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Form Class:

Science Teacher code: 10

Year 10 Science
Midyear Exam 2018
Acids and Bases, Forces and Motion, Genetics and Evolution


You should attempt ALL questions in this booklet.

Write your answers in the spaces provided using blue or black pen.
You have 60 minutes to complete the exam.

Diagrams should be drawn using a pencil and ruler.

Calculators are allowed to be used.
The number of marks available is shown in brackets at the end of each question.


Section A Section B Section C

Multichoice Structured answers Alternative to Practical
(10 marks) (38 marks) (12 marks)

Circle the letter that matches the Write your answers in FULL Write your answers in FULL
correct answer. sentences. sentences. Plot a graph.
SECTION A - MULTICHOICE (10 marks in total, 1 mark per question)
Circle the letter that matches the correct answer.

1 Which colour does universal indicator 2 If the temperature of a reaction is

turn in hydrochloric acid? decreased, what effect will this have on
the reaction rate?

A Red A The rate of reaction will increase.

B Purple B The rate of reaction will decrease.

C Blue C The reaction will stop.

D Green D It will have no effect.

3 The graph shows the distance travelled 4 A small stone has a weight of 1.25 N in
by a cyclist in a time interval of 8 air, and weighs 0.95 N in water. What is
seconds. What is the average speed of the upthrust exerted by the water on the
the cyclist? stone?

A 20 m / s A 1.30 N

B 0.2 m / s B 0.95 N

C 10 m / s C 0.30 N

D 5 m /s D 2.15 N
5 The greatest evidence for change over 6 How many chromosomes are there in a
a long period of time comes from sperm cell?

A DNA A 10

B Cave drawings B 23

C Observation of living species C 46

D Fossils D 2

7 The diagram shows the female 8 Keeps testes outside the body and below
reproductive system. The part labelled B body temperature.
is called:

A the ovary A Penis

B the egg B Scrotum

C sperm C Urethra

D the womb D Prostate gland

9 What are the two products formed when 10 The section of DNA that is responsible
an acid and base react together? for one particular inherited trait is called a

A Carbon dioxide and water A chromosome

B Alkali and carbon dioxide B nucleus

C Carbon dioxide and salt C gene

D Salt and water D cytoplasm

SECTION B - STRUCTURED ANSWERS (38 marks in total)
Write your answers in FULL sentences.


Question 1: Peas please (7 marks)

Gregor Mendel is often referred to as the ‘Father of

modern genetics’. His work in the 19th century involved
many thousands of breeding experiments using the
garden pea.

In pea plants, round seeds (R) are dominant to wrinkled

seeds (r), which are recessive. Yellow seed colour is
dominant to green seed colour.

(a) Describe​ what is meant by the terms ​dominant​ and ​recessive​ (2 marks).






(b) In a genetic cross of two pea plants that are ​heterozygous​ for seed shape, what ​fraction
of the offspring should have ​round ​seeds? Use the punnet square to help with your
(2 marks).
The fraction of offspring with round seeds is: ______________________________________
(c) Use the example of pea plant seeds to ​explain​ the difference between ​phenotype​ and
genotype​. (3 marks).












Question 2: Variation (7 marks)

In the box below is a list of key words related to variation that you should be familiar with:

Use a selection of these words and relevant examples to ​discuss the importance of variation​ to
the long term survival of a population. Your answer should include:

● The meaning of the term ‘variation’ (2 marks)

● An explanation of what causes variation within a population (2 marks)
● The advantages and disadvantages of variation within a population - it may help if you use
specific examples (3 marks)















Question 3: Forces and Motion - Skateboarding (9 marks)

Bart is doing some skateboarding.

He first rolls down a hill of constant slope then comes to a flat section.

Initially he uses his legs to push himself along the flat section but
finally comes to rest by not pushing anymore.

The graph below summarises his skateboard ride.

(a) Calculate Bart’s acceleration (with the correct unit) during ​Section C​ of the graph above.
(2 marks)



Acceleration = ________________________ Units: __________

(b) Explain the type of motion which occurs in ​Section B​. In your answer you should:

● draw a sketch - in the box provided below - with labelled arrows showing any forces
involved (the length of the arrows should be consistent with the relative size of the forces).
(2 marks).

● explain the link between the net force and the type of motion in ​Section B​. (2 marks)









(c) Calculate the distance travelled during each section (A, B and C) of the speed-time graph
for Bart’s skateboard ride.​ ​In your answer you should:

● Show all your working for the calculations. (3 marks)

Speed-time graph Distance travelled calculation Distance

section (answer)

Section A

Section B

Section C
Question 4: Forces and Motion - At the swimming pool (5 marks)

Chris and Ian were jumping off different platforms into a pool.

(a) It took Chris 0.60 s to reach the water once he had jumped from the 2 m platform. Calculate his
average speed. (2 marks)




(b) How much work did Chris (48 kg) do when he climbed up the stairs to the 2 m platform?
(2 marks)



(c) Ian’s mass is 52 kg. Explain why did Ian do more work climbing up the 5 m ladder compared to
Chris climbing up the 2 m ladder? (1 mark)

No calculations are needed.





Question 5: Ions and ionic compounds (10 marks)

Sodium and potassium and both highly reactive metals that react with oxygen gas. However,
sodium and potassium do not react with each other.

(a) Draw the electron arrangement for potassium and oxygen ​atoms ​on the diagrams below. You
may refer to the periodic table on the Resource Sheet. (1 mark)

Sodium Potassium Oxygen

(b) Draw the electron arrangement for sodium and oxygen ​ions​ on the diagrams below. (2 marks)
Sodium Potassium Oxygen

(c) Using your answers from question parts (a) and (b), ​explain​ why sodium and potassium each
react with oxygen, but do not with each other. (2 marks)






(d) The formula for potassium oxide is K​2​O. The formula for aluminium oxide is Al​2​O​3​.

Explain why​ the two formulae are different. Begin by writing the ​electron arrangement​ for an
aluminium atom​ and ​an aluminium ion. (1 mark)

Aluminium atom: ____________________ Aluminium ion: _____________________

Then consider the ​ratio of ions in each formula​ and explain how the ratio is related to the
charge​ on each of the ions (2 marks)





And finally relate the ratio of ions in each formula to the ​number of electrons lost or gained​ by
each atom (2 marks)






This page has been deliberately left blank.

The examination continues on the following page.

Write your answers in FULL sentences. Plot a graph.

Question 1: Stretching forces

The relationship between applied force and extension (increase in length) can be found when
pulling forces are applied to a spring. The equipment set up and results are shown below.

Mass added Force applied Length of spring Extension of spring

(kg) (N) (m) (m)

0 0 0.20 0.00
0.2 2 0.24 0.04

0.4 4 0.28

0.6 6 0.33 0.13

0.8 8 0.37 0.17

1.0 10 0.42

1.2 12 0.47 0.27

(a) Complete the third column of the table by calculating the two missing values of extension.
The extension for each force is calculated by: ​Extension = (length of spring when force is
​ ou must ​show your working for at least one​ of
applied) - (length with no force applied). Y
your calculations (2 marks).




(b) On the grid provided (below) draw a graph of force against extension for the spring
(5 marks).
(c) Describe the relationship between the extension of the spring and the force applied as
shown by your graph. (1 mark)



(d) The results table shows that the applied force is always 10 times the mass. Explain why.
You should begin your answer by defining mass and weight. (3 marks)








(e) What would happen to the spring if the force applied were too great? (1 mark)




Before handing in your exam:

Check that the information is correct on the front of the exam booklet:
you should have filled in your name, your form class, and your science
teacher’s code.
Make sure you have read through your answers and checked your work.

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