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Ewell 1

Mikayla Ewell

Professor Saladino

EDU 214

June 8, 2022

Truss Bridges and My Reflection

Truss bridges are characterized by the joining of numerous relatively small structural members

into a series of interconnected triangles.

This assignment taught me a lot of patience to be able to make sure my line drawings were

matched up and aligned from the others. This will be a huge role when it comes to teaching in an

Elementary School level.

The ISTE standards that stood out to me while making this artifact was how I was able to learn

more about a digital software that I don’t use as often, and I will be able to use this information

for myself when I become a teacher when I use PowerPoint drawing in the future. The goal for

the standards of technology are simple, but you will need practice.

Using this skill in a face-to-face setting when I become a teacher will be helpful. Students would

be able to use popsicle sticks to be able to make their bridges, and everyone’s won’t turn out the

same. This will provide motor skills that are needed to develop their minds at a young age.

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