Strategic Leadership and Management LO D

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Strategic Leadership and Management LO D

Task 1: Provide findings on the qualities and traits of effective strategic leaders and manager.


Strategic leadership is described because the capability to influence others to make every day
decisions that enhance the long-term viability of the organization while maintaining its brief-time
period financial balance.

Strategic leaders possess the potential to streamline techniques, increase productiveness,

innovation and create an environment of creativity and initiative amongst personnel. In these days’s
disruptive environment, such leaders make certain that their corporation maintains a competitive

Leadership Qualities & Traits

 Vision: Great strategic leaders have a clean and compelling vision that is going far beyond
the current reality. These leaders are able to speak their vision in an effective and inspiring
manner to mobilise dedication inside their organization and area.
 Openness: Strategic leaders are aware about the quick pace of change and that they cannot
know at all. Their antennae are continually on, as an apparently minor element might
challenge their contemporary strategic plans and be the cause for changing the strategy for
his or her corporation or department.
 Focus: Strategic leaders have the potential to attention their interest and power on what
they perceive as the most essential activities and project.
 Courage: In the face of complexity and uncertainty, a strategic leader makes sure, if his or
her strategic choices will grow to be successful, no matter all the information gathering and
due diligence.
 Prudence: Strategic leaders act prudently. While being ready to take calculated risks, they
avoid gambling and try and reduce dangers where possible.

Leadership Qualities:

 Good listening skills: While efficiently speaking your expectations and vision is one of the
best strategic managements characteristics it’s additionally critical to listen to what your
team has to say.
 Passion & commitment: leaders should have commitment towards his work also enthusiasm
for your mission or project will get others excited because they can see your dedication
towards work.
 Innovation: A leader must have innovative ideas being a strong leader requires realism it
requires having an eye for innovation to execute on it.
 Strong communication: It is one of the most important qualities of leader you may have a
clear vision but if you can’t convey your ideas to your team, it will be impossible to carry out.
The goal of an organization is to attain long term goals. Leaders want to pay close interest to overall
performance determinants by developing a vision, being (and promoting) flexibility and edition,
building more potent relationships and networks with employees and customers, empowering
employees at all stages to make selections and innovate.

Task -2 - Construct a Continuous Professional Plan that meets Leadership Development

requirements identified in the SWOT analysis, Skill Tests and Skill Audit with respect to your
personal career goals and adopted methods used to achieve the strategic goals. Develop justified
recommendations in CPD for developing own strategic leadership and management Skills and


 I am a self-motivated person who wake up with desire to work on my goals

 I have a creative mind I can generate new ideas and innovation.
 I am open-minded. I can usually see things from multiple perspectives and am ready to learn
from others.

 I am a reliable person. I can be trusted to do things that I say I will do and I will always turn
up on time.
 I am adaptable to changes in events and timelines. 

 I don’t have much practical work experience

 I am really shy and this goal will require me to step out of my comfort zone a lot.
 I am not very good at scientific thinking and this task will require some scientific knowledge. 
 I worry about making mistakes. This often prevents me from taking action.

 There is an upcoming internship as part of my college degree where I can develop skills.
 I have found an online course which will help me to develop my skills and improve in my

 It’s possible that there will be increasing competition for getting into internships, courses, or

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