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Comparison of four kinds of coagulants for the removal of picophytoplankton

Article  in  Desalination and Water Treatment · May 2013

DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2012.750777


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5 authors, including:

Tugrul Selami Aktas Maruo Chikako

Hitachi, Ltd. Infrastructure Systems Company Tohoku University


Megumu Fujibayashi Osamu Nishimura

Kyushu University Tohoku University


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Comparison of four kinds of coagulants for the removal

of picophytoplankton
a b a a
Tugrul Selami Aktas , Fumihiko Takeda , Chikako Maruo , Megumu Fujibayashi &
Osamu Nishimura
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering , Tohoku University , 6-6-06 Aza Aoba,
Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai , Japan Phone: Tel. +81 22 795 7473 Fax: Tel. +81 22 795 7473
Department of Energy & Environmental Science, College of Environment , Keimyung
University , 095 Dalgubeoldaero, Dalseo-Gu, Daegu , 704-701 , South Korea
Published online: 08 May 2013.

To cite this article: Tugrul Selami Aktas , Fumihiko Takeda , Chikako Maruo , Megumu Fujibayashi & Osamu Nishimura (2013):
Comparison of four kinds of coagulants for the removal of picophytoplankton, Desalination and Water Treatment, 51:16-18,

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Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 3547–3557 April

doi: 10.1080/19443994.2012.750777

Comparison of four kinds of coagulants for the removal of


Tugrul Selami Aktasa,*, Fumihiko Takedab, Chikako Maruoa, Megumu Fujibayashia,

Osamu Nishimuraa
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tohoku University, 6-6-06 Aza Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku,
Sendai, Japan
Tel. +81 22 795 7473; Fax: +81 22 795 7471; email:
Department of Energy & Environmental Science, College of Environment, Keimyung University, 095
Downloaded by [Tohoku University] at 18:21 08 May 2013

Dalgubeoldaero, Dalseo-Gu, Daegu 704-701, South Korea

Received 1 May 2012; Accepted 2 October 2012


The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficiency of the coagulation process for the
removal of picophytoplankton from drinking water and, in addition, to investigate the per-
formance of simple coagulants such as alum and ferric chloride, and polymer coagulants
such as PAC and PSI, in picophytoplankton removal. Two simple coagulants such as alum
(Al2(SO4)3·16H2O) and ferric chloride (FeCl3·6H2O) and two polymer coagulants such as
poly-silicate iron (PSI) and poly-aluminum chloride (PAC) were used in both raw water
including picophytoplankton and synthetic water samples prepared by Synechococcus sp.
Analyses included a picophytoplankton count, an assessment of the turbidity, dissolved
organic carbon, UV254, and zeta potential and the settling time measurements. The removal
efficiency of picophytoplankton during the coagulation–flocculation–sedimentation process
was determined using simple and polymer coagulants. Water samples with lower coagula-
tion pH had better picophytoplankton removal in coagulation–flocculation–sedimentation.
The results indicate that even low coagulant doses of PSI in both raw water and artificial
water performs better than the other three types of coagulants in terms of picophytoplank-
ton, turbidity, UV254, and DOC removal.

Keywords: Picophytoplankton; Polymer coagulant; Coagulation; Sedimentation; Zeta potential;

Drinking water treatment

1. Introduction ton has a great importance in the food web chain in

aquatic ecosystem, therefore, they have been inten-
Picophytoplankton (picoplanktonic cyanobacteria)
sively studied.
is a small plankton ranging between 0.2 and 2 lm in
Picophytoplankton is an important consideration
size, comprised of picocyanobacteria and eukaryotic
not only in terms of the ecosystems but also with
phototrophs. They are distributed worldwide and are
regard to drinking water treatment. The presence of
ubiquitous in all type of ponds, lakes, and ocean, and
picophytoplankton and its metabolites in the drinking
of varying trophic states [1]. Since the picophytoplank-
water source can cause a series problems for drinking
water treatment. For instance, picophytoplankton cells
*Corresponding author.

1944-3994/1944-3986 Ó 2013 Balaban Desalination Publications. All rights reserved.

3548 T.S. Aktas et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 3547–3557

contributed to the turbidity of treated water and clog despite their similarities, the affinity of each coagulant
the filters in the facilities. Their intracellular for different impurities is known to vary [12–15]. Some
metabolites also contributed to the production of researchers reported that both coagulant species have
undesired tastes and odors, the formation of assimila- different effect on bacteria removal due to their vary-
ble organic carbon (AOC), disinfection byproducts ing cellular characteristics such as their size, surface
(DBPs), and various other toxins [2,3]. The influence chemistry, surface charge, and the density of the cell
of picophytoplankton and their intracellular metabo- [16]. For example, Jiang and Graham [17] reported that
lites on water quality and human health was first aluminum-based coagulant removed Anabaena flos-
reported in the 1980s. Faust and Aly [4] reported that aquae (initial concentration: 2  105 cells/mL) by 78%
picophytoplankton affected the water color and gave at 5.4 mg/L of Al salts. However, an iron-based coagu-
it a musty or fishy odor. Nakamura et al. [5] and lant under the same experiment conditions removed
Hoson et al. [6] showed that picoplankton, especially 74% of Anabaena flos-aquae (initial concentration:
picophytoplankton, contributed to the turbidity of 2  105 cells/mL) at a concentration of 11.2 mg/L of
treated water. In addition, Domingos et al. [7] iron salts. In other studies, a 5 mg/L solution of
reported that picoplanktonic cyanobacteria contribute Fe2(SO4)3 was shown to remove 62% of Microcystis
to microcystin production and picoplanktonic cyano- aeruginosa (initial concentration: 5.8  104 cells/mL)
bacteria species behaves much like other microcystin- and a 5 mg/L poly-ferric sulfate solution (PFS) was
Downloaded by [Tohoku University] at 18:21 08 May 2013

producing cyanobacterial species with regard to found to remove 81.6% of Microcystis aeruginosa
poison. Carmichael et al. [8] reported that picophyto- (initial concentration: 5.8  104 cells/mL) [18]. Okuda
plankton Synechococcus produces microcystin which et al. [19] reported that the performance of PSI for syn-
can cause liver disease in human beings. thetic Cryptosporidium oocyst removal was higher than
The above-mentioned toxic compounds of pic- PAC and ferric chloride. Although there are numerous
ophytoplankton are released into the surrounding studies about the removal of cyanobacteria, the coagu-
water when cells die or cell lysed by a disinfection pro- lation of picophytoplankton using a coagulation–floc-
cess, which poses an additional problem in drinking culation technique with different aluminum- and
water treatment plants. Therefore, the best strategy is iron-based coagulants has not yet to be reported.
to remove picophytoplankton without damaging the The purpose of this study was to investigate the
cell integrity through a coagulation process. Despite efficiency of the coagulation process for the removal of
the many negative effects of picophytoplankton, the picophytoplankton from drinking water and, in addi-
removal of picophytoplankton from drinking water tion, to investigate the performance of simple coagu-
has not been well studied. Some have suggested that lants such as alum and ferric chloride, and polymer
this is due to the difficulty of observing and identifying coagulants such as PAC and PSI, in picophytoplankton
these extremely small sized of micro-organisms [7,9]. removal. Raw water including picophytoplankton and
The few studies conducted on the treatment of pic- the artificial water samples were used in this study.
ophytoplankton have found that it is difficult to
remove picophytoplankton in the conventional drink-
2. Materials and methods
ing water treatment process, i.e. by using coagulation–
sedimentation and filtration. Okuda et al. [10] reported 2.1. Raw water
that the removal percentage of picophytoplankton The raw water samples were taken from the Kun-
ranges (initial concentration: 1.1  104–1.2  104 cells/ imi Water Treatment Plant (KWTP) in Sendai. KWTP
mL) from 44% to 60% with an optimum coagulant dose is supplied by Okura Dam reservoir in the northwest
of PAC in the coagulation–sedimentation process. Rap- of Sendai. The volume of the reservoir is approxi-
enne et al. [11] showed that almost 62% of picophyto- mately 28,000,000 m3. The properties of the raw water
plankton (initial concentration: 1.0  104 cells/mL) are summarized in Table 1. The raw waters samples
removed with 4 mg/L coagulant dose in coagulation– were collected prior to any pretreatment from the inlet
sedimentation and an 8 h filtration process. In another channel of the KWTP and were transported to the lab-
study, it was shown that Synechococcus is the most oratory on the same day. The raw water samples were
difficult removing species among Picoeukaryotes, kept in the refrigerator at +4˚C until all the experi-
Prochlorococcus, and Synechococcus to remove by ments were completed.
conventional water treatment systems.
The effectiveness of picophytoplankton removal
2.2. Picophytoplankton culture
through coagulation is strongly determined by the type
of coagulant. Aluminum and iron salts are widely used The cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. strain (NIES-
for coagulation in drinking water treatment. However, 1348) was obtained from the National Institute for
T.S. Aktas et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 3547–3557 3549

Table 1 cells/mL was obtained after cultivation. It was diluted

Okura Dam water quality parameters by a factor of 50 with deionized water for use in the
Variables (unit) Range Averages experiments. The artificial water had the following
characteristics: a pH of 7.3–7.6, a turbidity of 5.35 ± 2.5
Turbidity (NTU) 2.4–5.3 4.2 NTU, and an approximate cell concentration of
DOC (mg/L) 2.45–4.15 3.14 1  106 cell/mL.
UV254 (1/cm) 0.085–0.165 0.151
Alkalinity (mg CaCO3/L) 11.4–44.0 23.5 2.4. Analytical methods
Picophytoplankton (cells/mL) 118–5157 3536
The turbidity of the samples was measured using
a Water Anlyzer WA600 turbidity meter (Nippon
Environmental Studies (NIES) in Japan and cultivated Denshoku Industries, Japan). A Shimadzu 500A TOC
in an axenic CB medium at 25 ± 1˚C under fluorescent analyzer was used to determine the DOC content.
light (18 lmol photons/m2/s, 12-h light/12-h dark). UV-Abs (1/cm) at a wavelength of 254 nm was
About 100 mL of each of the CB medium was com- measured with a 1 cm quartz cell using a Shimadzu
posed of 15 mg C Ca(NO3)2·4H2O, 10 mg KNO3, 5 mg UV-1700 PharmaSpec UV–VIS spectrophotometer. All
b-Na2 glycerophosphate. 5H2O, 4 mg MgSO4·7H2O, the samples were passed through a Millipore Inc. cel-
Downloaded by [Tohoku University] at 18:21 08 May 2013

0.01 lg Vitamin B12, 0.01 lg Biotin, 1 lg Thiamine HCl, lulose acetate syringe filter before both UV and DOC
50 mg Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane, 0.3 mg/L analyses. The coagulation and flocculation experi-
Na2EDTA·2H2O, 0.0588 mg/L FeCl3·6H2O, 0.0108 mg/ ments were carried out in a six-paddle jar tester. The
L MnCl2·4H2O, 0.0031 mg/L ZnSO4·7H2O, 0.0012 mg/L picophytoplankton cells in the treated water samples
CoCl2 · 6H2O, and 0.00075 mg/L Na2MoO4·2H2O. The were counted with AxioCam HRc camera microscope
pH of the medium was adjusted by adding either 0.1 M (Zeiss, USA). The zeta potential measurements of sam-
NaOH or 0.1 M HCl. Synechococcus were grown in a ples were obtained using a Micro-Electrophoresis
200 mL of Erlenmeyer flaks at unialgal level with Apparatus Mk II (Rank Brothers, UK). The zeta poten-
100 mL of CB medium on a rotary shaking device tial was evaluated at a room temperature of 20 ± 1˚C
(90 rpm). The cell populations were measured by and a suspension under an applied electric field of
counting at least 100 cells in triplicate using at a light 80 mV. The zeta potential was calculated from the
microscope. The cells in the stationary phase of the cul- measured mobility according to the Smoluchowski
ture where the population density was at its highest equation. The pH was adjusted to a pH range of 5–10
(Fig. 1) were used for the experiments. using of HCl and NaOH. Furthermore, the zeta poten-
tial of coagulated samples was measured as a function
of the coagulant dosage after the coagulation experi-
2.3. Artificial water ments. All the figures in this study were plotted using
The artificial water experiments were performed Microsoft Excell 2003.
with tap water, including 0.35 mM NaHCO3 and
1.5 mM NaCl. A cell suspension of about 50,000,000 2.5. Reagents
The reagents including ferric chloride
(FeCl3·6H2O), alum (Al2(SO4)3·16H2O), and PAC were
obtained from Kanta Chemical Co. Inc., and PSI
3 (28.7% as SiO2 and 33% as Fe) was obtained from
1,00E+07 Suido Kiko Kaisha Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan). Stock solutions
Log10 Cell count

of all reagents were prepared in distilled water.


1,00E+06 1 2.6. Jar test experiments

Sample A
Jar testes were performed using both the raw
Sample B
Sample C water and the artificial water including picophyto-
1,00E+05 plankton at room temperature (about 20 ± 1˚C), by a
0 10 20 30 40 50
six-paddle stirrer. The cell number was counted in
Time (d)
both water samples, before the jar test. The beakers
Fig. 1. The growth phases of Synechococcus in three were then placed on the jar test apparatus and while
cultivating flasks 1. Lag phase; 2. Growth phase; and they were being rapidly mixed for 3 min at 150 rpm,
3. Stationary phase. various doses of ferric chloride, alum, PAC, and PSI
3550 T.S. Aktas et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 3547–3557

from 10 to 100 mg/L were added to the water. After 5

this mixing, the zeta potential of the samples was
y = 0,000x + 1,280
measured and the samples were slowly mixed for 4 R² = 0,882
30 min at 30 rpm, before being settled for a period of

Turbidity (NTU)
60 min. At the end of the settling period, the superna- 3
tant was taken at 3 cm below of the water surface
level using a pipette to determine the residual cell 2
concentration, the turbidity, DOC, and the UV254. The
pH of surface water and picophytoplankton suspen- 1
sion was adjusted 5.0–8.0 with 1 M HCL or 1 M NaOH
when dosing the coagulants.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

3. Results and discussion Picophytoplankton (cell/ml)

3.1. Number of picophytoplankton in raw water Fig. 3. Relationship between turbidity and picophyto-
plankton cell count in raw water.
The raw water was sampled from KWTP through
the experiments. Fig. 2 shows the change of
Downloaded by [Tohoku University] at 18:21 08 May 2013

picophytoplankton density in raw water. vary. Therefore, we examined the effect of different
Picophytoplanktons are present at all the sampling types of coagulants in the water treatment. Fig. 4
times, albeit at low population densities, with cell shows the effect of the coagulant dose on the removal
counts recorded between 118 and 5157 cells/mL in of turbidity by coagulation–sedimentation using the
2009 and 2010. Peaks in cell counts were observed in four coagulants. The turbidity removals were shown
May 2010. to vary with the different coagulants at the same dose.
Fig. 3 shows the relationship between turbidity For example, 60 mg/L of coagulant gave maximum
and the picophytoplankton cell count in the raw turbidity removal for PSI and PAC. The turbidity
water. A linearly proportional relationship between removal rates, however, were also shown to differ.
the raw water turbidity and picophytoplankton cell This is likely due to the important role polymer bridg-
number was observed for each sampling. It is ing plays in turbidity removal. Polymer bridging is
concluded that picophytoplankton contributes to the facilitated by higher molecular weight polymers with
turbidity of the raw water. a relatively low charge density. PSI had a higher
molecular weight (m.w. = 500,000 dalton) than PAC
(m.w. = 440,000 dalton) and the other two coagulants;
3.2. Effect of coagulant type therefore, PSI showed large turbidity removal rate
3.2.1. Raw water experiments compare to the other coagulants [19].
It was found that the turbidity removal was 90.4%
Despite their similarities, however, the affinity of for PSI and 83.3% for PAC at a coagulant dose of
each coagulant for different impurities is known to 60 mg/L. At doses of over 60 mg/L of PSI and PAC

Turbidity removal (%)


4 60
Turbidity (NTU)

4000 40 FeCl3
3 20 Alum
3000 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
2000 Coagulant dosage (mg/L)

1 FeCl3
1000 PAC
0 0
2009/11 2009/12 2010/4 2010/5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Month Coagulant Dosage (mg/L)

Fig. 2. Change of picophytoplankton cell density in raw Fig. 4. Turbidity removals with each type of coagulant in
water. raw water (initial turbidity: 4.2 NTU).
T.S. Aktas et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 3547–3557 3551

the turbidity removal rate slightly decreased. This can increasing coagulant concentration till 100 mg/L PSI.
be attributed to the restabilization of particles due to The slight increase in the residual picophytoplankton
the formation of positively charged small flocs, and number can be attributed the charge reversal with the
particularly the formation of high-charged polymer increasing coagulant dose. A similar trend was
species [20]. Compared to PAC and PSI, a larger coag- observed for both PAC and ferric chloride. Residual
ulant dose of alum and ferric chloride were required picophytoplankton numbers between 399 cells/mL
for the maximum turbidity removal. It was observed and 539 cells/mL were observed with doses of
that a dose of 80 mg/L of alum and ferric chloride 60 mg/L PAC and ferric chloride, respectively. The
resulted in the maximum turbidity removal, achieving maximum picophytoplankton removal was achieved
72.6% and 71.4% turbidity removal, respectively. It with a coagulant dose of 80 mg/L for alum: a residual
should be pointed out that the turbidity removal was picophytoplankton number of 543 mg/L was
not only controlled by the coagulant dose but also by observed. These results indicate that more effective
the type of coagulant. treatment was achieved with lower doses of PSI
Fig. 5 shows the removal rate of picophytoplank- compared to other coagulants. In other words, PSI
ton during sedimentation after coagulation with the use allows for the most effective treatment at a rea-
four coagulants. The picophytoplankton content of sonable cost. Floc formation and sweep coagulation
the suspension was counted after sedimentation. The were shown to be the predominant mechanisms for
Downloaded by [Tohoku University] at 18:21 08 May 2013

results indicated that the picophytoplankton removal picophytoplankton removal. In addition, it can be
of PSI was more effective than the other three coagu- concluded that the removal of picophytoplankton is
lant types, as was also the case for the turbidity more difficult than the removal of turbidity.
removal. The high picophytoplankton removal perfor- On the other hand, the data show a log-linear
mance of PSI can be attributed to its high reduction relationship between the residual turbidity and pic-
rate of small particles during coagulation and also the ophytoplankton cells for all four coagulants (Fig. 6).
higher sedimentation rate of flocs. Both of these fac- This relationship indicates that most of flocs were
tors have been attributed to the polymerized silica in complexes of turbid material and picophytoplankton
PSI [19]. Whilst these bigger flocs precipitate, pic- cells. Any remaining turbidity in the water after the
ophytoplankton cell can be adsorbed onto the surface coagulation may be due to untreated picophytoplank-
of flocs or can be embedded in to the flocs before ton cells.
precipitating with formed flocs. Our results indicate
that the floc formation followed by sweep coagulation
is an effective mechanism for the removal of pic- 3.2.2. Zeta potential
ophytoplankton. The picophytoplankton concentration The charge neutralization of each coagulant is
in settling water with 60 mg/L dose of PSI reached its different, depending on the relative valence of the
lowest value at 46 cells/mL. The residual picophyto- ions, hydrolyzed products, and on their concentration.
plankton cell number slightly increased with the In this study, therefore, the charge neutralization

Picophytoplankton removal %

FeCl3 100
3500 Alum
80 2,5
Picophytoplankton (cell/ml)

3000 60 Alum FeCl3 y = 0,464ln(x) -1,398
R² = 0,987
Residual turbidity (NTU)

2500 40
20 PAC
2000 Alum
PSI y = 0,448ln(x) -1,504
0 R² = 0,988
1500 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Coagulant dosage (mg/L) 1
1000 y = 0,476ln(x) -1,717
R² = 0,961
500 0,5 y = 0,439ln(x) -1,639
R² = 0,966
0 20 40 60 80 100
Coagulant dosage (mg/L) 10 100 1000 10000
Residual picophytoplankton (cells/mL)
Fig. 5. Picophytoplankton cells removals for each type of
coagulant in raw water (initial picophytoplankton: Fig. 6. Relationship between the residual picophyto-
3536 cell/mL). plankton and turbidity.
3552 T.S. Aktas et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 3547–3557

capability of different coagulant types was also The maximum DOC and UV254 removal amount
determined. Fig. 7 illustrates the zeta potential mea- was achieved at 100 mg/L PSI. At this dosage, the
surements, which can serve as an indicator of the percent removal of DOC and UV254 were 71% and
coagulants components impact on the surface charge 82%, respectively. With all four coagulants, DOC and
of colloids and cells. The differences between the UV254 removal gradually increased with an increasing
coagulants are small, but it is clear that PSI exhibit the coagulant dose. Maximum DOC and UV254 removal
biggest impact on the zeta potential of system. There- were achieved with PAC, ferric chloride and alum at
fore, it can be suggested that the addition of PSI a dose of 100 mg/L. The maximum DOC and UV254
reduces the zeta potential of the raw water samples removal was 48% and 70% for ferric chloride, 42%
with picophytoplankton more effectively than PAC and 66% for PAC and 33% and 51% for alum, respec-
and the other simple coagulants. tively. At the maximum coagulant dose of 100 mg/L,
The highly charged polynuclear iron hydrolysis the iron-based coagulants PSI and ferric chloride,
products of PSI may be the reason for its effectiveness showed greater removal efficiency than that the alu-
at removing picophytoplankton. With PSI, the zeta minum-base coagulants PAC and alum. This can be
potential of the raw water reached the isoelectric point attributed to the higher molecular weight of the iron-
at a coagulant dose of 65 mg/L, whereas with PAC, based coagulants which gives them a higher precipita-
ferric chloride, and alum, charge reversal occurred at tion capacity. Our results indicate that the iron-based
Downloaded by [Tohoku University] at 18:21 08 May 2013

a coagulant dose of 73 mg/L, 73 mg/L, and 86 mg/L, coagulants enhance the removal of DOC and UV254.
respectively. The weakest effect on the zeta potential
of raw water was exhibited by alum. The charge neu-
tralization ability of the coagulants used in this study 3.2.4. Artificial water
may be showed as followed an increasing order: Jar test experiments in artificial water were carried
alum < ferric chloride = PAC < PSI. out in artificial water to better understand the direct

3.2.3. DOC and UV254 removal 100

The effect of coagulant type on DOC and UV254 90

removal was monitored for all samples. The most effi- 80
DOC removal (%)

cient coagulant both for DOC and UV254 removal in 70

raw water was PSI, as shown in Fig. 8. This can be 60
explained by the high neutralization ability of the PSI 50
coagulant: when the polymerized silica and iron com- 40
bine the adsorption, bridging, and neutralization prop- 30
erties of PSI improve, in effect improving the DOC and 20
UV254 removal rate [19,21]. Another factor may be the 10 FeCl3 PAC
Alum PSI
better DOC adsorption capacity of PSI [21]. 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Coagulant dosage (mg/L)

15 90
10 PAC
PSI 70
UV254 removal (%)

Zeta potential (mV)

-20 10 FeCl3 PAC
Alum PSI
-25 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Coagulant dosage (mg/L)
Coagulant dosage (mg/L)
Fig. 8. The effect of coagulant type on removal of DOC
Fig. 7. The effect of coagulant type on Zeta potential. and UV254 (initial DOC: 3.14 mg/L, UV254: 0.151 1/cm).
T.S. Aktas et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 3547–3557 3553

interaction between picophytoplankton cells and the the coagulant on the coagulation process due to the
coagulants. For the purpose of these experiments, formation of chelate complexes between these
Synechococcus sp. was cultivated in the laboratory and inhibitory proteins and the coagulant. In this study,
added to 1 L of deionized water with a predetermined therefore, the consumption of coagulants by
concentration of Synechococcus sp. cells. Fig. 9 shows Synechococcus sp. proteins may have been one of the
picophytoplankton removal in the artificial water by main factors of the increase in coagulant demand.
the coagulation and sedimentation process using the Maximum Synechococcus sp. removal was achieved as
four coagulants. As was the case with the raw water 36%, 31%, 26%, and 24% for PSI, PAC, ferric chloride,
experiments, the highest Synechococcus sp. removal and alum, respectively. As shown in Fig. 10, with
was obtained with PSI. Nevertheless, the Synechococcus higher doses of all four coagulants the zeta potential
sp. removal rate was considerably lower and the coag- gradually became positive. The results showed that
ulant demand was considerably higher in comparison less PSI was necessary to neutralize the zeta potential
to the raw water. of Synechococcus sp. than other coagulants. A coagu-
The low Synechococcus sp. removal rate may well lant dose of approximately 120 mg/L was required to
be due to the low size and density of the formed floc. reach the isoelectric point of Synechococcus sp. whereas
Although the zeta potential of Synechococcus sp. was it was approximately 260 mg/L for PAC, 280 mg/L for
neutralized with a large dose of the coagulant, a negli- ferric chloride, and 380 mg/L for alum. The neutral-
Downloaded by [Tohoku University] at 18:21 08 May 2013

gible quantity of floc was formed. The density of the ization efficiency of each coagulant is differs consider-
formed floc may have been closer to the density of the ably. The zeta potential values at maximum
water, resulting in a sharp reduction in the amount of picophytoplankton cell removal were measured as
Synechococcus sp. floc sediment. +16.58 mV, +12.58 mV, +9.89 mV, and +5.1 mV for PSI,
Since a coagulant dose of 100 mg/L was not suffi- PAC, ferric chloride, and alum, respectively. These
cient to neutralize the zeta potential of Synechococcus results clearly show that a larger coagulant dose is
sp. during the coagulation, the dosage was increased required to neutralize the zeta potential of picophyto-
to 500 mg/L in the artificial water experiments. The plankton in turbid materials than in raw water.
high coagulant demand of Synechococcus sp. may be
due to the chelate complex formation between the
extracellular organic matter/cellular organic matter of 3.3. Effect of pH on coagulation
Synechococcus sp. and the coagulants. Takaara et al.
3.3.1. Raw water
[22] showed the effects of algogenic organic matter in
coagulation which in turn produce a coagulant Solution pH during coagulation affects the chemis-
demand. Auvray et al. [23] found emphasized that try of the coagulant. When the coagulants added to
both extracellular and organic matter (EOM) and cel- water, the different hydrolysis products are formed,
lular organic matter (COM) disturb the flocculation of including monomers, oligomers, and polymeric hydro-
suspended kaolin with PAC, and suggested that the xyl complexes under different pH conditions. There-
proteins in COM inhibit coagulation by consuming fore, the effect of pH on the coagulation behavior of

Picophytoplankton removal (%)

35 PAC
30 15
25 10
Zeta potential (mV)

20 5

15 0

10 -5
-15 FeCl3 PAC
0 Alum PSI
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 -20
10 100 1000
Coagulant dosage (mg/L)
Coagulant dosage (mg/L)
Fig. 9. Picophytoplankton cells removals for each type of
coagulant in artificial water (initial picophytoplankton: Fig. 10. Zeta potential of picophytoplankton cell in
2  106 cell/mL). synthetic water.
3554 T.S. Aktas et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 3547–3557

aluminum- and iron-based coagulants was examined 1,8

in the range of pH 5.0 and 8.0 at a coagulant dose of 1,6

Residual turbidity (NTU)

60 mg/L. These results of the picophytoplankton and 1,4
turbidity removal are shown in Figs. 11 and 12,
As shown in Fig. 11, PSI at various pH conditions
showed better coagulation efficiency than other coagu- 0,8
lants. For each type of coagulant the residual pic- 0,6
ophytoplankton decreased sharply when the pH 0,4
decreased from 8.0 to 6.5, and then slowly increased 0,2 FeCl3 PAC
from pH 6.5 to 5.0, with the exception of ferric chlo- Alum PSI
ride. However, all four coagulants showed better effi- 4 5 6 7 8 9
ciency in the slightly acid conditions than in the basic pH
conditions. The removal rate of the polymer coagu-
lants, PSI and PAC was higher in the range of pH Fig. 12. Residual turbidity at each coagulation pH (initial
turbidity: 4.2 NTU; coagulant dosage: 60 mg/L).
5.0–8.0 than the more simple coagulants, ferric chlo-
ride and alum. The maximum picophytoplankton
Downloaded by [Tohoku University] at 18:21 08 May 2013

removal rate was obtained at pH 6.5, with rates of ride. With a pH below 6.5, the turbidity removal effi-
96% and 90% for PSI and PAC, respectively, whereas ciency of PAC and alum significantly decreased
it was at pH 6.0, with rates of 87% and 85% for ferric whereas only a slightly decrease was noted for PSI.
chloride and alum. The optimum pH range for pic- The decrease of turbidity removal seems to be the
ophytoplankton removal was between pH 6.0 and 6.5 result of particle restabilization which occurs at pH
for PSI, PAC, and alum and pH 5.5–6.5 for ferric chlo- 6.0 for PSI, PAC, and alum. It may be that the high
ride. The wider applicable pH range observed for fer- content of polymer species leads to the formation of
ric chloride than for the other three coagulants can be positively charged small flocs [24]. The optimum pH
explained by its lower hydroxylation and polymeriza- range for efficient turbidity removal appears to be
tion rates [24]. This pH range corresponds to the pH between pH 5.5 and 6.5 for PSI and ferric chloride
range which is suggested by US Environmental Protec- and at a pH of 6.5 for PAC and alum. The maximum
tion Agency (EPA) for drinking water [25]. turbidity removal was achieved at pH 6.5 with 91%,
Fig. 12 shows the effect of coagulation pH on 83%, and 79 % removal for PSI, PAC, and alum,
residual turbidity in raw water. Turbidity is reduced respectively. It should be noted, however, that the
most effectively with all four coagulants in slightly maximum removal for ferric chloride was 85% at a
acidic pH regions. The higher bridging ability of PSI pH of 6.0. The results indicate that PSI showed better
provided better turbidity removal. The maximum tur- coagulation performance for both picophytoplankton
bidity removal was achieved at around pH 6.5 for PSI, and turbidity removal than the other coagulants.
PAC, and alum, and at around pH 6.0 for ferric chlo-

3.3.2. Artificial water

Residual picophytoplankton (cell/mL)

The influence of coagulation pH on artificial water

including Synechococcus sp. was tested using each
1200 coagulant type within a pH range of pH 5.0–8.0.
1000 Fig. 13 shows the residual Synechococcus sp. cell in the
artificial water. Fig. 13 indicates that Synechococcus sp.
removal at a lower pH is slightly better than at basic
600 pH values.
400 Synechococcus sp. removal slightly increased when
PAC the coagulation pH decreased from 8.0 to 5.0.
200 Alum
PSI However, this had a negligible effect on the total
0 Synechococcus sp. removal. Because the formed flocs
4 5 6 7 8 9
pH were too small and their density was too low to
precipitate, a high amount of picophytoplankton
Fig. 11. Effect of pH on picophytoplankton removal remained in the artificial water. The maximum
(initial picophytoplankton: 4128 cells/mL; coagulant dose: picophytoplankton removals were at a pH 5.5 for PSI
60 mg/L).
T.S. Aktas et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 3547–3557 3555

2,00E+06 performance. This difference brought about the

Residual picophytoplankton (cell/mL)

difference in picophytoplankton removal. It can be
1,95E+06 PSI concluded then that the use of PSI is the enhanced
coagulation of picophytoplankton and turbidity
1,90E+06 removal. This is supported by the data in Fig. 14, with
the number of residual picophytoplankton for PSI,
1,85E+06 PAC, ferric chloride, and alum were at 411, 501, 629,
and 1020 cell/mL at 180 min of sedimentation, respec-
1,80E+06 tively.
The residual turbidity rate at various settling times
1,75E+06 during the raw water experiments is shown in Fig. 15.
4 5 6 7 8 9 The turbidity removal trend was almost the same as
pH picophytoplankton removal. Again, PSI was more effi-
cient in turbidity removal than the other three coagu-
Fig. 13. Residual picophytolankton at each coagulant pH
(initial picophytoplankton: 2  106 cell/mL). lants by means of settling performance. The residual
turbidities at 180 min of sedimentation were 0.15, 0.25,
0.42, and 0.84 NTU for PSI, PAC, ferric chloride, and
Downloaded by [Tohoku University] at 18:21 08 May 2013

and alum with 11.5% and 3% removal, respectively, alum, respectively. The effect of sedimentation time
and 6.4% removal at pH 6.0 for PAC and ferric chlo- on picophytoplankton removal in the artificial water
ride. The latter are considered too low for drinking with the four coagulants was also investigated.
water treatment facilities.

Residual picophytoplankton (cell/mL)

3.4. Sedimentation characteristic

FeCl3 PACl
Alum PSI
The sedimentation characteristics of the picophyto- 5000
plankton and turbid materials were evaluated in order
to elucidate the differences in the removal perfor-
mance between the polymer (PSI and PAC) and sim- 3000
ple coagulants (ferric chloride and alum). The
sedimentation performance of floc produced was eval- 2000
uated on the basis of settling time. The results showed
that there was no significant difference in the final
concentration of the residual picophytoplankton cell 0
number for 180 min for PSI, PAC, and ferric chloride. 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210
However, the difference between PSI and the other Settling time (min)
three coagulants in the residual number of picophyto-
Fig. 14. Residual picophytoplankton at various settling
plankton at the initial stage (up to 30 min), was sub- times (initial picophytoplankton: 4890 cell/mL).
stantial, indicating the presence of a larger number of
either big or high-density flocs, which quickly settled
within 30 min. The maximum picophytoplankton 6
removal was achieved with PSI. It is observed that the Alum PSI
Residual turbidity (NTU)

dimensions of the flocs formed by PSI were relatively

larger than those formed by PAC, ferric chloride, and 4
alum, and that this may have had a positive effect on
picophytoplankton removal. This observation has been 3
supported by the previous authors who noted coagu-
lation with PSI produced bigger flocs than with PAC,
and alum and effective bacteria removal because of 1
the bound polymerized silica of PSI and effective for
bacteria removal [26,27]. Furthermore, since the aver- 0
age molecular weight of PSI is higher than the other 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210
Settling time (min)
coagulants, the increment of the density of picophyto-
plankton floc can also be expected to be higher in PSI Fig. 15. Residual turbidity with various settling times
experiments, and result in higher sedimentation (initial turbidity: 5.3 NTU).
3556 T.S. Aktas et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 3547–3557

25000 • Since polymer coagulants performed better than

Residual picophytoplankton (cell/mL)

Alum PSI conventional coagulants in all the coagulation
23000 experiments, polymer coagulants can be used to
enhance coagulation.

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