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Tech Thesis
Indian Institute of Science

A study on the problem of

heart rate prediction from
facial videos.

G RRaina
Heart rate estimation from facial videos is an interesting
rpoblem and one thats getting a lot of attentsion in the
research community as is evident by the literature survey.
Also this is a technology that would be absolutely
necessary in the future as we move towards smart
appliances in our day to day lives.
In most of the works, in this domain, the researchers have
used signal processing approaches to estimate the heart
In this study, we have made an effort to use deep learning
models to improve the accuracy of the predictions.
Moreover, during the literature survey it was evident that
one of the major hindrances to research in this area was
the lack of comprehensive datasets. Hence, a novel dataset
was recorded with 3 different cameras and 16 different light
conditions for 30 subjects. Also we have conducted
experiments to learn the face mask for high information
regions in the face using two different approaches, showing
comparable results.

Vishay is currently pursuing his M.Tech in SPIRE

Lab, EE, IISc. His research focuses on developing
methods for heart rate estimation from facial
viedeos. He received his Bachelors Degree in ME
from BMS College of Engineering, in 2017.

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