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Tidal And Wave Power
Presented to :

Dr. Pramod Soni

(Faculty Incharge)
Environment and Ecology – CE12101

Presented By :

Ramesh 20193087
Manish Kumar 20194158
Ranjeet Kumar Gond 20192022
Mohammed Rifat Khan 20198079
Rinkesh Kumar 20191002
Nihar Saraf 20196029
Rishes Kumar Mishra 20192080
Paridhi Agarwal 20193075
Rohit Kumar 20191085
Piyush Mane 20199013
Sampeta Srikar 20196024
Priya Jain 20194031
Sanjay Karthikeyan 20198106

 Intrduction
 Advantages
 Disadvantages
 Case Studies in India
Tides are the waves caused due to the gravitational pull of the moon and also sun(though its pull
is very low).

The rise is called high tide and fall is called low tide. This building up and receding of waves
happens twice a day and causes enormous movement of water. It is so powerful that it has
caused many mishaps and resulted in sinking of ships.

Thus tidal energy forms a large source of energy and can be harnessed in some of the coastal
areas of the world. Tidal dams are built near shores for this purpose. During high tide, the water
flows into the dam and during low tide, water flows out which result in turning the turbine.
 Tidal power facilities harness the energy from the rise and fall of
 Tidal power facilities harness the energy from the rise and fall of
tides .
What is tidal  Tidal barrages
 Tidal current turbines.
energy ?  Ideal sites are located at narrow channels and experience high
variation in high and low tides.
Advantages of Tidal Energy
1) It is an inexhaustible source of energy.
2) Tidal energy is environment friendly energy and doesn't produce greenhouse gases.
3) As 71% of Earth’s surface is covered by water, there is scope to generate this energy on
large scale.
4) We can predict the rise and fall of tides as they follow cyclic fashion.
5) Efficiency of tidal power is far greater as compared to coal, solar or wind energy. Its
efficiency is around 80%.
6) Although cost of construction of tidal power is high but maintenance costs are relatively
7) Tidal Energy doesn’t require any kind of fuel to run.
8) The life of tidal energy power plant is very long.
9) The energy density of tidal energy is relatively higher than other renewable energy
Disadvantages of Tidal Energy
1) Cost of construction of tidal power plant is high.
2) There are very few ideal locations for construction of plant and they too are localized to
coastal regions only.
3) Intensity of sea waves is unpredictable and there can be damage to power generation
4) Influences aquatic life adversely and can disrupt migration of fish.
5) The actual generation is for a short period of time. The tides only happen twice a day so
electricity can be produced only for that time.
6) Frozen sea, low or weak tides, straight shorelines, low tidal rise or fall are some of the
7) This technology is still not cost effective and more technological advancements are
required to make it commercially viable.
8) Usually the places where tidal energy is produced are far away from the places where it is
consumed. This transmission is expensive and difficult.
Case Studies in India
The tidal level at various locations along the Indian coastline is obtained from the tide table
of National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) through a harmonic analysis. The predictions are
valid for long term as tidal magnitudes are estimated using 37 species. In several locations
along the coastline, the first few components only determine tidal levels. The details of spring
and neap tidal range for 46 locations along the coast of India . There is a gradual increase of
tidal range toward northern parts of Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea due to convergence of
coastline toward the north. Hence, the tidal energy potential is generally good over the
northern parts of India.
Feasible sites for tidal energy
The critical parameters for assessing suitability of a certain technology depend on the two
critical parameters, namely, tidal range and tidal stream velocity. Then one could follow a
systematic approach to arrive at the suitable technological option (TB or TST). Such an
approach is outlined in Figure . On this basis, the feasible sites that are identified are
summarized in Table . These options are discussed individually in the following sections.
Tidal Energy Potential in India

ministry of new and renewable energy (MNRE) made

an assessment of the potential of tidal energy in the
country. These are summarized which indicates an
estimated potential of about 8000 MW with 7000 MW
in Gulf of Khambhat, 1200 MW in Gulf of Kutch in
Gujarat, and about 100 MW in Ganges delta in
Sundarbans in West Bengal. However, this assessment
depends largely on the technology and methodology to
be used.
ministry of new and renewable energy (MNRE) made an
assessment of the potential of tidal energy in the country. These are
summarized which indicates an estimated potential of about 8000 MW with
7000 MW in Gulf of Khambhat, 1200 MW in Gulf of Kutch in Gujarat,
and about 100 MW in Ganges delta in Sundarbans in West Bengal. However,
this assessment depends largely on the technology and methodology to be
Summary and conclusion
This work focuses on a review of tidal energy conversion and the technologies. We
proposed a systematic approach to identification of suitable site and technology for a
given potential site. This has been applied to typical locations along India. The most
potential regions for development of tidal energy farms is identified and prioritized.
The total estimated power that could be harvested in these regions is about
9200 MW, with the lowest capacity factor indicated above. This is equivalent to about
six major nuclear power plants and eight major thermal power plants. This is also the
energy demand of several states in India. Furthermore, there are several sites with
large backwaters where barrage technology could be used.
In the backdrop of above discussions, there is an urgent need to
1. Create pilot project using the barrage and stream concepts. Such studies should consider
hybridization of the PTO arrangement with the option of combined wind/solar
2. Understand environmental and other issues pertaining to this energy form.
3. Create a clear roadmap for promotion of tidal energy as individual and hybrid technologies.

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