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PLAY: Players describe what their characters do. ► Life on the Ring is pretty quiet, and the toughest
The GM judges when their action is impossible, jobs are automated — but as a Community First
demands a cost or extra steps, or presents a risk. Responder, you get called for everything ranging
Players can revise plans before committing so as from a cat in a tree to a hull breach. What skillset
to change goal/stakes. Only roll to avoid risk. have you found helpful? Raise it to d8.

ROLLING: Roll a skill die — d6 by default, higher HANDS: Helping move a sofa, swinging a baseball
with a relevant skillset, or d4 if hindered by injury, bat, forcing open a jammed door, and anything
circumstances, or carrying more than 1 bulky else you’d do if you’re “good with your hands.”
item. (If more than one skillset fits, use whichever
HEAD: Working with computers, getting a model
you want.) If you have a relevant quality, roll an
volcano to erupt, fixing an oxygen scrubber, and
extra of that same die. If helped by circumstances,
anything else you might call “using your head.”
roll an extra d6; if helped by an ally, they roll their
skill die and share the risk. Take the highest die. HEART: Swaying with words, calming down
cranky kids, sensing how folks are feeling, and
1–2 Disaster. Suffer the full risk. If it’s mutually
anything else that benefit from a “big heart.”
exclusive with your goal (GM’s call), you fail.
3–4 Setback. A lesser risk or partial success. HEELS: Rounding the bases, dodging escaped zoo
5+ Success. The higher the roll, the better. animals, scrambling up a tree, and other ways to
move when something’s “hot on your heels.”
If success can’t get you what you want (you get up
the tree, but that’s no cat — it’s an alien!), you’ll at ► What quality stands out about you?
least get useful info or set up an advantage.
Invent, choose, or roll d6.d6 on the next page — d6
DEFENSE: Break an item turn a hit into a brief for the first digit, another d6 for the second. Roll
hindrance. Broken gear is useless until repaired. an extra skill die when it’s relevant, and use it
declare you have an item that would make sense
HARM: If you get banged up so badly that you’ll be
(like a gravcar nut having a garage full of tools).
laid up awhile, make a new character to introduce
ASAP. Favor inclusion over realism. ► What items do you find helpful as a Responder?

ADVANCEMENT: After each session, each player Start with a wrist comm (smartwatch), a small
gains 1 credit (₡), and either raises a skillset they gravcar, and ₡2. If you need an item later, and it’s
used (none ➡ d8 ➡ d10 ➡ d12), or gains or not clear whether you would have it, then deduct
rewords a quality they displayed. ₡1 and say you do. Don’t worry about microcredit
transactions like a meal or a single screwdriver —
GM: Describe characters in terms of appearance
think more like “power tools” or “baking supplies.”
and behavior, not skill dice. Lead the group in
setting lines not to cross in play. Fast-forward, ► Who are your closest personal connections?
pause, or rewind/redo for pacing and safety;
If it’s other players’ Responders, agree on a sign
invite players to do likewise. Present dilemmas
of your bond — an inside joke, secret handshake,
you don’t know how to solve. Move the spotlight to
Friday darts game, etc. Optionally, come up with
give all time to shine. Roll periodically to test luck
names and quirks for close connections played by
(e.g., run out of ice, or into a grumpy neighbor) —
the GM — parents, kids, housemates, polycule, etc.
(1– 2) trouble now or (3–4) signs of trouble.
Just don’t leave the group waiting on you to finish.
Improvise rulings to cover gaps in rules; on a
break, revise unsatisfactory rulings as a group. ► Finally, choose your name, and note pronouns.
► Name Quality Quirk Often found at…

1.1 Addison 1.1 Always helping out 1.1 Bad with faces 1.1 Home
1.2 Beren 1.2 Does magic tricks 1.2 Bores easily 1.2 School
1.3 Casey 1.3 Dresses to impress 1.3 Businesslike 1.3 The café
1.4 Christmas 1.4 Knows a shortcut 1.4 Busybody 1.4 The office
1.5 Dana 1.5 Parties hardest 1.5 Holds a grudge 1.5 The park
1.6 Edin 1.6 Takes stuff apart 1.6 People pleaser 1.6 The mall

2.1 Frankie 2.1 Bookworm 2.1 Big “dad” energy 2.1 The bar
2.2 Gio 2.2 Computer whiz 2.2 Endlessly chatty 2.2 The boutique
2.3 Hira 2.3 Gravcar nut 2.3 Fiercely loyal 2.3 The cleaners
2.4 Indiana 2.4 Green thumb 2.4 Kind of in a hurry 2.4 A construction site
2.5 Jae 2.5 Loves to cook 2.5 Playfully insulting 2.5 The corner store
2.6 Kayden 2.6 Popular vidcaster 2.6 Suuuper chill 2.6 The ice cream shop

3.1 Lee 3.1 Buys the 1st round 3.1 Always in vacsuit 3.1 The gravcar dealer
3.2 Lucky 3.2 Fiercely idealistic 3.2 Band t-shirts 3.2 The hospital
3.3 Morgan 3.3 Honest face 3.3 Floral print shirt 3.3 The library
3.4 Nasim 3.4 “I’ve got a hunch…” 3.4 Hand-knits 3.4 The lodge
3.5 Omid 3.5 Knows a guy 3.5 Leather jacket 3.5 The museum
3.6 Page 3.6 Soothing voice 3.6 Vintage tracksuit 3.6 The theater

4.1 Pat 4.1 Authoritative air 4.1 Always in shades 4.1 The arcade
4.2 Quispe 4.2 Boundless energy 4.2 Cowboy hat 4.2 The record store
4.3 Reyes 4.3 Boogie shoes 4.3 Elaborate tattoos 4.3 The restaurant
4.4 Sam 4.4 Juke box hero 4.4 Monocle 4.4 The salon
4.5 Sydney 4.5 Local sports star 4.5 Pink hair 4.5 Religious services
4.6 Tenzin 4.6 Winning smile 4.6 Tons of jewelry 4.6 The Welcome Center

5.1 Terry 5.1 BFFs with own clone 5.1 Curses up a storm 5.1 The docking bay
5.2 Udo 5.2 Bonded with an AI 5.2 Gives nicknames 5.2 The factory
5.3 Vanja 5.3 Retired daredevil 5.3 Monosyllabic 5.3 The labs
5.4 Vic 5.4 Exoplanet refugee 5.4 Says “I owe ya one” 5.4 The shipping yard
5.5 Whitney 5.5 In cryo since 2030 5.5 Talks in questions 5.5 Space traffic control
5.6 Wynne 5.6 Slightly magnetized 5.6 Very loud 5.6 Storage units

6.1 Xia 6.1 Android, you think 6.1 Mutters in Russian 6.1 Food Production
6.2 Yannic 6.2 Clumsily telekinetic 6.2 Repeats self a lot 6.2 Hull maintenance
6.3 Yoshi 6.3 Intelligent ape 6.3 Says “bingo bango” 6.3 Life Support
6.4 Yuki 6.4 Just a bit telepathic 6.4 Sings softly to self 6.4 The power plant
6.5 Ziv 6.5 Might be an alien 6.5 Talks to their dog 6.5 Utility tunnels
6.6 Zola 6.6 From the year 2600 6.6 “UFOlogist” 6.6 Waste Treatment
LIFE ON THE RING IS GOOD. There’s synth-meat Consider it as a setting for adventures of a more
in every pot, a gravcar in every garage, a hi-fi mundane sort, a pleasant stopover in otherwise
stereo in every living room, and a 25-hour cycle. stressful space travels, or a mystery to be solved.
(There just weren’t enough hours in the day!) After all, is anyplace really this good?

► Strictly local matters ► Bigger situations, if you can call them that

1 Chaperone school field trip to Hydroponics 1 Annual Garden Competition invites sabotage
2 Chief’s retiring — how should we celebrate? 2 Baseball sucks in spin gravity, kids are bored
3 Defend your trophy in intramural gravball 3 Cereal-box decoder rings hint at conspiracy
4 Ensure block party doesn’t burn down block 4 Dance-off! Do you have what it takes?
5 Field mouthy teens’ questions at career day 5 Graffiti in paint only young people can see
6 First day on the job — impress your partner! 6 Guest judges needed for school science fair
7 Friend begs you to “interrupt” dinner date 7 Hedges expertly trimmed into naughty shapes
8 Get ice from docking bays to the party — stat! 8 Huckster convinces kids to start synth bands
9 Housing Association makes strange demands 9 LOST CAT: Entire piggy bank as reward
10 Is this mysterious newcomer … an alien? 10 Mysterious scavenger hunt! Who’s behind it?
11 Mayor requires bigger ribbon-cutting scissors 11 “Perfectly safe” jump drive exhibit at museum
12 Moral panic over gory new arcade game 12 The Ring Station Gazette needs a big scoop
13 Nasty mayoral election divides town 13 Rival high school’s stolen mascot escaped
14 Neighbor needs help moving 45° across town 14 Robot workers comically malfunctioning
15 New neighbors are really obnoxious 15 Shuttlecraft joyriders keep buzzing station
16 No idea what’s in this pool, but better clean it 16 Substitute teachers needed right now
17 Pick a shower gift for likely telepathic baby 17 Telekinetic child needs brave babysitters
18 Shy neighbor kid asks how to be cool like you 18 Washer malfunction floods streets with suds
19 Throw the best surprise party ever 19 Well someone has to dress up as Santa
20 Your friends would be perfect for each other 20 Youth league ref has the flu — for playoffs!
► Problems that may actually demand attention ► Beneath the surface (?)

1 Alien fungus threatens O2 supply 1 Aliens fattening up the population for food
2 Breach! Get folks to safety, or pitch in to fix it 2 Brain-worms control residents, seek escape
3 Caught in a time loop … again 3 Compulsory erasure of “bad” memories
4 Derelict (?) ship floating worryingly close 4 Dissidents replaced with docile androids
5 Gravcar accident — and they’re still floating! 5 “Happy ray” test; residents scream inwardly
6 Ice shipment delayed distressingly long time 6 It was built to survive an imminent doomsday
7 Internal faction pushes to cut outside contact 7 Never mention it’s a white-collar penal colony
8 Little Timmy’s stuck in a maintenance duct 8 Obedience drugs have rare side effects
9 Maintenance workers stranded outside 9 Outsiders processed, eaten as “synth-meat”
10 Misplaced fusion cell shipment found by kids 10 Population depends upon cloning visitors
11 Out-of-system comm relays are just … silent 11 Psychic child overlord demands happiness
12 Ship trying to dock won’t respond on comms 12 Researchers secretly testing stress in space
13 Shouts warn: “Ice cream monster! Run!” 13 Residents don’t realize they’re all dead
14 Somebody’s poking holes in all the vacsuits 14 Residents raised for clone-parts for the rich
15 Somebody’s selling a fake “psi drug” 15 The Ring is an AI; the residents, its neurons
16 “Space fever” making folks swell up, turn blue 16 Runs on forced labor by prisoners or AI
17 Spin altered somehow, messing up gravity 17 Secretly an experiment in eugenics
18 Star-crossed young lovers steal ship to elope 18 Subliminal sleeper agent training program
19 Wacky weather — climate system on the fritz 19 “Volunteers” who fix breaches never return
20 Zoo power failure, creatures on the loose 20 Worker output in service to distant, brutal war
Version 1.3 • Art by NASA • Permission is granted to reproduce for personal use

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