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NED University of Engineering and Technology

Course: Business Communication and Ethics (HS-304)

Class Task

Selecting Forms/Channels of Communication Forms of Best Use

1 Blog When one person needs to present digital information easily so that
it is available to others.
2 Email When you need feedback but not immediately.
3 Face to face When you need a rich interactive medium. Useful for persuasion,
conversation bad news and personal messages.
4 Face to face group When group decisions and consensus are important. In efficient for
meetings merely distributing information.
5 Fax When your message must cross time zones and international
boundaries, when a written record is significant or when speed is
6 Instant Message When you are online and you need a response. Useful for
confirming whether someone is available for a phone conversation.
7 Letter When a written record or formality is required, especially with
customers, the government, suppliers or others outside an
8 Memo When you want a written record to clearly explain policies, discuss
procedures, or collect information within an organization.
9 Phone Call When you need to deliver or gather information quickly, when non-
verbal cues are unimportant, and when you can not meet in person.
10 Report or proposal When you are delivering considerable data internally or externally
11 Voice mail message When you wish to leave important or routine information that the
receiver can respond to when convenient.
12 Video/teleconference When group consensus and interactions are important but members
are geographically dispersed.

Your Task:
Read and discuss in detail the above table and suggest best communication channel and form for
the following messages. Assume that all channels and forms are available.

1. You want to know which team members are available immediately for a quick
teleconferencing meeting. They are all workaholics and stuck to their computers. Instant Message
2. As a manager, during a company reorganization, you must tell nine workers that their
employment is being terminated. Face to face conversations
3. You need to know whether Thomas in the department of Reprographics can produce a rush
job for you in two days. Phone call
4. A prospective client in Italy wants price quotes for a number of your products. Fax / Email
5. As assistant to the vice-president you are to investigate the possibility of developing internship
programs with several nearby colleges and universities. Report
6. You must respond to a notice from the internal Revenue Service insisting that you did not pay
the correct amount for last quarter’s employer’s taxes. Letter

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