Introduction of ICT

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~Introduction of ➢ Culture and the Arts

Importance of ICT
ICT~ ➢ Reduce Cost
➢ Improve Business Processing
Information and Communication
➢ Increase Productivity
Technology (ICT)
➢ Improves Communication
-deals with the use of different
communication technologies to locate, save, ➢ Boost Innovation
send and edit information such as:
World Wide Web (WWW)
➢ Computer ➢ Consists of pages that
can be accessed using a
➢ Mobile phones
Web browser.
➢ Telephone
➢ Sir Tim Berners-Lee, a
➢ Wireless networks
British computer
➢ internet scientist, invented the
World Wide Web in
Component 1989.
The term ICT
(Information and
Communication WEB 1.0
Technology) is ➢ Around 1990s when internet
generally invented most of the webpage is
accepted to Static.
mean all ➢ It only provides one-way
technologies communication to the user.
that, combined, ➢ It only presents information but
allow people cannot accept feedback from the
and organizations to interact in the digital user.

Areas where ICT are used

WEB 2.0
➢ Personal and family life ➢ Introduced in 2004 and the term
➢ Academe/School “Web 2.0” popularized by Tim
O’Reilly and Dale Dougherty in
➢ Business
➢ Engineering
➢ Coined by Darcy DiNucci in 1999.
➢ Transportation
➢ Refers to the second generation of
➢ Government and Public Service
the World Wide Web that is more
➢ Police and Military
➢ Medical and Healthcare
➢ Broadcasting Media
➢ Science and Environment
Features Longtail
➢ Folksonomy ➢ Services that are
➢ Rich User Experience offered on demand
➢ User Participation rather than on a
➢ Longtail one-time purchase.
➢ Software as Services ➢ Subscribing to a
data plan that
➢ Mass Participation
charges you for the amount of time
you spent in the internet.
➢ “folk” + “taxonomy”
➢ Is the practice and method of Software as a Service
collaboratively creating and Users will be subscribing to a
managing tags to annotate and rather software only when
categorize content. needed than purchasing it.
➢ Collaborative tagging
➢ Social classification Mass Participation
➢ Social tagging ➢ Diverse information
➢ Content is based on people from
various cultures.

Rich User Experience

➢ Dynamic Content
➢ Responsive to user’s
➢ User can modify what they see in
their website

User Participation Comparison

In traditional web the
contents are solely
provider by the web
site owner
/company, but in
web 2.0 the users
participate in content
sourcing. This is
also known as Crowd sourcing.
WEB 3.0 ➢ Social Media
refers to websites and application
• A kind of web that might be called a "read,
that allows users to generate and
write and execute" web, where automation
share information or content with
programs take over from purely user-driven
other users.
Internet activity.
• In this generation, there will be automated
Types of Social Media
programs to do some of the works of
➢ Social Networks
humans in accessing the internet.
➢ Bookmarking Sites
➢ Social News
Several Problems of Web 3.0
➢ Media Sharing
➢ Compatibility
➢ Microblogging
HTML files and current web
➢ Blogs and Forums
browsers could not support Web 3.0.
➢ Mobile Technologies
➢ Security
refers to electronic equipment that
The user’s security is also in
you can carry and use in different
question since the machine is saving
places together with the technology
his or her preferences.
connected to it.

➢ Vastness
Operating Systems Used in
The World Wide Web already
contains billions of web pages.
Mobile Devices
➢ Vagueness used in Apple devices such as
Certain words are imprecise. The iPhone and iPad. The latest version
words “old” and “small” would of iOS and iPadOS is 14.7.1
depend on the user.
➢ Logic open-source operating system
primarily used in mobile devices.
Since machines use logic, there are
certain limitations for a computer to The latest version is Android 11.
be able to predict what the user is
referring to at a given time. Blackberry OS
a mobile operating system
developed by BlackBerry and is
TRENDS IN INFORMATION limited for its line of smartphone
AND COMMUNICATION handheld devices.

➢ Technological Convergence The operating system used in most
refers to two or more different Nokia devices.
technologies incorporated in a single
WebOS help learners with disabilities
used initially for smartphones but participate in educational activities.
now used for smart TV’s.
Windows Phone OS
➢ Several international companies
a family of mobile operating systems
dubbed the Philippines as "ICT Hub
developed by Microsoft for
of Asia."
➢ Time Magazine’s “Selfiest Cities
around the World" last 2013 places
➢ Assistive Media
two( 2) cities from the Philippines in
An adaptive technology that allows
the Top 1 and Top 10 spots
people to do the task despite their
conducted using Instagram.
➢ Duterte gives Dito Telecommunity
permit to operate as 3rd Telco.
Some examples of assistive
technologies are: ➢
gital-2021-philippines also stated
Mobility aids - include wheelchairs, the following
scooters, walkers, canes, crutches, about the status of ICT in the
prosthetic devices, and orthotic Philippines:
➢ There were 73.91 million internet
users in the Philippines in January
Hearing aids - to help people 2021.
understand or hear more clearly. ➢ The number of internet users in the
Philippines increased by 4.2 million
Cognitive aids - including computer (+6.1%)
or electrical assistive devices to help between 2020 and 2021.
people with memory, attention, or Internet penetration in the
other challenges in their thinking Philippines stood at 67.0% in
skills. January 2021.
➢ There were 89.00 million social
Computer software and hardware media users in the Philippines in
- examples of these are voice January 2021.
recognition programs, application ➢ The number of social media users in
features that reads contents of the the Philippines increased by 16
screen, and screen enlargement million (+22%)
applications, help people with between 2020 and 2021.
mobility and sensory impairments ➢ The number of social media users in
use computers and mobile devices. the Philippines was equivalent to
80.7% of the total population in
Tools such as automatic page January 2021.
turners, book holders, and ➢ There were 152.4 million mobile
adapted pencil grips - connections in the Philippines in
January 2021.
➢ The number of mobile connections
in the Philippines decreased by 15
million (-8.9%)
between January 2020 and January
➢ The number of mobile connections
in the Philippines in January 2021
was equivalent to
138.2% of the total population.

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