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Ques o s W s es

A sum of ₹10,00,000 was invested in a scheme where it got compounded annually
Wrong cancel
and  the sum increased to ₹11,06,704 in 2years. What is the rate of interest? 

Answer Selected

Correct Answer 5.2%

2. Wrong cancel
An open box that has no lid is to be painted on all the sides, inside as well as outside.
How many sides will have to be painted

Answer Selected

Correct Answer 12

Complete the following sentence by, filling in the blanks (1 and 2) with the right word
Correct check_circle
from the list given below.
Compared with conventional agriculture, organic farming uses fewer pesticides,
reduces soil erosion, decreases nitrate leaching into groundwater and surface water
and, ______ animal wastes into the farm. These benefits are _______ by higher food
costs for consumers and generally
lower yields.
A. recycling B- recycle C- recycles D-recycled
A. increased B- balanced C- counter-balanced D- encountered

Answer Selected 1-C, 2-C

Correct Answer 1-C, 2-C

Anil buys cashews and raisins from a farmer, the per kg price of cashews being four 
Correct check_circle
times that of raisins. He sells 8 kg cashews at 20% profit, and 12 kg raisins at 30%
profit  to Sunil. Now, Sunil sells 5 kg of cashews at ₹120 per kg, and then mixes the
remaining cashews and raisins and sells this mixture at ₹95 per kg. If Sunil makes a
total profit of 25% the price, in ₹ per kg, paid by Anil for cashews is:

Answer Selected 120

Correct Answer 120

Choose the correct answer Saumya writes a code which has a function which calls itself. Which
Wrong cancel
programming concept is Saumya using?

Answer Selected

Correct Answer Recursion

While presenting a data in the form of a positive number, I committed a
Wrong cancel
mistake by mentioning the cube of the number. If the error due to this
mistake was 800%, what was the number?

Answer Selected

Correct Answer 3
What is the least multiple of 13 which divided by 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 leaves remainder 2
Wrong cancel
in  each case? 

Answer Selected

Correct Answer 962

A statement is followed by two conclusions numbered A and B. Consider the statement
Wrong cancel
and decide which of the given conclusion

Congruent triangles have all sides and angles equal
A.  Triangle ABC and Triangle DEF which are equal in all sides as well as equal in angles
are Congruent Triangles
B. Triangle PQR  right angled triangle is congruent to triangle XYZ which is an obtuse
angled triangle

Answer Selected

Correct Answer Both conclusion A and B follow

Statements :
Wrong cancel
No person is a decorator.
All students are persons
All girls are decorators.
Conclusion :
No student is a girl
Some students are decorators.
No decorator is a student
Some persons are students.

Answer Selected

Correct Answer Only conclusion I,III,IV follow

A home delivery retail provision store sells goods around Rs.1500 per day. Of the total
Correct check_circle
number of food item sold in a month, they sell around 1000 loaves of bread, 80kg of
sugar, 100 packets of tea leaves, 100kg of flour, 50 packets of coffee, and 200 kgs of
detergents, 25 litres of cooking oil. The sale of toiletries is far more than that of cereals.
statement I:
The ration of the sale of toiletries as compared to food items is 1 : 2
Statement II:
The income from tea, coffee and sugar is more than the sale earnings from flour.

Answer Selected Sufficient for A but not for B

Correct Answer Sufficient for A but not for B

You are going to read a text about fighting pollution. Some sentences are missing from
Wrong cancel
the text. Choose from the list (A-C) the most appropriate sentence for each gap (1-2) in
the text. There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use.
A team of scientists at the University of Portsmouth of England has developed a new
enzyme that has the ability to break down plastics up to six times faster than
standard enzymes, according to CNN (1) ___________ In reducing the amount of non-
biodegradable plastic on Earth, enzymes have been used to help combat pollution by
breaking down polyethylene terephthalate (PET) chain molecules, the most common
thermoplastic that makes up everyday items like single-use bottles, clothing, and
carpet. (2)________ The first altered enzyme was called PETase, which will now be
connected with MHETase to create the University’s new enzyme protein. Between
these two enzymes connecting, PET chains in plastic were found to break down twice
as fast as PETase alone.
A- The researchers, who had earlier engineered an enzyme found within bacteria of a
plastic bottle combined it with a second enzyme to accelerate the breakdown of
B- A tool called the Diamond Light Source was used to map the molecular structure of
C- Enzymes, proteins that are key components in chemical reactions within the
human body, act as catalysts that speed up the breakdown of substances.

Answer Selected

Correct Answer 1 C, 2- A

A retailer gives a discount of 20% on an item, and yet makes a profit of 10%. What is 
Wrong cancel
the ratio of the cost price to the list price? 

Answer Selected

Correct Answer 8 : 11

 In each of the five pairs of the letter- clusters, the letter in the second term is a
Wrong cancel
rearranged/ transformed form of the letter in the first term in a particular pattern. In
which two pairs, has the transformation been done the same way ?

Answer Selected

Correct Answer A and C

A set of mugs consists of 5 plastic mugs each of a different design and 2 glass
Wrong cancel
mugs  each of a different design. In how many ways can these 7 mugs be arranged
in a row if  the glass mugs are separated from each other? 

Answer Selected

Correct Answer 3600

The infrastructure and available manpower is not sufficient to serve the increasing
Wrong cancel
number of patients that are being admitted to this government hospital
Course of Action:
I The hospital administration should take appropriate action for  appointing more
doctors, nurses and other staff for improvement of the services.
II A need-based proposal for strengthening the hospital infrastructure should also be
prepared and submitted further for allocation of funds.
III  The working hours of all the current staff should be doubled for the next two years
Answer Selected

Correct Answer Only I and II follow

Wrong cancel
All above 60 yrs of age get 20% concession in travel fare.
Suman  who is 65 yrs old paid Rs.1200 as train fare whereas the normal fare is Rs.1500
Kamal, Suman’s younger brother, will require to pay Rs,1500 for the same train and

Answer Selected

Correct Answer Only conclusion A follows

Check if a key is present in every segment of size k in an array
Wrong cancel
Given an array arr[] and size of array is n and one another key x, and give you a segment size k.
The task is to  find that the key x present in every segment of size k in arr[].

Input :

arr[] = { 3, 5, 2, 4, 9, 3, 1, 7, 3, 11, 12, 3}

x = 3

k = 3

Output : Yes

There are 4 non-overlapping segments of size k in the array, {3, 5, 2}, {4, 9, 3}, {1, 7, 3} and {11, 12,
3}. 3 is present all segments.

Input :

arr[] = { 21, 23, 56, 65, 34, 54, 76, 32, 23, 45, 21, 23, 25}

x = 23

k = 5

Output :Yes

There are three segments and last segment is not full {21, 23, 56, 65, 34}, {54, 76, 32, 23, 45} and
{21, 23, 25}.

23 is present all window.

Input :arr[] = { 5, 8, 7, 12, 14, 3, 9}

x = 8

k = 2

Output : No

Answer Selected 1

Correct Answer 31 int x = 3, k = 3,ctr;

32 int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
33 scanf("%d",&n);
34 for(ctr =0 ; ctr<n;ctr++)
35 scanf("%d",&arr[ctr]);
36 scanf("%d %d",&x,&k);
37 if (findxinkindowSize(arr, x, k, n))
38 printf("Yes");
39 else
40 printf("No");
41 return 0;
42 }

What is the difference between a function and a method?
Wrong cancel
Answer Selected

Correct Answer Function is a named code unlike method which is a part of an object
Seham Amer is a kickboxing pioneer in Yemen. Often considered the first of her kind,
Correct check_circle
Amer trains girls in martial arts. While Amer and her students are often discouraged
from participating in the “masculine” sport, she continues to challenge ________ of
what Yemeni women can do.
Amer told the Associated Press that her critics tell her “that the sport is masculine
and that I have departed from feminine ________
Blank 1 - A. designs B. contours C. shapes D. notions
Blank 2 - A. background B. territory C. situation D. experiment

Answer Selected D,B

Correct Answer D,B

Henry looks carefully into the telescope which lets him see far, far away, as far as the
Wrong cancel
distant nebulae on the far edges of the Milky Way. Henry is an _______. He looks at the
sky and stars in particular. Even though he spends much of his time looking at
detailed computer reports, which are just lists and lists of numbers. His ______ thing
about his job is looking through the telescope. And today he is very excited. He isn’t
sure yet, but he thinks he has seen a dense cloud which might be the beginning of a
new star.
Blank 1 - A. astrologer B - astrologist C -astronomer D - Astronaut
Blank 2 - A. favoring B - pleasant C - pleasing D - favourite.

Answer Selected

Correct Answer C,D

Which is the wrong term in the following series.
Correct check_circle

Answer Selected SAG

Correct Answer SAG

Onwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four is terrifying because it so accurately portrays the 
Correct check_circle
__________ and the human suffering that occurs when fascism takes over

Answer Selected Insanity

Correct Answer Insanity

You are going to read a text about an artist. Some sentences are missing from the
Wrong cancel
text. Choose from the list. (A-C) the most appropriate 
sentence for each gap (1-2) in the text. There is one extra sentence that you do not
need to use.
Kahini held her first solo show in 1998, the entire proceeds of which went to the Helen
Keller institute for the Deaf and Blind in Mumbai. __________ Encountering the
pathless terrain of inner landscape, the artist engages in a restless re-examination of
idea and image. ______ She has also taken part in several art camps.
In her fifth solo show with acrylic and oil-on-canvas paintings in the series titled
‘Metamorphosis ’held recently at the Mumbai’s Jehangir Art Gallery. She showed for
th fi t ti h b t t k ll
the first time her abstract work as well.
Her work has been acquired by corporate houses and also forms part of private
She has participated in a group show along with 50 women artists to celebrate
International Women’s Day

Answer Selected

Correct Answer B,A

Which of the following options is an exception to being a part of composite data types?
Correct check_circle
Answer Selected Stack

Correct Answer Stack

Which is used to convert source code to target language
Correct check_circle
Answer Selected compiler

Correct Answer compiler

A boy leaves his east facing home from the front door and reaches a temple from where
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he turns right. then walks till the market place and turns lef t. After reaching a flower
shop he turns left to return home. In which direction is he facing now?

Answer Selected

Correct Answer North

A restaurant serves small pizzas of 6-inch diameter and regular pizzas of 9-inch 
Wrong cancel
diameter. If a small pizza is priced at ₹200, then what is a fair price for a larger pizza
of  the same type? 

Answer Selected

Correct Answer 450

What is the term given to the variable whose scope is beyond all the scopes i.e., it can be
Wrong cancel
accessed by all the scopes?

Answer Selected

Correct Answer Global Variable

 Read the given statement(s) and conclusions carefully and select which of the
Wrong cancel
conclusions logically matches from the Statement(s)
Socrates,  a Greek philosopher through his questioning, wanted the youth to develop
critical thinking, but the nobles did not like Socrates as his method exposed the lack of
knowledge among the nobles.
(i) Socrates questioned the youth to show them he was the only intelligent person.
(ii) The nobles did not like Socrates as he showed them to be ignorant.

Answer Selected

Correct Answer Neither Conclusion I or II follows

A valuable sword belonging to the Grand King was stolen, and the three suspects
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were  Ibn, Hasan and Abu. Ibn claimed that Hasan stole it, and Hasan claimed that
Abu stole  it. It was not clear that one of them stole it, but it was later learnt that no
innocent person  had lied. It was also learnt that the sword was stolen by only one
person. Who stole the sword? 

Answer Selected

Correct Answer Hasan

You are going to read a text. Some sentences are missing from the text. Choose from
Wrong cancel
the list (A-C) the most appropriate sentence for each gap (1-2) in the text. There is one
extra sentence that you do not need to use.
Disney is an international maze of parent companies and subsidiaries that leave few
corners of the globe untouched, its vast holidays are maze of media networks, film
studios, production companies, merchandising ventures, parks, resorts, distribution
operations, Finance firms, gaming corporations, publishing companies, construction
firms, vacation and cruise lines, music studios, and digital content providers.
(1)________ However, the company’s reach spreads farther than many people might
think- in movies, and television alone. (2)__________ Forbes ranks Disney- which
employs more than 20,000 people ------ among top 10 most powerful brands in the
world and values the company at more than $238 billion.
A- it is common knowledge that Disney is behind classics like ‘Beauty and the Beast’
and ‘The Lion King’.
B- There is only a seemingly endless web of companies, properties, holdings, and
franchises that don’t bear the Disney name yet serve as revenue streams for the
corporate empire just the same.
C- Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida re-opened the park in July with new safety
precautions in place following months of being shut down amid the Coronavirus

Answer Selected

Correct Answer 1-A, 2-C

There were 36 students in a class and their average height was 4 feet 6 inches. At
Wrong cancel
the  end of the year, 4 students, with an average height of 3 feet 3.5 inches left the
class.  Moreover, 6 new students got admitted to this class, their average height
being 4 feet 9  inches. The average height, in feet, of the students currently in the
class is

Answer Selected

Correct Answer 4(⅔)

A 10-bit unsigned integer has the following range:
Wrong cancel
Answer Selected

Correct Answer 0 to 1023

. In case of a transaction, there was a loss of 18.75%. What was the ratio of the cost 
Wrong cancel
price to the selling price? 

A S l d
Answer Selected

Correct Answer 16 : 13

int sum(int n) {

Wrong cancel
if (n==0)

return n;


return n + sum(n-1);

What will be the output of sum(8).

Answer Selected

Correct Answer 36

Choose the correct answer Afzal writes a piece of code, where a set of three lines occur around
Wrong cancel
10 times in different parts of the program. What programming concept can he use to shorten
his program code length?

Answer Selected

Correct Answer Use functions

Determine whether the statements given below provide sufficient data to answer the
Correct check_circle
What is the pass percentage of Delhi girls who appeared for class X examination?
The number of boys who appeared for Class X examination in Delhi is 12 lakhs
The total number of students who appeared for Class X examination in Delhi is 22 lakhs.

Answer Selected Neither statement 1 nor statement 2 is sufficient

Correct Answer Neither statement 1 nor statement 2 is sufficient

The following are the criteria for selecting a Software Engine er for an IT company.
Wrong cancel
The Candidate must:
a.have completed B.C.A with three than 70% marks . more than 25 years and less than 30 years of age as on june 1 2020.
c.havesecured  more than 75% marks in the interview and more than 60% marks in
the written test .
However,if the candidate fulfils all the above criteria except:
at(b), but has completed M.C.A with at least 75% marks,his /her case is to be referred to
the Managing Director.
at(c), but has secured more than 85% marks in B.C.A, his/her case is to be referred to
the Chief executive officer.
Pranitha has obtained 80% marks in B.C.A and 79% marks in M.C.A She was born on
april 12 1989.She has secured 62% marks in the written test and 76% marks in the
interview .What decision would be taken in her case ?

Answer Selected

Correct Answer She would not be selected

What is the average of all the natural numbers from 31 to 50, both inclusive?
Wrong cancel
Answer Selected

Correct Answer 40.5

Five teachers Nirav, Pranali, Senthil, iqbal and Mohita teach one of the five subjects I.e.
Wrong cancel
Economics, Political Science, Philosophy,Sociology and Visual Art but not necessarily in
the same order. Each teacher teaches in one of the five sections A, B, C, D and E but not
necessarily In the same order. Each  section studies only one subject. Pranali teaches
Philosophy In section B. Iqbal teaches Visual Art. Section C studies Political Science.
Section D does not study Visual Art. Senthil teaches Economics. Section A studies
Sociology. Mohita does not teach Sociology.
Which of the following pair of Section-Teacher-Subject is correct?

Answer Selected

Correct Answer C — Mohita —Political Science

A _____ search begins the search with the element that is located in the middle of the array
Wrong cancel
Answer Selected

Correct Answer binary

Select the option that is the meaning of the underlined words/segment in the given 
Wrong cancel
Please allow me to pick your brain on this topic

Answer Selected

Correct Answer To obtain more information from you

The candidate must
Wrong cancel
(a)have completed L.L.B with atleast 75% marks.
(b)be more than 28 years and less than 35 years of age as on October 1,2020
© have secured more than 65% marks in the interview and atleast 70% marks in the
written test.
However if the candidate fulfils all the above criteria EXCEPT
Criterion (b), but has 3 years experience of practicing in district court, his/her case is to
be referred to the Chief Manager
Criterion ©, but has secured more than 80% marks in L.L.M, his/her case is to be
referred to the Chief Legal Advisor.
Sakshi Kumari has obtained 81% marks in L.L.M and 75% marks in L.L.B. She was 26
years of age when she completed her L.L.B in 2013. She has obtained test and 75%
marks in interview. He also has 3 years experience of practicing in district court.

Answer Selected

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
Correct check_circle
Under the harsh light of a naked blue bulb, the handloom weaver sits in
a pit, craning his neck over a loom, manipulating a mass of threads.
Slowly frame by frame, a paisley motif emerges on fuchsia pink silk,
sourced from South India. Banaras silk is mentioned in the Rig Veda and
Buddhist history texts, which, together with images from the Mughal
court, provide clues to its evolution. Silk-embroidered sarees have been
an art form during the Mughal period in the 16th century.
To gain an insight into the intricate weaving process, a visit to the
Mehta International Silk Centre helps. Here you can understand the
intricacies of the process: difference between phenkua and kadhua:
the technique of throwing the shuttle from end-to-end between the
q g
threads of the warp, and weaving in the threads, one by one.
Three generations can wear an intricately woven Banarasi saree, and it
is more a family heirloom that a mother passes on to her daughter or
daughter-in-law. The complexity of design in a Banarasi saree is of the
highest order — the highest pixels.
The workers, mostly men, may take 10 days to weave a saree working
eight hour shifts on wages as low as Rs 600 per day. If the design is
complicated, then the saree may proceed at 2 inches a day and the
weaver may even take three months to weave just one saree. Sarees may
tell pictorial stories; the motifs on sarees are like a history book of
influences — Persian and Mughal and Hindu culture. One can find
motifs like asharfi (coin-shape), gainda (marigold flower), chand-tara
(moon and star), lateefa (floral bouquet), etc.
What is the broad theme of the given passage?

Answer Selected The intricate weaving process of Banarasi sarees

Correct Answer The intricate weaving process of Banarasi sarees

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
Wrong cancel
Under the harsh light of a naked blue bulb, the handloom weaver sits in
a pit, craning his neck over a loom, manipulating a mass of threads.
Slowly frame by frame, a paisley motif emerges on fuchsia pink silk,
sourced from South India. Banaras silk is mentioned in the Rig Veda and
Buddhist history texts, which, together with images from the Mughal
court, provide clues to its evolution. Silk-embroidered sarees have been
an art form during the Mughal period in the 16th century.
To gain an insight into the intricate weaving process, a visit to the
Mehta International Silk Centre helps. Here you can understand the
intricacies of the process: difference between phenkua and kadhua:
the technique of throwing the shuttle from end-to-end between the
threads of the warp, and weaving in the threads, one by one.
Three generations can wear an intricately woven Banarasi saree, and it
is more a family heirloom that a mother passes on to her daughter or
daughter-in-law. The complexity of design in a Banarasi saree is of the
highest order — the highest pixels.
The workers, mostly men, may take 10 days to weave a saree working
eight hour shifts on wages as low as Rs 600 per day. If the design is
complicated, then the saree may proceed at 2 inches a day and the
weaver may even take three months to weave just one saree. Sarees may
tell pictorial stories; the motifs on sarees are like a history book of
influences — Persian and Mughal and Hindu culture. One can find
motifs like asharfi (coin-shape), gainda (marigold flower), chand-tara
(moon and star), lateefa (floral bouquet), etc.
Three generations can wear an intricately woven Banarasi saree

Answer Selected

Correct Answer . it goes through an intricate weaving process

Four words have been deleted in the paragraph given below.
Correct check_circle
The four sentences, from which the words have been deleted, are given below --
individually. Select the word that best completes the sentence in each of the four
items below.
Good art must connect with ordinary lives. It must be relatable. It must connect with
themes that other people’s lives are influenced by. The artist cannot merely _______an
id l Th b t t i k d i t id l hi h i hi bl Th b t
ideal. The best utopian works depict an ideal which is achievable. The best _______
works depict a terrifying future that’s ever possible. Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four is
terrifying because it so accurately portrays the ______ and human suffering that
occurs when fascism takes over. Great literature holds a hand-mirror up to the flaws
on society’s face. it forces people to face the consequences of their actions and helps
us try to _________ a better, more equal society

Answer Selected Create

Correct Answer Create

From the options given below determine which is odd one out
Correct check_circle

Answer Selected PRU

Correct Answer PRU

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
Wrong cancel
Under the harsh light of a naked blue bulb, the handloom weaver sits in
a pit, craning his neck over a loom, manipulating a mass of threads.
Slowly frame by frame, a paisley motif emerges on fuchsia pink silk,
sourced from South India. Banaras silk is mentioned in the Rig Veda and
Buddhist history texts, which, together with images from the Mughal
court, provide clues to its evolution. Silk-embroidered sarees have been
an art form during the Mughal period in the 16th century.
To gain an insight into the intricate weaving process, a visit to the
Mehta International Silk Centre helps. Here you can understand the
intricacies of the process: difference between phenkua and kadhua:
the technique of throwing the shuttle from end-to-end between the
threads of the warp, and weaving in the threads, one by one.
Three generations can wear an intricately woven Banarasi saree, and it
is more a family heirloom that a mother passes on to her daughter or
daughter-in-law. The complexity of design in a Banarasi saree is of the
highest order — the highest pixels.
The workers, mostly men, may take 10 days to weave a saree working
eight hour shifts on wages as low as Rs 600 per day. If the design is
complicated, then the saree may proceed at 2 inches a day and the
weaver may even take three months to weave just one saree. Sarees may
tell pictorial stories; the motifs on sarees are like a history book of
influences — Persian and Mughal and Hindu culture. One can find
motifs like asharfi (coin-shape), gainda (marigold flower), chand-tara
(moon and star), lateefa (floral bouquet), etc.
Which of the following is the odd one out in the history of influences on Banarasi

Answer Selected

Correct Answer buddhist

Parul takes as input two numbers: a and b. a and b can take integer values between 0 and 255.
Wrong cancel
She stores a, b and c as 1-byte data type. She writes the following code statement to process a
and b and put the result in c. c = a + 2*b To her surprise her program gives the right output with
some input values of a and b, while gives an erroneous answer for others. For which of the
following inputs will it give a wrong answer?

Answer Selected
Answer Selected

Correct Answer a = 10 b = 200

In a birthday party, there are 20 identical slices of cake that have to be distributed 
Correct check_circle
among 4 children. If every child is to get at least two slices, then in how many ways
can  this distribution be done? 

Answer Selected 455

Correct Answer 455

For a linear search in an array of n elements the time complexity for best, worst and average
Wrong cancel
case are ......., ....... and ........

Answer Selected

Correct Answer O(1),O(n) and O(n)

Research has revealed that the use of digital games by students is the main reason for an
Wrong cancel
increase in the sale of I-phones and a drop in the sale of books.
Courses of Action:
 I. I-phones must be banned for students.
 II. Student must be cautioned on the harmful effects of excessive digital gaming
III. Student must be encouraged to read books

Answer Selected

Correct Answer Both Actions II and III must be taken

From hairdressers to waiters, many professionals have taken to wear face shields
Wrong cancel
amid the coronavirus pandemic. But a new study has ________________ that these
plastic shields don’t work, and can actually allow airborne coronavirus droplets to
escape. Researchers from the Riken Centre in Japan, have performed a simulation
using Fugaku - the world’s fastest supercomputer. The simulation found that almost
100% of airborne droplets of less than 5 micrometers in size _________ through plastic
visor, while 50% of larger droplets found their way into the air.
Blank 1 - A. told B. informed C. warned D. sneaked
Blank 2 - A. escaped B. discharged C. vanished D. seeped

Answer Selected

Correct Answer C,A

FILE is of type ______
Wrong cancel
Answer Selected

Correct Answer struct type

She kept looking at the men behind the counter in utter disbelief - she had thought
Correct check_circle
the  Thanjavur painting would __________, __________ as the gems were not

Answer Selected Cost an arm and a leg, but it was dead cheap

Correct Answer Cost an arm and a leg but it was dead cheap
Correct Answer Cost an arm and a leg, but it was dead cheap

The average age of five persons in a group is 18 years. The group has an additional 
Wrong cancel
member , such that the new average is 25 years less than the age of the new
member.  What is the age(in years) of the new member? 

Answer Selected

Correct Answer 48

Read the following statements carefully and choose the option which can be definitely
Wrong cancel
concluded from the given statement
Some apples are fruit
Some fruits are mangoes
All mangoes are yellow

Answer Selected

Correct Answer Some fruits are yellow

Which of the following is false?
Correct check_circle
Answer Selected For a serial search to work, the data in the array must be arranged in
either alphabetical or numerical order

Correct Answer For a serial search to work, the data in the array must be arranged in
either alphabetical or numerical order

X goes to the office by driving at 5/7 times his usual speed. If he
Wrong cancel
normally takes half an hour to reach his office by how many minutes will
he be late?

Answer Selected

Correct Answer 12

Consider the below series:

Wrong cancel
1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 5, 3, 7, 5, 11, 8, 13, 13, 17, ...

This series is a mixture of 2 series – all the odd terms in this series form a Fibonacci series and
all the even terms are the prime numbers in ascending order.

Write a program to find the Nth term in this series.

The value N is a Positive integer that should be read from STDIN. The Nth term that is calculated
by the program should be written to STDOUT. Other than the value of Nth term, no other
characters/strings or message should be written to STDOUT.

For example, when N = 14, the 14th term in the series is 17. So only the value 17 should be printed

Answer Selected 1

9 for( num = 3 ; num <= MAX ; num+=2 )

Correct Answer 10 {
11 for(fact=2; fact <=num/2 ; fact++)
12 if( num % fact ==0) break;
( ) ;
13 if(fact > num / 2)
14 {
16 /
18 count++;
19 if(count == n) printf("%llu",num);
20 }
2 }

Six friends had gone for a picnic in a car. They were carrying a tuck box that contained
Wrong cancel
fruit, cold drink, sandwich, popcorn, chips and bottled water. E had brought Sandwiches,

B popcorn and C did not get chips. D did not get bottled water, A & D did not get fruit. F
got cold drinks.Who had brought bottled water.

Answer Selected

Correct Answer A

Sentences of a paragraph are given here in jumbled order. Arrange the
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sentences in the right order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. The skills to make India a global handloom hub exist but they are dying
for lack of proper infrastructure and planning.
B. India has over nine million textile craftspeople, with skills unmatched by
any other country.
C. Today ‘handmade’ and ‘handloom’ are becoming sought after
international brands, and new markets and buyers are emerging.
D. These people also have an enormous repertoire of designs going back
generations and creating textiles in hundreds of different techniques.

Answer Selected

Correct Answer D, C, B, A

If ‘A+B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’, ‘A#B’ means ‘A is the father of B’, ‘A@B’ means ‘A is
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the sister of B’ and ‘A-B’ means ‘A is the brother of B’ then, which expression satisfies ‘L’
is the daughter of ‘J’?

Answer Selected

Correct Answer J+K#L@M-N

Which of the following statement are correct?
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(i) The value stored in the CPU register can always be accessed faster than that stored in

(ii) A register storage class variable will always be stored in a CPU register.

Answer Selected

Correct Answer Only I is correct

 If ‘P=Q’ means ‘P is the husband of Q’, ‘P*Q’ means ‘P is the mother of Q’, ‘P/Q’ means ‘P
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is the father of Q’, ‘P+Q’ meaas ‘P is the brother of Q’ and ‘P - Q’ means ‘P is the wife of Q’,
which equation represents the relationship that D is the uncle of F ?

Answer Selected

Correct Answer B+C*D+E*F

The product of a real number and its square is 1728. What is the number? 
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Answer Selected 12

Correct Answer 12

Which of the following is not a disadvantage to the usage of array?
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Answer Selected

Correct Answer Accessing elements at specified positions

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