SEQs 1st Term 1st Year 16-5-2022

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1st Term

First Year MBBS, Batch-7, Session 2021-22, Date: 16-5-2022

Max. Marks: 45 Time Allowed: 2 hours

Part-II SEQs
Attempt ALL Questions.

Q. 1. Name the different parts of a growing long bone. Name the blood supply of an adult long
bone. Why osteomyelitis is more common in the bones of children? (5)

Q. 2. Classify the glands on the basis of their mode of secretion with examples. (5)

Q. 3. A 28-year-female presented to Gyne/Obs emergency with a history of lower abdominal pain.

She had a positive beta hCG in blood and after ultrasound she was diagnosed as a case of
ruptured ectopic pregnancy.
a. What is/are the normal site/s of fertilization and implantation (1)
b. What are the phases of fertilization (4)

Q. 4. (a) What is Spermiogenesis? Give its importance. Give the structure of a mature
sperm. (0.5+1+1.5)
(b) What do you understand by the following terms?
i. Capacitation ii. Acrosomal reaction (1+1)

Q. 5. Draw and label the cutaneous nerve supply of upper limb. (5)

Q. 6. Enlist the structures passing superficial and deep to flexor retinaculum. What do you understand
by Carpal tunnel syndrome? (3+2)

Q. 7. Explain the anatomy of complex uniaxial synovial joint of pivot variety of upper limb. Explain
the movements of supination and pronation. (3+2)

Q. 8. A 20-year-old medical student wakes up on Sunday morning and realizes he has no feeling or a
tingly feeling (pins and needles) in his pinky and the medial half of his ring finger, which nerve has he
pinched? Which intrinsic muscles of hand are supplied by this nerve? (1+4)

Q. 9. Which nerve is closely related to the surgical neck of humerus and passes through the
quadrangular space? Mention its anatomy. (5)

-- SMC-Ant/1st-T/1st-MBBS/2022 --

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