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(Studi Kasus : Bank Jatim Darmo)

Arvian Ega Ardani Renandra1, Martina De Pores Rio Gani2, Nurun Nadhif3

Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Email :,,

Simulation is an imitation or imitation of system activities/processes. Simulation is intended
to observe the actual system characteristics. Simulation in this case is to test the system design,
because simulation can be done on something that does not exist in the actual system. You can't use
computers in simulations, but you only use formulas. However, the complexity of real systems usually
requires the use of computers so that the simulation model is close to or very similar to the real
Keywords : Simulaion

In this modern life, everyone wants to do something fast to save time. Saving time and speed
in carrying out activities has proven to be very helpful and supportive in carrying out all life activities.
In everyday life, we often spend time waiting in line, such as hospital medical services, paying bank
tuition, and getting a driver's license.
Long waits are boring. Therefore, you can use queuing theory to save time and speed up
activities. Based on its history, the queuing theory was put forward by AK. Erlang in 1910, Erlang
was a Danish engineer. In addition to developing queuing theory, he also developed a theory. Queuing
theory has been widely used by people around the world, including the people of Indonesia. AK said.
Erlang, queuing theory, can be seen in the services provided to customers who come first or get data,
then the services offered first.
A queue is an activity that has many people or items in one column as it waits for a service or
process. In 2009, Ariani suggested that queuing could occur due to a temporary imbalance between
the demand for services and the capacity of the system providing the service. In this case, there are
customers who come at the same time, and there are also data at different times. Because that
difference determines whether people are in the queue for a short time or a long time. People also
often demand fast service. Under these circumstances, organizations and businesses strive to provide
the best service to their customers by providing fast service so they don't have to wait long.
Queue is a phenomenon that occurs in human activities. Queues that occur are caused by
service activities that are not in accordance with service needs so that service users are not
immediately served.

PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk (operating under the name Bank Jatim) is a
regionally owned company in East Java and is engaged in banking. By the end of 2020, to support the

company's business activities, the company will have 48 branch offices, 172 sub-branches, 209 cash
offices, and 777 ATMs, most of which are in East Java.
- Entity
Objects that are the focus in the simulation, become inputs in the system, undergo
processing, and then are removed from the system. Bank Jatim Service System
Entity: Customers at Bank Jatim.
- Attributes
Characteristics or attributes attached to the entity. A collection of attributes owned
by an entity will make an entity unique to the others. Bank Jatim Service System
Attributes: Time of Arrival, customer bio.
- Global Variable
Variables are pieces of information that reflect some characteristics of the system
we are observing. There are two types of variables, namely the status variable and
the decision variable. Global variable serves to measure the performance of the
system as part of the decision variable. Bank Jatim variables are as follows:
Variable Status: Total customer time in queue
Decision Variables: Number of employees, number of machines, job
- Resources
Tools, labor, machines, or facilities used to process entities by means of
performing activities. Bank Jatim Service System Resources: Employees,
Information, Rooms, Computers, Chairs, Tables, Queue Limiters, Customers,
- Queue
Queue occurs when there are fewer servers than customers who come at one time.
As a result, customers have to queue to get service. The addition of a server will
affect the costs that must be incurred. While queues that are too long can cause
the loss of customers. Queues that can occur at Bank Jatim are: Waiting for the
operator to be available at the Service Counter, Waiting for the computer to be
available when filling in the biodata.
- Statistical Accumulators
Statistical Accumulator is used to get performance appraisal output and also to see
progress. Statistical Accumulator at Bank Jatim: Total waiting time or customer
queue, waiting time too long, busy service counter area.
- Event
Events are things that happen during a simulation that can change attributes,
variables and statistical accumulators.
There are several types of events, namely:
a. Arrival: enter the system (Come to the Bank Jatim Office)
b. Departure: leaving the system (Leaving the Bank Jatim Office)
c. Termination: simulation stops at a certain point in time
- Simulation Clocks
Function to continue the simulation to the next scheduled event to occur.
Simulation Clocks calculate the time it takes to execute a series of processes in a

- Control
Controls in the system play a role in regulating how, when, and where activities
are carried out. Control controls how the system runs and behaves, so control can
affect the system itself. Bank Jatim Service System Control: Written policies in
service regulations, Opening and Closing Hours 08.00 – 15.00 WIB, Payment

Data Source
This research was conducted at Bank Jatim Darmo Branch and the material for this study was taken
from observations of queues at each counter.
Method of Collecting Data
Data collection methods used in this study were interviews, observation and literature study.
Data Analysis Mode
In this analysis, it is emphasized to see the performance of 2 Service Counters at Bank Jatim Surabaya
Darmo Branch and provide suggestions for improvements that can be considered. Observations using
queuing theory and simulation with the help of Software Arena.

Research Stage
1.Identification Stage
At the identification stage, this is done in an effort to explain the problem and make the
explanation measurable. This identification is done as the first step in the investigation.
Therefore, in summary, identification defines the research problem. In addition, problem
identification can be interpreted as a process and result of problem identification or problem
inventory. Therefore, this identification is an important first step in research.
2.Model Design Stage
At the design stage, the model is the basis for creating an effective new system and requires
one or more processes to be formulated into a new system design format. The model design
stage is carried out using software which is a tool for designing the desired model.
3.Data Anlysis Stage
The data analysis phase begins with the identification of the simulation results by observing
the data obtained to draw conclusions from the results of the data.

1. Average arrival time

total time between arrivals
= ..............................................................2.1
( number of customers )−1
2. Average service time
total server service time
= ..............................................................2.2
number of server customers
3. Average waiting time (customer time in queue)
¿ tal server queuing time
= ...............................................................2.3
number of server customers
4. Average server waiting time (delay time)

total server delay ime
= ...............................................................2.4
number of customer servers
5. Average queue length
number of customers queuing for the server
= .......................................2.5
total timebetween arrivals
6. Average customer time in the system
total customer time∈server system
= ....................................2.6
number of server subscribers
7. Probability of customers waiting in queue
total customers waiting for server
= .................................................2.7
number of customers
8. System Utilities
server delay time
= 1− ..............................................2.8
total server observation time
9. Probability of consumers logging into each server
number of consumers who enter the server
= .........................................2.9
number of customers


Data Collection
The data is obtained from the results of research conducted at Bank Jatim Darmo Branch with
a time span of 1-3 hours.

Table 1. Bank Jatim Data Processing

Waktu WAD Waktu
Kedatangan (s) Konsumen
Server 1 Server 2 Waktu Antri (s) Waktu Delay (s) Dalam Sistem
WMP WSP WP (S) WMP WSP WP (S) Server 1 Server 2 Server 1 Server 2 (s)
1 9:07:02 AM 0 9:08:57 AM 9:12:00 AM 300 0 115 0 0 0 300
2 9:08:27 AM 85 9:08:57 AM 9:12:23 AM 206 30 30 0 0 206
3 9:10:14 AM 107 9:10:44 AM 9:14:23 AM 219 0 30 0 0 0 219
4 9:14:56 AM 282 9:14:59 AM 9:17:13 AM 134 0 3 0 36 0 134
5 9:17:58 AM 182 9:18:03 AM 9:21:34 AM 211 0 5 0 50 0 211
6 9:21:51 AM 233 0 9:21:58 AM 9:23:17 AM 79 7 7 0 0 79
7 9:24:21 AM 150 0 9:24:39 AM 9:27:28 AM 169 18 18 0 82 169
8 9:28:54 AM 273 0 9:29:02 AM 9:31:12 AM 130 8 8 0 94 130
9 9:32:54 AM 240 0 9:33:34 AM 9:35:37 AM 123 40 40 0 142 123
10 9:35:31 AM 157 9:35:39 AM 9:37:54 AM 135 0 8 0 0 0 135
11 9:38:27 AM 176 9:38:59 AM 9:40:45 AM 106 0 32 0 65 0 106
12 9:41:17 AM 170 9:41:20 AM 9:43:26 AM 126 0 3 0 35 0 126
13 9:43:52 AM 155 9:44:12 AM 9:47:05 AM 173 0 20 0 46 0 173
14 9:47:51 AM 239 9:48:31 AM 9:49:11 AM 40 0 40 0 86 0 40
15 9:49:17 AM 86 0 9:49:55 AM 9:49:56 AM 1 38 38 0 0 1
16 9:50:45 AM 88 0 9:50:59 AM 9:52:13 AM 74 14 14 0 63 74
17 9:52:59 AM 134 9:53:11 AM 9:54:45 AM 94 0 12 0 0 0 94
18 9:55:43 AM 9:56:12 AM 9:58:34 AM 142 0 29 0 87 0 142
19 9:58:56 AM 9:59:11 AM 10:00:15 AM 64 0 15 0 37 0 64
20 10:01:54 AM 10:02:02 AM 10:05:27 AM 205 0 8 0 107 0 205
21 10:06:32 AM 0 10:06:58 AM 10:09:23 AM 145 26 26 0 0 145
22 10:10:43 AM 0 10:10:57 AM 10:12:17 AM 80 14 14 0 94 80

Information :
WAD = Inter – Arrival Time
WP = Service Time
WA = Queue Time
WDS = Time In System

Figure 1. Input Analyzer

Figure 2. Distribution Cahart Summary of Teller Service 1

Figure 3. Distribution Summary of Teller Service 1

Figure 4. Distribution Chart Teller Service Summary 2

Figure 5. Distribution Summary of Teller Service 2

Figure 6. Inter – Arrival Time Distribution Chart

Figure 7. Distribution Summary Time Between Arrivals

Figure 8. Bank Jatim System Model

The results of data processing based on the approach with the Arena software obtained the
following results:

Figure 9. Category Overiew

Figure 10. Category by Replication (Queue)

Figure 11. Category by Replication (Resource)

Figure 12. Queues

Figure 13. Resources

In the Arena processing above, it has an average waiting time of 35.37 on server 1 or cashier
1 and 25.89 on server 2 or cashier 2. Long queues in queues.

After direct observations and data processing using arena software, the results of the
performance and effectiveness of teller services at Bank Jatim Cabnag Darmo were not effective. This
happens because the queuing system that runs there is a very long waiting time so that it can cause a
very long queue.

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