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Perception of Endurance Athletes on the Effects of High-Carb and

Vegan Diet on their Performance: A Case Study

Miguel Antonio L. Uy, Kheigh Gerald C. Santos, Brent Angelo R. Santiaguel, Angel Anne T.
Canino, Annyka Chanel P. Cayabyab
De La Salle University Integrated School, Manila
*corresponding author:

Kate Joy Fabroa

Research Adviser

Abstract: Endurance athletes require strict training and nutrition to prepare their bodies for
tournaments or competitions. Much literature has stated the benefits of diets focusing primarily on
carbohydrates. Although there are studies that back up the effects of the diets in a physical aspect,
the researchers have yet to see an abundance of studies about the perception of the athletes.
Therefore, this study intends to focus on the perception of endurance athletes on the effects of a
high-carb and vegan diet on their performance. Using a case study approach, the researchers
conducted semi-structured interviews with endurance athletes. The objectives of the research are
to determine and encapture the experiences, effect indicators, and expectations of the athletes. The
expectations of endurance athletes that affect their choice of a high-carb and vegan diet are more
dependent on the athlete's preferences and capabilities. The experiences of the endurance athletes
are dissimilar, seeing as the majority of those who participated in a vegan diet described their
experiences to be aggravating and exhausting, while those who participated in a high-carb diet did
not describe their experience to be as stressful. The effects of a high-carb and vegan diet on the
performance of endurance athletes are more dependent on the endurance athlete's focus and goal.
Therefore, endurance athletes’ choice of a high-carb and vegan diet depends on their prior
knowledge, objectives, and experiences.

Keywords: perception; high-carb diet; vegan diet; nutrition; performance


Endurance athletes must adhere to specific

requirements to achieve peak performance in an activity. A
nutrition plan's composition must be appropriate for their
distinct body needs, as well as their sport-specific demands
(Thomas et al., 2016). It should be highlighted that studies
have not yet promoted numerous research that includes
perception and other characteristics that might assist in
contributing to understanding sports and its correlation with
sports nutrition. Therefore, the primary focus of this study is
to show and provide information regarding the perception of
endurance athletes on the effects of high-carb and vegan diets
on their performance.

1.1 Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify endurance athletes'

perception of the effects of a high-carb and vegan diet on
their physical performance. The overarching question of the As stated, the primary focus of this study was to
study is how do endurance athletes perceive the effect of determine endurance athletes' perceptions of the effects of
high-carb and vegan diets on their performance? The taking a high-carb and vegan diet on their performance. The
following research questions are sought to breakdown the participants were interviewed and queried regarding their
components that affect endurance athletes’ perceptions: expectations, effect indicators, and experiences prior to and
throughout taking their chosen diet. The decided diet plans
1. What are the experiences of endurance athletes for the study were vegan and high-carb diets as they have
when following a high-carb diet or vegan diet? shown similar effects on physical performance (Jeukendrup,
2. How does the high-carb or vegan diet affect the 2003). To achieve the objective of the study, the researchers
performance of endurance athletes? examined the following factors for each diet plan:
3. How do the expectations of endurance athletes experiences, effect indicators, and expectations. Snyder
affect their choice between a high-carb and vegan believes that the experience will be required to learn the
diet? endurance athletes' engagement with the diet plan. The effect
indicators are the indications that‌participants notice changes
in their performance (Witt, 2011). The expectations are the
1.2 Conceptual Framework
beliefs of the athletes on the outcome of the participation in
the diet plan for their regime (Trafton, 2019). Each aspect
assists in determining each participant's perception of the
effects of a high-carb and vegan diet on their performance.

2.1 Research Design

The researchers chose a case study as it focuses on

a group of people; in this case, they are ‌endurance athletes.
Using a case study offers a creative and credible approach to
enlighten and bring forth reliable information to a chosen

study (McGloin, 2022). The method for the research is a into a document for later analysis. The researchers used a
qualitative approach to help the researchers analyze the data thematic approach to identify patterns or recurring statements
gathered thoroughly. The research was exploratory by design made by the participants.
as it allowed the researcher to dive and look into a study with
a scarce amount of information from related literature. 2.3 Ethical Considerations

2.2 Data Collection The participants had a briefing about the study
before the research. And the participants had the option to
2.2.1 Sampling Method join the study voluntarily and could have withdrawn at any
time without any consequences. The anonymity of the
In this study, the researchers chose a participant was guaranteed through the signing of the consent
non-probability sampling method. This type of sampling is from both parties in cooperating with the research. To assure
primarily strategic and it requires a concerted effort to align confidentiality, the researchers provided a form to the
the research questions with the sample that was used. The participants that only the r‌ esearchers would have access to it.
chosen purposive method allows an equal opportunity among
the participants who share the same qualities and features, 2.4 Data Analysis
regarding knowledge and background essential for the study.
The chosen participants have all been selected based on the The researchers had transcribed and encoded all the
criteria that were set for the study. responses from each participant. The approach that the
researchers used was a thematic analysis approach, wherein it
2.2.2 Participants involves reading the data and identifying patterns across the
encoded data. There will also be google documents and
The researchers looked for five (5) endurance recordings for each participant on google drive. After
athletes, specifically swimmers, that are actively training. encoding the responses, the researchers will saturate each
These athletes can sustain a specific intensity over a long response from each participant to look for the primary key
period without getting any fatigue. Participants in this points of their experiences and views on taking up a diet plan.
research are from the Philippines, specifically from the When the researchers are finished, they plan to put the final
provinces of Luzon and Visayas. In our study, the gender of data into another folder on Google Drive.
the individuals was not a relevant factor; nevertheless,
participants must be 18 and above. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
2.2.3 Data Collection Method 3.1 Expectations of Endurance Athletes
The researchers collected data and gathered The participants of the study shared recurring
information through a semi-structured interview. This type of statements regarding their expectations of partaking in their
interview was chosen as it gives the interviewees the freedom choice of diet, whether it be a high-carb or vegan diet. It was
to expound on their thoughts and ideas. Obtaining the raw described that both diets were expected to be tough and
information provided by the participants allows the results to aggravating. However, the participants had a collective
be more authentic and accurate to their experiences. positive reason that the diet would lead them to a healthier
lifestyle and further improve their performance. This
2.2.4 Procedure common mindset allowed each individual to push through
with the diet. According to Participant 1, they expected the
The chosen data collection method was through the high-carb diet to be difficult due to the sacrifices they would
use of an interview. The researchers invited the participants have to make. Fortunately, they were knowledgeable of the
through a meeting via ZOOM. Before proceeding with the benefits they would receive as an endurance athlete;
interview, the researchers provided a consent form for the Participant 1 stated, “At first, of course, it's hard because it's
participants to sign. All meetings with each participant have like… discipline also at the same time, but I just also think
been recorded. The researchers transcribed all the recordings
it's for me. It's like, I'm sacrificing and dieting for something high-carb diet, they stated that the diet was beneficial and
big like competitions.” Participant 2, who is taking a vegan resulted in a positive outcome. Participant 3 indicated that
diet, stated in the interview, “Actually, I was kinda scared. I even though it took him a while to adapt to the diet he could
felt that my performance would break up during training still see the improvement in his performance. Those who took
because it's a big change to your body,” showing that a vegan diet complained that the process of partaking in the
concerns were more gravitated towards his physical change diet was difficult at the beginning as it was stressful and
and performance. As a result of the responses of endurance exhausting. Once they had gotten used to the diet, they
athletes, we found that their expectations that affect their emphasized that the diet led them to a healthy lifestyle and
choice of a high-carb and vegan diet depend on the losing weight. Participant 2 stated that the benefits of
individual's idea of whether they are more capable of partaking in a vegan diet as staying in shape, improving in
partaking in a high-carb or vegan diet. Their answers focus performance, learning new things, and having a healthy
on a general concept, seeing as diets do involve challenge and lifestyle. With that being said, the high-carb and vegan diets
self-control. have both been stated to be tolerable and effective for the
athlete's regime. In contrast with both diets, the athletes
Figure 2 partaking in a vegan diet had to experience more negative
outlooks due to cravings and other difficulties.
Expectations of Endurance Athletes
Figure 3

Experiences of Endurance Athletes

3.2 Experiences of Endurance Athletes

All endurance athletes have prior knowledge of

their chosen diet. From the interviews, it was stated that they
would all partake in the diet “months before the competition” 3.3 Effect of High-Carb and Vegan Diet on the
that they would participate in. They have expressed that they Performance of Endurance Athletes
all improved after months of training alongside their diets.
The majority of those who took a high-carb diet expressed Based on initial findings, the effects of a high-carb and vegan
that it took them a long time to adapt to the diet, seeing as it diet each have different outcomes. It could be evidently seen
was difficult, mentally challenging, and restricted. Although that whether partaking in a high-carb or vegan diet, the
they saw a physical change in their physique and results are still positive. It has been observed that a high-carb
performance, they had noticed the cravings and experienced diet helps with mental and physical fatigue, as revealed by
difficulty with their mental state on days within the diet Participant 5: “Since I’m an endurance athlete that
schedule. Despite their experiences, while partaking in a participates in long-distance events, I believe that

carbohydrates that I intake are very helpful with my body as
it helps my mental and physical fatigue.” In addition,
Participant 3 also agreed that he observed positive changes in
his performance while partaking in a high-carb diet:
“Practices, I can say that the differences that I noticed are that
I felt stronger. I felt more powerful in the water.”

For those who took a vegan diet, the majority of their

responses were feeling somewhat light due to weight loss and
better endurance which that could help them give an all-out
performance as per Participant 4: “If it's for competition,
you'll feel light, you'll really feel that you’ll be able to go
all-out.” Participant 2 also had a similar effect: “I got leaner,
and yeah, I was able to gain some muscle mass, honestly,
even though you're vegan, I still take a lot of protein. For my
performance, I saw my endurance improve. So, I was able to
swim long distances, I'm a sprinter in swimming, so I rarely
swim long distances and after I took the diet, my 4. CONCLUSIONS
long-distance swims also got improved.” According to Erika
Rizal, plant-based diets are effective in decreasing weight, The objective of this study is to determine the
creating leaner bodies through decreasing body fat, as well as perception of endurance athletes on the effects of a
enhancing athletic endurance. Therefore, the responses of the high-carb and vegan diet on their performance. The
endurance athletes’ on the effect of a high-carb and vegan qualitative results of partaking in a high-carb and vegan diet
diet on their performance had aided in identifying that a do not exceedingly differ from one another. The
high-carb diet is a better option if an endurance athlete’s expectations of endurance athletes that affect their choice of
focus is to not be easily fatigued. Whereas, a vegan diet is a a high-carb and vegan diet rely more on the athlete’s interest
better option if an endurance athlete’s focus is to lose weight and capabilities. The experiences of endurance athletes do
and enhance their endurance. not vary drastically, regardless of the diet they follow,
whether it be a high-carb or vegan diet. Although, it can be
Figure 4 perceived that participating in a vegan diet is much more
challenging due to it being exhausting and difficult in the
Effect of High-Carb and Vegan Diet on the Performance of process compared to a high-carb diet. The effects of a
Endurance Athletes high-carb and vegan diet on the performance of endurance
athletes lean more on the focus and the goal of an endurance
athlete. Therefore, endurance athletes’ choice of a high-carb
and vegan diet depends on their prior knowledge,
objectives, and experiences.


The researchers would like to extend their gratitude

and acknowledge the individuals that contributed to this
study. First, the researchers would like to show their
appreciation to their adviser, Ms. Kate Joy Fabroa, and their
research mentors, Ms. Liezl Astudillo and Mr. Christian
Gopez. With their support and counsel, the researchers were
guided to create a significant and successful research study.
Second, the researchers would like to thank the students
under the Sports Track. With their collaboration and
open-mindedness, the researchers were able to gather and
generate creative ideas that would benefit them in their study.

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