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Jacqueline Chamale
10 June 2022
Truss Bridge

What you learned:

The main concept I learned during this assignment was using a line tool and how to reflect an
image. Before starting this assignment I only knew how to use the line tool simply I never used it
to the extent I did today. Today, I was able to connect the lines and use shapes to create half of
the bridge, From here I noticed I could use the “reflect horizontally” tool. After some trial and
error, I learned to group and duplicate the first half of the bridge and then use the reflection tool.

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS) S Addressed:

1.3 Knowledge Constructor
Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge,
produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future:

When thinking of entering the education field learning to use the line tool and reflection tool will
help me create a classroom layout at the beginning of the year. Using these drawing tools to
create the layout will help me stay organized as I get a start to the year. When working with
students I will be able to show them these skills to create shapes that will help them understand
their math assignments. For example, in geometry, they could be given word problems that they
may not fully understand. Drawing out the different lengths or forming the shapes given in the
word problem will help them work out the math. This helps technology integrate into math
because everyone is used to only using paper not knowing the many useful tools we have at our

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