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Questions & answers Drilling Engineering Section 4 Data of Collect ‘A well has been shut in on a kick, Which pressure gauge rea determine formation pressure? (TWO ANSWERS) 185 can be used to 4. Drill pipe pressure gauge on the choke panel. b. Casing pressure gauge on the choke panel Drill pipe pressure gauge on the Driller’s panel d. Choke manifold pressure gauge. A well is shut in on a kick and drill pipe pressure recorded. ‘The casing gauge is not working. Which pressure cannot found? a. Initial Circulating Pressure b. Shut In Casing Pressure. ¢. Bottom hole pressure dd. Formation pressure Which of the following affect the Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure? (TWO ANSWERS) a. Mud weight in drillstring b. Size of Influx. c. Annular volume from Bit to Shoe. Influs gradient. Formation fluid pressure Why is Shut In Drillpipe Pressure usually lower than Shut In Casing Pressure? a. The influx fluid is usually less dense than the mud. b. The cuttings in the annulus are lighter, therefore creating a lighter hydrostatic. ©. The only difference is in the type of gauges used d. The casing pressure is not always higher; it depends on whether it is a land or offshore rig. A vertical well with a surface BOP stack is shut in on a kick. ‘The pressure readings are as follows: ‘Shut In Pipe Pressure : 350 psi Shut In Casing Pressure : 450 psi ‘What is the reason for the difference in the two readings? a. The influx is inside the drillstring. b. The influx has a lower density than the mud. ¢. The BOP was closed too fast causing trapped pressure, d. The influx has a higher density than the mud. Which pressures are needed to calculate Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure? (TWO ANSWERS) a. Fracture pressure b. Shoe pressure Hydrostatic pressure 4. Formation pressure, Whilst pumping why can the standpipe pressure be slightly lower than the pressure shown con the gauge at the mud pump? a. Hydrostatie pressure of the mud in the standpipe causes the difference b. Dynamic pressure losses from the pump to the standpipe affect the readings. ¢. The stand pipe pressure gauge is situated at a lower elevation than the gauge at the pump. Whilst drilling ahead, the well kicks and is shut in. Drill pipe pressure and casing pressure both start to build up, but before stabilising both start to drop quite rapidly Which of the following might have occurred? a. Gas is to migrating up the well. b. The drill string has washed out, €. The bottom hole assembly has packed off, d. Both gauges have malfunctioned. eA weak formation has broken down. ‘A well has been shut in on a kick. ‘The drill pipe pressure is zero because there is a float (non-return) valve in the string, How can you find the Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure? a. Bring the pump up to kill rate holding the casing pressure constant by opening the choke. The pressure shown when the pump is at kill rate is the Shut In Drill Pipe pressure. b, Shear the pipe and read the drill pipe pressure directly off the casing gauge ¢. Pump very slowly into the drill string with the well shut in. When casing pressure starts to rise, stop the pump and read the pressure. This is the Shut In Drill Pipe pressure. 4. Pump at 2 barrels per minute into the annulus with the well sbut in. When the pressure equalises the float will open. This pump pressure is the Shut In Drill Pipe pressure. 10, A well has kicked, and is shut in, ‘There is a float valve in the drill string, What would be the correct course of action to determine the kill mud weight? 4, Pump very stowly into the drill string with the well shut in, When the casing pressure rises the float valve has opened. This pressure on the drill pipe gauge is the Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure. b. Start raising the mud weight by 0.5 ppg increments until the well is dead. c. Remove Kelly and drop float-opening tool d. Use the annulus pressure to calculate the kill mud wei 11, A well has kicked with a float reads zero, the drill string and the Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure gauge Which of the following methods should be used to find the kill mud weight? Calculate hydrostatic pressure of the influx and subtract from the Shut In Casing Pressure. b. Start circulating at the slow circulating rate, determine the Initial Circulating Pressure and calculate the Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure. €. Pump very slowly into the drill pipe with the well shut in. When the casing pressure rises the float has opened. The pressure on the drill pipe is the Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure, 12, Shut In Casing Pressure is usually higher than Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure. Ifthere was a large volume of cuttings in the annulus how would this effect pressure readings? a. Shut In Casing Pressure would be higher than expected. b. Itwould not affect pressure readings. ¢. Shut In Casing Pressure would be lower than expected. 13. Which of the following parameters affect the value of Shut In Casing Pressure after a well is shut in during a kick (THREE ANSWERS) a. The formation fluid pressure (pore pressure). b. Bottom hole temperature © Annulus capacity d. The kick volume. €. Choke line length f Drill string capacity. 14, Which of the following are affected by formation permeability. (THREE ANSWERS) a. SICP b. Time for pressures to stabilise IcP. d. Kill Mud Weight fe. Influx volume f{ SIDPP 15, When drilling a horizontal section of a well a gas kick is taken and the well shut in, Ifthe influx is in the horizontal section what would you expect the SIDPP and SICP to be? a. Both are about the same. b. SICP is much greater than the SIDPP. cc. SIDPP is much greater than the SICP. d. SIDPP will be zero. 16, A well is shut in with a gas kick. The bit is 90 feet off bottom and the influx is on bottom and 30 feet long (all the influs is below the bit). Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure is 300 psi ‘What is the Shut In casing Pressure likely to be? a. Lower than the Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure because of the effect of the annular friction loss. b, Higher than the Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure ¢. The same as the Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure, Will depend on gradient of the influx 17, The well is shut in on a kick after an extended period of fast drilling, What would you expect the Shut In Casing Pressure to be? a. Lower than ifthe drilling had been slow b. Higher than if drilling had been slow. ¢. The same, whether the annulus is clean or loaded with cuttings 18, WELL DATA, Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure = 300 psi Mud weight = 10.0 ppg A salt-water kick has been taken, filling 250 feet of the annulus, Salt Water weight 8.6 ppg From the data above calculate the Shut In Casing Pressure? a. 18 psi b. 318 psi FT © 430 psi 412 psi 19, A well is shut in after a kick TVD 9,500 feet Mud weight 10 ppg Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure 400 psi Height of influx 700 feet Influx gradient 0.1 psivft Calculate the Shut In Casing Pressure? a. 70 psi b. 765 psi ©. 695 psi. Fel7 700 psi. 20, A well is shut in on a kick and the pressures have stabilised, Due to equipment problems the kill operation is delayed. Shut in Drill Pipe Pressure and Shut In Casing Pressure are gradually rising after stabilisation What is the most likely cause of this? a. There is a non-retum valve in the BHA. b. The mud in the hole is heating up and it is causing the volume to decrease. The influx is gas and is migrating The formation that kicked has high permeability 21, What could happen if gas migrates after a well is shut in and pressures have stabilised? a. Only the drill pipe pressure will increase. b. Shut in pressures will remain constant. ¢. Both drill pipe and annulus pressures will increase Only the annulus pressure will increase 22. A well is shut in following a kick whilst drilling. After pressures have been stabilised, both drill pipe and casing pressures are observed to be gradually increasing by the same amount ‘What is the most likely reason for this? a. The influx is gas and is migrating up the annulus and drill string. b. ‘The influx is gas and is migrating up the annulus. ‘The influx is gas and is migrating up the drill string d. The influx is gas and is expanding rapidly. 23. A vertical well is shut in with a gas kick, Surface Pressures are: SIDPP = 500 psi sIcP = 600 psi Mud Weight = 11.5 ppg Ifthe gas migrates 500 fect up the well what would the pressures be if no action is taken? a. Drillpipe = 800 psi, Casing = 900 psi b, Drillpipe = 500 psi, Casing = 900 psi €.Drillpipe = 800 psi, Casing = 600 psi 4d. Drillpipe = 600 psi, Casing = 900 psi 24. A well is shut in on a kick. SIDPP = 400 psi. SICP = 600 psi. Mud Weight= 13 ppg Influx gradient = 0.1 psi/ft After 30 minutes both pressures have risen by 150 psi due to gas migration. Calculate the speed of gas migration in feet per hour a. 325 ihr b. 444 tube Fi9 ©. 590 fhr d. 200 hr 25. A vertical well has been shut in after a gas kick. The surface pressures are as follows:- Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure (SIDPP) = 500 psi Shut In Casing Pressure (SICP) = 700 psi Mud weight in the well = 12.0 ppg ‘The well is left shut in for some time, during which time the gas migrates 500 feet up the well. What will be the expected pressures at surface? a. Drill pipe pressure ~ 812 psi, Ca ng pressure ~ 1,012 psi. b. Drill pipe pressure — 500 psi, Casing pressure ~ 700 psi c. Drill pipe pressure ~ 812 psi, Casing pressure ~ 700 psi d. Drill pipe pressure ~ 500 psi, Casing pressure ~ 1,012 psi 26. Which of the following affect the choice of slow circulation rate? (Choose THREE answers) a. Casing burst pressure, b. Annular friction losses. ©. Ability to mix kill mud. 4. Volume of trip tank. €. Size of choke and Choke Lines. 27. Which of the following statements about slow circulating rates (SCR) are correct? (Choose THREE answers), a. SCR’s should be taken through the choke manifold, b. SCR’s are needed to calculate formation pressure ©. SCR’s should be taken when mud properties are changed. 4. SCR’s should be read on the drill pipe pressure gauge at the remote choke panel. €. SCR’s should be taken with the bit near the bottom 28, Which of the following can determine the SPM chosen to kill the well? (Choose TWO answers). a. Volume of mud in the drill pipe. b, Maximum pressure the pump can handle. ¢. Volume of mud in the Annulus, d. Viscosity of the mud. 29, When should the Driller consider taking a slow circulation rate pressure? (Choose TWO answers). a. At beginning of each shift. bb. After the well has been shut in on an influx. ©. Before running casing. d. After mud weight change. 30, Select the reason for circulating out a kick at a slow pump rate. (Choose ONE answer) 4. Prevent gas expansion as itis cireulated up the well b, Allow Annular Pressure loss to maintain a high overbalance. c. Minimise excess pressure exerted on formations during the kill. 31, Tick 5 situations, from the following list, under which you would consider taking a new SCR, Every shift b, Before and after a leak-off test. ©. Mud property changes. 4. Mud weight changes. ©. After each connection when drilling with top drives, f. After recharging mud pump pulsation dampener. 8 When long sections of hole are drilled rapidly. bh, When returning to drilling after a kick. 32. An influx is to be displaced from the hole at a pump rate slower than used when drilling. Why? (Choose FOUR answers) a, Allow Choke Operator time to make the necessary choke adjustments. b, To reduce damage to the pump. ©. Minimise Pressures in the wellbore. d. To allow kick fluids to be handled at surface. e. To reduce gas migration, {. To reduce the chance of overloading the mud gas separator. 33. Which of the following would cause pump pressure to inerease if pumping at a constant SPM? (Choose TWO answers) Using larger nozzles, b. Drilling deeper. ¢. When the mud weight is reduced. d. Increasing the mud viscosity 34, Mud density = 12 ppg Pump pressure ~ 750 psi at 60 SPM Calculate approximate pump pressure if mud weight is: a. Increased to 13 ppg Answer 812. psi b. Decreased to 11 ppg Answer 687 __ psi 35. Which of the following determines the SIDPP. eege (Choose TWO answers) Influx density. Influx size Mud density inside the drillstring, Formation fluid pressure Cuttings volume in the Annulus. 36, Which pressure gauge readings could be used to calculate formation fluid pressure? eee (Choose TWO answers) Accumulator Gauge. Casing Pressure Gauge on Choke panel. Drill Pipe Pressure Gauge at Driller’s console. Drill Pipe Pressure Gauge on Choke panel. 37. What action should be taken if a well is shut-in and a float is in the string? 38, Why is pegs 39, Ina well kick situation, SICP is normally greater than SIDPP. Ifthe (Choose ONE answer) Calculate kill mud density using Shut-in Casing Pressure Raise the mud density by 0.5 ppg increments until the well is dead. Pump very slowly into the drill string with the well shut in. When the pump pressure stabilises, the float valve should have opened. This pressure is the Shut-in Drill Pipe Pressure. Remove Top Drive or kelly and installa float opening tool ing pressure usually higher than the shut-in drill pipe pressure: (Choose ONE answer), Choke Line is larger in diameter than Kill Line. ‘The influx fluid is usually lighter than the mud weight in the hole. ‘The Choke Line is longer than the Kill Line. Cuttings in the Annulus help reduce the hydrostatic pressure. yulus was loaded. with cuttings at the time of Shut-in, how would this affect SICP compared to a clean Annulus? (Choose ONE answer), SICP would be higher. SICP would be lower. SICP would be the same. 40, After a kick is taken and the well shut-in, it can take 5-10 minutes or more for the pressures to build up. What affects the time for this build up? (Choose ONE answer) a. Frietion losses b. Gas migration ¢. Formation Porosity 4. Formation Permeability 41, Why would the pump pressure gauge on the rig floor read a lower pressure than the gauge on the pump? (Choose ONE answer) a. The pressure loss from the pump to the rig floor affects the readings. b. The pump pressure gauge on the rig floor is lower than the gauge on the pump. ¢. The mud is less dense at the pump. 42. How can we establish SIDPP if there is a float in the string? (Choose ONE answer), a. Bring the pump up to kill rate holding Casing Pressure constant. Once up to speed, the pump pressure is SIDPP. b. Pump slowly into the drill pipe with the well shut-in. When Casing pressure starts to rise, the float has opened. ‘This pump pressure is the SIDPP. ¢. Pump at kill rate into the drill string with the well shut in. When Casing pressure starts to rise, read the pump pressure. This is SIDPP. 4. Reduce SICP by 20%. 43. After SIDPP and SICP have stabilised, it is noticed that they both start slowly rising by the same amount. What is the probable cause of this? (Choose ONE answer), a. Remote choke is leaking, b. Influx migration up the bore €. Pumps are being operated at slow circulating rate. d. Second influx. 44, The Shut-in Casing Pressure (SICP) is used to: (Choose ONE answer) a. Establish the true Initial Circulating Pressure at start up. b. Calculate kill mud weight. ¢. Calculate Initial Circulating Pressure 45 46. 47. ‘A well that kicked was Shut-in, While waiting, itis noted that the SIDPP and SICP are still rising after several hours. What is the most likely cause of this? (Choose ONE answer) a. The influx is migrating. b. The formation has a high permeability ¢. The non-return valve in the string is leaking. 4. The mud in the hole is heating up, causing the volume to decrease SIDPP = 700 psi sicp = 900 psi Mud Weight = 13.5 ppg Influs Gradient = 0.15 psisft After 30 minutes, both SIDPP and SICP have risen by 150 psi. Calculate speed in f/hour that influs is migrating, (Choose ONE answer), 214 fh 427 fh F-19 14th 4. 28 fb TVD 8000 FT Mud density 10 pps sIDPP 600 psi Height of influx 700 ft Influx density 0.1 psilft Calculate Shut-in Casing Pressure (SICP), (Choose ONE answer) a. 700 psi b. 600 psi 294 psi d. 894 psi Fel7 48. 49. 50. 31 Salt Water kick height = 320 ft Influx Gradient ~ 045 psilft Mud Weight in hole ~ 112 ppg sIDPP = 350 psi Calculate SICP:- (Choose ONE answer). a. 42 psi b. 128 psi 392 psi Fv d. 478 psi When pumping at $0 SPM the pump pressure ~ 4000 psi. What would be approximate pump pressure if pumps were slowed to 40 SPM? (Choose ONE answer) a. 500 psi b. 800psi. ©. 1000 psi 9 4. 2000 psi From the statements below select the correct reason for circulating a kick at a slow rate. a, Minimise pressure exerted on formations di ing the kill operation. b. Minimise expansion of gas influx to reduce casing pressure during the kill operation ¢. Give sufficient pressure loss in the annulus to give greater overbalance during the kill operation. Which of the following determine the selection of the slow circulation rate? (FOUR ANSWERS) a. Trip tank volume. b. ‘The mud/gas separator handling capacity €. The volume of mud the choke can handle. 4. Capacity of mud mixing equipmen €. Annular friction Joss during the kil f. The burst pressure of the casing. 52, With a constant flow rate, which factors will increase the circulating pressure? (TWO ANSWERS) ‘When bit nozzle size is increased b. When hole is drilled deeper. © When more drill collars are added. d. When mud weight is reduced. 53, Slow circulation rate tests are made at different pump rates (spm). Which of the following help you decide which pump rate is used? (TWO ANSWERS) a. Mud pump pressure limitation. b. Mud/gas separator capacity ©. Depth of Casing Shoe. 54. Prior to drilling out the surface casing shoe the slow circulating rates are taken. Which of the following determines the choice of pump rate? The size of the surface casing. a b. Gas handling equipment limitation and kill mud-mixing capability. ‘The expected Shut In Casing Pressure 4. The volume of the trip tank. 55, When should a Driller consider taking a slow circulation rate pressure? (TWO ANSWERS) a. Every time mud weight is changed. b. Atthe beginning of each shift ©. Only after drilling out the casing shoe. d, Immediately before running ea ng. 56, Which of the following statement about slow circulating rate pressure are correct? (THREE ANSWERS) Should be recorded when mud properties have changed significantly, ve Recorded on the drill pipe pressure gauge on the choke panel ‘The recorded pressures are used to calculate formation pressure. Recorded with the bit near bottom. 57. The equivalent circulating density (ECD) determines the actual bottom hole pressure while circulating, Which part of the system pressure losses used to calculate ECD? a. The pressure loss in the annulus. b. The pressure loss in the open hole section only. The pressure loss across the nozzles The pressure loss in the drill string, €. The pressure loss in the surface system ‘58, A vertical well is 5500 feet deep and filled with 11.2 ppg mud. While circulating at 100 spm the friction losses in the well are as follows a. 150 psi through surface equipment b. 900 psi in drill st . 1,700 psi through bit nozzles. 4. 100 psi in annulus ‘What is the bottom hole pressure when the pumps are running at 100 spm? 1D __3303 psi 59. A vertical well is 5,520 feet deep and filled with 11.2 ppg mud. While circulating at 100 spm the friction losses in the well system are as follows: a. 150 psi pressure loss through surface equipment. b, 900 psi pressure loss in drill string ©. 1,700 psi pressure loss through bit nozzles, 4,100 psi pressure loss in annulus. What is the pump pressure when circulating at 100 spm? 2850 psi 60. At 60 strokes/minute, with a mud weight of 12 ppg, the circulating pressure is 600 psi. ‘What would be the approximate circulating pressure (at the same spm) if the mud weight were raised to 13 ppg? O __ss0___ psi 61, When cireulating the drilling mud at 80 spm, the pressure on the standpipe gauge reads 3,000 psi. What would the calculated standpipe pressure be if the pump speed were reduced to 40 spm? 4. Approximately 500 psi. b. Approximately 600 psi. €. Approximately 750 psi. d. Approximately 1500 psi. 62, (S) At 60 spm, with 10 ppg mud, the pump pressure is 1,500 psi What would the pump pressure be if the rate were decreased to 20 spm and the mud weight increased to 11.0 ppg? a. 167 psi b. 183 psi F98F-IO e204 psi 262 psi 63, Once the well is shut in, which factor determines the time taken for Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure and Shut In Casing Pressure to stabilise? a. Porosity. b. Permeability ©. Gas migration d._ Friction losses.

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