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Organisation Level - 5S Culture Assessment

Level Sort Set in Order Shine Standardise Sustain

Needed and not-needed items are Work area and machines are not
Items are placed randomly There is no measurement of 5S
1 found toghether shopfloor. Unsafe
throughout the work place
cleaned thoroughly at regular No work area agreements exist
conditions observed. intervals

Not-needed items are identified and

Needed items have been safely Work area agreements are identified
evidence of Red Tagging observed. Work area and machines are 5S level has been determined and
2 But, non-required items found in
stored and organized according to
cleaned to remove dust and dirt
and documented for needed item
posted on the communication board
frequency of use organization and work area controls
work area

Locations allocated for needed Visual controls for equipment, files Work area agreements for needed Work team is routinely checking area
Only required items are available in
3 the work-area.
items. All available items like tools and supplies have been established item labeling and visual controls are to maintain 5S agreements and
are clearly marked. for the work area posted and followed by work team posting results

Agreements for labeling, Sources and frequency of problems

List of items are clearly documented Visual indications like shadow Daily inspection occurs to assess housekeeping, inspections, and are documented as part of routine
4 and displayed. Needed items are boards are in use and required area readiness, potential problems work place design are consistently work, root causes are identified, and
routinely assessed. items are progressively reduced. are identified and fixed followed and demonstrate area corrective action plans are
performance improvement developed

Methods for housekeeping, labeling,

Red tag areas are clearly marked Needed items can be retrieved Problem sources are documented Root causes have been eliminated
inspections, and work place design
5 and disposal of red tag items within 30 seconds and require a with solutions defined and
are continually improved and shared
and improvement actions focus on
happens periodically. minimum number of steps implemented developing preventive methods
externally as applicable

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