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Utilizing Waste Recycled Glass as Sand/Cement

Replacement in Concrete
Bashar Taha, Ph.D.1; and Ghassan Nounu, Ph.D.2
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Abstract: The potential use of waste recycled glass in concrete as recycled glass sand 共RGS兲 and pozzolanic glass powder 共PGP兲 was
examined in this study. No major difference was found in compressive strength of concrete with the presence of RGS as sand replacement.
While, the compressive strength of concrete reduced by 16 and 10.6% at 28 and 364 days respectively when 20% of Portland cement was
replaced by PGP. The potential expansion of concrete due to alkali-silica reaction 共ASR兲 was monitored according to the procedure of
British Standard BS 812 Part 123:1999. As a siliceous material, the use of RGS as sand replacement in concrete possesses high risk of
ASR expansion. Therefore, cracks were observed when RGS was used as sand replacement in concrete without any precautions to
minimize this risk. Different materials were used as ASR suppressors to mitigate the potential risk of ASR, such as: ground granulated
blastfurnace slag, metakaolin, PGP, and lithium nitrate 共LiNO3兲. The expansion associated with ASR was significantly reduced when the
ASR suppressor was used in concrete.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0899-1561共2009兲21:12共709兲
CE Database subject headings: Recycling; Glass; Sand, material; Concrete.

Introduction rial to replace the cement was first examined by Pattengill and
Shutt 共1973兲.
Due to rapid growth of population and industry, the generated ASR is considered as a major obstacle that restrains the use of
waste is enormously increased. Hence, recycling of waste mate- recycled glass in concrete 共Dhir et al. 2003兲. The ASR was first
rials has become a critical issue worldwide. In theory, closed loop discovered in 1940’s by Stanton 共1940兲. The product of the ASR
recycling technique is considered as the best sustainable practice is known as the alkali-silicate gel. The ASR gel has the ability to
absorb water with a consequent tendency to swell and increase in
to reuse waste materials. However, in some circumstances, be-
volume. As a result, ASR gel can severely damage the microstruc-
cause of high cost imposed from sorting and cleaning processes
ture of concrete due to the generated internal stresses because of
of waste material, the closed loop cannot be applied in recycling
the volume changes. ASR is considered as a long-term problem,
process. For instance, it is not feasible to reuse contaminated
and the detrimental consequences may not manifest for years, but
mixed-color waste recycled glass in glass industry because of the it is always considered as a potential risk 共Swamy 1992兲.
high cost required for sorting and cleaning and inconsistence in
the properties of the contaminated mixed-color waste recycled
glass. Mechanism of ASR
Several research works were carried out to examine the possi-
bility of reusing waste recycled glass in concrete and construction There are three essential elements necessary for ASR. These ele-
industry as alternative solution to reduce the generated bulk of ments are: enough alkali content, reactive silica, and moisture.
mixed-color waste recycled glass, and establish solid ground for The alkali in concrete comes from the cementitious material,
clear understanding and further investigation 共Dhir et al. 2004; Jin while the reactive silica is available in the siliceous aggregates.
et al. 2000; Shayan and Xu 2003兲. The ASR starts when the pore solution of high alkaline attacks the
The potential risk of alkali-silica reaction 共ASR兲 in concrete siliceous minerals available in the aggregate 共Folliard et al. 2003兲.
with the presence of recycled glass as an aggregate replacement Because of the alkali attack, the reactive silica will then dissolve
was first investigated by Schmidt and Asia 共1963兲. The possibility to form the alkali-silicate gel. The potential hazard of this reaction
of using very fine grounded powdered glass as pozzolanic mate- is the ability of the produced ASR gel to absorb water and swell
inside the microstructure of concrete and generate an internal
pressure that may exceed the strength of concrete and can cause
Chief Construction Engineer, Roads and Transport Authority, P.O. severe cracks and damage. In order to mitigate the ASR risk,
Box 79623, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 共corresponding author兲. E-mail:
using the following materials in concrete have proven very effec-
Faculty of Environment and Technology, School of the Built and tive to suppress ASR i.e., low alkali cement, nonreactive aggre-
Natural Environment, Univ. of the West of England, Coldharbour Lane, gates, CSMs, and lithium compounds as chemical admixtures.
Frenchay BS16 1QY, Bristol, U.K. E-mail:
Note. This manuscript was submitted on October 26, 2006; approved
on April 21, 2009; published online on November 13, 2009. Discussion Mitigating ASR by Using Cement Supplementary
period open until May 1, 2010; separate discussions must be submitted Materials
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in
Civil Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 12, December 1, 2009. ©ASCE, ISSN Cement supplementary materials 共CSMs兲 can effectively reduce
0899-1561/2009/12-709–721/$25.00. ASR risk when used in concrete as cement replacement e.g.,


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2009, 21(12): 709-721

Experimental Programme Plan

Sand Replacement - RGS Cement Replacement - PGP

0% Control 50% 100% 0% Control 20%

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Mineral Additives Replacement and Chemical Admixture

CEM1 60% 10% 20% 1%


Visual Inspection & Observations

Fresh Concrete Properties Hardened Concrete Properties

ASR Monitoring & Measurements

Results Analysis & Discussion

Fig. 1. Experimental program

ground granulated blastfurnace slag 共GGBS兲 and pulverized fuel lithium-bearing silicate on the surface of the reactive aggre-
ash 共Aquino et al. 2001; Shehata and Thomas 2000兲. Meyer and gate particles.
Xi 共1999兲 and Shehata et al. 共1999兲 were concluded that the al- Hence, the presence of lithium in concrete can minimize the
kalis available in the cementitious supplementary materials will ASR expansion due to the following:
be consumed in the chemical reaction of the hydration process to 1. Lithium compounds can change the nature and chemical
form hydration products Therefore, the alkalis will not be avail- composition of the produced ASR gel.
able in the pore solution for further chemical reaction such as the 2. Lithium compounds can reduce the solubility of the reactive
ASR at later stages, as the alkalis will be chemically bonded in silica.
the hydration products. 3. Lithium compounds can reduce the ability of any dissolved
silica to be repolymerised and form ASR gel particles.
4. Lithium compounds can increase the repulsive forces be-
Mitigating ASR by Adding Lithium Compounds as tween the particles of the ASR gel causing these particles to
Chemical Admixture be scattered, and thus the expansive ability of the ASR gel
will be reduced.
McCoy and Caldwell 共1951兲 were the first who studied the pos-
sibility of using Lithium compounds to mitigate the ASR. It was
found in several studies that lithium compounds can effectively Research Significance
suppress the ASR 共Lumley 1997; Qian et al. 2002兲. The following
explanations extracted from previous research works to clarify Recycling of contaminated mixed-color waste recycled glass pos-
this phenomenon sesses major problem for municipalities globally. This problem
• Collins et al. 共2004兲 and Feng et al. 共2005兲 were concluded can be greatly eliminated and solved by reusing mixed-color
that lithium ions are more readily to incorporate in the ASR waste recycled glass as sand/cement replacement in concrete, as-
gel product due to their small ionic radius and higher surface suming that potential ASR risk can be controlled. The compre-
charge density compared to the other alkali ions available in hensive results obtained from this study will support the results
concrete i.e., sodium 共Na兲 and potassium 共K兲. and conclusions of previous research work and furnish the ground
• Mo et al. 共2003兲 were stated that the nature of lithium-bearing for further investigation in the same topic.
ASR product is a nonexpansive crystalline. Therefore, the
greater proportion of lithium against other alkalis will reduce
the risk of the destructive ASR expansion in concrete 共Dia- Experimental Program
mond 1997兲.
• Mitchell et al. 共2004兲 concluded that the presence of lithium in The experimental program of this study was divided into two
concrete can act as a protective layer of a nonexpansive parts 共Fig. 1兲. The first part includes exploring the impact of the


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2009, 21(12): 709-721

Table 1. Groups and Subgroups of Concrete Mixes
Group 1-control 2-GGBS 3-MK 4-PGP 5-Li
Cementitious materials 100% CEM1 40% CEM1, 90% CEM1, 80% CEM1, 100% CEM1,
control mix 60% GGBS 10% MK 20% PGP 1% LiNO
RGS Content 0% CEM-0 GGBS-0 MK-0 PGP-0 LiNO-0
50% CEM-50 GGBS-50 MK-50 PGP-50 LiNO-50
100% CEM-100 GGBS-100 MK-100 PGP-100 LiNO-100
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presence of mixed-color waste recycled glass as sand/cement re- Testing Program

placement on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. The
investigation of ASR and the mitigating measures will be per- Test details and program are described in the following sections.
formed in the second part.

Properties of Fresh and Hardened Concrete

Concrete Mixes
In order to assess the impact of using waste recycled glass as
The normal sand 共fine aggregate兲 was replacement by recycled
sand/cement replacement 共RGS and PGP兲 on the properties fresh
glass sand 共RGS兲 at two levels, 50 and 100%. As for cement
and hardened concrete, the tests were conducted on three speci-
replacement, 20% of portland cement CEM1 was replaced by
mens. Average of three results was considered in this study.
pozzolanic glass powder 共PGP兲. Five groups of concrete mixes
were prepared as follows, Group 1: CEM1—control mix, Group
2: GGBS, Group 3: metakaolin 共MK兲, Group 4: PGP and Group
5: LiNO3. Each group was subdivided into three concrete mixes Tests for Fresh Concrete
that illustrate the levels of RGS replacement 0, 50, 100% 共Table
1兲. The amount of water absorption and moisture correction of 1. Visual inspection according to BS EN 12350 Part 1: 2000
aggregates were calculated in order to ensure that the free water Consistency level and slump according to BS EN 12350 Part
required for cement hydration will not be consumed by any other 2:2000.
chemical or physical operation during concrete mixing. 2. Wet density according to BS EN 12350 Part 6:2000.

Concrete Mix Proportions for Mechanical Properties Tests for Hardened Concrete
1. Compressive strength according to BS EN 12390 Part
The proportions of concrete mixes which prepared to study the 3:2000. The compressive strength test will be performed on
properties of fresh and hardened concrete are shown in Table 2. 100 mm cube at different ages as follows: 1, 3, 7, 28, 56, 91,
182, and 364 days.
2. Tensile splitting strength according to BS EN 12390 Part
Concrete Mix Proportions for ASR Test 6:2000. The tensile splitting strength test will be performed
on 100 mm cube at 28 days.
The proportion of concrete mix given in British Standard BS 812 3. Flexure strength according to BS EN 12390 Part 5:2000. The
Part 123:1999 was used in this study for ASR testing program. flexure strength test will be performed on 100⫻ 100
Concrete proportions are measured by volume 共Table 3兲. Four ⫻ 500 mm prism at 28 days.
concrete prisms were cast for each concrete mix to perform ASR 4. Water absorption according to BS 1881 Part 122:1983. The
test. water absorption test will be performed on core extracted
from 100 mm cube at 28 days.

Table 2. Concrete Mix Proportions for Fresh and Hardened Properties Test Method for Alkali-Silica Reaction
Coarse Coarse ASR expansion of concrete was monitored as described in test
Cement aggregate aggregate Fine method of British Standard BS 812 Part 123:1999. Four concrete
content Free water 20 mm 10 mm aggregate
prisms with cross section of 75⫻ 75⫻ 279 mm were cast for
共kg/ m3兲 w/c 共lit/ m3兲 共kg/ m3兲 共kg/ m3兲 共kg/ m3兲
each concrete mix in order to conduct the ASR test and measure
440 0.38 167.2 690 390 760 the expansion. The prisms were water cured for 7 days at room
temperature. After the 7 days water curing period, the concrete
Table 3. Concrete Mix Proportions for ASR Test in accordance with BS prisms were stored in cylinders to maintain the humid environ-
812:123 共1999兲 ment that necessary for ASR inside an environmental chamber
Cement Water 20 mm 10 mm Sand with controlled temperature of 38⫾ 2 ° C. The measurements of
prisms length were made at ages of 1, 2, 4, 13, 26, 39, and 52
22.2% 22.8% 16.5% 22.0% 16.5%
weeks using length comparator apparatus. An extra period of 26


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2009, 21(12): 709-721

Table 4. Alkali Content and the Required K2SO4 according to the BS 812–123 共1999兲
Group ID 1-control 2-GGBS 3-MK 4-PGP 5-LiNO
CEM1 content 100% 40% 90% 80% 100%
Mineral additives 0 60% GGBS 10% MK 20% PGP 1% LiNO3
Na2Oeq 共%兲 0.58 0.61 0.68 3.30 0.58
Alkaline content 共kg/ m3兲 4.07 4.24 4.74 23.08 4.07
Added K2SO4 共kg/ m3兲 8.25 7.76 6.37 n / a共a兲 8.25
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weeks was proposed in this study in order to evaluate efficiency i.e., the sodium equivalent 共Na2Oeq兲 was calculated as described
of the ASR suppressors at longer period. in Eq. 共1兲. The alkali content in the five groups is as follows: 4.07,
4.24, 4.74, 23.08, and 4.07 kg/ m3, for the groups CEM, GGBS,
MK, PGP, and LiNO3 respectively. In order to maintain the alkali
ASR Suppressors content in concrete to be equal to 1.00⫾ 0.05%, potassium sulfate
K2SO4 was added 共if required兲 to the mixing water 共Eq. 共2兲兲.
The potential risk of ASR in concrete with the presence of RGS in
concrete was monitored by the method of BS 812 Part 123:1999. Pozzolanic Glass Powder as Cement Replacement
The effectiveness of using different mineral additives to suppress
ASR expansion was also investigated. GBS and MK, PGP were Very fine glass powder is considered as pozzolanic material that
used in this study as cement replacement to mitigate the ASR. The can contribute to the formation of the hydration products 共Dyer
possibility of using lithium nitrate 共LiNO3兲 in concrete as chemi- and Dhir 2001兲. Very fine PGP is produced by reducing the par-
cal admixture to mitigate the ASR was also explored. ticle size of waste recycled glass. The proposed level of cement
replacement by PGP in this study was 20% by mass.
Alkali Content
The alkali content in the concrete will be only referred to the
alkali of the cementitious materials. The alkali content in concrete The materials used in the research work are listed in the following
mixes that presented in the amount of sodium equivalent Na2Oeq sections.
关Eq. 共1兲兴 of cementitious materials was adjusted in accordance
with BS 812 part 123:1999, such that it is comparable to that of Cementitious Material
concrete mix prepared by using cement having Na2Oeq equal to
1.00⫾ 0.05%. The alkali content in concrete was adjusted by add-
Portland Cement „CEM1…
ing an appropriate quantity of potassium sulfate K2SO4 to mixing
water in order to maintain high alkali content and secure the Ordinary portland cement 共CEM1兲 class 42.5N in accordance
conditions for ASR 关Eq. 共2兲兴 共BS 812 Part 123:1999兲. The calcu- with British standard BS EN 197 Part 1:2000 will be used in this
lations of alkali content, sodium equivalent and the required po- study. The alkali content 共Na2Oeq兲 of the CEM1 is 0.58%.
tassium sulfate 共K2SO4兲 are shown in Table 4
Na2Oeq = Na2O + 0.658 ⫻ K2O 共1兲 Cement Supplementary Materials „Ground
Granulated Blastfurnace Slag and Metakaolin…
where, Na2Oeq = sodium equivalent; Na2O = sodium oxide content
in the cement; and K2O = potassium oxide content in the cement Two different types of mineral additives were used in this study
M = C ⫻ 共1 − s兲/35.56 共2兲 as cement replacement, GGBS and MK. The CEM1 was replaced
by 60% of GGBS and 10% of MK. The alkali content 共Na2Oeq兲 of
where M = mass of potassium sulfate K2SO4 in 共g兲, to nearest 0.01 the GGBS and MK was 0.62 and 1.54% respectively.
g; C = cement content in concrete mix in 共g兲; and s = sodium oxide
equivalent Na2Oeq of cement, as % by mass 关Eq. 共2兲兴.
Pozzolanic Glass Powder

Very fine glass powder with an average size particle passing sieve
Recycled Glass Sand as Sand Replacement
size 45 ␮m was used as cement replacement. The alkali content
共Na2Oeq兲 of the PGP was 14.16%. Chemical compositions of ce-
Due to rapid cooling applied during the manufacturing process of
mentitious materials 共CEM1, GGBS, MK, and PGP兲 are shown in
glass, the structure of glass crystals will experience derangement
Table 5. The alkali content for cementitious materials is given in
due to insufficient time for structure to be uniformly distributed.
Table 6.
Therefore, glass is categorized as an amorphous material with
70%, or more, of its chemical composition considered as highly
reactive silica. Therefore, the use of RGS in concrete possesses Lithium Nitrate „LiNO3…
high potential risk of ASR. In this research work two level of sand
replacement in concrete were adopted, 50 and 100% by mass. It Anhydrous lithium nitrate LiNO3 which is specified as a reagent
was considered that the alkalis in RGS are not available for ASR for general laboratory was used in this study. Lithium nitrate
due to the chemical bond that restrains the alkalis in glass to 共LiNO3兲 was dissolved in the mixing water and added to concrete
contribute in ASR. The alkali content in cementitious materials mix as a chemical admixture to suppress ASR.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2009, 21(12): 709-721

Table 5. Chemical Analysis of Cementitious Material
material CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO Na2O K 2O TiO2 Mn3O4 SrO P 2O 5 V 2O 5 Cr2O3 BaO
CEM1 64.45 20.41 5.63 2.85 1.09 0.18 0.64 0.27 0.06 0.09 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05
GGBS 40.89 35.19 13.18 0.39 7.86 0.29 0.50 0.55 0.0 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 0.10
MK 0.06 55.24 40.88 0.71 0.28 0.15 2.08 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 0.15 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05
PGP 8.61 72.26 1.04 0.17 3.89 13.31 0.52 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05

Aggregate Properties of Fresh Concrete

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Natural limestone crushed rock coarse aggregate and sea dredge It was found that the homogeneity of concrete was reduced when
sand 共SDS兲 fine aggregate obtained from local sources were used RGS was used in concrete as sand replacement. Wet density of
in this study. The coarse and fine aggregates were regionally cat- concrete was also reduced as the content of RGS increased in
egorized as nonexpansive aggregate according to the Building
concrete. Furthermore, segregation and bleeding were becoming
Research Establishment 共1997兲 interpretation to BS 812 Part
very obvious with the presence of RGS in concrete. These
changes can be explained as follows:
1. The consistency of concrete mix was reduced due to the lack
Recycled Glass Sand of fines in RGS compared to SDS.
2. The density of concrete contains waste glass was lower than
Mixed-color RGS of particle size less than 5 mm, provided by normal concrete that was made by SDS due to lower density
Day Aggregate Ltd was used directly in concrete without any of RGS compared to SDS.
cleaning or sorting process. Results of sieve analysis for both 3. Due to the inherent smooth surface and negligible water ab-
SDS and RGS are shown in Fig. 2. The results of relative density sorption of RGS, very little water was trapped at the surface
and water absorption are shown in Table 7. The chemical compo- of RGS. Therefore, the cohesive force inside the concrete
sition of SDS and RGS are given in Table 8. mix was reduced. Therefore, segregation and bleeding were
clearly identified in the concrete mixes.
4. The sharp edges of RGS increase the friction forces inside
Findings and Discussion the concrete mix during mixing or handling, which reduces
the consistency of concrete.
The impact of using RGS and PGP as sand and cement replace- On the other hand, it was observed that there was no signifi-
ment on properties of fresh and hardened concrete will be dis- cant change in the slump of concrete when PGP was used as
cussed in the following sections.
cement replacement. As for the wet density, it was found that due
to lower density of PGP compared to CEM1, wet density of con-
Table 6. Alkali Content in the Cementitious Materials in accordance to crete was slightly dropped when PGP was used.
the BS EN 196 Part 121 共1992兲 The results of slump, wet density tests and the observations of
visual inspection carried out on fresh concrete are available in
Cement type Na2O K 2O Na2Oeq
Table 9.
CEM1 0.16 0.64 0.58
GGBS 0.30 0.49 0.62
MK 0.18 2.06 1.54
Properties of Hardened Concrete
PGP 13.82 0.52 14.16

The effects of using RGS and PGP as sand and cement replace-
ment on the properties of hardened concrete will be discussed in
the following sections.
100% SDS
80 100% RGS
50% SDS+50% RGS
Lower Boundaries Table 7. Relative Density and Water Absorption
Passing (%)

Upper Boundaries
Relative density
共ton/ m3兲
40 Water
Aggregate ODa SSDb absorption %
Coarse Aggregates 20 mm 2.66 2.67 0.60
10 mm 2.66 2.68 0.66
Fine Aggregates Sea dredge 2.60 2.63 1.00
0.01 0.1 1 10
Sieve Size (mm) Recycled glass 2.50 2.51 0.06
OD⫽oven dry density.
Fig. 2. Sieve size analysis for SDS and RGS b
SSD⫽saturated surface dry density.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2009, 21(12): 709-721

Table 8. Chemical Analysis of SDS and RGS
CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO Na2O K 2O TiO2 Mn3O4 SrO P 2O 5 V 2O 5 Cr2O3 BaO
SDS 7.11 78.57 2.55 2.47 0.46 0.42 0.64 0.15 0.10 ⬍0.05 0.09 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05
RGS 10.63 72.13 1.78 0.36 1.26 12.40 0.64 0.06 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 0.09 ⬍0.05

Concrete Strength Results „Compressive, Split Water Absorption of Concrete

Tensile, and Flexural…
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It was found that the amount of the absorbed water in concrete

The effect of RGS on concrete compressive strength at 28 days is was reduced with the presence of RGS in concrete 共Fig. 10兲. It
shown at Fig. 3, while Fig. 4 shows the effect of RGS on com- can be concluded that as glass by its nature is an impermeable
pressive strength at 364 days. Minor effect of RGS on concrete material with very low value of water absorption, therefore, the
compressive strength was found for Group 1. However, for the presence of RGS in concrete reduces the total demand of water
other four groups the following observations were noted: Group 2 absorption.
共GGBS兲 and Group 4 共PGP兲, the results of concrete compressive In contrary, it was found that the amount of the water absorbed
strength were lower than other groups. Group 3 共MK兲 results was more when PGP was used in the concrete 共Fig. 11兲 compared
were higher than other concrete mixes of the other groups. to the control concrete mix 共CEM兲. There is no clear explanation
Fig. 5 shows the effect of RGS on split tensile strength at 28 can be given to address this behavior at this stage. Further inves-
days, while Fig. 6 reveals the effect of RGS effect on flexural tigation is required to identify the impact of PGP on the perme-
strength at 28 days. The stated observations for the compressive ability of concrete and water absorption property.
strength are applied on split tensile and flexural strengths. The
possible explanations of these observations are:
• The change occurred in the properties of the cement paste- ASR Test
aggregate as RGS presents in concrete.
• The impact of the severe bleeding and segregation occurred The results obtained from the experimental program of ASR test-
because of presence of RGS in concrete on the microstructure ing are explained below.
of concrete.
Average reduction of 16.0 and 10.6% was found in compres-
sive strength at 28 and 364 days respectively when 20% of CEM1 Potential Risk of the ASR
was replaced by PGP 共Fig. 7兲. Compared to control mix Group 1
CEM-1, the effect of PGP on split tensile and flexural strength at It was found that the presence of RGS in concrete without any
28 days is represented in Figs. 8 and 9 respectively. The presence precautions measures to reduce ASR expansion possesses high
of PGP in concrete as 20% cement replacement may also influ- risk due to extensive ASR cracks. Fig. 12 shows the results of
ence the properties of the microstructure of concrete 共Dyer and ASR expansion for control concrete mix 共CEM兲: CEM-0, CEM-
Dhir 2001兲. Further investigation on this issue is required as there 50, and CEM-100.
is no evidence for this statement at this research work. No ASR cracks were observed in concrete mix CEM-0 共con-

Table 9. Properties of Fresh Concrete

RGS content Slump Wet density
Mix ID 共%兲 共mm兲 共kg/ m3兲 Visual inspection
CEM-0 0 120 2,440 Consistent and homogeneous
CEM-50 50 95 2,430 Homogeneous but less consistent
CEM-100 100 80 2,390 Harsh, bleeding, and segregation
GGBS-0 0 130 2,430 Very thick
GGBS-50 50 70 2,440 Bleeding and very thick
GGBS-100 100 75 2,370 Harsh, bleeding, segregation, and very thick
MK-0 0 80 2,420 Homogeneous
MK-50 50 80 2,410 Less homogeneous but no segregation
MK-100 100 50 2,380 Harsh, bleeding, and segregation
PGP-0 0 120 2,410 Homogeneous
PGP-50 50 140 2,400 Less homogeneous but no segregation
PGP-100 100 70 2,380 Harsh, bleeding, and segregation
LiNO-0 0 110 2,430 Consistent and homogeneous
LiNO-50 50 75 2,420 Homogeneous
LiNO-100 100 70 2,410 Harsh, bleeding, and segregation


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2009, 21(12): 709-721

120 120

Compressive Strength (N/mm2)

Compressive Strength (N/mm )

100 100

80 80
CEM-0 CEM-100 GGBS-0 GGBS-100
CEM-50 GGBS-50
60 60

40 40
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0 50 100 0 50 100
RGS Content (%) RGS Content (%)

Group 1 (CEM) - Control Group 2 (GGBS)

120 120

Compressive Strength (N/mm2)

Compressive Strength (N/mm )

100 100

80 80
MK-0 MK-50 MK-100 PGP-0 PGP-50 PGP-100

60 60

40 40
0 50 100 0 50 100

RGS Content (%) RGS Content (%)

Group 3 (MK) Group 4 (PGP)

Compressive Strength (N/mm2)



LiNO-50 LiNO-100
60 LiNO-0

0 50 100
RGS Content (%)

Group 5 (LiNO)

Fig. 3. Effect of RGS on compressive strength at 28 days

trol mix兲 in which only SDS was used. Deteriorated ASR cracks the efficiency of the ASR suppressors to reduce ASR expansion.
were observed in concrete mix CEM-100 when 100% of SDS was The ASR expansion observed in concrete mix CEM-100 was
replaced by RGS. As for concrete mix CEM-50, cracks were very high and ASR cracks were clearly identified in concrete.
clearly noticed due to ASR expansion. The ASR expansion of Scattered ASR cracks were extensively appeared in concrete
concrete mix CEM-50 at 52 weeks was within the allowable limit prisms CEM-50 and CEM-100 compared to CEM-0 as shown in
of nonexpansive aggregate according to BRE Digest 330 Part 2 Fig. 13. All ASR suppressors i.e., GGBS, MK, PGP and LiNO3
共1997兲 and BS 812 Part 123:1999. However, concrete mix used in this study have shown very good mitigating ability to
CEM-50 continued to expand due to ASR after 52 weeks and reduce ASR expansion, and the potential ASR expansion was ef-
considered as a potential risk as ASR expansion exceeded the ficiently controlled even with high RGS content i.e., 100% 共Figs.
allowable limit after 52 weeks testing period as shown in Fig. 12. 14–17兲.
In this study to, an extra period of 26 weeks was adopted examine The results obtained for Group 4 共PGP兲 showed that the use of


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2009, 21(12): 709-721

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Fig. 4. Effect of RGS on compressive strength at 364 days

PGP in concrete as a cement replacement can significantly reduce chemical reaction of the hydration process to form the mi-
ASR expansion 共Fig. 16兲. Further research work is required to crostructure of concrete.
identify the effect of PGP on ASR. However, the following ex- 2. The available reactive silica available in the PGP was dis-
planations can be referred to explain the reduction of ASR expan- solved during the early stage of hydration and react with
sion with the presence of PGP in concrete. other chemical elements to form other reaction products of
1. The available alkali in concrete is considered as an alkali concrete. Therefore, it will not be free for further ASR at
activator for the hydration of PGP and consumed in the later stages.

120 120
Compressive Strength (N/mm )

Compressive Strength (N/mm )



100 100 CEM-50

CEM-0 CEM-100
80 CEM-50 80 PGP-50 PGP-100

60 60
PGP-0 PGP-50 PGP-100

40 40
0 50 100 0 50 100
RGS Content % RGS Content %

28 days 364 days 28 days 364 days

Compressive strength at 28 days Compressive strength at 36 days

Fig. 5. Effect of RGS on split tensile strength at 28 days


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2009, 21(12): 709-721

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Fig. 6. Effect of RGS on flexural strength at 28 days

Conclusions differences in the microstructure of concrete. Nevertheless, this

statement could not be tested and verified to be approved in this
It can be concluded that the properties of fresh concrete were research work, therefore, further studies are recommended in the
considerably affected when RGS was used in concrete as sand same topic
replacement. Sever bleeding, segregation were clearly noticed in It was concluded that tensile splitting and flexural strength
all concrete mixes contain 100% RGS. In addition, the concrete were decreased when RGS and PGP were used in concrete as
experienced obvious inconsistency when 100% RGS was used as sand and cement replacement due to the following:
sand replacement. Relatively, the observed undesirable changes in
the properties of fresh concrete were less when only 50% of sand
was replaced by RGS. 10
Compared to SDS, the following points can be summarized to
explain the effect of RGS on the properties of fresh concrete
• Angular shape and sharp edges of the RGS particles.
Split Tensile Strength (N/mm2)

• Impermeable surface and low absorption value of RGS.

• Lack of fines in RGS. 8
• Inconsistency of properties of RGS.
• The changes occurred in the properties of cement paste- PGP-0 CEM-50
aggregate as RGS presents in concrete. 7
As for the use of PGP in concrete as cement replacement, it
was found that there is no major impact on the properties of fresh 6 PGP-50
of concrete when PGP presented in concrete. Contrary, it was PGP-100
noticed that the presence of PGP in concrete can enhance the
properties of fresh concrete, as well as, the handling and placing 5
of fresh concrete. This can be explained due to the improvement
in the shape and texture of the glass particles when the particles
size was reduced.
0 50 100
No major changes were found in the compressive strength of
concrete with the presence of RGS in concrete as 50 or 100% as RGS Content (%)
sand replacement. However, when 20% of the Portland cement
was replaced by PGP, the compressive strength was reduced by Fig. 7. Effect of PGP on compressive strength at 28 and 364 days
16% compared to control mix. This can be concluded due to the compared to Group 1 共CEM兲


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2009, 21(12): 709-721

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Fig. 8. Effect of PGP on split tensile strength at 28 days compared to Group 1 共CEM兲

• The change occurred in the properties of the cement paste-

• The angular shape of the RGS particles.
• The impact of the severe bleeding and segregation on the
properties of the microstructure of concrete.
It was also concluded that due to the low value of water ab-
sorption of RGS compared to SDS, the amount of the absorbed
water in concrete was reduced when RGS was used in concrete as
sand replacement. Unlike the PGP, the water absorption in con- 8
crete was slightly increased.
It was confirmed in this study that the use of RGS in concrete
as sand replacement possesses high risk of ASR. Extreme damage
due to the ASR cracking was observed when RGS was repre- 7
Flexural Strength (N/mm2)

sented in concrete. The integrity of the concrete was badly af- CEM-0
fected. As a result, it is not recommended to use RGS in concrete
without any precaution measures i.e., using ASR suppressors to PGP-0 CEM-50
eliminate the potential ASR damage. All the used ASR suppres-
sors in this study 共GGBS, MK, PGP, and LiNO3兲 were proven to PGP-50
be very effective to reduce and eliminate the potential ASR risk, CEM-100
as the expansion of ASR was considerably reduced when ASR 5
suppressors were used in concrete. PGP-100

0 50 100

The writers would like to thank the faculty of the built environ- RGS Content (%)
ment of the University of the West of England, Bristol for financ-
ing the research work. Special thanks to Mr. Rick Drew the Fig. 9. Effect of PGP on flexural strength at 28 days compared to
concrete laboratory technician for his valuable assistance. Group 1 共CEM兲


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2009, 21(12): 709-721

Downloaded from by Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology on 12/03/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Fig. 10. Effect of RGS on water absorption at 28 days

52 weeks test period of BS 812-123 Extra 26 weeks test period


Water Absorption (%)

2.0 PGP-50
ASR Expansion(%)

CEM-0 PGP-100
0.40 Digest 330 BRE & BS812-123 Allowable
PGP-0 CEM-50
Boundary for ASR Expansion
1.5 CEM-100


1.0 0.00
0 1 2 4 13 26 39 52 65 78
0 50 100
Age (weeks)
RGS Content (%)
CEM-0 CEM-50 CEM-100
Fig. 11. Effect of PGP on water absorption at 28 days compared to
Group 1 共CEM兲 Fig. 12. ASR Expansion of Group 1 共Control兲


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2009, 21(12): 709-721

52 weeks test period of BS 812-123 26 weeks extra test period



ASR Expansion(%)
Digest 330 BRE & BS812-123 Allowable
Boundary for ASR Expansion

CEM-0 (0% RGS) CEM-50 (50% RGS) 0.08

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0 1 2 4 13 26 39 52 65 78
Age (weeks)

PGP-0 PGP-50 PGP-100

Fig. 16. ASR Expansion of Group 4 共PGP兲

CEM-100 (100% RGS)

Fig. 13. Concrete prisms of Group 1 共CEM兲 at 52 weeks age. Prisms

CEM-50 and CEM-100 are cracked due to ASR expansion. 52 weeks test period of BS 812-123 26 weeks extra test period


52 weeks test period of BS 812-123 26 weeks extra test period

ASR Expansion(%)
0.24 0.16
Digest 330 BRE & BS812-123 Allowable
Boundary for ASR Expansion
ASR Expansion(%)

Digest 330 BRE & BS812-123 Allowable 0.08

0.12 Boundary for ASR Expansion
0.04 0 1 2 4 13 26 39 52 65 78

0.00 Age (weeks)

LiNO-0 LiNO-50 LiNO-100

0 1 2 4 13 26 39 52 65 78
Age (weeks)
Fig. 17. ASR Expansion of Group 5 共LiNO兲

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