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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 July 24, 2022 – British Mandate of Palestine

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: PA “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART XMII] – Squandering Geopolitics

I support supporting Ukraine, but the consensus view is that Brandon is withholding arms
that could help regain territory; Ukraine’s defense minister (again) said, “We can win if
West helps us close our skies to Russian attack. Supposedly, Russia is about to ‘run out of
steam’ in Ukraine, British spy chief claims; yet, Putin plans to annex east Ukraine and
covets the rest allegedly due to help given to Ukraine. He’s helped by Brandon, who backs
German Pipeline Completion After Closing American ones; indeed, Wokeness Is Putin’s
and China’s Weapon. Brandon Threatened Ex-Ukraine Prez Poroshenko With
Assassination If He Cooperated with Trump; Phone Call to Ukraine Leader Poroshenko
Revisited – Was Brandon Threatening Poroshenko’s Life or Ukraine’s Security?

Emulating America are U.K. events: Actual Conservative Kemi Badenoch Emerged (but
didn’t make the cut) as Potential Bojo Successor; Systemic Jew Hatred: Charges Dropped
Against Two Accused of Antisemitism In London “Hate Convoy”, – “F*ck the Jews”, “K*ll
the Jews”, “Rape Their Daughters”; and Prince Harry’s U.N. Speech ‘Wildly Insulting’ to
Americans, TORN APART on Social Media -‘Go Home, Little boy!’

Recalling my anti-JCPOA essays, it’s disconcerting to read Brandon’s emanations

regarding Iran [Brandon’s National Security Council Spokesman, John Kirby, Says Iran Deal
Will Lower Gas Prices in the US and Brandon Says Willingness to Restart the Iran Nuclear
Deal Has Nothing to Do With Iran Trying to Kill Americans and United Arab Emirates
Breaks Ranks on Iran as US President Brandon Arrives in Saudi Arabia] when Iran Has
Capability to Build a Nuclear Bomb – But They Say They Haven’t Decided to Build One Yet.

Noting Brandon received no Saudi oil, contradicted his “pariah” declaration and,
contradicting Brandon, Saudis deny opening of airspace is step toward ties with Israel
[TRUMP PEACE: Saudi Arabia poised to allow direct flights from Israel], Brandon’s Failures
In The Middle East Are A Gift To American Adversaries; contrasting are ongoing
manifestations of the Abraham accords [TRUMP PEACE: King Mohammed VI recognizes
Jewish community as part of Moroccan culture and Trump Peace: Leaders of Israel, US,
India and UAE meet for inaugural ‘I2U2’ virtual summit]. As the Media Predictably Cover
For Brandon’s Saudi Foreign Policy Fiasco, Saudi Arabia Deploys Soft Power to Win Favor
In Washington. Meanwhile, Afghani Taliban Forces, Teeming with US Weapons, Unite to
Take Out Pakistani Government, A Country on the Precipice of Economic Collapse.

The Israeli visit was equally disastrous, both rhetorically [Brandon in Israel: “…To Keep
Alive the Truth and Honor of the Holocaust…Horror of the Holocaust”] and behaviorally
[Brandon Removes Israeli flag from presidential vehicle – in Jerusalem]; naturally, the
Leftist Israeli President Isaac Herzog Awards Anti-Israel Brandon With Israel’s Presidential
Medal of Honor as Brandon affirms support of indefensible two-state solution ‘on 1967
lines with land swaps.’ Illustrating how effective he was when trying to sate the PLO, after
he departed, a PA Terrorist said, ‘If Brandon visit fails to meet demands, we will act
against Israel and America’; Iran backed Hamas fires rockets into Ashkelon less than 48
hours after Brandon visit and Islamic terrorist stabs Israeli with screwdriver in Jerusalem.
Indeed, Brandon slammed for comparing Israel-Palestine conflict to Britain and Ireland.

Two China updates, as Brandon preps to remove Trump’s tariffs: House Dems Don’t Mind
Emptying Out Emergency Oil Reserves To China and 60% of Americans Want TikTok
Removed From App Stores.

Mexico’s border remains porous as the SCOTUS won’t let Brandon implement
immigration policy and 30% of the Population In These Major U.S. Cities Are Immigrants.
Why? Illegal Immigrants Provided Tickets from San Antonio to Baltimore on Southwest
and Cleared Through Premium Lane Without IDs and Under Brandon’s New ‘ONLINE
SIGN-UP FOR ASYLUM,’ Illegal Immigrants Will Flock To US Airports. In cahoots is a Public
Media Outlet KQED that Hides Violent Criminal Records Of ICE Detainees.

Illustrative of the national impact of the Illegals are revolts in DC [Dem DC Mayor Bowser
Wants Brandon to Stop Illegal Aliens From Being Bussed Into DC] and NYC [New York City’s
Dem Mayor Eric Adams Complains About Influx Of Migrants Straining Resources]. And,
Under the Guise of ‘Learning English,’ Boston High School Teaches Newly-Immigrated
Students That Physical Violence and Political Assassinations Are a Legitimate Form of
“Resisting Oppression.” To offset the impact of the news, Nazi Collaborator Soros
Contributes $1 Million to Beto O’Rourke’s Campaign to Unseat Texas Gov. Abbott; this is
explained by George Soros Declares War on SCOTUS and GOP: “Enemies of Democracy.”

Internationally, An Expert Warns About the Looming Threat of an EMP Attack. I first was
educated about this issue when Brian Kennedy spoke in Philly c/o the Middle East Forum,
and I have noted updates c/o Frank Gaffney without having heard anything from D.C.
Thus, my son advised I wrap my ‘puters in aluminum foil but, more important is the need
for a national level of defense against what appears to be a gigundo vulnerability that a
digital society faces; one such attack thrusts the USA to the stone-age (without chips).
Someone should clarify this concern publicly regarding what can be done to defend the
USA and, indeed, Judeo-Christian Civilization globally (e.g., Europe); time remains tight.

Overall, It’s Not Just America, for Western Democracies Are fragmenting. But the focus
of MAGA and America First must focus on fixing the USA: ‘We’re In a Revolutionary
Period,’ said Victor Davis Hanson as he issued a Dire Prediction For Future of America.

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