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If the second derivative of the equation of a curve is proportional to

the negative of the equation of the same curve, what is the curve?
a. a hyperbola
b. a sinusoid
c. square wave
d. a cycloid

2. An angle is half its supplement. What is its complement?

a. 30º
b. 60º
c. 45º
d. 75º

3. What is the sum of the measure of ALL interior angles of a trapezoid?

a. 90º
b. 270º
c. 150º
d. 360º

4. Mathematically, a thermodynamic property is which of the following?

a. a point function
b. an inexact differential
c. a path function
d. discontinuous

5. If the first derivative of the equation of a curve is a constant, the

curve is
a. circle
b. hyperbola
c. parabola
d. straight line

6. The difference between the starting and the ending inventory

valuations, a term that represents an inventory account adjust is
a. cost of goods sold
b. physical inventory system
c. perpetual inventory system
d. periodic inventory system

7. If the areas of a circle was increased four times, then how many times
was its circumference increased?
a. 2
b. 8
c. 3
d. 4

8. Grand total of the assets and operational capability of a corporation

a. earning value
b. investment
c. money market
d. authorized capital

9. Financial statement which compare the revenues of the period with the
expenses incurred to gain those revenues.
a. book value
b. liquidated damages
c. equity
d. profit and loss statement
10. How many significant digits do 10.097 have?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 3
d. 5

11. The actual amount passing into and out of the treasury of
financial venture.
a. cash flow
b. book value
c. capital
d. salvage value

12. sin A cos B – cos A sin B is equivalent to :

a. cos ( A – B )
b. tan ( A – B )
c. sin ( A – B )
d. cos ( A – B )

13. What type of curve is generated by a point which moves in uniform

circular motion about an axis, while traveling with a constant speed,
parallel to the axis?
a. a cycloid
b. a hypocycloid
c. an epicycloid
d. a helix

14. What is a possible outcome of an experiment called?

a. a sample space
b. an event
c. a random point
d. a finite set

15. To find the angle of a triangle, given only the lengths of the
sides, one would use
a. the law of tangents
b. the law of cosines
c. the law of sines
d. the inverse-square law
16. What conic section is represented by x2 + 4xy + 4y2 + 2x = 10.
a. Circle
b. parabola
c. Ellipse
d. hyperbola

17. What is an estimate of assets’ net market value at the end of its
estimated life?
a. Book value
b. Depreciation
c. Salvage value
d. Cash flow

18. This is the process of determining the value of certain property

for specific reasons. Guess, what is this?
a. Amortization
b. Investment
c. Appraisal
d. Depreciation
19. How do you call a polygon with 10 000 sides?
a. Hectogon
b. Chilliagon
c. Myriagon
d. Octacontagon

20. It is any influence capable of producing a change in the motion

of an object.
a. Force
b. Acceleration
c. Friction
d. Velocity

21. How many sides are in a polygon if each interior angle is 165
a. 12 sides
b. 24 sides
c. 20 sides
d. 48 sides

22. How do you call a ring shaped surface or solid obtained by

rotating a circle about a coplanar line that does not intersect?
a. Torus
b. Annulus
c. Circoloid
d. Annular

23. Find each interior angle of a hexagon

a. 90º
b. 120º
c. 150º
d. 180º

24. This is the case of a solution of a plane triangle where the

given data leads to two solutions. How do you call this case?
a. Ambiguous case
b. Quadratic case
c. Extraneous case
d. Conditional case

25. It is a type of polygon in which each interior angle must be less

than or equal to 180º, and all vertices ‘point outwards’ away from the
interior. How do you call this polygon?
a. Concave Polygon
b. Convex polygon
c. Regular polygon
d. Irregular polygon

26. It is a series of equal payments occurring at equal intervals of

time where the first payment is made after several periods, after the
beginning of the payment. How do you call this payment?
a. Deferred annuity
b. Delayed annuity
c. Progressive annuity
d. Simple annuity

27. What number has four significant figures?

a. 0.0014
b. 0.01414
c. 0.141
d. 1.4140
28. How do you call a type of bond where the corporation’s owner name
is recorded and the interest is paid periodically to the owners with
their asking for it?
a. Registered bond
b. Preferred bond
c. Incorporator’s bond
d. Bail bond

29. How do you call the integral of any quotient whose numerator is
the differential of the denominator?
a. Co-logarithm
b. Logarithm
c. Product
d. Derivative

30. The most significant digit of the number 0.2015 is

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 5

31. What is the reason why an ivory soap floats in water?

a. All matter has mass
b. The specific gravity of ivory is greater than that of water
c. The density of ivory soap is unity
d. The specific gravity of ivory soap is less than that of water

32. If the roots of an equation are zero, then, how do you classify
the solutions?
a. Extraneous solutions
b. Trivial solutions
c. Conditional solutions
d. Ambiguous solutions

33. If the eccentricity is less than one, then curve is known as:
a. Ellipse
b. Hyperbola
c. Parabola
d. Circle

34. Which is the differential equation of all straight lines

a. y’=0
b. y”=0
c. y’=1
d. y’=infinity

35. Points that lie in the same plane:

a. Coplanar
b. Collinear
c. Oblique
d. Parallel

36. A polygon with ten sides is said to be:

a. Dodecagon
b. Decagon
c. Decahedron
d. Dodecahedron

37. What do you call the one-fourth of a great circle?

a. Cone
b. Pyramid
c. Chord
d. Quadrant
38. A plane closed curve, all points of which are the same distance
from a point within, called the center.
a. Arc
b. Radius
c. Circle
d. Chord

39. Another term for rhombus is said to be:

a. Dichotomy
b. Diamond
c. Cyclic quadrilateral
d. Bi-rectangular

40. The actual interest earned by a given principal is known as:

a. Compound interest
b. Simple interest
c. Effective interest
d. Nominal interest

41. If the eccentricity is less than one, then curve is known as:
a. Ellipse
b. Hyperbola
c. Parabola
d. Circle

42. What can you say to the following statement: “the volume of a
circular cylinder is equal to the product of its base and altitude.”?
a. Postulate
b. Corollary
c. Theorem
d. Axiom

43. The difference between what a negotiable paper is worth in the

future and its present worth is known as:
a. Book value
b. Salvage value
c. Sunk value
d. Discount

44. The temperature to which the air must be cooled at constant

temperature to produce saturation.
a. Absolute temperature
b. 273 K
c. Dew point
d. Critical temperature

45. What is a number, which could not be expressed as a quotient of

two integers?
a. Natural
b. Rational
c. Irrational
d. Surd

46. A net force that will give to a mass of one gram an acceleration
of 1 cm/s2 is said to be:
a. Newton
b. Ergs
c. Kilogram force
d. Dyne
47. How do you call the opposite of the prefix nano?
a. Peta
b. Tera
c. Giga
d. Hexa

48. What do you call a triangle having three unequal sides?

a. Obtuse
b. Oblique
c. Scalene
d. Isosceles

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