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(WHLP) Quarter FOURTH QUARTER Date May 17, 2021

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

7:00-7:30  Magandang umaga! Gising na!

 Magdasal bago mag-almusal kasama ang buong pamilya.
 Maghanda na sa pag-aaral sa araw na ito.

7:30–7:40  Mag-ehersisyo muna para maging handa at masigla ang isip at kawatan.

7:40 – 8:40 English Writing a Short * What I Know: Before you start the new lesson about writing a short story (fiction/non-fiction) with its complete Dadalhin ng magulang
Story elements, let us know if you already have an idea about it. Let’s begin! o tagapag-alaga ang
(Fiction/Non- Read the story and answer the questions that follow. Choose the letter of the correct answer. mga nasagutang
fiction) with its gawain sa itinakdang
Complete Pasalubong araw at oras ng guro.
Elements Jasmin O. Tamundong
Makipag-ugnayan sa
Ven loves to eat native cakes, specially bibingka, the pasalubong of his Mother. guro para sa anumang
katanungan sa
One day, at home, his Mother asked him, “What pasalubong do you like?” “Native cake Mother”,
pamamagitan ng call,
answered Ven.
text o chat.
“The last time I asked you, you also said bibingka. Is there anything more that you wish aside from
bibingka?” asked Mother. Huwag kalimutang
“I don’t like any other pasalubong mother. All I want is bibingka”, insisted Ven. sumunod sa mga
“But why?” asked mother. “Because bibingka is my favorite food mother. It is very yummy and safety and health
tastes unique compared to other cakes that I have tasted!” So, Mother bought two slices of bibingka for protocols para maging
Ven in the market. “I’m sure Ven will be happy with my pasalubong,” said Mother. ligtas.

1. Who are the characters in the story?

A. Van and Mother C. Ven and Mother
B. Mother and Von D. Ven and Father
2. When and where did the story happen?
A. One day, at home and in the market C. One day, at school and in the market
B. Yesterday, at home and in the market D. One day, at home and in the mall
3. What kind of a story is “Pasalubong”?
A. Non-fiction C. Legend
B. Fiction D. Fairy Tales
4. What kind of graphic organizer should be used in identifying the elements of a story?
A. Data retrieval C. Venn diagram
B. Story map D. Spider Map
5. What is the beginning of the plot in the story?
A. Mother asked Ven what pasalubong he liked.
B. Ven answered that he didn’t like any pasalubong other than bibingka.
C. Ven told Mother he liked bibingka because it’s delicious.
D. Mother bought two slices of bibingka for Ven.

* What’s In: How are you learner? Can you still remember your past lesson? Let us have a quick review.
A. Read the story and complete the sentence by choosing the correct answer inside the parenthesis.

Buddy and the Cat

Little Buddy Cockroach is a house bug. Mother Bug always tells him to stay in dark places and
hide. He listens to her with half an ear not really believing in what she says. “How could they not like me?
I have beautiful, shiny wings, and long antenna. Surely, they would love me,” he thought. Then, Buddy
saw a black cat and said, “I will show Mother Cockroach that she is wrong.” But when the cat saw him, it
immediately jumped and started running after him with its sharp claws. Buddy ran as fast as he could to
the dark place under the cabinet and never ever came out.

1. The main character in the story is (Buddy Cockroach, Baby Cockroach)

2. The story happened (in the house under the cabinet, in the field under the tree)
3. Buddy ran as fast as he could to the dark place under the cabinet and never ever came out is a part of the (theme,

B. Directions: Arrange the sentences by numbering the events that happened in the story.
______ Buddy ran as fast as he could and never ever came out.
______ Buddy never listened to his mother and wanted to go outside.
______ Buddy went outside to show that Mother Cockroach was wrong.
______ The cat saw Buddy Cockroach and it immediately jumped and ran after him with its sharp claws.
______ Mother Bug told Buddy to stay in a dark places and hide.

* What’s New:
Activity 1: Fill in the blanks with the missing letters to form a new word using the pictures in column B.

p r __ s __ n t

b e __ h __ v __

g __ t h __ r

b __ n c h of f l __ w __ r s

What is your favorite story?

Have you ever experienced giving gift to someone? How does it feel? Can you share it with me? Let me ask you.
What is the importance of gift-giving?

Annie the Bee

Jasmin O. Tamundong

One day, in a faraway beehive, Annie the bee, was carrying a bunch of flowers. The bunch of
flowers was a present for Mother Bee’s birthday. When she was about to give the bunch of flowers, the
wind blew so strong that the flowers fell into the ground. Annie was very sad so she decided to fly to the
other side of the mountain. Upon reaching the mountain, she gathered some flowers.
At the party, where everybody was enjoying the food and dance, Annie arrived on time and looked
for her mother. “Happy birthday mother dear! This is for you!” said Annie, as she gave her gift to her
mother. “Thank you very much Annie! You are so sweet”, said mother.

Activity 2: Let us answer the following questions. Choose the right answer in the box.
as expression of love bunch of flowers
Annie one day
on the other side of the mountain early morning
1. Who is the main character in the story?
2. When did the story happen?
3. What did Annie give to show her love to Mother Bee?
4. Where did Annie get the bunch of flowers?
5. What is the importance of gift-giving?

Activity 3: A. Study the illustrations and read the text, then, answer the questions that follow. Choose the right
answer in the box.
caterpillar change in appearance
10 – 12 times pupal stage
four stages five stages

Life Stages of a Butterfly

Butterflies undergo stages of metamorphosis or change in appearance. They go through four stages
of development.
The first stage is the egg stage. It ends when the larva comes out from the egg.
The second stage is the larval stage or caterpillar. The caterpillar constantly feeds on the leaves and
sheds its body covering several times called molting. Some kinds of larvae shed their skin 10 – 12 times.
The third stage is the pupal stage. The larva becomes a pupa or cocoon. This is a period when the
insect is inactive and undergoes a complete change inside a cocoon. Finally the cocoon breaks and adult
insect comes out.
The fourth stage is the adult stage. The pupa becomes an adult butterfly. It is now ready to begin its
adult life.

1. What is metamorphosis?
2. What is the second stage of a butterfly?
3. When did this insect inactive?
4. How many times that some larvae shed their skin?
5. How many stages does the life cycle of a butterfly have?

B. Arrange the following life stages of a butterfly by numbering the sentences 1 – 4. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.
______ The caterpillar constantly feeds on the leaves and sheds its body covering several times called molting.
Some kinds of larvae shed their skin 10 – 12 times.
______ The egg ends when the larva comes out from the egg.
______ The pupa becomes an adult butterfly. It is now ready to begin its adult life.
______ The larva becomes a pupa. This is a period when the insect is inactive and undergoes a complete change
inside a coon. Finally the cocoon breaks and adult insect comes out.

* What Is It: You have read the story Annie the Bee, now look at the Story Map Graphic Organizer that
represents the elements of the story - the title, characters, settings and the plot of the story.
The story is an example of a Fiction Story where the characters, settings and plot are products of the
imagination of the author or writer. It is not based on facts or truth and its purpose is to entertain readers. Mostly
the characters are animals, objects or even fairies and people.
The plot of story is written in sequence from the beginning, middle and ending of the story.
You have also read the Life Stages of a Butterfly in activity 2. Look at the Flow Chart Graphic Organizer,
it represents the correct sequence of the events that happened in the story which is the plot. We used flow chart
graphic organizer to emphasize the order of events in the life stages of a butterfly. You can also use the timelime
for sequencing events or story map, if there is a problem and solution in the plot of the story.
The story is an example of a Non-Fiction Story where the characters, settings and plot are based on facts
happening in real life and gives information or an informative text. Some examples are news, biographies,
authobiograghies, and historical events.

Tittle: The Life Stages of a Butterfly

The first stage is

the egg stage. It The second stage is the
The third stage is the pupal
The fourth stage is the
stage. The larva becomes a
ends when the larval stage or caterpillar. pupa or cocoon. This is a adult stage. The pupa
larva comes out The caterpillar constantly period when the insect is becomes an adult
feeds on the leaves and
from the egg. inactive and undergoes a
butterfly. It is now
sheds its body covering complete change inside a
several times called molting. coon. Finally the cocoon ready to begin its
Some kinds of larvae shed breaks and adult insect comes
their skin 10 –12 times. out.
adult life.
* What’s More: Did you understand the lesson? Great! Let us learn some more!
Activity 1: Choose the correct word or sentence inside the box to complete the short story.
When their mother got home from work
Berto and Berta
Berto and Berta opened the box, “Oh! A new cellphone!”
The twins started to clean their room.

One Saturday morning, Mother asked (1)_____________________ to clean their bedroom. “Yes
Mother!”, replied the twins. “See to it that you clean all the corners of your room and maintain its
cleanliness, so that when I returned home from work out of town, I can relax,” added Mother.
(2)______________________. Berto fixed their bed while Berta swept the floor. They saw to it
that they cleaned all the corners of their (3)______________________. They also cleaned the whole
(4)______________________, “Wow! Your room is very clean and orderly. Very good children!”
exclaimed mother. The twins embraced their mother tightly. Then, mother gave them a surprise.
(5)______________________. “Thank you mother!”, said the twins happily.

Activity 2: Choose the word inside the box to complete the story.

One day play with the balls

Pete laughed at the frightened Pablo Pablo
in the grass next month

Pablo and the Eggs

Pete, the grasshopper, and his friend (1)______________, the praying mantis, were playing in the
garden. (2)______________, they found some small round objects (3)______________. Pablo wanted to
play with them because they looked like small balls.
He was about to pick them up when Pete stopped him, “Those are not playthings.”
They look like small eggs,” Pete said.
“No, they are not eggs. I am going to (4)______________.” Pablo insisted. He got two and
prepared to throw them. Suddenly the eggs broke and out came little bugs.
Pablo was surprised. “Oh! They’re alive!” he said as each one ran in different directions.
(5)________________, “See, I told you.”

Activity 3: Write the elements of the story in the Story Map Graphic Organizer, using the story “Pablo and the
Eggs”. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.

* What I Have Learned: Complete each sentence with the correct information in the box.

story map elements of the story Fiction Story

plot Non-fiction story

1. A story based on imagination and its purpose is to entertain readers is called ____________________________.
2. A story based on facts and happened in real life is called ____________________________.
3. The arragement of events in a story is _________________________.
A. Thegraphic
4. The eggs areorganizer
hatched into larvae
that cancalled
be tadpoles.
used inA tadpole
filling has
out a long
the tail.
elements of the story is
B. The long tail disappears and the tadpole becomes an adult frog.
5. The
The characters, settings
tadpole soon and the
develops plot
legs. It of thestarts
also storyto
tiny ________________________________.
D. The female frog lays eggs that the male frog fertilizes. A floating clump of eggs is called frog
* What I Can Do: A. Write a non-fiction story using the life stages of a frog. Arrange the events or sentences
Thebox to complete
adult theinto
frog turns story.
a tadpole.
Life Cycle of a Frog

The frog also undergoes many changes as it develops and grows. A young frog is called a tadpole.

B. Read the dialog below and answer the questions that follow. Use your answer to write a fiction story.

The Group Project

Jasmin O. Tamundong
One Monday morning, Mrs. Santos gave her class a group project.
Mrs Santos: Class, I want you to select a partner so that you can work on your project and finish it on
The class excitedly chose their partners. Tina and Cora looked at each other.
Cora: Tina come, let us be partners.
Tina: What shall we do to finish our project on time?
Cora: Let us do it together at home so that we can meet the deadline set by our teacher.
After school, they went to Cora’s house. Both worked busily that night.
The following day, Tina and Cora were very excited to go to school.
The following day, Tina and Cora were very excited to go to school.
Cora: Come on Tina, let’s submit our project!
Mrs. Santos: Very good! You are the first group to submit.
1. Who are the main characters in the dialog?
2. When did it happen?
3. Where did the girls do their group project?
4. What is the problem of Tina and Cora?
5. What did Cora and Tina do to finish their project on time?

* Assessment: Use the nouns below to complete the sentences.

* Additional Activities: Compose a five-sentence paragraph about the things you usually do during family
reunions. Use appropriate possessive, collective, mass and count nouns.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher School Head

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