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Use Your Best Judgement on Lifestyle Imagery

**PULL IN BRANDING ELEMENTS (square/pixel design element, logos, colors, branding


Page Layout:

1. Navigation
a. Markets
b. Platforms
c. Marketing
d. Recruiting
e. About
f. Let’s Chat (make this a button / call to action)
2. Section 1 - Header/Hero section
a. “Recruiting Without Limits”
b. Use video still frame as a placeholder behind header to imply a video in the
header like on and
c. Call to action button “Let’s Chat” – goes to lead form
d. This may make sense in it’s own section, do what you think looks best please:
i. “Over 800 Successful Clients”
ii. Client Logo train
3. Section 2 - Our Services
a. headline: a better way to recruit
b. paragraph: “Coordinating with five or six vendors to fill a single role is a waste of
your team’s time and effort. So we’ve eliminated the need. Our end-to-end
recruitment solutions allow targeted and effective talent searches without the
c. Include 3 service options as shown in boxes in “a better way to recruit” section
on (we are looking for new and innovative design
ideas, we do not want you to just use the boxes that are there now. We want
something with a better flow, more modern, engaging, etc. so show us your
d. Use a video still frame – Meet TrackFive! - you can use any of our TrackFive
videos’ as an image/screenshot as a placeholder
4. Section 3 - Career Platforms
a. Headline: “Career Platforms”
b. Highlight job platforms with a slider like the “Our Brands” section on (please use your design skills here and give us what you think
would look the best, and don’t just give us the same design we already have
unless you feel it is the best way to design that section)
c. Use platform screenshots in laptops/iphones to display each one of our current
d. Add copy from the Our Brands section, OR you can use Lorum Ipsum placeholder
5. Section 4 - Recruitment Marketing
a. Stack in single column vertically on the mobile version for this section
b. Use similar sliders as the Career Platforms section you are designing above
c. Use iconography (see Digital Marketing Services section on the homepage in that
link for examples, but feel free to use illustrations/icons that you feel best match
your design) if you want to as part of your design
d. Services to include in this section:
i. Paid Search & Social
ii. SEO
iii. Conversion Optimization
iv. Content Marketing
v. Programmatic Jobs Ads
6. Section 5 - Demonstrate Authority
a. Heading: Use Lorum Ipsum placeholder text for heading
b. “15 years in business”
c. “Industry Recognized”
d. “Numerous awards”
e. Client testimonial:
i. Use a pull quote with image, text, name, title and company name
ii. Use Lorum Ipsum placeholer text for this section to illustrate what it will
look like
f. Authority logos (google partner, INC 5000, best places to work, etc.)
7. Section 6 - Markets
a. Heading: “Markets Served “
b. Use Lifestyle stock imagery of your choice to support this section
c. Show how we’ve succeeded in multiple markets
i. Truck Drivers
ii. Physicians
iii. Therapists
iv. Nurses
v. Allied Health
vi. And More!
8. Section 7 - Conversion lead form
a. Let’s Chat!
b. Lead form
i. Fields:
1. Name
2. Company
3. phone number
4. email address
5. Comment field - “How can we help you?”
9. Footer
a. Create a footer based on the one on We have one location now,
instead of two, and we need a footer design that can add and remove locations
without breaking the design. We like the contact form in the footer and the
cleaner layout - you can play with having the form section above be a portion of
the footer like it is now on, or pull it above the footer as its own
section based on what you think looks and flows best.

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