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Development of a Unique, Mobile, Single Wheel

Traction Testing Machine

S. K. Upadhyaya, J. Mehlschau, D. Wulfsohn, J. L. Glancey


ABSTRACT facilities are dedicated to tillage studies, and the rest are
unique, mobile, single wheel traction testing device equipped to test wheel traction. Soils used in these bins
A has been developed at the Department of
Agricultural Engineering, University of California,
range from heavy clay to sand, although loam is the most
common. Some facilities use artificial soils (oil, sand,
Davis. It is essentially a mobile soil bin that can be used clay mixtures). Soil preparation for tests usually involves
to conduct controlled field experiments in situ. The tilling, leveling, and packing. About 80 percent of these
device can be used to test tires ranging in diameter from bins are indoor bins. About half the facilities are
0.46 m (rim ID) to 2 m (OD) and up to maximum tire equipped to control applied draft. Although the soil bin
width of 1 m. The system is designed to provide an facilities provide valuable information on soil-tractive
infinitely variable vertical load up to a maximum of 26.7 device interaction, the soils used in the bins are remolded
kN and a draft load up to a maximum of 13.3 kN. The and do not behave like natural soils. This is true even for
device can be operated in a draft control mode or a slip outdoor soil bins in which the soil is used over and over.
control mode. Our test results indicate that the device Instrumented tractors are often used to obtain draft
can be used to conduct controlled tests in situ. and energy data for agricultural implements under field
conditions. These units can provide data on tractive force
INTRODUCTION AND REVIEW OF LITERATURE and tractive efficiency of a tractive device such as a tire or
a track. However, it is difficult to conduct accurately
Agricultural, forestry, earth moving, mining and controlled soil-tire interaction studies using
military operations share a common goal of improving instrumented tractors because input variables such as
tractive performance of off-road vehicles. Power the dynamic load on the axle are uncontrolled and often
transmission due to the soil-tire interaction continues to uncertain, since they depend on the type of implement
be inefficient. Poor tractive efficiency (i.e., ratio of and soil. Moreover, the draft force developed during the
drawbar power to axle power) during agricultural movement of an implement through the soil changes
operations leads to an estimated national yearly fuel loss continuously. Single wheel tire testers have been
of 575 million liters (152 million gallons) [Gill and developed by the National Soil Dynamics Laboratory
Vanden Berg, 1968]. The fuel loss will be much higher if (NSDL), Alabama, and the National Institute of
we include forestry, earth moving, mining, and military Agricultural Engineering, U.K., (NIAE). The NSDL
operations. unit was developed for use in outdoor soil bins [Burt et
The soil-tire interaction results in high stresses at the al., 1980]. The NIAE machine is mounted behind a
soil-tire interface, which cause soil compaction. The tractor and is used for conducting controlled field tests
compaction of soil leads to decreased pore space [Billington, 1973]. Field tests are conducted by setting
(increased bulk density) in the soil, resulting in poor the test wheel speed to a desired value and controlling the
water penetration and decreased root growth, which in tractor speed to generate different levels of slip and
turn reduces crop yield. An annual crop yield loss of draft. The dynamic load on the test wheel is precisely
about 1% in the northern U.S. to about 10% in the controlled.
southern U.S. is reported. The adverse effects of The main objective of our study is to conduct a
compaction are lower in the northern U.S. because of comprehensive study on soil-pneumatic tire interaction.
freezing during winter months. In terms of dollars, the We have developed mathematical models to describe the
yearly yield loss is over a billion dollars. interaction between soil and a pneumatic tire
Wismer (1984) reported that there are over 90 soil bin (Upadhyaya et al., 1984; and Upadhyaya and
facilities in the world. Approximately 60 of these Shafigh—Nobari, 1984]. We are currently analyzing
these models. The purpose of the single wheel tester
described in this paper is to provide an experimental
Article was submitted for publication in January, 1986; reviewed and
approved for publication by the Power and Machinery Div. of ASAE in insight into soil-low pressure pneumatic tire interaction.
October, 1986. Presented as ASAE Paper No. 85-1554. The experimental data will also be used to verify our
The authors are: S. K. UPADHYAYA, Assistant Professor, J. models and to test pneumatic tires for their tractive
MEHLSCHAU, Senior Development Engineer, D. WULFSOHN and characteristics in California soils.
J. L. GLANCEY, Graduate Assistants, Agricultural Engineering
Dept., University of California, Davis.
Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge with gratitude the
financial support provided by the College of Agriculture and
Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of California, GENERAL DESCRIPTION
Davis, which made this device a reality. We also thank the development The single wheel tester consists of two 17.7 m long
engineers and technicians of the Agricultural Engineering Department,
UC Davis, who played an important role in developing this device.
tracks mounted over front and rear transport wheels
Furthermore, we appreciate the helpful suggestions given by Professor (Fig. 1). The test wheel is mounted on a carriage and is
William J. Chancellor during the development of this machine. powered by a hydrostatic drive (Figs. 1 and 2). During

Vol. 29(5):September-October, 1986 © 1986 American Society of Agricultural Engineers 0001-2351/86/2905-1243$02.00 1243
Fig. 1—An overview of the single wlieel traction testing device.

tests the unit is parked in the desired location and the

crriage moves along the track from back to front, a
distance of 12.2 m. Fig. 3 is a schematic diagram
showing the details of our tester. The locations of various
sensors to measure forward speed (6)*, wheel rpm (7),
draft and vertical load (8), torque (9), elevation of Fig. 2—A close up view of the carriage showing test tire.
underformed surface (10), axle height (11), and elevation
of deformed surface (12) are also shown in Fig. 3. During
field tests, the vertical load (dynamic weight on the axle) power the test wheel, provide vertical and draft loads,
is set to the desired value by adjusting the pressure in the and provide slip control. The slip control is obtained
load cylinder (5). The design of the support frame for the through a hydraulic interlock (Fig. 4). Moreover, the
test wheel and the pressure control elements in the hydraulic circuit also operates a cone penetrometer to
vertical load control hydraulic circuit permit the tire to obtain soil cone index data. The hydraulic circuit is
follow the ground contour while the vertical load on the powered by a 6 cylinder, IH engine (model UB 240).
axle remains fairly constant. Upadhyaya et al. (1985) have given a full description of
The unit can be operated in a draft control mode or a the mechanical, hydraulic, and instrumentation aspects
slip control mode. In the draft control mode, the of this machine.
pressure in the draft control motor circuit is either set to The tester can be used to test tires ranging in diameter
a desired value or continuously increased until the wheel from 0.46 m (rim ID) to 2 m (OD) and up to a maximum
slips excessively. In the slip control mode, the slip is tire width of 1 m. The system is designed to provide an
either set to a desired value or continuously changed infinitely variable vertical load up to a maximum of 26.7
from a low value to a high value. In a constant draft kN and a draft load up to a maximum of 13.3 kN.
mode or a constant slip mode, several tests will have to be The data acquired by various sensors are recorded on a
conducted to cover the whole slip range. Campbell Scientific Digital Data Acquisition System
Figure 4 is a schematic of the hydraulic circuit used to (CR21XL). The digital data are processed by a
microcomputer to provide draft, vertical load, torque,
*Numbers in parenthesis refer to numbers shown on Fig. 3. slip, rut depth, and tire deformation.

1 Hydrostatic Drive Pump

2 Auxilliary Pump
3 Hydrostatic Drive IWotor
4 Draft Pump/IWotor
5 Vertical Load Cylinder
6 Forward Speed Sensor
7 Wheel RPM Sensor
8 Load Cell for Vertical
and Draft Loads
9 Four Bar Parallel
Linkage with Torque

Fig. 3—A schematic of the single wheel tester showing the various components of the
machine and the locations of various transducers.

Cone Penetrometer Circuit

Mechanical Link

Slip Control System


Draft Control Circuit

Fig. 4—Hydraulic circuit diagram for the single wheel tester.


Layer Average cone index, kPa Standard deviation, kPa

0-50 mm 596 291

50-100 mm 774 27.5
100-150 mm 902.5 129.5
150-200 mm 1140 22
200-250 mm 981.5 52


Location Average cone index, kPa Standard deviation, kPa Distance (m)

1 Fig. 5—Curves of draft, vertial load and torque for a 12.4-38 tire tested
945 290
2 750 225 in the Yolo clay loam soil near the University of California, Davis.
3 750 130
4 890 210
5 845 270 this test are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. Note that the draft
6 1010 285
and vertical load were fairly constant along the test
track. The draft dropped off at the end of the test when
the wheel stopped automatically at the end of the test
PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS AND TYPICAL course. This drop in draft caused a drop in the torque
RESULTS also. The data obtained during the first 1.7 m of the test
Tests were conducted using a 12.4-38 tire in Yolo clay course are not shown in Figs. 5 and 6. This is the
loam soil (36.9% sand, 34.2% silt, and 27% clayt), near distance between the rear displacement transducer and
the University of California, Davis. The tire inflation the front displacement transducer. Fig. 6 indicates that
pressure was 103.4 kPa and the tire's outer diameter was
1.51 m. Six cone index values were obtained along the
test track at approximately equal distances. Typical cone 100

index versus depth data are shown in Table 1. Table 2 90

shows the average cone index values and their standard TRACTIVE EFFICIENCY
deviations for the top 150 mm layer of soil at six different
locations along the test track. After the cone index data
were obtained, the test tire was loaded to a 5.5 MPa
vertical load cylinder pressure. The pressure in the draft
control circuit was set to zero MPa, and a no-load test
was run to determine the rolling radius. The rolling
radius was found to be 635 mm. The single wheel tester
was rotated by about ten degrees about the rear support
wheels, the draft control circuit pressure was set at 6.9
MPa, and the traction test was repeated. The results of Distance (m)

Fig. 6—Curves of theoretical speed, actual forward speed, slip, and

tNote that this specification is typical for this area. The soil was not tractive efficiency for a 12.4-38 tire tested in the Yolo clay loam soil
analyzed during this preliminary test. near the University of California, Davis.

Vol. 29(5):September-October, 1986 1245

the carriage speed became stable by the time the tire Research Note, J. Agr. Engr. Res. 18:67-70.
traveled a distance of about 2.5 m. The midsection of 2. Burt, E. C , C. A. Reaves and J. F. Taylor. 1980. A machine for
these figures represents valuable controlled traction test testing tractor tires in soil bins. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 23(3):
546-547, 552.
data. The section length will vary depending on test 3. Della-Moretta, L. B. and H. C. Hodges. 1983. Off-road
conditions; it is expected to be between 7 to 8 m. These tire/road damage and healing mechanisms. Project record number
results indicate that our tire tester can be used to conduct 8371 1202. USDA Forest Service, Equipment Development Center,
controlled field tests to study soil-pneumatic tire San Dimas, CA.
4. Gill, W. R. and G. E. Vanden Berg. 1968. Soil dynamics in
interaction in situ. tillage and traction. Agr. Handbook No. 316, ARS, USDA, 511 p.
5. Upadhyaya, S. K., R. Hamidi, F. Shafigh-Nobari and R. W.
CONCLUSIONS Hooley. 1984. Tractive ability of pneumatic tires: a fmite element
model. ASAE Paper No. 84-1052, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Our test results indicate that the unique, mobile, 6. Upadhyaya, S. K. and F. Shafigh-Nobari. 1984. Interaction
single wheel tester developed at University of California, between soil and low-pressure penumatic tire. ASAE Paper No.
Davis, can be used to conduct controlled in situ studies 84-1556, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
of soil-pneumatic tire interaction. 7. Upadhyaya, S. K., J. Mehlschau, D. Wulfsohn, J. L. Glancey.
1985. Development of a unique, mobile, single wheel traction testing
device. ASAE Paper No. 85-1554, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
8. Wismer, R. D. 1984. Soil bin facilties: characteristics and
References utilization. Proceedings of 8th International Society for Terrain Vehicle
1. Billington, W. P. 1973. The NIAE Mkll single wheel tester. Systems. Vol. HI. 1201-1213.


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