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Extract node information from external URL using query

I want to be able to extract information from specific nodes from an external XML file. I currently have
been trying $contents = file_get_contents('

Sync Google Sheets to firestore collection

I want to automatically sync data from a google sheets to my firestore collection. - I have a google sheet
where I constantly add some data manually. - This data is required by an applica

QUARTZ.NET chain crone jobs

In my Net5 application, I tried to implement Quartz crone jobs but with synchronous implementation.I
want every job to wait for the previous one to finish. After a lot of examples

change checkbox value vuejs

so I need to change the checkbox value , instead of "true " to be "1" and instead of " false " to be "0"
here's my code :- <div class="form-check"&...

Send personalised content fetched from database in an email body at scale

I'm trying to figure out a way to send personalised email to my subscribers. Use Case : Subscriber 'A'
liked/viewed a particular brand of chocolates available on my store. I would like to

Automate gitlab pull from its development branch (pull from multiple
I have many projects in gitlab but daily I have to pull all the projects from gitlab to stay updated so any
script or any tool that can be used to automate this pull request everyday from my gitlab

make jest compile/transform/serve locally the module under test with

I need to pass a function that is written in typescript which should run in the browser. The issue that I am
having is that either I need to have the module I am testing transpiled and them en

Laravel override recourse controller method's parameter

I have a Feedback resource controller where the show method is expecting Feedback $feedback as
parameter. but I want to pass int $centerid, Date $dated. The routes are defined in the

ts-node-dev connot find the src folder

I am using ts node-dev for hot reaload but this last cannont fint the src folder this is my package.json file :
{ "name": "nestjs-mongodb-app", "version": "0.0.1&...

php not responding title - radio player - cloudflare

For the last month the php code for the appearance of the titles on the radio player of hasn’t responding
Calculate the mean of a list with counts for each value
I have a List<ChickenByWeight> I'm struggling to find a way to calculate the average weight for all the
chickens class ChickenByWeight extends Equatable { final int count; final int weight; ...

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