Free Generic Statement of The Benefactor

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This Statement of the Benefactor free version can be downloaded and modified anyway
you think fit to suit your circumstances, knowledge, understanding, and comfort zone. I
would not make drastic changes to the first 3 paragraphs. They are proven very effective
affirmations, as is the forgiveness aspect.

Yellow indicates where changes are to be made

Pink provides some guidance

Exhibit A is a color photograph of your face.

Exhibit B is a photocopy of the registration of birth, COLB/SOLB.

Robert and Judy = mom/dad name

John = your given name
JOHN P SMITH 123 456 789 = name and number as you see it on SIN/SSN card/account

Document can be done as an affidavit, or an affidavit can be done as follow up. On such
and such a date so and so received a document delivered by USPS, and email, a copy of
which is marked Exhibit A. So and so did not reply, therefore……………
Statement of the Benefactor

For the correction of the incorrect designations

To all to whom these presents shall come, greetings:

I, One, living, breathing, man, the undersigned, Exhibit A, son of and made in the image
and the likeness of my father and mother, Robert and Judy, given name John, having a
sound mind, without prejudice to My God-given rights and duties, being one who was
born of and walks on the soil of God (Genesis 1), who is unschooled in the law, is not
trained in legalese, who has never had an attorney, is without an attorney, and does not
waive counsel, knowingly and willingly Declares and duly Affirms, according to law, in
time of peace and not in time of war or emergency, in good faith, with no intention to delay
or obstruct, and with full intent to preserve and promote the public confidence in the
integrity and impartiality of the judiciary, that the preceding and following statements and
facts are of my own first-hand knowledge, except where such matters are stated to be
based on information and belief, in which case I have identified the source and confirm
my belief in the accuracy and truth of that information, God help me.

1. I AM no person, no fictional being, no organization, trustee, employee, association,

voluntary association, joint-stock association, company, co-partnership, firm, order, or
society, either aggregate or part of any aggregate, or automatic aggregate, or public utility
aggregate, whether organized or incorporated or not, and I am not misrepresenting my
identity or origin, of Robert and Judy (maker, owner, ruler), of God (maker, owner, ruler).

2. I have not duly granted, ratified, bargained for, gifted, sold, pledged, optioned, or
donated any power of appointment, special power of appointment, general power of
appointment in trust, or any general or special franchise, or elective franchise name,
character, labour, or living body to any other, for any consideration: including, but not
limited to any option or opting, any promise, implied promise, successive promises,
agreement, supposed agreement, identity, fiction, graven image, forbearance, grace,
creation, or modification or destruction of a legal relation, trade name, trademark, service
mark, title(s), or return promise, bargained for and given in exchange for a promise,
privilege, benefit, reciprocity, indemnity, mutual indemnification, any present or future
interest or otherwise.

3. There are two beings with the same name, one real, the undersigned, the other a
person, a fictional being.

4. It is not possible that man can be two beings, man, and a person, a fictional being.

5. I attorned unknowingly. I only appear for the person. I think for, speak for, and act for

6. I am offended that I have been treated/deemed a fictional being my whole life.

7. I own the claim of the ownership to the Estate, SMITH, JOHN PAUL.

8. The Estate is represented by the certification accepted in the custody of the office of
the Registrar General, Exhibit B, which represents the security future pledge of future labor
(IOU), the source of credit. May be Registrar General may be by some other name or

9. The Estate, my labour, unbeknownst to I, has been pledged as surety to underwrite

the currency of Canada as well as a portion of the public debt; pay the bills, taxes,
claims, assessed/levied against the person JOHN P SMITH, account # 123 456 789.

10. The Estate consents and agrees to cover all the persons debts and forgives the
debtor of its indebtedness. Taking the path of least resistance

11. Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, and/or Canada, incorrectly designated
the beneficiary of the Estate/Trust/debtor account 123 456 789.

12. The undersigned or the person/debtor account, JOHN P SMITH 123 456 789,
incorrectly designated the trustee. Name as shown on SSN/SIN card/account

Dated this _____ day of ____________, 2022

John-Paul: Smith

Recipients shall have thirty days from the date shown above to refute, in writing, any
part or all the content of the Statement of the Benefactor, backed by evidence. For
example: Proof the undersigned is a person….list them out

Return post-office address:

John-Paul: Smith
123 Main St
Somewhere, Ontario, Canada, M5B 2X1
Kingdom of God
Statement of the Benefactor
Exhibit A
John-Paul: Smith
Not a member of a society


You can upgrade from this free version of the Statement of the Benefactor to the more
detailed version by obtaining our Reclaim your Securities info pack ($250-$300US). (PayPal
widget at the blog)

Info here at the MUST read button

With it you will receive all of our reclaim your securities information, the detailed version of the
Statement of the Benefactor, a pre-recorded video explaining the Statement of the Benefactor
(58 min.); the content, why this why that, why forgive the debt, reasoning, what you can use it
for, how, to whom we address it, documentary evidence, some background study information,
as well as invites to zoom meetings so you can ask questions specific to the Statement of the
To make payment:
Send an email to Adam at and request the payment info. It will be emailed to
you. Thank you, Adam

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