red in anger,
ready to go and slap the face of that cocky woman but stopping when Mycroft looked at him and
then the principal that finally after an eternity decided to intervene.

-Enough! I'm not letting you continue with this on the insides of this sacred institution!-

At that both Albert and Mycroft felt like laughing. "Sacred institution" he said? The only sacred
thing in that goddamn college was the statue of the founder on the entrance full of white pigeons
that had made of it their home.

-Aster, Selene, apologize to Colt, Klein and Arthur and also write a five pages apology letter,
would that be enough?- his tired eyes going to the couch at his right where the causers of all that
problem where, making Albert left an annoyed "ha" leave his lips at how ridiculous that situation

Mycroft could bet his entire life that the school received "donations" from these people, and of
course that the principal would do the impossible to make them happy even if that meant making
two kids lower their heads because unlike them, they were new-meat and didn't support the school
in any way.

Those people couldn't even contain their presumptuous grins on their faces, the woman with a mole
faking to be deeply hurt and saying in a fake tone of hopelessness -Only if they get on their knees
and ask for forgiveness right now-

-Old woman!! Are you crazy!? They did nothing wrong!!- immediately screamed Luther, pointing
at the woman with a mole and gaining in response a very ugly face from her at being called an old

-You two too!! If you do it now I might be merciful and let go of your words!!-

And before another round of insults, judging looks and ugly expressions could start, Mycroft
looked at the principal, not saying a thing for a moment and making the old man get nervous until
he finally spoke.

-What about their punishment?-

The principal was about to say that they had done nothing wrong, that they were only the victims
and thus wouldn't receive a punishment, keywords ‘about to’, because as soon as he opened his
mouth he felt his throat get dry at the overwhelming feeling of eyes blue as the depths of the ocean
telling him to watch carefully what he was about to say.

-... They’ll take manner lessons- he said, deciding to ignore the outraged looks coming from his
right that were way easier to endure than the ominous one from his left.

Begging for forgiveness wasn't something Aster and Selene were used to, they were prideful after
all, but that situation was tiring them up and if by lowering their heads and kneeling in front of a
bunch of pig-like people they would be free, then they would do it. For they had dragged both kind
men into this, that was the bare minimum they could do.

Reluctantly they started to stand up, stopping middle way when Mycroft put a hand in front of
them and Albert spoke, not looking at them and instead glaring at the people in front.

-There's no need for you to do it- he was evil, but even he wouldn't stay still watching two kids
bow their heads in submission to a bunch of people that didn't even deserve to be breathing a single
second more.
-We're leaving- then Mycroft stood up, being followed by Albert and making the two confused
kids follow them, looking at them and then at the people on the couch with equally confused

-W-what do you think you're doing!? You can't just go away like that!!-

-Yes we can and we will- was the simple answer of Albert, leaving the rest of them speechless at
how shameless (s)he was and making the lady with the mole still with her son in her arms look at
the principal like a spoiled kid that hadn't got things as she wanted would do.

But it wasn't easy for the old principal to do so, not when none of this two people seemed to be
willing to give up or were intimidated by his position and status. Both prideful and elegant like two
swans, nothing like the pig like people at his side- no, even if they were pigs! no! They were
people and ones that donated the most to the college!! He needed to do something!!

-If you go now then I won't have other option but expel yours and the Vans kids out of this college-

Mentally, the old principal congratulated and praised himself as a genius because there was no way
they would accept to get their kids expelled out of one of the best colleges in all London, and
adding the Vans kids to it was just to make more pressure. He really was a genius!!

Or so he thought until he saw the grin on Albert's lips, looking back at him with contempt and
murmuring in a velvety low voice -Oh no, you're not doing it because I'm taking my kids out of this

The smile on his lips just grew bigger at the sight of the old principal getting even older, as if he
had suddenly been drained from all his life while the people on the other couch just watched totally
bewildered the amused expression on Albert, the prideful one on Mycroft’s and the surprised one
on both kids looking with sparkling eyes at him.

They didn't know he could act so cool!! He was like one of those villains from the novels they
would read in the orphanage!! They had already been impressed after knowing he had actually
been an important person but now they were even more impressed!! He was really awesome!!

They weren't the only ones looking at him with awe though, both Vans kids were equally surprised
by him and River could even feel his heart beating fast at the sight of what he innocently called his
first love acting so carelessly and pridefully, snapping out of his daydream where he was hugging
his first love only when he felt his mother stand up and start walking to the door.

-We say the same- and with just one look she made her husband and kids get up as well, following
her to the exit not without turning back and sticking their tongues out in a playful way to the still
speechless people in the room until the door was fully closed behind them.

Both Vans kids couldn't resist anymore and gave excited jumps, hugging Aster and Selene tightly.
They both remained confused for a second before reluctantly giving back the hug, smiling when
they heard multiples "Your mom is so cool!!", "Did you see how your dad made that old man shut
up!?" and other overexcited words.

It was good to see them behaving like kids, even when Elise seemed to be about to cough blood
because of her rowdy kids. She always felt so stressed when it came to her kids, but that was
nothing compared to how much she loved them.

-Are you sure about your decision?- asked softly the other cause of her constant headaches, Albert,
looking amusedly at the way the kids were doing some weird and enthusiastic victory dance that
was more like uncoordinated steps than nothing.

-Like if I could leave my kids any single moment more in this nest of vipers!!-

And speaking of vipers, there were some students, parents and people passing by, gossiping
between them about the scene in front of them that was nothing like what they expected to see.
Everyone was trying to know what had happened and making Viktor, Elise's husband, feel
uncomfortable because he wasn't used to having so many eyes on him.

-We should go home- even when his voice had sounded steady Elise could hear right away the
nervousness of her husband, nodding at him and patting his back in a comforting way before
turning back to Albert that carefully watched their interaction. How interesting.

-I'll see you later then- her words directed to Albert, then tilting her head a little bit to smile at
Mycroft (his handsome face was even be able to soothe her mood) and finally going to where the
kids where, patting the dark hair of her long time friend's kids and smiling to them warmly -Take

When she was already taking some steps to get out of that hellish college, she saw Luther hurriedly
run to where Mycroft was, surprising not only her but also him that saw with confusion the way the
young boy pointed at him with cheeks inflated like a squirrel.

-Mr.! They really did nothing wrong! You can't punish them!!-

As Mycroft was still confused and amused by the blunt words of the kid, Elise felt like dying but
not without slapping the back of his head of this rowdy kid causing problems again.

-You should be the one asking for forgiveness instead of being here interceding for them!! That
mouth of yours is going to be your perdition one day!!-

-Lise- tried to intervene Viktor, but it just ended with her looking madly at him and cursing at him
as well, saying how it was his fault that her kids were so spoiled and how they were going to
continue with that once they were in their home.

-And you!!- at the fiery look in her eyes Albert just swallowed hard thinking that he was next on
her rampage -Come see me when you have time!!- and just like that she left, being followed by the
rest of her family and with River waving shyly at Albert before hurriedly going to where his
mother was.

It took them all some time to process the thunder that had just passed, Mycroft chuckling slightly at
how fast Elise was able to change her attitude and Albert sighing wearily because that woman
wasn't letting go of him and the reason behind his red marks easily.

He wished he had half the energy she had, or maybe he wished for everything to disappear because
his head felt about to split apart at any moment, something that thankfully Mycroft saw and made
him put a hand on the crook of his back before saying -Let's go home-

Nodding tiredly, Albert started to walk but stopped when he saw Mycroft turn around to take in his
arms both kids that let surprised squeal sounds out at being suddenly lifted up. Both equally
clutching hard at his shoulders and ready to protest until they saw the questioning look on his
sapphire eyes.

-Did you think you could fool me?- if they did then they were dumb because there was no way he
could ignore the way Aster limped because of his swollen right ankle or Selene giving small steps
to don't make the pain on her bleeding knee worst.
-I...- oh, Mycroft almost felt like seeing double at the sulking face of Aster and the one of Albert
just steps behind him and pinching softly at his ankle so that he wouldn't even think about saying
that he was okay.

-Be a good kid and stay still- feeling ashamed at the words Albert had used, Aster just nodded
reluctantly before hiding his red face in the crook of Mycroft's neck so that anybody but his sister
would be able to see him.

In no time they were inside the carriage, Selene sitting on Albert's lap per her request and Aster
over Mycroft, looking down at his swollen ankle in a lost state and then looking back at Albert
resting his head with eyes closed over Mycroft's shoulder that just like always let him do as he

It had been a mess of a day and he felt like sleeping for the rest of the life in hopes he would never
wake up because it had been really exhausting. Maybe the only good things that had come from
that day were the warm feeling still on his chest after being defended and addressed as their kid,
something that still made his cheeks blush but that also remembered him now they were
supposedly not going back to that college where so many times they had heard people talk behind
their backs.

-Are we really not going back anymore?- his question murmured in a low tone so that only Mycroft
would hear because he believed the other man was asleep, or so he thought until the other man was
the one that answered him with eyes still closed.

-I don't want to deal with those people ever again in my life so no-

-But!- his sudden raise of his voice made Albert and his sister that was starting to fall asleep look
at him questioningly, his cheeks reddening at his scream but nevertheless continuing when Mycroft
looked at him as well -I mean... what you had to do!! The reason you adopted us!! That!!-

They were not giving up on it just because of them were they? It seemed to be a really huge and
important thing because they even had a couple fight! Them! The most lovey-dovey couple he had
ever seen had had a fight because of whatever they needed to do! He would definitely never
forgive himself if because of them now they weren't able to finish that! Or even worst, what if this
time they fought for real!!

His messy thoughts were so noisy that even Selene felt anxious by them, each thought getting
wilder than the previous one and stopping only when Mycroft tapped a little bit tough the forehead
of both kids with his index finger.

-We are worrying about our problems. You just need to take whatever you want and can to live
better lives with your sister-

-But that'd make us leeches...-

-All kids are leeches, at least you are a conscious kind of leech- Mycroft felt himself smiling at the
funny choice of words Selene had used. She was right, and maybe that was what made it even
funnier or maybe it was the disgusted expression on her face at the thought of becoming a leech
with a goopy body.

Even Albert felt himself shiver at that though, blinking fast to get rid of that weird and very
nauseating mental image, being thankful that his kids still had their pretty cute faces and Mycroft
was as handsome as always. Great, everything was okay, even that grin on Mycroft's lips telling
him how he knew what he was thinking.
-You're not going to that college anymore and that's it, understood?- slowly the kids nodded at
Albert’s words and maybe because he was tired or very glad that none of them had turned into a
leech, he softly patted their heads and smiled tenderly at them -How much did you have to endure
because of us?-

Those last words had slipped out of his mouth, not even he knew where that had came from but he
had no time to think about it as he soon had two crying kids hugging him tightly, burying their
teary faces on him and grasping tightly to his clothes leaving him confused for a moment but
finally giving up when he heard some sobs.

-Was it that bad?- his hands patting softly their backs, their sobs and tears increasing as Aster
pulled from Mycroft so that he was hugging them as well, the four of them basically over Albert
who just continued comforting them, amusing the older at this unexpected events.

-You're really seriously taking the "take whatever you want and can" to words-

At Mycroft's words full of amusement, the kids seemed to realise what they were doing and
instantly rose their heads revealing their teary faces and puffy eyes looking worriedly at Mycroft
that felt his conscience prick for messing with them.

-I'm joking- wasn't it obvious? Apparently no because even Albert was looking at him with
something between "Are you serious?" and disappointment for his very bad joke.

-You're terrible at this- and ignoring totally the man at his side, he hugged the kids and once again
made them rest against his body, telling them to not take his words too seriously because,
according to him, he was stupid.

That was the first time someone ever dared to call him "stupid" so openly, and what was worst was
that it came from the same man he was in love with, making the childish and vengeful part of him
want to annoy him, reason why he said -That's why they have their lovely mama-

Of course at that this angered Albert, and thankfully he had two kids in his arms or otherwise the
head of this idiotic man would have rolled around the floor of the carriage in no time.

Why was he the mother!? He was a man as well!! And at the worst moments Mycroft always knew
how to annoy him!? It took him some time and several deep breaths to find the calm again, smiling
perfectly when he too felt like annoying the stupid man he was in love with.

-Sadly this little wife and mother of two is becoming a widower so soon... What a shame. My
whole body and youth wasted on a man that is going to die in five-

-Five what?- his voice full of amusement at the fake tears slipping from the emerald eyes in a very
overreacted way, or at least it was like that until he heard his next words.

-Four... three... t...-

Seeing that he was ready to kick him out of the carriage, Mycroft just put both his hands up above
his head surrendering. Making Albert huff annoyed and then both of them looking questioningly at
Selene grabbing their sleeves to have their attention.

-Lou said... We should get rid of you if you ever were a bothersome to Albert- well, he hadn't
exactly said that because he had asked them to kill Mycroft if he ever got too close to his brother,
but there was no way they were doing it.

Soon the joyful laugh of Albert could be heard, patting the kids heads softly and amusedly saying -
Now these are my kids- and leaving Mycroft feeling like he had just been betrayed but still smiling
back at the radiant expression on Albert.


The kids were glued to them.

Literally, well not literally but metaphorically... you get the point.

It was normal to see them following Mycroft everywhere he went and even when they didn't follow
him physically they would still follow him with their crystal eyes or know exactly where he was at
any moment.

Now they were doing the same with Albert, and even when he found it kind of cute that they tried
to always be by his side, it was still uncomfortable to deal with them tangling around his legs just
like Mon Chéri, with a fluffy dress and the uncomfortable feeling on his sore back and hips slowly
increasing with the time and opium getting out of his system.

If it was already that sore then he didn't want to know how it would be at the other day.

But of course that the causer of his sore body didn't even pay attention to it, not when he was really
busy cooking since the servants were on their free days and putting tons of strawberry jam in the
mouths of the kids for some strange reason.

That was a lot of sugar!! Those kids were going to have a sugar-high and he (his hips) wasn't going
to be able to endure it!!

Mycroft really didn't have any special reason to make the kids eat the jam, not really, it was just
that Anne, who had been his and Sherlock's nanny, would always feed him with tons of jam every
time he accomplished something big, something that she did as well with Sherlock every time he
succeeded on one of his experiments, so somehow, he had ended thinking that jam was equal to a
reward for things well done.

That was why he couldn't understand the reason behind the annoyance of Albert and that continued
all over the meal (because he continued feeding the kids with jam even during it), ignoring it
because maybe it was just the annoyance of having to deal with all mighty people but oh how
wrong he was, and he realised it when he saw Albert left the cutlery on its place on a loud way.

-Enough, stop giving them that- and before he could continue he took the jar of jam out of his
hands, looking then at the kids pouting at the lost of the sweet -Go take a bath-

They seemed ready to protest, but just one look from the emerald eyed one was enough to make
them hurriedly go upstairs and take a long bath until not a single bit of dirt could be found on them.
At least they were better to handle than Mycroft looking at his every move with a lifted brow and a
smirk on his lips.
-You're acting like a stressed mother-

-I wouldn't if you acted like a responsible father-

His words came out tired, something that was clear even in the way he slowly started to clean the
table, slowly and with a small frown on his pretty face. Ah, he really couldn't stand watching him
like that so taking his hands between his own Mycroft made him stop and look at him.

-Stop sulking and speak- oh, how handsome he was, so handsome that it almost made him forget
that he was the causer of his soreness and aching body and something his body remembered when
a sudden pang of pain crossed his hips.

-My hips and back hurt- thank god the kids were no longer around because even if they had been
there Albert would have said his words with the same intensity and frown.

-Is that it?- he was somewhat confused that it was the only reason behind his bad mood, though it
was probably more correct to say that his sore back was only one of the million things that had put
him in a bad mood that day.

-Try taking this thing in your ass and then you can say it like that- his blunt words accompanied by
his right hand touching over the clothed crotch of Mycroft, not in a sexual way even when it was a
private part.

Well, if the pain in his body was the problem there, then he should take responsibility for it since
he was the one responsible for it. So ignoring the pout and frown on his pretty face, Mycroft
carried Albert up his arms, a hand wrapped underneath his knees and the other one on his waist,
gaining a surprised noise from the younger at the sudden action.

His pale face turning a bright red as he realised that Mycroft was carrying him like if he was some
princess. His previous anger totally replaced by shame.

-W-what do you think you’re doing!?- dear god he was even stuttering like some cheap tale about a
damsel on distress and he hated that.

But his words were totally ignored, his brain about to collapse at the thought that he was being
held in Mycroft's arms and then getting even more flustered when the older started to go upstairs
with the clear intention to go to their shared room.


Finally he looked at him, though it just made things way worse because he could see from very
close that cocky smirk on his lips and hear his low voice murmur against his ear -You really get
flustered for the weirdest things- making his heart skip a beat.

-Anybody would get flustered if they're carried like this- his voice muffled thanks to his hands
hiding his red face on a vain attempt to make himself disappear, and after that he remained so quiet
and still that Mycroft even thought he had fallen asleep though that wasn't possible with how stiff
his body was.

-Albert- nothing, not even a single movement or sound.

-Count Moriarty- still nothing.

-Are you really ignoring me?- he said in a sigh, stopping when he was in front of their room and
opening with a small kick that startled Albert and made him answer because he could no longer
keep ignoring him.

-Yes. Now shut up and put me down-

-As your grace wishes- and without warning he let Albert fall, making him anticipate with fear the
hard floor against his body but opening wide his eyes in surprise when instead he felt himself lying
on the soft bed.

-W-what...?- his question being cut in the middle when Mycroft started taking off his own shoes
and then doing the same with the ones of the younger, smiling at the cute flustered expression on
his face and finally pressing him against the mattress so that he ended laying over him just like
every time they fell asleep.

-I'm sleeping, don't move- and just like that he let his head rest over Albert's chest, still confused
from all that happened in just a couple of seconds but not putting up resistance in the slightest bit,
instead he wrapped his arms around him and left some occasional pats over the tensed muscles of
his back.

-It's still day-

-And I'm tired, now let me sleep-

Chuckling at how childish that how sounded, Albert just nodded in agreement and murmured in a
velvety tone -As your lordship wishes- that amused both of them.

His fingers going up and brushing some tangled locks of dark hair, inviting him to rest just like he
had said but he had a lot of questions that he needed to get answered at that moment or his mind
was going to give up.

-How did you know Layla was the leader?-

After a short pause and some stray breathing coming from Mycroft. he answered in the usual low
voice he always used but that now was turning a little hoarse because of the sleep.

-There was no way the other woman could be the leader- his voice was starting to sound sleepy
and was muffled by the body under him, moving a little to make himself more comfortable and
then continuing -All the members of that club have one thing on common: having some disease or

His words left Albert thinking for a moment. Now that he thought about it, it was true that he had
seen some of those people with burn marks, using canes to walk and maybe with other scars and
diseases hidden under their clothes. It would make sense, after all opium was well known for
alleviating the pain caused by extreme injuries.

-That's why you said I couldn't have kids?-

-Yes, and because she seems to be the type that softens at tragic, sad stories- his hands going to the
lower abdomen of Albert causing him to shiver, slowly moving up and finally resting on the left
side of his ribcage where he could feel some ribs propping more than the rest, most likely the
remnants of a pair of broken ribs that he had never read on any of his reports -I hope you have an
excuse for not reporting this to me-

Oh, this man really knew how to ruin the mood, and what was worst, he had never reported him
about his broken ribs because the reason behind it was really stupid... and it involved Moran and
him in a non-working way.
-I thought you wanted to sleep- was Albert attempting to make Mycroft let go of the subject with
tender caresses over his back and hair? Yes. Was it working? Apparently yes because he didn't ask
anymore, the room growing comfortably quiet until Mycroft's deep voice could be heard again.

-Come in- for a moment Albert was lost, trying to know who was he talking to until he heard soft
childish voices behind the door -Don't try to run away I know you are there-

Reluctantly, Aster opened the door just the enough to reveal him and Selene hiding behind it, their
cheeks red because of the intimate image in front of them and slowly walking with shyness to
where they were when Albert beckoned them to come closer.

-Did you bathe yourself well?- he could only extend a hand to touch their hairs and see if there
were any specks of food on them thanks to Mycroft who didn't move a single bit out off him,
pinning him down to the bed and making the kids have to get closer so that Albert could judge
their state better.

-Twice- at Selene's words Albert just smiled brightly and nodded in approval, very proud and
happy that they were hitting his cleanliness standards.

There was still the red mark that soon would turn publish on Selene's cheek though, and Aster's lip
was adorned with a bloody mark as proof of the past events. These kids had gotten into a fight
because of them and two people that they really didn't know and finally had cried when a bit of
tenderness and care was shown to them.

Getting lost in his thoughts, he wasn't conscious of his hands cupping the kids faces adorned with
bright blush at the soft touch nor the amused way Mycroft saw him divagate, get lost in his mind
and finally come back after doing just god knows what there.

Without saying something, Albert made Mycroft get out off him and slowly (because of his aching
hips) he started to crookedly walk to the door until he seemed to remember something, turning
around to face the confused expression of the kids and telling them -Wait here-

And just like that he disappeared behind the door, Selene just shrugging at that and struggling to
get on the bed because it was really high for a short girl, thus making Mycroft take her into his
arms and see with amusement the way she immediately started to get herself comfortable on the
bed and Aster just kept looking at the door like a puppy waiting for its owner.

That little puppy didn't have to wait for too long since soon Albert was once again in the room and
holding a heavy box with a crimson lace on it, holding it like if it was his biggest treasure in the
whole world and softly putting it over the bed as if fearing one wrong movement would shatter it to

It was almost like a ritual seeing him undo the bow made with the crimson lace, slowly take out
the lid of the box and then taking out a piece of crimson silk that revealed several photographs and
paints on it, a smile adorning his pinkish lips and eyes shining with love when he saw two little
blondes with crimson eyes in one of the photos.

-This is my brother, William- he said in a love inducing tone pointing at a photo of William right in
front of the Durham university and holding a bouquet of white lilies, smiling at the camera and
letting his blond long lashes cover almost completely his crimson eyes that were hypnotising even
with the lack of colour of the photo.

His daydream ending only when a chubby finger was put right next to his own, touching softly the
face of a smiling William and making Albert look at Selene watching in awe the beauty of the
person in the photo with sparkly eyes.

-He looks like Lou- her words making him chuckle because usually people would say that Louis
looked like William, not the other way.

Soon another pair of crystal eyes were looking at the photo, and even when Aster seemed to be as
in awe as his sister, the question of "who?" was written all over his face so clearly that Albert
wasn't surprised he hadn't said it out loud yet.

Tapping his forehead to catch his attention, Albert saw with amusement the way Aster kept having
that same question written all over him, making him smile wider and say -He was the one that
bewitched his brother- pointing at Mycroft who until that moment had remained silent.

It wasn't that he didn't like watching William or that he didn't find him eye-catching, it was just
that for him watching that radiant smile, emerald eyes full of love and tenderness were so
breathtaking that he couldn't bring himself to move or say anything at all. Only coming back to
reality after hearing Albert's words and chuckling at the unconventional way he had referred to his

-Don't say it like that. They eloped, that's what happened- the amusement in his voice was as clear
as the small smile on his lips as he grabbed another photo from the box, one where the three
Moriarty brothers were, all of them younger and with Albert in the centre.

His face seemed to be rounder and his cheeks were softer, but even when he was a young kid he
had that royalty air around him that he kept until that day, just like if he owned everything in the
world. It was already hard not to give him everything he wanted, but Mycroft was sure that if a
young Albert was ever shown in front of him and asked for his life with that innocent face he
would give it to him.

Totally ignoring the thoughts of the older, Albert could just laugh at his words because them
disappearing for three years really felt as if they had eloped.

-Why are you showing us this?- asked Aster with a swirl of emotions in him, breaking both men's
bubbles and looking at him with doubt and maybe confusion.

It felt strange to be looking at those photos in the privacy of their room. It felt so warm, as if they
were being shown a big and important part of them, as if they were slowly being part of them and
it was both parts confusing and thrilling. Like finally having somewhere to belong to after years
and years of wandering around in search of something to call theirs.

-I thought you should at least know the face of the man for whom you got in a fight- and like if
those words weren't enough to make both kids' heart flutter excitedly, the smile on his pinkish lips
directed to only them made them want to cry once again, but they didn't want to ruin that moment
so instead they decided to keep looking at the photos that soon transformed into more and more as
Mycroft had brought photos of Sherlock as well.

And while they had expected them to talk about his younger brother in the same lovely way Albert
did, they felt totally lost when instead he just said -This brat covered in mud is Sherly- as if he was
talking about a dog and not his brother.

But his words and actions were nowhere near to show his true feelings. If you really wanted to
know how Mycroft was feeling then you would look at his sapphire eyes and at that moment they
were shining as if they contained all the stars of the night sky on them, being this something only
Albert was aware of.
He could never show it, talking harshly about the younger Holmes and even joking that he wished
he could give him back to hell, but in truth Mycroft really loved him deeply.

-He looks like you- said Selene nonchalantly taking seat on Mycroft's lap, getting comfortable
there and showing him a photo where Sherlock was using a sailor blue suit and him by his side
using a suit even when he was still a kid.

-He's nothing like me though... he's a total disaster-

And like that, between jokes of how he was so much more better than Sherlock, full of love and
never ending stories of how cute William and Louis were as kids, they kept talking about their
youngsters and reminiscing of the old times delighting the two kids with them.


An empty bed and a lonely room, that was what Mycroft found after his bath and confusing him
because just until a moment ago there were still three people in that room happily chatting, lazily
laying on the bed and looking at the past.

The night had already settled down so there was no way they were out, leaving him only with the
immensity of his house that seemed to have swallowed down the ones he was searching for.

Dark hair still wet letting tiny droplets of warm water fall to his dressing gown, he had been too
lazy to put on something under it so there he was, walking half naked and his hair still wet in the
darkness of his house looking for Albert and the two kids that were nowhere to be seen yet.

The sound of the piano from the room underground made him stop looking for them in one of the
several guest rooms. It was like those times when he would leave the room open and Mon Chéri
would crawl to it, letting its soft paws press the keys under them and finally resting over them for
what could be hours.

The only thing was that the cat was getting himself tangled around his legs at that moment, so that
sound was from the ones he had been searching for. A smile drew on his lips unconsciously as he
picked the cat into his arms and started to walk to that room, slowly and deciding to take another
route different to the one Albert had found.

His plan hadn't been to startle him, but even so he couldn't help laughing when Albert jumped on
his place totally scared at the sight of a big painting opening like a door to reveal Mycroft coming
out of it with some spider webs over his wet hair and a little dust on his only clothe.

-Would it kill you to stop scaring me?- his poor heart wasn't going to endure it if he ever scared
him like that again.

Chuckling, Mycroft put the painting back in its place and after taking off the dust and spider webs
from his body hugged Albert that was sitting near one of the fake windows by the back, letting his
chin rest on his shoulder and feeling his heart beat hard and fast under his touch.

-Yes, I especially enjoy seeing your reactions- and of making his heart skip a beat like if he was as
madly in love as him. An illusion, one that he loved to believe; cold hands getting warm with the
touch of Albert's hands around his own and his sapphire eyes going to the piano where the two kids
were sitting at -What are you doing here?-

His words causing a whistle of cold breath to hit the back of Albert's exposed neck, making him
shiver and stir on his place, fake calm helping him keep his usual appearance and then smiling
when he remembered the reason why he was there on the first place (and that would prevent
Mycroft from seeing his blushed state).

-I was forced to come here- and with a movement of his chin he signalled the kids looking at him
as if they just have been betrayed.

-We didn't force you! We just said that if you came with us we weren't having a sugar-high
moment- which was, of course, not forcing somebody but alluring them to do what they wanted, or
so that was what Selene had said and Aster believed blindly in his sister.

Anyway, how could Albert say that he had been forced like some kind of lady in distress!? He was
taller, stronger and older than both of them! Wouldn't it be embarrassing to say it so shamelessly!?
Well apparently no, and somehow Mycroft loved that side of Albert because he just chuckled and
hugged him tightly.

They were always so affectionate that it felt as if they were watching something that they shouldn't
and not because it was inappropriate but because of how intimate they seemed to be with the other.

That didn't stop Selene from jumping from her seat and run with excited little jumps to where they
were, putting her hands over the ones of Albert and Mycroft tangled together and looking at the
younger with shiny eyes.

-Can you play something for us?- the pleading clear in her eyes even when her voice was
monotone as always, feeling her chest warm when a pale hand caressed her soft cheek for a
moment before answering her.

-I'm tired- he really was, it had been just too much on one day, yet when he saw the pout and
hopeless expression on the little girl he couldn't help the pang of guilt on him, smiling when he
remembered that he was not the only one that could play for them and turning around to see better
the man hugging him -But I'm sure Mycroft can, right?-

-They asked for you though-

-And I'm passing to you the privilege of delighting our ears-

Oh, Albert was good in using his little wickedness with words. He was so full of flattery that he
could lure you to do what he wanted almost immediately. As if that wasn't enough for Mycroft to
give in, soon a pair of sparkling purplish eyes were looking at him.

-Could you play something for us?-

-Please?- and now Aster had joined too, holding his arm and looking at him with pleading eyes
because the idea of hearing Mycroft play something had been enough to make him run to where
they were.

-Don't act so pretentious and just do it- said Albert with a velvety tone almost murmured to his ear.
This was getting difficult to witness. Three cute pretty faces and sparkling eyes looking intensely at
him as if begging, the three of them doing the best use of their charmings to get what they wanted.

-Is this a conspiracy?- Mycroft was sure that if he ever was asked like this to overthrow the
government or to destroy London he would, which was scary.

Just Albert alone was enough to make him want to put the whole world at his feet, and now it was
not only him but another set of cute soft cheeks, pouty lips and pleading eyes making him feel

-No, we're just joining forces to get what we want- and like the little wicked man he was, Albert
smiled brightly at him. Tilting his head slightly to the side to make him look younger and scaringly
alike to Aster trying to mimic him.

-You two really are alike-

-We are not!- Aster basically screamed, making Albert look at him with a hurt look and starting
then an endless discussion full of "You wish you were like me" and "Nobody wants to be like you"
that were nothing more than lies and a parody of what had happened earlier but were loud enough
to give Mycroft a headache.

Meanwhile, Selene kept looking at him with pleading eyes and totally unbothered by the fight of
the two people she was between, as if nothing, not even the end of the world, would be able to
make her quit.

-Stop it or I won't play anything- he said with a cold voice immediately making Aster and Albert
stop fighting, the younger taking Selene in his arms and sitting on the lounge-couch right in front
of where the paint was with both kids at his sides; the three of them totally quiet and looking
expectantly at him.

Mycroft could just sigh and denied with his head in a defeated sign at how easily they had
convinced him, praying that they wouldn't use it for bad. He took a seat in front of the piano,
putting his hands in a position somehow stiff and that was nowhere near as beautiful and elegant as
the one Albert used.

He wasn't confident in playing the piano, he was able to play some child-like pieces but only that,
and because he really didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Albert, he decided to just play a
lullaby. One that he would play from time to time to Sherlock comfortably sleeping under the

How many mistakes had he made while playing that simple lullaby? Probably more than the
number of fingers on both of his hands, but not even then the two kids stopped looking at him with
awe while Albert kept looking at him with a gaze full of love that the other wasn't able to see for
being too concentrated on playing the right notes.

When he finished playing and turned around to face the people on the lounge couch, he found them
sleeping; Albert letting both kids lay against him and with a hand over the little shoulders of Aster
so that he wouldn't fall.

-And you said you didn't like kids- even when there was some mockery in his voice, the warming
gaze directed to Albert was even more eye-catching, softly putting a wild lock of mahogany hair
out of his face and smiling when it just ended coming back to its place.

His hair was as stubborn as him.

Unlike Albert who could sleep standing up if needed, the kids started to move around in their
sleep, clearly uncomfortable by their strange positions and soon relaxing when Mycroft took them
in his arms. Walking with them upstairs and leaving them on the softness of their shared bed.

Without helping it he let his cold hands caress their fluffy cheeks and then left, not being aware of
the burning blush across both kids' cheeks at the memory of that soft caress.

When Mycroft went back to the underground room, he wasn't surprised to see Albert still in that
position and sleeping perfectly like one of those greek statues sculpted of the finest white marble,
full of details and letting everyone see the long lashes touching the tip of his cheeks, his jaw in a
perfect angle making him look masculine contrasting with the plump pinkish lips softer than those
of a lady; a long elegant neck guiding the eye to the curve of his collarbones peeking through the
dressing gown and adorned with a red biting mark deeper than the others and that didn't seem like
would fade away anytime soon; a wedding ring on his left hand and resting over his lap.

Painters would get crazy to portray his beauty but would never achieve to make his lips look as
pink and soft as they were; sculptors would fight to find the perfect marble to sculpt him and yet
that wouldn't compare to his perfect and smooth milky skin; poets would struggle to find the
correct words and metaphors to describe and yet would cry at the realisation that no word was
enough to describe him.

Without knowing, his cold hands had already moved to touch gingerly at his cheeks adorned with a
healthy pink blush, his face slowly coming closer until his lips were fully pressed against his own
and then separating himself just the enough to feel his soft breath hitting against his cheek.

What a temptation he was, surely he was a devil.

It was hard to not spend hours and hours just admiring him, but when he heard a loud crack coming
from his shoulder he could just chuckle softly and take Albert into his arms, walking through the
quiet and dark hallways of his home until they were finally on their room, laying side by side and
letting the sleep come to him.

He never imagined that he would find it pleasurable to sleep with someone else, or that he could
also show some affection to someone that wasn't Sherlock. Don't even make him begin about
enjoying some totally normal, to the point you could consider it boring, time with two kids, his two
kids and a shameless man that somehow had stolen his heart.

That evening had been by far, one of the most normal ones he had ever experienced in his life, and
while in another time he could have found it totally boring, he now thought that he wouldn't mind
living like that for the rest of his life.

He was sure that Sherlock would make fun of him, and even feel disgusted at the sight of his
always stiff and annoying brother behaving so well and loving those normal family-like moments.
He himself wasn't able to believe he could be so openly affective when all his life his care and
love for his brother had come out on mockery and tricks.

He would give those people that had spoken ill of his family some more time to enjoy of their last
breath of power and easy life, that way the fall would be even worse and not only him but also
Albert would enjoy it better like that.
Chapter End Notes

Somebody had said on previous chapters that they wanted to read Mycroft carrying
Albert bridal style so here it is!! Hope it met your expectations!! (I'm sorry don't
remember who it was but I love you haha)

If you suffered a sugar-mental-breakdown or think you might have diabetes after this,
I'm sorry to tell ya I'm poor and don't pay for insulin or any kind of mental aid
hahahaha ♀️

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this sweet chapter as much as I loved writing it you
might want to read this again after one of the next updates haha (oops spoiler)

Next update: 03/23/22 I promise I'll do my best to finish a bunch of chapters to go

back to the weekly updates or even more

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