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of Network
By Thufail Qolba Aufar
I. Introduction
II. Literary Review
III. Discussion

Agenda IV. Conclusion

The Importance of Network Security 2022 2

I. Introduction

The Importance of Network Security 2022 3

I. Introduction
• Network security is a broad term that covers a multitude of
technologies, devices and processes.
• In its simplest term, it is a set of rules and configurations
designed to protect the integrity, confidentiality and
accessibility of computer networks and data using both
software and hardware technologies.
• Today's network architecture is complex and is faced with a
threat environment that is always changing and attackers
that are always trying to find and exploit vulnerabilities.
• For this reason, there are many network security
management tools and applications in use today that
address individual threats and exploits and also regulatory

The Importance of Network Security 2022 4

II. Literary Review

The Importance of Network Security 2022 5

2.1 • According to the SANS Institute, network security is the process of
taking preventative measures to protect the underlying networking
Network infrastructure from unauthorized access, misuse, malfunction,
modification, destruction or improper disclosure.


2.2 • Malware is a general term for software that has a malicious purpose.
• This section discusses three types of malware: viruses, trojan horses, and

Types of spyware.
• According to Symantec (the makers of Norton antivirus and other software
Threat products), viruses are "small programs that replicate and hide themselves within
other programs, usually without your knowledge" (Symantec, 2003).

The Importance of Network Security 2022 6

• Computer viruses are similar to biological viruses; both are designed to replicate and
• The most common method of spreading viruses is using the victim's email account to
spread the virus to everyone in their address book.
• Some viruses do not harm the system itself, but they all cause network slowdown due
to heavy network traffic caused by virus replication.

Denial of Service Attacks

• In a denial of service (DoS) attack, the attacker does not actually access the system.

2.2 • Instead, it only blocks access from legitimate users (CERT, 2003).
• One common way to prevent legitimate services is to flood the target system with

Types of
bogus connection requests, preventing the system from responding to legitimate
• DoS is the most common attack on the Web.
The Importance of Network Security 2022 7
Compromising System Security
• Cracker is the right word for an intruder who breaks into a system without permission,
usually with malicious intent.
• Any attack designed to breach security, whether through a flaw in the operating
system or otherwise, can be classified as a cracker.
• This is the method most often used by the famous hacker, Kevin Mitnick.
• Social engineering uses standard fraud techniques to persuade users to provide the
information needed to gain access to the target system (Lemos, 2000).
• The workings of this method are simple: the perpetrator gets initial information about
the target organization and utilizes it to obtain additional information from system

2.2 Session Hijacking

Types of
• Hijacking is the act of taking control of another user's session after the hijacker has
succeeded in obtaining an authenticated session ID which is usually stored in cookies.
• Session hijacking uses captured, brute forced or reserve engineered methods to
Threat obtain a session ID, which then the hijacker takes control of the session owned by the
other user during the session.

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III. Discussion

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III. Discussion
• As we know the network is connected with many things. Server to server, PC to PC, security cameras,
social media, school systems, your cellphone, even my cellphone, all connected in the network.
• Inside each of these things, of course, has something of value so that whoever has it; only he wants to
knows what's in it.
• A group or even a person who enters various existing systems for personal gain or for the benefit of
others who give them work.
• Utilize the network to enter various kinds of weak systems, show off to the world who they really are,
take advantage of the system, or even just for the sake of revenge.
• Those are various motives used by crackers to explore the network as well as compromise the system.
• We have to start studying how the network works and secure it.
• Because they don't just sit there looking at a weak system and let it go.
• They will definitely attack and take something valuable inside.
• So this forces us to start securing the weak system, inevitably for the sake of our safety and comfort.

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IV. Conclusion

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IV. Discussion
• The condition of the network that continues to
improve both from technology and users, the
threats faced are also getting bigger.
• We as one of the actors in the network must remain
vigilant because threats and attacks can occur at any
time, so we must remain vigilant; start learning how
the network works and secure it.

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Thufail Qolba



Thank you
The Importance of Network Security 2022 13

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