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Reaction forces of lightweight mouldboard ploughs at slow speeds of

tillage in Nitosol, Vertisol and Ferralsol soils under two moisture

Article  in  Soil and Tillage Research · January 1999

DOI: 10.1016/S0167-1987(98)00186-X


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2 authors:

Philip Owende Shane Ward

Technological University Dublin - Blanchardstown Campus University College Dublin


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Soil & Tillage Research 49 (1999) 313±323

Reaction forces of lightweight mouldboard ploughs at slow

speeds of tillage in Nitosol, Vertisol and Ferralsol soils
under two moisture conditions
P.M.O. Owende*, S.M. Ward
Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, University College Dublin, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland
Received 16 August 1998; accepted 8 October 1998


The mouldboard plough is the standard tillage implement used with animal power in Kenya. Various designs are currently
used indiscriminately in varied soil types and conditions of operation. Their draught characteristics and comparative ability to
achieve or maintain desired depths of operation under inherent edaphic conditions are unknown. The signi®cance of variation
in working speeds, when different species of draught animals are used, is also unknown. This study was therefore aimed at
rating the performance of some common ploughs in order to advise farmers on optimisation of their use. Draught and vertical
reaction (suction) on a per-tool basis were measured for four ploughs commonly used in the region; the Victory1, the
Rumpstad winding-body1 and two types of Rumpstad cylindrical-body1 ploughs, using an instrumented rig. The experiments
were in Pellic Vertisol, Ferralsol and Nitosol soils under two soil moisture conditions. Draught increased signi®cantly with
depth for all four ploughs, hence, regulation of tillage depth is paramount to avoidance of drastic ¯uctuations. Similarly,
vertical reaction increased with depth of ploughing, which implies a more stable operation, hence, when draught can be
sustained over an acceptable work duration, it is desirable to set the ploughs to work deeply. Signi®cant speed±depth
interactions were also recorded, and these imply that speed is important when operating depth is stochastic as is the case in the
dynamics of these ploughs. Overall, the Victory plough had the lowest draught requirement (0.32±1.02 kN) under dry and
moist soil conditions, hence, was the best option for use in areas represented by the three soil types in Kenya. Soil-type had a
signi®cant effect on mean draught and vertical reaction in the order (Draught, Vertical reaction); Vertisol (1.65 kN,
0.70 kN) > Ferralsol (0.66 kN, 0.44 kN) > Nitosol (0.64 kN, 0.01 kN), and Ferralsol (1.17 kN, 0.71) > Vertisol (1.09 kN,
0.23 kN) > Nitosol (0.49 kN, 0.11 kN) under moist and dry conditions, respectively. These results suggest that the duration of
continuous work periods with draught animals should be based on soil-type. # 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Tillage; Mouldboard plough; Vertisol; Nitosol; Ferralsol; Kenya

1. Introduction

The agronomic importance of using draught ani-

*Corresponding author. Tel.: +353-1-706-7418; fax: +358-1- mals speci®cally for tillage operations in Kenya is
475-2119; e-mail: well recognised (Owende, 1995). Cattle (Bos indicus

0167-1987/99/$ ± see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0167-1987(98)00186-X
314 P.M.O. Owende, S.M. Ward / Soil & Tillage Research 49 (1999) 313±323

L.) and donkeys (Equus asinus L.) are predominantly trollable in the design and use of animal-drawn
used for traction with the preference mostly depending mouldboard ploughs. The power from draught
on tradition in an area. The use of tamed African animals is characterised by limited draught in the
buffalo (Syncerus caffer Sparrman) has also been range of 0.3±0.8 kN and speed of movement in the
attempted (Mwanzia, 1995). The mouldboard plough range of 0.6±1 m sÿ1, which primarily depend on
is the standard tillage implement used for ploughing species and breed (Hopfen, 1969; Goe and McDowell,
and weeding with animal power (Kaumbutho et al., 1980). Hence, the manner of movement becomes
1990). Three basic designs of the plough are com- signi®cant when different animal species and breeds
monly used, these are; the Victory (Datini Mercantile, are harnessed to the same ploughs for traction, since
Nairobi, Kenya), Rumpstad (East African Foundries, each animal takes its own pace dependent on the
Nairobi, Kenya) Winding-body and Cylindrical-body task being performed, by varying speed in inverse
ploughs. The term `lightweight' has been used in this proportion to the magnitude of draught (Lawrence
study to differentiate these ploughs which are typi- and Pearson, 1985). In the use of unconstrained
cally 20±50 kg in mass, from the conventional mould- ploughs, the equilibrium is highly unstable (Inns,
board ploughs used with tractors. 1990) with variations in plough orientation and depth
To adequately utilise periods of soil moisture of operation.
availability for crop growth in arid and semi-arid By measuring plough draught requirement and
lands, attempts are usually made to perform much vertical reaction (suction) for different combinations
of the primary tillage operations before or at the of depth and speeds of operation under practical
onset of rain in the bi-modal rainfall regime. In edaphic conditions, we aimed to get the necessary
tillage before the rains, soils are usually dry and data to rate commonly used plough designs and to
therefore offer relatively high draught resistance identify any required modi®cations. Therefore, the
with poor penetration, hence, high rate of structural objectives of this study were:
failure in ®eld equipment present unique problems to
farmers (Wolf and Luth, 1977). Workability of differ- 1. To compare soil reaction forces of draught and
ent soil types after the onset of rainfall also varies. vertical reaction of the Victory, Rumpstad wind-
Further to these, the tillage seasons are usually the ing-body and two types of the Rumpstad cylind-
times when animals used for traction in the arid and rical-body mouldboard ploughs, at different
semi-arid areas are weak due to limited supply of feed depths and speeds of ploughing, and;
during dry spells preceeding rainfall, hence, they 2. To determine the effect of soil-type and soil water
provide limited draught power. The same ploughs content at time of tillage on reaction forces and
are used for varied soil types and conditions of opera- therefore to prescribe the optimal use and range of
tion. However, their draught requirements and com- geographical adaptability of these ploughs in
parative ability to achieve or maintain the desired Kenya.
range of operating depth under varied conditions,
hence their geographical adaptability in Kenya, are
not known. The effect of inherent variations in work- 2. Materials and methods
ing speeds on draught and stability of tillage opera-
tions when the same ploughs are used with different 2.1. Materials
species of draught animals is likewise unknown.
This study was therefore designed to address these Thirteen parameters were used (Table 1 and Fig. 1)
de®ciencies. to describe the shapes of the four mouldboard ploughs
The reaction force on a tillage tool is affected by investigated. The ploughs were mounted on a tractor-
initial soil conditions, tool shape and manner (speed, drawn instrumented rig described by Owende and
depth and orientation) of tool movement (Gill and Ward (1997). Plough draught and speci®c draught
Vanden Berg, 1968). Since initial soil conditions are measured with the rig compares well with measure-
highly variable under ®eld operation conditions, ments in the normal mode of operation (Owende,
only the shape and manner of movement are con- 1996).
P.M.O. Owende, S.M. Ward / Soil & Tillage Research 49 (1999) 313±323 315

Table 1
Characteristics of ploughs investigateda

Plough parameter Plough number and identityb

Rumpstad1 Rumpstad cylindrical Rumpstad cylindrical Victory1

winding body body, wide share body, narrow share

1. Share lift angle ( ) (8) 25 25 25 23

2. Share side angle ( ) (8) 45 45 45 44
3. Mouldboard lift angle () (8) 60 60 60 45
4. Mouldboard side angle () (8) 40 40 40 44
5. Vertical suction (Vs) (mm) 20 18 18 0
6. Horizontal suction (Hs) (mm) 0 0 0 20
7. Cutting width (b) (mm) 200 280 200 240
8. Total width (B) (mm) 400 420 420 300
9. Height (h) (mm) 310 300 300 280
10. Radius of curvature of mouldboard 215 277 277 334
at share wing (R) (mm)
11. Length (L) (mm) 590 590 590 510
12. Length to shin (l) (mm) 280 300 300 280
13. Mass of bottom (kg) 20 17 17 15
Dimensions are based on Fig. 1.
The use of trade names does not imply the authors' endorsement of the product.

Fig. 1. Schematic views of the mouldboard plough showing lift angle ; share side angle ; mouldboard lift angle ; mouldboard side angle ;
horizontal suction Hs; vertical suction Vs; cutting width b; total width B; height h; radius of curvature R; and lengths L and l.

2.2. Experimental sites and moist soil conditions. The Vertisol and Ferralsol
sites were located in Ikanga (Kenya), situated on
Experiments were conducted at three sites with latitude 18400 S and longitude 38850 E. The Nitosol soil
different soil types (a sandy clay loam Pellic Vertisol, site was located at the Kabete Field Station of the
a sandy loam Ferralsol and a clay Nitosol) under dry University of Nairobi (Kenya), situated on latitude
316 P.M.O. Owende, S.M. Ward / Soil & Tillage Research 49 (1999) 313±323

Table 2
Classification and physical properties of soils at the experiment sites

FAO classification Moisture Physical properties by depth rangeb

(soil-type)a condition
Depth range Dry bulk density Moisture content
(mm) (Mg mÿ3) (g/100 g)
Pellic Vertisol (sandy clay loam) Dry 0±100 1.59 11.04
100±200 1.87 15.65
200±300 1.92 16.98
Pellic Vertisol (sandy clay loam) Moist 0±100 1.37 15.76
100±200 1.53 16.92
200±300 1.70 17.08
Ferralsol (sandy loam) Dry 0±100 1.50 4.69
100±200 1.66 8.96
200±300 1.68 12.90
Ferralsol (sandy loam) Moist 0±100 1.72 6.23
100±200 1.79 7.18
200±300 1.80 7.68
Nitosol (clay) Dry 0±100 1.30 21.05
100±200 1.32 21.49
200±300 1.49 21.29
Nitosol (clay) Moist 0±100 1.40 28.35
100±200 1.39 27.71
200±300 1.52 28.53
Pellic Vertisol soil had sand (60±2000 mm), silt (2±60 mm) and clay (< 2 mm) concentrations of 58, 14 and 28 g/100 g. Ferralsol soil had sand
(60±2000 mm), silt (2±60 mm) and clay (<2 mm) concentration of 76, 5 and 19 g/100 g. Nitosol soil had sand (60±2000 mm), silt (2±60 mm) and
clay (<2 mm) concentration of 19, 19 and 62 g/100 g.
Values are averages of four samples for each depth range using cores of 56 mm diameter and 40 mm height.

18160 S and longitude 368490 E. Six months prior to the Ferralsol, moisture contents for the dry condition were
experiments, the sites were ploughed and harrowed actually higher. It is the practice in the arid and semi-
twice, and thereafter left to resettle under fallow. This arid regions to operate ploughs in air-dry soil in order
was a pre-conditioning for uniformity with allowance to minimise compaction and soil smearing (Wolf and
for the soils to regain their rigidity to allow simulation Hadas, 1987). However, Vertisols tend to be very hard
of the practical conditions encountered in primary when dry and unworkable and sticky when wet
tillage. Sites on each soil-type were prepared as a unit (Mayande et al., 1990), hence, their tillage often
then divided into two blocks for experiments under dry presents major problems. On the other hand, a small
and moist soil conditions. decline in water content of hardsetting soils such as the
Ferralsol increases penetration resistance sharply
2.3. Experimental details (Mullins et al., 1987). The magnitude of such increase
recorded in this study is depicted in Fig. 2. These
Soil physical conditions immediately before the inherent characteristics of the experimental soils
experiments were characterised by moisture content, therefore set stringent (narrow) range to the magnitude
bulk density and textural composition (Table 2). The of variation in soil moisture content that could be
difference in moisture content between dry and moist practically tilled under ®eld conditions. The peculiar
conditions was discernible for the entire range inves- observation on moisture content in the Vertisol may be
tigated (0±150 mm) in the Nitosol, and in the 0± attributed to the poor in®ltration of the soil on re-
100 mm range in the Vertisol and Ferralsol soils. wetting, hence, the effect of increased moisture was
Below 100 mm, the differences for the Vertisol were con®ned to a shallow depth. Vertisols are also known
small and negligible below 200 mm, while for the to have a high water retention (Van de Weg, 1987),
P.M.O. Owende, S.M. Ward / Soil & Tillage Research 49 (1999) 313±323 317

bulk density (ranging between 0.12±0.22 g/100 g in

the 0±300 mm pro®le) on re-wetting. The observed
differences in bulk density mean that differences in
plough reaction forces cannot solely be attributed to
differences in moisture content. However, in this study
we assumed the main differences in the soil physical
properties were due to the differences in moisture
Mechanical properties of penetration resistance,
soil±soil cohesion, soil±metal adhesion and corre-
sponding angles of internal friction were also mea-
sured (Fig. 2 and Table 3). It is notable that the soil
penetration resistance in the Vertisol was higher for
the moist condition than for the dry condition,
whereas, the dry soil displayed greater soil±soil cohe-
sion strength and greater bulk density. This anomaly
could be due to discontinuities in form of cracks in the
surface pro®le (0±100 mm), an inherent characteristic
of a dry Vertisol. It should be noted that the order
reverses at 110 mm depth. Soil±soil cohesion, and
soil±metal adhesion strengths and corresponding
internal angles of friction were determined using a
shear box (Owende, 1996).
The selection of two soil moisture conditions on
respective experimental plots was rather subjective.
For the moist condition, work was carried out only
Fig. 2. Penetration resistance profiles of experimental sites based
when the tractor and rig could be operated in the ®eld
on an average of 15 profile readings, using a recording
penetrometer with 508 cone angle and 100 mm2 base area of cone. with acceptable sinkage and slippage. For dry condi-
tions, the determining factor was when a plough could
still penetrate the soil. This necessitated several test
therefore, water content below 100 mm depth under runs for identi®cation of extremities for each moisture
the dry condition was not different from the moist condition at each site. It was possible to obtain these
condition. The observation with the Ferralsol may be over the `Long Rains' of March±May 1994, the `Short
explained from its predominantly sandy texture of low Rains' from November 1994, which extended to Feb-
moisture retention which probably aided percolation ruary 1995, and the intermediate dry season from July
to depths below 100 mm. High surface water evapora- to October 1994.
tion lead to rapid loss of water from the top pro®le. At each experimental site, a 4  3  3 factorial
Signi®cantly different bulk densities between the experiment in a split±split plot design with three
dry and moist conditions of the Vertisol and Ferralsol replications was used. The four plough types (main
were also recorded (Table 2). Higher bulk density for plots) were investigated at three depths (subplot) and
the dry Vertisol could be attributed to shrinkage, a three speeds (sub-subplots). Each experiment area
property that characterises the drying of the soil (Van measured 65 m  14 m (minimum) which was ade-
de Weg, 1987). For the Ferralsol, the texture falls quate for the required 12 runs of 30 m each, while
within the limits of a hard-setting soils as described by ensuring that each was made through an area free of
Mullins et al. (1987). Since no cracking was observed tractor and rig wheel tracks. Ploughing depth was set
on drying of this soil, it is plausible to argue that the outside the test area, to the middle of the desired range.
cementing within the narrow moisture range occurred Three ranges of tillage depth (0±50 mm, 50±100 mm
at constant volume resulting in the moderately higher and 100±150 mm) were investigated. The carriage was
318 P.M.O. Owende, S.M. Ward / Soil & Tillage Research 49 (1999) 313±323

Table 3
Mechanical properties of experimental soils from samples excavated at 0±100 mm depth range

Site/moisture Average moisture Soil±soil cohesion Soil±soil internal Soil±metal adhesion Soil±metal internal
condition content (g/100g) strength (kPa) angle of friction (8) strength (kPa) angle of friction (8)

Vertisol-dry 14.56 11.1 12 0.3 3

Vertisol-moist 16.58 4.1 3 0.0 3
Ferralsol-dry 9.47 2.4 4 0.1 2
Ferralsol-moist 7.03 0.1 4 0.1 2
Nitosol-dry 21.28 0.7 4 0.0 5
Nitosol-moist 28.20 1.4 0 2.0 2
Values for Ferralsol-dry are averages from the crust (0±50 mm) which was hard and brittle, and sample below the crust (50±100 mm). The
variation of strength characteristics for this test condition is depicted in Fig. 2.

drawn through the speed range of 0±1.12 m sÿ1 over 3. Results and discussion
30 m runs in gradual increments, with the greatest
speed attained towards the end of each run. In the 3.1. Plough reaction forces in the Pellic Vertisol,
moist Nitosol, a reduction of vertical reaction with Ferralsol and Nitosol
speed was observed in trial runs conducted prior to the
experiments under moist conditions. This phenomena In the Nitosol under moist condition, the experi-
re¯ected the gradual build-up of soil on the ploughs, as ment could not detect a difference in draught between
the higher speeds were attained towards the end of the four ploughs (Table 4), while draught signi®cantly
each run. It was controlled by reducing the length of increased with depth of tillage. The interaction
each run to between 20 and 25 m and close monitoring between plough-type and depth of tillage was signi®-
of any soil build-up. To eliminate variation associated cant in the 100±150 mm depth range in the order,
with travel direction which could introduce errors Victory (0.58 kN) < Rumpstad winding-body
(Nicholson et al., 1984), the runs in each site were (0.73 kN) < Rumpstad cylindrical narrow-share
made from the same direction. The datalogger pro- (1.23 kN) < Rumpstad cylindrical wide-share
gram execution rate to record values of draught, (1.43 kN). Tillage speed had signi®cant effect on
vertical reaction (suction), depth and speed of opera- draught for variation greater than 0.6 msÿ1 (2 kph).
tion was set at 64 Hz, which was the maximum for the Vertical reaction decreased signi®cantly with speed,
system used. With this setting a sampling frequency of indicating a potential instability in plough control.
22 Hz was achieved. Since the experimental plots had However, this observation was attributed to adhesion
been preconditioned, soil properties were assumed to of soil on plough surfaces. Under the dry soil condition
be uniform for each set of experiments. plough-type was highly signi®cant. Effect of depth
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) in draught and was also signi®cant depending on plough-type, as
vertical reactions was done for data from experiments indicated by the highly signi®cant plough±depth inter-
in each soil-type and for each of the two soil moisture action. The experiment could not detect a difference
conditions separately. Duncan's Multiple Range between plough types in respect to vertical reaction.
Test and Least Square Difference test were used Vertical reaction increased signi®cantly with depth of
to examine the effects of plough-type, speed and ploughing, but was independent of plough-type.
depth of tillage, and useful interactions found to be In the moist Vertisol, plough-type was signi®cant
signi®cant in the preceding ANOVA. Costat statistical for draught (Table 4). Speed±depth interaction was
software was used in these analyses (CoHort, 1990). signi®cant in the 100±150 mm depth, and draught
The t-test (Minitab, 1991) was used to test equality of increased signi®cantly with speed in this range. Var-
means for the two moisture conditions for each soil- iation in vertical reaction among plough types was also
type, and for the soil types under similar moisture highly signi®cant. The effect of depth on vertical
conditions. reaction was highly signi®cant and also dependent
P.M.O. Owende, S.M. Ward / Soil & Tillage Research 49 (1999) 313±323 319

Table 4
Mean reactions (kN)a and mean difference by soil moisture condition for four light mouldboard ploughs in tillage of the Nitosol, Pellic Vertisol
and Ferralsol soils

Plough Mean force reaction by soil-type and site (kN)

Nitosol (Kabete) Pellic Vertisol (Ikanga) Ferralsol (Ikanga)

Dry Moist DÿM Dry Moist DÿM Dry Moist DÿM

(D) (M) (D) (M) (D) (M)

Rumpstad winding body 0.39bc 0.56a ÿ0.17*** 1.47a 2.16a ÿ0.48ns 0.74c 0.54bc 0.24*
Rumpstad cylindrical-wide share 0.70a 0.78a ÿ0.06ns 1.14a 1.82ab ÿ0.68*** 1.74a 0.86a 0.86***
Rumpstad cylindrical-narrow share 0.54ab 0.79a ÿ0.25* 1.11a 1.64b ÿ0.92* 1.18b 0.76ab 0.43***
Victory 0.32c 0.44a ÿ0.12*** 0.64a 1.00c 0.11ns 1.02bc 0.47c 0.55***
Vertical reaction
Rumpstad winding body 0.08b 0.00b 0.09*** 0.28a 0.91aÿ 0.63*** 0.57b 0.31b 0.28***
Rumpstad cylindrical-wide share 0.09ab 0.13a ÿ0.04ns 0.17a 0.73ab ÿ0.55*** 0.73a 0.35b 0.39***
Rumpstad cylindrical-narrow share 0.11ab ÿ0.03bc 0.14*** 0.06a 0.71b ÿ0.65* 0.73a 0.53a 0.20*
Victory 0.15a ÿ0.07c 0.21*** 0.39a 0.47c ÿ0.07ns 0.81a 0.60a 0.24***
Average of three replications at three speeds and three tillage depths. Entries in the (D ÿ M) columns which do not equal the difference
between means under dry and moist condition implies that data had values with opposite signs. The means within a column followed by the
same letter do not differ significantly at p < 0.05.
Significant at 0.5% level.
Significant at 1% level.
Significant at 5% level.
ns; Not significant.

on plough-type. The effect of speed on vertical reac- highest mean value, signifying the most stable plough
tion was also dependent on plough-type at all depths for the condition. The experiment could not detect a
investigated. Within 50±100 and 100±150 mm ranges difference between ploughs in respect to draught and
of ploughing depth, vertical reaction was inversely vertical reaction under the dry condition, due to high
proportional to the speed of ploughing except for the variations in the data. The variations were probably
Rumpstad winding-body. This indicates the impor- due to unde®ned characteristic failure of Vertisols in
tance of steady speed of operation as variation in the dry conditions. Wolf and Hadas (1987) explained that
magnitude of 0.28 m sÿ1 (1 kph) may lead to instabil- in dry Vertisols, fragmentation results from tear of
ity in plough control, i.e., reduced suction. For set natural clods from each other, and stress and translo-
speeds, vertical reaction increased with depth for all cation, rather than cutting, shearing and inversion of
ploughs. Under a dry soil moisture condition, the the soil slice as is the case for moist or ductile soils.
experiment could not detect a difference in plough- However, the functional design of the mouldboard
type with respect to draught. The effect of depth on plough is based on classical analysis of tilling ductile
draught varied signi®cantly with type of plough. soils. These observations suggest that mouldboard
Depth was insigni®cant only for the Rumpstad cylind- ploughing is inappropriate for tillage of Vertisols
rical (narrow-share) plough, while the largest increase under dry soil conditions as its functional principles
occurred in the 50±150 mm range for the rest. With are not compatible with inherent soil failure charac-
vertical reaction, the experiment could not detect a teristics.
difference in plough-type, while depth had a highly In the wet Ferralsol soil, plough-type and depth of
signi®cant effect dependent on plough-type. The dif- tillage had signi®cant effects on draught measured
ference in vertical reaction between ploughs was only (Table 4). The latter indicating the importance of
signi®cant at the deepest depth of ploughing (100± regulating depth of ploughing to avoid drastic varia-
150 mm), with the Victory plough registering the tions in draught. Depth±speed interaction was signi®-
320 P.M.O. Owende, S.M. Ward / Soil & Tillage Research 49 (1999) 313±323

Table 5
Two-way table for speed±plough-type interaction for draught (kN) in the dry Ferralsol

Plough Speed range (m sÿ1) Average

0.28±0.56 0.56±0.84 0.84±1.12

Rumpstad winding-body 0.74c 0.76c 0.72c 0.74

Rumpstad cylindric al wide-share 1.33a 1.87a 2.04a 1.74
Rumpstad cylindrical narrow-share 1.13ab 1.24b 1.18b 1.18
Victory 0.92bc 1.02bc 1.11b 1.02
Average 1.03 1.22 1.26
Each value is an average of three replications.
Mean separation in a columns by DMRT at 5% level.
LSD0.05 value for comparing means in a row is 0.09 kN.

cant, although the effect of speed was insigni®cant. 3.2. Effect of soil moisture condition on plough force
Plough-type was also highly signi®cant in respect to reaction
vertical reaction. The effect of depth on vertical
reaction was highly signi®cant dependent on type of To investigate the effect of soil moisture condition,
plough, with the Victory plough registering the highest and hence tillage season, on mean draught and vertical
suction (0.94 kN). Effect of depth was signi®cant in reactions, data for the two moisture conditions for
50±150 mm range for all ploughs except the Rump- each soil-type were compared by t-tests (Table 4). In
stad cylindrical (wide-share). Under a dry soil condi- the Nitosol soil, tillage under the dry condition
tion, the effect of plough-type on draught was also required less draught than tillage under the moist
signi®cant (Table 4). Speed±plough interaction was condition and all differences were signi®cant except
highly signi®cant, indicating that some of the ploughs for the Rumpstad cylindrical-body (wide share)
could be distinguished by their draught response to plough. A possible reason for higher draught under
speed of tillage. Increase of draught with speed of the moist condition was attributed to higher soil
tillage was highest for the Rumpstad cylindrical adhesion, hence dominant soil±soil friction, which
wide-share (Table 5), probably re¯ecting the large is higher compared to soil±metal friction that prevails
size of its shear. For vertical reaction, plough-type under dry condition. On the contrary, vertical reac-
was signi®cant (Table 4). Depth of tillage was highly tions under the moist condition were signi®cantly
signi®cant with the highest vertical reaction recorded lower except for the Rumpstad cylindrical (wide-
for the deepest tillage depth range (100±150 mm), share) plough, which was indifferent to soil moisture
which implies that stability in plough control condition. The Rumpstad cylindrical (narrow share)
improves with increased depth of operation. The and Victory ploughs registered negative values, which
effect of tillage speed on vertical reaction was implies that these ploughs experienced dif®culty in
highly signi®cant and the magnitude also varied penetrating or maintaining depth under the experi-
signi®cantly with plough-type. An increase in vertical mental condition. In the use of animals, the higher
reaction with speed at ®xed range of tillage depth, and draught requirement under moist conditions probably
an increase with depth at ®xed ranges of speeds implies a need to prescribe shorter work durations. It is
were observed with all the ploughs. However, only also advantageous to till Nitosol soils under dry con-
the latter was signi®cant consistently. The peculiar ditions as long as the desired operating depth can be
observation with the Ferralsol soil, which hardened maintained.
on the surface with a small reduction in moisture In the Pellic Vertisol, tillage under a dry condition
content (3%) as indicated in the penetrometer pro®le required less draught than under the moist condition.
for this condition in Fig. 2, implies that vertical The corresponding vertical reactions on the ploughs
loading by the operator is required for work at shallow were lower but positive, which implies that achieving
depths. or maintaining desired tillage depth was also possible,
P.M.O. Owende, S.M. Ward / Soil & Tillage Research 49 (1999) 313±323 321

although at comparatively lower stability. The lower Under the moist condition (Table 6), the order in
vertical reaction was attributed to the higher soil average draught by soil-type for the ploughs investi-
resistance to plough penetration or deformation. gated was; Nitosol (0.64 kN) < Ferralsol
In the Ferralsol soil, tillage under moist conditions (0.66 kN) < Vertisol (1.65 N). However, the experi-
required less draught than under dry conditions and ment could not detect any difference between the
the differences for all ploughs investigated were sig- Nitosol and Ferralsol soils. The Victory plough had
ni®cant. Ploughing under moist conditions is therefore the lowest mean draught in all soil types. Ranges of
more ef®cient, since corresponding lower draught mean draught varied from 0.44±0.79 kN, 1.00±
requirement may permit longer work durations with 2.16 kN and 0.47±0.86 kN in the Nitosol, Vertisol
animal power. Although vertical reaction was signi®- and Ferralsol, respectively. Plough vertical reaction,
cantly higher for all ploughs under the dry condition, which indicates potential ability to penetrate or main-
maximum depth of tillage was possible under both tain working depth, was in the order Nitosol
moisture conditions. (0.01 kN) < Ferralsol (0.44 kN) < Vertisol (0.70 kN).
Differences in mean vertical reaction between soil
3.3. Effect of soil-type on plough force reaction types were all signi®cant, except between the Vertisol
and Ferralsol soils for the Rumpstad cylindrical (nar-
The effect of soil-type on draught and vertical row-share).
reaction was also investigated by comparison of paired Under the dry soil condition (Table 7), the order of
means in a t-test on data across soil-type for each of the mean draught by soil-type was; Nitosol
the two soil moisture conditions separately (Tables 6 (0.49 kN) < Vertisol (1.09 kN) < Ferralsol (1.17 kN).
and 7). Effect of soil-type on draught and vertical Differences in mean draught between the Vertisol and
reaction was signi®cant under moist and dry condi- Ferralsol soils were signi®cant for all ploughs except
tions. for the Victory. The range of mean draught by plough-

Table 6
Mean reactions (kN)a by soil-type and mean difference between soil types for four light mouldboard ploughs in tillage of Nitosol, Pellic
Vertisol and Ferralsol soils under moist conditions

Plough Mean reactions by soil-type (kN) Mean difference (kN)

Nitosol (n) Vertisol (v) Ferralsol (f) nÿv nÿf vÿf

Rumpstad winding body 0.56a 2.16a 0.54bc ÿ1.60*** 0.03ns 1.62***
Rumpstad cylindrical-wide share 0.78a 1.82ab 0.86a ÿ1.04*** ÿ0.08ns 0.96***
Rumpstad cylindrical-narrow share 0.79a 1.64b 0.76ab ÿ0.78** 0.03ns 0.81***
Victory 0.44a 1.00c 0.47c ÿ0.56* ÿ0.03ns 0.53**
Average 0.64 1.65 0.66
Vertical reaction
Rumpstad winding body 0.00b 0.91a 0.31b ÿ0.91*** ÿ0.31** 0.60***
Rumpstad cylindrical-wide share 0.13a 0.73ab 0.35b ÿ0.60*** ÿ0.22** 0.38**
Rumpstad cylindrical-narrow share ÿ0.03bc 0.71b 0.53a ÿ1.02* ÿ0.55*** 0.46ns
Victory ÿ0.07c 0.47c 0.60a ÿ0.53** ÿ0.66*** ÿ0.13*
Average 0.01 0.70 0.44
Average of three replications at three depths of tillage and for three speeds.
Mean differences which do not equal the difference between mean force reaction by soil-type implies that the data had values with opposite
The means within a column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly at p < 0.05.
Significant at 0.5% level.
Significant at 1% level.
Significant at 5% level.
ns; Not significant.
322 P.M.O. Owende, S.M. Ward / Soil & Tillage Research 49 (1999) 313±323

Table 7
Mean reactions (kN)a by soil-type and mean difference between soil types for four lightweight mouldboard ploughs in tillage of Nitosol, Pellic
Vertisol and Ferralsol soils under dry conditions

Plough Mean reactions by soil-type (kN) Mean difference (kN)

Nitosol (n) Vertisol (v) Ferralsol (f) nÿv nÿf vÿf

Rumpstad winding body 0.39bc 1.47a 0.74c ÿ1.08*** ÿ0.33*** 0.76***
Rumpstad cylindrical-wide share 0.70a 1.14ab 1.74a ÿ1.03*** ÿ0.33*** ÿ0.60*
Rumpstad cylindrical-narrow share 0.54ab 0.65b 1.18b ÿ0.11* ÿ0.64* ÿ0.54*
Victory 0.32c 1.11ab 1.02bc ÿ0.79*** ÿ0.70*** 0.09ns
Average 0.49 1.09 1.17
Vertical reaction
Rumpstad winding body 0.08b 0.28a 0.57b ÿ0.20*** ÿ0.50*** ÿ0.30***
Rumpstad cylindrical-wide share 0.09ab 0.17a 0.73a ÿ0.08*** ÿ0.64*** ÿ0.56***
Rumpstad cylindrical-narrow share 0.11ab 0.06a 0.73a 0.05ns ÿ0.62*** ÿ0.66***
Victory 0.15a 0.39a 0.81a ÿ0.24** ÿ0.67*** ÿ0.42***
Average 0.11 0.23 0.71
Average of three replications at three levels of tillage depth for three levels of speed in each range.
Mean differences which do not equal the difference between mean force reaction by soil-type implies that the data had values with opposite
signs. Under each force reaction, the means within a column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly at p < 0.05.
Significant at 0.5% level.
Significant at 1% level.
Significant at 5% level.
ns; Not significant

type varied from 0.32±0.70 kN, 0.65±1.47 kN and range of ploughs investigated. Under dry conditions,
0.74±1.74 kN in the Nitosol, Vertisol and Ferralsol the period should be shorter for the Vertisol and
soils, respectively. The difference in average vertical Ferralsol soils as compared to the Nitosol.
reaction was insigni®cant between the Nitosol and Although mouldboard ploughing of Pellic Vertisols
Vertisol soils for the Rumpstad cylindrical (narrow- (sandy clay loam) and Ferralsols (sandy loam) in
share). However, the difference was signi®cant semi-arid and arid moisture conditions is practised
between both the Nitosol and Ferralsol, and the in Kenya, soil inversion implements are generally
Vertisol and the Ferralsol soil for all ploughs inves- inappropriate for dryland farming. Their use results
tigated. in high losses of soil and soil moisture throughout the
From these observations it is arguable that soil-type ploughing depth, and their energy requirements are
has signi®cant effect on draught and vertical reaction. also exceptionally high. However, before suitable
In the moist Nitosol, a negative vertical reaction was alternatives are identi®ed for conditions in Kenya,
recorded, hence, plough penetration may be impaired. optimal use of the options in mouldboard ploughs
This observation was attributed to soil adhesion, should be addressed. The recommended tillage system
which could be reduced by increasing the frequency for these soils, considering the texture, climatic moist-
of cleaning this plough under such conditions of ure conditions, and major soil conservation problems,
operation. The highly signi®cant differences in plough is ploughing soon after harvest of post-rainy season
draught by soil-type for speci®c moisture condition crops to form a stale-bed or a rough seedbed (Mayande
implies that optimal duration of continuous work et al., 1990). Periodic chiselling may be necessary to
periods with draught animals should be based on alleviate the natural compaction and high bulk den-
soil-type. Results from this study suggest that, under sities which may result from continuous traf®c or
moist soil moisture condition, continuous ploughing grazing (Lal, 1985). Since chisel ploughing requires
periods in a Vertisol should be shorter than in Ferralsol lower speci®c draught (kN mÿ1) than the use of the
and Nitosol soil types, as draught was higher for the mouldboard plough (Willcocks, 1984), it may lead to
P.M.O. Owende, S.M. Ward / Soil & Tillage Research 49 (1999) 313±323 323

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