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Vocabulary bank Welcome


C o u n trie s a n d n a tio n a litie s

1 Match the countries to the correct places on the map.

Argentina Australia Belgium Brazil ı Canada ■ China the Czech Republic ı Egypt ı France Germany
Hungary India Ireland ■Italy Japan Kenya Luxembourg Mexico Morocco the Netherlands
New Zealand Poland Russia Slovakia South Africa Spain nThailand Turkey the UK the USA




4 Complete the sentences with the correct

1 Adrien is from Brussels. He's B_______an.
2 Mehmet is from Ankara. He'sT_____ ish.
3 Kaitlyn is from Ottawa. She's C_______ian.
2 Complete the table with the countries in exercise 1.
4 Phim is from Bangkok. She'sT_____.
Africa Asia Europe 5 Tomas is from Prague. He's C_______.
6 Ahmed is from Cairo. He's E_______ian.
7 Steffi is from Warsaw. She's P___ ish.
8 Diego is from Buenos Aires. He's A____________ ian.
9 Katia is from Bratislava. She's S____________ n.
10 Helena is from Amsterdam. She's D___ ch.
11 Vicente is from Mexico City. He's M_______an.
12 Amani is from Nairobi. He's K_______n.
13 Marika is from Budapest. She's H_________ian.
14 Paul is from Wellington. He's a New Z__________ er.
North America South America Australasia 15 Laila is from Rabat. She's M_________an.

Match the countries

to the correct places
on the map.
■ England ■ Ireland
3 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Describe a flag and your Northern Ireland
partner guesses the country. Scotland Wales

It's red, white and blue.

Is it Australia?

6 Complete the sentences with the nationalities of the

countries in exercise 5.
1 Tara is from Dublin. She's I ___ sh.
2 George is form London. He's E_______sh.
3 Seren is from Cardiff. She's W ___ sh.
4 Alex is from Edinburgh. He's S_____ t _ sh.

124 Vocabulary bank Welcome

Vocabulary bank Welcome

V. /7V

C olours T h e tim e

1 Label the colours with the words below. 1 Order the times on the clock.
black blue brown green orange pink twenty to seven
purple red white yellow quarter to seven
five to seven
........... quarter past six
........... twenty-five past six
........... five past six
twenty-five to seven
ten past six
1 six o'clock
5 .......
........... ten to seven
........... half past six
........... twenty past six
8 10
2 Write the times under the clocks.
2 Label the photos with the colours from exercise 1
and the words below.
■ banana ■ book■ bus ı cat ■ door ■ dress ■ horse ■ pen
■ leaf ■ watch

1 a 2 a.

3 a 4 a

4 L
5 an 6 a
3 Write these times in numbers.
You can also say the time in numbers.
It's five past eleven. Or Eleven oh five
1 m
* 4 It's ten past three. OR It's three ten.
8 a ..................................... It's quarter to six. OR It's five forty-five.

1 It's twenty past two.

2 It's ten to seven.

9 a 10 a
I 3
It's quarter past ten,
It's twenty-five to four
It's five past nine.
It's half past eight.

3 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions 4 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Draw six clocks with
about the colour of things you can see. different times. Point to a clock and ask your partner
the time.
What colour is your book?
It's red. What colour
What's the time?
is the door? i's quarter past six.
-------------------- v r '

Vocabulary bank Welcome 125

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