Complete 2nd Quarter LASs Trends Network and Critical Thinking

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Competencies Page Number

Week 1
Identify democratic practices 1
Explain the importance of participation in 10
Differentiate participatory from representative 15
Week 2
Assess democratic interventions prevailing in 21
political and social institutions
Formulate a viable alternative to undemocratic 34
Week 3
Identify the dimensions of technology that are 41
enabling and inhibiting
Discuss the benefits of technology 53
Explain the weakest link in a system using 65
strategic and intuitive thinking
Week 4
Explain how information communication 79
technology can facilitate social relationships and
political movements
Propose a creative intervention to improve human 88
life using ICT
Week 5
Differentiate connections from relationship, and 94
Illustrate how the brain or neural network works 102
Week 6
Compare the neural networks with social 114
Establish linkage between self and the social 121
network one belongs to

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Week 7
Demonstrate how thinking processes are shaped 127
by social relationships
Identify the significant social roles students play 135
within the community by creating a social map of
their relationships
Copyright Page 143

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information for Learners

Democracy means the “power of the people.” It originates from the Greek words
demos which means “people,’ and kratos means “strength or power.”

Types of Democracy

Anticipatory democracy – relies on some degree of disciplined and usually market-

informed anticipation of the future, to guide major decisions.
Associative Democracy – emphasis on freedom via voluntary and democratically
self-governing associations.
Adversial Democracy – with an emphasis on freedom based on adversial
relationships between individuals and groups as best expressed in democratic judicial
Bourgeois democracy – Some Marxists, Communists, Socialists and Left-
wing anarchists refer to liberal democracy as bourgeois democracy, alleging that
ultimately politicians fight only for the rights of the bourgeoisie.
Consensus democracy – rule based on consensus rather than traditional majority
Constitutional democracy – governed by a constitution.
Deliberative democracy – in which authentic deliberation, not only voting, is central
to legitimate decision making. It adopts elements of both consensus decision-making
and majority rule.
Democratic centralism – organizational method where members of a political party
discuss and debate matters of policy and direction and after the decision is made by
majority vote, all members are expected to follow that decision in public.
Democratic republic – republic which has democracy through elected
Democratic socialism – form of socialism ideologically opposed to the Marxist–
Leninist styles that have become synonymous with socialism; democratic socialists
place an emphasis on decentralized governance in political democracy with social
ownership of the means of production and social and economic institutions
with workers' self-management.
Economic democracy – theory of democracy involving people having access to
subsistence, or equity in living standards.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Grassroots democracy – emphasizes trust in small decentralized units at the
municipal government level, possibly using urban secession to establish the formal
legal authority to make decisions made at this local level binding.
Guided democracy – form of democratic government with increased autocracy where
citizens exercise their political rights without meaningfully affecting the government's
policies, motives, and goals.
Interactive democracy – proposed form of democracy utilising information
technology to allow citizens to propose new policies, "second" proposals and vote on
the resulting laws (that are refined by Parliament) in a referendum.
Jeffersonian democracy – named after American statesman Thomas Jefferson, who
believed in equality of political opportunity (for male citizens), and opposed to privilege,
aristocracy and corruption.
Liquid democracy – form of democratic control whereby voting power is vested in
individual citizens who may self-select provisional delegates, rather than elected
Market democracy – another name for democratic capitalism, an economic ideology
based on a tripartite arrangement of a market-based economy based predominantly
on economic incentives through free markets, a democratic polity and a liberal moral-
cultural system which encourages pluralism.
Multiparty democracy – two-party system requires voters to align themselves in large
blocs, sometimes so large that they cannot agree on any overarching principles.
New Democracy – Maoist concept based on Mao Zedong's "Bloc of Four Classes"
theory in post-revolutionary China.
Participatory democracy – involves more lay citizen participation in decision making
and offers greater political representation than traditional representative democracy,
e.g., wider control of proxies given to representatives by those who get directly
involved and actually participate.
People's democracy – multi-class rule in which the proletariat dominates.
Radical democracy – type of democracy that focuses on the importance of nurturing
and tolerating difference and dissent in decision-making processes.
Revolutionary democracy – ideology of the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary
Democratic Front
Semi-direct democracy – representative democracy with instruments, elements,
and/or features of direct democracy.
Sociocracy – democratic system of governance based on consent decision making,
circle organization, subsidiarity, and double-linked representation.

Different Democratic Practices

Free Elections - election is a formal group decision-making process by which a

population chooses an individual to hold public office. It is usually used in Democratic
nations. Everyone has the right to elect the government of his/her country by secret
vote. Without this right there can be no free and fair elections. It guarantees the
citizens’ free expression, the proper representativeness of elected representatives and
the legitimacy of the legislative and executive bodies, and by the same token
enhances the people’s confidence in the institutions.

Citizen Participation – Citizen participation is a process which provides private

individuals an opportunity to influence public decisions and has long been a

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
component of the democratic decision-making process. Examples include voting,
volunteering, participating in group activities, and community gardening.

Majority Rule and Minority Rights – Majority rule is a way of organizing government
where citizens freely make political decisions through voting for representatives. The
representatives with the most votes then represent the will of the people through
majority rule. Minority rights are rights that are guaranteed to everyone, even if they
are not a part of the majority. These rights cannot be de eliminated by a majority vote.
Minorities must trust that the majority will keep in mind the wishes of the minority when
making decisions that affect everyone. The minority today will not necessarily be the
minority of tomorrow. Majority rule with respect to minority rights is vital to a democratic
government. This process allows for citizens to maintain individual rights while
following the direction of the majority. It also allows for the citizens to make changes
to the laws as society, the majorities, and the minorities change.

Constitutional Government – Constitutional government is defined by the existence

of a constitution—which may be a legal instrument or merely a set of fixed norms or
principles generally accepted as the fundamental law of the polity—that effectively
controls the exercise of political power. Constitution is a written document outlining
the framework of government system.

Learning Competency with Code

Identify democratic practices (Quarter 2, Week 1; HUMMS_MCT12-IIa-c-1)


Exercise 1. Select the correct answer by writing the corresponding letter on the blank
provided before each number.

_______1. It is a system of governance based on circle organization, subsidiarity,

consent decision making, and double-linked representation.
a. Peoples’ democracy c. Sociocracy
b. c. Radical d. Multi-Party

_______2. Multi-class rule in which the proletariat dominates.

a. Peoples’ democracy c. Sociocracy
b. Radical d. Multi-Party

_______3. It is a democracy governed by a written document outlining the framework

of government system.
a. Radical c. Revolutionary
b. Constitutional d. Market

_______4. Theory of democracy involving people having access to subsistence, or

equity in living standards.
a. Economic democracy c. Radical Democracy
b. Multi-Party Democracy d. Sociocracy

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
________5. Strength and Power: Kratos, ____________: demos
a. Law c. Democracy
b. State d. People

_______6. Suffrage is another term for __________.

a. Right to vote c. Right to Privacy
b. Right to Information d. Right of execution

_______7. The formal process of selecting a person for public office or of accepting
or rejecting a political proposition by voting.
a. Election c. Reform
b. Minority Rights d. Majority Rights

_______8. Refers to the process of providing private individuals an opportunity to

influence public decisions.
a. Fundamental Law c. Citizen Participation
b. Community Outreach d. Radical Democracy

_______9. A way of organizing government where citizens freely make political

decisions through voting for representatives.
a. Minority Rule c. Majority Rule
b. Fundamental Law d. Free Law

________10. Form of democratic government with increased autocracy where citizens

exercise their political rights without meaningfully affecting the government's policies,
motives, and goals.
a. Liquid democracy c. Economic democracy
b. Guided Democracy d. Radical Democracy

Exercise 2. Picture Analysis. Please write a dissenting opinion about the picture below
in 5-10 sentences. In writing your opinion, be guided by the following questions: (1) Is
it democratic?, and (2) How does it affect democracy?

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Exercise 3. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Democracy is considered to be the best form of government. It has rightly been said that it is
government of the people, by the people, for the people. People elect their own
representatives who run the government. All citizens after attaining a certain age are granted
the right to vote. In India this age is reduced to 18 so that the maximum number of young men
and young women take an active part in politics. But it has brought responsibility also. Now
we have to see that everyone makes proper use of his vote.

1. Expound on the meaning of democracy as described in the text.

2. Who has the right to vote in an election? Do we all have a right to vote?
3. Why is the voting age reduced to 18 years old?

Exercise 4. Look for the following words and then encircle them. After which, choose
three among the given words and explain how each word is related to democratic

Government Citizens Aristocrat Punishments

Property Athens Council Slaves
Jury Crimes Democracy Parents
Immigrants Assembly Poor Pericles

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
No. Words How is it related to democratic practices?

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 5. Aside from elections, in what other areas or ways can democracy be
practiced? Provide five concrete examples and explain how each promote democracy.

No. Democratic Practices How does it promote democracy?

Rubric for Scoring

Exercise 2

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner
Quality of Very Somewhat Gives some Gives no new
Writing informative informative and new information
and well organized information and very
organized but poorly poorly
organized organized

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Grammar, Virtually no Few spelling A number of So many
Usage and spelling, and spelling, spelling,
Mechanics punctuation or punctuation punctuation or punctuation or
grammatical error, minor grammatical grammatical
errors grammatical errors errors that it
errors interferes with
the meaning


How do democratic practices impact your life personally?




Elizabeth T. Urgel, “Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
Culture” 2017, Diwa Learning System Inc.


Answer Key

Exercise 1

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. D
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. C

Exercise 2. Answers may vary

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 3

1. It is the government of the people, by the people, and for the people
2. The citizen after attaining the age of 18
3. So that we can ensure the maximum use of people in politics

Exercise 4.

Exercise 5. Answers may vary

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information for Learners

How Can Citizens Participate? Who is a citizen?

Anyone who is born in the Philippines or whose parents are Filipino citizens is
a citizen of the Philippines. An alien is a person who is not a citizen. Many aliens can
become citizens by following certain rules and procedures.

The government protects many rights for anyone who lives in the Philippines. But
citizens have one right aliens do not have. That is the right to vote and be elected to
public office. Many people say that citizens also have important responsibilities to their
country that aliens do not. We will examine what those responsibilities might be in this

Ways citizens can participate

 Looking for information in newspapers, magazines, and reference materials

and judging its accuracy
 Voting in local, state, and national elections
 Participating in a political discussion
 Trying to persuade someone to vote a certain way
 Signing a petition
 Wearing a button or putting a sticker on the car
 Writing letters to elected representatives
 Contributing money to a party or candidate
 Attending meetings to gain information, discuss issues, or lend support
 Campaigning for a candidate
 Lobbying for laws that are of special interest
 Demonstrating through marches, boycotts, sit-ins, or other forms of protest
 Serving as a juror
 Running for office
 Holding public office
 Serving the country through military or other service
 Disobeying laws and taking the consequences to demonstrate that a law or
policy is unjust
NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Citizens make the future of the country. Many things depend on us, citizens. In my
mind, every citizen can do something useful for the development of the country. It
really doesn’t matter what sphere we work in, it is our duty to do everything we can to
live in better conditions.

Citizen’s participation is a process which provides private individuals an opportunity to

influence public decisions and to be a component of the democratic decision-making
process. It is also the involvement or engagement with something which is freely done,
without coercion, and without threat of fear.

Nowadays more and more people are taking the initiative to make their local
neighborhood more livable, for instance by helping to maintain playgrounds or green
spaces. As a result, the relationship between society and government is changing.
Sometimes the government supports the engagement of the society but sometimes
they don’t. Well, it depends on certain conditions.

Participation in democracy is important as in enables you to attain knowledge and

experiences of these democratic processes and practices. It makes you distinguish
and discriminate democratic and undemocratic processes, practices, and concept.

Learning Competency with Code

Explain the importance of participation in democracy (Quarter 2, Week 1;


Exercise 1. Reflecting on your experiences as a student, what are the benefits of

democratic participation in school and community activities which you have enjoyed
or are currently enjoying?

Exercise 2. List down at least 10 different student or community activities related to

democratic participation that you have participated in or enjoyed.

No. Student or Community Activities


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Exercise 3. Pick two ways citizens can participate in democracy and look for the
advantages and disadvantages of the different ways. On the chart, write the ways in
the middle, the advantages on top and the disadvantages below.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 4. Does a citizen have a responsibility to participate in democratic practices
to improve his or her society? Why or why not?

Exercise 5. Using the chart below, list down some human rights that are indispensable
for democracy to thrive.


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Rubric for Scoring

Exercise 1 and 4
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner
Quality of Very Somewhat Gives some Gives no new
Writing informative informative and new information
and well organized information and very
organized but poorly poorly
organized organized
Grammar, Virtually no Few spelling A number of So many
Usage and spelling, and spelling, spelling,
Mechanics punctuation or punctuation punctuation or punctuation or
grammatical error, minor grammatical grammatical
errors grammatical errors errors that it
errors interferes with
the meaning


What personal ways would you take to participate in our democracy?



Elizabeth T. Urgel, “Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
Culture” 2017, Diwa Learning System Inc.


Answer Key

Exercises 1 to 5. Answers may vary.

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information for Learners

The Greeks are often credited with the creation of democracy. Named “demokratia,”
or “rule of the people,” this political system radically changed the relationship of power
between a government and its people. Democracy challenged political elites to be
accountable to the very people who elected them. Democracy is generally perceived
the most ideal and preferred system of governance based on its ability to empower its
citizenry and enable self-determination. Much like any system of government, how a
democracy is implemented and practiced has produced varying shades of opinion.
Two such interpretations include representative democracy and participatory

Most people are familiar with representative democracy. This process involves an
electorate selecting and voting on political candidates and/or political parties, who in
turn make policy. Citizens entrust their elected leaders to act in accordance to how
they wish to be represented. Candidates who behave irrationally or unethical will likely
not return to office after losing favor with the voting public. In practice, this system of
governance is also referred to as a republic, which is what the United States is
classified as.

Representative democracy is the most prevalent system of government in the Western

world. It varies from constitutional monarchies (United Kingdom) to parliamentary
republics (Canada or Germany) to constitutional republics (United States). In each
scenario, there are parallels. For example, most elected officials are constrained by a
constitution, which codifies a system of checks and balances to curtail any significant
centralization of power. This is usually supported by an independent judiciary (which
determines what is and isn’t constitutional) and an elected legislature (which drives
policies and legislation). In most cases, the legislature is bicameral, meaning there are
two separate political institutions for legislation to pass through before becoming law.
Though representative democracy has been generally considered favorable in
comparison to the oligarchies and tyrannies of yesteryear, it still hasn’t necessarily
promised the highest degree of freedom. Even political revolutions built on the ideas
of liberty produced checkered results when it came to full enfranchising its citizenry.
Voting rights were predominately in the hands privileged elites and did not include
ethnic minorities and women until the past century. In addition, many argue that
representative democracy produces a class of professional politicians who are
beholden to the agendas of the economic elite who finance their campaigns. The
NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
sometimes unholy union between political power and economic wealth reproduce the
plutocratic or oligarchical tendencies of past failed governments.

This is where participatory democracy enters the picture. All people vote in all
decisions. Many argue that if democracy is to be considered a fully liberating ideology ,
then it should remove the “middle man.” Participatory democracy (also known as direct
democracy) puts policy responsibilities directly in the hands of the citizenry. To date,
there isn’t a country in the international order that could be properly defined as a
comprehensive participatory democracy. However, there are microcosms. For
example, referendum voting in the United States is the best example of codified
participatory democracy. The legislature can pass the buck when it comes to voting
on a measure, and place a proposal on the ballot for the citizens to vote on directly.
Participatory democracy finds its strengths in smaller settings. For example, the recent
Occupy movement is often cited for utilizing this model of governance within the ranks
of its protesters. Turning all constituents into equal stakeholders, participatory
democracy has the unique power to build communities based on mutualism and
cooperation. Many activist networks and organizations – especially those drawn to
progressive causes – favor such an environment because of it allows them to “practice
what they preach.” However, its lack of broad appeal on a larger, national scales
highlights its primary weakness: As the size of the citizenry grows and diversifies, the
harder it is to build consensus in an efficient manner.

Learning Competency with Code

Differentiate participatory from representative democracy (Quarter 2, Week 1;


Exercise 1. Compare and contrast participatory and representative democracy using

the Venn Diagram below.

Participatory Representative

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 2. Select the correct answer by writing the corresponding letter on the blank
provided before each number.

_______1. They are often credited with the creation of democracy?

a. Syrian c. Indian
b. Egyptians d. Greeks

_______2. A system of government in which the legislature comprises two houses.

a. Unicameral c. Bicameral
b. Tricameral d. Parliamentary

_______3. Generally perceived the most ideal and preferred system of governance
based on its ability to empower its implemented and practiced has produced varying
shades of opinion.
a. Democracy c. Parliamentary
b. Republican d. Oligarchy

_______4. What is the most prevalent system of government in the Western world?
a. Constitutional c. Parliamentary
b. Representative Democracy d. Participatory Democracy

_______5. United Kingdom is an example of what system of government?

a. Monarchial c. Parliamentary
b. Democratic d. Participatory Democracy

_______6. The Representative Democracy is a system of government also known as

a. Parliamentary b. Referential
b. Republic d. Federalism

_______7. What should be removed if democracy is to be considered a fully liberating

a. Leaders c. Middle man
b. Citizen d. Law

_______8. Participatory democracy is also known as _____________.

a. Direct Democracy c. In-Direct Democracy
b. Ideology d. Humanism

_______9. How does a Participatory Democracy work?

a. Policy responsibilities directly in the hands of citizenry.
b. Policy responsibilities is not available in this type of government
c. Policy made by the legislator and implement after a year
d. Policy made for the benefits of the leaders in a certain place

_______10. Government that has a unique power to build the communities based on
mutualism and cooperation.
a. Parliamentary c. Participatory
b. monarchy d. Humanism

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 3. Write R if the statement describes representative democracy and P if it
describes Participatory democracy.

________1. People can choose experts to make and carry out decisions.
________2. Leaders may not represent people’s interest.
________3. People have all the powers.
________4. Uniformed people vote on issues
________5. Only works in small group
________6. People Representative Laws
________7. People vote for elected officials
________8. Referendum Voting
________9. It promotes a well-cooperative community
________10. It creates room for manipulation and corruption.

Exercise 4. Give the advantages and disadvantages of Participatory and

Representative Democracy.

Advantages Disadvantages


Exercise 5. Between Representative and Participatory Democracy, what do you think

is more essential and has a better impact in our society?

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Rubric for Scoring

Exercise 5

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner
Quality of Very Somewhat Gives some Gives no new
Writing informative informative and new information
and well organized information and very
organized but poorly poorly
organized organized
Grammar, Virtually no Few spelling A number of So many
Usage and spelling, and spelling, spelling,
Mechanics punctuation or punctuation punctuation or punctuation or
grammatical error, minor grammatical grammatical
errors grammatical errors errors that it
errors interferes with
the meaning


What is your most important learning in this lesson and why?




Elizabeth T. Urgel, “Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
Culture” 2017, Diwa Learning System Inc.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Answer Key

Exercise 1. Answers may vary

Exercise 2

1. D 6. C
2. B 7. B
3. A 8. A
4. C 9. A
5. A 10. B

Exercise 3

1. R 6. R
2. R 7. R
3. P 8. P
4. P 8. P
5. P 10. P

Exercise 4. Answers may vary but some suggested answers include the following:

Advantages Disadvantages
Participatory People have all the It creates room for
Democracy powers manipulation and
Representative People may choose an Leaders may not
Democracy expert to make and carry represent people’s
out decision interest

Exercise 5. Answers may vary

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________




Background Information for Learners

Established democratic institutions possess the core elements of elections, political

parties, lawmaking bodies, interest groups, social movements, and mass media. How
free these elements are is a matter of degree just as how democratic a political or
social institution is.

Moreover, certain values such as respect for human rights and human dignity, racial
and ethnic equity, equal access to and distribution of wealth and resources, social
justice, fair trial, and other civil liberties and political rights are considered as indicators
of democracy and freedom. Thus social and political institutions that adhere to many,
if not all, of these values are perceived to be democratically inclined and their people
enjoy a higher degree of freedom.

Usually it is the government which is subjected to assessment regarding its quality of

democracy or its tendency toward strong adherence to democratic processes. There
are existing research bodies, publications and agencies evaluating governments and
regimes, each having its own set of criteria.

 MaxRange is a data set that analyses political regimes and democratization

processes from the 18th century to the present, making it the largest and most
comprehensive political regime data set in the world today. Its latest version,
MaxRange 2.0, focuses on seven dimensions, including general level of
democracy, institutional, structure, strength of the executive, status of the
regime, concentration of powers to the executive and position of the head of
state, and a simplified strength variable.
 Democracy Index is the evaluation of the state of democracy of countries.
Countries are rated as either full democracies, flawed democracies, hybrid
regimes, or authoritarian regimes based on the following criteria: electoral
process and pluralism, functioning of government, civil liberties, political
participation, political culture, and civil liberties.
 International IDEA evaluates the country’s quality of democracy that is
anchored on four main pillars: (1) citizenship and law and rights, (2)
representative and accountable government, (3) civil society and popular
participation, and (4) democracy beyond the state.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
 Freedom in the World is an annual survey that ranks countries by political rights
and civil liberties mostly derived from the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights. It notes the status of country as free, partly free or not free.

Learning Competency with Code

Assess democratic interventions prevailing in political and social institutions (Quarter
2, Week 2; HUMMS_MCT12-IIa-c-6)


Exercise 1. Read the article below and then accomplish the activity that follows.

Philippine Democracy in 2018: Where do we fall in world rankings?

MANILA, Philippines – Several events challenged the state of democracy in the Philippines in

Growing threats against government watchdogs, the Marawi siege, and the unrelenting and
brutal campaign against drugs have resulted in cracks in the country’s overall democratic

The Philippines, tagged as a “flawed democracy,” ranked 51st out of 167 countries in the latest
Democracy Index report released by the Economist Intelligence Unit in 2018.

“The indefinite declaration of martial law in the southern state of Mindanao in the Philippines,
and the rule of country’s strongman leader, Rodrigo Duterte, adversely affected the quality of
democracy in the Philippines,” the report said.

“Mr. Duterte has led the way among the many Asian countries that are infringing democratic
values,” it added.

While the Philippines still enjoys a more open and progressive democracy within Asia, a look
at the factors that affect democracy show that the country is on a downward trend compared
to other countries around the world.

Still ‘partly-free’

The Philippines is classified as a partly-free country in the recent Freedom in the World report
with an aggregate score of 62 over 100.

Independent watchdog organization Freedom House said that while government institutions
are “well-developed” in the country, its long history of impunity and insurgency continue to
affect freedom enjoyed by citizens.

Among 162 other countries, the Philippines is the 73rd most free according to another report
by Fraser Institute. Regionally, the country ranks high with a freedom index score of 6.92 –
3rd among 17 other Asian countries.

The state of personal freedom improved from the previous year, climbing 4 spots from 104th
to 100th, while economic freedom declined.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Most personal freedom indices increased, except for religious freedom at 8.5 and expression
and information at 8.2. The Philippines also became more open and accepting of identity and
relationships, as the score improved by 2.5 points this year.

Under economic freedom, the size of government, legal system and property rights, and
freedom of international trade all dropped slightly.

Deteriorating rule of law

The World Justice Project dubbed the Philippines the “biggest mover” for this year’s Rule of
Law Index report after it dropped 18 ranks from the previous year, now ranking 88th out of 113

The Philippines also ranks 13th out of 15 East Asia and Pacific countries with an overall score
of 0.47, just above Myanmar and Cambodia.

There was a significant decrease in half of the factors taken into account in the report. Among
8 factors, the Philippines saw a decline in adherence to fundamental rights (99th), order and
security (107th), civil justice (81st), and criminal justice (102nd).

Among these, order and security dropped the most, falling 30 places from its 2016 rank of
77th. This comes during a year strained by Marawi clashes, a crackdown on members of the
political opposition, and the continuing drug war.

There are minor decreases in constraints to government powers (59th), absence of corruption
(62nd), and open government (54th). The Philippine ranking in regulatory enforcement
remained unchanged at 55th since 2016.

Worsening corruption

Corruption in the country worsened in 2018, moving down 10 spots from last year’s ranking.
According to a report by Transparency International, the Philippines ranked 111th out of 180
countries with an index score of 34 out of 100.

This has been the lowest index score since 2012.

In Asia, the Philippines is the 21st least corrupt among 30 countries included in the report.

The low rank is attributed to the increase of threats and violence against journalists, activists,
opposition, and other members of watchdog agencies.

“Philippines, India and the Maldives are among the worst regional offenders in this respect.
These countries score high for corruption and have fewer press freedoms and higher numbers
of journalist deaths,” the report stated.

There were 3 media killings in the country this year, namely the deaths of reporters Edmund
Sestoso, Dennis Denora, and Joey Llana from May to July.

Filipino journalists also continue to face countless troll attacks and threats on social media

Transparency International also found that majority of the countries are making “little to no
progress” in combating corruption, with two-thirds of the countries scoring an index below 50
or becoming more corrupt.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Tighter hold on press freedom

The Philippines dropped 6 spots in the 2018 World Press Freedom Index of media watchdog
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) amid President Duterte’s tirades against the media. The
country was ranked 133 out of 180 countries with an index of 42.53.

“The line separating verbal violence from physical violence is dissolving,” the report said.
“President Rodrigo Duterte not only constantly insults reporters but has also warned them that
they “are not exempted from assassination.””

The country was also tagged as “Asia’s deadliest country for media” after 4 journalists were
killed in 2017.

Furthermore, the Philippines ranked 5th out of 14 countries checked by the Committee to
Protect Journalists in its most recent Global Impunity Index reports, which “ranks states with
the worst records of prosecuting the killers of journalists.”

While the Philippines saw an improvement in its index score from previous years, it still holds
the most number of unsolved media deaths. Currently, there are 40 pending murder cases of
journalists in the country.

According to CPJ, 82 journalists and media workers have been killed in the country from 1992
to 2018.

More ‘authoritarian’ online sphere

Freedom House saw a rise in “digital authoritarianism” on the internet in 2018, as

disinformation and propaganda filled online discussions and communities.

The Philippines suffered from this, with internet freedom slipping from free to partly-free. The
country ranked 31st out of 68 countries around the world in this year's Freedom on the Net

It is, however, the 3rd country in Asia with the most freedom online.

The report noted that the downgrade resulted from “content manipulation and cyberattacks”
as well as “harassment of dissenting voices” which contributed to distortion of information.

The Philippines also falls among countries whose governments have enforced regulations
against alleged “fake news” to justify the crackdown on online dissent. Earlier this year, the
Duterte administration ordered the shutdown of online news site Rappler over alleged foreign
funding violations.

The organization also noted key internet controls (KICs) or restrictions on political, social, or
religious content enforced by the government or other authorities at an attempt to censor

KICs recorded in the country include deliberate disruption of Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) networks, manipulation of online discussions by pro-government
commentators, and technical attacks against government critics or human rights

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
1. Complete the table below that summarizes the world rankings of the Philippines
in various democratic assessments.

Type of Assessment Who carries it out? Rank/Score

Democracy Index (A) 51st out of 167
Freedom in the World Freedom House (B)
Freedom Index (C) 73rd out of 162
(D) World Justice Project 88th out of 113
Corruption Index 111 out of 180/34
out of 100
World Press Freedom
(F) (G)
Committee to Protect
(H) (I)
(J) Freedom House 31st out of 68

2. What is your reaction about the article?


Exercise 2. Complete the chart below to help you sum up what you have learned from
the article, “Philippine Democracy in 2018: Where do we fall in world rankings?” in
Exercise 1.

pieces of

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
key words

you have

facts you

idea you
found out

Exercise 3. Assess the country’s performance along the following indicators, which
take the form of questions. These questions were patterned from the Freedom in the
World Methodology Questions. In the scale of 0 to 4, 0 representing the smallest
degree of freedom and 4 the greatest degree of freedom, assign a point for each
indicator based on your honest assessment of the Philippines. You can also ask
anyone to do assessment with you. Add the points in every category and then answer
the follow-up questions using those data.

Indicators 4 3 2 1 0
A. Electoral Process
1. Was the current President elected through free and fair
2. Were the current Senators and Congressmen elected
through free and fair elections?
3. Is the Commission on Elections (Comelec) free from
government or other pressure and interference?
Total Points
B. Political Pluralism and Participation 4 3 2 1 0
1. Are political party members or leaders from the
opposition intimidated, harassed, arrested, imprisoned,
or subjected to violent attacks as a result of their
peaceful political activities?

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
2. Are there genuine opposition forces in positions of
authority, such as in the Congress and local
government units?
3. Are the people (e.g. who to vote in the elections) and
political figure’s (e.g. which law to support) choices free
from domination or influence by political forces (e.g.
major political parties, incumbent political leaders), or
by non-political entities (e.g. church, economic
4. Do various segments of the population (including
ethnic, religious, gender, LGBT, and other relevant
groups) have full political rights and electoral
opportunities (e.g. to vote, run for public office)?
Total Points
C. Functioning of Government 4 3 2 1 0
1. Do the President and members of Congress determine
the policies of the government without pressure and
2. Has the government implemented strong and effective
anticorruption laws or programs to prevent, detect, and
punish corruption among public officials, including
conflicts of interest?
3. Does the government operate with openness and
Total Points
D. Freedom of Expression and Belief 4 3 2 1 0
1. Are there free and independent media (i.e. print, radio,
television, online)?
2. Are individuals free to practice and express their
religious faith or non-belief in public and private?
3. Is there academic freedom (i.e. what to teach and how
to teach it), and is the educational system free from
extensive political indoctrination (e.g. government,
including through school administration and other
officials, pressures students and/or teachers to support
certain political figures or agendas)?
4. Are individuals free to express their personal views on
political or other sensitive topics (e.g. Anti-Terrorism
Bill, government’s response to Covid-19 crisis) without
fear of surveillance or retribution?
Total Points
E. Associational and Organizational Rights 4 3 2 1 0
1. Is there freedom of assembly (e.g. peaceful
protests/rally, conferences, panel discussions, public
2. Is there freedom for nongovernmental organizations
(NGOs), particularly those that are engaged in human
rights- and governance-related work (e.g. Amnesty
International, Human Rights Watch)?
3. Is there freedom for trade unions and similar
professional or labor organizations (Kilusang Mayo
Uno, Philippine Medical Association)?
Total Points

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
F. Rule of Law 4 3 2 1 0
1. Is the judiciary (i.e. Supreme Court and lower courts)
subject to interference from the executive branch of the
government or from other political, economic, or
religious influences?
2. Does the due process (e.g. protection of the rights of
the accused, protection against warrantless search and
arrest) prevail in civil and criminal matters?
3. Is there protection from the illegitimate use of physical
force against detainees and freedom from war and
insurgencies (coup d’etat, terrorism)
4. Do laws, policies, and practices guarantee equal
treatment of various segments of the population
including ethnic, religious, gender, LGBT, and other
relevant groups?
Total Points
G. Personal Autonomy and Individual Rights 4 3 2 1 0
1. Do individuals enjoy freedom of movement, including
the ability to change their place of residence,
employment, or education?
2. Are individuals able to exercise the right to own
property and establish private businesses without
undue interference from state or nonstate actors?
3. Do individuals enjoy personal social freedoms,
including choice of marriage partners and size of
family, protection from domestic violence, and control
over choice of dress, appearance, or gender
4. Do individuals enjoy equality of opportunity and
freedom from economic exploitation (e.g. unfair labor
practices, human trafficking, social divide)?
Total Points

Overall Total

1. Based on the overall total, how would you describe the state of freedom and
democracy in the country?

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
2. Which category has the highest points in total? Why do you think it scored the
3. Which category has the least points in total? Why do you think it scored the
4. What could be done to address the category that scored the least in number 3?

Exercise 4. Assess how the following events in the Philippines impact democracy and
freedom in the country.

Events Impact to Democracy and Freedom

Vote buying during


The war on drugs or

Oplan Tokhang that
claimed at least 5,000
lives in police
operations and no less
than 20,000 lives in
vigilante killings

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Liberal Party candidate
Geraldine Roman was
elected the first ever
transgender politician to
the House of
Representatives in the
May 2016 elections
Attack to critical media
including the Philippine
Daily Inquirer, ABS-
CBN (e.g. franchise
renewal controversy),
and Rappler (e.g.
revocation of license,
cyber libel case filed
against its CEO and
executive editor Maria
A fish vendor had to
stay in detention for 12
days for violating ECQ
rules while a police chief
stays in his post amid
violation of quarantine
rules on social
distancing and mass
President Rodrigo
Duterte signed
Executive Order No. 02
mandating full public
disclosure of information
of all offices under the
executive branch
Legal cases hurled at
lawmakers critical to the
present administration
(e.g. Leila de Lima,
Antonio Trillanes IV)
and removal from office
of former Supreme
Court Chief Justice
Maria Lourdes Sereno,
an appointee of former
President Benigno
Aquino III

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 5. What other events in the Philippines have great impacts to democracy
and freedom in the country and what do you suggest to address or improve these

1. Impact/s:


2. Impact/s:


3. Impact/s:


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 6. Using the mind map below, enumerate four reasons on why democratic
assessment is important to the individual, the community, the government and the



How can you personally help promote and safeguard democracy?


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


Urgel, Elizabeth T. Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture.
Makati: Diwa Learning System Inc, 2017.


Evangelista, A. (2018, December 20). Philippine Democracy in 2018: Where do we

fall in world rankings? Retrieved from

Freedom House. (n.d.) Freedom in the World Research Methodology. Retrieved from

Rappler Investigative Team (2018, December 18). 2018 Democracy in Decline.

Retrieved from

Answer Key

Exercise 1.

Type of Assessment Who carries it out? Rank/Score

Democracy Index (A) Economist Intelligence 51st out of 167
Freedom in the World Freedom House (B) 62 out of 100
Freedom Index (C) Fraser Institute 73rd out of 162
(D) Rule of Law Index World Justice Project 88th out of 113
Corruption Index (E) Transparency 111 out of 180/34
International out of 100
World Press Freedom (F) Reporters Without (G) 133 out of 180
Index Borders
(H) Global Impunity Committee to Protect (I) 5th out of 14
Index Journalists
(J) Freedom on the Net Freedom House 31st out of 68

Exercises 2 to 5. Answers may vary

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information for Learners

An undemocratic practice is a doctrine that is against or in disagreement with

democracy. Democracy is a political system for choosing and replacing the
government in which everybody should participate. It is also an oppressive acts or
practices that curtail human rights and obstruct the exercise of one’s free and
sovereign will. Their impacts can be gleaned from various factors.

Gender. One of the oldest areas where in equality, exploitation, and oppression exist
in gender or sexual identity. Many traditional societies show preference for mail
offspring and bequeath less privileges and rights to the female children. This practice
exemplifies gender bias. GENDER BIAS refers to the pre judicial act or attitude
towards males or females such as a coeducational school accepting more boys when
there are more girl’s applicants who meet the requirements. Example: Minangkabu
world’s largest matrilineal society in West Sumatra, Indonesia, and the Musuo of
Yunnan China, women enjoy more privileges than men. Matriarchal Society is
characterized by female rule or female dominance, including women’s control of
property opposite on a Patriarchal society which is the men will also the one who rule.
Considering all things equal, a male applicant has a greater chance to get accepted
for a job than a female. Preference and more privileges for the males are shown not
only in terms of employment and family relations but also in education, sports,
profession, and religion. The blatant discrimination and inequality called for the
establishment of gender studies or women studies centers in many academic
institution worldwide. These centers share a common goal to reduce the discrimination
against women, understand the cultural bearing on this phenomenon, and encourage
societies and governments to subject both sexes to fair treatment. Now we already
have the Gender Equality like Women in Politics and associations.

Wealth Distribution and Poverty. The widening gap between the rich and the poor, the
diminishing number of the “haves” and the increasing number of the “have-nots,” and
the widening areas occupied by the homeless throughout the world are only a few of
the negative impacts of undemocratic practices in income distribution which is one of
the major causes of poverty. The unequal distribution of wealth can lead to poverty
because they are certain forms of wealth which are essential to human existence but
cannot be created by human beings to any significant extent. For instance, fertile
farmland. Wealth of this type is zero-sum. In other words the more than one person
has, the less that other people will have. This is different from man-made wealth like
NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
clothing which can be created much more easily. Such wealth is not zero-sum:
someone can own a new shirt by making it without depriving anyone else of their
existing shirt.

Race Relations, Suffrage, and Political Marginalization. Unless revoke by law, every
citizen is entitled to exercise suffrage or the right to vote people whom he or she
entrusts the authority to govern. However, there are societies and government
discriminate against individuals groups by virtue of ethnicity, race, religion, and
socioeconomic background. Hitler’s racial anti-Semitism that led to the inhumane
Holocaust, the genocide of six million Jews in Europe, is a classic example of
undemocratic race relation and racial inequality. One example also is Racism in
America the attention of the public and political leaders in the state and country has
understandably been focused in the last few days on the civil disturbances in their
cities and how to quell them. However, to urge that all return the attention as soon as
possible to the profound issues facing their country, the issues elevated by the murder
of George Floyd that have led tens of thousands of people—Black, brown and white—
to engage in peaceful protests all over Pennsylvania, the United States, and Europe.
Example: Police violence against black men and women, economic inequality among
Black and White People. Another example is person with disabilities re more likely to
be deprived of the chance to run for public office. People who are subjected to political
marginalization are unable to fully exercise their sovereign power because they are
deprived of the opportunity to do so. Recently in the country, the election of Grace
Padaca, a polio victim, as a governor of Isabela (2004-2010), showed that paraplegics
have an edge even in politics. The same is true for the LGBT community with the
election of Geraldine Roman, a transgender woman, as a congressional
representative of Bataan (2016-2019).

Cultural Domination, Representation, and the Politics of Recognition. In a society

nestling multicultural, multireligious, and multiracial populations, domination by major
cultural or ethno linguistic groups over cultural communities is not surprising. The
major cultural groups enjoy more government support and priority in terms of
development projects, higher representation in government and private offices, bigger
budgetary allocation, and more seats in the government. They receive full recognition
of their identity as, for instance, Bicolano, Kapampangan, Bisaya, or Ilocano. The
opposite is experienced by those belonging to cultural communities. Recognition of
their identity becomes problematic if they are treated as less important and as if having
a marginal existence. Usually the indigenous peoples, whose population keeps on
decreasing, become the victims of these undemocratic practices.

Learning Competency with Code

Formulate a viable alternative to undemocratic practices (Quarter 2, Week 2;


Exercise 1. Read out the following list and put a check sign (/) if you think it is a girl
thing and an “x” if you think it is a boy thing. Once you have read through the whole
list, answer the questions that follow.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

1. Do you think everyone would agree on the way you answered the list?
2. Where did you based your answers from?
3. Are there things in the list which you think are applicable to both girls and
4. Do you personally believe that certain things are naturally gender-specific?

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 2. Use the following hints to describe the status of women in society in the
past and nowadays. You can add additional examples to support your answers.

Discrimination Inferiors Housewives

Equality Leadership Independence
Empowerment Recognitions Humiliation
Traditional Roles Denied Opportunities Professional Opportunities


Exercise 3. Analyze the picture below. What does it suggest about undemocratic
practices? Expound your answer and cite examples to support your arguments.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Exercise 4. Name famous women in the fields of politics, business, sports and

Politics Business Sports Entertainment


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 5. Interview a woman who began working as professional. Use the questions
below for the interview. You can ask other questions that you feel are appropriate as
long as you record the questions and the answers. Record your notes on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Name of interviewee:
Date of interview:
Place of interview:
2. What year did you start working? Did you work full-time or part-time?
3. What was your first job? Tell me a story about your first job or a favorite memory
of your early career.
4. What was your salary? Please describe any fringe benefits you had.
5. Why did you start working?
6. What educational background or professional training did you have before starting
your first job? Did you receive on-the-job training?
7. Tell me your job history, starting with your first job.
8. What has been your favorite job or career? Why? What did you like best about it?
9. How did you balance your job with your family life, volunteer work, hobbies, and
other interests? Did that balance change over time?
10. Is there anything you wish you had done differently in your career? Are there any
job opportunities or careers you would have liked to explore?

Rubric for Scoring

Exercise 3

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner
Quality of Very Somewhat Gives some Gives no new
Writing informative informative and new information
and well organized information and very
organized but poorly poorly
organized organized
Grammar, Virtually no Few spelling A number of So many
Usage and spelling, and spelling, spelling,
Mechanics punctuation or punctuation punctuation or punctuation or
grammatical error, minor grammatical grammatical
errors grammatical errors errors that it
errors interferes with
the meaning

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

How can you personally help address undemocratic practices?




Elizabeth T. Urgel, “Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
Culture” 2017, Diwa Learning System Inc.


Answer Key

Exercises 1 to 5. Answers may vary

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information for Learners

In your previous exposure in the fields of Anthropology and Sociology, you have
learned about basic types and elements of culture. The two basic types of culture are
material and nonmaterial. Material culture refers to physical or concrete objects that
are created by a society while nonmaterial culture are intangible things produced by a
culture. Meaning, these are the parts of culture you cannot touch, feel, taste, or hold.
In this context, technology can be both material and nonmaterial in the general sense
that it is “the making and using of artifacts,” as defined by Carl Mitcham. However, he
points out that we should look at four deeper aspects of this phenomenon by
considering the following:

1. Technology as object - This making and using of technology can be explained into
the objects that we make and use, such as machines and tools.
2. Technology as knowledge - We should focus on the knowledge and skills involved
in this making and using activity, such as theories, concepts, and abilities to create
3. Technology as action or activity - Technical knowledge produces artefacts and the
related action of using them.
4. Technology as volition - This pertains to the will that brings knowledge to bear on
the physical world to design products, processes, and systems. This technological will,
through its manifestations, influences the shape of culture and prolongs itself at the
same time.

So, there are four different modes or dimensions by which technology can be
perceived: object, knowledge, activity, and volition. These four aspects may not be
equally present in all types of technology, though. Sometimes one dimension is more
prominent or important. In general, modern technology has privileged the knowledge
aspect, so that science has become more important than it was for pre-modern
technology. Moreover, culture is majorly a configuration of its elements - beliefs,
norms, values, laws, and knowledge. Thus, technology, vis-à-vis knowledge, must
also be understood further as to the context of changing epochs - from traditional to
modern, to contemporary, and/or to emerging ones.

It is in this light that after finishing this lesson, you will be able to recognize when a
dimension of technology becomes enabling and not inhibiting in making society better,
NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
convenient, inhabitable, and evolving with respect to general characteristics and
principles of culture and society.

Points to Consider:
 The four dimensions of technology according to Carl Mitcham are object,
knowledge, activity, and volition.
 It is volition or technological will that influences the shape of culture and
prolongs itself at the same time.
 These dimensions may enable or inhibit progress. The dimensions of
technology that are enabling and not inhibiting are manifested in all walks of life
from traditional, modern, contemporary, to emerging technologies such as
those utilized and adopted in households, education, publishing, medicine,
military, media, economics, agriculture, transportation, industrial production,
science, engineering, educational technology, information technology,
biotechnology, and many more.

To further enrich your understanding, you may refer to Reading No.1, which
is found at the end of this Learning Activity Sheet.

Learning Competency with Code

Identify the dimensions of technology that are enabling and not inhibiting (Quarter 2,
Week 3; HUMSS_MCT12-lld-f-1)



Find the perfect match for the items indicated in Columns A and B. Draw a line to
connect them. You must consider the opposite features of the technology presented
in each column in order to get correct answers.

Column A Column B
1 Soft broom Smartphone
2 Face-to-face meeting E-mail
3 Telegram Vacuum cleaner
4 Desktop computer Calculator
5 Abacus Video conferencing

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

At the right of the heart-shaped word puzzle are words related to traditional,
contemporary, and emerging technologies. Find each word and encircle it.

Exercise 3. STAY BESIDE ME

Supply the missing letters/word. Refer to Exercise 2 for the words to be placed beside
the given meaning. Some letters/ words are given as clues.

1 ________________E It is a home technology device that

makes lifestyle and cooking convenient
(SyGaco, 2017)
2 ______________ LEARNING It refers to an impact of technology in
education as it makes studying possible
even without face to face interaction
(SyGaco, 2017)
3 E-____________ These are manuscripts that are
published in the internet giving readers
immediate access to these texts
(SyGaco, 2017).

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
4 ELECTRO____________________ Also known as ECG or EKG, this is a
device that tests or checks how one’s
heart is functioning by measuring and
recording the electrical activity that
passes through it (Heart and Stroke
Foundation of Canada, 2020)
5 ________________E This refers to a license from the owner
of a trademark or Trade Name
permitting another to sell a product or
service under that name or mark (Free
Dictionary by Farlex, Inc.,2020)
6 _____________S This advancement in technology may
substitute the work of humans because
of its precise workmanship as a result of
science and engineering researches
(SyGaco, 2017)
7 _____________S These are termed as flying robots and
are employed in various projects to
avoid or lessen human errors (SyGaco,
8 A _________________ It is the ability of machines to be
INTELLIGENCE perceptive of the environment and
mimic cognitive tasks for easier and
faster human learning and problem-
solving (SyGaco, 2017)
9 ________- CELL CAR This is a hybrid vehicle that gets
electricity directly from hydrogen or
natural gas and has regenerative brake,
can restore energy from waste heat and
can maximize efficiency (Meyerson,
2015 as mentioned by SyGaco, 2017)
10 ______________TECHNOLOGY It is the use of psychology to solve
practical problems (Collins Dictionary,

Exercise 4. LOOK CLOSELY

Click the link below and watch the video or read the article. Afterwards, study the
pictures below. The images serve as clues for you to figure out the correct answer.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
No. Images Answer

"There's more to
them than meets the _______________________







NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.





Exercise 5. MAKE IT WITH YOU

Get a partner and create a prototype of an emerging technology or project that you
observe to be used or applied in your community (municipality/barangay). Employ your
own strategy on how to get information on the brief history or background of the
project. Make a written report and present orally. Highlight its functions, importance
and its impacts on the users/consumers and on other residents. You may also refer
to the internet or use other references. Consider the basic parts below for your written
report. You may modify the parts but the final output should not be less than the basic
parts. Use standard formatting guidelines. Refer to the rubric for notable scoring

I. Title/ Cover Page (School, Title, Name & Grade & Section of Student/s, Phone
Numbers, E-mail Address, Date of Submission)

II. Introduction (You may include here the thesis statement or problem and the
objective/s of the paper)

III. History and Background (Discuss here the details related to the beginnings of the
project/ technology – people, dates and places, agencies/institutions, and other
relevant events)

IV. Discussion (You may strategically include here a simple literature review while
discussing the highlights of the project/ technology)

V. Conclusion (Include here a brief summary of your main ideas and restatement of
the problem to find out whether the stated goal of the paper has been accomplished.)

VI. References (Consider proper format of citing the [re]sources used)

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Rubric for Scoring

Exercise 5

A. Rubric for research report is developmental and learner shall be given up to 2-time
submission (pre-draft and final draft), as need arises. Final score to be recorded shall
be the final draft score, which is expected to be higher than the pre-draft.

B. For group oral presentation of the research report, members shall be graded
individually using the given rubric.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

1. According to Carl Mitcham, what are the four (4) dimensions of technology?
2. Do you personally believe that emerging technologies enable and does not
inhibit human and social development as compared to traditional and
contemporary technologies? Why or why not?



SyGaco, Sonia B. (2017). Through the Looking Glass: Trends, Networks, & Critical
Thinking in the 21st Century. West Avenue, Quezon City: Great Books Trading.


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Answer Key

Exercise 1

1. Soft broom – Vacuum cleaner

2. Face-to-face meeting – Video conferencing
3. Telegram – E-mail
4. Desktop computer – Smart phone
5. Abacus – Calculator

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4
NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
1. Robotics
2. 5G
3. Biometrics
4. Augmented Reality
5. Artificial Intelligence
6. Blockchain
7. Serverless Computing
8. Natural Language Processing
9. Quantum Computing
10. Internet of Things

Exercise 5. Answers may vary

Prepared by:


Reading No.1

Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2020: Winners and Losers

- Teena Maddox in Innovation on June 10, 2020, 11:00 AM PST

Artificial intelligence and 5G will drive the technology revolution, according to CompTIA.
Technology solutions built around artificial intelligence (AI) and 5G offer the most immediate
opportunities for tech firms to generate new business and revenue, according to CompTIA's
third annual Top 10 Emerging Technologies report released on Wednesday.

Each year, the Emerging Technology Community of CompTIA, the nonprofit association for
the global technology industry, releases its list of the top emerging technologies.

"Our ranking represents a consensus viewpoint that emerged after some spirited debate and
discussion with the community," said Michael Haines, director of partner incentive strategy
and program design for Microsoft and chair of the CompTIA Emerging Technology
Community, in a press release.

"We're not proposing that every solution provider and channel partner needs to immediately
add these technologies to their menu of products and services," Haines added. "But these
innovations will have a sweeping impact on the business of technology. Companies need to
prepare now for the changes ahead."

AI and 5G each moved up one spot from last year's list. The Internet of Things (IoT), which
claimed the top spot in 2019, dropped to third on this year's list. Augmented and virtual reality
and biometrics also moved up, while blockchain and robotics slipped a bit.

"We always saw the marvelous opportunity in AI," Haines said in a blog post. "It's literally been
moving up the list. It's one of those interesting ones to watch. AI is now being evaluated as we
see it by nearly every organization for possible application to drive insights and better

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Some technologies such as 3D printing and drones fell completely off the list, after claiming a
spot since the list began in 2018, while Natural Language Processing made its first

Top 10 emerging technologies for 2020

1. AI - AI claimed the top spot on the list. Artificial intelligence refers to programmed algorithms
that automatically parse and apply knowledge. It's the largest force in emerging technology,
and includes security and sales applications for businesses.
2. 5G - 5G offers improvements over 4G, such as low latency, intelligent power consumption
and high device density. 5G will make augmented reality, smart cities and connected vehicles
3. IoT - The Internet of Things combines information from connected devices and allows for
analytics of systems. These platforms, devices and datasets provide additional insights and
efficiencies for the enterprise.
4. Serverless Computing - Serverless computing, or Function as a Service (FaaS), allows
companies to build applications that scale in real time so that they can respond to demand
that can change instantly depending on orders of magnitude. FaaS offers a consumption-
based platform so that developers can quickly and cost effectively deploy applications.
5. Biometrics - Security will be improved by biometics by allowing people and devices to
authenticate and move seamlessly through the world.
6. Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality - AR and VR transform how people engage with
machines, data and each other. The enterprise is using mixed reality, AI and sensor
technologies to enhance execution flexibility, operational efficiency and individual productivity.
7. Blockchain - There's an ever-increasing need to be able to secure and manage transactions
across the internet, and blockchain is the answer. Blockchain manages data and supply chain
8. Robotics - Robotics are shifting from industrial use to service delivery and are impacting
home and businesses, both physically and virtually.
9. Natural Language Processing - NLP is a field of AI that enables computers to analyze and
understand human language. Speech-to-text converts human language into a programming
language. Text-to-speech converts a computer operation to an audible response.
10. Quantum Computing - Our ability to process and analyze big data will be impacted by
quantum computing. It is the key to leveraging machine learning and the power of AI.

Top 10 emerging technologies from 2019

For comparison, in 2019, these were the top 10 from CompTIA:

1. IoT
2. AI
3. 5G
4. Serverless Computing
5. Blockchain
6. Robotics
7. Biometrics
8. 3D Printing
9. Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality
10. Drones

The list is intended to be used as a starting place for debate. Haines said in a blog post, "What
I like about it a lot is that people will disagree with the list. They'll say, 'Oh, well I think this one
ought to be in there or that one ought to be in there.' And you know what? That's really one of

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
the reasons for the list—it's a living document. It's the view of this community, but it fosters
great discussion."
Teena Maddox is Associate Managing Editor at TechRepublic. She oversees TechRepublic's
news team and TechRepublic Premium. She focuses on tech and business and how the two
worlds intersect. Teena's lifelong journalism career has included writing on staff for
publications including People magazine, W magazine and Women's Wear Daily.


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information for Learners

Since time immemorial, technology had always brought wonder to humans – from the
discovery of fire, inventions that lead to exploring the universe, up to the innovations
made to prolonging life and to continuously studying what the human brain can do and
how much it had evolved over millions of years. The instinctive need to satisfy the
human mind to ‘wonder’ brought us to technology and to its benefits. As the great
Greek philosopher Plato once said, “Necessity is the mother of invention,” so
technology welcomed us and we agreeably embraced it.

There are traditional and contemporary technologies that are still beneficial at present.
These were the foundations of emerging technologies.

Sygaco (2017) cited the following benefits of traditional and contemporary


1. Make housing and lifestyle more automated;

2. Allow travel to be quicker and accessible;
3. Improve communication;
4. Expand the entertainment sector with the inventions and upgrades;
5. Make business easier using social networking;
6. Enhance online education and encourage educational technology;
7. Provide state of the art in medicine and technology;
8. Save time and money in the production of goods with the help of machines;
9. Encourage creativity and innovations as people engage in online business or work
at home; and
10. Provide easy access to information.

Moreover, SyGaco (2017) described emerging technologies as instruments that will

bring forth change in society and is demonstrated by sweeping novelty, fast growth,
consistency, projecting impact, and at times, become uncertain and ambiguous as to
its acceptance in the community. Basic researches on new products, for instance, are
still in progress and the result of these undertakings are ‘in the baskets of hopes and
aspirations’, as SyGaco puts it. As we come to think of it, researches putting hopes
and aspirations on a new project have that basic premise that people need it and thus,
shall be beneficial if it will work.
NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
In different levels, macro or micro, technology’s advantages can be observed and
experienced. The issue on the possibility of risks or disadvantages may not be
discussed here yet, but even if people tend to know such likelihoods, they can never
falsify the fact that at least once in their lives, they needed technology, old or new, and
appreciated its benefits, too. To add, technology is not only a part of our lives anymore
but it, already, is our life. That is to say that technology practically creates what we
routinely need and that is what makes it generally beneficial.

Learning Competency with Code

Discuss the benefits of technology (Quarter 2, Week 3; HUMSS_MCT12-lld-f-2)


Exercise 1. In 2-3 sentences, identify and describe the benefits of technology depicted
in the comic strips.



NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.




NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.




NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 2. Choose one from the terminologies below and using the English
language, present its benefits in an acrostic form. Descriptions should be one-
sentence for every letter. Put your output on the box below.


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 3. Create your own poem about the role of technology using the blackout poetry
method. Select one among the three selections. Begin by reading the text of your choice
then gather the interesting words/ phrases/ sentences and circle lightly in pencil.
Determine which words to keep. Note that reading is from top to bottom and left to right
so do not change the words’ order on the list. Refine the words that were chosen by
reading aloud or writing out. Once you are happy with the gathered words, begin the
blackout by simply blackening the words that are not needed with a black or colored
marker. Have fun! You may refer to the link below for video sample of blackout poetry.

Selection 1

In the world that we currently live in, technology is a very vital factor. With each passing
day a new software or gadget is being brought into the market that serves to improve our
lives in one way or another and make it much easier and also to advance an already
existing software or gadget. However, it is important to note that despite the fact that
technology plays a big role in making our lives easier, it is not the only role it has.
Technology is increasingly growing of importance in the education sector. The more
technology advances, the more benefits it provides for students at every education level.

Technology in education:
Technology that is made use of in the classroom is very beneficial in helping the students
understand and absorb what they are being taught. For instance, since there are a
number of students who are visual learners, projection screens connected to computers
could be put in classrooms to let the students see their notes as opposed to simply sitting
down and listening to the instructor teach. There is a number of very good software that
can be used to supplement the class curriculum. The programs make available to
students quizzes, tests, activities and study questions that could help the students
continue with the learning process when they are out of the classroom. Today, technology
has been incorporated into a good number of curriculum even those that do not belong
to the technology and computer classes. Students make use of computers to come up
with presentations and also make use of the internet to carry out research on a variety of
topics for their essays and papers. Students also get to know how to use the technology
available in the world today through the tech and computer classes. This gives the
guarantee that following their graduation, the students will not have any difficulties with
using technology when they are out there in the work place, which might serve to make
them more competitive compared to an individual who has no access to a certain software
or technology in school. With the continuing advances in the technological world, students
are getting improved access to such educational opportunities. Every time something
‘better’ and ‘new’ is brought into the market, the price of the existing technology is
decreased which makes it much more accessible in the educational setting even to those
schools that might not have a lot of financial resources available to them.

Retrieved from

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Selection 2

We live in a real time machine

You’ve written that “Living in the age of endless real-time often feels more like accelerated
time, and living in accelerated time really means living in an age of increasingly precise
archives.” Even if we physically move through time steadily in one direction, if can feel
like time has collapsed or that the internet is a time machine where people can travel back
in time and destroy someone’s future, e.g through revenge porn, or finding old,
inappropriate tweets and so on. And in a lot of your work it feels like you are doing that
but to the technologies themselves. That you travel back in time and find out how new
tech infrastructures are built on top of old ones and sometimes even how it’s held together
with the equivalent of duct tape and twine. When you dig into the past of networks and
computer history, how do you hope to influence the future?

“What I find useful about looking at the histories of networked systems is that often the
way that tech media and tech’s own PR about itself is framed as though these
developments and these products are both inevitable and emerge out of nowhere. Like,
oh, now we just have Facebook and Facebook was always what we would have. Saying
no, there was a bunch of contingent decisions that got us here, is interesting. Even looking
within the example of Facebook, there’s this funny framing that has emerged since the
Cambridge Analytica fallout of ‘back when Mark started it in his dorm room’ and then cut
to now. As though in between, there wasn’t a decision, like right before the IPO, to
introduce a non-chronological timeline that was curated to what their algorithm thought
you would be interested in. And as though that wasn’t a deliberate decision about
maintaining attention. And that those things don’t cascade and build upon each other.
And what I think is useful about that in narrative is that it’s a reminder that the decisions
we make now aren’t necessarily pushed towards one inevitable future, that things can
actually go a different way. When looking at the histories of how networks and how our
larger infrastructure systems develop, they could have gone another way.”

Retrieved from


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Selection 3

WorldBuilding: Magic & Technology

It’s not fantasy without magic and it’s not science fiction without advanced technology. What
your characters can do, the means by which they communicate, defend themselves, travel,
and so on, will have to be as plausible as they are imaginative. It may be fair to say that the
existence of magic puts a work of fiction in the fantasy genre, and the presence of imagined
technology makes any story a science fiction story. But then doesn’t all fantasy contain some
technology? And even some science fiction, like Star Wars, can offer up a modicum of magic
(the Force, anyone?). And couldn’t you write a fantasy story—set in a wholly-created world,
rife with dragons and orcs—with no magic? After all, anything someone makes, any tool, is
technology. And if dragons are just animals, and orcs are just a race of people, then both are
possible without working magic in the world. What that means is that authors of both genres
will have to pay attention to both magic and technology. When creating a system of magic or
some new technology for your world, always start with character and story. Every story is
about characters in conflict, and everything about the setting should be purpose-built to move
that story forward, not the other way around. Though you do want your readers to be awed
by your magic, and lust after your technology (I want a light saber so bad.), it’s compelling
characters in a surprising and satisfying story that will win you those readers in the first place.
So no matter what, invent just enough magic and technology to move your story forward.
Once you have a story and characters in mind, you’re ready to start building your world, and
you do that by asking yourself questions. The process of worldbuilding is all about answering
questions both before you start writing and continuously all through the writing process.
Though you will want to have a decent handle on what your world is like, what sort of magic
and/or technology is available to your characters, let the characters and story tell you what
you need to create as you go along. In both fantasy magic and science fiction technology, the
rules for how things work are entirely yours to create. You set the rules, and those rules can
be anything, but once you set those rules, it’s essential that you follow them, or give your
readers some good, story-rich reason for why the rules have changed. Almost all of what we’ll
be talking about in all four sessions is how to set those rules, not just for magic and
technology, but everything else, too. This is how you lend your setting, however bizarre and
unearthly, a sense of plausibility: by the consistent application of a clear set of rules.
According to Bronislaw Malinowski in his book Myth and Primitive Psychology, magic is meant
to accomplish one of three things: Produce, Protect, Destroy. And it’s easy enough to extend
that out to technology as well. This is a great place to start. Think about how magic or
technology in your world might accomplish one or more of these three basic tasks. That’s at
the very top level, but in both cases, when creating a system of magic or high technology,
keep asking questions that begin with: what, who, when, where, how, and why

Retrieved from


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 4. Identify the situations that shows the benefits of technology. Write the
acronym BOT (Benefit of Technology) on the space provided. Leave it blank if otherwise.

________ 1. Loida is experiencing difficulty using the typewriter as she finalizes her
research paper so she asked help from her brother who is a computer expert and just
right away within the day, her research paper was done ready for submission.
________ 2. Eugene was sent by her mother to go to the bank and withdraw an amount
for their monthly allowance. After an hour, she got impatient waiting in line so she just left
without accomplishing the errand.
________ 3. John got a very good impression from the principal after the presentation of
his Work Immersion Portfolio. The presentation was made creative and comprehensible
with the help and tips from his ICT teacher.
________ 4. Andrea had been absent in class for almost three days now due to chicken
pox. Her mother called her teachers to be informed. In return, the teachers gave modules
for Andrea to do while she’s at home. Whenever Andrea had questions to clarify, she
communicates with her teachers using her smart phone.
________ 5. Lito has always been late in going to school because he stays up late at
night playing mobile games.

Exercise 5. From among the quotes below, select one that explains the benefits of
technology. Discuss why you agree with it and provide examples. Write your answer on
the box provided below.

1. “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our
(Albert Einstein, Scientist)

2. “The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don't

really even notice it, so it's part of everyday life.”
(Bill Gates, Co-founder of Microsoft)

3. “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.”

(Christian Louis Lange, Historian)

4. “If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow,
we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology. We must also
leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created, not just as it looked
when we got through with it.”
(Lyndon B. Johnson, Former President of the United States of America)

5. “Technology is best when it brings people together.”

(Matt Mullenweg, Social Media Entrepreneur)

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Rubric for Scoring

Exercise 2


CRITERIA (41-50 (31-40 (21-30 (20 points POINTS
points) points) points) and below)
Writer uses Writer uses Writer uses Writer uses a
vivid words vivid words words that limited
that linger or and phrases communicate vocabulary
draw pictures that linger or clearly, but that does not
Word Choice in the draw pictures the writing communicate
reader's in the reader's lacks variety, strongly or
mind, and the mind, but punch or flair. capture the
choice and occasionally reader's
placement of the words are interest.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
the words used
seem inaccurately
accurate, or seem
natural and overdone.
not forced.

Writer uses Writer mostly Writer Writer failed

descriptions uses occasionally to use factual
that are descriptions uses information
based on fact. that are descriptions
based on fact that are based
on fact
Writer makes Writer makes Writer makes Writer makes
no errors in 1-2 errors in 3-4 errors in more than 4
grammar or grammar or grammar or errors in
Grammar &
spelling that spelling that spelling that grammar or
distract the distract the distract the spelling that
reader from reader from reader from distract the
the content. the content. the content. reader from
the content.
Paper is Paper is The writing is Many words
neatly written neatly written generally are
with no with 1 or 2 readable, but unreadable
distracting distracting the reader or there are
corrections. corrections, has to exert several
(e.g., quite a bit of distracting
crossed-outs, effort to figure corrections.
words written out some of
over.) the words.

Adapted from Education World's Biography Acrostic Poem Rubric; Retrieved from


How has technology changed your life personally?



SyGaco, Sonia B. (2017). Through the Looking Glass: Trends, Networks, & Critical
Thinking in the 21st Century. West Avenue, Quezon City: Great Books Trading.
NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Answer Key

Exercise 1. Answers may vary but suggested answers include the following:

1. Technology provides easy access to information.

2. Technology helps improve communication with families/ relatives, work, and
personal errands like online shopping.
3. Technology encourages creativity and innovations as people engage in online
business by utilizing social networking.
4. Technology provides online access to educational or recreational books.
5. Technology offers possible options to parenting and may reinforce communication
with children.

Exercises 2 and 3. Answers may vary

Exercise 4

1. BOT
2. ______
3. BOT
4. BOT
5. ______

Exercise 5. Answers may vary

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information for Learners

In this technological age, human thinking needs a new paradigm shift in order to coexist
with the dynamics of the world and minimize, if not totally eliminate, problems and issues
brought about by these changes. To achieve this, we study systems.

What is a system? Basas (2016) stated, “A system is a set of parts and elements that
interact to produce a unified whole: be it a behavior, a scheme or structure, or a process,
etc. A system is different from just a collection of parts, in the aspect that a system needs
and requires each part to interact and work with all the other parts to function as one and
as a whole. A collection of parts misses this aspect – after all, it is just a collection. It does
not matter if there is one missing because the said collection does not intend to work as
one entity.” From this example, it is a fundamental knowledge that the parts of a system
must work together for the entire system to be functional or efficient. With this, Systems
Thinking is understood to be essential in one’s thought process and decision-making.

Peter M. Senge, an American systems scientist, wrote The Fifth Discipline: The Art and
Practice of the Learning Organization, which focuses on group problem solving using the
systems thinking method in order to convert companies into learning organizations.
According to Senge as cited by Basas (2017), “Systems thinking is a way of thinking
about, and a language for describing and understanding the forces and interrelationships
that shape the behaviour of systems…” Traditional approach focuses on separating the
individual parts of what is being studied while Systems Thinking focuses on how the thing
being studied interacts with other parts of the system. This means that Systems Thinking
is a new language for communicating about complexities and interdependencies in a
visual way. Senge added, “The discipline of systems thinking helps us to see how to
change systems more effectively, and to act more in tune with the natural processes of
the natural world and economic world.”

So, aside from strategic and intuitive thinking, “systems thinking” is another way to
enhance one’s ability to make competent decisions while avoiding possible problems,
also known as the “weakest link” of a system.

The weakest link principle, whose origin can be traced from John Rawl’s concept of the
chain connection, explains that a chain is as strong as its weakest link. Meaning, there is
always a part of the process, a person or a technology that weakens the rest of a system.
NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
This part of the system is that strong for its tendency to weaken an entire system. This is
the reason that despite technological innovations and organizational developments,
managers tend to employ high decision-making skills and strategies to combat issues
within their system.

To help identify the ‘weakest link’ of a system, it is essential to mention the Nine Habits
of a Systems Thinker by Waters Foundation as cited by Basas (2017):

1. Seeks to understand the big picture

2. Identifies the circular nature of complex cause and effect relationships
3. Considers an issue fully and resists the urge to come to a quick conclusion
4. Observes how elements within systems change over time, generating patterns
and trends
5. Changes perspectives to increase understanding
6. Considers how mental models affect current reality and the future
7. Recognizes that a system’s structure generates its behavior
8. Surfaces and tests assumptions
9. Uses understanding of a system structure to identify possible leverage actions

Kratikal Tech Pvt Ltd reported in 2018 that in the People-Process-Technology triad, the
weakest link is the ‘People’ of an organization. According to their report, 78% of the
security professionals think that the biggest threat to endpoint security is the negligence
among employees for security practices. They added, “We’re all human; we commit
mistakes… Advanced technology and security practices, no matter how sophisticated,
will always be constrained by this human factor.” Moreover, it has been reported that from
a study by IBM as cited by Micke Ahola of Usecure blog, human error is the main cause
of 95% of cyber security breaches.

These statistics, however, do not intend to blame humans. For experts in the field of
organizational management, humans don’t have to be the weakest link. This is also what
this chapter’s main objective is all about – to be able to have the skill of identifying the
weakest link in a system given the many strategies offered by this discipline, from
previous and present chapters. Simply put, learners must, at least, learn the basic skill or
ability of identifying the weakest link in a system in order to cope with and adapt to the
challenges brought by the evolving milieu, be it in the individual or group level. To be able
to achieve this, remember that systems thinking concentrates not on basic building
blocks, but on basic principles of organization. Systems thinking is “contextual,” which is
the opposite of analytical thinking. Analysis means taking something apart in order to
understand it; systems thinking means putting it into the context of a larger whole.
Putting altogether these concepts - strategic, intuitive, and systems thinking - strengthens
a critical and systematic approach to solving problems.

Learning Competency with Code

Explain the weakest link in a system using strategic and intuitive thinking (Quarter 2,
Week 3; HUMSS_MCT12-lld-f-4)

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Exercise 1. Identify whether the following is a system or just a collection of parts. Write
SYSTEM or PART on the space provided.

__________1. Mobile phone __________6. Apples in a box

__________2. Marriage __________7. Garden plants
__________3. Tools in a toolbox __________8. School
__________4. Human body __________9. Barangay
__________5. Basketball team __________10. List of employees

Exercise 2.

A. Make an affinity diagram based on anything you like or love to do– whether an event,
games, food, dress, hobbies, gadgets, etc. On a sheet of paper, make a list. After finishing
the list, sort ideas into groups by looking at those that are related to each other and place
them under one column. Repeat this until there are many columns and ideas listed. When
all the ideas are grouped, give a title for the diagram and provide a heading for each group
that describes the cluster of ideas. Finalize your diagram by choosing a good medium
and add artistry and creativity into your output. The diagrams below serve as your guide.
(Refer to the rubric for notable standards to consider).

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Images from Slideshare

B. On a sheet of paper, provide a brief summary about the affinity diagram that you
created. Refer to the rubric for standards to consider.

Exercise 3.

A. Choose one idea from your affinity diagram. This idea should at least pose a problem
or difficulty in achieving it. Then, generate options on how you can get or do it, using a
concept fan. Follow these steps:

1. Get a sheet of paper and in the middle of the paper, draw a circle.
2. Write the problem you are trying to solve in the circle.
3. To the right of the circle, draw a line connected to another circle. The lines and
circles represent possible solutions to the problem. Write any solution you can
think of. One circle, one solution only.
4. To the left of the first circle, draw another circle/ any shape. Write the broader
perspective using your problem as the basis inside the shape you have drawn.
5. Link your first circle to the second circle with an arrow, showing that your problem
in the first circle springs or roots from the second circle.
6. Use the circle at the left as a starting point to generate new ideas.
7. If the idea you’re looking for is still not apparent, continue looking back, drawing
more circles and ideas to the circle at the left and generate ideas from there.
Repeat the process until you are satisfied with the generated ideas and possible
solutions. Study the sample concept fans below from Slideshare.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
B. On a sheet of paper, provide a brief summary about the concept fan that you created.
Refer to the rubric for standards to consider.

Exercise 4.

A. Below is a scanned text about causal loop diagrams. Read and study it then do what
is instructed. Choose one problem or idea from your concept fan. Draw a causal loop
diagram (CLD) of that concern. Select a presentable medium and materials for the
diagram, just like what you did in the previous activities. Preferably, the medium/materials
to be used for all the diagrams should have the same sizes.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Source: Basas, R. (2016). Trends, Networks, & Critical Thinking in the 21 st Century K-12 Compliant
Textbook for Senior High School. Manila, Philippines: JFS Publishing Services. pp. 41-45.

B. On a sheet of paper, provide a brief summary about the CLD that you created. Refer
to the rubric for standards to consider.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 5. Contemplate on your daily life. Pick one system of which you think you are a
part of. Using Systems Thinking, with the integration of strategic and intuitive thinking that
you learned in the previous lessons, describe that system and discuss a problem that it
encounters. Explain how you can help solve the problem. Take note of the guide
questions below when writing your reflection/essay.

1. What is the name of the system that you are a part of? What are your roles in the
system that contribute to its functioning?
2. What or who are the other parts that comprise the whole system? What are the
roles/ functions of each part?
3. Does the system encounter problems? Which of those problems affect you and
other parts the most?
4. Why do you think the system encountered this problem?
5. Can you help in solving the problem? If yes, how are you going to do this? If not,
then why?

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Rubric for Scoring

Exercises 2A, 3A, and 4A

Adapted from University of Waterloo’s Rubric for Assessing Concept Map


*Excellent: 21-25 points *Good: 16-20 points

*Poor: 11-15 points *Failing: 10 points and below

Exercises 2B, 3B, and 4B, and 5

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
*“Analyzing complex business problems” shall be changed to “Analyzing problems”.


After this lesson, I learned that…




Basas, Rachel Mary Anne A. (2016). Trends, Networks, & Critical Thinking in the 21 st
Century K-12 Compliant Textbook for Senior High School. Manila, Philippines: JFS
Publishing Services.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Senge Peter. (1990). The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning

A Systems Story by BEE Environmental Communication. Retrieved from

Introduction to Casual Loops. Retrieved from

Answer Key

Exercise 1

10. PART

Exercises 2 to 5. Answers may vary

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________




Background Information for Learners

ICT stands for "Information and Communication Technologies." ICT refers to

technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. It is
similar to Information Technology (IT), but focuses primarily on communication
technologies. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other
communication mediums.

Information and communication technology has effects in social relations and political
movement by facilitating collective actions among peoples and groups who do not
even know each other but are united by common interest and concerns. The internet
has become a venue for all kinds of groups to communicate, collaborate, and
cooperate. These interconnection can result in either positive or negative impact or
both. It is positive because the people are emboldened to exercise their rights and be
involved in the resolution of public issues. The influence of a thought leader, for
example, is translated into action. The people can now coordinate and communicate
with each other and set aside differences, thus creating peace and unity among them.
However, interconnections can be a negative when the preferred action lead to the
distraction of lives and property. Inciting a rebellion against a government is an

The general political climate may influence the success or failure of a social movement
where it is emerging, but the role of the Internet in enabling the voiceless to take
centerstage is revolutionary. People of common interest and advocacies can easily
locate one another, converse, exchange ideas, and plan their actions and strategies
through the Internet.

Learning Competency with Code

Explain how information communication technology can facilitate social relation and
political movements (Quarter 2, Week 4; HUMSS_MCT12-IId-f-5)

Directions/ Instructions:

Exercise 1. Complete the table below and answer the questions that follow. List five
significant people in your life and determine how you connect with them.
NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
How often do you
Means/Ways of communicate
Name Relationship
Communication through these

1. What are the major means of communication that you were able to identify on
the table?
2. Which means/ways of communication do you most often? Why?
3. How will you maximize these means/ways of communication to strengthen your
relationship with them?

Exercise 2. A. Looking at the two pictures, write your impression about the pictures
on the box.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
B. List some of the advantages and disadvantages of ICT using the chart below. Write
your answers on the arrow.



NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
How should one manage the use of ICT?

Exercise 3. Through a graphic organizer below, present the role of ICT in

strengthening relationship in family, school, community and government.


Information and


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 4. Concept Mapping

Write the roles of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in political

movement and answer the questions below.

Role of ICT in
Political Movement

1. What is a political movement? Cite some examples of political movement.


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
2. How does ICT help promote politics in the Philippines?

3. How does ICT help facilitate social movement?


Exercise 5. In your own creative way, prepare a political campaign with the use of
ICT. Submit your output online.

Rubric for Scoring

Exercise 5

I'm Not Great Plan! Still You've Got My

Criteria Convinced Deciding Vote!
1 pt
2 pts 3 pts 4 pts
Organization There is limited Satisfactory Well balanced Creative, eye-
evidence of organization of organization of catching layout
organization of layout. The layout. Poster has with a dominant
layout. The poster is appropriate slogan and the
campaign poster workable but amount of right amount of
is disorganized, sometimes the information information (not
loses focus, or information (balance between too much to read
may be hard to does not flow. text and graphics). or too little to be
follow. Info is easy to convincing) with a
follow. balance between
text and graphics.
Info is easy to
Information Student Student Student produces Student produces
produces a produces a an effective poster an innovative
poster that simple poster which clearly poster which
communicates that communicates clearly and
opinions and communicates opinions and effectively
information with opinions and information. The communicates
limited information with campaign is opinions and
effectiveness. some somewhat information. The
The campaign effectiveness. effective but could campaign is
plan is unclear The campaign be more so. effective in its
and no plan is argument.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
strategies were confusing, silly,
used. or unrealistic.
Preparation/P Student identifies Student Student identifies Student identifies
oster a solution to the identifies two two effective two creative and
Planning artistic problem solutions to the solutions to the innovative
of combining artistic problem artistic problem of solutions to the
pictures to create of combining combining pictures artistic problem of
a campaign pictures to to create a combining pictures
poster. Student create a campaign poster. to create a
does not use campaign Student makes campaign poster.
teacher feedback poster. Student changes, using
to improve the makes a few teacher feedback,
final product. changes to the to improve final
template, using product.
feedback, to
improve the
final product.
Conventions/ Several spelling, A few spelling, 1 or 2 spelling, No spelling,
Word Choice punctuation or punctuation or punctuation or punctuation or
grammar errors. grammar grammar errors. grammar errors.
Word choices errors. Word The words are The words are
are incorrect in choices do not appropriate and unique, clever, and
the way the enhance the clear. exciting to read.
words are used, persuasiveness
do not make of the
sense, or are campaign
inappropriate for poster. Words
the topic. are forgettable
or bland.


1. How does ICT empower social relationships?

4. What do you think is more effective: promoting your advocacy online or by word
of mouth? Why?

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


Elizabeth T. Urgel, “Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
Culture” 2017, Diwa Learning System Inc.


The Relationship between student’s use of ICT for social communication and their
computer and information literacy. Retrieved from

The Effect Of Technology On Relationships. Retrieved from

ICTs in political engagement among youth in the Philippines. Retrieved from

ICTs and political movements- Oxford Handbooks. Retrieved from

Answer Key

Exercise 1 and 2. Answers may vary

Exercise 3. Answers may vary but some possible responses include the following:

ICT plays a catalytic role
in enhancing learning in
classroom.It enhances COMMUNITY
FAMILY scope of education by ICT is one of the economic
facilitating mobile development pillars to gain
ICT may increase the time learning and inclusive national competitive advantage.
families spend together, education. It can improve the quality of
strengthen family bonds, human life because it can be
improve family used the mass communication
communication,and media in promoting and
enable the maintenance of campaigning practical and
family relationship. important issues such as health
and social area.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exerciser 4. Answers may vary but some possible responses include the following:

Digital media has used by

the people to exercise
freedom of speech and as
a space for civic

Through Social Media Access to Internet has

people allowed to given people from all
express their political Roles of ICT classess equal
beliefs without fear of in Political opportunities to mobilize
apprehension by state Movement and spead whatever
authorities their causes.

Terrorist groups used

the Internet for hostile
activities such as
disseminating negative

Exercise 5. Answers may vary

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________




Background Information for Learners

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has an important role in the world
since we are now in the information age era. Nowadays, ICT cannot be separated with
our daily needs. It has a great impact in our daily lives. For example, we can read our
local newspaper using the online newspaper. Another example is we still can get
connected with our family, relatives, or colleagues even if we are abroad by using the
electronic mail, yahoo messenger, call conference, or video conference. Digital
computer and networking has also changed our economy concept to the economy
with no boundary in time and space because of ICT. It brings a lot of advantages for
economic development enabling millions of transactions to happen in an easy and fast

The use of ICT in education add value in teaching and learning, by enhancing the
effectiveness of learning, or by adding a dimension to learning that was not previously
available. ICT may also be a significant motivational factor in students’ learning, and
can support students’ engagement with collaborative learning.

As a matter of fact, we are living in a constantly evolving digital world. ICT has an
impact on nearly every aspect of our lives – from working to socializing, learning to
playing. The digital age has transformed the way young people communicate, network,
seek help, access information and learn. We must recognize that young people are
now an online population and access is through a variety of means such as computers,
TV and mobile phones. It is in this premise that educational technology and e-learning
is taught in or out of the classroom since educational technology is used by learners
and educators in homes, schools, businesses, and other settings.

Learning Competency with Code

Propose a creative intervention to improve human life using ICT (Quarter 2, Week 4;

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Exercise 1. Story Map Interview. Fill in the graphic organizer.

What are the benefits of


How ICT can facilitate social


How should one utilize ICT?

Exercise 2. Interpret the message of the two quotations. Write the interpretations on
the box below.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 3. Through a graphic organizer, present how ICT improves human life in the
following aspect.


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 4. What is the message of the image? Write your reflection about this picture
on the box below.

Exercise 5. List down 5 creative interventions of ICT and write how each improves
human life through the table below.

Creative Intervention of ICT How it improves human life?


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.





1. As a student, what is the impact of ICT in your daily routine?

2. How ICT improves daily life?



Elizabeth T. Urgel, “Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
Culture” 2017, Diwa Learning System Inc.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Importance of Information Communication Technology in our daily life. Retrieved from

Answer Key

Exercise 1. Answers may vary but some possible answers include the following:

•It improves engagement, knowledge

What are the benefits of
retention and encourage individual
learning and collaboration.

How ICT can facilitate social •Bringing people together and effective
relationship? sharing of ideas and information faster.

•Utilize technology effectively

How should one utilize ICT?
rather than be enslaved by it.

Exercises 2 to 5. Answers may vary

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________




Background Information for Learners

Networks present connections and relationships. Connection refers to something that

joins two or more objects or individuals. It also shows a situation wherein two or more
objects or individuals have a similar cause, goal or origin. The participants of the
Occupy movements, for instance, were connected together by a common goal of
socioeconomic justice. Connection also exists between two individuals (or among
many), events, and objects. Global warming is connected to frequent forest fires, just
as unemployment is connected to poverty.

Similarly, a relationship refers to the state or condition of being connected; the way in
which two or more individuals or groups regard and behave toward one another; the
manner by which two or more people, associations, or countries deal with one other.
The annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting of heads of state
demonstrates a relationship between economies around the Pacific. A relationship
always involves dyadic or more level of connections.

Relationships have different meanings to different people. Such can be with friends,
with a special someone, with colleagues and co-workers, with co-members of an
association, and with family members, to name a few. Understanding the meaning of
relationship enables you to build good and lasting social connections.

Learning Competency with Code

Differentiate connections from relationship and networks (Quarter 2, Week 5;

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Exercise 1. Determine whether each of the following examples presents a

CONNECTION or a RELATIONSHIP. Write your answer on the blank provided after
each item. Below each item, write a brief justification/explanation of your answer.

1. Social Media - _____________________


2. EDSA People Power Revolutions - _____________________


3. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) - _____________________


4. Bullying and depression - _____________________


5. Parents and their children - _____________________


Exercise 2. Identify whether each of the following situations shows a CONNECTION

or a RELATIONSHIP. Write your answers on the blank provided before each item.

___________________ 1. Husband and wife being loyal to each other.

___________________ 2. The United Nations working at maintaining and
promoting peace in the world.
___________________ 3. LGBTQ movements advocating for equality.
___________________ 4. Melting glaciers increases ocean level eventually
submerging low lying areas.
___________________ 5. The Filipino nation sharing the same history and
___________________ 6. Plugging in your television so it gets power.
___________________ 7. Filipino Muslims and Christians in Mindanao
tolerating religious differences.
NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
___________________ 8. Pregnant teenagers dropping out of school
because of discrimination.
___________________ 9. Teachers attending seminars on web or webinars.
___________________ 10. Teachers and students learning from one another.

Exercise 3. Based on your understanding of their difference, list down five examples


Exercise 4. Describe your relationship with the following individuals. How do you keep
these relationships in good state?

Relationships How would you describe How do you keep your

your relationship? relationship in good state?


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


Exercise 5. Shade the boxes beside the concepts that characterize a good
relationship. Then think of three different situations when you applied or experienced
such good concepts in your family, school, or neighbourhood. Share these situations
briefly on the boxes below.



NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.


Exercise 6. Think of one person that you want to appreciate. Express your
appreciation to that person through either one of the following ways. Be creative on
your output.
a. Poem (at least 5 stanzas; 4 lines per stanza)
b. Letter (at least 4 paragraphs)
c. Acrostics (using her full name; one complete sentence per letter)
d. Fun art


Criteria 20 17 13 10
The work The work The work lacks The work shows
demonstrates a demonstrate sincere little or no
unique level of originality originality evidence of
originality original thought
The learner The learner The learner The learner did
gave an effort completed the finished the not finish the
far beyond the task in an above task, but it lacks task in a
requirements of average finishing satisfactory
the task manner, yet touches or can manner
more could be improved
have been done upon with little
The output is The learner The learner The learner
outstanding and showed above showed showed poor
was finished average average craftsmanship
with a great craftsmanship craftsmanship or lack of
deal of patience and and understanding
understanding understanding

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
All contents are Content directly Had difficulty Presentation do
directly related related to the explaining how not relate to
to the topic. topic. Included the content and topic.
Content was many details topic relate
thoroughly that
developed and demonstrated
demonstrated knowledge of
detailed the topic.
knowledge of
the topic.


Why is it important to maintain good relationship with everyone?




Urgel, Elizabeth T. Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture.
Makati: Diwa Learning System Inc, 2017.


The Australian Parenting Website (2020, January 07). Good Family Relationships:
How to Build Them. Retrieved from

Answer Key

Exercise 1. Justifications may vary but the closest possible reasons may be the
answers given below.

1. Social Media - CONNECTION

Social media is a thing/tool that joins two or more individuals

Alternative Answer: Social media sites such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter

and the like are tools that allow individuals to interact with one another
through communications and sharing of content online.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
2. EDSA People Power Revolutions – CONNECTION

EDSA People Power Revolutions shows a situation where participants have a

common goal or cause.

Alternative Answer: The participants in the EDSA Revolution all demanded for
reforms in the government and resignation from office of the president.

3. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) – RELATIONSHIP

The ASEAN presents a relationship because a certain manner by which the

ten member-countries deal with one another is required or expected.

Alternative Answer: The relationship among the ASEAN member-states is

characterized by mutual cooperation along economic, political, and socio-
cultural matters.

4. Bullying and depression – CONNECTION

Bullying and depression are two events that are connected to each other.

Alternative Answer: Bullying could cause trauma severe enough to lead to

mental health problems like depression.

5. Parents and their children – RELATIONSHIP

Parents and children are expected to regard and behave toward one another
in certain ways.

Alternative Answer: Their relationships should be characterized by love,

security, communication, connection, and a few rules and routines too.

Exercises 2


Exercise 3 and 4. Answers may vary

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 5. Answers for the situations may vary


Exercise 6. Answer may vary

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information for Learners

The human brain is a biological neural network and the most robust learning system
we know. It functions on how things and processes interconnected and work

You learned in Biology class about the nervous system, the one that controls and
coordinates all the daily activities of your body. It is the decision and communication
center of the body. It performs two main functions; receiving and transmitting
information from the internal or external source to the brain, and relaying or sending
back information from the brain to the appropriate body part that will perform the
appropriate action. The central nervous system (CNS) is composed of the brain and
the spinal cord the peripheral nervous system (PNS) is composed of the nerves.

Learning Competency with code

Illustrate how the brain or neural network works (Quarter 2, Week 5; HUMSS_MCT12-


Exercise 1. Read the text and answer the following guide questions below.

The human brain is the central organ of the nervous system. It consists of the cerebrum, the
medulla and the cerebellum. But at the cellular level, the brain is a cluster of basic units called
neurons. The neuron, the basic working unit of the brain and the nervous system, has a cell
body, an axon and a dendrite. The cell body is the powerhouse of a neuron which consists of
nucleus and cytoplasm. Arising from the cell body is the axon which further branches out into
smaller terminals called nerve terminals. Dendrites extend from the neuron cell body and
receive messages from other neurons. The whole activities of the brain are characterized by
the movement of nerve impulses in the neurons. This forms a system through which nerve
cells communicate. The impulses originate from the dendrites of a neuron, get carried away
to the nerve terminal via the cell body and the axon. From the nerve terminal, it is transmitted
to the nearby neurons. Nerve impulses from the neighboring neurons are collected by the
dendrites, get added up and are passed on to the cell body and axon for further transmission.
This process repeats itself over time. This transmission and reception of nerve impulses by
the neurons form the basics of our characters such as intelligence, actions, reactions, and so

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
A. Answer the following based on the text.

1. What is considered as the central organ of the nervous system?

2. What are the components of a cell body?
3. What do you call the basic working unit of the brain?
4. How do our basic characters form?
5. How do nerve cells communicate?

B. Research about the typical structure of neurons. Label the photo and complete the
table below.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Part of the Neuron Function Describe briefly how it works









Exercise 2. Read the texts and study the images to answer the following guide

Text No. 1
The structural classification of neurons is based upon the number of processes that extend
out from the cell body. Three major groups arise from this classification: multipolar, bipolar,
and unipolar neurons.

Multipolar neurons are defined as having three or more processes that extend out from the
cell body. They comprise more than 99% of the neurons in humans and are the major neuron
type found in the CNS and the different division of the PNS.
Bipolar neurons have only two processes that extend in opposite directions from the cell body.
One process is called a dendrite, and another process is called the axon. Although rare, these
are found in the retina of the eye and the olfactory system.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Unipolar neurons have a single, short process that extends from the cell body and then
branches into two more processes that extend in opposite directions. The process that extends
peripherally is known as the peripheral process and is associated with sensory reception. The
process that extends toward the CNS is the central process. Unipolar neurons are found
primarily in the afferent division of the PNS.

Text No. 2
Neurons are classified functionally according to the direction in which the signal travels,
concerning the CNS. This classification also results in three different types of neurons: sensory
neurons, motor neurons, and interneurons.

Sensory neurons or afferent neurons transmit information from sensory receptors in the skin,
or the internal organs toward the CNS for processing. Almost all sensory neurons are unipolar.

Motor or different neurons transmit information away from the CNS toward some type of
effector. Motor neurons are typically multipolar.

Interneurons are located between motor and sensory pathways and are highly involved in
signal integration. The vast majority of interneurons are confined within the CNS.

For instance, if you picked up a hot coal, the signal from the sensory neurons in your fingertips
would travel to interneurons in your spinal cord. Some of these interneurons would signal to
the motor neurons controlling your finger muscles (causing you to let go), while others would
transmit the signal up the spinal cord to neurons in the brain, where it would be perceived as

1. What is the main idea in the first text?


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
2. How are neurons classified structurally?
3. Create a concept map showing the structural classification of neurons based
on the text.

4. Illustrate how neurons work according to their function based on the second

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 3. Read and comprehend the text and answer the guide questions below.

Neural Networks
Daniel Shiffmann

Individual neurons cannot carry enough information to determine the taste of a bite of food or
the color of an object. Color processing, for example, depends on just four labeled lines
carrying information about red, green, blue, and yellow light. However, we can distinguish
millions of colors by comparing the relative in these four pathways; in other cases, the brain
combines the activity from many neurons. A good example is the discrimination of sound in
the lower frequency range. Neurons found the ears “follow” up to 5000 cycles per second.
However, some neurons will be firing on each wave of the sound, and the brain must pool their
activity to determine the frequency of sounds.

This processing requires complex networks of neurons; neural networks are groups of neurons
that function together to carry out a process. Neural networks are where the most complex
neural processing- the “computing” work of the brain- is carried out. Sometimes, these
networks involve a relatively small number of neurons in a single area, such as a group of
neurons in a part of a rat’s brain called the hippocampus. During an experimenter-imposed
delay in a maze running, these store the rat’s preceding choices and calculate its next choice.
They perform so reliably that the researcher can use their activity to predict which way the rat
will turn after the delay (Pastalkova, Amarasingham, & Buzaki 2008).

Because researchers have found those networks to be discouragingly complex and rather
inaccessible, some are creating artificial neural networks on computers.

1. What is a neural network?

2. How does the neural network work?
3. How does the neural network affect our daily activities?

Sharpening your brain with daily mental challenges will keep away
dullness and boredom.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 4. Amidst the pandemic and being in lockdown, what were the brain
challenges you have done to keep yourself brain active and sharp. List three
challenges and complete the organizer. Paste a photo or a drawing of the challenges
you have done and write an explanation of why you have done them.


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 5. Present your answer creatively through one of the following means:

a. Graffiti
b. Concept map
c. Poster

Attach your output here.

How often do I
think about my

Rubric for Scoring

Activity 4

Criteria Excellent Proficient Competent Minimum

(4) (3) (2) Standards
Knowledge The student shows The student Students show The student
a full shows a full an shows little to
understanding of understanding of understanding no
the theme/topic. the theme/topic. of theme/topic. understanding
Uses his/her own Uses some of Uses a few of of theme/topic.
words to express their own words their own words No clear
& explain ideas. to express & to express & theme/topic
explain ideas, explain ideas, present. Relies
but also rely on but rely mostly almost entirely
source on source on source
information. information. information.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Visual The image shows The image Image shows an No discernible
Impact/ the originality of exhibits an attempt at use regard for
Presentation thought. Exhibits effective use of of composition composition
effective use of the the composition. and does not
composition. And The image generate a
creates a strong creates response response.
response (visually (visually exciting)
Creative Generates several Generates a few Settled on the Generated no
Expression/ ideas. Tries ideas. Applies art first idea without ideas were
Originality unusual, original knowledge trying to unimaginative
combinations. consistently. generate more. copied ideas.
Applies art Logically makes Some Applies no art
knowledge decisions. The applications of knowledge and
competently and student art knowledge makes no
with purpose and competently with little connections to
conviction. Makes uses images but purpose or prior learning.
connections is hesitant to conviction. Uses Not willing to
between prior experiment. photos in a experiment.
learning. Uses "usual, normal"
materials manner. Little
creatively. experimentation
Demonstrates a
willingness to
experiment with
the images.
Images/ Graphics Images/ Images/ Images/
and information Graphics and Graphics and Graphics and
are highly relevant information used information used information
to the points have moderate have little used have no
discussed and/ or relevance to the relevance to the relevance to the
the topic. points discussed points discussed points
and/ or the topic. and/ or the discussed and/
topic. or the topic.

Activity 5

Criteria Excellent Good Adequate Marginal

Structure A non-linear A non-linear A non-linear A non-linear
structure that structure that structure that structure that
provides a very provides a provides a shows some
complete complete picture of your relationships
picture of your picture of your ideas between ideas
ideas ideas
Relationships The relative The relative The relative The importance
importance of importance of importance of is evident but
ideas is ideas is ideas is not very
indicated and indicated and indicated; distinctive;
both simple and relationships relationships relations are
complex are very are shown somewhat clear
relationships effectively but lacking
are very shown
NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exploratory The output The output The output The output
shows complex shows effective shows definite shows some
thinking about thinking about thinking about thinking about
the meaningful the meaningful relationships relationships
relationship relationships between ideas, between ideas,
between ideas, between ideas, themes, and the themes, and the
themes, and the themes, and the framework framework
framework framework
Communication information is information is information is information is
presented presented presented presented and
clearly and clearly and clearly and some
allows for a allows for a allows for a understanding
high level of good level of basic level of can be gained
understanding understanding understanding


Complete the 3-2-1 organizer below.

• 1.

• 2.
3 things I found
out • 3.

• 1.

2 interesting or • 2.
unusual things

• 1.
1 question I still

References for Learners

Gladys P. Mangiduyos: Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century.
First Edition 2017: Rex Book Store, Inc. pp. 120-121.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century, pp. 183-188 by Diwa
Publishing House

The Human Brain and Neural Networks by Daniel Shiffman retrieved from

Neuron structure and classification retrieved from

Functional Classification of Neurons retrieved from

The image on Structural Classification of Neurons retrieved from

Answer Key

Exercise 1 (A)

1. Brain
2. Nucleus and cytoplasm
3. Neuron
4. The basics of our characters form through the transmission and reception of nerve
impulses by the neurons.
5. The different parts of the brain communicate through nerve impulses.

Exercise 1 (B)

Exercise 2

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
1. The first text discusses the structural classification of neurons. Three major groups
arise from this classification: multipolar, bipolar, and unipolar neurons.

2. The structural classification of neurons is based upon the number of processes that
extend out from the cell body.
3-4 Answers may vary

Exercise 3

1. The neural network is the human-computer responsible for controlling the automatic
and higher functions of the body. It is composed of groups of neurons which are highly
specialized cells and billions o0f connecting links between their branches. The neural
networks are groups of neurons that function together to carry out a process.

2. The brain is composed of neurons through nerve impulses they let humans perceive
and act according to stimuli.

3. A single neuron cannot carry enough information to determine every single activity
of a human. Hence, neural networks make it possible for a person to do various
activities every day.

Exercise 4 and 5. Answers may vary

Prepared by:



NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information for Learners

The neural network or the human brain is the human computer responsible for
controlling the automatic and higher functions of the body. It is composed of groups of
neurons which are highly specialized cells and billions of connecting links between
their branches. It also contains the nerve tract which are like cables that receive, store
and transmit messages to the various parts of the body in a coordinated manner. From
your brain, the nerves reach your ears, eyes, nose, face, and spinal cord; and from
the spinal cord, to the other parts of your body. The sensory nerves gather information
from the environment, then send that information to the spinal cord which, in turn,
sends the message to the brain. The brain processes the message and gives off a
response that the motor neurons quickly bring to the appropriate body part. The spinal
cord’s function is similar to a superhighway, transmitting with fast speed the messages
to and from the brain every second.

A social network refers to an arrangement having a set of actors such as individuals

or organizations and a set of dyadic ties (relationship between two individuals) among
these actors. It is a social structure composed of nodes, generally individuals or
organizations that are linked by common ancestry such as kinship ties or by mutually
shared interest such as neighborhood association, friendship clubs, and writers’ guild.
The members of the social network engage in close and frequent communication and
interaction through text messages, e-mail, Facebook, phone calls, personal visits, and
many other connections.

Social network deals with whom people know, who are attending events and
gatherings together, and who influences whom. To determine the social network’s
local and global patterns of relationship, you must identify the circles of influences and
influential entities as well as analyze network dynamics. A method of study called
social network analysis is applied. The importance of social network analysis is
applied. The importance of social network analysis is evidenced by the creation of
research centers, journals, training centers, professional organizations, and computer
programs around the world.

Neural network and social network are both channels for linkage and interconnection.
While NN connects nerve cells, SN links people. Nerve cells are alike superhighways
where information or messages are carried to all parts of the body from the brain and
NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
vice versa. On the other hand, people are connected either by blood, legal relations,
or shared interests. Instrumental in connecting people in common interest and causes
are individuals to who serve as centers of influence-those two whom people gravitate
due to their ability to command and make things happen.

The NN functions to keep the body of an individual alive, whereas the SN seeks to
maintain kinship ties or common interest so that the members continue to accomplish
things together.

The NN’s place work or operation is limited to the human body that holds it, while the
SN’s jurisdiction can be beyond its boundary or outside of the association because it
can link up with other networks. The working of the NN is restricted to a single physical
body, while the operation of the SN is dyadic or more levels of relations involving two
or more individuals.

In NN, a message is transmitted through the neurons in seconds; in SN, on the other
hand, verbal and nonverbal languages as well as technology spread the message at
varying speeds.

Reaction or feedback in NN is done with swiftness, a speed unattainable in SN, where

reactions are done in variegated time frames and speeds-others react immediately,
others react after some time, while others may not react at all. The response in NN is
appropriate to a body part, for instance, pain in the neck spasm in the stomach, and
shaking of the foot. In SN, the responses from the members may be different from
others- some may be enthusiastic or uninterested, or even exhibit no reaction. It is
harder to predict the kind of reaction or response in SN.

Learning Competency with Code

Compare the neural networks with the social network (Quarter 2, Week6;


Exercise 1. Complete the blank below using words and simple phrases.

The Neural networks and Social networks are …


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 2. Both the Neural networks and Social networks have many features in
common. Using the Venn diagram below, show the similarities and differences of
Social and Neural networks.

Neural network Social Network

Exercise 3. Below this pool of words/information is a table that you need to complete
in order to show the comparison between Neural network and Social Network along
certain criteria. Complete this comparative table by putting these words/information in
the proper column and cell. Use the criteria as guide. The first pair of words have been
answered for your direction.

Brain People
Community Person
Group, association, club Specific part of the body
Human head To maintain kinship ties
Human body To keep the body alive
Individual Member Varied reactions
Nerve cell Varying speed
Neuron connection Verbal and nonverbal
Normally an action or appropriate to the
Within seconds; fast speed
body part

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Criteria Neural Network Social Network

1 Links People

2 Purpose

3 Location

4 Source of message Brain

5 Receiver of message

6 Transmission of message

Time frame of transmission

and reception of message
Reaction or feedback of the

9 Boundary

Exercise 4. Compose a jingle highlighting the relationship between social networks

and neural networks.

Exercise 5. Draw a poster-slogan showing how you would apply neural networks to
your social relationships.

Rubrics for Scoring

Exercise 5

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Why do you have to establish good relationships? Elaborate by giving examples


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
References for Learners

Dela Cruz, R.P. &Dela Cruz R. T., 2017, Wired! Trends, Networks, and Critical
Thinking in the 21st Century pp.127 – 133

Mangiduyos, G.P.2017.Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century pp.

Urgel, E.T. 2017, Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century pp. 181-

Answer Key

Exercise 1

1. Both channels for linkage and interconnection

2. Mutually influence each other as participants in a group

3. Both can learn and become expert in an area and both are mortal

Exercise 2

-made up of humans.
NN -humans interact either
-made up of neurons. entities with long reaching
mutually telecommunication
-grow dendites and influence devices or with
axons to receive and each other
as biologically given
emit their messages.
participants communication
-Restricted to a single in a group. apparatus.
physical body. -Both -dyadic or more levels or
channels for
-connects nerve cells linkage and relations involving two or
interconnecti more individuals
-links people

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 3

Criteria Neural Network Social Network

Links Nerve cell People
Purpose To keep proper physical To maintain kinship ties
and mental functioning of To show common interest
the body
To keep the body alive
Location Human head Community
Source of message Brain Person
Receiver of message Specific part of the body Individual Member
Transmission of message Neuron connection Verbal and nonverbal
Use of technology
Time frame of transmission Within seconds; fast speed Varying speed
and reception of message
Reaction or feedback of the Normally an action or Varied reactions
receiver appropriate to the body
Boundary Human body Group, association, club

Exercises 4 and 5. Answers may vary

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information for Learners

Every individual possesses a “self” which is the representation of one’s identity which
distinguishes him or her from other identities It is one’s character and nature, a
complete individuality. The self is perceived to be the subject of experience, the source
of consciousness, and is responsible for thinking and acting processes of an individual.
It is also “an individual’s ability to reflect on the way that he/she is perceived by others,
according to George Herbert Mead (1934), a sociologist and a philosopher. Thus, the
self enables a person to relate with others.

Self is composed of three main parts namely: self-knowledge, interpersonal self and
agent self.

Self-knowledge (or self-concept) enables people to learn about themselves based on

collected information and beliefs about themselves. There are four ways by which
people do this: Looking glass self, Introspection, Social comparison, and Self-

Interpersonal self (public self) is your social side which you present publicly as in
school, the workplace, in an organization, or a community. It is also the self which you
manifest in the performance of social roles, the part you play in various situations and
with different people.

Agent self (or executive function) is how you make preferences and use your control
over situations and actions. The agent-self takes-over in situations that need decision-
making, self-control, taking charge of situations, and active response.

For social psychologists, the creation of self can be understood through the symbolic
interaction theory, which explains how the sense of self emerges through people’s
interactions with one another in the various social network they belong to. Symbolic
interaction emphasizes the idea that the sense of self is constructed by these two

The self as a product of social structure and their interaction- the social structure
provides a set rules, standards, values, code of ethics, beliefs, roles and other
guidelines that the individual must observe and follow. Failure to observe these makes
NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
the person appear different and consequently be treated as a deviant (one who goes
against the general rules and expected conduct of society.) Criminals, drug addicts,
and alcoholics are examples of deviant personalities. They are subject to penalty,
punishment and other sanctions by the community. A deviant who relapses to an
undesirable behavior after being subjected to sanctions is called recidivist. Deviants
and recidivists give a variety of reasons for being so such as the temptation of money,
force of habit, desire to put an image, or psychological problem, making it hard for
them to change their negative self- image.

But in general, the social structures and their interactions provide the environment with
rules, norms, and other behaviors that mold and influence and individual’s construction
and perception of the self. A family who has a military general as head of the family
often produces children who are disciplined, obedient, time-conscious, and stiff in front
of the public. This is due to the rules and boundaries that the father has imposed on
his family.

The self as the product of face-to-face interaction with others- Personal or face-to-face
interaction with others enables a person to apply the looking glass self. A person sees
the self in others whom he or she can identify with. Face-to-face interaction likewise
gives a person the opportunity to develop self-esteem by knowing what others think or
know about him or her. A person comes up with either a high or low evaluation of the
self in comparison with others.

Knowing the parts of the self allows you to have a better comprehension of yourself in
terms of your capacities, limitations, and potentials. These are essential in improving
your role performance and your relations with people around. The self constitutes a
vital element in the social network which is composed of people and their relationships
and connections. The quality of the social network significantly depends on the people
comprising it. People with positive attitudes, high self-esteem, confidence, and
willingness to take calculated risks are most likely to build fruitful and long-lasting
relationships with others, resulting in a healthy, vibrant, and progressive social

Learning Competency with Code

Establish linkage between self and the social network one belong to (Quarter 2,
Week6; HUMSS_MCT12-llg-i-4)


Exercise 1. Identify whether the following statements are true or false. Write your
answers before each item.

__________ 1. A person should be open-minded in using social networking sites.

__________ 2. A person should be critical in reading the information from the social
networking sites.
__________ 3. Social networking sites are ends rather than means.
__________ 4. Social networking sites are sometimes barriers in socialization.
__________ 5. Black propaganda can be seen in social networking sites?
__________ 6. A person is irreplaceable in any social network.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
__________ 7. Any social network can be affected by a single person.
__________ 8. A school is an example of a social network.
__________ 9. A family can be an example of a social network.
__________ 10. A person is greatly influenced by the social network he/she belongs

Exercise 2. Read and reflect upon the proverb below and then answer the questions
that follow.

“A single twig breaks but a bundle of twigs is strong”

---Tecumesh, A native American figure

1. What lessons can you get from the proverb?

2. How can you relate the proverb in your daily life?

Exercise 3. Illustrate your interpersonal self using the chart below. On the first column,
write your name and describe yourself in many ways as you can. On the second
column, identify the social networks you belong and on the last column list or describe
your roles in each of the networks based on your description of yourself.

How would you Social Networks Roles

describe yourself?

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 4. Given the following situations how would you react based on your
knowledge about yourself? Describe briefly the considerations in making these
reactions or response.

Situations Reactions/Response

You saw your bestfriend cheat

during exam

Your parents want you to take a

college course other than your
personal choice

Your enemies are talking ill

against you

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
You failed in one of your

It’s your graduation and you are

to choose between vacation
and new phone as a gift. Which
will you choose between the

Exercise 5. Name three significant events in your life involving your social network.
What discoveries and realizations about yourself did you have as a result of these

No. Events Self-discoveries and realizations

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Do you consider and think about what people say about you? How is this important to
the way you act or decide in life?

References for Learners

Dela Cruz, R.P. &Dela Cruz R. T., 2017, Wired! Trends, Networks, and Critical
Thinking in the 21st Century pp.127 – 133

Mangiduyos, G.P.2017.Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century pp.

Urgel, E.T. 2017, Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century pp. 181-

Answer Key

Exercise 1

1. True 6. False
2. True 7. True
3. False 8. True
4. True 9. True
5. True 10. True

Exercise 2 to 5. Answers may vary

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________




Background Information for Learners

The human mind is shaped by family, school, church, community and eventually, the
society at large. In other words, the mind passes through a variety of social networks
as it matures. In sociology, the process of shaping and influencing the mind and
behavior of a person by way of orientation to the norms and values of society is called
socialization. Socialization, which starts from early childhood, is an unending process
wherein an individual creates a personal identity as he or she learns the norms,
behavior, values and social skills based on his or her social position.

The parents are the first social actors to socialize the person into the family. The child
is oriented to family values, customs, appropriate behavior, dos and don’ts and kinship
relations. As a person grows older, he or she learns about responsibilities, how to
behave in certain situations, and has to follow norms through interactions in the
community and society. In addition, his or her mind is being influenced by more people
whom he or she interact with in the society.

To demonstrate how thinking processes are shaped by social relationships, read the
following situation:

Daniel has shown musical inclination since childhood. Composing music and lyrics
were easy for him. He could hear if someone was out of tune. He already loved to
swing his hands holding a stick, like a conductor. He dreamt of becoming a choir
director someday. But when he was in Grade 9, his parents and an economist uncle
convinced him to take economics for a better chance of employment after graduation.
He chose the Accountancy, Business and Management strand in senior high school
and eventually took up economics in a university. He was convinced that being an
economist would be a more lucrative career than being a musician. While studying, he
did not forget his passion for music. Composing and playing the piano were his forms
of relaxation.

After four years, Daniel graduated with an economics degree to the delight of his
parents. He also felt proud of himself for finishing something not close to his heart.
Soon after, he landed a good-paying job at a company. But he could not feel
satisfaction in his work after working for two years. He confided this to his office
manager, thinking his problem was work-related. He later revealed his passion for

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
music and was advised to enroll in a music school as a second course. He continued
working in the entertainment industry, producing and composing songs. Sometimes he
teaches music theories in school. Never did Daniel feel so fulfilled in life.

Daniel was influenced by his relationship with his parents and uncle so he became an
economist. Later on, his mind was reshaped by his relationship with his manage who
advised him to follow his heart. Thus, he ended up being a full-fledged musician.

Learning Competency with Code

Demonstrate how thinking processes are shaped by social relationships (Quarter 2,

Week 7; HUMSS_MCT12-IIg-i-5)


Exercise 1. Determining the People Who Molded You!

Write your name inside the middle. In the 4 spaces provided, determine the top four
individuals or groups who taught, influenced or helped you as you interact in the
society. Also, list their specific contributions to your growth as an individual.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 2. Norms Check!

List down the do’s and the don’ts that you learned as a member of the society and
answer the questions that follow.
What I need to Do What I need to Undo
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

Guide Questions:

1. Who taught you the dos and the don’ts that you listed?
2. Is having a list of what you need to do and what you need to avoid in the society
a good idea? Justify your answer.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 3. What Shall I Do?

Below are the typical scenarios that one encounters as he/she lives in the society. In
each of the scenario, share your thoughts that come into your mind and your solution
on how would you deal with the situation.

1. Your parents want you to take up nursing in college but you want teaching as
a course.
2. Your barkada asks you to drink liquor during a birthday party but your parents
warned you not to drink.
3. You saw your bestfriend cheating in an exam.
4. You constantly read the posts of your aunt which are all fake news.
5. You were told “dumb” by your classmate during your group activity.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 4. Do Your Research

Using Internet, books or a person whom you can interview, write at least two effects
of the following scenario to the individual/s who experienced such circumstance.

Scenario Effects to the Individual

1. Child bullied
by his

2. Child that is a
product of a
broken family

3. Child who is
always scolded
by parents

4. Sexually-
assaulted female

5. Student failed
by his teachers

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 5. Expressing your Gratitude!

Write a thank you letter to the person (e.g. your parent, teacher, church leader, friend,
etc.) who contributed a lot to your growth as a member of the society. Make sure that
the letter contains the reasons why you thank him/her. Write also his/her specific
contributions and his/her influences to you as an individual.

NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Rubric for Scoring

Exercise 5

Components Rating=20 Rating=15 Rating=10

Accurately Mostly uses A few noticeable
uses correct letter correct letter format errors in the letter format
Organization format (heading, (heading, greeting, (heading, greeting,
greeting, introduction, body, introduction, body,
introduction, body, closure, signature, closure, signature,
closure, signature, enclosure) enclosure)
Letter clearly Letter clearly Purpose of letter is
states the purpose states the purpose unclear
Appropriate Some More explanations or
Content explanations or explanations or facts facts need to be used to
facts used to used to support the support the main idea
support the main main idea Hard to follow
idea Somewhat hard Tone is too informal for
Easy to follow to follow intended audience
Tone is Tone is
appropriate for generally
intended audience appropriate for
intended audience
Accurate use One or two More than two
Language of punctuation and mistakes with mistakes in punctuation or
Usage grammar punctuation or grammar
No spelling grammar More than two spelling
errors One or two errors
spelling errors


What have I learned in this module?


NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Urgel, Elizabeth T. Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture.
Makati: Diwa Learning System Inc, 2017.

Answer Key

Exercise 1. Answers may vary.

Exercise 2. Answers may vary.

Exercise 3. Answers may vary.

Exercise 4. Answers may vary.

Exercise 5. Answers may vary.

Prepared by:



NOTE: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ____________________________ Grade Level: _____________

Section: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________



Background Information for Learners

There are multiple roles that a person can play in the community; as child, a brother,
or a sister, a friend of foe, a leader, a security officer, a fireman, a nurse, a painter, an
educator, a priest, a vendor, a street sweeper, a n accountant, a baker, and a student,
among others. As can be observed, a role is associated with a person’s relationship
with others. It can also be associated with the person’s occupation or profession. Each
role has corresponding functions performed in appropriate situations. These functions
are dictated by norms which vary according to the community and practitioners. The
efficient performance of these roles and functions can pave the path for a person’s
recognition and appreciation by the community. The recognized person is also
considered worthy for emulation by the youth and adults alike in the community.
Students are among those who can perform a variety of roles or wear different hats in
the community. Their roles and functions are not confined within the school boundary
but can transcend it. In school, they perform the functions of the learner: studying
lessons and coming to school prepared; reviewing for examinations; participating in
class discussions; joining school organizations to hone their talents and interests;
running as an officer of school councils, organizations, clubs, and guilds; getting
involved in intra-school and interschool competitions; and engaging in extracurricular
activities. The school is the venue for training the students physically, mentally,
attitudinally, emotionally and in some cases, spiritually. The students are being
prepared to facing life’s challenges, to make decisions, and to choose the better

In the family, the student plays the roles of an elder brother or sister, a house helper,
a babysitter, or an animal keeper. As an elder brother or sister, the student helps in
looking after the younger siblings, guiding them with their homework, or accompanying
them to the park. Usually, a female student acts as a babysitter of her younger sister
when the family cannot afford to hire nanny or house helper. When there is a
domesticated animal like dog or a cat at home; the student can help as an animal
keeper. He or she bathes and feeds the animal and keeps the animal house clean. He
or she also accompanies the parents in bringing the animal to the veterinarian.

Outside of the home, students can also perform many roles and functions as they
relate and interact with other people, units, and organizations. They can serve as
volunteers in a feeding program, reforestation project, or anti-child labor movement.
As volunteers, they serve without monetary compensation and receive only what is

provided like food, lodging, and transportation. They can help in preparing brochures
and handouts and in distributing such materials. They can also recruit other people to
join their advocacies. The strategies for recruitment could be through setting up online
registrations, going to institutions and offices, or staging a peaceful rally.

The roles that person plays overlap due to his or her simultaneous membership in
various groups or communities. Aside from the family community, a person can
likewise be a member of the learning community, a cyberspace community, spiritual
community, recreational community, health community, work community, disability
community, and volunteer community, to a name few. In each community, a person
takes on one or more specific roles which define his or her social relationship.

More specifically, other relationships and roles include sorority secretary who
documents activities, keeps the records of her association, and disseminates
information to sorority sisters; a parish priest who gives advice and tends to his
parishioners; a leader who guides and serves as a good model to his follower

Learning Competency with Code

Identify the significant roles that students play within the community by creating social
map of your relationship (Quarter 2, Week 7; HUMSS_MCT12-llg-i-6)


Exercise 1. Supply the missing letters in the following roles or occupation. From the
list, identify two roles you can play and then complete the table below showing the
individuals or groups with whom you relate through these roles. List some specific
functions you play in such roles and relationships.

1. __ __ A D E R -takes charge of and provides direction to a group.

2. F __ I __ __ D -shares a mutual affection with another person
3. __ __ T I __ E __ -owes allegiance to its government
4. V __ L U __ __ E __ R -works without compensation
5. A S __ __ S __ A N __ -provides help to someone superior

People or groups
Specific functions you play in your
Roles you relate with
through your roles
1. 2.
2. 2.

1. 2.
2. 2.

Exercise 2. Create a social map that traces various roles that you play in the school.
Make use of the graphic organizer below and then answer the follow-up questions

1. What is your place/function in the school social network?

2. How do you relate with one another in the school social network?

3. Based on the social map that you made, how can you do you social roles more

Exercise 3. Have you ever encountered problems in the social network you belong
to? Name at least three important problems that you have encountered and how did
you solve that problem. Use the chart below.

What is the What is the What is the What is the

problem cause? effect? solution?




Exercise 4. Identify three people you interact with or various groups you are involved
in (family, religious affiliation, music band, etc.) and your position in each group.
Enumerate also your functions in each position. From these, draw a social map of your
relationships. Use the space below.

Exercise 5. Answer the following essay questions briefly but substantially.

1. If you will not play your roles in the school social network what will happen?
2. What is the proper behavior in interacting with others using the social
networking sites? Are social networking sites means or ends?
3. How is thinking process constructed to build a strong relationship in the 21st
4. Why does every individual need to discover the roles in an interdependent
5. As a student, how can you relate social relationship and networking to your
daily life?

Rubrics for Scoring

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner
Quality of Writing Very Somewhat Gives some Gives no new
informative and informative and new information and
well organized organized information but very poorly
poorly organized
Grammar, Usage Virtually no Few spelling A number of So many
and Mechanics spelling, and punctuation spelling, spelling,
punctuation or error, minor punctuation or punctuation or
grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical
errors errors errors errors that it
interferes with
the meaning


Why do you play multiple roles in your community? Why do you have to be conscious
of your roles? Imagine the roles that you perform well.
References for Learners

Dela Cruz, R.P. &Dela Cruz R. T., 2017, Wired! Trends, Networks, and Critical
Thinking in the 21st Century pp.127 – 133

Mangiduyos, G.P.2017.Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century pp.
Urgel, E.T. 2017, Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century pp. 181-

Answer Key

Exercise 1

Exercises 2 to 5. Answers may vary

Prepared by:


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