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Complexometric Titration of Urinary Calcium and

Deparfrnenf o f Biochemistry and Nufrifion, University o f Norfh Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C.

b Urinary calcium is determined by Schmid and Reilley ( 7 ) used ethylene (Ethylenedinitri1o)tetraacetic acid,
addition of an excess of standard glycol bis-(p-aminoethyl ether)-AV,N’- 0.015M. Dissolve approximately 1.1
ethylene glycol bis-(0-aminoethyl tetraacetic acid (EGTA) to determine grams of disodium (ethylenedinitri1o)-
ether)-N,N’-tetraacetic acid and back- calcium in the presence of magnesium tetraacetate dihydrate (J. T. Baker
Chemical Co.) in 200 ml. of water and
titrating with calcium, using Calcon as by a coulometric titration. Because standardize against 0.1N calcium, using
an indicator. Calcium plus magnesium this reaction seemed to be selective for Calcon as an indicator.
may b e determined by addition of an calcium it appeared that ethylene glycol Potassium cyanide, 0.7M.
excess of (ethylenedinitri1o)tetraacetic bis-(p-aminoethyl ether)-N,N’-tetra- -4mmonia buffer. Dissolve 67.5
acid, followed by back-titrating with acetic acid could determine calcium in grams of ammonium chloride in 570 ml.
calcium using Eriochrome as an indi- urine in the presence of both magnesium of concentrated ammonium hydroxide
cator. The phosphate and citrate and phosphate by back-titration. and make up to 1 liter with distilled
normally present in urine do not inter- water.
fere. Protein when present in amounts DETERMINATION OF CALCIUM
Magnesium plus calcium indicator.
Dissolve 1 gram of Eriochrome Black T
greater than 1 mg. per ml. interferes; Reagents and Apparatus. Stand- (Matheson, Coleman & Bell) in 25 ml. of
it may be removed b y precipitating ard calcium, 0.100OOM. Dry pri- distilled water, add 1 ml. of 0.5M
with trichloroacetic acid. A single mary standard grade calcium carbo- sodium carbonate, and dilute to 100 ml.
determination using this method re- nate to a constant weight, and dis- with isopropyl alcohol. Filter through
quires 5 minutes as compared with solve in the minimal quantity of liL‘ a Buchner funnel and store in the cold.
2 to 24 hours for other methods. hydrochloric acid with heating to Syringe microburet.
ensure complete solution and evolu- Procedure. This procedure is
tion of carbon dioxide. Dilute to the essentially a modification of the Wil-

T HIS rapid, accurate method for the

determination of calcium in urine
saves considerable time over methods
appropriate volume.
Ethylene glycol bis-(8-aminoethyl
ether)-N,N’-tetraacetic acid, 0.0lAf
son method (9). To l ml. of urine
(Ca + Mg concentration 3 to 10 milli-
moles per liter) in a 30-ml. beaker, add
(EGTA, available from Geigy Industrial 1 ml. 0.7M potassium cyanide from a
based on the isolation of calcium oxalate Chemicals as CHEL DE). Dissolve buret, and then in succession add 1 ml.
(1, 3, 8). Wilson (9) determined approximately 0.85 gram in the minimal of standard 0.0151M EDTA and 2 ml.
calcium in urine by titration with di- quantity of 2M sodium hydroxide and of ammonia buffer. Dilute the solution
sodium (ethylenedinitri1o)tetraacetate dilute to 250 ml. Standardize against to approximately 15 ml. with distilled
(EDTA), using ammonium purpurate 0.1OOOOM calcium, using Calcon as an
water. Add 2 drops of magnesium plus
(murexide) as an indicator after first indicator. calcium indicator to give a blue to green
removing phosphate. This indicator Sodium hydroxide, 26f. color, depending upon the amount of
has certain disadvantages: The pink to Potassium cvanide. 0.7M. pigment in the urine. Titrate the
purple color change is difficult to judge Calcium indicator.’ Dissolve 150 mg. solution to the first appearance of wine-
of Calcon (J. T. Baker Chemical Co.) red color, using standard 0.1M calcium
and, even where photometric titrations in 100 ml. of methanol. solution as described above.
are used (6), the rapid destruction of the Syringe microburet (Micro-Metric Both procedures may be adapted for
dye is a cause of concern. Although Instrument Co.), calibrated to deliver use Tvith a 5-ml. buret calibrated in 0.02
calcium may be determined in the pres- 0.5 ~ 1per
. scale division. or 0.01 ml. If this adaptation is used,
ence of phosphate by back-titration Procedure. To 1 ml. of urine the standard calcium solution should
procedures utilizing an excess of EDTA (calcium concentration, 1 t o 8 milli- be 0.0100011.f and a quantity of EDTA
( d ) , the presence of magnesium inter- moles per liter) in a 30-ml. beaker, add (for Ca + hIg) or ethylene glycol
feres with such procedures, even though 1 ml. of 0.7M potassium cyanide from bis-(p-aminoethyl ether)-A-,h”-tetra-
it is first precipitated as the hydroxide a buret. Pipet in succession 1 ml. of acetic acid (for Ca) should be added to
standard 0.01M EGTA and 2 ml. of the urine R-hich will give a back-titra-
(excess EDTA will dissolve magnesium 2M sodium hydroxide into the above tion of 1 to 3 ml.
hydroxide). However, EDTA can be mixture, and dilute to approximately
used for the determination of calcium 15 ml. with distilled mater. Add 5 RESULTS
plus magnesium in urine by back- drops of calcium indicator just prior to
titration. titration to obtain a blue to green color, Water Solutions. The method was
Hildebrand and Reilley (6) found that depending upon the amount of pigment first tested on n-ater solutions con-
1 - (2 - hydroxy - 1 - naphthylazo) - 2- in the urine. Titrate the solution to the taining known amounts of calcium and
naphthol-4-sulfonic acid (Calcon) gives first appearance of pink color, using magnesium. The total concentration
a very sharp color change from pink to standard 0.1M calcium solution deliv- of calcium plus magnesium was of the
ered from the syringe microburet. order of O.OlM, with a calcium to mag-
blue when calcium is titrated a t p H 12.5 Stir the solution continuously during
with EDTA. Golby, Hildebrand, and nesium molar ratio varying from 0.1 to 9
the titration with an electric stirrer
Reilley (4) used this indicator and re- fitted with a small paddle. (Table I). The maximum deviation
agent to titrate calcium in serum di- of calcium found from that taken was
rectly. Although Calcon overcomes the DETERMINATION OF CALCIUM PLUS 3.6%, with an average of 2.3%. For
objections associated with murexide as MAGNESIUM calcium plus magnesium the maximum
an indicator, the presence of magnesium Reagents and Apparatus. Stand- deviation was 1.1%, with an average
in urine still constitutes a problem. ard calcium, 0 . l O O O O M . of 0.5%. Where the molar ratio of


calcium to magnesium is greater than
2 , the reliability of determination of Table I. Determination of Calcium and Calcium plus Magnesium in Water Solutions
magnesium by difference decreases rap-
idly. hk Ca Ca + Mg Found,
Taken, Taken, Found, Dev., Found,
Recoveries of Calcium and Mag- bimolesj mmoles/ mmoles/ mmoles/ Dev., mmolesj Dev.,
nesium f r o m Urine. The recovery of L. 1. 1. 70 1. % 1. 70
calcium added t o urine ranged from 98 1.01 8.65 8.91 1-3.0 9.68 $0.2 0.77 -23.7
t o 104%, with a n average of l O l % , 2.03 i.69 7.91 +2.9 9.73 +O.l 1.82 -10.3
a n d for magnesium, t h e recoveries 3.05 6.73 6.86 +1.9 9.78 0.0 2.92 -4.3
5.09 4.80 4.03 +2.7 9.87 -0.2 4.94 -2.0
ranged from 95 t o 1047,, with a n i.13 2.88 2.84 -1.4 9.92 -0.9 7.08 -0.7
average of 100% (Table 11). 8.14 1.92 1.99 "3.6 9.95 -1.1 7.96 -2.2
Tests f o r Interference in Urine. 9.16 0.96 0.97 +1.0 10.02 -1.0 9.05 -1.2
T h e effect of added citrate and phos-
phate on t h e determination of calcium
a n d calcium plus magnesium in urine Table II. Recovery of Added Calcium and Magnesium from Urine
was tested (Table 111). Addition of
phosphate up t o 0.05 millimole per ml. Added,
Found, Found,
Ca + Recovered hlg Recovered
of urine had no effect upon the deter- Sam- mmoles/ nimoles/ mmoles/ Mmoles/ mmoles/ mmoles/
mination of calcium plus magnesium. CI c-
ple L. 1. 1. L. 1. /a 1. /C
However, added phosphate a t this 11 0.00 0.00 5.44 8.68 ... ... ...
upper Icvel (0.05 millimole per ml. of 0.00 9.61 15.17 18.44 9.73 ioi:2
urine) produced interference in the 10.18 0.00 5.40 18.92 ... 10124 10h:5
determination of calcium, in one case 5.09 4.80 10.24 18.58 4.80 lb0:O 5.06 99.4
12 0.00 0.00 6.59 10.65 ... . . . .
giving a value 13% below that obtained 0.00 9.61 16.34 20.34 9.75 ioi:4 , . . ...
n itli the urine alone. Because the level 10.18 0.00 6.68 20.59 ... ... 0.94 97.6
of phosphate occurring in urine is in the 5 09 4.80 11.60 20 51 5 01 104 4 5 06 99 4
range of 12 to 30 millimoles per liter 13 0 00 0 00 2 92 4 91
0 00 9 61 12 56 14 76 9 61 100 3
and the amount of added phosphate 10 18 0 00 2 96 15 19 10 28 101 0
n hich caused interference was approsi- 5 09 4 80 7 84 14 56 4 72 98 3 4 83 95 3
niately t n ice that normally found in 14 0 00 0 00 3 31 4 93
urine, no interference may be expected 0 00 9 61 12 81 14 89 9 50 98 8
10 18 0 00 3 27 15 40 10 4i 102.8
from the phosphate normally occurring 5 09 4 80 8 27 15 04 4 95 103 1 5 31 104 3
in urine. Levels of added citrate u p
to 0.01 millimole per ml. of urine had no
effect on either determination. Table 111. Effect of Added Phosphate and Citrate on Determination o f Calcium and
As protein (usually albumin) may ap- Magnesium in Urine
pear in the urine in various pathological
conditions, the effect of added serum Phosphate Citrate Calcium __ Calcium +
albumin upon the determination of cal- Added, Added, Found, Dev., Found, Dev.,
cium and of cnlciuni plus magnesium in Sample Xfmoles/L. Mmoles/L. mmoles/l. 70 mmoles/l. %
urine was evaluated. Although Golby, 11 0 00 0 00 5 43 8 68
Hildebrand, and Reilley (4) have deter- 20 00 0 00 5 50 +24 8 86 $2 1
50 00 0 00 5 43 00 8 87 1-2 2
mined calcium in serum by direct 0 00 3 00 5 36 -13 8 77 +10
titration without removing proteins, 0.00 10.00 5.35 - 1.5 8 70 +o. 2
10 mg. serum albumin per ml. of urine
12 0.00 0.00 6.59 10 6.5
in these back-titration procedures made
the determination of calcium or mag-
+ 3.9
nesium plus calcium impossible. At 0.00 3.00 6.55 - 0.6 10.68 $0.3
protein levels of 1 mg. per nil. of urine 0.00 10.00 6.60 + 0.2 10.55 -0.9
or less, no interference was noted. I n 13 0.00 0.00 2.92 4.91 ...
the present procedure, the protein is
apparently competing with the indi-
+' 2.0
- 3.1
cator for the calcium titrant; the pro- 0.00 3.00 2.89 - 1.0 4.72 -3.9
tein was removed from a n y urine sample 0.00 10.00 2.86 - 2.1 4.62 -5.9
which gave a n immediate positive test 14 0.00 0.00 3.31 4.93
for protein when acidified Kith acetic 20.00
+' 0.9
acid and heated. The following pro-
cedure for its removal may be used: 0.00 3.00 3.11 - 6.0 5.04 $2.2
0.00 10.00 3.24 - 2.1 5.10 +3.4
To 5 ml. of urine in a 15-ml. centri-
fuge tube, add 5 ml. of 5y0 trichloro-
acetic acid, mix well, and allow to Table IV. Comparison of Proposed Method with Other Methods
stand for several minutes. After centrif- Method of Shohl
ugation a t 1500 r.p.m. for 10 minutes, Present Method Method of Wilson (9) and pedley (8),
take 2-ml. aliquots of the supernatant
solution (equivalent to 1 ml. of urine)
Ca big,
+ Ca,
Ca +hfg,
for analysis. h-eutralize the trichloro- 12 6.59 10.6-5 6.86 10.22 6.57
acetic acid present with 0.2 ml. of 2-11 17 8.94 15.45 8.79 15.91 8.80
sodium hydroxide and analyze the re 19 4.09 7.55 3.85 7.72 4.14
sulting mixture by the above procedures. 20 5.18 8.39 4.92 8.46 5.16
21 8.15 11.88 7.73 11.33 7.41
22 6.25 11.71 6.13 11.70 6.06
I n other tests on the methods pre- 23 3.51 7.94 3.62 7.72 3.89
sented, trace metals (principally iron) ~~

VOL. 30, NO. 4, APRIL 1958 505

present in urine interfered slightly. individual aliquots of the same urine. LITERATURE CITED
This interference was removed by the The magnesium content of the urine
addition of cyanide as described in the was obtained by difference between the (1) Berger, E., Clin. Chem. 1 , 249 (1955).
experimental procedure. calcium and the calcium plus mag- (2) Brunisholz, G., Genton, M., Plattner.
Comparison w i t h Other Methods. E., Helv. Chim. $eta 36, 782 (1953),
nesium determination. The results of (3) Fiske, C. H., Logan, M. A , , J . B i d .
Calcium was determined in seven this experiment were (in millimoles Chem. 93, 211 (1931).
different samples of urine by t h e
present method, by t h e complex-
per liter): Ca = 8.41 =t0.032; Ca + (4) Golby, R. L., Hildebrand, G. P.,
Reilley, C. N., J . Lab. Clin. M e d .
hIg = 14.44 =t0.033; AIg = 6.03 =k
ometric method of Wlson (9),and by 50. 498 11957).
0.177. (5) Hildebrand, G.' P., Reilley, C. S . ,
the oxalate precipitation method of Twenty triplicate titrations of urinary A h A L . CHEK 29, 258 (1957).
Shohl and Pedley (8). I n Table IV, calcium where the amount of calcium (6) Horner, I\-.H., J . Lab. Clin.M e d . 45,
the vaIues for calcium obtained by the varied from 2.23 to 8.94 millimoles per 951 i
4.51 (1955).
present procedure compare favorably liter agreed within i 2.9%. 7 ) sei;;
((7) Schmid, R. W., Reilley, C. K., AXAL.
CHEU.29, 264 (1957).
with the other methods, as do the values (8) Shohl, A. T., Pedley,
Pt F. G., J . Bio2.
for calcium plus magnesium with the Chem. 50. ,537 t(1922).
L H L L I.
Wilson procedure (9). The method of ACKNOWLEDGMENT (9) W&on, A,' A , , ' J . Comp. Pathol.
Sholil and Pedley requires approxi- Therap. 63, 294 (1953).
niately 24 hours for completion and the The authors n-ish to acknowledge the
procedure of Kilson require 2 t o 3 hours. technical assistance of Thomas Austin. RECEIVED for review July 29, 1957. Ac-
Precision of Method. To calculate They also express their appreciation to cepted November 26, 1957. Supported in
the standard deviation of these pro- Geigy Industrial Chemicals for supply- part by research grant (PHS8-248) from
the National Institute of ilrthritis and
cedures, calciuni and calcium plus ing saniples of EGTA used in this ex- Metabolic Diseases, Sational Institutes
magnesium were determined on 20 periment. of Health, Public Health Service.

Infrared identification of Disaccharides

Eastern Regional Research laboratory, Philadelphia, Pa.

b The value of infrared spectra for them. Hence, melting point, x-ray Kuhn (13) has published the spectra
the identification of amorphous di- diffraction, and crystallographic study of 79 carbohydrates and derivatives
saccharides and their acetates, b y are eliminated as tools for identification. over the range 8.0 to 15.0 microns. Of
comparison with spectra of known Determination of optical rotation does these, only t n o are of sugars included
disaccharides and their acetates, i s not require crystalline samples, but here. Kuhn's spectra were determined
demonstrated. Infrared spectra of values may become only approxinia- with an amount of snniple in the beam
ten amorphous disaccharides of D- tions as sample weights decline into too small to permit maximum utility
glucose, of D-glucose and D-fructose, the lower milligram range. of the curres for comparison purposes.
and of their 0-octaacetates are pre- The infrared absorption spectrum of Infrared spectra of a large number of
sented over the range of 650 to a compound is increasingly used for sugar acetatrs and related compounds
1500 cm.J Potassium bromide disks its identification and analysis. As a have been determined a t the National
were used. All spectra differ in unique physical property that is not Bureau of Standards (12). Crystalline
sufficient detail to allow differentia- primarily dependent on crystallization, materials were used but the spectra
tion among closely related disaccha- it offers a most useful criterion for iden- were all determined in solution.
rides. tification of disaccharides. The pressed-disk technique is useful
Infrared spectra of all types of car- when water-soluble materials are ex-
bohydrates have been published. I n amined. It also prrmits the use, where

A LTHOUGH chromatographic analysis

has been of inestimable value in
separation of mixtures of sugars, their
the first of a series of papers on this
subject, Barker and his colleagues (5)
stated that determinations of infrared
necessary, of less-than-milligram sam-
ples ( 1 ) . Some difficulties have been
experienced in comparing disk spectra
identification by chromatographic evi- spectra offer poll-erful means for the with those obtained from mulls (d, 3, 8).
dence alone is not conclusive. Rela- comparison of supposedly identical Barker et al. (6) have ascribed the
tive rates of migration on paper or samples of carbohydrates. They ex- changes they previously (3)noted during
column, together with color reactions amined the spectra of a variety of car- aging of disks containing certain carbo-
v i t h spray reagents, only contribute bohydrates and their derivatives, but
hydrates to the relatively high moisture
to identification. Physical properties have not published them in sufficient
detail for comparison purposes. They content of potassium bromide disks.
of isolated samples or derivatives are
also required. Heretofore, crystalliza- noted that spectra in the 730- to 960- They did not find any such changes in
tion of the sugar or derivative has been cm.-' range allow assignment to the any of the three disaccharides included
considered imperative before an identi- CY- or p-series of D-glucopyranoses, in their study. The mlue of infrared
fication is unequivocal. Khistler and House (20) have also re- spectra in identification of larger mole-
Sugar samples isolated by chroniato- ported that certain regions of absorp- cules such as trisaccharides was cited
graphic means may be so small that i t tion are characteristic of the configura- by Whiffen (19), n h o noted that iden-
is practically impossible to crystallize tion of the anomeric carbon. tification by melting point and rotation


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