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NAMA :Ni Putu Angelina

NIM :200120



WHAT IS HIV/AIDS ?HIV is a virus that attack the immune system man. AIDS is an
abbreviation from Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Acquired means
obtained, not heredity. AIDS means set of symptoms due to deficiency or weakness of
the immune system the body formed after us born.
CAUSES OF HIV/AIDS Viruses enter the human body mainly through blood semen,
and vaginal secretions. After enter the human body, then the target The main source
of HIV is CD4 lymphocytes because Viruses have an affinity for CD4 surface
molecules. This virus will change its genetic information to in an integrated form in
genetic information from cells that attacked, that is changing shape RNA (ribonucleic
acid) to DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) using reverse transcriptase enzymes.
Symptoms of HIV/AIDS The symptoms of HIV vary depending on the
at the stage of infection. few weeks first after initial infection,
individuals may have no symptoms or influenza-like illnesses
including fever, headache, rash, or sore throat.
HIV/AIDS prevention. To avoid transmission of HIV, it is known the
concept of "ABCDE" as follows. A (Abstinence): means Absence of sex
or not having sex for the unmarried. B (Be faithful): means to act loyal
to one sex partner (do not change partners). C (Condom): means
Prevent transmission HIV through sexual intercourse with use a
condom. D (Drug No): means Forbidden use drugs. E (Education):
means giving Correct education and information about HIV, how it is
transmitted, prevention and treatment.

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