The Clinical Syndrome of Bilirubin-Induced Neurologic Dysfunction

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The Clinical Syndrome of

Bilirubin-Induced Neurologic Dysfunction

Lois Johnson, MD, FAAP,* and Vinod K. Bhutani, MD, FAAP†

We believe that the syndrome of bilirubin-induced neurologic dysfunction [BIND] repre-

sents a spectrum of neurologic manifestations among vulnerable infants who have expe-
rienced an exposure to bilirubin of lesser degree than generally described in previous
publications. Clinical neuro-motor manifestations extend to a range of subtle processing
disorders with objective disturbances of visual-motor, auditory, speech, cognition, and
language among infants with a previous history of moderate-to-severe hyperbilirubinemia
of varied duration. Confounding effects include prematurity, hemolysis, perinatal-neonatal
complications, altered bilirubin-albumin binding, severity and duration of bilirubin expo-
sure, and the individual vulnerability of the infant related to genetic, family, social, and
educational predilection, regardless of the cause of neonatal jaundice. Tools to better
assess BIND specific domains of multisensory processing disorders, identified by pyscho-
metric, audiologic, speech, language and visual-motor, and neuromotor examination would
allow for prospective surveillance of infants at risk for the syndrome.
Semin Perinatol 35:101-113 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Inc.

KEYWORDS kernicterus, bilirubin induced neurologic dysfunction, jaundice, hyperbiliru-

binemia, bilirubin encephalopathy, newborn jaundice

U nconjugated bilirubin is a known and well-established

neurotoxin. At excessively high concentrations, it
causes permanent neural damage in newborn infants, ie,
after treatment, have been observed to develop some degree
of irreversible sequelae.7
As assessed in the usual clinical setting, the diagnosis of acute
“chronic bilirubin encephalopathy” or kernicterus.1-4 Listed bilirubin encephalopathy (ABE) may be a poor predictor of ir-
in Table 1 are the definitions we use to categorize severity of reversible sequelae. Especially in the preterm infant, its clinical
hyperbilirubinemia as low risk (mild), significant (moder- signs are often subtle and indistinct.8 The precise threshold at
ate), severe (high), extreme (excessive), and hazardous, qual- which bilirubin may be neurotoxic in a given infant is unknown.
ified by their total serum bilirubin (TSB) percentiles for post- A better understanding of the patho-physiology as it is related to
natal age in hours in term healthy infants.5 Studies in term the rate of hemolysis and bilirubin-albumin binding along with
infants with hyperbilirubinemia attributable to hemolysis6 the expedited development of their respective assays will help
from rhesus (Rh) blood type incompatibility have shown that resolve this uncertainty.9 The importance and possibility of
kernicterus occurred in more than 50% of infants with TSB identifying individual differences in ability to destroy bilirubin
levels ⬎30 mg/dL (513 ␮mol/L) but rarely occurred at levels in the brain and expedite or delay its neuronal exit, also needs to
⬍20 mg/dL (427 ␮mol/L). More recently, term infants with be addressed.
TSB levels ⬎35 mg/dL (599 ␮mol/L), regardless of etiology, Concerns regarding subtle manifestations of acute or chronic
rapidity of intervention or clinical assessment of severity of bilirubin-induced neurologic dysfunction (BIND), either be-
acute bilirubin toxicity (encephalopathy), either before or cause of hyperbilirubinemia that is not generally considered
severe enough to need treatment or to prolonged exposure to
*Pennsylvania Center for Kernicterus, Philadelphia, PA. lesser degrees of hyperbilirubinemia in a vulnerable infant, have
†Division of Neonatal-Developmental Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, yet be validated in prospective studies.10-13 Recent reports of the
Stanford University School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children’s consequences of early bilirubin exposure of developing neurons
Hospital, Stanford, CA. in cell culture leading to neuritic atrophy, cell death, decreased
Address reprint requests to Vinod K. Bhutani, MD, FAAP, Stanford Univer-
sity School of Medicine, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Department
neuronal arborization, arrested neuritic growth, and neuritic
of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatal and Developmental Medicine, 750 hypoplasia14 suggest an incompletely defined spectrum of
Welch Ave #315, Stanford, CA 94304. E-mail: BIND. Neurodevelopmental maturation may be impacted by

0146-0005/11/$-see front matter © 2011 Published by Elsevier Inc. 101

102 L. Johnson and V.K. Bhutani

Table 1 Standard Definitions for Severity of Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia at Age >72 Hours5
Adjective TSB Level (at Age >72 Hours) TSB Percentile
Low-risk (mild) <14 mg/dL (239 ␮mol/L) <40th percentile
Significant (moderate) >17 mg/dL < 20 (291 ␮mol/L) >95th percentile
Severe >20 mg/dL < 25 (342 ␮mol/L) >98th percentile
Extreme (excessive) >25 mg/dL < 30 (427 ␮mol/L) >99.9th percentile
Hazardous (fulminant) >30 mg/dL (513 ␮mol/L) >99.99th percentile

the ability of bilirubin to promote alterations in neurogenesis, nicterus is diagnosed primarily as generalized dystonia, ath-
neuritogenesis, and synaptogenesis, especially in the premature etoid cerebral palsy, paralysis of upward gaze, and sensori-
infant. Therefore, the possible deleterious role of unconjugated neural hearing loss of varying degrees of severity. Cognition
bilirubin in neuronal differentiation, development, and plastic- is usually spared to a striking degree, even in severely hand-
ity needs further investigation. icapped children. This preservation of intellectual capacity is
In this work, we review the clinical observations that con- most easily recognized if consistently adequate nutrition is
tribute to our hypothesis of an expanded syndrome of BIND. achieved, prevention of regurgitation of food into the lungs
We believe that BIND is a disorder characterized by impair- is prevented and early physical, occupational and speech
ment of audiologic, speech, and language processing as well therapy, as well as appropriate hearing aids and cochlear
as disturbances in visual-motor and cognitive functions asso- implants, if indicated, have been provided.
ciated with failure of fine neuromotor control (usually ex- BIND refers to a wider spectrum of disorders that empha-
trapyramidal signs) that are apparent among infants with a sizes the increasing clinical and technological evidence of
previous exposure of moderate-to-severe hyperbilirubinemia damage confined to more narrow neural pathways. For ex-
with varying duration and altered bilirubin-albumin binding, ample, damage to the auditory system may not result in se-
and who have at familial, social, or genetic predilection. vere hearing loss (deafness) but in isolated, less severe forms
of auditory neuropathy (auditory dyssynchrony) defined by
Review of the characteristic clinical criteria and distinctive findings on the
auditory brainstem-evoked response (ABR) with normal co-
Clinical Spectrum of BIND chlear function (normal cochlear microphonics and otoa-
The hallmark sign of extreme bilirubin neurotoxicity is irre- coustic emissions) without severe hearing loss. Similar audi-
versible severe posticteric sequelae, usually confirmed at au- tory neuropathy associated with minimal fine and/or gross
topsy, as the icteric (yellow) staining and microscopic evi- motor disability also occurs.16
dence of cellular damage in basal ganglia nuclei, specifically Before the development of now widely available ABR technol-
the globus pallidus. In surviving infants this damage can now ogies, audiologists and educators, notably M. Vernon, J. Rosen
often be observed at that location, and in the subthalamus, as and H. Mykjlebus in the 1950s and 1960s, anticipated these
an increased signal on magnetic resonance imaging. Cellular findings (see below, BIND). These investigators described the
injury occurs when the total bilirubin (TSB) level exceeds the auditory disorder of survivors of Rh disease as more similar to
infant’s neuroprotective defenses. Neurotoxicity is seen pri- those of aphasic brain-damaged children than to otherwise-
marily in the basal ganglia, central and peripheral auditory healthy deaf children. Rh disease survivors seemed to be unable
pathways, hippocampus, diencephalon, subthalamic nuclei, to use what residual hearing they had, as if there was a disorder
midbrain, and pontine nuclei for respiratory, neurohumoral of perceptual integration and an inability to listen. Although not
and electrolyte control, brain stem nuclei for oculomotor and yet proven, some experts believe there are also subtle neurolog-
auditory function, and in the cerebellum, most prominently ical manifestations of BIND with only signs of awkwardness,
in the vermis.2,14 Clinical signs of ABE include progressive minimal fine and gross motor incoordination and gait abnor-
changes in an infant’s mental (behavioral) status and muscle malities, fine tremors, exaggerated extrapyramidal reflexes as
tone, crying with varying degrees of drowsiness, poor feed- shown in Table 2 and reported in a review by Newman and
ing, hypotonia, and alternating tone followed by increasing Klebanoff,17 and perhaps associated attention, learning, and be-
hypertonia, especially of extensor muscles, with intermittent havioral problems.
and then more severe and constant retrocollis and opisthot- In a recent study from the Netherlands,10 researchers de-
onos. Paralysis of upward gaze and a mask like “kernicteric scribed disorders of movement in 20 infants with neonatal TSB
facies” in severe ABE is also described.2,14-16 levels between 13.7 (233 ␮mol/L) and 26 mg/dL (355 ␮mol/L)
Acute-stage mortality (about 7%-10%) is caused by respi- compared with 20 clinically nonjaundiced infants, born during
ratory failure and progressive coma or intractable seizures. the same time (November 1, 1997, and June 30, 1998) and
Rate of progression of clinical signs depends on the rate of closely matched for gestational age, gender, breastfeeding, and
bilirubin increase, duration of hyperbilirubinemia, host-sus- social class. Dysfunctional movements were still present at age 3
ceptibility, and the presence of co-morbidities.2,7 The term and 12 months with a strong dose response correlation to sever-
kernicterus is now usually reserved for the irreversible classic ity of hyperbilirubinemia among the infants exposed to “mod-
sequelae in infants who survive severe ABE. Classic ker- erate” hyperbilirubinemia range of 13.7-26 mg/dL (233 ␮mol/L
BIND syndrome 103

Table 2 Infants with Suspected-to-Abnormal Neurologic Signs guage development is unknown.19 An auditory nerve/auditory-
at Age 7 Years and their Correlation to Neonatal Hyperbili- processing syndrome has been described in some children with
rubinemia: Association of Suspicious Neurologic Signs With difficulty hearing and understanding speech and language.20-23
Stepwise Increment in Peak Serum Bilirubin Levels During To some extent, these auditory as well as visual processing mea-
Their Birth Hospitalization
sures may be generalized to include possible effects on other
TSB Stratification aspects of cortical function. For example, transient changes in
Characterization and and Correlation to neonatal social behavior have been noted in infants with biliru-
Outcomes Reported Outcomes bin levels below 20 mg/dL24,25 and an association with autism,
Total children examined at age 7 34,299 attention deficit disorder, and developmental delay in infants
years with bilirubin levels greater than 19 mg/dL has been sug-
Abnormal or suspicious 14.7% gested.26 Good and Hou27 have reported visual-motor changes
examination (n ⴝ 5035) in jaundiced infants. In addition, there are reports of increase in
Peak TSB: <10 mg/dL 14.9% low motor and mental Bayley scores at ages 8 months and 1 year
(n ⴝ 4346) after controlling for birth weight and gestational age among in-
Peak TSB: 10-14.9 mg/dL 16.9%
fants enrolled in the large Collaborative Study of Cerebral
(n ⴝ 472)
Peak TSB: 15-19.8 mg/dL 18.0%
Palsy.28 In smaller studies, infants with TSB levels between 10
(n ⴝ 157) and 20 mg/dL, in the absence of phototherapy or after control-
Peak TSB: >20 mg/dL (n ⴝ 60) 22.4% ling for its effects, have been shown to have adverse effects on cry
Odds ratio 1.12; 95% CI 1.06-1.20; characteristics.29
P < 0.001 Learning disabilities are characterized by unanticipated fail-
Details of suspicious signs Probability ures of an individual to acquire, retrieve, and use information
Gait abnormalities <0.001 competently and likely to affect children with average or above-
Awkwardness <0.001 average intellectual abilities. These typically manifest as a loss of
Failure at fine stereognosis 0.008 executive function with failure to acquire reading, writing, or
Questionable hypotonia 0.005-0.07 math skills at grade- and age-expected levels.30 Learning disabil-
Gaze abnormalities 0.001-0.05
ities may be intrinsic to the individual and may occur concom-
Vasomotor abnormalities 0.005
itantly with other disabilities (such as movement disorders,
Abnormal cremastric reflexes 0.008
Abnormal abdominal reflexes 0.001 muscle tone dysregulation, and processing disorders) or with
extrinsic influences, such as cultural and nurturing differences
Data from Collaborative Perinatal Project: 54,795 live-births from
the “prephototherapy” years of 1959-1966 were studied for their
or insufficient or inappropriate instruction.
bilirubin-related long-term outcome. Of these, 34,299 (83%) in- There are no studies that have causally linked learning
fants who met inclusion criteria were followed to age 7 years. disabilities to a previous history of hyperbilirubinemia.
During their neonatal period, 323 infants had peak TSB >20 Whether the spectrum of bilirubin neurotoxicity leads to loss
mg/dL (0.8%) and 53% of these infants were treated with ex- of integrity of multiple physiological and behavioral systems
change transfusion; 66 infants had peak TSB >25 mg/dL
(0.16%), and 85% of these were treated with exchange transfu-
that regulate sensation, perception, affect, reward, executive
sion.17 function, motor output, and learning has been a debatable
TSB, total serum bilirubin. topic. Clearly, however, there has been increasing concern
that shared genetic and environmental risk factors may dis-
rupt executive function and that the brain structural pheno-
to 26.0 [355 ␮mol/L]) after the authors controlled for con- type of an expanded spectrum of BIND disorders may over-
founding variables by logistic regression. The height of the peak lap with these genetic and environmental risk factors. In
bilirubin was closely related to neurologic condition at age 12 addition, there is a distinctive neuroanatomic predilection for
months but not at earlier ages. On the basis of published studies the hippocampus being affected by age-related morphologic
in which researchers used the same techniques to assess general changes. That loss in hippocampal volume and lowered gray
movements in infancy and the relation of movement disorders matter volumes within limbic-striato-thalamic circuitry are
to minor neurologic dysfunction, school achievement, attention common to autism spectrum disorders, and schizophrenia
deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and aggressive behavior suggests a degree of overlap that may reflect shared but un-
at school age, the authors concluded that their results indicated proven etiologic mechanisms.
TSB levels greater than 335 ␮mol/L (19.6 mg/dL) should be
avoided. All infants were treated with phototherapy for a TSB of Review of Earlier
310 ␮mol/L at age 2 days or one of 340 ␮mol/L from age 3 days
onward. Bilirubin Neurotoxicity Outcome
Other reports of the wide spectrum of injury that appears to Studies in Full-Term Infants
occur because of central nervous system bilirubin exposure are
available. Abnormalities of the ABR have been shown in new- Is an Elevated TSB a
borns with elevated TSB levels, with return to normal as the Measure of Bilirubin Neurotoxicity?
bilirubin level was lowered.18 In the absence of long-term fol- Bilirubin thresholds used to initiate treatment in clinical
low-up, however, their possible effect on later hearing and lan- practice have influenced clinical studies on neonatal biliru-
104 L. Johnson and V.K. Bhutani

bin neurotoxicity. In the decades before the introduction of scrum bilirubin on day five of 33.2 mg/dL, at which time an
phototherapy, exchange transfusion was recommended for exchange transfusion was performed. This child had a nor-
term infants with hemolytic disease at serum bilirubin levels mal pure tone audiogram. However, at ages 3 and 7 years, the
of 20 mg/dL. However, exchange transfusion was not recom- child showed a coordination disturbance of the ataxia-athe-
mended for idiopathic jaundice until levels of 25 mg/dL or tosis type, a moderate speech disorder with incorrect word
greater had been reached. These recommendations were construction and a defective pronunciation, perceptual ab-
based on several small follow-up studies of jaundiced full- normalities, slight behavioral problems, (not severe enough
term infants with peak serum bilirubin levels of 20 mg/dL or to be classified as a psychologic disturbance), and an IQ of
greater. Three of these studies were conducted in Scandina- 91. In light of these findings at long term follow-up (age 6-13
via among infants born between 1956 and 196231-33 who did years) among the 210 infants without apparent hemolytic
not have Rh hemolytic disease. The 2 smaller studies did not disease, the investigators concluded that despite the absence
provide a follow-up beyond age 2 years. One included infants of statistical power at the P ⬍ 0.05 level, the finding of defi-
with perinatal-neonatal complications31 and the other in- cits typical of bilirubin-related brain damage in 4 of the jaun-
cluded infants with Coombs positive hemolytic disease.32 diced children and in none of the control patients made it
Infants treated with exchange transfusion at TSB levels of highly likely that the deficits were caused by hyperbiliru-
⬎20 mg/dL were compared with infants not treated at these binemia.
bilirubin levels and to healthy, untreated less-jaundiced in- In infants with possible ABO isoimmunization, despite a
fants. No abnormalities were found at the 2-year follow-up in negative direct Coombs’ test, the authors made the tenta-
either of these studies in relation to serum bilirubin levels. tive recommendation that the bilirubin level not be al-
The third study was the largest and most rigorous.33 It lowed to exceed 20 mg/dL and that in full-term infants
considered only healthy term infants born after vaginal de- without isoimmunization the bilirubin level should not be
livery in the absence of prolonged labor, difficult delivery, or allowed to exceed 25 mg/dL.33 These instances of biliru-
any other complications and included the healthy full-term bin-related brain damage in a carefully done relatively
infants without ABO hemolytic disease from the study of large study cannot be lightly dismissed. This position is
Killander et al.32 Follow-up, performed between ages 6 and supported by the much larger Greek trial of the effect of
13 years, consisted of audiologic, neurologic, and psycho- prenatal phenobarbital on neonatal hyperbilirubinemia.34
metric examinations and included 226 infants without iden- In this trial, a high incidence (9%) of sensori-neural hear-
tified hemolytic disease, 115 of whom had had no visible ing loss was found among healthy term infants (some of
jaundice, and 111 who had had serum bilirubin levels ⱖ20 whom had ABO incompatibility and G6PD deficiency),
mg/dL. The direct Coombs’ test was negative in all infants, whose serum bilirubin levels exceeded 12 mg/dL. An in-
but in 45 there was blood group system (ABO) incompatibil- cidence of hearing loss of 1% was found among infants
ity between infant and mother. No difference in mean IQ whose peak serum bilirubin levels had remained below
scores was found between jaundiced and nonjaundiced in- this level (P ⬍ 0.001, n ⫽ 415). These studies have con-
fants. A significant psychologic disturbance (eg, distractibil- tributed to the now general agreement that peak TSB is a
ity, short attention span) was found in 3 of the nonjaundiced useful test, but relatively poor measure of the toxic poten-
and in 6 of the jaundiced infants, which is a nonsignificant tial of unconjugated bilirubin.35-39 Consideration must be
finding. given to such other factors as duration of exposure, con-
No cases with hearing loss or of neurologic or behavioral comitant level of serum albumin, bilirubin-binding re-
abnormality suggestive of bilirubin toxicity were identified in serve. Level of “unbound” bilirubin and to the presence or
children from the nonjaundiced group. In contrast, 3 cases of absence of acidosis, immaturity, compromise of the blood-
hearing loss were found in the jaundiced group without any brain barrier40 and potentiation of bilirubin toxicity by
other identifiable cause by neonatal, family history, or child- unexpected accomplices, such as benzyl alcohol or consti-
hood information. It is of note that 2 of these 3 hearing- tutional/genetic factors as discussed previously.38,41-45
impaired children had been part of the earlier study of Kil-
lander et al32 and had passed as normal by physical and
neurologic examination, without pure tone audiometry, at Does Bilirubin Neurotoxicity
age 2 years. Their peak serum bilirubin levels, before ex- Affect Intellectual Capacity?
change transfusion, had been 25.6 mg/dL (on day 4, with no A review of literature by Newman and Klebanoff17 and
ABO incompatibility) and 33.2 mg/dL (on day 4, with Newman and Maisels46 before the 1994 American Acad-
Coombs’ negative blood type OA incompatibility). The third emy of Pediatrics practice Parameters35 questioned the im-
child, whose serum bilirubin peaked at 23.7 mg/dL on days 7 portance of exposure to hyperbilirubinemia of “moderate”
and 10, had Coombs’ negative OA incompatibility, reticulo- severity given the costs, benefits, and risks of efforts to
cyte count of 7.2%, and a hemoglobin level of 24 g/dL, and prevent its occurrence with currently available diagnostic
had not been treated with exchange transfusion. In these 3 and intervention technologies. It is tempting to be reas-
children, hearing loss was the only abnormal finding. sured by these statistical and clinical overviews. With ref-
In contrast to these children with isolated hearing loss, the erence to the Collaborative Project,17 for example, they
investigators described a fourth child in whom there was no note that a mere 0.14-point depression of the intelligence
ABO incompatibility, a reticulocyte count of 8%, and a peak quotient for white infants and a 0.28-IQ point depression
BIND syndrome 105

for African-American infants was demonstrated for each cioeconomic groups, race, and country. This mode of statis-
mg/dL increase in bilirubin. That may not seem impres- tical analysis fails to address the nature of bilirubin injury.
sive, although, over an increment of 30 mg/dL (5-35 mg/ Irreversible, as distinct from apparently reversible bilirubin
dL) of serum bilirubin range, this would imply that some compromise of brain function seems to be a threshold phe-
children could have a 4 – to 8-IQ point depression related nomenon, with different thresholds for different babies un-
to degree of hyperbilirubinemia. der confounding pathophysiological conditions. Some in-
A closer look at data from Collaborative Project reports is fants are damaged at bilirubin levels that cause no apparent
revealing.17,46 IQ data, presented as the percentage of chil- permanent damage to apparently comparable other infants,
dren with scores less than 90 in relation to increasing biliru- and both hearing loss and choreoathetosis can be seen in
bin levels, are less reassuring than when transformed into the children with IQ scores well within the normal range. In
point for point statistical format. The same is true for analysis addition, minimal brain damage can occur in the absence of
of the collaborative project results as reported by Broman et motor deficit or high tone hearing loss. It is unlikely that the
al47 showing the mean IQ data for 4-year-olds by sex, race, effects of bilirubin neurotoxicity for babies on general can be
and socioeconomic class as related to low (⬍10 mg/dL), safely reduced to the uniformity implied by a point decrease
moderate (10-19 mg/dL), or high (20-28 mg/dL) peak serum in IQ per mg/dL increase in the serum bilirubin if for no other
bilirubin levels. Unfortunately, none of these data was con- reason than that individuals have widely different innate in-
trolled for birth weight or gestational age. White female pa- telligence, including that estimated by IQ testing. In those
tients of all socioeconomic groups appeared to be at “unde- individuals with a high innate intelligence, unapparent bili-
tectable” risk, but white male patients in the middle rubin brain damage could cause compromise to one or more
socioeconomic group showed a 4-point decrease in IQ be- component of measured intelligence but is reflected only in a
tween high and low bilirubin groups. In the middle socioeco- lower score than would otherwise have been the case but one
nomic groups, black males showed a 5-point decrease, that is still well with the “normal” range.
whereas black females showed a 7.5-point decrease between
high and low bilirubin groups.
Considering all socioeconomic groups, there was a 6 to 10 Bilirubin-related Toxicity on
point decrease for African-American infants between high Audiologic, Speech, Language,
and low bilirubin groups for combined male and female gen-
der. These are mean IQ differences comparable with those
and Visual-Motor Development
associated with “high” or “low” levels of lead exposure.48 Subtle forms of bilirubin-associated brain damage would
Furthermore, unlike exposure to bilirubin, high lead expo- represent the lower end of the spectrum of BIND. If they
sure was associated with a dearth of superior IQ scores exist, do they matter? Early studies before exchange transfu-
(⬎120) and an increase in inferior IQ scores (⬍70). In a sion was used to treat jaundice caused by Rh sensitization
17-year retrospective study of 1948 Israeli military recruits, suggest they do. For example, Gerver and Day50 presented
Seidman et al49 reported on the effect of neonatal hyperbili- evidence that damage caused by neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
rubinemia on long-term cognitive ability in full-term new- ranges from obvious kernicteric sequelae to damage so min-
borns with a negative Coombs test. On the basis of a logistic imal as to be difficult to define in any one child. They found
regression analysis adjusted for the confounding effects of significantly greater IQ scores (P ⬍ 0.001) among first born
gestational age, birth weight, Apgar score, ethnic origin, so- children of couples with Rh incompatibility who had not
cioeconomic class, paternal education, birth order, and the been jaundiced compared with later born children who had
administration of phototherapy and exchange transfusion, been jaundiced but were judged to have escaped damage
no direct linear association was shown between peak neona- because they had shown no clinical signs of neurologic ab-
tal bilirubin levels and IQ scores or school achievement at 17 normality.
years of age. However, the risk for low IQ scores (⬍85) was In a later study reported in 1954, Day and Haines51 found the
significantly greater (P ⫽ 0.014) among full-term male sub- difference between similarly matched sibling pairs to have been
jects with serum bilirubin levels greater than 20 mg/dL or decreased, but not eliminated, by treatment with a single ex-
342 ␮mol/L (odds ratio [OR] 2.96; 95% confidence interval change transfusion, the need for more than 1 exchange in some
[95% CI] 1.29-6.79). infants to maintain TSB levels below 20 mg/dL not yet having
been translated into practice. As shown in Figs. 1 and 2, Table 3
a Philadelphia study of babies born some 15 years later (1965-
Should the Presence or Absence
1966) and exposed to serum bilirubin levels in the range of 20
of Long-Term Bilirubin-Related mg/dL in the prephototherapy era demonstrated subtle deficits
Brain Damage Be Assessed by IQ Data? on psychometric, neuro-motor and communication examina-
Mean IQ, which lends itself to meta-analysis, is often used as tions in apparently normal children without recognized icteric
a major criterion. In their overview of the literature refer- sequelae.52-54 Deficits correlated with increasing degrees of bili-
enced above, Newman and Maisels46 transformed the mean rubin exposure (Fig. 2, Table 4), in particular with low biliru-
IQ data from several studies in addition to the large Collab- bin-albumin binding reserve.
orative Project, to a combined mean point IQ decrease per Similarly, in the absence of sensori-neural hearing loss,
mg/dL increase in peak serum bilirubin, collapsed over so- deficits in central auditory perception by determination of
106 L. Johnson and V.K. Bhutani

Figure 1 Outcome on the psychometric examination (%) at age 4 years and its association to duration of hyperbiliru-
binemia (TSB ⬎15 mg/dL). Concentrations of indirect serum bilirubin are corrected to the nearest 0.5 mg/100 mL. A
concentration of 15 mg/100 mL or more for ⬍8 hours is considered 0 days of exposure. For a concentration of 15
mg/100 mL or more of 8-31 hours is considered as 1 day of exposure, 32-56 hours as 2 days of exposure, and so on.
Data were compiled and collated by the use of Fig. 5 from Johnson and Boggs.52

pure tone thresholds for recognition of phonically balanced sis, shift of auditory set, attention span, dyspraxia, dysdi-
kindergarten word lists and sequencing of nonsense syllables odokokinesis, motor overflow, and sequencing. These defi-
with an increased incidence of suspicious to abnormal ratings cits were far more evident at age 7 than at age 4, as maturation
were found for overall communication skills and for central and use of hearing pathways progressed.
receptive and expressive language (Table 5). Audiologic ex- All deficits correlated more closely with measures of de-
aminations for overall communication skills, central recep- creased bilirubin-albumin binding reserve than with mea-
tive, and expressive language included central auditory per- sured peak serum bilirubin concentration. These findings are
ceptual evaluation and ratings for immediate auditory consistent with current research in several laboratories work-
memory and retrieval, figure ground separation, hyperaccu- ing with improved, potentially clinical applicable methodol-

Figure 2 Outcome on psychometric examination (%) at age 4 years and its association to bilirubin, bilirubin to albumin
ratio, and bilirubin binding level in jaundiced infants (measured during the first week after birth). Both bilirubin to
albumin molar ratio and the HABA binding level predict outcome at age 4 years. In comparison, TSB (corrected to
nearest 1.0 mg/100 mL) is a poorer indicator of risk. Data were compiled and collated by the use of Fig. 7 from Johnson
and Boggs.52
BIND syndrome 107

Table 3 Outcome at Age 4 Years in Infants With Neonatal in infants with Rh disease and below approximately 25
Jaundice mg/dL in those with idiopathic jaundice. Any infant with
Clinical Testing Done Percent Identified signs of ABE, including subtle ones, was treated promptly
in Infants Enrolled as as Suspect to with exchange transfusion regardless of etiology of jaundice.
Neonates in 1965- Abnormal at Age Implementation of these goals was feasible only for inborn
1966 (n ⴝ 83) 4 Years (n ⴝ 83) babies born because outborn babies were often not trans-
Psychometric examination ferred until after TSB levels had exceeded these levels and/or
Overall psychometric 34.0 had signs of ABE. This study predated availability of surfac-
examination tant, rhogam, and neonatal ventilator technologies as well as
Visual perceptual motor 43.5 of phototherapy. Bilirubin binding was measured by the 2-4-
integration hydroxybenzene-azo-benzoic acid (HABA) method and run
Neurologic examination in the Pennsylvania Hospital newborn pediatrics (LJH) re-
Suspect neurologic 13.0
search laboratory with the Coleman Junior photometer, with
a wide bandwidth, recrystallized 2-HABA and a reference
Abnormal neurologic 4.0
examination standard of pooled cord serum or comparable crystallized
Audiologic examination human albumin preparation. It was measured in all infants
Peripheral hearing 0 with sufficient sample size with minimal hemolysis.
disorders Of those who returned at age 4 and 7 years, binding levels
Data are presented and adapted from Table 3 of Johnson and were available in all but 9 infants, in 4 because of inadequate
Boggs.52 sample size and in 5 because direct reacting bilirubin ac-
counted for more than 25%-30% of the TSB, which results in
an unreliable, (excessively low) estimate of low binding re-
ogies for estimating unbound bilirubin, (or bilirubin binding serve. A high direct reacting bilirubin also compromises the
reserve) as the more sensitive marker of toxicity, especially in accuracy of currently available techniques for assay of un-
the presence of clinical conditions, such as infection, hemo- bound bilirubin and in the same direction, ie, an excessively
lytic disease and prematurity. It is of note in regard to subtle high estimate for level of unbound bilirubin.59 It is of note
audiologic findings, that animal and human studies have that HABA binding by this technique was also used in Dr
shown that up to 75% of auditory nerve fibers can be de- Audrey K. Brown’s research laboratory and reported as useful
stroyed without elevation of hearing threshold, that humans as a predictive index for acute stage kernicterus at autopsy.60
with acoustic neuromas have poor speech discrimination rel- Peak TSB was measured with the use of both diazo and
ative to the pure tone threshold; and that small numbers of spectrophotometric techniques to determine, as indicated, its
cochlear nerve fibers can conduct impulses of threshold mag- indirect and direct reacting fractions. The study population
nitude, but that a greater number is needed to conduct the which returned for follow-up at age 4 (n ⫽ 83) and 7 years
complex neural patterns of speech.55-58 (n ⫽ 64) included healthy term, late-preterm, and preterm
The aforementioned Philadelphia study was exploratory in (30-34 weeks’ gestational age) infants and also infants who
nature. It was designed to assess, by extensive long term had Rh and Coombs-positive ABO hemolytic disease or neo-
follow-up examinations at age 3, 4, and 7 years, the possibil- natal complications of varying degree.
ity of occurrence of persistent, subtle bilirubin-related brain Table 3 summarizes the neonatal outcome at age 4 years.
damage in apparently normal inborn children at Pennsylva- Perinatal and neonatal complications included prolonged la-
nia Hospital in 1965-1966 who developed jaundice or in- bor and/or difficult delivery without asphyxia or apparent
fants transferred to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia prenatal insult, respiratory distress syndrome, acidosis, hyp-
for management of hyperbilirubinemia during that time.52-54 oxia, infection/sepsis, feeding problems, and hypoglycemia.
Dr T. R. Boggs, an expert neonatologist and early investigator Data regarding clinical course, perinatal/neonatal complica-
of Rh hemolytic disease, cared for all infants. The manage- tion and treatment were collected and coded for subsequent
ment of jaundice included as many exchange transfusions as analysis. Three of the Rh-sensitized inborn infants had one or
necessary to keep bilirubin levels from exceeding 20 mg/dL more intrauterine transfusions. The range of peak measured

Table 4 Combined Neonatal Bilirubin Risk Factors: Relationship to Outcome of Age 4 Years
Neonatal Bilirubin Risk Components of Neonatal Bilirubin Risk Normal Suspected-to-Abnormal
Status Assessment Outcome Outcome
High risk (n ⴝ 47) High TSB: >15 mg/dL, low bilirubin binding 17 30*
Low risk (n ⴝ 14) Low TSB <15 mg/dL, high bilirubin binding 12 2
These data are adapted from Table 14 of Johnson L and Boggs.52 Low bilirubin binding defined by HABA <50% for >1 days; high bilirubin
binding designated by measured HABA >50%. Children were rated as “suspected to abnormal” if psychologic, audiologic or neurological
examination was not normal or if a pertinent group of subtests were rated as suspect (such as, tests for visual-motor integration).
HABA, 2-4-hydroxybenzene-azo-benzoic acid; TSB, total serum bilirubin.
*Comparison by Fischer’s exact test, 2-tailed analysis; P ⴝ 0.002 and by ␹2 test, 2-tailed analysis; P ⴝ 0.005.
108 L. Johnson and V.K. Bhutani

Table 5 Audiologic Speech and Language Examination for Pure Tone Thresholds and Sequencing Ability for Phonically Balanced
Kindergarten Words and Nonsense Syllables
Association of
Bilirubin-Binding At Age 4 Years At Age 7 Years
to Outcome in Suspected to Correlation to Low Suspected to Correlation to Low
Childhood Abnormal (%) Bilirubin Binding* Abnormal (%) Bilirubin Binding*
Communication skills 3 ns 21.3 0.004
Central language 3 ns 6.5 ns
Receptive language 1.6 ns 14.7 ns
Expressive language 9.8 ns 27.9 0.001
HABA, 2-4-hydroxybenzene-azo-benzoic acid.
Data are compiled and collated from Johnson.52-54 This table reports findings in paired children tested at both age 4 and 7 years. With rare
exceptions, more compromise in communication skills was noted at age 7. If deficits in subtests for central perceptual tasks, such as tests
of figure ground separation, auditory memory and retrieval, symbol constancy and sequencing, perseverance, dyspraxia, and dysdiodoko-
kinesis, was added to the suspicious to abnormal ratings in the table above the incidence of compromise in communication skills was 33%
at age 7 and 15% at age 4 years.
*Low bilirubin binding was defined by HABA <40% and nonsignificant (ns).

TSB levels was from 10 mg/dL to 36 mg/dL. Infants with TSB Of particular note, the same univariate analysis showed a
of 36 mg/dL had cholestasis with a direct-reacting bilirubin of consistent, highly significant correlation of low bilirubin
18 mg/dL. Gestational age ranged between 30 and 41 weeks binding reserve with suspicious and abnormal ratings for the
(mean 37.5 and mean birth weight 2772 ⫾ 732 g). psychometric and audiologic examinations at age 4 and 7
Drs Thomas Atkins, psychologist, Richard Winchester, au- years as well as with several individual sub tests (Tables 4, 5,
diologist, and Samuel Tucker, neurologist, of the Philadel- and 6). Level of significance was greatest if duration of expo-
phia Children’s Hospital Department of Rehabilitation, pro- sure to binding levels below 50%, 40%, and 30% were con-
vided follow-up examinations. They were unaware of sidered. The highly significant correlation of low binding
bilirubin and binding data or neonatal-course. Dr D.S Gold- reserve for suspect and abnormal performance at follow-up
stein at University of Pennsylvania conducted the statistical persisted after controlling for all documented and severity
analyses. For analysis, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) coded risk factors, including prematurity, birth weight, peri-
Collaborative Study psychometric norms and raw scores natal/neonatal complications, family history of learning dis-
were used for analysis. Data to describe environmental, edu- abilities, maternal education, socio-economic factors and
cational, and family characteristics were also comparable stress in the home.
with those used in the NIH Collaborative Study.47 Unlike the As shown in Table 6, perinatal/neonatal complications and
NIH Collaborative Study, all infants were from stable sup- a positive family history of learning disability also correlated
portive homes, of lower to middle socioeconomic status, and with suspect to abnormal findings at follow-up but to a lesser
parental educational at least through high school. Prelimi- degree than low binding reserve. Although not as useful as
nary details of the 4-year follow-up have been published.54 binding reserve in indicating risk of bilirubin toxicity, TSB
Table 4 summarizes the impact of combined neonatal biliru- measurements remain the most useful available indicator of
bin risk factors (on the basis of peak TSB levels and bilirubin- need for bilirubin reduction treatments. Table 7 demon-
binding) on neonatal outcomes. Detailed results of the 7 year strates the increased incidence of at least one suspected-to-
follow-have been partially reported in abstract form and are abnormal rating on important subtests in the psychometric
presented here in Table 6.53,54 Of those who returned at age 7 examinations (n ⫽ 22) of infants with peak bilirubin levels of
years, binding levels were available in all but 9 infants. In 4 ⱖ18 mg/dL compared with those with peak levels below that
infants, the sample was inadequate in the remainder 5 of the point. Fourteen infants had more 2 or more suspect rating for
9 infants, the direct reacting accounted for over 24% to 30% these subtests, 9 had 3 or more, and 2 had suspect ratings in
of the TSB that may result in unreliable measurements. all 4 of these most bilirubin pertinent tests. The greater the
A high incidence of deficit in perceptual, visual-motor, and number of suspect-to-abnormal ratings on these subtests, the
auditory speech and language functions were found despite more likely it was for the overall rating on the psychometric
normal IQ scores and absence of sensori-hearing loss was examination to be suspect or abnormal.
evident. An overview of the findings are included in this In an effort to clarify the importance of bilirubin levels,
review as early evidence that deficits in central processing can binding reserve, illness risk factors and family history of
occur in healthy, apparently neurologically normal children learning disabilities (as one aspect of genetic vulnerability)
despite normal sensori-neural hearing thresholds and IQ for clinical management of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, the
scores within the normal range. Univariate analysis showed data were analyzed by the stepwise logistic regression tech-
consistent trends, sometimes reaching statistical significance, nique. Considering only babies with complete data for all
for recorded exposure to TSB levels greater than18 mg/dL predictors of outcome morbidity as well as all measures of
(Table 7). outcome morbidity, the sum of days exposure to a low bili-
BIND syndrome
Table 6 Specific Psychometric Test for Jaundiced Infants With Suspected-to-Abnormal Findings at Age 7 Years as Related to Neonatal-Perinatal Events
Correlation (Univariate Analysis) of Measured (Raw) Scores for
a Spectrum of Psychometric Tests*
Association of Detailed Term and Score for Family
Psychometric Evaluation in Late Preterm Preterm (<34 wks Morbidity Score History of
Childhood to Neonatal Risk 35 to 41 wks GA) 30-34 wks for Neonatal Learning Low
Factors (n ⴝ 50) (n ⴝ 13) Illness Disabilities Bilirubin-Binding
Median TSB, mg/dL (range) 20 (10-31) 17.5 (15-24)
% use of exchange transfusion 80% 61.5%
for hemolytic hyperbilirubinemia 48% 38.5%
for idiopathic hyperbilirubinemia 32% 23.0%
Wechsler intelligence Scaling for 2% 0% 0.016 0.005 0.002
children (WISC): full-scale IQ
“Draw A Man” Concept Formation 18.0% 15.4% NS NS 0.007
Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic 6.0% 7.7% 0.002 0.015 0.002
Finger agnosia: tactile finger 34.0% 53.8% 0.06 NS 0.02
recognition test
Slingerland dysarthria/ dyslalia 26.0% 30.7% NS NS 0.001
Halstead-Reitan aphasia screen 20.0% 30.7% NS 0.015 0.024
Bender-gestalt visual motor 16.0% 30.7% NS 0.055 0.039
WRAT-Reading 0% 0.0% NS 0.001 0.042
WRAT-spelling 0% 0.0% 0.065 0.003 0.019
WRAT-arithmetic 0% 7.7% 0.009 0.013 0.001
Data are presented for 63 surviving infants born in 1965-1966, before the availability of phototherapy.52 Infants were treated according prevalent guidelines with exchange transfusion for TSB >18
mg/100 mL in preterm infants and >20 mg/100 mL in term and late preterm infants for hemolytic disease, >25 mg/100 mL for idiopathic jaundice. Study population includes infants with
hemolytic disease (Rh and ABO sensitization), neonatal illness of varying degrees, and prematurity, as well as completely healthy well term infants. None of these infants received ventilation
support. Range of TSB values in this cohort are all >95th percentile for age in hours. Morbidity score for composite ratings of neonatal complications, other than jaundice, included respiratory
distress, sepsis, dehydration, symptomatic hypoglycemia, prematurity and Apgar scores <6 at age 5 minutes. Score for family history of Learning Disabilities are based on a composite rating
of history of learning disability or mental retardation in primary or secondary family. Data are compiled and collated from Johnson et al.53,54
TSB, total serum bilirubin.
*P values are based on one tailed ␹2 analysis for this underpowered sample size.

110 L. Johnson and V.K. Bhutani

Table 7 Spectrum of Psychometric Tests Conducted on Children at Age 7 years with Neonatal History of Hyperbilirubinemia
(Term and Preterm Infants Enrolled Within the First Week After Birth, in 1965-66)
TSB > 18 mg/dL TSB <18 mg/dL Total
(n ⴝ 42) (n ⴝ 21) (n ⴝ 63)
Infants with at least 1 of the 4 tests rated 22* 5 27
as suspect to abnormal (n ⴝ 27)
Infants with all 4 tests are rated as 20 16 36
normal (n ⴝ 36)
Pertinent psychometric tests that were rated and included are “Draw-A-Man” Concept Formation, Slingerland Dysarthria/dyslalia, Bender-
Gestalt Visual-motor, and Halstead-Reitan Aphasia evaluations. Data are compiled and collated from Johnson et al.52-54
TSB, total serum bilirubin.
*The primary outcome of this study was to investigate the possibility of unrecognized morbidity in infants, cared for by then accepted clinical
management routine, who seemed to have escaped kernicteric sequelae by nursery findings at discharge. Comparison of low versus higher
TSB levels on outcome is a post-hoc analysis of an expected impact: two-tailed analysis Fischer Exact analysis: levels of significance, P ⴝ
0.0354. Odds ratio 3.52; 95% confidence interval 1.08-11.37.

rubin binding reserve was always entered into the equation In a subsequent study conducted after phototherapy had
first and in itself, accounted for 40% of variance in outcome become available in United States, an inborn population of
morbidity. infants at Pennsylvania Hospital in 1971-1972 was managed
The only other predictors selected for entrance at the P ⫽ on an anticipatory, preventive protocol to prevent TSB from
0.05 level of significance were family history of speech and increasing to greater than 20 mg/dL in term and 18 mg/dL in
learning disability and parental education level, in that order. preterm infants. As in the prephototherapy study, this cohort
These 3 variables accounted for 60% of outcome morbidity included infants with hemolytic disease as well as other peri-
variance. In contrast, if bilirubin binding reserve was not natal/neonatal complications. The same laboratory, clinical,
made available for the analysis, only 40% of outcome mor- family and environmental risk factors, as with the previous
bidity was accounted for and perinatal/neonatal complica- cohort, were measured and recorded. A comparison of 4-year
tions was the first predictor variable selected, followed, fam- follow-up results for this study with those of the earlier pre-
ily history of speech and learning disability, parent education phototherapy cohort is presented in Table 8. A much lower
and days bilirubin to total protein ratio ⬎3, 3.5, or bilirubin overall neurologic morbidity outcome score was found in the
to albumin ratio 6.0, 6.5, and 7.0 in that order. In the infants second study in association with predictive management of
in this study who had a worrisome degree of hyperbiliru- hyperbilirubinemia with phototherapy as well as lowered use
binemia, the increased potential for bilirubin toxicity associ- of exchange transfusions. Infants considered unlikely to de-
ated with concurrent perinatal/neonatal complications and velop TSB levels of 18-20 mg/dL received no treatment for
illness seems to have been entirely included in the binding hyperbilirubinemia. The peak TSB level in the second cohort
reserve estimate. was 18.5 mg/dL for a term baby with Rh sensitization. The
The Philadelphia study provides strong evidence that an second highest was 18.0 mg/dL in an infant with Coombs-
estimate of bilirubin binding reserve would help clinicians in positive ABO hemolytic disease. In treated infants, the peak
their management of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia52-54 and TSB was 20 mg/dL in a baby with idiopathic jaundice who
emphasize the need for expedited development of reliable, received a single exchange transfusion in addition to photo-
cost-effective, clinically available assays of unbound bilirubin therapy. There was no correlation of degree of hyperbiliru-
and/or binding reserve. Such assays reflect the increased tox- binemia, or binding reserve with the outcome morbidity
icity of bilirubin in association with illness, prematurity and a score in the 1971-72 cohort of babies. The total outcome
high bilirubin-to-albumin ratio and therefore indicate the variance accounted for by logistic regression analysis consid-
need for timely, effective individualized bilirubin reduction ering all predictor variables was 19% in contrast to 60% in
measures in a particular baby. It is of note in this regard, that the first cohort of prephototherapy study. These data suggest
2 of the children examined at age 4 and 7 years in the Phila- that the degree of bilirubin exposure for babies in the second
delphia study had definitive signs of late mid to early severe cohort resulted in no currently recognizable pathology.
stage ABE with complete resolution before nursery discharge.
One, a boy born at term who had severe Rh disease and
incipient hydrops, was treated with 8 exchange transfusions. Is There a Risk of Autism
The second, also a male born at term was transferred for
treatment at age 16 days with severe jaundice, (no blood
Among Infants With BIND?
group incompatibility) and antibiotic-sensitive Escherichia The authors of the aforementioned exploratory studies de-
coli sepsis and meningitis. He was treated with 2 exchange scribed did not assess for risk of autism. A more recent pro-
transfusions (the first one albumin fortified). These infants spective population-based study from Nova Scotia reported
had no abnormal or suspicious findings at the 7-year fol- no cases of kernicterus in 61,238 infants born between 1994
low-up except for an abnormal tactile finger recognition test and 2000 after the implementation of treatment guidelines
in the baby with E. coli sepsis. for hyperbilirubinemia in term and late preterm infants.26
BIND syndrome 111

Table 8 Comparison of Outcome at Age 4 Years for Jaundiced Infants With Varying Duration of Hyperbilirubinemia for 2 Study
Population of Newborns Enrolled in the Prephototherapy Era (1965-1966) and After Introduction of Phototherapy (1971-1972)
Mean Birth Peak Days with TSB Days with Low IQ Score at Neurologic
Year weight, TSB mg/ >15, 18, 25 Bilirubin Age 4 Morbidity
Enrolled n g dL mg/dL* Binding† Years Score‡
1965-66§ 83 2772 ⴞ 732 18.1 ⴞ 3.9¶ 4.41 ⴞ 3.5d 2.96 ⴞ 3.0d 110 ⴞ 17 5.55 ⴞ 10.8
1971-72§ 88 2847 ⴞ 695 13.3 ⴞ 3.5储 0.39 ⴞ 0.9d 0.46 ⴞ 1.2d 116 ⴞ 19 1.53 ⴞ 12.0
TSB, total serum bilirubin.
*Duration of hyperbilirubinemia was calculated as sum of mean days TSB >15, 18, 25 mg/dL.
†Days of low bilirubin binding was calculated as sum of mean days HABA <50%, 40%, 30%.
‡Neurologic morbidity score is based on composite rating for abnormal psychometric as well as audiologic, speech and language examinations
at age 4 years.
§NIH-sponsored studies: NB-05138, NB-04828 (Data are compiled and collated from Johnson).53,54
¶Infants were either inborn or out-born and enrolled in the prephototherapy era. They were treated with exchange transfusion(s) only.
储Infants were inborn and prospectively treated with phototherapy if needed to prevent TSB reaching mg/dL. Infants who were not treated with
phototherapy (55/88, 62.5%) had peak TSB <18.5 mg/dL. Of the 33 infants prospectively with phototherapy, exchange transfusion used as
an adjunct in 13 (30%) infants as per prevalent guidelines (see text).

There were no differences in the overall neurologic compos- hyperbilirubinemia after birth (odds ratio [OR] 3.7; 95%
ite outcome (cerebral palsy, developmental delay, hearing confidence interval [CI] 1.3-10.5). No associations were
and vision abnormalities, attention-deficit disorder, and au- found between infantile autism and low Apgar scores, acido-
tism) in infants with “moderate” hyperbilirubinemia (TSB sis, or hypoglycemia. In a much larger national, population-
ⱖ230 ␮mol/L [13.5 mg/dL] and ⬍325 ␮mol/L [⬍19 mg/ based cohort, the authors of a follow-up study of all 733,826
dL]) and those with “severe” hyperbilirubinemia (TSB levels children born alive in Denmark between 1994 and 2004
⬎325 ␮mol/L or 19 mg/dL) in comparison with infants with- tracked data collected from 4 national registers. Exposure to
out visible neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Of the 56,019 in- jaundice in neonates was associated with increased risk of
fants with linked data for analysis, associations with develop- disorders of psychological development for children born at
mental delay, attention-deficit disorder, and autism were term. The excess risk of developing a disorder in the spec-
observed in the ⬎325 ␮mol/L (⬎19 mg/dL) group. trum of psychological development disorders after exposure
By contrast, on the basis of their case-control study nested to jaundice as a neonate was between 56% (OR 1.56; 95% CI
within the cohort of singleton term infants born between 1.05-2.30) and 88% (OR 1.88; 95% CI 1.17-3.02). The ex-
1995 and 1998 at a northern California Kaiser Permanente cess risk of infantile autism was 67% (OR 1.67; 95% CI
Hospital, of 338 subjects with an autism spectrum disorder 1.03-2.71). Maternal parity and season of birth also seemed
diagnosis and 1817 control subjects without the diagnosis, of to play important roles. Neither of the Danish studies defined
whom 28% received ⱖ1 bilirubin test in the first 30 days newborn jaundice by severity of hyperbilirubinemia or the
of life, Croen et al61 found no case-control increased risk of TSB thresholds for interventions. Though curious, these data
autism, after adjustment for gender, birth facility, maternal are not suggestive or conclusive of a causal association be-
age, maternal race/ethnicity, maternal education, and gesta- tween newborn jaundice and autism.
tional age. They concluded that neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
was not a risk factor for autism spectrum disorder. For a
similar time (late 1990s), a Danish, population-based, case-
control study of 1216 case subjects with autistic disorders Our review supports the hypothesis that regardless of the
and 6080 control subjects were matched with respect to gen- cause for jaundice, there is a risk of neonatal bilirubin neu-
der, birth year, and birth hospital.62 Neonatal hypoglycemia, rotoxic sequelae that ranges from irreversible permanent in-
respiratory distress, and neonatal jaundice were associated jury to subtle multisensory and learning impairments during
with increased risk of autistic disorders for term but not infancy and childhood. Confounding effects of prematurity,
preterm infants. hemolysis, altered bilirubin-albumin binding, severity of bil-
Maimburg et al,63 in series of population based studies, irubin exposure and the individual vulnerability of the infant
found that infants transferred to a neonatal ward after deliv- contribute to the spectrum of clinical manifestations to be
ery had an almost 2-fold increased risk of being diagnosed designated as a syndrome of BIND. The cumulative evidence
with infantile autism later in childhood despite extensive thus far of moderate hyperbilirubinemia and its relationship
controlling of obstetrical risk factors. To specifically test for to subtle processing disorders and specifically, learning dis-
neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and neurological abnormalities, abilities, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, and nonprogres-
they first conducted a population-based matched case-con- sive developmental delay, is circumspect but of significant
trol study of 473 children with autism and 473 matched concern. Prospective studies are needed to better understand
controls born from 1990 to 1999 in Denmark. They reported the unique vulnerability of an infant to mild or moderate
an almost 4-fold risk for infantile autism in infants who had hyperbilirubinemia and track the long-term childhood out-
112 L. Johnson and V.K. Bhutani

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