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How to Remove Existing Licensing Information in the erwin Data Modeler 2020 Releases

How to Remove Existing Licensing Information in the erwin Data Modeler 2020 Releases

How to Remove Existing Licensing Information in the erwin Data Modeler 2020 Releases 

To clear out existing license information in the Data Modeler 2020 releases…
Download the attached “2020RemoveLicenseInfo.txt” for DM 2020R1/ SP1 and 2020R2RemoveLicenseInfo.txt
for DM 2020R2. 
Rename the file extension from .txt to .bat: “2020RemoveLicenseInfo.bat” or "2020R2RemoveLicenseInfo.bat"
Right Click on the file and select “Run as administrator”.

Click To See Full Image.

When prompted, enter ‘y’ to delete stored licensing information.

Click To See Full Image.

Thereafter all licensing information stored from Data Modeler 2020 is removed.
Click To See Full Image.
 What does this script do?
Deletes the contents of C:\ProgramData\erwin\Data Modeler\Licensing
Removes the registry entries under: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\erwin\Data Modeler\9.9\Nalpeiron Server
in DM 2020 R1/ SP1 and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\erwin\Data Modeler\9.95\Nalpeiron Server for DM
2020 R2


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erwin Data Modeler
2020 R2 SP2, 2020 R2 SP1, 2020 R2, 2020 R1 SP1, 2020 R1, 2019 R1, 2018 R1


Article History:
Created on: 2/19/2020
Last Update on: 8/4/2021

Tom Wyszomierski

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