SRU Original

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1. How much sulphar will get from one ton of Acid gas?

0.98 tons of sulphar.

2. What is the importance of ADA?

This give the measure of unconverted H2S and SO2 content of Claus tail gas
to MCRC converters. This is very important for MCRC operation. It controls the
ratio by adjusting air demand control valve (trim air) to the ratio of H2S/SO2.

3. Calculation of fuel gas air ratio?

The percentage Of air will be 20 times of that of FG.

4. Calculation of H2S-SO2 ratio ?

Ratio is 1:2 of SO2/H2S.

5. Purpose of trim air control?

This is the fine tuning of air demand to the burners depending upon the
ADA output.

6. How does the NH3 affect the process ?

Ammonia gas if it is not destructed completely may lead to form salts in the
catalyst bed. So higher temp. is recommended to promote destruction of offending

7. What happened if heavy Hydrocarbon present in the feed ?

Heavy HC present have a tendency of partial combustion, thus form carbon

soot which may affect the catalyst.

8. Feed characteristics of SRU ?

Acid gas Sour gas Ammonia rich gas

H2S 90% 96% 7.3%

H2O 4.9% 3.9% 31.3%

Hydrocarbon 0.13% 0 0

Ammonia 0 1000ppm 61.4%

CO2 6% 0 0

9. What is the purpose of Claus Converter?

The purpose of Claus conversion reaction to continue the conversion

reactions and hydrolyze any COS and CS2 in the process gas. The amount of COS
and CS2 form in the furnace represent a significant sulphur loss if not converted.

10. What is the use of sulphur?

It is used for manufacture H2SO4, medicine, cosmetics, fertilizers,

rubber products, elemental S is used fertilizer and pesticide manufacturing.

11. What is Dew point?

Dew point is the temper at which the water vapor in a saturated air at
constant pressure condenses into liquid water at the same rate of which it
evaporates at temp. below due point water will leave the air.

Dew point of sulphur is 260oC and melting point of sulphur is 115oC.

12. Why Dew point of sulphur varies ?

Depending upon the partial pressure of sulphur (ie concentration)

condensation of sulphur varies. Sulphur can be condensed from 444oC (boiling
point) to 116oC (Due point) depends on concentration. Concentration is deferent in
each stage, so dew point is also changing.
13. Why sulphur lines are steam jacketed ?

If the temp of the line decreases, the sulphur will solidify and will be
chocked. So steam jacketing is used.

14. Why we use LLP steam in SRU rundown lines ?

Liquid Sulfur has the property of increasing viscosity with increasing

temperature beyond 155 ~160oC. Similarly viscosity again increases below 135oC.
At higher temp. polymeric sulphur chains are formed. So optimum liquid temp for
sulphur required is 145oC. LLP temp. will be 140-145o and pressure is 2.5 kg/cm2.

15. What is seal pot ? Its construction details ? Significance ?

Seal pots are ‘column in pipe ‘ construction which stands a column of liquid
sulphur in side a pipe. This seal provide necessary back pressure in the respective
heat exchangers to facilitate flow of gases in the process flow direction. This seal
prevent uncondensed acid gases containing unconverted H2S in the exchanges to
escape to the product sulphur equipment. Its length is 6.093 mtrs.

16. What is the metallurgy of sulphur plant ?

Mainly CS. Due to high corrosion, the metallurgy for the suction and
discharge piping for the ejector system is changed to SS. Steam coils in sulphur pit
are also changed to SS. The top 1 meter of RF stack is of SS-316 material.

17. What will be the effect at high temp on metallurgy of claus converter?

At high temp the characteristic of CS will change. Above 3600

18. Why sulphur pit is opened to atmosphere? Why ejector is using?

Ejectore are provided for evacuation of H2S and other vapours from
sulphur pit in order to eliminate build –up of concentration of H2S in the pit and
reduce toxic / fire hazard .The ejector sucks vapor from the pit along with
atmospheric air, so it is opened to atmosphere .

19. which catalyst used in converters?

Activated alumina catalyst.

20. Catalyst volume in claus and MCRC convertors?

10.8m3 in claus converter. It supported on support bed of 0.98m3 volume.

19.26 m3 in MCRC converters.

21. What are the temperatures at I/L and O/L of claus and MCRC?

I/L temp of claus – 2700-2900c.

O/L temp of claus - 3430c.

I/L temp of MCRC-1 – 2770c

O/L temp of MCRC I - 2960c.

I/L temp of MCRC II - 1430c.

O/L temp of MCRC I - 1710c.

I/L temp of MCRC III - 1240c.

O/L temp of MCRC III - 1260c.

22. Why Rupture disc is using in SRU ?

It is using for venting purpose in sulfur pit when there is process/operation
upset condition such as ejector malfunction or steam failure. Its set pressure –
0.1kg/cm2 @158oC.

23. What is the capacity of one WHB ?

6.85 T/hr at 17.5kg/cm2 (100%)

24. Explain about the working of sulphur pit level indicator ?

Level indicator provides a pipe through which instrument air is supplying to

the bottom level of the pit and the air gets bubbling. Depending on the levels back
pressure of instr. air at the top is also changes. This back pressure calibrated into

25. Why do we keep high temp. in mainburners ?

Overall claus reaction separated into thermal reaction and catalytic reaction.
In this, therminal reaction carried out in main burners. In which H2 S converted
into SO2

26. Why do we keep 270-300oC temp. in claus eventhough claus reaction is

favored at low temp ?

Claus reaction is favored at low temperature but hydrolysis favored at high

temp. COS and CS2 formed in the reaction are better hydrolysed to H2S at high
temp. (315-325)

27. Why we are removing sulphur form each step of reaction ?

The entire process of SRU is on the basis of Le chatelier’s principle when a

system at equllibrium is subjected to change in concentration, temperature, volume
or pressure, then the system readjust itself to counteract the effect of the applied
change and a new equilibrium is eatablished. So in SRU, concentration of S is
changing by removing S, so the forward reaction will increase and thus the
conversion that is the S production (concentration).

28. Why are we keeping 2:1 ratio and if not keeping what will be the effect on

Claus reaction requires 1:2 ratio of SO2 to H2S. If H2S will be high, then
corrosion of metallurgy will be high.

29. What are the differences in claus and MCRC reactions ?

Hydrolysis reaction is also carried out in claus converter because of high

temperature. But MCRC operate at low temp. So this section enhance sulphur

Refactory is 94% alumina which can withstand a temperature of 1750oC.

30. Why checker walls are provided in MCC ?

This promotes NH3 destruction by reflecting the radiant heat back towards
the flame zone.

This reduces the operating temp of the WHB tube sheet refractory so
lengthening service.

This provides enough residence time and proper mixing for the Claus

31. How we adjust air flow ratio to MB ?

All molar flow rates of H2S, NH3 and he in the feed are summed up and
total air required is calculated.Air fuel ratio is set by the computation block FFC
1301 which gives the set point for the air flow controller DSFIC 1301. Which is
the slave for the ratio controller FFC 1301.

32.How much air required for H2S in acid gas &SWS acid gas for combustion ?

H2S +1/2O2→ S + H2O

Thus one mole of H2S required ½ mole of O2.

Combustion air required for KH2S mole of acid gas = ½ *1/0.29 *KH2S

= 1/0.58 * KH2S

= 1.7241 * KH2S kg moles/

hr of air

= 1.7241 * KH2S * 28.9kg/hr

A H2S kg/hr. = 49.827 KH2S

33. What is the use of Feed H2S analyser?

This can be used for air demand calculation for main air DSFC 1301/5301 in
AIR DEMAND calculation block.

34. What is the importance of O2/SO2 analyzer in incinerator O/L ?

It measure outlet flue gas O2 and SO2 composition. This gives the degree of
completion of combustibles in tale gas/Fuel gas to incinerator and also the excess
oxygen in the flue gas.

35. How much oxygen percentage is maintain in order to achieve a max of 10

PPM level of H2S in the fluegas ?
Oxygen % is to be maintained at 2 volume % of the total flue gas flow
with the help of O2 analyser, air flow is adjusted to incinerator.

36. Why it is limited 3 MCRC, eventhough more recovery is possible with more
no. of MCRC.

We are getting 99% recovery of sulphur through entire process, if we are adding
more MCRC the amount of conversion we are getting is too low compared to the
initial investment required and maintenance.

37. Why we are giving purge steam to MCRC condensers?

Normally we are giving purge steam during startup and shut down,During
start up some time the condensate temp.will be less in condensers so during
change over from FG to AG , temp of condensate should be maintained in order to
maintain aid gas temp.

If there will be any emergency shutdown of air fin motors, at that time also, we
will open purge steam.

38. What is the purpose of sparger steam in condensers?

The reason is same as above

39. What is the purpose of demister pad? (Mist eliminator).

Demister pads are placed at every condense O/L. This is for

eliminating mists in uncondensed vapours. Coil steam is giving to prevent
condensation of unconverted acid gases. Fog will decrease gas velocity.

40. How much % of conversions are taking place in MCC, claus and MCRC
In MCC – 60 to 65% recovery

Claus - 94%

MCRC - 99%

41. What is the purpose of LB?

Claus converter requires 270-290oC at inlet. The effluent gases from WHB
at 315 oC passes through condenser – I and cooled to 195 oC from where S flows to
Spit. Line burner raises this temp to 270-290 o before going to Claus converter.

42. What are the main interlocks in main burner?

1. Combustion air pressure to MB- low - 0.2kg/cm2

2. Combustion air flow low - 1 TPH

3. Fuel gas to MB high-2kg/cm2

4. Acid gas to MB pressure High-0.85kg/cm2

5. Combustion air to MB High-0.91kg/cm2

6. WHB steam drum level high-80%

7. WHB steam drum level low-23%

43. What are interlocks in LB?

1. Acid gas to line burner pressure high- 0.7kg/cm2

2. Combustion air to LB high-0.75kg/cm2

3. LPG to LB high-high-2kg/cm2
44. What is surging of blowers?

Surge is a condition which results in the backward flow of air from

discharge to suction. Operating under these conditions will expose the mechanical
parts of the blower to heavy loads.

45. How surging is produced ?

Surging is caused by operating at too low rpm (if BOV is closed) by

operating with too high a counter pressure.

Surging may also occure if the I/L temperature is considerably higher than
the maximum design temperature.

46. `What is the purpose of BOV and IGV ?

IGV helps to throttle the flow during operation close to surge point there by
optimizing the anti-surge flow.

Each blower is provided with dedicated anti-surge control by blower

discharge pressure control which modulates the air Blow-Off_Valve to atmosphere
to maintain the forward flow above the minimum requirement in the event of main
flow throttling or closure of a/c valves due to safety interlocks. During start-up
BOV is to be opened.

47. What is the capacity of each Pelletier?

6 mt.

48. What is the make of Pelletier ?


49. Which chemical is using as releasing agent ?

Tegoprene . Now it is replaced by ELKAY SILCONE .

50. What is the purpose of constant blowdown in WHB ?

Constant blowdown is to keep the concentration of solids/salts (TD) in the

shell side blend in limit, as the buildup of the same due to evaporation shall result
in scaling and fouling of tubes, thus reducing heat transfer efficiency.

51. What is the purpose of giving phosphate injection?

This is to convert ca, Mg Hard salts into precipitates (sludge’s), it is heavier in

water, so it can be removed by blow down.

52. What are the limits of phosphate & TDS?

Phosphate should be maintained at 20-30 ppm in steam docum water.

53. What is TDS and its significance ? How it is removed ?

TDS is the concentration of solid/salts in shell side fluid. It is removed by

constant blow down.

54. What is the capacity of one silo?

300 tons

Total capacity = 300x4 =1200 tons

55. Why belt conveyers of silo3 and 4 are Inclined?

Belt motor and gearbox are being operated without no-load condition. By
this inclination certain load should be taken by gearbox without Sulfur loading.
The load difference should be less when sulphur loading starts.

56. What is the colour of molten sulphur ?

Amber colour.

57. TLV & STEL of H2S & SO2 ?


TLV – 10 PPM TLV - 2 PPM


58. What are the main activities of starting Air blower?

Ensure blower discharge valve is closed.

Ensure Lube oil sump level is OK.

Ensure cooling water supply is OK.

Ensure Filter and cooler lineup is OK.

Ensure power clearance from panel.

Ensure BOV is opened condition. Then start the Blower, Electrical lube oil will
start first. In main air blower as there is no mechanical lube oil pump, it will run
continuously, where as in incinerator blower mechanical pump will be started with
blower shaft, then electrical pump will stop automatically.

Ensure oil pressure is OK.

Open discharge valve slowly.

Ensure IGV opening is OK.

Ensure discharge flow is OK.

Blower A is for Train-A and Blower B is for Train-B, Ensure selection in


59. How do LB start ?

First line up LPG KOD B/Vs

Line up individual b/v on LPG line.

Open b/v on N2 line.

Then press ‘Burner sequence reset’ push button, ‘start-up bypass’ and ‘start
purge buttons simulteneusally in the local panel.

Then latch N2 control valve. After sometime, ensure purging is completed

(5 minutes).

Then put lance in the respective position.

With the help of instruction from panel, latch c/v on air line, then latch 3
SDV s on LPG line. At the same time one operator should press ignition button,
ensure burner is lighted up,After this remove lance.

60. How phosphate soln prepared and its strength ?

Recommended strength is 3% by wt.

Preparation procedure – 1 bucket (approx. 10 kgs) of TSP is powdered in to the

vessel. DM water is added to full level.

61. What are the reasons for high emission in stack ?

1. Acid gas –air ratio is not correct.

2. ADA is not working properly.

3. Converter switching valves are not operating properly.

4. Two Sulfur rundown lines are lined up at same time in a single train.

5. Hydrocarbon presents in I/L KODS.

73. What is the use of Knock out Drums(KOD) in SRU?

KOD have high level switches .The safely shut down valve
at very high level is provided to prevent liquid entering in to the main burner and
claus Reactors and there by damaging the refractory/ burners and claus catalyst.

62. what are the colours of flame in MB and LB in A/G mode and FG mode ?

In FG mode In AG mode

MB- pale yellow Bright yellow

LB –pale blue whitish pink

63. What is the effect of air in case of high emission in Incinerator stack?

When the percentage of air increases excessively in MB more SO2 may be

formed .That SO2 may slip to the incinrator .But incase of low % of air in MB there
may be a chance of slipping un reacted H2S to the incinerator through tail gas
stream. This will react with air in incinerator too drastically and its temperature
become high,emission will be high. Incinerator stack temp will be high in this case.

64. What are the temps in each KOD of SRU ?

In manual Actual KOD outlet

AG KOD (001) - 450C 1250 720c

SOUR KOD (002)- 840C 1000C 850c

NH3 KOD(003)- 900C NG

AG KOD I/L temp -1490-1500c

65. Why separate flare line for H2S bearing plant?

H2Sbearing flare line is directly going to the top of the flare without joining to
other Hydrocarbon flare line .Hydro carbon flare line is going through water seal
.But if H2S will go through water seal the water will be made acidic so corrosion
tendency will be high .so water seal is bypassed for H2S flare.

66. Why SUR feed gas (from ARU top) is called Acid gas?

This gas contains CO2 UP TO 6% in feed stream .CO2 is coming from this is called AG this CO2 convert to COS &CS2 in main burner.

67. Why SRU is designed to operate below 1kg/cm2 pressure?

Because Amine Regeherator is operating at low pressure (1.3 kg/cm2 at

the top).(1.05 kg/cm2at DDV32 top ).so down steam SRU should be operated
under 1 kg /cm2.

68. What are the procedures for main burner start up ?

First Push buttons on panel 1,2,3 in Series

Open N2 main b/v and its B/P slightly

Latch its SDV on main burner

Latch SDV (1504) on pilot N2 line also

Purging will take 7 minutes

Then close N2 main b/v (SDv’S are already delached conditions)

Open b/vs on fuel gas to pilot

Latch its 3 nos of SDV (1504,1505, 1506)

Latch SDV on instrument air line to Pilot.(There two procedures are at a


Ensure pilot flame.

Open B/V on FG to main burner.

Start air blower.

Latch SDV’s (2nos. )on air line.

Latch SDV’s (1501,1502,1503) on FG line.(These two steps at same time).

Ensure main flame.

Adjust air flow as per requirement.

69. What are the general checkups before startup of SRU ?

1. Inform the concerned Departments/sections regarding the startup.

2. Ensure the availability of utilities.

3. Ensure sufficient levels in WHB and condenser I,II,III,IV & V.

4. Ensure atmosphnic vents of WHB and condensers are kept opened.

5. Ensure that the plant heating system the jacketing steam for SRU is

6. Ensure the clause and all converters are by passed.

7. Start up consists of following steps startup of incinerator, main

burner, line burner, acidic gas introduction and reduction furnace startup.

70. What are the procedure for startup of incinerator ?

Start blower first and lineup.

Ensure close contacts position of ejector d/s SDV.

Ensure position of latching of SDV in DS-V04 O/L line to incinerator.

Pres Push button in local panel (1,2,3).

Latch SDV on N2 line to pilot.

Purgin is going on for 5 minutes then purge will complete (light on panel)
before pilot ignition close air blowers discharge B/V.

Then open instrument air and latch SDV on this line.

Latch SDV on Fuel gas Line

Ignition will get automatically

Ensure flame

Then lineup blower d/c.

Then try for main.

Open b/v and latch SDV on fuel gas line.

Ignition will get automatically ensure flame.

Ensure flame.

Ensure latching position on steam line to ejector before ejector startup.

71. Why ADA is provided at outlet of Claus why not at I/L of Claus convertor?

All conversion is completing at O/L of clause. Before clause COS, CS2 will be
present. So reading will not be accurate.

72. What is the density of sulphur ?


73. As per design ‘s’ could not be drawn from WHB, but now we are getting
more Sulfur in WHB why ?

In design, WHB outlet temp is 310oC. But now it is 220oC. So below due
point (260oC) sulphur condensation starts.

74. What is the capacity of each silo?

300 tons

75. Capacity of sulphur pit ?

720 tones, when the pit level transmitter indicator 100% there is still a gap
of 120 tons.

76. What is the slope of condenser tubes and R/D line ?

Condenser tubes – 1cm slope in 100cm length

R/D lines - 0.5cm slope in 100cm length

77. What is reacceleration ? Which pumps are using this ?

DDP 32 and DDP 33 are using this when power supply will fail for a very
short period (3 second) these motors will be started automatically, immediately
after resuming the power. But now it is not working as there is no time delay
given to shutdown command in DCS panel.

78. Any safety feature provided in silos ?

12 nos of rupture discs are provided in each silo.

79. What is sulfation ?

Poor homogencity in the combustion gas lead to oxidization of SO2 to SO3 .

SO3 reacts with the catalyst to form aluminium sulfate.

2 SO2+O2 2 SO3

3 SO3+Al 2 O3 (catalyst) Al2 (SO4)3.

Sulfated catalyst means deactivation.

80. At which condition we will close clause bypass in fuel gas mode operation ?

In fuel gas operation we are maintaining clause converter temperature at

above 200oC to ease change over from fuel gas to acid gas mode. So whenever
temperature reduces, we will close clause bypass to heat up converter.
81. How much air required for H2S in acid gas for combustion?

Overall reaction

3 H2S +11/2 O2 3S+3H2O

Mol. Wt of H2S = 33.9

3 moles of H2S require = 1.5 moles of O2

1 mole of H2S = 1.5/3 moles of O2

= 0.5 moles of O2

1 mole of H2S requires =( 0.5 * mole of air )/0.21

=2.37 moles of air

Percentage of O2 in air 21%

34 kg of H2S requires=(0.5*29)/0.21=69.1 (Molecular Wt. of air is 29)

1Kg of H2S requires 69.1/34=2.03kg of air

Acid gas contains 90% H2S

So 1kg of acid gas requires 2.03x0.9 = 1.83kg of air

82. How much is the rpm of air blower and incinerator blower ?

Main Air blower rpm – 24081

Its motor rpm - 2970

Incinerator blower rpm - 12019

83. What is the difference in limit switch of Air blower’s IGV ?

In case of Air blower –B, proximity switch is used in I GV.

84. What are the settings given in DCS for startup of Burner ?

Air – 20%, FG – 18% ,Trim Air -10%.

85. If LDEA strength go below 200 ppm (sulphides), What will be its effect ?

In DHDS, they are keeping sulfides strength in LDEA above 200ppm. If it

will go below, the catalyst activity will decrease because sulphides% in Nickel
catalyst will decrease. (So its activity too)

86. Why N2 is giving to main burner pilot barrel in AG mode operation ?

There may be a chance of back fire in pilot barrel, if giving air for purging.
So its tip may be damaged due to high temp. N2 provides inert atmosphere inside

87. How much time, LO electric motor of air blowers will run before and after
running of blower ?

Blower will start after 1 minute running of LO pump. LO pump will stop after 5
minutes. (after stoppage of blower)

88. Why TCV is provided in Lube Oil line of air blowers in SRU ?

TCV is provided in lube oil pump discharge line before oil cooler. This is to
maintain the lube oil temperature in gear box. When lube oil temperature goes
below because of climate condition(cold countries) this TCV will open and bypass
lube oil cooler and maintain oil temperature by a bimetallic strip inside.

1. Plant Licensor?
2. Plant capacity?
19 T/hr (designed)
3. What is the objective of SWSU ?
The objective is to remove hydrocarbons and to strip the NH3 & H2S from sour
water to produce a water with not more than 50ppm wt H2S and NH3.
4. How much H2S removed in Ist stage stripper ?

` 94% of H2s

5. What is the limt of NH3 in sourgas coming from stripper – I ?

1000 PPm wt max.

6. How much H2s and NH3 in feed ?

H2S – 2.31 wt% (around 23000ppm)

NH3 - 1.15 wt%(around 11500 ppm)

NH4SH (wt%) – 3.45%

7. Why stripper I is operating at high pressure (8kg/cm2)?

NH3 should not go beyond 1000 ppm wt % from stripper I top along with
H2S. At high pressure NH3 stripping will be less because of high boiling point of
NH3 than H2S. Beyond 8 kg/cm2. H2S stripping is also less. So 8 kg/cm2 is

H2S is less soluble in water than NH3, it is stripped in 1 st stripper.

8. Why stripper top temperature maintained at 90o C ?

Below 82.2oC; Ammonium salts (Ammonium bisulphates, ammonium

chloride, ammonium carbonate etc) will be formed. This salt will create plugging
problem, including O/H piping.

9. Why pump arounds are better than O/H condensers in SWSU?

Because there is less corrosion in pump around system and consequently,

they require less capital for construction and maintenance. Pump arounds are
liquid filled system will not permit solid salts deposits to form.

10. What is containing mainly in Sour water?

Sour water containing NH4HS( Ammonium bi sulfate ),which is a salt of

weak base( NH4OH ) and weak acid(H2S) which undergo hydrolysis to give NH3
and H2S.

11. Why recycle stream is giving from ammonia stripper to feed?

This is to catch the excess H2S dissolved in the feed.

12. What is the use of surge drum ?

Feed surge drum is operate at a low pressure to ensure maximum removal of

Hydrocarbons, dissolved H2, methane etc. It separates liquid phase and gas phase
in the feed.

13. What is the purpose of wash water in 1st stripper ?

It is to maintain the NH3 concentration in the O/H product. It is given to

32nd tray. It shouldn’t go beyond 1000ppm max.
14. What are the shutdown activities ?

1. Close SW to unit and stripped water at battery limits.

2. Commission the recirculation line

3. Because of this, there will be less generation of H2S & NH3, control
steam flow to re boilers.

4. Isolate sour gas to SRU, open O/H flare header for avoiding vaccum
when it cools.

5. If required nitrogen to be opened for maintaining pressure .

15. Why the diameter of IInd stripper column at top is greater than bottom ?

Because it is operating at too low pressure. So vapour load will be more,

reflux given is also high (81tons (designed) (usually 32 tons).

16. What is the total height of siphon at the O/L of surge drum ?

20mtrs of liquid seal.


1. What is the capacity of plant ?

250 T/ hr of RDEA
2. What are the H2S% of KRL and DHDS RDEA ?
KRL RDEA - 2.93wt% .
DHDS RDEA - 2.6wt%t.
AAU RDEA - 1.93wt% .

3. AAU RDEA has only HC and CO2% ,How much ?

HC - 0.09 wt%.

CO2- 0.89wt%.

4. DDT 30 level should not be more than 10-15% of capacity, why ?

This is necessary to provide adequate spare volume in the tank to transfer the
entire inventory from the system to tank in case of shutdown, planned or
unplanned S/D.

5. What is PVRV ?

PVRV is pressure vaccume relief valve which is a safety mechanism

provided in LDEA and sour water tanks in order to maintain a +ve pressure in
these tanks. If the pressure inside the tank increases beyond a limit it will open to
atmosphere. N2 is used for maintaining pressure in the tank, which keeps tanks
inside inert. if tank press goes vacuum, PVRV will suck air from atmosphere to

6. Any other safety precaution in Amine tank ?

A lid with a counter weight is provided on the top of tank.

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