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Ph. 08514-275201, Fax.08514-275123                          Mobile: 9440290470
Dr. T. Jaya Chandra Prasad                          Date : 24-01-2021

D. Krishna Chaitanya
Asst. Professor
GNIT, Hyderbad

Dear Sir/Madam,

  I am happy to inform you that you are appointed as paper setter for preparing the question bank for II B.Tech. I Sem. - BASIC
ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING-A0204 (R19) Examination March-2021. As a paper setter you are eligible for
remuneration as given below. You are requested to set the question bank for all units of the syllabus of the given subjects from standard text
books only. The Syllabus copy is enclosed for your information and use.

  You have to set the Question Bank as per the given table from each unit following the instructions given below in the Template. Please
send the soft copy of the question bank through email by mentioning the Subject Code and Subject Name. You are also entitled for the
remuneration as per the table.

Question Type Remuneration per Question for

Question Type
Min Max* Preparing Typing
Simple - 5 Simple - 5
2 Marks
Moderate-5 Moderate - 5 4 1
(Short Answer)
Difficult - 5 Difficult - 5
Simple - 5 Simple - 5
14 Marks
Moderate - 5 Moderate - 5 24 1
(Long Answer)
Difficult - 5 Difficult - 5

  You are requested to send the Question bank and remuneration bill (duly signed) completed in all aspects in hard and soft copy form on or
before 06-02-2021 (Saturday). Also request you to type the question bank in the attached template and send it to the following address:

      Dr.D.Satyanarayana,, Controller of Examinations, RGMCET, Nandyal

      Ph. 9866308471, 9440235267 email:

  You are requested to go through the following instructions and follow them diligently while preparing the Question Bank so that the
question paper generated will be of good academic standard.

Instructions for Preparation of the Question Bank:

1. The Questions are to be prepared within the Scope of the prescribed syllabus of the Units of the specified Subjects.
2. The difficulty level of each question has to be clearly indicated as S for Simple, M for Moderate and D for Difficult. The Difficulty
levels of the questions should be given as a Set (i.e. the order should be first Simple, then Moderate and then Difficult from each Unit)
in both Short & Long Answer type Questions.
3. The questions shall be such that the student is able to write the answer for the question in 30 minutes.
4. The question must contain the sub questions like a, b, c,... etc. and the marks allotted for each sub question must be clearly mentioned.
5. It is advised not to reproduce the questions from the guides, study material or from the Net. You have to follow the prescribed &
reference text books for preparing the Question Bank.
6. Set at least 30-40 % of problematic questions which may require substitution / Application of concepts where ever possible.
7. The questions in the question bank need to be typed in MS-WORD-2007 (.docx) file using automatic bullets and
numbering. Margins, Fonts, Justification etc. should be Font=Bookman Old Style, 12pt, Black Color, Margins: left=0.75,
right=0.75, top=1, bottom=1, justify, Paper Size=A4 and no page numbers.

For any clarifications you can contact on the telephone numbers given above.
* If possible you can also set more standard questions than specified above.

Yours sincerely
Dr. T. Jaya Chandra Prasad

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