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Nama : Alfredo Abrian Erlangga Setiawan

Kelas : Epsilon 2019

NIM : 04011281924156

Lembar Jawaban Skill Lab EBM

1. Menghitung Nilai Abnormalitas. Dari Data yang tersedia di SPSS/Excell:

1.1. Hitung Harga Rerata
1.2. Hitung Standard Deviasi
1.3. Nilai Abnormalitas adalah > rerata ± 2 x Standard Deviasi
Descriptive Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation hitungan Nilai
SGOT/SGPT Laki-laki 200 26.29 13.923 (26.29 + 2 x 13,923) + 0,05 54,186
Hemoglobin 200 12.472 .3238
Trigliserid 200 115.31 20.047
Total Kolestrol 200 137.23 32.405
HDL 200 89.44 17.119
LDL 200 74.64 13.634
Valid N (listwise) 200

2. EBM Diagnosis.Rapid breathing is an important clinical manifestation of illness in

young infant. Acute Respiratory Infection especially pneumonia often delay referring
to the hospital, especially in a 2-month infant. For this reason, health center wants to
involve health cadre to detect pneumonia in community.Tachypnea has recommended
by WHO as an indicator of hypoxia. A gold standard for diagnosing hypoxia is
oximetry but this is expensive.
2.1.Tabel P.I.C.O
P 2-month infant with acute respiratory system

I Takipnea

C Oxymetry

O hypoxia

2.2.Buatlah Clinical Question

2.3.Buatlah Search Term/Search/Keyword
2.4.Lakukan Searching
2.5. Pastekan Abstract Artikel yang didapat pada lembar Jawaban
2.6. Lakukan Critical Appraisal dari Artikel dengan critical appraisal worksheet
Lampirkan Full Text PDF

3. EBM TERAPI. The patient is a 65 year old male with a long history of type 2
diabetes and obesity. Otherwise his medical history is unremarkable. He does not
smoke. He had knee surgery 10 years ago but otherwise has had no other major
medical problems. Over the years he has tried numerous diets and exercise programs
to reduce his weight but has not been very successful. His grand-daughter just started
high school and he wants to see her graduate and go on to college. He understands
that his diabetes puts him at a high risk for heart disease and is frustrated that he
cannot lose the necessary weight. His neighbor told him about a colleague at work
who had his stomach stapled and as a result not only lost over 100 lbs. but also
"cured" his diabetes.He wants to know if this procedure really works.
Dari Clinical Scenario tersebut buatlah :
3.1. Tabel P.I.C.O
3.2. Buatlah Clinical Question
3.3. Buatlah Search Term/Search/Keyword
3.4. Lakukan Searching
3.5. Pastekan Abstract Artikel yang didapat pada lembar Jawaban

3.6. Lakukan Critical Appraisal dari Artikel dengan critical appraisal worksheet

4. Tersedia Data Diagnostik MCI di SPSS

4.1. kretinin kinase dan MCI

4 1,1, Perkirakan secara visual nilai titik potong diagnostik dan interpretasikan
4.1..2.Hitunglah Seluruh Nilai Diagnostik memakai Med Calc trial buatlah

4.2. Kerjakan dengan cara yg sama untuk nilai diagnostik LDL untuk
mendiagnosis MCI

5.Tersedia data therapy Bad Outcome (data SPSS atau Excell)

5,1, Hitunglah Nilai Nilai Importance
5.2. Buatlah Kesimpulan

6. Tersedia data therapy effectiveness (data SPSS atau Excell)

6.1. Hitunglah nilai Importance
6..2. Buatlah Kesimpulan

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