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Stakeholder Key Issues Category

Manage Closely

1- Aggressive competition across markets

2- Improve the talent quality to provide
better services
3 - Early attrition
Bell Canada 4 - High Stress and Pressure handling role

Keep Satisfied

1- Adhrence to SLAs
2- Negative feedback on Technical & Soft
T-Mobile 3- Early attrition

Keep Informed
1- Dependent on US Economy
2- Stringent SLAs
3- Early attrition
GMAC 4- 30 days TAT without deviation

1 - Passive business plans
Pitney Bowes 2 - Statusquo to be maintained
Justification for categorization

As mentioned it is one of the leading technology solution offering

plethora of services and have already ramp up from 50 to 400 FTE, thus
the client have the biggest impact on the project success hence we need
to Manage them closely owing to high level of interest and power of
Adding to it the candidates have to demonstrate combination of technical
trouble shooting along with display of problem solving skills

The client offers good brand equity and loyal customers aiding to
stable profitable bsuiness. Also as mentioned for the location it is planned
to ramp by 1000 in years time. So we need to Keep Satisfied this client as
they yield high influence and we need to keep them in loop with all the
happenings so that this client wont use the high influence power in a
negative way

There are no plans to ramp up and only requirement is the

replacement hiring to be carried out. Therefore, engagement and
consulting as per the client's need has to be served. Feedback on
FTE performance is good and has to be maintained with consistent
try to increase the level of interest to move the client into the key player
category. So we keep them informed with proper communication to
ensure that no major issues are arising. These clients can often be very
helpful with the detail of the project.

Only status quo has to be maintained. Out of all 4 clients, this client
has the least important requirements. Hence the power and
influence of the stakeholder is minimum in this case. In order to
ramp up the interest of stakeholders, regular communications have
to be present to keep the client informed
Engagement Strategy

1- Clear communication with the stakeholders to have a clear expectation of

talent requirement
2 - Proper manpower planning as this client is expected to have ramp up in terms of
head count along the various locations
3 - Not making the mistake of hiring fresh engineers to quickly close the position,
Hiring team needs to have a word with stakeholders to understand the requirement
for the candidates and thereby drawing proper JD to improve transparency to the
candidates whio will be applying
4 - In order to tackle early attrition, on-boarding experience needs to improve along
with the planning of training and development as per the research done
5- Recruitment team must take care of market research to gain better insights and
also make use of ATS to effectively screen candidates which are best fit for important
client like Bell Canada
6- As this role requires high stress and pressure handling so HR team must ensure a
stress management session for the candidates

1 - Aggressive ramp up has been mentioned for both the location so proper
manpower planning needs to be done so that we meet the target with quality
2- As mentioned team lacked competency on Soft skills, so based on the
communication from the client HR team can plan on certain learning and
development initiative to work on such loop holes
3 - Maybe we can provide a cross location interaction, like it is mentioned Negative
Feedback on Technical Skills for Mumbai Location and Poor Feedback for soft skills for
Chennai, so a solution can be to have a interactive session where in employee discuss
the best practices which can be implemented to increase customer satisfaction

1 - One of the stable projects and also no plans to ramp up so success depends
on retaining the existing workforce which can be done by recognizing the worthy
talent or by offering apt benefits
2- Although Delhi does reported a problem of early attrition, so based on the
discussion with the team a plan must be developed, like it may happen that reason is
poor on-boarding experience or salary offered are not par with the industry. So team
needs to plan action plan accordingly
3- From the past assignments, HR team must have a backup in place so that just in
case if something goes wrong the talent pool must be ready to tap in

1 - As this client offers leeway by tolerating on slight delays and also does not
offer much aggressive plans, HR team needs to be critical yet cautious for deciding
strategies so that we ensure to deliver the basics right
2- As a safe bet if budget and other factors allow, then HR team can think of Excel
Training program to make sure candidates cater to basic needs

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