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Marriott AP - Restaurant/Bar Evaluation (Premium)

JKTWI.4 - Henshin, The Westin Jakarta, Jakarta, 12940
2018 - 02


40% 60%
30% 70%

20% 80%

10% 90%

0% 100%



Telephone 81.3% 18.7% 81.3% - -

Reception 100.0% 100.0% - -
Bar 95.5% 4.5% 95.5% - -
Table Service 88.1% 11.9% 88.1% - -
Facility 100.0% 100.0% - -
Kitchen 100.0% 100.0% - -
Loyalty 61.1% 38.9% 61.1% - -
TOTAL 88.8% 11.2% 88.8% - -





75.0% 23 (of 49) -

Your rank for the current month (2018-02) is 23 out of













CURRENT: 2018-02

© COPYRIGHT 2018 REPORT GENERATED: 2018-02-28 22:52

JKTWI.4 1/21
Marriott AP - Restaurant/Bar Evaluation (Premium)
Premium Brand R&B

JKTWI.4 ­ Henshin ­ The Westin Jakarta, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav.C­
22 A, Jakarta, 12940
  Date: 21/2/2018
Survey Total: 88.82% (135 / 152)
  Time: 6:45 PM

Executive Summary

Three bartenders worked diligently at the bar and were observed using proper tools for making drinks. The bar server seated
the evaluator and presented menus. The bar server brought the cash payment to the bar where a bartender rang it up. At the
table, server Iqbal was courteous and professional, but not proactive.
The food was unique and flavorful, but the entree portions were less ample than expected for the price.

Assignment Details   -
Date of Evaluation:


Arrival Time


Departure Time


JKTWI.4 2/21
Order/Check #

40163, 40198

Reimbursement requested:


Telephone   81.25% (13 / 16)

Number dialed:


Time of call:


Staff member name(s):


1. Phone was answered within three rings N/A Yes  No 1/1

Comment: 3 rings

2. Phone answered with, "Thank you for calling [restaurant], this is N/A Yes  No 1/1

[name], How may I help you?" 

3. Reservationist used appropriate verbiage, tone with genuine delivery N/A Yes  No 1/1

4. Reservationist engage in warm conversation to show genuine N/A Yes  No 1/1

concern and interest in the guest

5. Reservationist asked for guest name and ensured a correct spelling N/A Yes  No 1/1

6. Reservationist asked for date and time of reservation N/A Yes  No 1/1

7. Reservationist asked for number of guests N/A Yes  No 1/1

JKTWI.4 3/21
8. Reservationist asked if you are celebrating a special occasion N/A Yes  No 0/1

Comment: not asked

9. Reservationist asked about preferences(e. g. seating indoor/outdoor) N/A Yes  No 0/1

or dietary restrictions (e. g. vegetarian, food allergies)

Comment: not asked

10. If reservations were not accepted, alternatives/options were N/A Yes  No 1/1

proactively suggested 

11. Reservationist confirmed back time and date of restaurant N/A Yes  No 1/1

reservation and number of guests in the party to ensure correct

12. Reservationist is knowledgeable and confident in interaction N/A Yes  No 1/1

13. Questions were answered patiently and politely  N/A Yes  No 1/1

14. Reservationist provided accurate directions upon request  N/A

Comment: not asked

15. Questions were answered completely to your satisfaction  N/A Yes  No 1/1

  16. If placed on hold, you were asked first (answer awaited)  N/A

Comment: not placed on hold

17. Hold time did not exceed two minutes, guest was offered a call back if N/A
hold is longer than 30 seconds

Comment: not placed on hold

18. You were not placed on hold (involuntary) more than one time  N/A

Comment: not placed on hold

19. Further assistance offered to the guest N/A Yes  No 0/1

Comment: not asked

20. You received a friendly farewell and thank you  N/A Yes  No 1/1

JKTWI.4 4/21

Comment: I called Henshin just before 12:50 PM on Friday, February 16, 2018 by dialing 62-21-27887768. A female
answered in three rings. She thanked me for calling restaurant reservation and asked how she could assist me. I asked for
a dinner reservation for two on Saturday, February 20, 2018 at Henshin. She asked for how many guests. Once answered
she communicated that the restaurant was so far fully booked but she could put me on waiting list. I agreed and she noted
my name and telephone number. She then said, “Thank you, Ms. [Name].” She promised to contact me the next day.

On Saturday, February 17, 2018, a female staff member called me around 1:40 PM. She identified herself as being from the
Westin. She informed me that the restaurant was fully booked and suggested I move the reservation after the following
Monday. I agreed to book on Wednesday, February 21, 2018, for dinner at 6:30 PM as suggested by the female

I asked the reservationist if the restaurant had a buffet and she confirmed. She then thanked me and said goodbye, after
repeating my reservation details.

I called the restaurant reservation line on Tuesday, February 20, 2018, around 7:40 PM by dialing 62-21-27887768. It was
answered within three rings by a female. She said, “Good evening, thank you for calling Westin restaurant reservations.” I
told her that I wanted to reschedule my dinner reservation the next day at Henshin from 6:30 PM to 6:00 PM. The
reservationist asked for my name. Once learned, she told me that my reservation was at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, February
21, 2018, at Seasonal Taste restaurant instead of Henshin. I corrected her that it was supposed to be at Henshin. She
noted it, repeated the details, thanked me, and said goodbye.

Reception   100.00% (14 / 14)

Time approached host podium:


Duration of wait to be seated:


Host name(s) or description(s):

Host (Female - 5'3", shoulder length black hair)

21. Host/Hostess initiated greeting  N/A Yes  No 1/1

22. Guest greeted at podium with a smile and welcome  N/A Yes  No 1/1

23. Guest acknowledged with smile/gesture if you were in line  N/A

Comment: no line

24. Host/Hostess had record of the reservation and confirmed details N/A Yes  No 1/1

25. Once learned, Host/Hostess used guest name  N/A Yes  No 1/1

26. Tone, demeanor was welcoming, not businesslike or harried  N/A Yes  No 1/1

27. Good posture, smile, eye contact, and attentive listening maintained N/A Yes  No 1/1

throughout the interaction

JKTWI.4 5/21
28. If applicable, you were proactively offered coat check assistance  N/A

Comment: nothing to check

29. If there was a delay, an associate updated the guest  N/A

Comment: no delay

30. In case of delay, inconvenience was acknowledge, guest was given an N/A
approximate time

Comment: no delay

31. Cocktails/drinks carried by restaurant employee to the table   N/A Yes  No 1/1

32. Single diners: Reading materials (e. g. newspaper or magazine) are N/A

Comment: 2 guests

33. Host/Hostess made pleasant conversation on the way to the table   N/A

Comment: not a single guest

34. If applicable, you were advised of the presence of stairs or other N/A
  obstacles before approaching them 

Comment: none

35. Host/Hostess ensured table is set up with appropriate place settings N/A

Comment: table was already set up

36. Host/Hostess pulled out chair or positioned table for the guest (N/A N/A Yes  No 1/1

for booths) 

37. Host/Hostess wished you a pleasant dinner/meal  N/A Yes  No 1/1

38. Host/Hostess attentive to all entering/exiting guests  N/A Yes  No 1/1

39. Warm and sincere farewell offered and appreciation demonstrated N/A Yes  No 1/1

by Host/Hostess

40. Host/Hostess takes pride in and takes care of personal appearance N/A Yes  No 1/1

41. Special reservation requests were acknowledged/honored  N/A

Comment: no special requests

42. Host/Hostess podium was clean and organized N/A Yes  No 1/1

43. The overall experience met guest expectations and was free of N/A Yes  No 1/1

negative detractors

JKTWI.4 6/21

Comment: My guest and I arrived at the hotel entrance at 6:45 PM on Wednesday, February 21, 2018. We proceeded to
the security check point attended by security officer #1 (Male – 5’5”, short black hair) and security officer #2 (Male – 5’5”,
short wavy black hair). Security officer #1 greeted us with a smile and eye contact then continued the security checking
bags using the conveyor scanner.

We arrived at Henshin elevator shortly after 6:45 PM. We arrived at the host podium at the 67th floor around 6:50 PM. The
podium was seen neat and organized. The host (Female - 5'3", shoulder length black hair) was dress professionally and
well groomed. The host greeted us with a smile, eye contact and upbeat voice. She said, “Good evening. Welcome to
Henshin. ” She checked my reservation by asking my name. Once learned, she addressed me by name. The host confirmed
the reservation and asked us to follow her. She escorted us to the elevator and we arrived at the 68th floor. We got seated
at a table by the window with a nice view. It was 6:55 PM.

The table set with the correct number of place settings. She pulled out chairs, then handed food and drink menus for each
of us. The host told me that a server would come to assist us. She then said, “Enjoy your dinner,” and left.

The podium was not in view during the evaluation.

Upon exiting shortly before 9:20 PM, the host thanked us and said, “Have a great evening.” Her voice was friendly and
warm. She smiled and made eye contact. The host was seen at that time welcoming entering guests.

Bar   95.45% (42 / 44)

Time of arrival at bar:


Duration at bar:


Bartender name(s) or description(s):

Bartender #1 (Male – 5'5", short black hair)

Bartender #2 (Male - 5'6", short black wavy hair)
Bartender #3 (Male – 5’4”, short black hair)
Bar server (Female – 5'4", long black hair, French twist)

Bar Service   94.12% (32 / 34)

44. If standing in a queue, an attempt to acknowledge the guest was made N/A
in a timely manner

Comment: no queue

45. Bartender smiled and maintained eye contact  N/A

Comment: all bartenders were busy

46. Bartender greeted you within one minute of your arrival at the bar  N/A Yes  No 1/1

Comment: bar server

JKTWI.4 7/21
47. Bartender was helpful and knowledgeable about cocktails and wines  N/A

Comment: no interaction with guest

48. Bartender upsold liquor, beer, and wine  N/A Yes  No 1/1

Comment: menus presented

49. Specific recommendations were made for cocktails and drinks (when N/A

Comment: not asked

50. The associate shared stories associated with local/regional products N/A

Comment: did not interact with bartender

51. Asked if guests would be eating at the bar/offered menu (if N/A

Comment: already dined

52. Demonstrates knowledge of food menu (detailed when answering N/A

Comment: not asked

53. Beverages were delivered to the table with a tray N/A Yes  No 1/1

54. Beverages were served on a coaster or a napkin N/A Yes  No 1/1

55. Complimentary snacks were offered N/A Yes  No 0/1

Comment: snacks were not offered

56. Snacks were presented in an attractive and professional manner N/A

Comment: no snack presented

57. Snacks were fresh and of high quality N/A

Comment: no snack

58. Pour sizes were consistent  N/A Yes  No 1/1

59. Drink was properly prepared: Chilled glass, ice level, etc.   N/A Yes  No 1/1

60. Where applicable, drink was prepared with fresh good quality ice  N/A Yes  No 1/1

61. Patrons of questionable age were asked for identification  N/A

Comment: none observed

62. Bar staff was well­groomed and professional, wearing a uniform N/A Yes  No 1/1

JKTWI.4 8/21
63. Bartender was friendly and enhanced experience, interacted with N/A
guests, especially single guests 

Comment: no interaction

64. Special requests were accommodated happily  N/A Yes  No 1/1

Comment: less ice

65. Timing flowed smoothly  N/A Yes  No 1/1

66. Glasses of wine and bottles of beer are poured at the table in front of N/A
the guest 

Comment: none within observation

  67. Server demonstrated the label and offered a taste prior to a complete N/A
pour (applicable for wine)

Comment: not observed

68. Garnishes fresh and appropriate  N/A Yes  No 1/1

69. Server offered a second round of drinks within one minute of glass N/A Yes  No 0/1

being at 2/3 empty

Comment: not offered

70. Snacks were replenish when 3/4 empty N/A

Comment: no snacks provided

71. All debris (e. g. stirrer sticks, fruit garnish) were cleaned from N/A Yes  No 1/1

occupied tables

72. Transaction was rung immediately  N/A Yes  No 1/1

73. NO intoxicated patrons were being served alcohol  N/A

Comment: not observed

74. Itemized receipts were given with cash change (when applicable)  N/A Yes  No 1/1

75. POS drawer closed between transactions  N/A Yes  No 1/1

76. You were thanked with eye contact when you paid  N/A Yes  No 1/1

77. Bartender had good posture, smile, eye contact, and maintained N/A
attentive listening throughout the interaction

Comment: no interaction

78. Glassware was clean  N/A Yes  No 1/1

79. Beverage menu/wine list was clean, no misspellings  N/A Yes  No 1/1

80. Drinks were served in appropriate glassware N/A Yes  No 1/1

JKTWI.4 9/21
81. Drinks were visually appealing  N/A Yes  No 1/1

82. Drinks were balanced, had great flavors and memorable  N/A Yes  No 1/1

  83. Drinks were concept relevant and had a sense of place  N/A

Comment: standard

84. Table was maintained; crumbs and dishes/glassware cleared  N/A Yes  No 1/1

85. You would describe service as friendly and warm  N/A Yes  No 1/1

86. Once payment was tendered, check was settled within three N/A Yes  No 1/1


87. The check was accurate and complete N/A Yes  No 1/1

88. Staff not eating or drinking in public view  N/A Yes  No 1/1

89. There were no disappointments with any of the beverages served N/A Yes  No 1/1

(cocktails, coffee, wine, etc. ) 

90. The Bar Staff responded to cues N/A Yes  No 1/1

91. Guest name used during the experience, when known N/A

Comment: name was not learned

92. The overall experience met guest expectations and was free of N/A Yes  No 1/1

negative detractors

Comment: staff could be more attentive

93. Staff member does not ask if cash change is needed but N/A Yes  No 1/1

automatically brings change to guest 

94. Bar was clean and in good condition N/A Yes  No 1/1

95. Flatware ­ free of tarnish/wear N/A

Comment: no flatware was used

96. Linens neat (if applicable) N/A

Comment: no linens at bar table and bar area

97. Warm and sincere farewell offered and appreciation demonstrated N/A Yes  No 1/1

by server 

Bar Quality   100.00% (10 / 10)

98. Ice scoop/tong was employed  N/A Yes  No 1/1

99. Bartending equipment (shakers/mixing glass/bitters bottles) were N/A Yes  No 1/1

set up on the bar top 

100. Back bar was maintained neatly  N/A Yes  No 1/1

JKTWI.4 10/21
101. Measures/Jiggers were used to measure spirits and all ingredients N/A Yes  No 1/1
when creating a cocktail 

102. Dirty glassware was promptly bussed from bar top  N/A Yes  No 1/1

103. Shaker was washed between uses  N/A Yes  No 1/1

104. Bartop wiped and clean; no crumbs, no sticky or wet spots  N/A Yes  No 1/1

105. Glasses not handled near rim  N/A Yes  No 1/1

106. Drinks prepared for servers were accompanied by tickets  N/A

Comment: not seen during observation

107. Did not touch face or hair (or washes hands immediately after); N/A Yes  No 1/1


108. Bar was clean, organized and well lit N/A Yes  No 1/1

JKTWI.4 11/21

Comment: My guest and I arrived at the bar, located on the 67th floor, at 8:35 PM on Wednesday, February 21, 2018.
There were three bartenders at the bar: bartender #1 (Male – 5'5", short black hair), bartender #2 (Male - 5'6", short black
wavy hair), and bartender #3 (Male – 5’4”, short black hair). All of bartenders were busy preparing drinks upon our arrival.

Five of six seats direct;y at the bar were occupied. There was no queue upon arrival at the bar, and business was steady.
The bar server (Female – 5'4", long black hair, French twist) greeted us saying, “Hello. Welcome.” She escorted us to sit at
the sofa just in front of the bar top with a clear view of the bar.

We were seated just after 8:35 PM. The bar server handed each of us food and drink menus. She then left without
explaining anything. She did not check if we were ready to order until I gave her a cue shortly after 8:35 PM. We placed a
drink order at that time, shortly before 8:40 PM. I asked for less ice and the bar server noted it, repeated our order and left.
The bar server delivered my drink on a tray just after 8:40 PM, four minutes after I ordered. It was served correctly to have
less ice, but not with a coaster or napkin. The glass was handled at the bottom. My guest’s order of cappuccino was
delivered six minutes after it was ordered. It was hot. A sugar container was placed along with the drink. The bar server
announced each drink when she served them.

Our drinks were almost finished around 9:10 PM, but no refills were offered. I signaled to the bar server shortly after 9:10
PM and asked for the check. She was observed asking at the bar for the check. She returned with it in three minutes. The
check was given in a clean presenter. The bar server also brought with her the mobile POS and asked if we wanted to pay
with a card. The check was correctly itemized. I paid with cash. The bar server took the payment to the bar, handed cash to
bartender #2. He opened the POS system, placed the cash in, took out the change, then closed the drawer. No mishandling
of funds was observed. The bar server returned with correct cash change shortly after 9:15 PM. We left the bar.

The bar was an island shape near the entrance and it was neat and well organized with attractive bottles. Glasses and cups
were clean and in good condition.

The cappuccino at the bar was served hot with a selection of sugar. It was below expectations. The flavor was not that
good. The presentation was basic with no foam garnish.

The mango aguafresca was served cold with slices of mangoes. The presentation was appealing. It met expectations.

From where I was seated I could observe the three bartenders using jiggers and shakers, employing ice scoops when
making drinks, and clearing used glasses from the bar top. All equipment was cleaned up upon usage. None of the staff
was seen touching their hair or face when preparing drinks. None of them was observed touching the rims of glasses. Pour
size of beer was observed consistent.

Bartenders were not seen to have interactions with guests. Bartenders were well groomed with neat uniforms.

Table Service   88.10% (37 / 42)

Time seated:


Duration of meal:


Server name(s) or description(s):

Iqbal (Male - 5'4", short curly black hair; name on check)

Server #1 (Female - 5'3", shoulder length straight black hair)

JKTWI.4 12/21
Table Number:


109. The server approached the table within one minute after being N/A Yes  No 1/1


Comment: 1 minute

110. Server smiled, made eye contact with everyone in party  N/A Yes  No 1/1

111. You were greeted/welcomed (before being asked to order)  N/A Yes  No 1/1

112. Server is extremely well spoken, polite and clear, avoiding slang N/A Yes  No 1/1

and phrase­fragments 

113. Server engages with the guest emotionally and anticipates guests N/A Yes  No 0/1

needs/preferences throughout the meal

Comment: did not engage with us

114. Menus were handed to each guest once all were seated  N/A Yes  No 1/1

115. Server automatically explained specials, any unavailable items N/A Yes  No 0/1

Comment: no explanation

116. Server is knowledgeable about menus and uses suggestive selling N/A Yes  No 0/1

Comment: no suggestive selling

117. Server was able to describe ingredients and preparation of menu N/A Yes  No 1/1

items, if asked

118. Server offered an aperitif or cocktail to start the meal  N/A Yes  No 1/1

119. Water was offered ­ Non Sparkling/Sparkling N/A Yes  No 1/1

120. Beverages, with the exception of cocktails, were delivered within N/A Yes  No 1/1

three minutes of their order

121. Beer is served with or in a chilled glass N/A

Comment: no order of beer

122. Bottled beer is poured at the table in front of the guest N/A

Comment: no order of beer

123. Wine/cocktails/beer served at correct temperature  N/A

Comment: no order of alcoholic beverage

124. Wine by the bottle presented within 5 minutes of order N/A

Comment: not ordered

JKTWI.4 13/21
125. Server demonstrated the label and offered a taste prior to a complete N/A
pour (applicable for wine bottles)

Comment: not ordered

126. If applicable to the concept, bread was offered with appropriate N/A

Comment: no bread was offered

127. Beverages were delivered to the table with a tray N/A Yes  No 1/1

128. Glassware was handled appropriately  N/A Yes  No 1/1

129. Server suggested wine/presented wine list; beverage N/A Yes  No 1/1


Comment: presented part of drink menu

130. Server repeated back order, including meat doneness and any N/A Yes  No 1/1

allergies or other communicated dining preferences, if applicable 

Comment: repeated back order

131. Utensils are properly positioned and appropriate N/A Yes  No 1/1

132. If applicable, share plates provided for shared foods (Hot share N/A Yes  No 1/1

plates for hot food items)

133. Food delivered to the correct person without asking N/A Yes  No 1/1

134. Each dish was announced in a professional and concise manner N/A Yes  No 1/1

135. Soiled plates must be removed within in a timely manner after all N/A Yes  No 1/1

guests at table have completed their course

136. Server asked food satisfaction and took corrective action if needed N/A Yes  No 1/1

137. Pace of meal is not rushed or delayed N/A Yes  No 1/1

138. The table was crumbed after completion of main course N/A Yes  No 1/1

139. Wine and water were constantly topped up when 2/3 empty  N/A Yes  No 1/1

Comment: water

  140. Condiments/salt and pepper removed when entrees were cleared  N/A Yes  No 1/1

141. Busser made eye contact and specifically asked, "May I?" before N/A Yes  No 1/1

clearing items 

142. Check was presented within three minutes of request  N/A Yes  No 1/1

Comment: 3 minutes

143. The check was accurate and complete N/A Yes  No 1/1

144. Check presenter was clean; good condition and with a brand pen N/A Yes  No 1/1

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145. You were thanked sincerely with eye contact  N/A Yes  No 1/1

146. Server was dressed appropriately and well groomed  N/A Yes  No 1/1

147. Side stands and service stations were organized and clean  N/A Yes  No 1/1

148. Napkins were refolded when guests left table  N/A Yes  No 0/1

Comment: not folded

149. Server was available and readily accessible  N/A Yes  No 1/1

150. Server enhanced dining experience, anticipated needs  N/A

Comment: not enhanced

151. Offered a digestive or cocktail to finish the meal  N/A Yes  No 0/1

Comment: not offered

152. Coffee/tea, cappuccino, espresso were offered  N/A Yes  No 1/1

153. Coffee/tea, cappuccino, espresso presented within three minutes of N/A

Comment: not ordered

154. Silverware was polished; no water spots or bent tines  N/A Yes  No 1/1

155. Table settings were neat, straight and complete  N/A Yes  No 1/1

156. Glassware: Clean, free of blemishes  N/A Yes  No 1/1

157. Linens: Napkins/tablecloths clean, no holes or frayed seams  N/A Yes  No 1/1

158. Management observed interacting with guests during dinner N/A Yes  No 1/1


Comment: My guest and I were seated at 6:55 PM. The table was already set with share plates and cold towels for each
guest. It was a table for two, with utensils that were properly positioned. Utensils were all clean and in good condition.

Iqbal (name on check) approached the table in one minute. He introduced himself in a friendly manner, saying, “Hello, Ms.
[Name]. I am Iqbal.” Iqbal asked if we were ready to order. Iqbal did not explain any specials or unavailable items. Iqbal
offered cocktails or wine. We declined.

I asked Iqbal about the hot appetizer selection, and he recommended cangrejo, crab dishes, and del pato, slow-cooked
duck. Iqbal was able to explain in detail about ingredients, preparation, and taste.

Shortly after 6:55 PM we placed orders of fresh orange juice and Japanese emperor tea for drinks, del pato for a shared
appetizer, pulpo Henshin for my entree, and asado de tira for my guest's entree Iqbal repeated back the order. Iqbal offered
if we wanted to have still or sparkling water. We declined.

Just before 7:00 PM, two minutes after ordering, Iqbal served our drinks on a tray and placed them with coasters on the
table. He announced each item and placed them correctly. Iqbal also brought us a complimentary peking duck salad along
with the drinks. He then wished us to enjoy the meal.

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Iqbal returned just after 7:00 PM to ensure satisfaction of the drinks and peking duck salad.

We finished the peking duck salad just before 7:05 PM. A minute later Iqbal cleared the table, first asking, “May I?”

At 7:20 PM, Iqbal served and announced the appetizer. It was 25 minutes after we ordered. Iqbal returned in two minutes to
ensure satisfaction.

We finished the appetizer at 7:30 PM. Server #1 (Female - 5'3", shoulder length straight black hair) cleared the table
shortly after 7:30 PM. She first asked, “May I?”

My guest’s drink was already finished by that time. I asked Iqbal for still water shortly before 7:35 PM. It was delivered
within two minutes. Iqbal poured the water for each of us. The glasses were clean and in good condition.

At 7:40 PM I visited the restroom. When I returned to table in two minutes, the napkin was not refolded.

Iqbal delivered and announced the entrees shortly before 7:45 PM, 46 minutes after we ordered. He served them to the
correct guest. The main course was served about 11 minutes after the appetizer was cleared.

Iqbal returned at 7:45 PM to check our satisfaction.

We finished just before 7:55 PM. Server #1 cleared the plates four minutes later. She also removed the salt and pepper.
Server #1 asked if we wanted to order any coffee or other drinks. She did not offer dessert initially. Once we declined
coffee, she offered dessert just before 8:00 PM. She returned with the dessert menu in three minutes. A minute later we
placed an order for picarones.

Share plates and utensils were provided at 8:05 PM by Iqbal. He delivered the dessert just after 8:10 PM, 12 minutes after
it was ordered, announcing the item and placed it in the middle for sharing.

Dessert was finished shortly before 8:20 PM. Iqbal cleared the table at 8:20 PM. He asked how dinner was. Iqbal thanked
us with a smile and eye contact. I asked Iqbal about Club Marriott. He was able to explain that it was a dining and stay
program with discounts, and I could online at I thanked him for his information, then asked for the
check at 8:25 PM.

Iqbal presented the check, printed accurately, in a neat check presenter, three minutes later. I confirmed the items and
amount then paid with credit card. The closed check was returned in a neat and clean check presenter with a branded pen
a minute later. Iqbal amiably said, “Thank you for your dinner at Henshin.” We left the restaurant at 8:30 PM.

Iqbal was friendly and polite, but not personable and did not enhance the experience.

The manager (Male - 5'4", short black hair) was observed interacting with a group of guests at the next table. The manager
did not visit us at the table.

Facility   100.00% (9 / 9)
159. If Restaurant has a buffet ­ Buffet Area and Equipment were clean N/A

Comment: Henshin had no buffet

160. The overall restaurant was kept clean and tidy N/A Yes  No 1/1

161. Carpets/Floors/Walls: Clean, no debris, cracks or stains  N/A Yes  No 1/1

162. Lighting: appropriate, no burned out bulbs  N/A Yes  No 1/1

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163. Tables/Chairs: sturdy, no scratches or debris  N/A Yes  No 1/1

164. Temperature of restaurant was comfortable  N/A Yes  No 1/1

165. Music/lighting appropriate and comfortable  N/A Yes  No 1/1

Time of restroom visit:


166. Restroom visited: 


167. Restroom was fully supplied  N/A Yes  No 1/1

168. Restroom was neat and odor free  N/A Yes  No 1/1


169. Waste receptacle not overflowing  N/A Yes  No 1/1


Comment: The restaurant entrance at the 67th floor was rather dark in terms of lighting and its black floor and walls. In
that minimal lighting, the floor and walls looked clean. The host podium at the 67th floor was neat and clean.

Ceiling was also in black with no sign of burned out bulbs.

The elevator to the 68th floor was working properly and clean.

At the 68th floor, tables and chairs looked sturdy and in good condition.

The temperature was just right, cool but not cold.

Music was light and not too loud at the dining area.

The sashimi bar was neat, clean and well organized.

Menu pages for food and dessert were in good condition, though did not look like new.

On the table, napkins were in good condition and clean. Silverware was polished and glasses were clear and clean. The
cold towel was also clean and neat.

I visited the 68th floor women's restroom at 7:40 PM. The pathway to the restroom was rather dark as it was all in black
color and dim lighting. The restroom was well supplied, with no odor or water spots.

Kitchen   100.00% (9 / 9)
170. Food was visually appealing  N/A Yes  No 1/1

171. Food was served at correct temperature  N/A Yes  No 1/1

172. Order was properly prepared to guest request or cooked to meet N/A Yes  No 1/1

the guest expectation for taste

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173. Flavors were exceptional and memorable (clearly detail in N/A Yes  No 1/1

174. Food appearance and presentation was exceptional  N/A Yes  No 1/1

175. Food was made of high quality and fresh ingredients N/A Yes  No 1/1

176. Menu offerings were diverse; include a range of dishes for a N/A Yes  No 1/1

variety of palates 

177. Food was reflecting the concept of the restaurant  N/A Yes  No 1/1

178. Food had a story to tell  N/A Yes  No 1/1

179. Local components were on the menu as observed through menu N/A
selections, locally­sourced ingredients, and/or seasonality of dishes to the
current season 

Comment: no local dishes or local ingredients

180. You would describe the food as (mark all that apply): 


Comment: The food was made of fresh ingredients, with innovative cooking processes. That resulted in dishes that were
flavorful, such as the cooked octopus.

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Comment: The food was flavorful and memorable and the presentation was visually appealing. There was a variety of
dishes including poultry, meat, and seafood as well as choices of raw food and cooked to represent a Japanese concept.
There were no local dishes or local ingredients offered. The food was prepared carefully and made of fresh ingredients.

Complimentary Duck Salad

It was served cold, with an interesting presentation. The duck was flavorful and tender. The portion was ample. It met

Del Pato
It was served cold, with an appealing presentation. The duck was tender and flavorful. The serving size was ample to
share. It exceeded expectations.

Pulpo Henshin
The entree was served hot with an appealing presentation. It was tender and flavorful. The salad was fresh with light
dressing. The serving was less ample than expected for one guest. It otherwise exceeded expectations.

Asado de Tira
The entree was served hot with fresh salad. The presentation was appealing with the golden brownish beef and green
colors of the salad. The beef was tender and flavorful. The portion was less ample than expected. The dish otherwise
exceeded expectations.

The dessert presentation was appealing. There was a garnish of cream and fresh berries. The doughnut was fresh. It was
served hot. The ice cream was cold with a unique flavor. The portion was ample to share. It met expectations.

The Japanese Emperor iced tea was served cold with a standard presentation. The serving size was small for one guest
and it did not meet expectations.

The orange juice was cold, fresh and flavorful. It met expectations.

Drinks were rather small in size and not enough to complete dinner.

Loyalty   61.11% (11 / 18)

181. If the hotel is participating to Club Marriott, was the staff able to N/A Yes  No 1/1
explain how to enroll? (check Club Marriott https://myclubmarriott.

Comment: The server Iqbal (name on check) suggested to apply online, by searching

182. If the hotel is participating to Club Marriott, was the staff able to N/A Yes  No 1/1

explain the benefits?

Comment: A discount program for dining and stay was explained.

183. On a scale of 0­10 with 10 being highest, how likely are you to recommend this location to
friends/family/colleagues? Why? 
0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Comment: I would recommend this restaurant for its food quality and ambiance with an attractive city view, but service
was not that attentive. The price was a bit too high for what was offered.

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184. Would you return to the restaurant and spend your own money?  2/4

 Strongly Agree
 Strongly Disagree

Comment: The price was high for the portions served.

185. Based on your experience, you felt welcomed, cared for and appreciated by the service 2/4

 Strongly Agree
 Strongly Disagree

Comment: Service was efficient but not personable or engaging. On the telephone, staff did not ask if the
reservation was for a special occasion or if I had any allergy. At the table, Iqbal did not ask if there was anything I
needed, such as condiments. Staff was responsive to cues but not proactive. It was not that busy and a manager could
have greeted guests at each table.

186. Would you recommend the restaurant based upon the service and hospitality?  2/4

 Strongly Agree
 Strongly Disagree

Comment: As noted above, service did not exceed expectations.

187. Would you recommend restaurant based upon food?  3/4

 Strongly Agree
 Strongly Disagree

Comment: Portions were less ample than expected, but the food was flavorful and visually appealing.

Social Media   -
188. In China, were you allowed to pay with Alipay?  N/A

Comment: not in China

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189. Prior to your visit, how were your expectation of this restaurant impacted by reviews on
social media or review sites (e.g. Zomato, Dianping,Trip Advisor, etc.) 
Heightened expectations (Positive impact) 
  Comment: There were positive reviews.

190. On which social media and/or review sites did you find the most information online about
the restaurant prior to the evaluation? 


191. After your visit, did you feel that the online reviews were accurate based on your
Very Accurate 
Comment: The reviews were accurate.

What are three things that stood out about the experience?

The food was unique and flavorful, in particular the
1 octopus, the Pulpo Henshin dish. The presentation of the
food was outstanding.

2 The restaurant had a nice ambiance with an appealing view
of the city from the 68th floor.

3 The host was attentive and proactive.

What are three things the restaurant could do to improve the experience? Think about food quality, design, décor,
service, menu, etc.

1 The pathway to restroom was too dark due to dim lighting
and black walls and flooring.

2 The server and manager could have been more attentive to

3 Food and drink portion sizes were less ample than

  Survey Total: 88.82% (135 / 152)

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