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Intro duction:

Facebook is an amazing adver sing channel. Today, it is one of the most advanced algorithmic
adver sing machines ever known in the marke ng world. It gives each and every person the ability
to reach poten ally billions of people right from their laptop or even their telephone. The algorithm
has an unmatched ability to target people that are going to be interested in your products and
services. Never has there been a me where the opportunity has been larger for entrepreneurs to be
able to build massive companies without massive barriers to entry or massive investment.

So why, then, if Facebook ads are so powerful do very few, actually make money with the pla orm?

Why is it that most people fail to hit their revenue goals and make the sales, or maybe even get any
sales when they try to run ads on the pla orm? This is the topic of this guide book and my goal is to
teach you how to create winning ads and funnels.

I've been adver sing online since 2006 and in that me, I spent millions of dollars in adver sing and
generated many, many more millions in revenue. The key difference between those that make it on
Facebook ads and those that don't, is the difference between marketers and ad buyers.

Too many people that adver se on Facebook are merely ad buyers, people that just push bu ons
and don't see beyond the scope of the marke ng machine outside the Facebook Ads Manager.

A marketer, on the other hand, is someone who understands the en re picture, understands how to
create offers, how to make ads, how to create crea ve and how to create super funnels.

In this short guide, I'm going to show you how to make ads and create funnels. If you do what I show
you in this guide, you'll already be ahead of 95% of people who were on the Facebook ads pla orm,
or even any ads pla orm.

Although, specifically, this guide relates directly to Facebook ads, the principle in it can be used in
any marke ng medium, whether online or offline. I hope that you find the content of this short book
interes ng. What's more, I hope you implement what I tell you, because that's the only way you're
going to get the results you're looking for.
Chapter 1

Crea ng a Winning Ad.

All the newbie marketers make the same mistake when ge ng started running Facebook ads. They
jump headlong into the pla orm, into Facebook Ads Manager and start cranking out the ads one
a er the other.

There is very li le me given to thinking about who they are targe ng, what those people want and
how they should cra that offer.

It's easy to see why people who are stuck all day looking at a screen don't appreciate that on the
otherend of your ads are real people. Real people with goals, desires and fears.

It's the job of a marketer to research that person so they have the same level of knowledge and
understanding as how well they know all of the back of their hand before they start to implement
anything within Ads Manager, or even within a funnel.

Your ability to get inside of the head of the prospects that you're trying to target is paramount to
your success. This is par cularly true now in 2021 when the ad pla orm is changing, targe ng
abili es are
being adjusted or even weakened.

So, your ability to create great ads and understanding your prospect is more important than ever.
You have to ask yourself,
"What is the offer?”

“Why should anybody care?" What you're offering is probably going to be offered by mul ples of
your compe on. In fact, if you find that you don't have any compe on, you might find that's a
warning signal. Very few of us are going to invent an iPhone. Very few of us are going to invent a
groundbreaking product that nobody's ever thought about before.

So if you find yourself in a market where there's no compe on, that's what should some mes scare
you. The fact that there's no compe on may mean that there's no need for the product.
Compe on in the market, on the other hand, indicates that there's money moving in the market
and that's a good thing.

Compe on should not scare you off, it should, in fact, intrigue you. That is not to say you don’t
need a unique offer. That is not to say that you don't need to carve out a sub niche within the main
niche that you're in, but you should not be afraid of compe on.

So you should sit down and start thinking of these items (in no par cular order) of what you should
know and understand about your prospect before you even get started running the ad.

Who are you targe ng?

Where do those people hang out?

What magazines do they read?

What books do they read?

What TV sta ons do they watch?

What movies do they watch?

Are they easy to find? This is a major barometer. Some audiences are easier to find than others.
Someare quite difficult. The B2B space, as an example, is much harder than the B2C space to be able
to iden fy the people on the pla orm for you to target them ac vely.
Do they self-iden fy? For example, people who are involved in selling in niches with vegan or
vegetarian interests; these audiences strongly self iden fy. These people are passionate about their
beliefs and rightly so. As a result of their passion, they're easy to find. People who are, perhaps,
interested in different topics may not be as easy to iden fy on the pla orm.

What is your product price point? Many marketers get started in their business and start off with the
cheapest price, they go to the very bo om, to try and beat all the compe on. This is very rarely a
good strategy. Being the cheapest guy in the market means the weakest margins and therefore,
makes it incredibly difficult to make the business profitable and give the business longevity.

You have to set your price point with due considera on to who it is you're targe ng and what is their
ability to pay. As previously men oned, you've got to understand what your prospects, hopes and
fears are. What keeps them awake at night? What problems have they got? What problems does
your product solve? How does it solve it? How easy is it to use your product and so on and so forth.

This is be er known as crea ng your customer avatar. Very o en, business owners roll their eyes and
think this is not all that important and just jump straight into ad crea on. I, myself, was guilty of this
right back in the beginning of my marke ng career.

Crea ng an avatar is of paramount importance. You don’t have to have only one avatar. You can have
a few, but you should have no more than five.

Your ability to create an avatar allows you to sit down when crea ng copy, crea ng images, crea ng
offers. It allows you to sit down and talk directly to that person. Having an avatar will make wri ng
copy far easier for you because you have a target in your mind of who it is you're speaking to.

Beyond those ques ons, you have to think about what your funnel's goal is. Some people never
think of this, par cularly those that just build websites. They pay for traffic, send it to a website and
just hope that some magic is going to happen, that that traffic is going to turn into customers.

For those of you s ll using websites out there, you have to be familiar with what good landing pages
are, and I'm going to deal with that in the next chapter. But if you've got a website with loads of busy
material on it, you shouldn't be sending paid media traffic here because it's unlikely to convert. You
should be building a funnel. A funnel will allow you to be laser targeted with your offer and be very
clear in your expecta on of your visitor.
The explana on I give for those who ask me, "What's the difference between a website and a
funnel?" is this…Imagine a tradi onal furniture store in your average town or city, and imagine
there's two salespeople. Salesperson A is 65-years-old, red of the business, red of working for
somebody else, fed up and just wants to now re re because they've got to that age and cash in their
checks and go and rest a er a life me of work. When customers come into the store and this
par cular sales person is on duty, they don't even bother to get up to go to the poten al prospects.
The prospects are le to wander around the store, among 1,000 products. The prospect may have
come in looking for a new dining table, but now is distracted because of all the other items in the
shop, couches, sofas, et cetera. A confused mind does nothing and this prospect is likely to walk out
and buy nothing.

By contrast, a funnel is like a 21-year-old sales person who's really keen to show the boss that they're
great at what they do. They're on a commission basis and they're keen to make sales because they
want to make themselves wealthy. Now when the prospect comes in, that young salesperson
approaches them and immediately welcomes them to the store and asks them what is it they're
looking for to today?

The prospect replies they're looking for a dining table. The sales person, then, brings them directly to
a dining table area and shows them a number of dining tables to allow them to make a decision. The
prospect picks the one. They purchase it and they leave.

These are the differences. You have to have a funnel because a funnel would allow you to create a
very clear offer and avoid any confusion.

You also have to ask yourself, "What is the main goal of the funnel? "

Before you sit down to start crea ng ads, you have to understand what
the goal of your funnel is. Is it a lead genera on funnel or is it an eCom

How you build them out is going to be vastly different depending upon
which route you take. A lead genera on funnel is par cularly useful
when targe ng someone with a higher cket product. An eCom funnel
is generally more useful when targe ng people with lower cket
products. Before you create your funnel or ad, you should grade the
ease of which your objec ve can be achieved.
For example, ge ng somebody to give you their email in exchange for a free report is far easier than
ge ng someone in cold traffic just to come and purchase a $2,000 item.

Your understanding of how difficult it is to achieve the goal in the funnel that you set will inform you
on how you build that funnel, how you create the ads and what offerings you make.

Earlier, I told you how important it was that you iden fy the compe on in the market. Compe on,
as I've said, is a good thing. At this point, you should be looking at the compe on, get an idea of
what's working, research the compe on as deeply as you can, in order to allow yourself to
understand them as deeply as possible. You are trying to find out what works? Find out what didn't
work? What campaigns are they running? What campaigns have been successful?

There are lots of ways to do it to be er inform you so that when the me comes, you're going to
build your ads and your funnel, you build them with the greatest ability to compete and dominate
that market. As you can see, so far, we haven't talked one single bit about Ads Manager yet.

These are all the steps that you need to go through to determine what type of person you're
targe ng, what type of methods you're going to build in the funnel lead gen and or eCom. By the end
of this process, you should have a laser target in your head in terms of who it is you're targe ng.

In our Facebook group, Facebook ads and Funnels, we assist tens of thousands of Facebook
adver sers every single day. Despite the fact that we repeatedly explain what we've just explained in
this chapter, people s ll come into that group every single day and say, "Hey, I've got a new client
with a product. What interests should I target?”

This always indicates to me people haven't done their own due diligence, whether it's for their own
business or whether they're doing it for a client, if they're an ad agency. You have to go through this
process of understanding everything you can about your customer, everything you can about what
mechanism you're going to use in your funnel before you even start in Ads Manager, crea ng the ad.
Having done this, and now that you understand who it is, you're targe ng, it's me now, to write
your ad. Remember that Facebook is a social pla orm. It's not Google Ads. You should try and aim to
get crea ve, that is going to stand out, cause a pa ern interrupt, stop the scroll.

Very o en, these types of images are the kind of images you put in your own personal feed, and user
generated content is one of the most powerful crea ve types that you can use when running
Facebook ads.
Par cularly with modern day Facebook adver sing, your ability to make great crea ve is paramount.
There are thousands and thousands of other adver sers on the pla orm all vying for the eyeballs
you're trying to target. Most ads are generic, boring crea ves, they're never going to stop any scroll
and pique anyone's interest. You have to take the me to build them properly. If you're not the
crea ve type, you may consider hiring someone to help you with this, but it's important that you
have great crea ve.

In other words, the image in the ad is really, really, given the considera on that it deserves before
you start just throwing anything out there.

Another important part of the ad is the copy. Most people either just start wri ng the first thing that
comes into their head or write just a couple of lines. Most adver sers are afraid of long copy.

Now, there's arguments and occasions when you do short copy and long copy, but either way, you
have got to write copy that is formulaic, that is wri en with a goal in mind for the ac on you want
your prospect take.

Here's an outline for your copy that you can use over and over for again:

When you're wri ng your copy, call out immediately to the people you're trying to target. If you're
targe ng small business owners say, "Hey, small business owners." This will help stop the scroll as
long as it's supported by crea ve to get people's a en on.

It'll also repel people who are not interested. In this example, people who are not small business
owners will pass on by, and that is what you want. Remember, it's a pay-per-click pla orm.

You don't want people clicking ads who are not in your target market. Once you've called out to
them, the next stage of the ad crea on process is to present a problem. So again, if you're targe ng
business owners, it might be, "Hey, most business owners really struggle to get new customers."

A er that sec on of the ad, you start to agitate the problem. In other words, you go into greater
detail to really ‘s ck the knife in the wound’, to really start to agitate the problem. The reason you do
this is to get your prospect exercised. You've called out to them. You've iden fied a problem that you
know they have, and now you're agita ng the problem so they can almost feel the pain of it as they
read the copy.

Once you've sufficiently agitated the problem, at that point, you transi on to the solu on. At this
point, you present your product or service. You then go through the features and benefits of your
product and service and show them how your product or service is going to solve their problem.
Then finally, and most importantly, you give a clear call to ac on

The call to ac on is o en le out of the ad by newbie marketers, but you must treat your prospects
as if they were children. That is not trying to be disrespec ul to any of your prospects, but you must
remember, they're all busy. They're flee ng their way through Facebook, and you must guide them
very, very clearly what you want them to do.

So don't miss out pu ng in the call to ac on, right at the end of the ad, telling them exactly what
you want them to do and how you want them to do it.

When you're crea ng ads, you should also not just use just one crea ve type. So in this example,
we've talked about image ads. You should also be tes ng other crea ve types to enable the
algorithm to see more of the available audience on Facebook. The algorithm knows which people in
the audience will respond to video, which will respond to image and so on and so forth, so it's be er
to be tes ng all crea ve types like tes ng image, video, carousel, slide show.

Now that you've gone through the process of researching your customer and crea ng your customer
avatar. You have asked yourself all the ques ons in order for you to be able to get to know them, as
well as you know the back of your hand. You've given a considera on to what type of funnel that
you're going to build, lead gen or eCom. You have checked out and given considera on to who the
compe on is. You've also wri en the copy and created the ad.

Now, it's me now to move on to crea ng your Landing Page.

Chapter 2

ng a ng a Winning
Winning Ad.Page
rea ng winning ads is important for you to be successful, but having winning ads and sending
winning ad traffic to really poor landing pages is the greatest way to burn your money.

Remember, once someone has le the ad and arrived at your landing page, you have paid for them
and your ability to get that person to take the ac on that you determine you need is super

Many new adver sers create an ad, probably poorly built, and then send it to a landing page poorly
built and as a result, all they get is high bounce rate. Bounce rates are when people visit your
website, stay for a flee ng moment and then bounce back off again, having only looked at one page
and probably not even looked at the content on that page.

Remember, you've already paid for them, and if you don't pay a en on to this sec on and learn how
to build a great landing page, you're not going to be able to make Facebook Ads work.

Yes, of course, there are ad mechanisms that are outside the scope of this short book to teach you
that you don't need a website for, ad mechanisms like lead formats, et cetera, that are done on
pla orm. But remember, we want you to become a marketer, not just an ad buyer, so you should be
able to run them both on pla orm and off pla orm adver sing and understand the mechanism of
how you get someone to travel from the top of a marke ng funnel through the middle and down to
the bo om where they, ul mately, become a customer.

Even beyond that, you should know how to get

someone to become a customer and then to become a
repeat customer and to ascend them in value and retain
them within the business.

In this sec on, we're going to go through what you need

to be considering when you're building your landing
page. I can tell you if you take on what I'm about to share
with you in this chapter, again, you're going to be in the
top 5% and be ahead of 95% of the adver sers that are
on Facebook Ads or, indeed, any online pla orm.
Number one, use an a en on-grabbing headline.
Remember, just like when we were crea ng the ad, you must call out to the people you are targe ng
very clearly on the landing page. When they hit the page, just because they showed interest in your
ad does it mean that you're guaranteed they're going to read your content.

By having an a en on-grabbing headline as the first thing they see when they hit that landing page
gives you a be er chance to intrigue them, tell them why they should stay where they've landed and
give them a reason why they should read or consume your content.

This principle goes back to the old classified ads days or even direct mail. The headline is one of the
mos mportant aspects of the whole process. Most people don't read past the headline, so if you
don't have aheadline that stops people in their tracks and calls out a benefit that's going to be of
interest, thenyou've lost them, and they'll bounce. Remember, you've paid for them to be there.

Number two, you should also have a hero or an offer shot above the fold. The term 'above the fold'
goes ba ck to old school marke ng for the broadsheet newspapers that would be folded on the
newsstand. The sec on above the fold is what was visible when it sat in the newsstand, visible to
people who are walking by on their way to work or whatever.

The front page above the fold element of a broadsheet newspaper is the most powerful and most
valuable real estate on that newspaper. The same follows through on websites. When someone
lands on your website, what they see immediately before they need to scroll below the fold is what's
the most important real estate.

Again, to support the headline, your ability here to have a hero shot, in other words, a really nice
shot of your product or service above the fold and a real strong offer with a good strong call to ac on
is what gives you a be er chance of reducing bounce and increasing conversion rate.

People are busy and they don't want to have to try and figure out what it is you're offering, so your
ability here to really make this very succinct and clear right at the moment they hit the landing page
is of paramount importance.

Number three, in addi on to suppor ng the a en on-grabbing headline and the image of your
product or service, both above the fold, you should also have your first call to ac on above the fold.

Call to ac ons, or CTAs, are cri cally important. Just like when we were crea ng the ad on Facebook
Ads Manager where we had a clear call to ac on, almost as if we were speaking to children, you
must have a clear call to ac on, again, above the fold on the landing page

You want to be telling people, "This is what I've got. This is why you should care and this is what you
should do in order to get it." In other words, "Click the bu on below," or whatever your call to ac on
Number four, wherever possible use video. Video is super powerful and it allows you to create
content,to explain your product or service and tell your poten al prospect how it's going to help
them, how it's going to solve their problems.

Video allows you to bring lots of personality to the brand and give a face to the brand, which allows
people to get more comfortable with you because they're not just looking at some anonymous

It's also an easy consump on mechanism for the content. Remember, people are busy and most
people won't have the me to read through the reams and reams of content on your page. Some
will, so long form copy is s ll important, but many people are busy and will be happier just to watch
your video. Your conversion rate would be higher if you have the op on for both, and that video
should be above the fold.

Remember also, the people are consuming your content on a mobile device. It's not like the old days
where everything was consumed on a desktop. So when somebody is standing in the queue at
Starbucks and you present them with your video, the likelihood of them actually listening to it out
loud is remote.

People want to be private, and to that end, make sure that all your videos have cap ons in them so
that people can consume your content when they're in a public place without the necessity of having
to go and go and find their air pods or earphones. Allow them to consume the content in silence
because the cap ons are there for them to understand what the video is about.

Number five, test page load speed. Just like people who just think the avatars are a waste of me an
they pass on through that, many people pass on through this one too. However, how fast your page
loads is cri cal to your ability to get ROI on your ad spend. Think about it yourself when you click a
link and you go to a page and it starts to buffer and doesn't load, how long do you wait for it to
load? Probably two seconds. That's probably even extreme, maybe just one second and then you

Remember, again, that once someone's clicked your link, you've paid for them to be there. If your
page doesn't load super fast so you can deliver the content that they're looking for and deliver your
offer to them almost instantaneously, you're likely to lose them and again, they're going to bounce.

They'll just pop back to Facebook, and now you have no chance of ever mone zing them. There are
lots of free tools out there that you can use to test load speed and lots of diagnos c tools like ‘GT
Metrics’ that would enable you to run reports, to show you how you can improve performance and
make your page load faster.
Also, try ‘TinyURL’, which would allow you to compress your images so they load faster, but you
won't lose the quality.

Number six, use real tes monials and ideally, video tes monials. Tes monials are really important.
Whatever you say about your business is fine; some will believe you. But when other people talk
posi vely about your business, that's gold for marke ng.

You have to make sure you're harves ng tes monials and ge ng people to explain to other people
how they experienced your products or service. What was their experience of your business?

Please avoid using fake tes monials. Your customers are not stupid. They're real people on the end
of your ads who are intelligent people and understand that when you run a tes monial with this
impossibly beau ful person, with this generic quote, and their name is Bob from Chicago, everybody
knows that's fake.

If you don't have them, it's be er not even to put them up there; instead, go and get them. Give
away your product or service for free in exchange for a tes monial. Get real tes monials on there
with realpeople with real names. It's be er to get video because you can't fake video, at least not as
easily as you can with text.

Of course, you can go and get actors to do tes monials, but try and avoid that and instead get real
people to go and create the tes monials. You don't have to worry about produc on costs and worry
about going and ge ng expensive cameramen to do it for you and conduct lots of edi ng.

You can just get your customers to shoot it on their iPhone or their Android and just send it to you. In
fact, that type of user-generated content that is clearly not being manufactured by a professional
edi ng team o en works a lot be er, simply because it has a level of authen city that a corporate
video would not have.

Number seven, repeat the call to ac ons right through the page. So just like we had a call to ac on
above the fold to support the hero shot and support the headline, it's important that you give people
an opportunity to take your call to ac on mul ple mes down the page. You don't want them having
to scroll to the top of the page to try and find where they need to opt in.

Instead, put the CTA mul ple mes progressively down your landing page so that people, when
they're ready to move to the next stage, that a call to ac on bu on is right nearby for them to
achieve that goal.
Number eight, make sure you use high quality images right throughout the page. Make sure they're
compressed. As previously said, you can use tools like TinyUrl to compress those images without
losing the quality. The quality of the images is really important. Remember, this is your shopfront.
They can be user-generated images for tes monials, but some of the shots of your products and
services will need to be more professional.

Number Nine, limit, or even remove links that are not connected to the conversion ac on. This is an
important one and this is one of the differences between a website and a funnel.

You want people to hit your page and make it very clear what you want them to do and avoid any
confusion. Landing pages are not a place to have links to your gallery of 1,000 products. You only
need links that support the conversion ac on.

A landing page should be clear and it should be simple. There should be only one goal on a landing
page, whether that's someone is to become a lead or that someone is going to buy something, but
you wan o remove all the naviga on, all the links, all the confusion, all the other products that do
not directly relate to conversion ac on that you determined for that par cular landing page.

Once they become a lead or a customer, they become ‘traffic that you own’. They're in your
database,they're in your email database and you can retarget them.

For subsequent touches, you can push them back to mul -product pages or mul -category pages,
but this is not the me to start to confuse them or give them too many op ons.

A confused mind takes no ac on, so it's important that when you drive traffic to your landing pages,
it's one offer with one inten on, one objec ve.

Number 10, ensure all tracking is in place. Remember, the byproduct of running ads is the data.
Remember that your ability to leverage your business using Facebook ads or any digital adver sing is
the data. One of the parts that is most overlooked by new adver sers, is the importance of tracking
properly and the importance of leveraging that data to grow and scale the business. The data is what
informs the algorithm.

The data is what guides our economics to know if you're profitable or otherwise. The data is what
guides you to be able to target the right audiences, the right people. The data is what allows you to
go from just a small startup business to taking on the world.

Make sure that you're tracking your ads properly. Make sure that you're tracking behavior on all your
pages properly. Make sure you're crea ng your custom audiences and using UTM parameters in your
ads and if budget allows, use third-party tracking so ware so that you have an absolute
understanding(as far as possible) of what ads are conver ng or what are not.
This is known as a ribu on and while you'll never get 100% a ribu on (nobody's ever succeeded
withthat), you have to try your level best to have a great understanding of the behavior of your
visitors, to your website, to your product pages, why they check out, how fast they become a
customer and so on and so forth.

Chapter 3 - Crea ng a Winning

Final Notes, BringingAd.
it All Together
I hope that you can see in this short guide that running ads and funnels is more than just jumping
into Facebook Ads Manager; there's more to it. I hope this short guide has shown you that there's
more to being an ad buyer than just Facebook ads manager and your goal should be to become a

You should understand the whole process right from the ini al research into the target prospect, to
crea ng that avatar, to wri ng that ad, to crea ng that landing page, to having all the elements in
both the ads and the landing pages that will help you to be successful, have all those conversion rate
op miza on elements in there, understand how to create a good offer with a slick funnel.

If you learn these skills that are briefly outlined in this book, you're going to be in the top 5% of
marketers. It won't just help you in Facebook ads, it's going to help you across all marke ng
channels, both online and offline.

I hope you've enjoyed this brief guide. Understand that this is just a very broad summary of how you
should create your ads and your funnels.

If you're not already a member of our group, Facebook Ads and Funnels, there's a link right
belowwhere you can join the group where there's over tens of thousands of people currently ge ng
help every day,

Becoming a really good marketer takes me, and you need to be prepared to have ongoing
educa on to get be er and be er. You will find a lot of help within our group, and if you even need
more help, please feel free to reach out directly to me or my team at Traffic Rockets.
If you've got this far in the guide, thank you so much for giving me your me, and thank you so much
for reading this short guide book. I hope you found that helpful and I welcome any feedback that you
have. I look forward to seeing you in our group, or maybe even speaking to you in the near future. All
the best.

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