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PASSIVE VOICE (Tugas Terstruktur)

Exercise 1
Identify whether these sentences are Active or Passive!
No Sentence Active/ Passive/
1. The beautiful gilrs are entertaining the guests with some classic dances.
2. Manohara blouse style is still worn by many women on formal ocassions.
3. Some new policies will be applied by the government in the educational institutions.
4. Have the criminal cases been well solved by those judges?
5. The botanic experts may mix the solution with some nutrients to make good media for
their organic plants.
6. Arka had prepared himself very well for the Badminton Open Cup before last December.
7. Two cars were still being repaired by the mechanics in the garage when Mr. Wahid
8. All participants of the seminar were amazed by the good presentation delivered by Dr.
9. The new TV Station always broadcasts the educative and entertaning programs
10 The people living at the river bank sucessfully changed their dirty environment into
tourists’ destination spot.
Exercise 2
Complete these sentences with the words provided!
1. The thousands of collected books ................. on the bookshelves in the public library.
2. Large amount of trees in this region .................. by the irresponssible people.
3. A children health seminar ..................... to commemorate the National Children Day.
4. Bali, the God Island ...................... by more than a million tourists in a week.
5. Do you know that this mat .................... of pandan leaves?
6. Sorry, Sir. You can’t take the car home. It .................... now.
7. Some statues .................... about two years ago and have become popular icon of Boyolali.
8. The old cafe ..................... before the January 2014.
9. This wonderful classc batik gowns .................... in the International Art & Culture Fest.
10. The newspapers .................... by people mostly living in Java.
a. will be held f. is visited
b. is still being repaired g. were built
c. are subsribed h. is made
d. have been cut down i. may be exhibit
e. are well arranged j. had been renovated
Exercise 3
Change the word in brackets into correct forms of Passive Sentence!
1. Luxurious hotel rooms (provide) for the national seminar participants next months.
2. These softdrink cans (use) to make many kinds of artistic and useful things.
3. Are you sure that this is the route which (pass) by the boyscouts teams?
4. The SAR teams from several regions (call) to save the victims of vessel accident.
5. Memory songs often (sing) to entertain the guests at the wedding party
Exercise 4
Change these sentences into Passive!
1. Anita and her friends are preparing some equipments for the experiment in the laboratory.
2. The private TV station has been broadcasting the favorite program for mote than a year.
3. Tasya Syarief will inform some important events hapenned in a week.
4. The government has announced some new money to the people.
5. A group of young people interviewed the traditional food maker in Yogyakarta.
Exercise 5
Translate the sentences into good English!
1. Masakan tradisional dapat disajikan pada acara reuni akbar untuk mengenang masa lalu.
2. Perhiasan dari perak tlah dipakai para penari sebelum mereka keluar kamar rias.
3. Bola yang ditendang oleh gelandang itu bisa masuk gawang dengan mulus.
4. Pengeras suara mungkin bisa dipakai untuk mempermudah panitia dalam melaksanakan acara basar amal itu.
5. Bantuan untuk para korban gempa bumi telah dikirim oleh beberapa organisasi sosial

===== Good Luck =====


A. Identify whether each sentence is Active or Passive one!

No Sentences Active/A Passive/P
1. My friend has ever visited Bali twice. a
2. The heroin monument was built in 1989. p
3. Can this goat milk be processed into yogurt? p
4. The cute kittens were playing a small rubber ball under the dining table. a
5. The trees hadn’t been cut because of their usefulness. p
6. Thousands trousers may be sewed by tailors next month. p
7. The successful motivator always shares his inspiring experiences. a
8. Our loyal customers will have received the newest brochure by the end of this week. a
9. Rusdy and Ima are still preparing the scientific paper for their presentation. a
10 Many students are sent to the Military Camp for a building character workshop. p

B. Choose the best answer!

11. The short message about the accident ……….. by Mustika already. (has been sent / have been sent)
12. The elephants ………… to perform the circus in New Zealand. (will be training / will be trained)
13. Those shoes ………… to the laundry for cleaning. (were taking / were taken)
14. Rena’s cat ………… by the young pediatrician now. (is being examined / are being examined)
15. The new house ………… light grey before the owner made a gazebo. (had painted / had been painted)

C. Change these sentences into correct Passive Voice!

Example : Active : Fatin can sing the popular song perfectly on the charity music concert.
Passive : The popular song can be sung by Fatin perfectly on the charity music concert.

16. Most people usually watch the favorite TV live program in the evening.
17. The people must manage the organization well to be successful.
18. The company has completed this computer with many kinds of useful applications
19. Our team planned to carry a social research for the youth scientific competition.
20. The farmer will have harvested local watermelons by next two weeks.


1. The executive marketing manager was answering the complaints from the customers patiently.
2. PT. Adhy Karya may estabilsh some new branch offices in Sumatra and Kalimantan.
3. The production director instructs his secretary to make invitation letter for monthly meeting.
4. PT. KAI had completed the the trains with some facilities to satisfy the passengers.
5. The professional tennis player trains several young people for the tournament.


6. Barang-barang dagangan sedang dimuat di truk untuk dibawa ke Sukoharjo
7. Berita tentang penyelamatan para korban kebakaran toko pernah dimuat di koran harian ini.
8. Hari pangan sedunia dihadiri oleh ribuan orang beberapa bulan yang lalu.
9. Sebuah stasiun TV lokal akan dibangun di wilayah perbukitan ini.
10. Sebuah tas berisi bayi dikabarkan ditemukan oleh seorang petani yang sedang menuju ke sawah.

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