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Shaden Guerrero Reyes


In my opinion, both are very important, for our day to day, since both are part of the
decisions we make, from the smallest to the most important, and this later has
repercussions in actions that help us or affect us depending on the case. That is
why I think that we should all be clear about the meaning of each one and the
difference between the two, because we may think they are the same but they are
not, each one is different. For example, ethics is a discipline that comes from
philosophy, it also has several branches within it, it is specialized, one could say
that in human behavior, since it studies or is more focused on human behavior,
such as good or the evil that people commonly do, since in our day to day we
always make and take decisions that can be good or bad, as much as to be able to
help someone or to be able to affect or harm another person, because good and
evil lives within us, that's why we have to be aware of what we can affect with our
actions. On the other hand, morality comes from Latin origin, this is rather from a
set of beliefs that we have, it also deals with and contains the customs that we
have, in addition, the values here are very important and of course the norms of a
person carry in This part is of great value since morality is too important for human
beings to be able to have good deeds in the world, since morality helps and works
as a guide for human beings, it helps us not to commit or stop and assimilate but
our works in life.

That is why the conclusion to the difference between morality and ethics is that
morality is about a series of values, principles and some rules that govern our
behavior in a society so that, as mentioned before, so that our works that we do
day by day are better and make us better people for society and thus be able to be
better with the people around us and also our community, this is a tool so to speak,
very important for the human being.

On the other hand, ethics is better known by people as an abstract and theoretical
study of human behavior, since here is how to reflect on the principles that will later
take and become part of our morality and that is why it is like the philosophical part
that will later determine our behavior that we will obtain and we will have to submit
each one of us people, in order to live in society in a correct and peaceful way both
are essential elements for us to be at peace with everyone.

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