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a Can you complete this conversation? A Complete the conversation. Use the simple past or past continuous of the verbs. Marty Where__did you __get__ (get) that black eye? —_ you __(fall) or something? Kevin Not exactly.___(crash) into a tree with a bike. Marty You're kidding! How __ that. (happen)? Kevin Well,!____(ride) my little brother's bicycle. And his friends___ (watch) me and (laugh) at me. Marty Sowhy____ they. (laugh)? | mean, what ——___ you __ (do)? Kevin 1______ (not do) anything special. But the bike is kind of small. Marty Yeah, | bet. And! bet you___ (try) to look coal, too. Kevin I guess. | (look) at the kids behind me. And |_____ (not see) the tree ahead of me. When my brother. (shout), “Watch out,” | (turn) around, but it was too late. Marty Oh, no! you _ (hurt) yourself? Kevin Well, | (not break) anything. | just (feel) embarrassed. ESGan2ad0'Con CamScanner a Can you use these expressions? Use these words and expressions to complete the conversation. Use capital letters where necessary. whose yours one bright wouldyoumnind I guess. bymyself_no, not atall Ibet yourself mine hers red todo. Y do you mind if Karen _Do you mind if | come in? You look busy. Trish No, make at home. handing me that paintbrush? The red 2 Karen Trish Thanks. So, what do you think? Karen Um, nice. I love the wall. Did you and your roommate choose the colors together? - Nadia’s away this week. Trish No, actually, | did it all this was a lot of work. Karen Oh, is she? Trish Actually, no. It was very easy Karen room is this? Is Trish This oneis____, and hall. Karen Um, does Nadia like these colors? Trish I don’t know. But | do! or Nadia’s? is down the Ihave an eye for color. Escaneado con CamScanner

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