Andi Triannisa Zalzabilah - Task 1

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Name : Andi Triannisa Zalzabilah

Class : 3A D4 Business Administration

NIM : 45219006

CHAPTER 1= Format of English Business Letter

Exercise 1 Make the following phrases and sentences shorter without changing the idea.
A. Your check in the amount 0f $360
 Your check of $360
B. Keep in mind the fact that
 Do not forget
C. The size of the report is 112 pages in length
 The report is 112 pages
D. There was only one objection to your proposal, and that was the matter of time
 There was one objection to your proposal, the matter of time
Exercise 2 The following and sentences contain repetition. Revise them so that they do not
have any repetitions.
A. Repeat again
 I beg you pardon
B. The only other alternative
 The other alternative
C. Meet me on Thursday mornings at 10:00 o’clock a.m.
 Meet me on Thursday at 10 a.m.
D. When we print your form letters, your customers will not recognize them as form letters.
The letters will appear to be individually typewritten
 The letters will appear to be individually typewritten, your customers will not
recognize them as form letters
E. Although it is our policy to accept retuned merchandise that is in good condition,
returned merchandise that is not saleable cannot be accepted.
 our policy to accept retuned merchandise that is in good condition, but returned
merchandise that is not saleable cannot be accepted.
Exercise 3 Find the mistakes in the following sentences.
Thank you for your letter of 25 May. We have been enclosed the catalogue you were
asked for. You will noticing that on page 23 the price of Jackson Drills has been reducing for
this month only.
 Thank you for your letter of 25 May. We have been enclosed the catalogue you
were asked for. You will notice that on page 23 the price of Jackson Drills has
been reduced for this month only.
Exercise 4 The following paragraphs and sentences read awkwardly. Revise them so that
they flow logically.
I have tried to contact our main supplier in italy. Iam sorry that we have not got
any further information from them.
We cannot give you a definite date of the delivery of your consignment. I hope
you can bear with us because we can assure that your order will be handled promptly
despite this problem.
Thank you very much for your understanding.
 We cannot give you a definite date of the delivery of your consignment. I have
tried to contact our main supplier in italy. Iam sorry that we have not got any
further information from them.

I hope you can bear with us because we can assure that your order will be handled
promptly despite this problem.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

Exercise 5 How would you revise the letter below so that it will cover all necessary
information and present concrete information.
Dear Sir,
I bought two items from your store some days ago. However, i was suprised when i found
out that they cannot work. When i asked your one of your staff, he said replacement could not be
made because they were no more in the insurance time. In addition, they arrived at me very late.
To make sure you sure, i will take bring them to you one day next week.
Thank you very much.
Yours truly.
 Dear Sir,
I bought two items from your store three days ago. However i was
suprised when i found out that they cannot work. When i asked your one
of your stuff, he said replacement could not be made because they were no
more in the insurance time. In addition, they arrived at me very late.

To make sure you sure, i will take bring them to you tomorrow night.

Thank you very much.

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